Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1928, p. 5

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w THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1928 a to CNRO, ' CNRT, CNRW, Trail Blazers. pg Paul. L Treil Bl WJZ (. wwy i 2 he. Thursday, Prog: a hi 2 Boe Aoghor He. ._ » ¢ Easy-to-Find THURSDAY'S BEST FEATURES | wear, ic, WIAR. Wr AF wrt welt i NBC System .(WJZ)~Dr. -Cope- Wek. WGR, WAM, WW DIO PROGRAM RADIO is oo SEERA A ey WGR (545)--Buffalo, Weather; Marke tory." iN Co h--New York, © Oakland' 11.00 Vata Chic: Overture Hour. ateau. WEN (416)=Chicago. Morning musi NBC en Cine JisN (268)--Milwaukse, ~~ Marwood cale. ! 11.15 NBC System ( =H Ia. 4 Fink / (232)=Pitts, St. Patrick's stitute. NBC's em: Lehn and Eoin jon Hour. : : ch. AID=Cl oN 1.00 Ru, Nuc System Aw ana Whzi, i Ra WBZ, v Lo umbia: "A Night With the Air )=Clevelan oon music. Hour, A 0G, DKA M f WIR (400)=Detroit. luncheon suugs. | 2.45 Wi Ta, 8.30 NBC System (WJZ)--Sylvania Forest- wh (428)--Cinci. Music; Markets. | 400 wiz Chicago.' Fs Army, 'Budd wi st Chicago. Serap Book; The ws. WMAQ (47.5)=Chicago. Home econo- 9.00 NBC System (W, 2)-Suith Bros, EVENIN( * br NI Mi onaire. WC, (oon Davenvors. Opening Marke EVENING PROGRAMS WAS cu. -Coiensn wh o ou 2.3% i § Hy REA olive Hr. Musi Dinner concert. : Columbia: La Palima Hour: Senator wos Waterson id Markets, . | 5% NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, wee , )=1 WPG (272)=-Atlantic City. Gospel! "et)--Nashvitle, Craig's Orch. dai STORE OPEN EVENINGS STORE OPEN EVENINGS Tonight's Hest l'eatures 7.3 NBC System (WEAF)-La Touraine 3.00 NBC System (WEAF)--Home Com. po. Ford, . + Sat 1000 NBC System (WJZ)--Chicago ~ Civie Wisc (517)=Worcester, Organ; Mar- | 6.00 WBAL Rr Sudate Sindmen bia: Kolster Hour. Ww) a {328)= Detroit, Weather; Lunch. Nac Powe Wal {Yo WW syne . Ww 0 Richmond. Aunt Sammy TAG. 8.15 Weto (370)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Common Mon. Regular Daytime Programs Wins Vist) --Miwaukee. Housewives Wer L 5 29)~Chicago. Federation of "0 {80 (hr. Chicago. "Trio; Health Daily - Except Sunday. unless otherwise eg am Wi Milwaukee, Peter Rabbit; 'alk; 12.30 WCCO (370)=Mpls-St. Paul, Stock re- ( NAL Montreal 645 NBC System: iy an. Whee R FEE Se wre 1 es B=New York. Markets: wiz' eo a, On on 0 Reet: SNRT palace Hr! 7 owark. Men. TAM280)--Cleveland, Dinner mu- Orchestra. 7.00 KF oo ~Shenandoah. en Wik" * 400) troit: Dimer Music; Ras 875) Hot Syringe; Fourth An. LT --- Setting U Wie om phie, Lonchaon. mune WEW (t2m=Cincl. Ths. orchest Wea . 7x » wo AQ, 5 + Mh ig Ln. oF Rie chmond, Sunshine Wika iim rs a2 Sicheat A EO Ser Priiadelphis. Entertain. 4 ystem Morning Devotion to k (0)-Detroit Musical Matines. a) Detroit - Hoover Sentinels to dd (05)=S. Paul, Musicale; Set- ga HE) -Chicagn. wo : s Wika (442. Piss, ally opsy Turvy I : 5)=Hot Springs. Noon fea. WEPL (309)--Chicago. Early Risers | +00 KTHE PLL mai Ket (340.7)--Quebec: | La. Soleil Ni Club. (ex, KYw pr om *. Uncle Bob: Colors! " WLS big Sparkers Wie DKA, KWK, waz, WEW. 'WBZX, WHAL, WIR, WREN, t --Milwaukee, Singing Fire. WIM 487)--Milwaukee, Si Man, WLW 2 -Cincl. Setting Up: De- (300) (| Chicago. Organ, wiiM (389) ~Chicago. Farm pros Orehest ay A 08 chicago. Mormug WET ' (535)-- Philadelphia Luncheon 'Mu. WRAL 2 Go-Fis. Din eg SR 4 9.00 WAY" (49%2)=Kansas City. Bible les. sic; Markets (ex, Sat. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Air Wii R t,~ Homemakers h Unthma 5, Records, pro- : Farm and Home Hour WGR (545)--Bu uffalo, Dinner music, Fw {am--cinct. Women's Hour, Hamp: Ps Orchestra, stem: Cham AN /) WN \ Melodies; ' STORE OPEN EVENINGS | The Greatest Values t Gift Parasols Are Here Covering of silk mixture. Tensrib Eng- Luncheon Markets; Farm WEA. Wow, Wes, Webua Vien WEY 'ons ex. Ld 4 y WTIC (500)~Hartford. "Tone Color." Bh GO--Des Moines. Markets Wek (16)--Chicago. Air, Castle; Un. CNRM (411) Montreal. I ) o, pro: Talk; Mus WR" Gio)--Cleveland; Blue Flash Bte Nematic Bech 945 WOW. (508) Omak. Correct Time; Mie Qh Atante Gity, \unetieon chestra, ak via KSTP works, Se 9.30 WWJ (326)=De n WMAQ (447.5) =Chicago. Viiv in esd York: Forsille, WBZ (00)--Springfieid. Marry Mak- ' ph A raugudy Disnery wiz (3%, Sew York, wa Bris rid Seckatary Colum a Network: Sonora Hour to -Pitt ket M wo 5 5 645 ~Cotumbvs, Educational Wes (e-Teferson City. Markets; wie" (Go0)--Hartiord, Diner Group; arm Flashes; usie 1000 KPNF ¢ engndoat, Varied pro- | 1.10 Kile (316)--Kansas City. Dinner bell 0 Kote. tn id program gis. (316)=Kanpas City. Columbia | 1.15 worl G35)= Ames. Ruse (316)~Kansas . City, Musical WAG 9 Baltimore. rg lodgers. G70)=Nols- St. Paul; Hamline | 1.30 CNRA (476)=Moncton, Music; Mark. KDKA (306)--Pitts, Entertainers, adelphia, ansas rd KFAB (389)--Lincoln, Dinner concert. WFLA (333)~Clearwater, Organ; Stem. Dr. 25%) and Hour to Way (379)=Schenectady. WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Esso Giants, Clas Wow. Wiz WHAM, KDKA, (Tues., Thurs., Fri. eco Topple St. Paul. Lowry WGN. its icago. Television . . Fada Hour, 1.40 WGN (416)--Chicago. Luncheon music of A A SIR pa KWK, WREN | L140 WON (WB =Kansas City. Country: WERE" XUD~Pitts, Pianists Book rer WHO (%0)--Des Moines, Little Sym. Jo has og Flash; Wea. (rotem: TL side Chat WLW (428)--Cinci. Matinee Program WCFL (302)--Chicago. . Musical WEAF, WEEL 3s {176)~Yeflerson City. 0. hs (; Wed, and. Sat.) 2 2.00 KOA ir ~Denver, Weather; Mark. We' ia Reddy Baiirs KOA, YW, EL, ts; 3 10.30 wor G35)=Ames, la, Markets; Wea- CRA oh Ba Torontd. Musical. pros NBC Gy 5. iy to "Demis : Co WTAG (517)=Worcester. Women's WerL «30)--chi Televisi Concer WHAS, WSM," WMC, KVOO Program; Talks, : yAicago, Jelevialon: dh Wir 492) Phila, Uncle Wip. WIN ' (268)--Milwaukee, Ch . 1050 WCCO, (370) Mpis.St, Paul. Stock re- EEN CoieChivess, aches WIR (40)-Detrsit. U. of "Michigan Tes ao i urch Ser N i i : our, Chics B - 1.00 WGN (416)~Chicago, Home manage- wey: in eri Wie Po NBC System: St. Regis Orchestra; estra; Chuckletime, oe Orch A fw ram (ex. Sat.) Soprano to WJZ. NBC System: Milady's Musicians to (400)= Detroit. Recreation hour. WLS (345 Markets: DC (223)~Akron. Musical program yn Wht 447.5 Overt h Yor Buta, Home ion: 3 Wos (476)~Jefferson City. Grain Mar. kets; Bulletins WTM) (487) Milwaukee, Musical pro- WLW (428)--Cinci. Watkin, N WIAD (7 5 hic, Fors aad Be WNAC CoH) Boston, News; Amos 'n' icago, Talk; 5 Z, KDKA, KWK, WHA in| Phe Detroit, a (447.5)--Chicago, Concert Or- chest: Wiw" (428)--Cincinnati, Thomason lish Paragon Frames, Novelty Handles, os™ (476)=Teferson City. Markets; ulletins. wes (405)--Atlanta. Weather: Mark. (ex. ets. -' i . WTMJ (487)~Milwaukee, News: or: 230 Weco™ wo MplSt. Pal. Weath HESE bags at $2.95 are without a doubt E suggest that you select your own supply for 'the coming season as well as Christ- mas gifts, Bags like these at $2.95 will not be du- plicated again. Amber Tips and Ferrules. Each Um- brella in a Gift Box. foshi {461)- Nashville, Luncheon Con- Troapers WL (345)--Chicago, Allstate Hour. fan (272)--Atlantic City, Studio pro- one of the best handbag WOR * (422)--Newark, Music; [lalks. ble; New, WKH (352)~Sh; values we have ever of- 11.15 fe Dyes, alousehold Institute bo WOI (335)~Ames. Closing Quotations w TAM (380)--Cleveland, Studi vi a reveport. Studio pro- | A ' fered, Evory haz fs now J 2.45 WOW_ (508)--Omaha. Markets Receipts teas ear Yul WRG, wey. VG, ex Sa) " '" WTAG (517)~Worcester. Travel Talk. WIC, waka | @ ang al] sre sopies ef 11.38 CKNC PALL A LT ORTam voc "on- avenport. Closing mark- wiv) (487)--Milwaukee. Organ; Or. wCs FI, WCAE, aris successes, i Wwoi (ex, Sat, weco' (370)=Mpls.-St, P i Danes, Markets: Sorenins. | 390 ENko (434.5)=Ontawa, Music; Marke | 730 CNRM (411)--Monthesl. French pe pls.-St. Paul. Levin Many New I Sill Leathers Lined 12.00 Lg ry oatreal. Music period Wins (389)--~Chicago. Housewives Beno' "CNRT, CNRO, CNRW, Wek (256)--Philadelphia. Melody WCAE (242)~Pitts, Music Shoppe, Da Phila. Concert. (5. Hat) KYW (34)--Chicago. The Demonsirai- WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, "The: Jon. Sas Other Good Values at $1.98 to $6.50 Markets. Weau (256)~Phila, Snellenburg Com. WGR (545)~Buffalo. Arcadia Orches. g . lo WIP (492)--Phila. Musicale, : NEC s 330 WEAF (454.3)=New York. Studio pro- WEEL WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WBZ, WRZA, Waal Lr ; Hour (ex. Thuss., WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Farm pro~ Rn oAL, Ryoo, CAPSULES WOR (4 utiat: Somers, ob, WGN (n6)~Chieago. Nighthawks: Al » When Stomach Upset 400 WBAL® (289) Balt Salon mic. WGR (4)=Buftalo, 'Cherrolet pro- poe X | Gos pitts. Ma WEVA G0)--Richmond. Rorai Ha: w ois J (385) Chicagn. Orehestrs con- |' Vik (216)--Cleveland, 'Business Talk; waiians. Bible students, WTAM (280)~Cleveland. Recital Hr. - RY 400)-- Detroit, News Bull Bi CHRR (312)! , Feat . ales fou: Lugigustion ave. vo gury WOAR! (Br kemsas Clty. Masiest| WW (i20)~Cinel erty's orches. Repos; Fates: yoo Jules will end your stomach trou- Matinee. W. (508)=Omaha. ker amore Congert. Mary. Sheer and Service H (ex. Sat.) SM (461)--Nashville. . Tapia 0 tees Eocene, || WeOo Those pau soe re | 8 ORTEGA The Most Outstanding 740 WCAE. (242)--Pitss, Wos (476)~Jefferson City. Theatrical | 00 CNRM (411)--Montresl, Concert or- Kaw, KL as, aes Sq : Val : "Ca == EMDC WSPD, WHK, WLBW Pointed Heal Hosiery Value in Canada at $1.50 pai . paw Andy, WOR (422)~Newark. Orchestra. y WSB (405)--~Atlanta. Pomasr orches. f \isly-Nashyille, Studio Special $2.95 rm -- Homemakers a HERE is no need to have stomach trouble when Pink -- =a WOS «(476)=Jefferson City. Closing NBe System: Comfort Hour to WEAF, System: Maxwell Hour to wz. TAKE PINK t fis s--cnic Hi ag 345 WNAQ (47.5)-Chicago. Artist recital manack, WMAQ LL Minstrel Wer 8309) ~Chicago. Matinee dance wuss (365)<Loulsville. Orchestra con. "WWJ (326)--Detroit. Motors program. WO blr eo nstantiy and they re WOC (300)---Davenport. Homemakers WSB (405)~Atlants. concert WBAL [¢ Columbia Neto ke A i to: Liszt to VA WAC WERT + f Weight. WEAD (256)--Philadelphia, pA, Stuart Hour to wi C, 0 SB, KYW, Wl WCCO, (333)~Clearwater. Christmas we, " (416) ~Chicago. Musical Melange. VHN (297)--New York. Varied pro- gram, WHT (202)--Chicago, Maytsg Rambl- esr. WISN (2%8)--Milwaukee, Feature; |; 10 KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Dance Music, WIRE Gah" Caso. c Musi- WIR (400)--Detroit. News; Orchestra; WIR Detroit. Cotton Pickers. 1.15 Vik (216)~Cleveland. Days Orches- Wwe )~Cincinnati. Burnt Cork. 1 Wego | G70)-Mpls. St. Pal. Long's Wis 345)--Chicago. Popula: : Kram. e apm 11.30 on RC pr 5)--Calgary, Pianist; Vocal. WIZ (94.5)~New York. Wayside Inn 1 i6)--Los Angeles. Concert Or- M. xn A (447.5)~Chicago. ~~ Steinite KGO 9.5)-Oukiand. Drama "Fran. to' WH. WMAQ kincense and My! Davenport. - Wontans Club. wox 95 -Chicago, Goldkette's Or- WEM easter. Courtesy pro- wey ' (379)~Schenectad: , Organ to "0. XOA ~Denver. Extension Servi- WHAM. ROA 13) oe Ew rw Park Central Orchestra Palais d'or Orchestra Be RW Wei Wr wWTM) (487) Milwaukee. Dance Mu- urs WFI, WGR, WW), WGY, WMC. - sic (1% brs). WCAU C56) Philadelphia, . Entertain- | 11.45 WSB (405)--Atlanta. Organ. ers. ; 12.00 id (285.5)--Hollywood. Feature pro- WCCO (370)~Mpls.-St. Paul. Minne. sots Theatre. Columbia Network: Loh dians to WABC, WGHP, WBBM, kB Ew "(294)--Chicago. KMox (275)--St. Louis. Dance Music. WGN (416)--Chicago. Dream . Shin; Go Oschestra. Nighthawks (172 WGR (545)--Buffalo. Shea's pepe. MAQ (447. Chicagy, VOC (300) Davenport. O'Heara's Or- 5 Band, also WGY. : * : : ° whrramiopid 88) Gold and Whi T N ® x an he 44% 5) Chicago, Musical pro. WLW (428)-Cincinnati. Showbox Or- an . OO - | | t re we : (315)~ Washington. Lotus Or- 12.30 Pacific N Hour. 94-Piece Set | 10 King St. W. D. J. Brown runs 1HE JEWELLER . chestra. Sui 4 Sit Stip- 12. 45 WDAF ay Kancas Cis. City, Nighthawk per Revue; 1.00 KYW (2% ental, Crh Ct 11.00 bei ( A Insomnia Cl : ae some. Coole 5 lt Orchestra 1 The v : 3 | i, chr 5 Singas. "Capictans. Copiioliass. KMBC (16)--Kansas City. Mid : evn Xp )-flounon Aor 2 od. ah (356 TORONTO ~~ MONTREAL Kex Sain Ksemer's Orch. » 1; % a" WE, ; 00 now Weekly Orchestra. Carlin's Or- id 240 WOES (220.4)--Chicago. Club Beau- When youth cals to youth It makes Mell and Ato s Tor phone company. -- Yas Lod (447.5)--Chicago. Ao 's -- WE Co pon Fews: Rhodes Check writing is going to be the ou i most popular form of literature up wee PC C3) --Adsatic City. Dance My. |to December 24.--J. B. Wolf, Mil- SRVA (270)~Richmond. 'Hardy Orch. | WanEee Journal. WSM - (461)=Nashville. Studio oro-| Human nature is the same at all ages. A baby's first yell means Su connie. Dance Ma OG, Banger.

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