Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1928, p. 6

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evans THE OSHAWA DAILY TiMi>, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1928 rr---- Woman's Daily Interest al id ~ > SOCIAL and PERSONAL ~ The Times invites the con operation of iis readers in contributing items to this column. Send in a postcard or phone 36. ! Mr, Martin Flood is the guest of - his brother, Mr. Neil Flood, Deser~ onto, Mr, and Mrs, A D. Tamblin and Jean spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, George Owens, Cambray, . Y Mrs, F, W, Bul, who has been spending the summer in the city, . has returned to Toronto and is at Mrs, Stephenson's, St, George © street, 4 * » Mr, and Mrs, W, Sarron, Mrs. 8, McGill and Mrs, L. McGill of Janetville, spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Norval Fleming, + sp Mr, and Mrs. W, A. Young and Mr. and Mrs, B. Lott and daughter Erline, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Martin, Cobourg. * % 9 Mr, and Mrs, W, H. James of Regina will spend Christmas in the city, the guests. of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. E, Kelly, Division street, * ¥ ¥% An enjoyable evening was spent last night at the home of Mrs, G. A. Wesson, Brock street west, when the Rainbow C.G.I.T. group of Simcoe street United church were entertained by Mrs. Wesson, The evening was spent in games and contests, At the conclusion of the games a Christmas tree, which was prettily decorated with Christmas' decorations, was un- loaded and each girl of the group received a present which was pra- sented by Miss Zella Wesson. Re- freshments were later served by the hostess. Weddings Mc-CANN-COUSINS A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Albert street parsonage on Tuesday, Decembel 18, when Miss Bessie Cousins was united in mar- riage to Mr, Thomas McCann by Rev. R. A. Whattam, The bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs, David McCann, Court street, : STANDARD SCHOOL KING ST. CHURCH JANUARY 770 11 Rev. W. P. Fletcher Is Direc- tor--Will Phases of Sun- day School Work The Oshawa Religious Edueca- tion Council are earnestly engag- ed in preparing for their fourth annual Standard School of Re- ligious Education. The school is to be held in the King Street Unit- ed Church school rooms Monday to Friday, January 7th to 11th from 6.30 p.m. to 9. This is the period quite gener- ally observed as the Week of Prayer, and the school is being planned to fit perfectly into that situation. Rev. G. W. Irvine is to conduet the worship each eve- ning from 8 to 8.20 and is using the themres chosen for the Week of Prayer. The school will meet promptly at 6.30 when the students and their teachers will eat supper to- gether. This will be followed by a short period of helpful after-sup- per entertainment, varied each eve- ning. At 7.20 the first class period will begin, and at 8 o'clock all gather for the period of worship. At 8.20 the second class period be- gins and an address will be given each evening by Rev. John Galt at that time to those who have as- sembled for the Week of Prayer. =The members of the staff and subjects are as follows: Beginners and Primaries=~Miss Murigl Win. chester, Toronto, Worship' Courses, Juniors--Mrs. J, J, Eaton, Toronto Worship Courses, ,Boys' Work Mr. Barl Lautenslager, Toronto, Unit]; Girls' Work--Miss Mary Als lison, Toronto, Unit I; ¥, P, Work Unit I; Girls' Work--Miss Mary At- Mr, Arthur Slyfield, Oshawa; Study of Childhood for Parents and Teachers--Rev, Johi Galt, presi- dent of the Oshawa R.E.C.; Direc- tor--Rev., W. P. Fletcher, HAPPY THRONGS "TOURING STORES SEEKING GIFTS Everything in Oshawa Stores from Fur Coats to Turkeys Four more shopping days to Christ- mas, % iid more days of ceaseless bus- tle. Four more days of mystery. Then--Christmas-- Today's brighter weather brought the crowds out bent on making the dash up the home-stretch on Christ- mas Eve a bit less spectacular, Youngsters today had long lists for Santa Clans, letters written at their leisure on Sunday or during the heavy rain on Monday. And they were very solicitous, too, lest the old fellow should gatch the "flu," get hurt inspecting the chim- neys, or otherwise incapacitated for his Monday night visit to the homes where children are. "Christmas trade is brisk today"-- so the merchants say, and if the merchants say so, it must be so. Grocery stores were dealing out fruit, candies and nuts, And the careful housewife asking the price of the turkey, And, after all, what is Christmas without a turkey-- Or a plum pudding. - Gleaming silver, dainty china and brassware in interesting new lines, found a ready sale for Christmas gifts. ? 5 Smoking sets, sewing tables, bridge novelties and treasures from all around the world,--all these in the famous stores of Oshawa--were in demand. : Evening frocks are in demand as gifts, and fur coats for milady are being largely bought, : ; Skates, sleds, jewelry, toilet artic- les-- There is something for every taste in the stocks of the city shops. Toyland is the mecca for young and old--Here the citizenry are rep- resented by the noble matron of 5 and the sturdy hope of the family at the age of two or three, . Oshawa stores are hives of buzzing industry and a greater rush'is ex- pected before old Santa packs up his treasures to depart again for the far northland. THREE IMPORTANT CONVENTIONS FOR TORONTO PLANNED Toronto, Dec. 19.--Conventions of three important oganizations will be held in Toronto on October 21 to 26, 1929, International Asso- ciation of Milk Dealers, Interna- tional Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers and International Association of Dairy and Ice Cream Machinery and Supplies Association, The three big kindred groups will meet at the same time, as they m- variably do, their interests inter- locking in a somewhat intimate way and it will be in the nature of a joint triple convention. In connection with the gathering which it is estimated may be at- tended by more than 5,000 people the Machinery and Supplies Assoc- ation will put on an exhibition of machinery in the coliseum, and plans are under way to make it the largest machinery trade show on the continent of North America. It is expected that the machinery ex- hibits will be so pumerous that every available foot of space in the was liseum, large as fit is, will be Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now A wonderful selection to pick from. 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa FASHION SHOPPE occupied by machinery. The triple convention and the machinery exhibition, it is expect- ed, will draw people specially in- terested therein from various points in the United States and Canada. Preliminary arrange- ments for the big affair are al- ready under way in this city. --Rev, C. D, Daniel, Sunderland, | OVER HUNDRED DOLLARS SAVED FOR MISSIONS King St. Sunday School Class Stage Copper Contest, With Good Results Last evening the members at the Fidelissimo Class of King St. Punday school held their reg- ular monthly social evening at the home of Mrs. H, Barker, the retir- ing president, Arthur St. the course of the evening a Christ- mas present was presented to Miss Annie Jackson, the teacher of the class. Mrs, Harvey Hagerman, who made the presentation, paid lowing tribute to the work of Miss ackson as a teacher, Miss Jack- son made a suitable reply. Copper Contest Several months ago the idea ot a copper ccptest for the purpose Farhi a INTERESTING TWO-PIECE TYPE 'New 'two-piece type, with snugly fitted hipline and smart box-plaits across front of skirt that is attached to a camisole body with shoulder straps. Style No. 995 1s smart and wearable for all-daytime occasions, fashioned of crepe satin, flat silk crepe, canton-faille crepe, crepella, wool jersey, sheer tweed, homespun, velveteen and printed sheer velvet. It's extremely easy to make! Pattern is furnished in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust measure, Size 36 requires 334 yards of 40-inch material with 3% yards of ribbon and 1 yard of 30-inch material for sep- arate camisole. Price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Wrap coin carefully. PWR TTIW WS > Cay PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find , cents, Please send patterns listed be low: ssssssssnsnsnnes BlZ€ .0oniaas ssssssesssnsssss BIZ@ suisse ss0s00000sssssss BlZe ...000aa EXIT TRY TY esssssssssanse Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefull Announcing the Opening of THE VANITY BOX Hairdressing and Beauty Parlor 7 Bond Street, East Expert Dyeing Tinting Bleaching Latest Methods in Marcel, Finger and Water Waving Scientific Scalp and Facial Treatment Madame Hudson Facial Manicuring and Feature Hair Cutting Phone 3051 For Appointment During' of raising money for missions was introduced by Mrs. Harvey Hager» man. The class was divided into two groups, one group saving pen¥ nies of one year and the other group pennies of another year, By means of this contest $109 was re- alized, $50 of which was donated to the Sunday School missions, and the purchasing of two life member- ships to the Mission Band. In ap- preciation of this idea, submitted by Mrs, Hagerman, Mrs. Bthe: Martin presented Mrs. Hagerman with a life membership ta the Women's Missionary Society, It was also decided at the gathering last evening to hold another copper contest in the early months of 1929, The captains of the teams were not appointed. Vegetable Shower The true Christmas spirit of the less fortunate at this festive season was clearly hown last when the members of the class held a vegetable shower, The veg- tables, which are gathered togeth- er, are to be given to a needy fam- fly in the city Mrs, George Hiltz, newly elected president of the class moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Barker for her hospitality which was unani- mously approved, after whi re- freshments were served y the committee in charge, and a pleas- ant social evening spent, Christmas Recipes SPICED APPLE RINGS 4 large apples, 2 cups sugar, 1-2 cup water, 2 Juice, grated lemon rind, 3-inch piece stick cinnamon, 8 cloves. Core apples without peeling and cut in thick slices. Mix sugar, water and lemon juice, add the grated rind of half a lemon ana the spices. Boil for five minutes and then add the apple rings, a few at a time. Cook them until ten- der and remove carefully with a skimmer. The syrup may be colot- ed yi red food coloring if de- sired. FRUIT MINCE WHIP 1 cup mincemeat, 2 cups water, 1-4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons gela™ tine, 4 tablespoons cold water, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 1-4 cup candied cherries, 2 egg whites, Bring mincemeat and water to the boiling point, then add the sugar and the gelatine which has been soaked in the cold water, Let this stand until cool, then add the lemon juice and the cherries cut in small pieces. mixture to stiffen a little and fold in the stiffly beaten egg white. Pile in molds or sherbert glasses and chill. cream. Recipes make eight sery- ings. GERMAN CHRISTMAS PUDDING 1 cup suet, finely chopped, 1 cup grated raw carrot, 1 cup grat- ed raw potato, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup chopped seeded raisins, 1 cup currants, 1-2 cup chopped walnuts, 1-2 cup ,shaved citron, 4 table- spoons orange juice, 3 eggs, 1 1-2 cups pastry flour, 1 teaspoon so- da, 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1-2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1-4 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon salt. The cur- rants must always be thoroughly cleaned before using. To do this rub them together well with a Iit- tle flur, the wash a few at a time in a sieve under running wat- er. Rub with a towel and spread out to dry. Mix the suet and vegetables well together. Then add the molasss, the nuts and fruit. Blend in the orange juice --grape juice may be used if yo. prefer -- then add the eggs, well beaten, and finally the dry ingred- ients, sifted together. Of course the whole must be well blended before it is filled into the mold and steamed for six hours. FEWER MARRIAGES; Figures Issued by U.S. De- partment -- 1,4'2,000 More People Washington, Dee. 19.--Fewer persons were married in the United States in 1927 than in 1926, more were divorced, and the population of the country was increased by 1,492,000, the com- merce Department announced Mon- day. The department's report cover- ed marriage, divorce, and annul- ment statistics for the 48 states and the District of Columbia. Twenty of these divisions showed decreases in the number of mar- class and the desire to help the. evening' tablespoons lemon | riages performed in 1927 and 29 revealed increases The divorce race increased in 41 states and the district of Colom- bia last year, It decreased in only seven states, while Virginia show- ed no change, its courts having granted 3,000 divorces in, both 1026 and 1927. Although the population of the United States increased by more than a million between July, 1928, and the same month in 1927, there were more marriages in the former year--1,202,674--than in the latter--1,200,694, The summary lists 192,037 di- vorces in 1927 as compared with 180,863 in 1026, This represents an increase of 11,184, or 6.2 per cent. Also more marriages were an- nuled in 1927 than in the pre- vious year. The report listed 4,252 annulments granted in 1937 and 3,825 in 1926, an increase of 427 Premier King Meets "Youthful" Companion Barrie, Ont.,, Dec, 19,--~ When Premier Mackenzie King visited his sister, Mrs. H, M, Lay of Barrie one who greeted him was Judge E. A. Wismer -- erstwhile struggling law student in the office of John King 24 Kitchener, and intimafe of the Kin family when the prime minister wa a lad of eight years. "He was just like his nephew, Jol Lay," Judge Wismer said, "and jus | like all other boys, only with a little more life perhaps. He received his share of spankings and reprimands, you may be sure, and one day his father administered a good 'wallop ing' in the office in front of me, GL. Andrews Cor. Ritson Rd. and Arthur St, Telephone 1611 W.J. Bone Cor. Colborne and Church Sts. Telephone 451 64 Celina St. Telephone 113J Telephone 117W Mary Sts. Telephone 104 Allow the geatine | Serve with whipped ; MORE DIVORCES Telephone 238W AL Haverson 10 Drew Street Telephone 10 J. McCauley 18 McLaughlin Blvd. Telephone 2282 W.J. Powell 124 Brock St. East Telephone 145 E. Powers 706 Simcoe St. S. W. H. Scilley 458 Simcoe St. South Telephone 1036 T.W.Brookes 0.A.Gerrow 432 Simcoe St. South T. R. Heaslip Simcoe St. North Oshawa J. Sammut OSHAWA | Community Stores E busy Housewife appreciates anything that will tend to lessen her many steps. The Community Store plays an important part in the daily routine of the housewife--just down at the corner she is able to make purchases just as cheap- ly as she would if she were to stop her work, change her clothing and go down to the larger city stores. W.H. Greenly Cor. Colborne and VELVIETA Pimento Cheese 25¢ Pkg Aylmer PUMPKIN Get acquainted with your Community Stores. Fancy Mixed Candies 21s. 45¢ L. H. PURE Plum Jam 40 oz. 34¢ Shek DATES PLUMS Lombard 2's Heavy Syrup, Tin MACARONI READY CUT OR LONG, 16 oz. 2 pkg 25¢ Carnation MILK Tali QUEEN OL VES Mistletoe Currants 11 0z. 17¢ Pkg DATE COOKIES Peel Cut Mixed 27¢ 1b SUNMAID SEEDED SUNMAID SEEDLESS SUNMAID Pufted Seeded 15o0z.Pkg 1I5¢c JELLY BEANS Roasted Peanuts (HINESE bh. 18¢ CANNED GOODS Maple Leak PEAS Lynn Valley CORN Lynn Valley TOMATOES CRACKERS, STOCKINGS, NUTS Shelled, size 21-2 Tin 12 oz. Jar 15¢ 25¢ I§c 2 1b. Pkg. Tin 1I5¢ Paterson's Raisin COOKIES 2 Pkgs. 25¢ Seedless Raisins 21bs 23¢ ib 23¢c 15 oz. Pkg 15¢ 15 0z. Pkg 1I§5¢ 1b x%7c No. 4, 2Tins 2§5¢ 2Tins 25¢ 2Tins 25¢ NUTS in Shell Gopenionol (Jshawa Wholesale Limited Ld AND GRUMBLING - 9 [777 N77 ¢ LOY \ Y PETS MAD sTAY 18 THE Mouse -Detly AND ComFy WERE HAPPY AND CONTENTED, Bur Bobpy wias AAUGHTY AnD cmoss LLY TOLD Him HE HAD BETTER WATEH oul THAT THE Sud Could NOT SHINE Aways AND The Bonny FOR nloT BRING GRATEFUL For His Mice Cosy Heme Wills MICHT STEAL mM ©1920. by Ring Features Syndicate. Ine. Gow Brinn site ser, (O-O-Boeey- you Are Gin COMFY BAD EXAMPLE : B Boppy © HE WAS Colne TH Run Doors Any LONGER - His FoeT an ouT-DooRS Any WAY = ME WAS NOT Goile To STAY © SA HE Samp ME wiAs and = AFRAID ©f ThE olo Budny- WITCH, Any WAY- AND HE DIOAT CARE If HE DD CET AL WET AND Spout HIS NIKE SUT AND SHOES ~ --~ 12-17

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