Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 19 Dec 1873, p. 2

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Br SRE RE SATE ER Ri Sa " in R00 Mobi ---- i 1] " i 8 y rg i ¥ be the staf and employees of the Ramon. wr offen, the paper will be isnel on Wednesday next, instead of Fridny, as oi | to lot slevpitig digs le. They appear to have such a peculiar liking for the stench . arising from dirty pools, that they eannat help stirting them wp under their own ol- oh We were disprsed, for Mr, (Depnex's sake, not ta alinde to the recent enncelling of his appointment, but the Vindisator and the Mail most needs parade that pentleman before the country oa» wariye to the greed of hungry office- sennerh, being his: disadvantage to at. tock the Reform Government. T'e Fin- dicot this week in a testing article wots] before the public some of those peculiar Kind pf "firefs" with which the interior of the aditer's apt in garnished, but which fi wrdinafy Tangungs people not an Vivigicate= ovyw that Mr. Welch was * tendrei. (we presnme it means -, New it Dappens that there was ne Jegiti- "wate opening of Sarnia for Wr. Welch: 1'» wow simply seit npthere hy Mr. Gibhe ta be grtieant of the way, an" that Mr. 'emney could he shoved into the service st: Oshaws, tn ha subsegnently ** trans- lated ™ 'mtn a Cellector of Customs, in re- torn' for' Bix manipniation of the voters' Jista af Oshawa Village, whereby Mr. Gibby election wan seenred. That is the whale secret af the transact: wn, as every ane Withe villsee knows very well. The Y indicator world make it appear that Mr. €2'era on a ATPOIDiment was one of some I'nothol standing. That in not true. - It romeared® jn the LAST BATCH of off. ele' gavetted hy the Macdonald-Allan ea- Tl and it ja to. that fact and to the fact thet it was. a glaring political sop thrown a * hung follower," that Mr. Glen. wey E4es | fr Slomisnal, The "Vindicator ORTARIO REFORMER, . THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. 4 Se. D. 'We understand that certain parties * feeling " their way amorg the eo! of Oshawa, in other words, canvassing votes *" on the sly," with the intent ers, know who are to be and to be candidates. We would efitpestly impress tipon every voter that they vught not to pledge their votes to enyone, until the fore the public. The, man whe gees around canvassing on the quiet; is not a safe man to put into the Conncil. We have already had too mnch of sub ross proceedings in our Council for the goud of the town treasury. Wa believe the pre: vailing opinion cf the peopleisthat these has been grave mismanagement in our Municipal affairs, and altogether a loose aubusiness-like system of business, to aay. the Jeass of fit. Nxt years taxes will be within a fraction of the extreme limit al lowed by law without a special act of Par- liament, and § Irigher than in 19 out ef 20 other municipalities in the Province. We want men who vill reseve the village out of the slough of despond into which it | getting votes pledged beturedfin: rit . caindidates and the jesnéw sre squarely ba-| deptha, the politival infamy of Sir John MAJORITY G2. J ------------ have again d quite as ably as in the Lennox contest, that they will mot follow into the lower A. Macdonald ; that they are not gropar- ed to allow the respectability of a. time- honored party name, to be utterly lost. No one ea Hot HE 56 HEA 8 hot to see that that party cannot bewisintained with Jahn A. as ita leader. The meanness and degradation of his character, hitherto ilossed over by suécess, was never so glaringly apparent amin the honor of ad- versity, that position which tries men's souls, and brings out most strongly what- ever virtues they may possess. John A. han maid that Reformers would vote for a Yellow Dog, so long as it followed the party. What must be his opinion af the Conservative party, when he had the hardihood to insult their intelligence has been placed, and the fen will be | by asking their suffrages in favor of » forthcoming at the proper time. - Another | basswood candidate,an unknown foreigner thing should not be lost sight of. Any man | whose only merit is the negative virtue of or mon whoappeal to the political sympathy | harmless imbecility 1' 'We cin 'only sup- of the ratepayers,are not tobe trusled in [ piso that lost to: shame himself, he be- the Council. We have serions encugh | lieves his former [ullowers to be equally difficulties to face, without introducing | wnprincipled. How greatly he is mis that brand of discord to make matters | taken in his estimate of the character of worse. We intend to support the best | his late followers, is best understood by men in the interest of the town, be they Con- | pointing to the expressive results of the servatives or Reformers - We want men | Lennox and West Toronto elections, and who will go into the Council to introduce | for the credit of the country, we are order and economy into our Municipal af- | glad to rcknowledge that, however fairs, and who will endeavor honestly and | we may differ with them in. polities! doc- | faithfully to lighten the burden of taxa: | trines, the Conservatives of Ontario still | tion under which the taxpayers are groan- | maintain their self-respect. We eannot re- } ing; who will go in for a just and | gret, thinking as we do, the disintegration | equitable assessment by which rich and poer | of the party ; but we mustclaim that it | may be placed on un equal footing. The | was the foolish and blind action of the UA 4 ou oh Ministry heve tionists only vefured to oppose two of them--Cr rtwright, majority 830; Ross, an Rd do as -------------- is being mado. in Vanconver Ta sont obtained by him under false SURIGE, ose Ur tu this date the editor of the Vindwa- tor has apparently not heard the result of the West Toronto eléétion. Its readers may look fopsheanmonncemens of Moss' election invifs columns about the next change of the mopu, Tus. Quebec L-gislature is in session. The. ouly, ** Conservative government in the world," is in pretty hot water down there, and will probably nut stand through the session. West "Toronto Election ! RETURN OF MR. MOSS. ii MATORITY, 511. The polling for the return of A member to represent. West Toronto in the Howse of Commons took though eofisiderable' excitewrent prevailed the proceedings passed off quietly. The friends of Mr. Moss repaired to the pulls in strong force as soon as they mere apen, od yesterday, sud in ten ntinetes had giver that gentleman such a start that all attempts en'the part of the eorruptionist candidat and bis supporters, during the rest of the day, to reduce the large major- ity so early ubtained, proved fatile. Dur- ring the remaiuder of the contest, Mr. Moss' majority steadily increased despite worst enemy the taxpayers can have will | heads of the party in choosing" Sir John | be the man who attompts to cover up the | Macdcrald, with all his unmasked villainy + shorteomi and mistaken of the old [ on his head, as their leader in Opposition Council by an rppeal to palitical | which has wrought their nndbing. "Tt is prejudices. Look ont for him," and avoid | now evident; and wniversally - asknowled- | him wherever he shows himself, We are | god that as a party under his leadership, | { requested by Mr. Therntén, to state pom: | 3 ig a dead duck, and we ate not dispieas- | j tively that he will not serve in the Cutin-| ed to ses the determination "among the | @'l another year, being unable to spare | Conservatives thvoinghinit thy sountey, wl | the demands on his tice. - We, were mis-{ form ont of the ashes of the dead faction, +8t. Pat jek'sC.. .. every elfort: of hi nents. Ws ten o'cloek; Mir, Mn & majority of 147, at eleven, org of 400, atl iwelvé, one of 403, at one, npani 442, at two, one of 442 | at three, one of 481, at four one of 515, and at fire/ when the pulls closed, ond-of 511! "Theftdllowitg is 4 statement of the voting : rf Pe osx" Bfckrorp Mas. ny 177 195 St. Andbew : "the faarket in dry place Monday, and ol- | veeein {nS Teas cases hace theirparal- | oo i ante Mr. Glen's intentions, it * isla erer tha nhcle country, for an gne * rrévigt or amather we find the civil ser- * vante dismissed and their places wp | * r¥od be hnugrry supporters." Nothing | eonid he mere reckleanly false Nan this satetiuint dn. The Reform Gorernment Jae Ratn in 'power since the 5th of No- vamber Tast, and have not yet made a A~sepnpapintments, with the whicle pat. ross of 'the Crown legitimately at their 4 spit, Compare thin record with the | | appears. He bas not yet decided to leave | the Coundil, though he has not as yet de- | termined to an again, J -------- | IMPERSONAL JOURNALISM. Tt has Always been the rnle with the Canadian press to follow the Kaglish ' ex- ample of preserving the impersonalityiof a journal, as tending to elevate the work and influence of the newspaper. Up to setiog at thie party for which the.Vin- | go fine of the establishment of the Mail, i airy pds in its comtemptible whine. 2 erie getombling of Parliament last, | -----FPPR TYNE ohvEm¥wENT EYIW Are mip FOF ym coxseoees or marusmewt--DPEXDING A VOTE OF WANT. OF CONFIDENCE, RIR JOBN'S GOVERNMENT ACTU. ADE OVER FOUR HUNDRED I 8 TO GPFICE, or ms CRTATURER IN VETS PARTS OF THE PorNtRY; and the newspaper which snp- portesh atinfamons eorispirey, acteally | bas the impndence, with gronsile, t4 acense the new Government of "Tatwitacing the Ameriown sosthin " "as pres sinh shallow.nated hypocrisy | Joeard of! Tme as the needle to the plein itsdintipathy to the tra'h, the Vindigntor wenevta that the concelling of Mr. Glenmie's appoin'ment. was done at the when af Asean Farewerr, \ We srenk whereof we know, when® give in £lRkNand A most unqualified denial. 3x. Farpwery, never interfered in the rietter ejther Aiveenty or indirectly. Tle Bad" half an tanch to do with it as the VT ad'pator had, and 'we challengs that $ waghomie 'Jomrnal ta phove itn statment satan donvirend of making a ** whop- wat FE Whale cloth. It then goes or Mats fn the mest eontemptibly otha Mz. Farewrys iv a Wt 45 "retry teem patle lif: hy the + prdnies "of 'a \Gomforidble office --at | ans Prin Tek the dirty sandler, | CoAT wegTE TIN! Cowarllike - it stabs in 'te back, 374 donies the deed in the same breath: Anft then it goes on to' threaten iat ha Conservatives will rotalinte by "damissing Mu. Farewerr--when he gets "Fin pein ment 'Sand they get iuto powe® amin " ih really enongh to rivkegeclicken Taogh, fit wore pot so oly. «We fdheythe ediior of the Vindi eator Will seratch & groy head before he j= dhe with the "enld shades of oppori- ! ¥en." One thing the Findicator does not Hay, oid that is that the Gienney appoint: " 9ent Wis prprilar among the people of Oshagp, It leaves that for the Mail, be- ont the slightest | | | and its subsequent conse of abuse, virn- ! lence, and generally Yankee tactics this rule had becn well preserved, but it seems | member, for the_enurse he has pursued { now-to be enfircly overlooked by jour- | nals of a certain class, who copy the con- { dict of John A.'s. Toronto organ, Kren the Montreal Gaselte, whose chief edi- | tor is 'éntitled to have more respect for his' profansion dnd.its usages, has joined {in hounding down"personally the writers of ther journals, who have offunded tle cause of its masters. The latest instance iv that of Mr. Farman, recently an editor | of the Mail, who has Tately been appoint | ed an emigration agent. The Gazette abuses Mz Fagrar because he has ac- | cepted this appointment, not choosing to Iyamain longer asmocinted' with'a bankropt | party and an all bot bankrupt neswspaper. | Tt assails him with the list of his writ- { ins on the Mail in favor of John A. and | attempts to "injure his character by { making public: what * gentlemen, ;or {Jowrnalists having any respect { for. the - privileges of their profession wend patlier have Jeep scares. Mr. Far- ®AW's writings in the Mail were paid for by that institution, and they represented the ralue;which Mz. Fannie gave for his | salary. Mu. Fargas never had any re- {sponsible position on that journal, nor | eonld he be held to be so even for his own | emtributions, They were wriiten to suit | the requirements of his then employer, | { aud he is 'no more responsible for them {than vas the bapk through which Sir Jobn deewion Abbott for * another ten thotsand ™ for the rascally bargain be- | tween the first mentioned worthy and Sir Hugh Allan. Editors may, if they elhoose | make themselves personally prominent ia { political parties, m- the same way as with | other people, brt it is ia their personal } and net in their editorial capacity. Like ; uther people they have got to live, and it | sometimes heppens by the inaltility or | neglect of their party friends that they are not loft the choice of the polities of | the paper on which they earn the support { of their families. The position may not esnse gon know, "geese have long tails i aldys be plessant, but iecessity is a stern fr away from home." We may say that | yopgher. An editor ih not justified in re. no mike dnpopdlyr appelistinent was ever | rol, gcoept the means of living, De- madefe this section "ghan' hut "of Mr. | ....0 he does not agree with the principles Glentpy. Noteven the Conservatives ap- | f 4). paper to whose columns he contri proved of it." We. have heard many of | bytes. The conduet of those who over- them promment members of the party in step the limits of journalistic usage, and is Village, Josert their readiness to sign | poraoually persecute newspsper. writers a petition for his removal, aud it is a fact | for (he mere | urpose of veuting splees at well known to'all in Oshawa, though the | political opponents is mesn and contempt- lr ads hate § read oo Pub {ible iu the extreme, and ought to be ic notice, bive out of ton Conserva- | frowned down by all respdotable newspa- tives, ox themielve hiy ple : : with'the eth of the Govern oo ro pea. - n at ;n futon Against: the 8 missing him, even while professing to profession which is well calculated to eomdemn he Peinciple which led to Lis re- | lower its standing aud injure its power for | moval ._ We need say no more : good in the community. No newspaper ' ol ts sendy tole. PUL iy supposed to bes one-sided affair, or the acts. Will thy | Bian dC Ean deaver to substantiate jts 'were reflex of one individual's opinions. 8 and cowardly statewneuts 1 | 1t should be the voice of pullic opinion, ------------ : | the mirror of public sentiment, and af + Oswawa Erecriox.--We have beard | the same time the aliment by which that the pame of Dr. MeGill mentioned ih | sentiment is maintained in a healthy con- |! conmection' with the municipal election, | dition ; and as it depends for its claim 3 piible "candidate for the Reeve. to public support on its honesty sid ef- We are not aware that this ru- | icicucy, it, bears ite own responsibility. ¢ : The mere fact of a newspaper's existence is the proof that it represents 8 share of political opinion, and that the demands of ils 80, porters are responsibie fur. ita ut- toruncen.~ The editor is but one of the al sweanis by which the newspaper is produced The paper dees not Low his existence : whek hie Jas gone ho it yeplaced by an on the #> the truth 4 but det the journal un counter to the real auchors of its existence, the public seuti- wieut of its reads, ang the result would #pousibility, BL i esd other and the journal is sill the sime ; a new Ocneervative party, who will 're | pudiate the wrong-deing of théir past. and join issne with their opponeuts on states. manlike, honorable grounds, Until that party is formed, it is neither stratige nor unreasonable 6 find Consevvatives sup- porting the only party which is able #0 appeal justly t6 their intelligence and sense of honor. NORTH ONTARIO. We learn that the electors of the Neth Riding of this connty are genarally, sa to speak, "down on" W. H. Gibbs, . their since his election to Parliament." They are:beginning to " see throngh " the ""in- dependence," and Tha SRelarm," with promises of which. he was so profuse in | his private esuvass previony to the last election, an] to valgh the Gikas gold at its true rate--that of old brass. Great dissatisfaction is expressed. by these who voted for him ; in fact we: have personal knowledge. of a ecnsiderable number. of voters who 'would be only too glad to get a chance to reverse their last. year's ver- dict. Mr. Gu may be clever * trimmer," but he no mors represents the pablic opinion ~f North Oatario at this moment than he does that of the natives. af the Feejoe Islands. His.own organ, the Ob- server, po. doubt inspired from the same profonnd . 'wisdom which guides his po- litical course, announced aftér the defeat of Join Al tht it 'was " only a jolie" John A. would resume the reins 0" power ina fex days, after the manner of the "double simile" in 1838. : No doubt; both Are now agreed that the ** joke ™ was carried too far to sftit' their ideas However, John A. must aave his little joke. Houper was or e of them and Bick- ford was amotlier, and they really were Taughahle affiirs. We have heard the remark fo more than one mouth singe (be Tdironto election, * 1f Jobu A. couldu't carry West Toronte, "bo what copstituesicy could hw expect to "appeal I" It shows the suggestive nature of the logic of everts, to find such inguir- ies eropoing out, and we would really like 0 hear Sir John say where hs would go for election himself, if he' were unseated to-morrow | Not to Kingston, certainly, He ouly esca ed by the skin of his teeth last fall, even with dead mon's votes, and multiplication' of * official " franchise, Where then 1 We ore eardidly of the opinion that. there ia not. a riding from the Ottawa River to Lake Haron, that would return a candidate nnder his ans- pices to-morrow. He is politically »s dead as a herring; not all the kings horses and all the king's men could set. ong political Hompty Dampty *' up again No doubt the Vindicator would say that Soath Ontario is ready 40° be 'the seape- goat to Lear the sine of the Tory congre- gation. We would like to see the experi. ment tried. Perhaps the Hon. the ex- Miuistzr of Inland Revenuve would give the electors an' oppbrtunity 1 Wait To- ronto and Lewnox would be nothing tadt | THE NEW GOVERNMENT AND THE OUTER PROVINOES. The members of the Administration) ave winning golden opinions for th ves throughout the Dominion. -Deputations from several provinges having basiness with the departments express themselves delighted with the change of officers. Un-. der John A's regime no business could be done until the Cabal had consnlted to see whether any political capital could be made cut of it. Individuals and, deprite- tions were delayed, diligdallyed with, ** approached " in slivers ways, before the "hject of their mission conld be deter. mined, and then there was no satisfactory Souslustus to be attained Ais the n f---- were forhooninp new J have receive biL Truly MANO ig the Mnhject of 8 Tec: ture tobe given '1n the Mase Hall this evening by tne Rev. R. B. Montgomery, Wa beapeak a full house, Trafeion- £8 povell, Eaq., M.P. P., will address the aire. XP. Temperance meeting next Sunday. The nttendancé at these weekly meetings is large, and denote an i ag int in the subjeet. Lb 2 FPuorLe are flocking to Taylor's Bramar and Siecting handapnie presents snd hav- ing themput by until Chrismas Eve. Those who have not done so should ga and and cheapest stock in town. ~A full report of thé'annual inerting of the Oshawa Reranch of this most useful Christian institution, will be fonnd on the fiest page, Wecommend it to the per- wisal of var readers, " GroCERY Stank. --Blagey and Briges menses stock of goods for the holiday trade, comprising some of 4 Supat new fru ta oe brought. into awd, Their teas ANEATS are mon- pareil, in other words, hard to beat. Try them. Soc ><A Social in aid of the Baptist Chursh will be held at the residence of the Rev. Mr, Munt which all are A. .plessant even- ing will be spent, and a good cane aided at the smne time. . Na one should neglect an oppertonity of killing two such birds "with une stone. Wao suovidp civs CHRISTMAS AND Kew Year's Presents 1 Why Fusbands to theig wives and wives to their fins: bands, Reothe Bo if nd sisters to Erot and "Ye their children, and children to their parents, and young ents' and ladiesta t sweethearts; and hilip T ' ar is the place. to got tomer in Lv Rog Wr anx glad to rg shat the, mumber of. emplo; i 1 Works is he gai Bee We believe its MI Oleny Trtentiow to heop the lement of workmen to the fullest ble, and # bis anticipation of in- creased buhiness after the Ist of Janu- are realized, we may hope soon te soe the foundry as full ox ever. As we all reap a portion 3 the benefits of this business, we hope 1 e success of its ope rations. way be eontinucd and i d A TRelT T¥ STORE --We "dre pleased to be able to ann ce to our feaders that the celebrated artists, the * Fairbairn Family," assisted by Mr. and Miss Roberts, will give two Parlor Concerts in the Mosic Hall, on Mondsy and Tuesday eveving mext. Their rendering of the songs of auld Seotland is niiegalled, even by Kennedy, and shonld net be nvissed anyene. English and Irish ballads, | pianrforté solos, &e., will piake wp a wot attractive entertainment, Admission cents ;- Ferts; 50 cents. 2% +R ret 7. Trade." ing fo. ne puldié notice being given of intention to hold a meeting for the organization of hs Board of Trade (which has been kept 'abeyance dirice ils incorpomtion, bit which is now com in order to send a member to the wa meeting) the at- tendance was Jimited fo a select few, On Tpdaduy everding it is said the following basi was tr ted. ; (Bleetion)-- Pre. vident, Hon. T. N. Gibbs, M.P.; Vico- President, Win. McGill, M. D.; and Trepsyrer, J. 8, e i Members of Council, F, W.Glen; W. H. Gibbs, W, FE. frien and A. 8. Whiting. Messrs. T. . McMillan, F. E. Gibbs, F. W, Gibbs, and 8. E. Briggs were elected members of the Hosrd. ,. If Noemsy blood gies for anything. this ought to be a live in- stitution. We think, however, it would hate been on »puble to hage the sinods men village resented on the Board. er Scuoor So- PRESBYTERIAN of the Presbyterian e1m1y. --The : hth School, held on Tuesday even- 3 | Was a' great snccess, dn ov . At sever o'clock the ba oF under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. | do likewise. He koepn the largest, best | Barret ano Foreia$ Buses Socrery. | manly bearing and poble stand .in behalf | of the Orange body, and they desire to mery, Monday ev'g, to | be found on Simcoe stréet, next to the Do OSHAWA, ONT, riaDAY, DECEMBER % I Ras *--The I. OC. Duman, wih] Few Sdvertise at 5, reno on for a few days past in's pid stand, was a Jaflair, and v ervitiable 1a the foaof the charch. Ba omy Hosn.--- We are | pease to the safe arrival of od | Steule, Steele Bros. from the vid 1 been east tok Atzxaxpen & Bravos have just added their second fuspartation of winter Ba. sings. the opening are loadin, ot x East Wairsy.--The Chronicle, tne wish being father to the 'hought, [says Mr. Guy intends to withdraw from the Reeve shipof East pir Me, 0 , will ben candidate again, therd will we beliove be no opposition fo the retufn of any of the ald Cunpcillors. A Meray Cunisryas vo An t=If any of onr readers wish to spend one very leasant evening next week, we,say go Fuesginy eveni the M. E. Church. | Music, speeches Christmas Tree is the programe. © The ions made be- speak an occasion of much enjoyment and iLstruction. A, 0. ¥F.~We again romind our readers of the grand Supper to be given by the Forresters of Oshawa in Toesday cvwuing. X-large: attendance am a distance is e: , and we trust citizens will give so good an insti. on' a generous support. The Farrer. ors are a society which ought to be en- Touraged. | A¥ EVENT ON THE TAPIS.--OUne of the | annual events of the social yenr in. Osh wa, is the Iron Moulders Ball, which wé | learn will take place on Wednesday, Jan- | uary 21st, prox. Those whe remember the graivd success of this affdir last year; will need no guarantee for this ene. As Hovhs Hall ldst year was found too | small to accommodate (the dancers, it will take place this year in the Music Hall. obbs Hall next 19, 1878. NO RENT, A SMA] orl four A at De tn w pra dote, olf iar is Wanted. YE TQ SEV NDRED ROM AR Be a gy from LS $L2 con ag or ae #4 omy PATRICK WALL, Oshawa, Doc. i8th, 183, - NOTIOE. Y WIFE, PELILAH HIN N, having left my bed and board, without any cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any ng or trusting her on THOMAS HINKSON, h, 1873, ™ 33in,, ry Surgeon i THE ONTARIO VET- sidence, Commercial! Hotel, Oshawa, Oshawa, Dee. 16th, 1873, rd A Merry Christmas to all | Friends, come and Hear our songs, and see our Christmas Tree. Sreoran Norice.-- Mr. Hepinstall has | been appointed oar Oshawa agent for that | celebrated " Sprinztisld Patent Lever | Watch," which is soted for correct time | and mainsprings that are scarcely ever! known tobreak. Warratited at least. for | five years. We guarantee that no better | valne is to be found in the market; now on | exhibition at v Store, | Kiog Street, Osha a. 8. Willcock, sole | wholesale agent. ¥meuzy's ConvesTioN. Convention was held a nesday last, at whiglt resent from Hamil : \ ey Lindsay, Peterbowd, Napanee and Rochester. A Centra) Cominittes was sp pointed, and the folly offiects wire eiceted : President, Cinet Engineer Thornton, of Oshawa; Viea-President, Chief Engineer Butelfyat Gibon 3 See retary, Mr. Garnett, of Ha a 4 Eirenan's Insurance $6 Hor the Venefit of injured firemer, wr the relatives of deceased ones, and the best missus of { wbtaining lighter apparatus, were among the subjects discussed, and the proceed. inge of the day were brought to a close by A champagne supper. Ozaxce Srrmon.--0. Y. D's. Atten: tion |The, X. B's. of Victoria Lodge, --and.t wits the Dafferip Lodge, TrueBlue snd frrendeto unite with them will meet{next Sabbath morning at 9:30 o'clock atthe Orange Hall. and from thence proe=ed to the Methodist Fpiserpal Charch for diviae sirviee. The Rev. B. L. Hat- tony, Chaplam of L. 0. L. No. 686, will | officiate, and will deliver a suitable dis- course, The Rev. Mr. Hutton, by his of the Orange Order hay won the réspect ma; ted from [Revs enner, 1 ee Bo ig ' f othets, To n at 7.30. 15 cents. Proceeds for the ben- LA d School. HE ANNIVERSARY OF LOVE, the remembrance of the gift of the Infinite is almost at our door: let all rejoice and be glad, Now for mirth and fun, and in<edv and full souled enjoyment. Give gifis and you will be glad, give gifts, yon make merry, give gi'ts yon create around you an atmosphere of frond doy Come friends, come to the M. E.| CHURCH, NEXT TUESDAY EVENING, t T nF A CHRISTMAS AH ! a will be exhibited. Siaging be Sabbath School hdres nhc » be Se B. L. HUTTON. Dee. 19th 153. ! Two Grand Concerts by the celebrated FAIRBAIRN FAMILY Comprising tHe Gude Auld + Ssttisnd, oyhl:s Encik Belinda, ish Molodics Selections of Insttumental Music with Literary Notes-and anecdotes illustra- tive of National Character. The only emtertaihment ofthe, kind in \ Canada! { ORGAXIST, PIANOIST, AND MUSICAL DIRECH- J sess | M38. B. ROBERTS, fiom the y Academy of Music, London. ANGUS FAIRBAIRN, Scottish Sioger. MISS KATIE ROBERTS; the young Evnglish Dallsdist, B "~. MISS BESSIE FAIRBAITK, Bo; MRS. B. ROBERTS Contralto. g Admission, 25 ets., reserved motits, 50 oty mavfifest their respect and ost by pre- sencifg to him as a "Christmas Box " the collection taken up on the Sabbath morning of their ance. The charch with which Mr. Hatton stands connected will heartily eo-nperate with them iu this expression of respect. Us the name Ly which Mr. Philig/ Taylor's store will henceforth b&kwoun; and is to minion Bank. The place is certainly a most elegant one, and has been promounc- ed Yy competent judges to be the finest jewellery store outside of Toronto in On- tario. Mr. Taylor deserves jgreat credit for his enterprise, "aud: we frst he will receive a large share of pecuriiary recont- pense in the way of business from our gitidgens, as his new. store is 'certainly a "credit to Oshawa. ~The interior was de- signed By himself, and presénis a coup Christzaes Goods | I have astock of gonds on hand suitable f. HOLIDAY PRESENT BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, INITIAL NOTE PAPER, WRITING DESKS, 'WORK BOXES, TOY BOOKS, STEREQSCOPRES| AND VIEWS. Games of different kind. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &e. Great induce ents offered fn PIANOS and ORGANS fo the Holidays at § a R WELLINGTONS: d'oeil at one, rich, pl g ahd g The windows' are gracefully décnrated with silverware, vases of flowers, &c., ahd invite ap end#y to the interior; where we find the" whole shop prescuting the ap- » 0 of ani show.case. Thee sides of the Fdom from ceiling to floor is a' magnilicent. 'revelation of the triumphs of the jewellers art, in every conceivable shape and'forq. The centre is neonpind by an elegant 'case in sémi-civenlar for, and pres-nts A magnificent assortment of watches, flugh, setts of jewellery, plate, &e., among which is one very handsome sot worth $325. We advise dll our friends fopay the Phzaara visit. Even if yon dow't wank ut ut a1 hour ean not be wore pleasantly spot than in examini the curiositfen that are to be seen hero" Copuespondence, We do respon or endorerag he a rope he bis respe " I are to all, for the discussion of all of i Ws = To the Edigorof the Reformer : Dear 818, =I enoking the assessment ro}l up to t 90 ¢ in the shade willgive 8. montis lease of power to x Minister of Toland =, with a full blown private Sec'y, w reqdire to be'done * ven g waiter the sume length pe. : ENQUIRER, Oshawa, Dee. Gh, Is Osh the o . Re Bm EA. te wis of 3. In Oshawa, on the P. Luke, of a da - MARRIAG ES, At the Manse, Columbus, onthe 11th fost, br on edi ¥) B. Ha Daniel M4 In Oshawn, oh "oven th, inst Mina Louisa, eldest datghter of Mr. Sams Miller, aged 5 years and 3 months, In Oshawa, on Friday, the 12th inst., John Bry- ant, aged 2 years, 10 mosths and 22 days. i the wife of Mr. J. a ns., wife of Mr. J. d . - Brown Ov DISAPPOINTMENT IN some arra made the sacial 4 ~t lend. ADMIBRION | 4 pA Avid 3 . Sign of the Book = P. Taylor's Holliday ~ A nnouncement NEXT Temperance Social. ngements Shnouhted be _-- ia kiven by the ( MouNr Cans CIS COLEMAN, © wu. Bn of Committee, Tenders for ildi VV ILL BE REC! oe. WP Lo the Ist January next, for ines fehed by rhe It Avg Port Perry, 33x67, Rion pleted on t und, all ot mater. Tals Vo he furnished hy Contractors. . may be bc m-- -- ---------------------- Commercial, | OSNAWA MARR ETS December "a § | BB 8832 RI3ERURYS 3 a . eseonte~oboooosmemn ach RA abi ny 'oLatoes, per bag... a Hoone szIsaEn SB.8u88 HE uL2SSES HER the entire work, the M and g, including Hrd ; ng rately. payment at To the Citizens of Oshawa. 0. KEEP JACK "Fn yonr donr and your children from M TE Area agaTs opaneda WOOD YA MR. JAMES QUIGLEY, whens wa will io on hand Aid igd [0 re to wl ol value far méney 'jnvested, 'we to FERS 8 Hal GIFFR) & HALL. : Ota, Norway Ji] 0) ine A Pekin, TIL, coroner' wordict that & Taam. w! " fu Tred Seda, FALL AND WINTER. | First class sewed, - "BARLEY, RYE, OATS, = Pork, HIDES, SKINS AND FURS, -- -- - "A Yargo stock of well assorted Goods for COMPRISING Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Furs, Clothing, Boots and Shoes Also s number of Village Lots, JW, FOWEKR. The Most Suitable The cheapest Stock' of Boots For he morals, at 80c. Koop Jour ull Waim, dnd four LOTS OF WILD LAND. HOLIDAY PRESENT| CF iy 4 Selling averyuore for 83 Women's Fine 'Calf Bal- 5 {vie GALLON' 3 hod ok ((=~THAN THE he £1 4 rt =~ Vie i » ps Bs LR EER (he Fy res B out right in the end.

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