Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 31 Oct 1873, p. 4

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é I ry Z3BBEEE se 2 or i YErEor BEBE a REE EE he REM RLENSEDS gad Bre "a . gm A Bc 5 a £ Ooe : : » ¥ 5 ' ¥ pi {5 B : $ 4 Ei g' i 'oj i "Well, Is" you might call me a ; ockemith! + 5) . "aware of the duty you owe me ? ar to invite you td drink. + "How he 'woul 4° 5 orderly and . about these momentous questions. | bly ever go again. w= Wivesare presumptuous creatures ------. * What's your business ?' asked' . judge of a prisoner at the bar. 'When did you work last at your trade I' ' Last night ; when heard a call for the perlice, | r astle. a bolt for the fiamt J A What is that, ehildrea' asked A young pastor, exhibiting to Lis Sunda y-school a magic lantern tiie of a poor sinn 1 towering out of story wares = A mid-ocean. 'Robinson Crusoe,' | was the instant reply, 3 Little Paul R---, isa bright little boy, six years old, and of a reli- gious turn of mind. Some weeks ago, at church, he became quite im- pressed with she minister's eloquence and on' his return home was quite silent and thoughtful. On Mon- day, however, he went to his mother, and asked her if it would be proper for hin to call upon the divine - and onverse with him about the ser- mon. The mother, a devoted Chris- tian woman, assurred him that' the | minister would no doubt be delight- | od to talk with him, and remarked that she was glad her little boy was beginning thus early in life to think Arrived at the pastor's residence, Pau] was ushered nto the reverend"s presence. * Mr.---said the boy, gravely, "1 - 'came to talk with you about your sermon---you said God was every- where----is He {" ; "Yes, dear child,' said the bland | old gentleman, * the good God is over | all---His presence is everywhere. 'In the river ? : ' Certainly.' 'Jn the stove 1" ' Yes everywhere.' 'Is He in my mother's pantry 7 ' Surely, surely, my boy.' 'Is he in her bureau ?, * Yes, there is nota place you can mention, where God is not.' " "Paul's face brightened, he grew eager as he put the next inquiry. "Is Ho in my hand when I shut it tight ? "inay assume that its mountain tops alone at i3 in the What .do we know abel things. ten wiles down in the stapendu us valleys of the ecean ! On land, here, the vegeta. tion of the Alpine base is not that of the summit, the wild goat skips upon the peak of the Himalayas, but the rhinocerous hay hid Tair miles below. Our acquaintance ysteries of the deep must be n abscintely and literally superticial, for we are revealed to us, and these dimly, and bat to its valleys our sense can never penetrate. All the creatures at disport themselves on or mear its. surface, are more or less familiar te us--the whales, the porpoises, and the sharks, that come tumbling over its undulations much in the same way that buffaloes come floundering over the waves of the prairie. The count- less broods that feed on its shallow banks and are taken therefrom to feed shallower mortals, are all within our grasp, and we grasp them. On the ledge of the iceberg sits enthroned the walrus, and we salute him as the elephant of the sea, and esteem him unspeakably for the commercial value of his ivory tusks. The huge sea cow has no mystery for us. We wake the harmless creature from its bed of seaweed on the isolated rock, and having wished it a good morning, we stick spears into it, and con- vert it tothe noble purpose of gsin. The gnificient sea n, king of the Arctic waters, is no stranger to us, which is just so much the worse for him. There is a sea monster known to fisher- men as the Horned Ray, a monater most fearful in itself, but interesting as an illus- tration of that which is, and a suggestion of that which may be--a veritable dragon of the sea, whose: lateral fins extend like wings, ani frequently measures more than thirty feét from tip te tip. This voracious fish will some'imes make its appearance among the swimmer in the turf, and taking one under each arm, so to speak, descend with them to depths unknown. Until the ocean shall have been dried, or drained off, no human being can ever explore the grotoes into which this hideous man eater glides wit his prey. The great fishes and beasts that are known to us may be crea- tures of the upper deep alone never de- scending below a curtain depth, test they emcouter far more hideous and powerful monsters than themselves, whick dwell at ¢ Certainly.' y * Well, is He in my pocket ?" 'Yes, God is fa ocket." Whereupon the little fellow jumped up, and, approaching the good man, txclaimeq. with the concentrated air of a dozen unbelievers--- 'I've got you now, Mr.---, haven't got any pocket at all I' The 'following racy examination of candidates of admission to the bar is taken from the Western Law Journal. The examination com- menced with ; ~~ *Do you smoke 7 * I do, sir' ' Have you a spare cigar 2 i have, sir." (Extends a short six. * Now, sir, what is the first duty of a lawyer ? : * Collect fees, sir." "Right. What is the second ? ' To increase the number ofclients,' ' When does the position towards clients change 7 - * When making out a bill of costs.' ' Explain.' ' We then oecupy the antagonistic ition. I become the plaintiff and he becomes the defendant.' | * Suit decided, how do you with the lawyer on the ber ' Cheek by jowl' * Enough, sir. You promise to be an ornament to your profession, and I wish you success..--Now are you stand side 7' Perfectly. Describe it. > 4 But suppose I decline ? date seratches his head. There is no instance of thekind on record in the books. Icannot answer the. question. . a « You areright. 'And the confidence * with which you make the auseition shows Sindy that you read' the law. attentively.---Let's take a drink,and I will sign your certificate at once, A danding-master---a hop mer- chant, In Canada worth makes the man. 2 France, Worth makes the woman. St, Louis eco tulates herself that she is 'sound' Chicago thinks she is nothing else. When you hear a man say the * world owes him a living, don't leave any hams lying around loose. A man in Peoria claims to have a stone that Washington threw at a woodpetker on his father's 'cherry {ree. x Professor King took four newspa- per balloon re nearer the skies 7 the other day than they will proba- They always ask foralock of their lp¥Vers hair before marriage, and take it without asking afterward. Agentlemen having' his hair cut, . was asked by the lous operator] h have it done. * If possible,' replied the gentleman, * din il kn Probably one halfof the residents of Bay City are afflidted with colds, and it is Swonishing to, see what a trade is being done in rum and mo. lasses. So says ita local, ie While a compositor in the Mon. treal Witness was setting up an ad- vertispment for: a lost canary, the bird flew in at the office window, ¢ which shows the value of advertis { erected ths siege of Paria, will be impos- | to import Australisn wheat and rye for the bases of the marine mountains. . One can easily imagine a polypus anchored | there below in some-distracting valley, of | which he is lord and tyrant--a stupendeus mass of bloated matter, grasping at every- | thizg within the circumference of half a | mile, and absortent of all living creatures | under the size of a whale. In the Ohina Sea there are bivalves--whether oysters or mussels I am not certain--the shelis of which are large to contain a man properly doubled up. If a monster like this inhab- its comparative shallow, there is no limit [ to one's imaginings of the bivalular enor- mities at the bottom ten wiles farther down, : The new forts around Paris are to be | begun this menth. There will be twen- | ty-two of them. It is said that when sible. The *' Eastern Budget" says that the harvest in Hungary hae beer so bad this yearthat the Government has determined sowing in tie impoverished dist cists. The Spanish Government is considering the question of censolidating the Spanish Cuban debts. With the present state of affairs in both countries it can make but little difference to either. A considerable reduction in the regular army of Austro-Hungary lias beea affoct- e. bythe abolition of the nine Great frontier pegiments in consequence of the extension of the Hungarian military law to the province formerly known as the '* Military Frontier." Two large cinnamon bears were killed recently mear Lickin's corral ai the head over 600 pounds and the other about 500. An unfortunate mam in: Indiancpelis, whe less several of his toss by or wheel, was led by an Irish near by with " Whist, thers! your's making more noise that many a man I've seen with Lis head off." I Once a careless nan went to the cellér nd struck the candle in what he thought wasa kegof black sand. He sat near it drinking wine until the candle burned low. Nearer and nearer, until the black sand, and as it was sand, nothing hap- pened. Danghter-- "Well, to tell the truth, I do not think much of the close {of the sermon." Father--* 'Probably you were thinking mare of the clothes of (he con- gregation." y a------ OTICE IS HEREEY GIVEN THAT L the lands in the Tow: ship of Neebing and Pal -poenge, in the district of Thunder Bay; sold subject to settlement, under the Order A Council of 5th Apri), 1881, will gh. be | el ed. and the sales of such lots shale form on such inspection to be unoccupled d_unim- praved will be cancelled and the la; umed and offered for sule under th Act, at §1 per acre cash. e-Ge Mining THOS, H. JOHNSON, - stant Ci Department of Crown Lands, | OT sioner. Toaonto, 2rd May, 1873. i | 214 ing, During the late war Dr. , en- "tering the hospital surgery, met the him which he con- -gidered the most dangerous of the taany cases then in hospital. 'That, sir,' said the orderly, as with an in- icative jerk of the thomb, Le point- ed to Where, on the table, lay a case of surgical instraments, -------------- 'of Williams Creek, B. C. One weighed | Bio KiFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31.1878. | rospection Invited at th 5 NEW DRESSES, NEW SHWLS, NEW TIES, (Ladies') NEW COLLARS and CUFFS. NEW FANCY FLANNELS, NEW CORSETS, NEW BLN KETS. In fact, every Department is well Stocked with New Goods, which, for » Style, Variety and value, cannot be surpassed. J. BARNARD. Bee Hive, Oshawa, Sept. 25th, 1878. W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Agent in Oshawa for the Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. lso sole Agent fir PALLINGT PATENT BALANCE WINDCW BLINLC ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety, Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. * Children's Carriagéé and Perambulators always on i UNDERTAKING Special attention paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on the shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffins ept on hand and made to order. Terms reasonable. NEW LIGHT. NEW LAMPS FIXTURES, AT. BLAMEY & BRIGGS, SR ---- Try Our Extra Refined COAL OIL. NEW at the STORE! GRAIN BAGS! GRAIN BAGS! Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, Lounges, Desks, Tables, We are offering a large lot of PERCY MILLS SEAMLESS BAGS at $4.25, usual price, $5. An immense pile of Shirts and Drawers (all wool) from 85¢ up, Hundreds of pairs of Home-made Socks at 40c and 45c¢ a pair. 4,000 yds of good Wincies at 10cts, 12}cts, 16cts. --ALSO-- A Splendid assortment of first-class goods in every department whic we ave offering at prices that defy competition. g& The largest assortment of New and Fashionable MILLINERY Call and secure some of 'the Cenuine Pargainsthat are being offered. One price and plain Figures, 'ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Near Post Office, Oshawa. | 3 i oEEAP GROCERIES DEPOT R.V.CHUBB (SUCCESSOR TO G. HENRY) I8 STILL SELLING Groceries, Crockery, Glsasware, &ec. &e. AT A SACRIFICE! CHEAP TEAS SPECIALTY. REMEMBER thePLACE Henry's Old Stand, oppesite Black's Hotel, Simeoe Street. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vix- EGAR BITTERS the most wonderful Th- vigoraut that ever sustained the sinking system. . No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain jong unwell, provided their bones are not de- stroy 2 mineral poison or otlier means, and vital organs wasted Leyond r. Bilious, Remittent and Inter- mittent Fevers, which are so preva- lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughiout the United States, especiall those of the Mississippi, Okio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribptaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea. sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably jesompanjed by extensive de- rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdoininal viscera. In their freatmeat, a purgative, exerting a pow- erful fluence upon these various or- gros, is essentially necessary. There Do cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WaLKER'S VINRGAR BITTERS, a8 they will speedily remove the dark- viscid matter with which the are at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the thy functions of the diges tive Fortify the body against disease 37 parifying all its Haid with VINEGAR BrrrERs. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head- ache, Ban in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eruetations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita- tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid- neys, and a hundred other painful symp- are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One le will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise- Seroful a, or King's Evi], White Bw Ulcers, And Swelled Neck, ulous Inflanmations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial. Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, ete. In th 8s in all other constitutional Dis- eases, WALKER's ViNecar DiTrers have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit- tent and Intermittent Fevers, Discasee of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Ditters bave no equal. Such Discases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases, --Fersons en- gaged in Paints and Minerils, such as "lumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels, guard against this, take a dose of WALKERS ViIN- RGAR BITTERS oceasionally, For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worns, Bcald-head, Bore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters, Pin, Tape, and other Worms, larking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an- thelminitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn 'of wo- manhood, -or the tarn of life, these Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that ht | s soon perceptible, leanse the Vitiated Blood when- er you find its impurities bursting through skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; so it when you find it obstructed and sl in the veins; cleanse it when it is {Lou feelings will tell you when. Keep | pure, «nd the health of the system R. H. MeDOYALD & ©0., Druggists and Gen. A gts. San Francisco, and cor. of Washington aad Charlton . Sold by 30 AS Charlies 0g . FA AA » { THE «ny THI. Cheapest! BEST! GRAND COMBINATION ORGAN Encourage Home Manufacture, The Bowmadwille Organ Factory is now Manufacturing Instruments equal to the best imported, and at much less cost AL L ABE £71 :1 IMPROVEMENTS! Our celebrated " Vox Celeste," *" Louis Patent," ** Vox Humana," ** Wilcox Patent" " Octave Coupler," the charming, *' Cello" or * Claricnet™ Stops, and Quality and Volume of Tops Dnevualled, The Best Material and kmanship. DARLEY & OHARA. Bowmanville, August 20th, 1873, NEW FALL GOODS. ---- Oi {Qe S. TREWIN BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THE RECEIPT OF LARGE SUPPLIES OF NEW GOODS, --CMPRISING-- FANCY DRESS GOODS ~ In great variety. Newest Styles and Shades, : : Really Beautiful Goods and Splendid Value. SPCIAL.--A full range in j1ices of the pretty celebrated SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP BLACK e LUSTRES, Best and Cheapest in the Market | ALSO s NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS; CRINO- LINES, BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLUVES, COLLARS, TIES, ete. ete. We have also received new styles and patterns of Fall Milli Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ete, eto. Millinery ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . Special attention to the getting np of FAMILY MOURNING. NICE DAIRY BUTTER 18 CENTS PER POUND, S, TREWIN SACRIFICE SALE! ------) | e-- R&A. SMITH BEING ABOUT TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP, And desiring to facilitate an ely settlement of Business, Lave determined to close on FIRST day of OCTOBER $20,000 IN GOODS will be Sold out at Cost; FOR CASH ONLY. As the whole must be cleared out by the Ist January The stock has been filled up and assorted this fall in all départments with entingly new goods, Drees Goods fram 10cts., upwards rine for Bjota., worth Ha AND EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. This is no hémb , but a G Sale, and by can depend PER CENT, by buying these goods ie the Sale, nave n invited to call and see for themselves. B.--Alll parties indebted to the firm ure nested to call oul bit _-- and settle accounts at R. & A. SMITH. FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail' Dealer in GROCERIES, WI NES LIQUORS SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Cream Ale and Porter Choice Brands of Cigars and 1] : Tobaccos alway in Stock. : Wy BOWMANVILLE ORGAN FACTORY] IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS.| GO TO 7 - o ve yore By McCHES - » BARLEY, ~ PEAS io J "ry The high RYE, OA The highestMarket Price in Cash fast kinds of Grain, puid, |" in Cathaeal a, IN P RESS ., To be publidied in November, . 309g ov y Loves AR '3 : sand Cities, Towns an i FH branes i most authentic descriptions ces of (mm v, : Ne \ as 8, locality, extent, $10 the Lakes od Rivers, rs able of Route. ing tne proxmity 9. M f Rous e and River I'vma 10 the Cf WAR. de. in the several ines. Pries ; ice in yull Ca Wn. 1s sow sowing LARGE STOGK 4 - sim 3 4 Hats and 'Caps neg Philip Taylor I8 NOW IN EUROPE, PURCHASING - A NEW STOCK tunlOf a § () | -- LOOK OUT FOR THE : FINEST LOT EVER BROUGHT INTO THE TRADE SUPPLIED. d he Out T pach six m : hw INSER' CASH! CASHER® WHEAT, : ; 3 RISTER. SPU EVAR Y Hl 18 Ontarle Bat Publishin AT THEIR CFYIUCE $1 30 por theyear. No pal uid, y LU Ah ed variably pre-rad. = Nw « CORUR HYSICIAN, ACCOUCHEUR, ltestdence and Office otel. WL. FREDERICK Me ence, Simeoe § Ey > ING STREET Geo. Robson, Pr obson House, Whitt CN. VA Dental Rooms--in C tkinson's Ding Store J. FE ICENTIATEor] Office over th , King St., U: All operations esidence in th LICITOR, Con blic, Oshawa, Soul Simcoe Streelss, 24r MONEY fo Lend JUNTY 7Barriste nd Convey 8 H. Cochrane,decea Ontario. AT Public. Loan. J. Have GREENWOO! TTT Oo w RCHITECT, Oshawa. a - i » to an Gi _ NCE Messrs. rl bbe Fairbanks, Esq. FL a WHOLESALE loge ai i A "King Street, 3 AY'S, LATE Whit hy Quiatid and furdial thre er for the receptiyn oad from all trains Bawple rooms, 6. Y. 8% ARRISTEN, A 1 Haim " "0 Do strocks Whitby. FRANCES HYSICIAN, 8§ eur, and Co Pi EY $5 ta. 820.4 sither sex, young ¢ of Sith for us in their ime,t han Lin A voss G. STINE CENIrRA SIMCOE ST. JAS { HIS _SPLEND now open, and o best of accomodation Kingston and Toront all the modern impro Wines apd Liquors at = Stabling nnd - Do MN EAD, : nk ~ Cer oTiCE 18 HE the Dominion i for the transaction New Hrick Block, op Gibos Jirotheg, Si be allowhd ints in € . Britain, "TRS es © epen. On all deposits allowed, Office Hout, From Po CS on Satur oloséd at 1 o'clock, pr oy ob ONTAR! CAPITAL OSHAWA . OFFICE-SINC FFICE: HOU; to 30% bom, 1 o'clock pam. Banking the usual terms, Dra Canada, Unitpd Stat Bavings Dank ] this Branch, Jhicr over §i 00, yable shawa, July 16th, 1 Money _ REDUCH : 1 AM NOW PR any amount of Mor 'dem or Productive T Lowest Possible » sums ang er t ch be rg you sum. L Investments made + 'and other securities. SILVER AND GILE For further particu " omelal Office - McMilian's April 13th, 1871. WATCHES & JEWELERY," | g the County of On ale in Lump, think *, bereift 10 be se WO BUGGIE of Wagons, for

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