Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 31 Oct 1873, p. 3

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v the citizems of : public generally, ; nd to open busi- rT CERS MERCHANTS, two, m the contre Lo AR Sl an on lock, in Hyland's iilding, cet, Oshaws gl of "stirs | ERIES the. olesale Houses and at the time hing is mew im EIGN A etic Fruit © Fe AND ® ple to offer special ~ to the publie at department of ou CSS. )EALERS IN i mp Fixtures, al Oil, &- ANTED! ty of Butter, Egg® . at the very highes® hu += red to all parts of the Town. onlyn & Dey-ff 7 & § . LOCAL. A ---- Sin . Euiorartox Acext.--Col. Wallace, of Whitby, has been sent hone again &8 an emigration agent. Mup.-=The mud on the streets just now is something appalling in its density sand dirtiness. Regular Pacific Scandal weather . P. Taylor is now impacking » handsome Jot of Silver Plated Goods. New Styles just received from the Factory. W. Dickie is showing a splendid lot of Flannel Shirting and Shirts, Canada Shirts and Drawers, 75 cases Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, English, Scotch and Canada Tweeds, Tailoring in all its branches. A Crry Couvcit.--There will be & meet. ing of the town fathers on Monday even: ing pext. The last regular meeting but one that will be held this year. Trursraxce.--Rev. Dr. Thornton will address the afternoon Temperance Meet- ing in the Sons' Hall next Sabbath, when an interesting and instructive discourse may be expected. Suxpar Afternoon. --We were glad 'to soe our old friend, Mr. 8. Watson, the temperance advocateof Ottawa, at the afterncon temperance meeting last Sab- bath. Mr. Watson gave an interesting and earnest appeal in behalf of the cause. Tanrrsiononsax --Thers will be a dance in Gillett's Hall every Miaday evering, got up by seme of the members of *Vie- #toria Idge, O.Y.B., fo which all are uni- / "ted. A pleasant time is expected. Naw Busivess.--We beg to direct at- tention to the mew advertisemen: of Messrs. Tamblyn & Day, in another column. These gentlemen will open as soon as the premises are ready for them, | the time of which will be duly annodaced. We, wish them every success. Tur Incexpiary THoxrsox.--The man Thompson, nuw in penitentiary for arson was in Whitby last week in a Aabeas corpus to give-evidence in a chancery case. The 1 Chronicle states that an effort will be made to procure a pardon fer him. Mucmavics Institure.--At the annual meeting of the Whitby Mechamics lnsti- tute Directors, there appeared assets to the Institute of $2,650. This is an unflat- tering comment on the conduct of our own Mechanics Institute, which is now in » moribund condition. Hatlows'ex.-- This evening wiil be the suniversary of All Halloween, and great willbe the strife between uabbage and eabbageheads. We trust the bhoys wont perpetrate any tricks of a serious mature, but we would not interfere with innocent spot ; they are welcome to all the vege- tables in our neighbors' cabbage gardens. [ B. C. Axsiversury.-- The Miscionary Anniversary of the Bible Christian Church some off last week, and was quite suc? eessful. Quite a large sum, abont £120 wee taken up in collection. Rev. Dr. Thornton officiated. This congregation, under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Ken- mer, is flourishing, as the energy and Christian spirit of the pastor might sug- gost. Arreg Jinvel Brices. -- A party of | Ametican citizens of African descent, visited us this week. Like Jimuel Briggs they were all D. B'S.--dark beels. They hambugged every ome they came across, and scooped out of town last night, after having sdvertised a grand jubilee per- mance ip Wilson's Hall. Several anxious . poeple are looking for "dat darkey ' | to-day. Mines Accipaxt AT NEwCAsTLE.-- | The schgoner Ariadne, bound down | light, on attempting to leave Port New- castle a fow days since, became' unman- ageable, and drifted on. the point east of the harbor. A tug was ordered 'from Port Hops, but failed te tow her off to- day. The tug Robb, from Toromte, ar- rived, and, sfier several attempts, broke her tow-line, snd also drifted on the! beach, dnd sunk in eleven fdet of water. iil ellis ------ Fias it Marxmau.--A fire was dis. covered in a frame dwelling belonging to Mr. James Robinson on Sunday last, shout 3 o'clock a.m. ' The rool was burnt off, but throngh the' strenuous efforts of the villagers, the shell was saved. The fsside, however, was destroyed, The Sre was evidently the work of an incen- diary, as the house had not besn oceu- pied for several weeks, and the fire was on the roof when discovered. The lose is considerable. Insurance $400. Tes Erracr or Liquon.--The hack- man at Bowmanville station, on going ont on Tuesday last, found an old man lying wader the West railway bridge, having fallen a distance of abont thirty feet. From what could be gleaned his mame is Armstrong, from Datroit. Hs was un- er the influence of liquor, 'and it is sup: posed he had wandered in thie darknosss on to the bridge. = His injuries are of such a nature that it is doubtful if he will recover Dr. Reid is giving the poor man every at- teation. Camaxcx or Busuxess.--J.F. Willax is wow selling off the whele of his Stock of Booke, Stationery, Room Paper &c., ot Twenty per cont Discount on all purchases to the amount one dollar and upwards. Preparatory to moving back to his old stand, in the centre store of that splendid new brick block lately erected by Mr. Wm. Dickie, on the site of the burned buildings. Discount sale for two weeks enly. Cazp or THAEs. --Attention is direct- od to the card of thanks to the Water- tewn Agricultural Insurance Company, through their agent here, John Boyd Esq., from Mrs. Jordan, who suffered 9° «severely in August last, by fire. This company is noted for its prompt and hon: orable payment of losses, and has proved jts title to public confidence. Jost Recsivep.--1f you want to see some nf the handsomast Gold W atches ever imported just go and ask P. Taylor tn show you those 4 ounce 1 nglish Lever Watches. They wil sid very cheap for cash rather than snd them back to the manufacturers as tiey | were not ordered, and it will not pay 1m to keep suck witches in stoes,' | bk: - . Be | introduced and read three scveral times 18 carat Gold | Hurtung Cases full chased J ouble & ring : be | Pickering Township Council. Saturday. Oct. 18th. 1878. The Pickering Council met pursuant to | adjournment. Members all present ex- | cept Mr: Green. Minutes of last meeting | read and confirmed. The Reeve read a communication from | Thos. Holbourn, in reference to the side | road between lots 32 and 33 in Srd renge of broken front con. ; also the petition of | Jacob Heesy and others, asking for a grant | of money to improve the western town line. John Haight was authorized to | build a "ridge over Duffin's Creek, on the | side road between lots 14 and 15. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : Michael Nighswander, for work between 34 and 35 in Tth con., $100; James Geddes, for bullding bridge on Base line, $171.37; 1. B. Orvis, for work on side toad tetween 0 and 7 in 2nd con. | 8120 ; Wm. Dixon for work roads on 3rd con. 860: Ambrose Boon, for work on roads, $100.25 - tieorge Austin, for work on roads, 840; B. Hartrick, for cedar | timbe=, $7; J. Palmer, for plank: and | work on roads, $200.65 ; W. Belchamber, for plauk for bridges, $16.76 ; A. Waddell for werk on 9th con. at lot No. 11, 8143; James Scott, for work on 9th con. at lot | No. 1, $100; Wm. Scott, for work on ! 9th con. at lot No. 7 870; John Murray for plank and work between lots 24 and {20 in 1st con., $7.00; Mrs. M. E. Post, | for cedar timber and gravel, $15; Wm. | Barker, for building bridge in road divi- sion, No. 44, £30; C. Rogers, for work on ! side rod betweeh 6 and 7 in Tth con. 840 ; John C. Spears, for plank for roads, $5.15; F. Meen for laying plank on bridge | and work on roads, £3.25 ; James Taylor, | and Ira Marr, for work on roads, 81 ;W. | Pallister, for plank for tosds, $2.50; H. Ferrier, for work on 2ud con. at lot 23, | 810; J. Irvieg, for wood to widow James | $19.50; W. Broderick, for work on sile | road between lots 2 and 3 in 6th con. 27 25 ; Abram Lott, for gravel supplied | for roads, $12.20; A. Fleury, for road | scrapers, $175.50; Levi Mackey, for gravelling roads, $65; 8. K. Brown, for | building bridge on 6th En. and work on roads, £100; John Barnes, for work on | 8th con. road, $84.31 ; Juha McAvoy, for work on roade, $30; J. Hickingbottom, | for work on roads, $15 ; A. Mackie, $8.50 ; | John Graham, for work on roads, $80.12 | William Hickingbottom, for work on roads £18.36 ; William Ward for work on roads 810 ; "Mrs. Henry Long, for supperting a child, 81225; W. M. Miller, for lumber | for Lridges, $200; H. Munro, for work | on roads, $10 ; Mrs C. W. Matthews for | clothingchild adopted from the muuici- pality, 820; R. McLennan, a-blind man, $25. The petition of Jacob Heisy and others | was granted by appropriating the sum of | 40, on the western town line providing the township of Markham [grant a like | sum on the same road. On motion of Mr. 'Miller, a by-law was | { {and passed. appropriating the sum of ONTRIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ON | 2445.55 received from the municipalities | fund to the nse of the public schools. On motion of Mr. Palaer, the Council stands adjourned till Saturday, the 8th of i November. | BIRTHS. In 8th con. Est Whitby. on the #7thinst., the wite of z. Martin, of a daaghiey. | In Whithy.on the 18th inst. ths wifo of Mr. | H.Rabinsoa, Esq. M.A, of asen. a MARRIAGES. | At the B. C. Parsonage, Ohawa, by the Rev. J. Kenmeg, Oct. 25th, Mr. G. [Djbson, from Orono, to Mrs. Mary Moon, relfe of the late W. Moon, of South Oshawa. | In Beamsville, at the residence of the brides father, on the 22nd inst, by the (Rev. B. Mont- ery, Mr. J. Simonds, of Walkerton. to Miss C. Eimumerman, of Beamsyilie, Ont. At the reside: of the brides fatherin-law, by the Rev. J. B. Edmondson, Mri W. G. Luke, J Mins Sarah Josephine Stickney, East itby. At Whitby, on the 23rd October, by the Rev. John Gerrie, grandfather of the bride, assist- the Rev. Mr. Gibbs of V Will Mr. D. F. Burke, Teller, Ontario Bank. to Miss Anna- Bella Ida Gerrie, daughter of the late Jas. H. Gerrie, Esq. | At St, George's Church, St, Catharmes, on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Holland, Frank Warren, Es M.D..of Brooklis, to Elizabeth, daughter of 'hos. Burns, a On the 26th inst, by Ell. B. JLR ger. at his re- residence inOuhawa, Mr. Wm. Smith, to Miss Matilda Wright, both of Oshawa. A treaty tor the mutual extradition of criminals has been concluded between the goveruments of Ggeat Britain sud Swee- den and Norway. ' { . It is now reported that Riel hag re- turned to the States t ; -- a me Commercial. osmAWA MARKET bushel, v | Marrow. fut Potatoes, ¥ bushel, Ege, pples. | res | Timoth COONIO~0D00O0 OOOO =WT 82.8888 INYSZIZUES 8 Wheat, ¥ bushel,.. Barley, do "" Peas, do do Oats, do Rye, Reco" 8883853 Becoo~ sse=ace "FALL MILLINERY, ali vE HAVE NOW. ON HAND A Ww large and well selected sock of MILLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHINGS Call and examine it at Brook's Milinery Store, Simcoe Street, 3 doors North of the New DBuild- nigs. sd . NOTICE. UBLIC ' NOTICE IS HEKEBY given that at a meeting ¢ the Council of ihe Corporation 80 Ue NIA TY, ihe ord dey Whit! to be On i ' NOVEMBER SEXT,a By-law will be passed to define and ari the limit . of the several | Bechool Sections ad Union ool Sections of .| the said Township of Kast thy, of which all School Trusteesand other ns interested wili take notice, and govern: Lgmselves ac- CORBY. oi of the Cou isl y WH EEALL, Tp. Clerk. Clerk's Office, Columbus, Oct] 6h, 1873. B4in | Farm for Sale OR TO REIT. | (CRE SIsTIRG OF 100 ACRES 80 id i ood state preservation, Cleated bbl TI % Fast Whitby, Number 17, 5th con. beind ae ilies of Ushuw a. There are good Luiicing® thereon, consisting oi frame Louse, | capucivtis Lai m, snd other cut-buildings, root | Louse, fi k-house, eic., thereon. Apply to 3 PHINEAS HENRY, ' ir b, kitted to Oshawa Post | Gme JRGPEISE: 4F be #iniin-pd PETS SE (a 'sSSug yp Aowely isoddo © js dn "WIIG MON IAL; Lrepug OL, I, 0) poromrod sey (uedwo) SuEpull JOWLI0JIY 0 WIM It Highest price paid Fon Re Izsolvent Act of 1869: IN THE MATTER OF J. J. HALL, Af Insolvent, THE UNDERSIGNED EDWARD Major, of the township of Uxbri in the County of Ontarie have been sppointed assignes in this matter Creditors are requested to file their claims be- fore me within one month, and- they are hereby yotified to meet at the Law office of Messrs. rech wood & McMillar, in the Town of Whitby h the sald county of Ontario, on Wednesday, he TWENTY S1XTH day of November, 1573, at hree o'clock, p.m. for the purpuse of examining he Insolvent and ordering of the affairs of the estate generally, Dated st Glen Major's ) in the township of » Uxbridge 21st Oct. 1873 ) EDWARD MAJOR Assignee. Estate of James Malyon deceased. EXECUTORS NOTICE. N PURSUANCE OF THE STATUTE of the late Province of Canada 29 Viet. Cap. Sec. 37, notice is hereby given that all redit: other ns having any debt or claim sg the Estate of James Malyon the township East Whithy, in the or of and Provinos of Outario deceased who about the 24th day of September, 1372, by required to send in particulars of r claims to John Banner, Brooklin Post he Exseutors of the said deceased the persons entitled thereto, having re- the debts and claims, only of which they then have had notice, and the said Exeou- will net be liable for the assets so distribut- to aay person of whose debt or claim they have had notice at the time of such stribution. And notige is hereby. also, given all parties indebted 16 the said Estate. that Prem must be forthwith made to the said zecutors, Dated this ud day of September, 1873. R. McGEE, Selisitor for the Egeeutors. NOTICE: PPLICATION WILL BE MADE to the Legislature of Ontario, at its next m for the passing of an Act confirming and declaring legal and binding the Sale and eonveyance of certain Lands by the Trustees of the Oshawa Congregation of the Canada Pres- Church, formerly constituting the United Pr bierian Church, of Whitby, to the Reverand Ro! Hill Thornton,of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontarin, D.D., Clerk, sich Tail being part of Let Naber n the S, d i of the said Township of Bast Whithy, described as follows : mencing on the Western limit of the said , at the distance of Ten Chains and Sixty-six | Links from the South-west angle tiereof thence | North Sixteen degrees, West Fourtoen chains | snd Thirty-four links more or less, to the centre | of the South half of the said Int, thence North Seventy-four degrees, Fast Four chains and Thirty<nine and one-half links, thence South | Sixteen degrees, East Twenty chains more or | less, to a point situate Five chains from the | Southern boundary of the said Lot, thence South Seventy-four . West Twelve links, thence South Sixteen degrees, East Five chains, mors or less, to the said Southern boundery thence South Seventy-four degrees, West Shirtf.nine and one half links, thence North teen degrees, Wast Ten chains and Sixty-six links, thence South Seventy-four degrees, res chains and Eighty-eight links more or ) less, to the plaee of beginning. Ostober Sth 1873. 2%-6in, Bowmanville Advertisement. | M. MAYER: BOWMANVILLE, respectfully calls the attention | of all who are desirous of hav- | ing their FURS Changed. or Repaired and that he will be pleased to have their orders earlp, so that | no delay may occur. He would call attention to his large stock of MINK ALASKA 'FURS, Buffalo Robes, &c. all of which will be found ex- cellent value. RAW FURS M. MAYER. 3-28-1m. Particular Wotice. Steele Brothers, in order to accomodate their in- creased trade are now ENLRGING axp REFITTING Their store and premises, and with very large additions to their Stock | now coming forward, will have on | exhibition and sale in a few days, The richest designs in NEW CHINA. The most varied display of NEW CROCKERY. | The handsomest LAMPS and GLASSWARE, | The finest Currants, new crop 1873. The finest Valencia Raisins, 3 new crop, 1873. The finest Green and Japan Teas. new crop, 1873, | Hhds of NEW SUGARS. and all lines of their business replete with goods quite beyond anything | they Lave 'heretofore offered to the public. : && Full lists will be given on the completion of importations. In the meantime please call and test qualities and prizes. a Hurrah, for Old Mo. 1 om the Corner. T., r¥;DAY, OCTOBER 81 183. -- » © LY J. W. FOWKHZE, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, IS NOW CLEARING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AN. ALARMING SACRIFICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALL GOODS! Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks and Lustres, Ss 7 BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES KC, KC, |THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN J. W. FOWKE, Oshawa, Sa THE MOST STYLISH RIGS ON THE ROADS, ARE KNOWN AS BAMBRIDGES LOOK AT THIS! Just arrive] at the sign of the BIG TEAPOT, a large assortment of STOVES all of the Newest Patterns and Latest Improvements, BOTH COAL which will be sold very CHEAP for CASH. | AND WOOD. EAVETROUGH of every description very cheap. OAL OIL, &c., cheap as usual. STOVEPIPES, Plain and fancy Tinware, 29~Cash paid for sheep skins. "8m Remember tha place SIGN OF THE BIG TEAPOT, KING STREET, OSHA WA September, 17th, 1873. D. FETCHETT. TRE CORPORATION OF OSHAWA | | offer for sa's Village Debentures to the | smeunt $7,000, with coupons attached for in-| terest, pasable semi-anhudlly #t the rate of 6 per cent. per ahnum. Purchasers may offer for the whole or any portion of the abuve amount. Address W. F. COWAN, Reave. Oshawa, August 27th, 1873. nt ~ NOTICE. THE PORT WHITBY AND PORT Peery Railway Company will a ply to the Legislature of Ontario, at its ext Kanto, for an Act amending the Act of Inearyoration of said Company, passed in the thirty -second, thirty-third, thirty-fourth and thirty-fitth years of Her Majesty's Reign, hy changing by chang- ing tha name of the C reviv, sections numbered too and an Dh od in the thirty.second. year of ajesty's Reign and chaptered sixty, also sections num- bered one, twa, three and four of Act passed in the tEifty-Afh year of Her Majesty's Reign and chaptered fifty-six, be giving the Company power to extend their Railway to Lake Symone at or near Beaverton, afl ta Hultd & heasch to Ushridge, and a branch from Port P to Lindsay, ana thence to Fenolon Falls, with an extension of time for the commencement a completion thereof with power totake ad onal Jands at Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and U dge, also that said Company may be empowered to extend th {tw present terminus » afton and Gravenhurst tg the sérgian Bay, with rannlng power: over the parts of any railways on the line of the prope extension, also with power to said Company to baild twa or more branches from some point or points on the Company's Railway, within the Corporation of the Town of Whithy, at or near ita southerly terminus, to some oth: . in said Corporation near the watter of Lake ' Ontario, and ont to high Water, with wer to take additional lands to the extent of twenty acres, at or near such branches, also by giving the Nall way power to lease Any or any parts of any railway connected with the Company's Railway and for power to the shareholders to fix hy Sydaw the number, quorum ireetore, a ot Dated at Whithy, this 9th day of October, 1873. PROCLAMATION Removal of Business. ualifications and purposes. 37-3n, J. A.GIBSON| BESS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS A Dand customers that he has REMOVED into his > (w 1lte¥, next to the - Bazk, Simeco Street, Where he will be prepared as usual to receive heir orders. Having now elegant and commodious premis- o8 at ite disposal, he is now showing & largery and better assort-d stock of Stationery Faney Goods, Wall Paper, &c., than wasever before brought into Oshawa. J. A. GIBSON. Oshawa, July 3th, 1873 181y Fresh Oysters. a Ts UNDERSIGNED HAS ON hand the vey best of kands of fruit in season. Fresh Oysters are now being received ov. day, and will be on hasd either by the can or a bulk duriag the STEELE BROS, Grocers and Secdsmen. Oshawa, Oct. 1Cth. 1873. scason. | Fresh Salmon, Fresh Lobsters, Sardines. Stand dire ctly opposite REFORMER Office. Give mea call. $m JOH GIBIOX. f © First-Class Investment | J OSHAWA COAL DEPOT AVING RECEIVED MY FULL stock 1 am prepared to supply Zcranton Egg, Stove and Choanut, also best quality of MASSILON for Grates) well screened and delivered without elay. 1 desire to return thanks tb my aka to my customers for past patronage, pe to re- ceive a continuance of their eo. Orders, until office is completed loft at Keddle & Rice's, or with D. Drew, will be promptly filled. J.o.auY. Oshawa, Sent. 15, 1888. 3-331, ATEINSONS Drug Store, Nest doot to Wightman's ** Golden Lion." RUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, D Scented Soaps, French and English Perfumery, Hair Rrushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a general assortment of DYE STUFFS. EVERYTBING opsux BEST QUALITY And Strictly Genuine. Oshawa, Sept. 28th, 1873. : ¥ FALL WINTER. CLOTHING. 'LATEST STYES. AND BEST QUALITY. ----tt CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR + He Bas just received his Which will be found complete. the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- NEW STOCK, "pgYCHOMANCY, Jaautiful Vest and Fant Patterns, Jlothing of all kinds made to order on EE --------.. e ---------------- coon Eh jj As FIRST-G 8870CTAVEPIANO BOcts a day for on: year will buy a Magnificent Organ, R. WELLINGTON'S. Notico to Squatters he -- ON PUBLIC LANDS. HE ATTENTION OF SQUATTERS on the Public Lands is specially called te Fe ein 11. 'what Ayia erein on Crown Lands ia StHetly forbidden. nq No claim to purchase land by right of actupa- will be entertal unless stich occupants was a bona fide settior on the land with substantial] improvements at the tiie it Inapectfon, snd 0 ported ne . Improvements mad - any Crown Sp sno the time of such Fo spection, will be Jost to the ogo ust. occupation has been authorize! by Depart- ment THOS. H. JOHNSON, ~~ sis' ant Commissioner, Department of Crown Lenls, © ute, April lst, 2873. - Dominion Bank OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THE N following calls on the alloted Stock of the Dominion Bank, have been made the Directors, and the same are pay- le st the Banking House in Toronto, as follows : i 10 per cent. and premiim of 5 per cent poy ist July, 1873. do 1st Aug. 1873. do " " 1st Sept. " " "20d Oct. *- "" "3rd Nov. 1] " " 4th Dec. "« "bth- Jan 1874 - "5th Feb. ** "" " oth March " 0 " "Osh April ** (By order of the Board.) R. H. BETHUNE, Cashier. 3-15-tf. Toronto, 28th May, 1873. 9) uo Aeuotu OA®ES guodsar wITy 'Ploy wed NoA ue) Ie3ew £ Anq pmoys nox 'CEN HITH.H I HL 3 'eMBYSQ 980M J00138 SUT 'SNUOHLMVH ©} 0D. nok pug Tele PUL JI0M\ ©U3 103 e1q -907g oY} woiy SHOHS pue §100d Ino FIRE | FPIRE! Oshawa Coal. AND WOOD YARD! I HAVE ON HAND AND I'OR SALE » large quantity of Dest Beech & Maple, ever offered in Oshawa. Also any quantity of soreened Lackawanna Lehigh Scranton . Egg and Stove Coals. BLACKSMITH AND MOUNT TEAR | 1] 4 st Arrived '(, (By Steamship Polynesian) el SAND Now Being Opened = | AT F. MRAE, & 00'S. THE LARGEST . ASSORTM nO IMPORTED GOODS F---- FEVER BROUGHT INTO OSHAWA. Latest Parisan Styles --IN-- DRESS G00DS AND MILLINERY. THE LATEST FASHIONS | --INe-- English & American SooDE. The Newest Shades aca] N--a Fall Flowers Tne Latest Patterns dN. Kid Gloves. ; le 'F. MCRAE & CO. ¢.HODDER - King Street. CENTS' CLOTHING AND-- / Outfitting Establihment. BR - SPLENDID STOCK 0" HATS © --AND---- CAPS, CHEAP Pa BE SURE AND CALL HODDERS' Oshawa, July20th,1873. 16- Only reliable Gift Distribution In the Country. $75,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS, TO BE DISTRIBUTED: IN I. D. SINE'S! 104TH RAGULAR MONTHLY GIFT ENTERPRIZE. To be drawn Monday, Nov. 24th, 1873, Grand Ossh Prim of Morris' SOFT COALS, delivered to any part of the town ab lowes ra' : o. Send In your orders aid get your 1in while the weather and roads are good. Call for price i onals weighed on town scales, Welght ' © and measures gusranteed. A. Alezander. Oshawa, Sept, 17th 1878. SOVL-OEARNMING." Slow either sex mas Zascinate and gath the Jove affection nny person they choose, in al sconirc.nent all 25 cents, tor~ther Oriele, ERT {+}

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