Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1928, p. 42

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| the Manse, } home here, ed their household effects into the | dence there. spending a few days with Miss | Mabel Story. § ed with her parents Mr, and Mrs. | J, B, Madill one day last week, | Order attended the funeral at Ux- | bridge of the late Mr, Gould of St, PAGE FORTY-TWO Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, i a aaa aad CLAREMONT Claremont, Dec, 11-- Mr, and Mrs. A, Parks of Toronto called on Miss Hamilton and other friends In the village on Sunday, Miss Mabel McLellan of Rich- mond Hill spent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement of Toronto accompanied by Miss Hilda Sulman spent Sunday at the latter's Mr. and Mrs, Robins of Whitby, visited with Mr, Wm, Graham and Miss Margaret Graham on Suns day. Mr. and Mrs, C. Soden have mov. city and intend to make their resi- Mr, Fred Pugh has purchased the estate of the late Mr, Hug Gregg. The "price paid was $4200. Miss Effie Grahany of Balsam is Mrs. Wm, Jones of Whitby visit- Several members of the Masonic Catharines, Mr, Wm. Graham who has been judging horses at the Winter Fair Dttawa returned home on Satyr- day. The Woman's Institute will meet on Wednesday afternoon Dec. 12th at the home of Mrs, D, A, Scott, the program will consist of the report of the P, C. by the Dele- gates, There will also be a shower tor the Children's Shelter and aged peoples' home, Mrs, Stewart Graham of bu- sam who has been visiting for a lew days with her mother, Mrs, Thos, Neal has returned to her home, x The following is the junior room honor roll for the fall term, II class --Grace Tomlinson, Marjorie Sel- man, Margaret Overland, Stanley Hardy, Billie Wagg, Mildred Loys, Harold Morgan, Gordon Taylog, Sr, [--Betty Lickorich, Margaret John- ston, Edna Taylor, Jack Morgan, Anna Forsyth, Clifford Basset, Gor- don Spencely. Junior I---Myrtle Ba- eon, Francis Loyst, Mabyn Lickor- ich, Ivan Reid, Ilean Hill, Betty Pretty, Audrey Eagleson, M. Mor- gan, Allan Tomlinson, Gordon UV- erand, Dolly Beaton, Primer -- TIME TABLES CPR, FIME TABLE, Mew Schedule taking effect Beier. Bas Bet 1201 am. Oshawa Station. CNR. TIME FABLE Effective Sept. 30, 1928, 823 a.m. Dal scent Sunday. 8.58 a.m. i fy ly. 9.59 a.m Daily L17 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 2.32 pm. Daily except Sunddy, 6.47 pm Daily except Sunday. 9.42 p.m. Daily. 1109 p.m. Daily except Saturday, 12.09 a.m. Daily, 122 8.a. Daily. § 1 PEE house by putting on metal roofing on Marian Tomlinson, Bernice Linton, Muriel Stevens, Jean Ward, Irene Taylor, Margaret Hardy, Edna Ben- son, Lewis Chidlew, M. Morgan, A. V, Spoffard, Teacher, Miss Bessie Graham and Miss Isobelle Gregg spent the week-end at their respective homes.. The Claremont Dramatic Club are presenting their popular play "Cranberry Corners' at the Bap: tist Church, Green River, on this Tuesday evening Dec. 11. § Mrs, J, Readman spent last week in Peterboro visiting her son Mr, Luther Boyes, The Ladies' Aid of the United Church held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday Dec, 6th at 3 o'clock, The Ladies in charge were, Mrs, Beelby, Mrs, Hill, Mrs, Spof- ford, Mrs, Overland and Miss Mar. h |garet Graham, A large crowd par- took of the goed things provided. The two young sons of Mr, and Mrs. Keneth Renfrew Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with re- lative in the village, We are pleased to see Robert Bilby able to be out again after his recent illness. Miss Clara Neal, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her mother Mrs, Thos, Neal, Miss Mabel Story spent a [ew days last week with Miss Effie Gra~ ham of Balsam, Mr, Thos. Burkett, of Stouffville spent Thursday in the village. The Senior Room of the Public school will hold a school concert in the Community Hall on the even- ing of Friday Dec. 14th at 8 o'clock, The program consists of dialogues recitations, monologues, drills chor~ uses etc. There will also be given the trial scene from the Merchant of Venice, by th Senior 4th pupils The Proceeds are in aid of pictures for the schoel and athletic equip ment, Admission adults, 25 cents. children 15 cents a good attend- ance is hoped for, Several members of the Masonic Order attended a Banquet held In Hart House Saturday evening, All report a good time, ZION Zioy, Dec. 11.--Mrs. Arthur Stain- ton attended a bazaar in Bowmanville St. Paul's church on Friday after- noon last and reports a splendid time, Mr. J. W. Balson attended a ban- uet in Welsh's Parlors, Oshawa, riday noon, given by the Kiwanis club and guest of Mr. W, J. Trick, a brother-in-law. Each member was supposed to entertain a farmer. Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair was one of the special speakers. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Steeves, Tor- onto, spent the week end with the latter's cousin, Mr. Russel Perkins and attended our church services. Church services were well attended on Sunday and Rev. Mr. Bick gave a splendid sermon and the choir was out full strength and sang one num- ber, . Miss Annie McMaster presided at the piano. Mr. Walter Trull is improving his' his kitchen. Mrs, Wesley Glaspel spent a day last week with her daughter, Mrs, George Hilts, Oshawa, who has been very sick with the flu. Little Ruth Hilts has also been sick. Huni-eas of ped le wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fa "1. Lenses : [ eee p BBRBE 4 Poet Reon PITY sgt HER. EREREE RATS ® B RERERER HG fit h NAAN FEEEEERBRERELD 3333944933 4331133331313 ESzansniet RHI : : I ; ! I i fi hel £eEEd HHT BRERES seks : 13 5 H EEBEEEs i ERERES § Bet k ii B fit I i i 535550 B > wi 28 8 I PT gaseest finn este Fest - 8 H 7 EY I Fell Bros, 7 he LEADING JEWELER Cstab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 8 wi by members of Tuxis and 'C in charge of Miss Hattie Osborne, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 > Miss Norma Glaspel spent this week end at home, ! Miss Elva Pascoe also spent this veek end at home, r, and Mrs, Anson Balson enter- tained Mr, and Mrs, John Balson and family to tea on the 9th, it being Jean's and Gerald's birthdays. Funny to have two children have a birthday the same 8 Little Velma Balson has returned from a three weeks' visit with her cousins, Mr, and Mrs, Dick Parkins, Kinsale, COURTICE Courtice, Dee, 11--Mrs, S. S. Brooks has returned home after a two weeks' stay with her daughter, Mrs, Marshall Soules in Toronto, who has been quite ill. p Mr, and Mrs, George Richards, Detroit, are visiting his sister, Mrs, Ira Trull, and other relatives in this neighborhood, Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Mar- shall Soules, Mr, Frank Harris, Whitby, and Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Doubt, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mrs. Jas, Shortt and her mother Mrs. Agnes Harris, Sunday services were well attended both morning and evening and at Sunday school. Sunday evening our astor, Rev, J. H. Stainton, continued hi illustrated story and songs with antern slides after the sermon and the attendance is increasing, On Wednesday evening of this week the C.G.LT., the Tuxis Boys and the Trail Rangers are holding a banquet at the church, A splendid upper will be enjoyed and a speaker ill give an address from Oshawa, Thursday evening the young people will hold their regular meeting, The devotional Christmas" will be taken by our pas- tor, Rev, Stainton, topic "Missions and A Christmas pageant will be given Do not forget the missionary Mise Aura Brooks spent Sunday in_ meeting at the church Thursday af- ternoon, Meeting in charge of Mrs. A. LY Rundle's group, The: election of officers will be an important part of the program. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Dec, 11.--Two splen- did services were held here on Sun- day afternoon. , The attendance at Sunday school was a little below the average, The church as usual was well filled, Mr, Stainton preached a splendid sermon using for his sub- ject; "The Promises of God, in Christ, .are true." An anthem was rendered by the choir, . The services next Sunday will be as usual, Miss Greta Munday spent Sunday with Miss Beatrice Cryderman, Shaws. : Miss Vera Power, Newcastle, spent the week end at her home here, . Mr, and Mrs. Ivison Munday visited relatives in Newtonville on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Plymmer, Town, with her sister, Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, on Sunday. Miss Beatrice Souch spent Satur- day in Toronto, League meeting last week was in charge of Miss Edna Swallow, Ist vice president. The following pro- gramme was given; Bible reading, Alan Clarke; devotional topic, Win- nic Lancaster; solo, Mrs, Ivison Munday; reading, Ferguson Aber- nethy; topic, "Life Situations that Perplex," Nellie Snowden; reading, Dora Eames; piano solo, Ellen Gimb- ett, * The league meeting will be held on Wednesday evening this week when the officers for the coming year will be elected, ALMONDS Almonds, Dec, 12,--Mr, Jim An- stey motored to Buffalo on Monday T.|and will spend a week with his aunt, she will accompany him home and make a lengthy visit with her sister Mrs. J. Anstey here. Mr, Lloyd Morcombe has had a new electric radio installed in his home, the Young Peoples' meeting on Tuesday evening last and seven new members were added on the roll, The Christmas practise is well under way and a good program is looked forward to for the Christ- mas concert, Miss Mable Mackey of Toronto spent the week-end with her moth- er here, Mrs. M. Mackey. Mr. H. Reegon of Toronto visited at the home of W, H, Balsam on Monday. Mr. Frank Loach, Mr, Earnest Loach, Mr, Almer Loach all of new Liskeard were visiting at their, home here attending the funeral of their sister last week. Mr, Stafford and his son Earnest Sgafford visited recently with the former's brother in Pontiac Mich, Ladies' Ald met at the church on Tuesday last when their election of officers was held after the business hour afternoon lunch was served, Mr, and Mrs, Mitchell of Mount Zion spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Ashby, The Young Ladies' Class met at the home of Rev, and Mrs, Rich- ards on Thursday afternoon when the annual election of officers was held a social hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Miss Mary McGregor is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J, Gim- let Whitby. Mr, and Mrs, George Loach ac- companied their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Jack loach to Toronto and spent the week-end with them, Mr, Washington of Ninga, Man, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs, W. Hall, Mr, Tom Gordon, has secured a position in Toronto for the winter, Mr, Milton Balsdon, Master Ralph MacLean spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, C. L. Morcombe, of Omemee, Rév, A, L. Richards conducted Do YouOwn Your Owu | LATHING | | FOR QUICK SERVICE HAYTON The Roofer 185 Arthur St. Oshawa PHONE 716s W. J. SULLEY Acctiepee: Loans, Insurance Collection ,and Real Estate Simcoe St. 8,, Oshawa LETT, NICHOLLS AND | ' HALLITT Real Estate 11 King 8t, East, Oshawa Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Allman, upon their recent marriage, A Ford touring car took the ditch about two miles west of Whithy on Sunday morning about nine o'clock landing upside down in about three feet of water, Mr, and Mrs, Greentree of East Oshawa were occupants with other three all receiving a good cold bath and a narrow escape from drowning, had it not been for the help of pass- ers by, the car was badly wrecked. The hum of Mr. Norman Irwins airplane is heard quite frequently ;these days. Making trips to and jfrom the farm, Mrs. Norman Wood visited her AR, esr .C. YOUNG 4% Prince St. Oshawa, Ont. brother, Mr. Gordon Trigg recent- ly, who is confined in Lindsay Hos- pital with a broken knee cap which he received two weeks ago when he fell, hitting his knee on the curb of the road in Lindsay. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE 'utler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572 2238 Night Calls 510, 1500, I The ! DISNEY Real Estate Only $1800--4 room cottage, cen- tral, paved street, Lights and water. Garage. Chicken house, Easy terms, $8600--6 rooms, Modern, Burk St. Good condition, $8753 rooms, Garage home Nice high lot, Only $25 down and $25 per month. No interest or taxes while paying for it. Phone 1550 for inspection. ed RS OS Those thinking they are better than others should he more careful with their thinking, ELLA CINDERS--A Kindly Deed UKE A DRESS MISTAKE } Irs Me RIGHT NAME AND ADDRESS AND NO COD. , THERE MUST BE A CATCH IN \T SOMEWHERE! --- By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb i» 'Dear Miss OiNDERS:T THOUS L YOU MIGHT LIKE THIS. TLL JAE kere Zerit Ff foi Poot ve LF yilinty. oF Kix of the other Rind, too! --ana plerity I'M SORRY: SIR- | THOUGHT | HAD D-Y-E - BUT IT By Geo. McManus EE ---- IF YOU GIT IT AGIN-LET ME > ® 198. G Britain righ : by Intl Feature Service. lac. PSHAW - ITT GONE AGAIN- IT OUT OF TH WAY - I'L. DEE SOME ONE EL & 1 KIN CGT COT IN- "rr FOUND IN ALL PATS OF THE YIORLD EXCEPT NEY ZEALAND Clos or THE JAYS ARE LARGELY BLUE iN COLOR, SOME ORNAMENTED WITH CRESTS OR WITH VERY LONG TAIL FEATHERS, WHILE A FEW ARE BRIGHT GREDY AND J, JAYS BELONG TOA FAMILY OF BIRDS CONTAINING ABOUT 200 SPECIES, AMONG THEM THE RAVENS, CROWS, AND MAGPIES, JAYS ARE HARDY, INTELLIGENT, OMMIVEROUS BIRDS, NOISY AT TIMES, BUT LIKE THEIR RELATIVES THE CROWS, ENTIRELY LACKING IY POVERS OF SONG, {| exo AD CENTRAL AMERICA POSSESS THE GREATEST VARIETY OF JAYS. ° f } ' J » YA OH, rs Me. eovce! DINNER AND AF TER WARDS? THIS 1S ME. vad FHEN A SHOW

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