Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 31 Oct 1873, p. 2

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NEWS OF THE WEEK. | Condensed from Telegraphic Despatches, OATAKIO REFORMER, OSuAwa, FRIDAY, uCTOBER 81, 1878. - crm ------- THANKSGIVING DAY, NOV. 6TH. Meeting of Ministers of several ovan- gelical churches in Oshawa. Presen Rev. Dr. Thornton, Rev. J. Kenner, Rev. R. B. Montgomery, and Rev. Win. Seott. Dr. Thornton was called to the chair. eet tet er Ait, --, ce SPEAK NOW. a most sarcastic manner fo expose the rockless style of slander and inuend which Dr. Tupper had indwiged in, and told him he dared not attempt, as he had promised, to make "good hig charges. He repudiated the libel that he, Mr. Huntington had any srrangement with STRAWS SHOW WHICH WAY THE WIND BLOWS. "Even your Lordship snd Mr. Sladstons have his view of the position of John A. and Bat eacapel. for It has b6 0 ore mt have boon | C0'y., (trade mark, 27, limited) should be got at by Sir John Macdonald, and that the law (cq before Earl Kimberley and fMicers of Her Majesty were instructed to ocon- a their the House of Commo-:s here HOUSE. OF COMMONS. Lord Dafferin was very careful that Torsoay, Ocroner 28tm. The steamehip Jemalia, a menth ont irom New Youkd for Glasgow, has not The PACIFIC SCANDAL DEBATE Gran Trunk Time Table. OSHAWA STATION. MONTREAL TIME. --_ demn the Oaths Bill contrary to legal con- victions." PRE TY wwmid Chas, 3EBEER EE vA = { 1 "> fear Es sven * ea a EB > Pty HT oe ] been heard from, and is thought to 'have Leen lost. -- L Bx 22am, Mized cv The Tichborne case has concluded its | Mizsd.. 33 nm. | Passenger defence of the claimant. ' BY Joftns wrsT, GOING RAST. | Possenger.... R15a.m. | E 8 4 ps WHITBY STATION. The Jesuits will leave Rome on the | East leave Whitby Station ten 2nd of November. | Minato earlier, and shose going West Aficen En TO : 2 | Miaw'es later than the above, Liections in France are resulting favor- : - . es ably to the Republican party. ¥ Pera was accidently shot or The Ontario Beform Ogcensburg yesterday. "_ The Union Trust Company of Now | -------- ten York is reported ruined beyond redemp- | (Oshawa Friday, Oct. 31th, 1873 | tion. The financial panic continues. | : bagh , - Iron Manufacturers of Pittsburg have | 3 resolved to reduce wages. 10 per cont. | THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL AS A Cold weather is modifying the yellow | PARTIZAN. J feverravages in the south. ! : j Jos. Arch has deferred his trip through | One would have thought, that in assum the United States tiil next spring. | ing the high and responsible position of Claude Duval wasaccidently drowned | chief magistrate of the foremost depend. =t Quebec on Saturday. { ency of the Empire, a man of Lord Duffer-: Ounimet (Ministerial) has besn elected | in's cultrre, acqnirements; and political for Laval by a majority of 474. Conser- | oxperience would have endeavored to tarn Tative Juss since last election of 600 votes to 'his best advantage the opportunities ie Chat fori. laced in his way of establishing an hon- A man named Bowerby was killed »t | P Fay Ahiging A St. TlLomas yesterday by being percipated | orable and lasting reputation. The cordial from a scaffold. ¥ | welcome with which he was greeted on His Alfred Woolwich, of Montrose, Wibl- | adveut to Canada ought: to have prompted 'ich Township, accidentally shot himself 0") Lord Dufferin in his defence of the Gov- ernment takes oceasion to insinuate in the quotation above that even the Colon- ial Office and the (mperial Government had *" not escaped" censure in the Oppo- sition press, hoping thereby to prejidice the Home authorities Fiinat the oppo- nents of ** My Premier." is also note: worthy that while endeaveri ng to cast all possibledircredit upon the testimony of Mr. McMullen, he omits to inform Lord Kim- berley that Senator Foster, whose veracity he niust have known to be unimpeachable, - corroborated Mr. McMullen's statements from his own knowledge, in the most positive manner. So also, we observe that while Lerd Dufferin professes that |: the protest of the 96 members was the first intimation he had of the desire for a session in August, he deliberately disre- gards the fact that he had been petitioned by the people not to proregue the House, and ignores the existence and the rights of twe thousand signers of those petitions in' this Riding. The more we examine Lord Dufferin's extraordinary paper, the more the partizan and unfair spirit which at the earliest possible moment, and even a little earlier than decency would have suggested. It should be noted that Lord Dafferin's pamphlet was written before the sitting of the Royal Commission. We should like to hear what he thinks now, that he hes had a chance to hear John A. swear to his own infaniy. Will he not have the benefit of his present opinion. We warrant lus devetion to:"my Pre: mier" has received a rude shock. In Angust last he was afllictel with a sort of political cac.s'hes soribendi ; let him not \hold his hand now. 3 LETTING THEMSELVES DOWN EASY. The day after the Bouth Huron elec- tion, when the corruptionists. exulted in the belief that Cause was elected, thay re- joiced and.were exceedingly glad, feeling that indeed had their horn been exalted. Prostrated from this lofty pinnacle of de- light, by the disheartening fact that the Reform candidate had been really elected "'spenk now," and let the Parliament of | filled with the crowd. Canada and the Imperial Government | WANT OF CONFIDENCE MOTION. (By Telegraph from our own Reporter.) Orrawa, Oct. 28 The House met yesterday promptly at 3 oclock. The galleries were densely packed, and even the reporters pew was The appearance of the floor of the House as well as of the | galleries, demoted intense interest of what was git g forward. There was none of the levity generally observed among the members, but every one seemed impress- ed that a crisis in the history of the Can- adian Parliament had arrived, such as had never yet been witnessed. John A. looked particularly ill at onve, and shifted uneasily in his seat after the manner of a criminal, awaiting the verdict of a jury. Mr. Gibbs' seemed ill at ease beside the late Finance' Minister, Hincks, aud evi- dently felt as much at home, to use: a homely expression, as a bull in a china shop. Other members of the Cabinet cast uneasy and distrustful glgnces at their hope and pride, Sir John, and the Northern Pacific Railway promoters, and declared he would submit his whale course of action, to any Com. mittee of the House, as a proof that he had used no unworthy meaus to obtain information or been actuated by improper motives. He contrasted the outrageous assault made ow him by Sir John A. before the latter knew the Allan Jetters were in his (Mr. Huntington's) possession with his sycophantish compli- ments when these letters were shaken in the Premier's face. After reading his original clmrges, he@tated that Sir Francis Hincks had introduced the Americans to Sir Hugh Allan. This Sir Francis denied and a little scene ensned, which left the irascible knight in rather a worse pisition than if he had beewsilént. - Interspersing his remarks with good tempered raillery of his opponents, which raised peals of laughter, he proceeded to show by the evidence addnced hefore the Commsission, how literally accurate were the statements he had prefaced his motion with on the 20d of April. His speech, which lasted Mr. Scott was requested to act as Sec- retary. It was agreed that divine worship witht preaching, should be held in the Baptist Church, commencing at 10.30. The service to be opened with singing and prayer, to be conducted by the Rev. R. B. Montgomery, sermon to be preached by Mr. Seott, or in case.of his unavoidable absence, by Rev. Dr. Thornton. The ser- vice te conclude with singing and prayer, by the Rev. B. L. Hutton. { In recognition of the goodoess of God and in token of gratitude for mercies re- ceived, it wasagreed to ammounce that a collection wpuld be taken up at the close of the service, in behalf of ths Boys' aod Girls' Home of the gity of Toronto. { WM. 'SCOTT, v Secretary. Oshawa, Ost. 30th, 1873. Go to P. Taylor's if You want to get the latest styles of every descriptions of Watches, . Clocks and Jewellry, Vases, Toilet Sets and all kinds of Fanfy Goods, ofl new importtiaons. Beg to notify the citizens of Oshawa and public Benerally, GROCERS AND ' > him to_a rigid adherence to the judicial oad throng the head, while out shooting and impartial discharge of his duties, yealer@ay. | 0 Lodges call on the Government while some of his. public expressions gaye ---------- vange Lod - -- - «Qo jer' tion for at esty | ground for hope that such wonld have ™ ny t akon Lasgthier atuotion for 45 suenty been his course. The fate of Sir Francis A SCURVY PROCEEDING. | Head, stood before him as a beacon light to warn him away from political breakers until pati pant ene Jelockin the morning must be read in extenso to be appreciated Orrawa, Ocr. 29rn. The debate was resumed last afternoon, by that old war-horse Sir F. HINCKS, once an ammal of good points but mow dictated it becomes manifest. wrathfully at the stern features of the member for Lambton. One uoticeable feature' of the appearance of the House was the contrast in talent which was de- cidedly in favor of the Opposition. Three petitions against sitting members after all, they covered the soreness of their wounds by affected boasting that the Conservatives had still "gained 357" votes in South Huron. The fact is, how- over, that in reality the Conservative vote was 57 less than at the last election. 1f the PROVISION MERCHANTS. t in a week or two, in the cvmtpe If you want to see the largest, best snd most varied stock of Shirt Studds, Cuff and Collar Buttons, svitable for either Ladies and Gentlemen, go to P. Taylor's. nmi A ------ WepxEsDAY, Oct. 29th. Col. Waolsley has reached Africa, to eo When the Government moved the of the New Block, in Hylands .candnct the Ashantee war, | which cannot be opposed by any one in "Thros persons ware yesterday killed in rdoption of the reply to the address, and the leader of the Opposition in amend- Tories can derive any comfort from this fact, they are decidedly welcome to it. | for South Perth, Dundas and Brockville | were thrown ot by the commitee, as now broken-down, spavined, and gener- ally used up. ~ The splendid effort of Mr. Letter from Rev. J. Salmon, M. D. Chipman, Queen's County, ¥. 3. Mr. Jas. | Fellows--Sir, in the practice his position, but to their own hurt. So Losdon on the underground railway. | long ae he conacigntionsly adhered to the ment moved a vote of want of confidence A revclt has taken place among the | course marked out for himself at Halifax, | in the Ministry, according to all under- insergent troops in. Spain. he could have been assured of the cordia) | $00d rules of Parliamentary custom, after The Bazaine trial gres on, evidence support of the sountry, ind the malice debate, the House should be divided yesterday was rather wore favorable for ' . upon the want of cenlid ti 1 the prisoner. of opponents and the sycophantic adula- P enca motion. In Prince Bismark has been re-appointed | tion «f fawiing parisites would have | the case now before the country, how- President. of the Prussian Ministry, in ;beenalike innocuous. When, however, he | €VeT the Government have adopted a - place of Gen. Von Roon. T lent himself to the designs of ** iny Prime | cOrse neither creditable to themselves rhot dead mn Chippews, by the accidental | Minister," ou the 13th of Angust, it was | ner in accordance with wvsual practice. dirclarge of a gan of a person whom be evid:nt that his good resolutions were as | They put up Macdonald of Pictou, (an was giving a ride. | ; . { odoro i i ; i " wnstable as wax, in the summer's sun, | *dorous name) to move a motion in The barn of David Barr, at Woodstock, amendment, totally unconnected 'with the ig i iary. snd grave distrust of his good faith was : A 3 ured Tat ig by = insta: naturally felt. Nevertheless the country subject at issue, and calculated to secure Tt is reported at Madrid that the Car. | was anxious to believe that he wasarviuat- | # support for ths Government they could Jists have fired on a British war vessel, ed by a sincere thongh mistaken sense of | Pot get upon the amendment of Mr. Me- killing one man. | hisjduty, and reserved judgement, until | Kenzie. The Government dared not There is another panic on the Bourse of ¢.¢ ultimate developements of the case | boldly and straightforwardly accept the Building, Ring Street, Oshawy Having bought their entirg stock of go GROCERIES from one of the an d fort] | Huntington, considered by many as the The Outario Government can stand a good | there ceuld be found no ground for them. finest oratorical display ever heard in the h "QC ti ins." All these const'tuencies, be it noticed, , . AY us a Io returned Reform members, and the event House of C mmons, Bad Sap wed the ¢ | ardor of the Ministerialists, and when isa somplete Srevoe 3 the: hw | Hincks aross, it was evident that he was up $ Ppos His speech i | beside himself with passion- The English journals have ncw had an candidates. was full of peevish irritation, and childish | to the whele nervos systent. I ean safely opportunity of examining the evidence | M. LANTIIIER, a supporter of John | 4 impotent venom. He charged Mr. | and consistently recommend your invala- before the Royal Commission and Sir | A., moved for an address to the Queen, Huntington with having circalated the able preparation in a variety of cases, es- John A.'s excuses as made out in his | praying for amnesty to Riel and his fel | report of Sir John Macllonald's suicide, pecially for Chest disenses, having suceess- journals. Of the latter they say : i low assassins. i H WETS fully prescribed 't m Bronchitis, Asthma, : It was understood that | [,.. ypat gentleman promptly and indig- | Debility from Liver Complaint, Debility * As for the Canadian Ministry, the | the Government dared not tackle the | parallel 'that is attempted to be drawn be- | gnestion, andgot it introduced by one of nantly pronounced the btatement false. yim Fevers, and Debility from Lmpover- : | Hi i Sai Grey, | ished Blood. = tween their conduct and the alleged poli- | ¢heir followers, in order, if possible, to | Hindka aio fnavited Ne der, 3 Ss I am Sir, yours tly, tical expenditure of English political clubs ¢ | as being a Minster of ¢ 8 Suspe' AC. Ye. JAMES SALMON, is quite inexact, for no English political | ceived another check which put him to club is identified with a summercial or- Practicing Physician and Surgeon. ati v ¢ It had been stated by Government | shame. an: y gon. Largest Wholesale Houses J ganization entering into a comtract with | | SO RE 8 ; "4 | papers that Prince Edward Island mem- | Seeing Hinek's failure, Sir Jehn put up em' BR dusrtic 4 . ) { Government. ! | 2 4 ew Ddvertisements. 1 * Vieuria. 'The Government is endeavoring | 1 place him in a light sufficiently | challenge thrown out by Mr. Mackenzie, Of the former, the following 's their { bors would move and second thereply to | Mr. MACDONALD of Picton, (he who 3 oe ------ mn Canada, and at the file to effect a settlement of the financial strong to give a decided color to his | aud test' the sense of the: House upon judgement : the address, bat those gentlemen pru- |'noced the vote of eensure on the Press - ry § | > A of King John of Saxony, at niotives and character. Time has proved | their merits, but must need have resork| « That Sir John Macdonald and bis | dently declined the honor, and John A. { for expressing an opinion of the Govern- the Royal Chateau, at Pilnitz, six miles Lord Dufferin, we regret to say it, saa | to a flimsy trick to save themselves. We | colleagues have been gnilty of practices | had to go back on two rogular followers, | one) Mr. Macdonald took up the Tup- "from Dresden, is announced this morning. | most decided partizan--no longer the true | trust the House will not be led away from which dessrvésevare condemnation intheig Witton and B.by, peronian argument. It was wrong to A dense fog hangs over London to-day. the question at issue by the specious dev: | elation to the' Pasific Railway we must of medicimes I haye recommended your Compound Syrup ef Hypophesphites, aud have found invariably the following re- sults : Greater freedom in the action of the Lungs, increased and more easy ex- pectoration in cases indicated by dry Cough; and decided angmentation of tone THE FINAL JUDGEMENT. make it an open question. 5 Tx To le Age USBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES; Fathers, take care of your children ; Housekeepers, do not abuse your scrvants, but get one of v Vg when everything is now ® adi x dN Son it Wr p-- Fi - ¢ LIN Numerovs accients have occurred in the rireets, and at this hour, 12.30 p.m., ] :comotion is almost suspended. The old Paris Opera House, Paris was entirely destroyed be fire this morning, Gen. Sir Garnet Wolsely, corumander of - the Aghautee expedition, towk ont instruc. tions to offer the Ashantees peace, on con- dition that they lay down their a~ms and . with draw fron the territory under British rrotection. A cable telegram has been received at Yitawa announcing the death of Mr. Wi, Mixer, chief Dominion emigration agent in Englard, which ocenrred in Loudon 1 esterday, The jury in the Stokes case returned » erdict of manslaughter in the third «agree, and S:'okes was sentenced to four yeets iu the State prison at hard labor. representative of the Crown, alike the head of the Government and the protce tion of the Opposition, but the blind and weak tool of Ministers themsclves with- out character, the advocate and special pleader in behalf of a ani that party the most corrupt that ever cursed Blind to Lis own interest, party, any country. recreant to his duty, unmanly in his aec- Lord Dufferin must be henceforth regarded as the subservient tool of the Privy Council, not its head and restraint. Ou the re-assembli' g of the House cn tions, the 231d iust., there was submitted to the House by copies of an dressed by Lord Dufferin to the Colonial Sccretary, with areply thereto. Of the the Government, printed | ces. of | claborate memorial ad- | John A. and the of the Government--Pictou Macdonald. THE RIEL DIFFICULTY. appease' the Freuch members, have put one of their followers, M. Lanthier, to move for an address to the Crown for an amnesty-for all offenses and crimes com- mitted in Manitoba previously to that to shirk the responsibility, the Govern- jackall The Speaker of the House of Commons has received official notification of Riel's election for Provencher, ard in order to Province joining Confederation. In order ment will leaye the matter an open hE still think." i ---- i -------- THE SCOTT MURDER. We give to-day, on the first page, the evidence of the Rav. George Young, ih reference to the foul assassination of Thos. Scott, at Fort Garry. "Let every reader mark: well the atrocity -and truculent natrre of the deed, withaut one extennat- ing circumstance, and lot them decide whether they will submit "to have the black-hearted red handed murderer take bis place in Parliament as the equal and ber for South Ontario. tat . , the peer of that illustrious Norman-blooded | The first paragraph of the address con- | spend money in elections. No money has gratulating Prince Edward Island on its spent in his Province, | entry into the union, was carried 'unani- | of by himself or friends. | mously. |. On the second chase, referring to'the | charges, he said. It was not shown that | | the Government had spent money, and been Royal Commission being pu% 3 Hof, Ms. i Jose and said f they had done so. 'Ha charged all and | § wodld bo Lis Vaty to, put an amend. sundry who opposed Sir John Macdonald { ment-- The motion he would make was : rep a : wy: : | : ' | us being disloyal, &e., &c. His speech | one of no party character, Lu: he leliev- | wos roreivel with denwive chocea. { ed it would be supported by a majority of | an La | the members of the Huse. He reviewed | In concluding, Macdonald 'moved "in amendment to Mr. | the courso of the Government since 1867 Mackenzie's motion, | do their duty to the country but to mair- | So 0" 10 in evidence before us, snd tain themselves ar office. He showed how | while we regret the outlay of mency by they gradually lost the confidence of the | all pelitical parties at Parliamentary elec. - . | Call and | There was no truth in the Huatington | i | monials from La | Canadian Senate, | at all events thcy would be justified if Bunnell's Patent Washing Machines, and satisfy yourselves that they are the best Machine df the kind ever introduced, and will save the cost of themselves in a very short time, them at J. W. Archer's Furniture Store, King Street, and read some of the testi. undry men up to members of the AF Agents wanted, \ Apply to JOHN 8. MIX, Oshawa. | showing that their poliey'had been not to | "And we dusire to assure Your Excellen. | ¥ 4 | cy that after consideration of the stite. | Ontario Bank! DIVIDEND NO. 33. J OTICE ISHERERBY GINEN, THAT a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. upon the Capital Stock of this institution, for the cur. rent half year, has this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its branclios, on and aller Monday, Ist day Dec'r. next, FOREIGN AND = Domestic Fruif hope to be able to offer special ; Ve & 100 inducements to- the publie at More financial failures are reported in question. The object of the dodge is people, aud their desperate condition | tions, and'desire the most stringent men. | THe TISh et Houkt DHE 53, CLAN fom he : : aa New Yurk, Mobs in Indiana are attacking and reaking open the gaols, and anarchy signs. ; A rivlent snow storm visited Buffalo | V8 and many places in Canada last night. a lengthy special pleading on the part of the Governor-General in behalf of him- | self and his Miniiters, Iwperial Government a aiming at secur: from the first it is only neceseary to state that it is | mark of approval of both, evidently with | Literary Notices. Perens' Musicar Moxtauy, No 75, for November, is to hand, and contaips. its useful amount of fine songs, choruses, and instrumental piano music. This work is however transparent, as while Ministerial supporters will sustain the motion, they will come to Ontario and claim that they didn't expeet this motion to cover Riel's case, the murder of Scott having ocenrred previously to the last genera! election. | "UF to put an end to the practice, we at . "| the same time beg leave to express our He thought the fact that while the nail | nad soap a di in Your Excellency's contract iiivolving $25,000 was annually | adiisers and . in' their administration of subniitted to Parliament, one involving public affairs." 230,000,000, and-50,000,000 acres of land | DAVHD GLASS, : the Censervative | Bowmanville, Oct. 21st, 1573. | subsequently to Confederation, while those printed from full-size music plates, and a iE i w fhe ttl ' 8 { ™ iL Prenton, tiie murderer. of Mrs. Payne wnd her child at Pet rhoro, has been ssutenced tu be hanged on the 11th of ! D .zembor. : Bowmanville L. O, L. has sent in a pe test auninst the admission of Risl to Parliament. i 'v6is. Thu ab has appeared in London. | i hiel Justice Richards refused to allow 3 Larrister tv plead at Kingston yesterday Lecniise he had not vn a white tie. | A despatch from Fort Garry says: Riel has been waiting at St. Panl for | Liehot. The former gues t» Ogdensburg | nud awaits the result of the latter's visit to | firtawa. | Lopine's ination for. the der of | Scott bas been brought to a close. The | {dloving iaJudge Betournay's decision : | d a made cut case. erefore wy judgement is : That you, Ambrose Lepine sand committed to the common gaol of 1mis Province watil the next Criminal | sizes for the Province of Manitoba, of | ther sud Terwiner General Gaol | Meiivery, when bills of indictment will Ls preferred agsinet you for the offence sil which you staud charged." -- -- © --ee According to a telegram in a Ministerial paper the strength Sof the Opposition at! Dntawa is adiitred t be as follows: On- rio, bi; Quebec, 27; Nova Scotia, 8, cp perhaps 9; New Brunswick, 8. Ths woowoud give 8 total of 95. Manitoba, +o Brith Columbia, and Prince Edward Island are considerstely omitted from the count. As itis pretty well jundursto d hat the three Manitobans remain firm in skeis _reseive to oppose the Government Mn the constitutional question, and four of the mx Prince Edward represeutatives sre.in sympathy with the Opposition, the y «<dmission on the part «f° the organ's Jttaws correspundent is really a coufes- sion of anticipated defeat. 1f every mem- ber voted, ezcept Dodge, who iis absent, «ud Riel, who is not likely to put in an * ppearance, only 203 votes could be cast, of which 102s the greater half. | te his inclination. { and Np. 198, of the 18th August; givi the inteut to be used to influence the sense of the Ilouse apd the conntry in | faror of the Government. The reply to 99 pages octavo,of closely printed matter, is very short and curt,and if it means any- thing, ean it be otherwise than construed as a courteous suub for a seemingly child- ish and uncalled for bore. Like the Delphic 0 ac!,'t has atwo-e iged n eaning, which is left to the reader to interpret according It is as follows : "The Earl of Kimborley to the Earl of Duffermn. + Downing Street, 9th Oct., 1873. My Logp,--I have received and laid before the Queen ycur Lordships de. spatches No. 197, of the 15th "ois € asi account of the prorvgation of the Du- minion Parliament, and the issue of a Commission to enquirs into the charges brought forward. by Mr. Huntington. Her Majesty's Government have read those clear and able statements with moch interest. It is nol their duty to ex- press any opinion upon the particular mea- sures adopted wpon the advice of your re- sponnble Ministers, but they fully approve of your having acted on these matters in accurdance with constitutional usage. 1 have, &eo., (Signed) *"KiusErLEY, e substance of Lord Dufferin's ap- peal requires more notice. It is through- out an argument in favor of the course of the Government. It is presented entire lyupon the information derived from"ny prime Minister." Indeed its whole force must be ucknowledged to be destroyed by the following admission which we extract | from it: On the debate which took place on this motion, I am informed by wy Prime Miuister--and heré I must remind your Lordship that | have no other means of acquailiting myself with what takes place in tne House, as I am precluded from being present at its preccedings, and the newspaperreports are quite untrustworthy. Here then we have at once indicated the fountain of all Lord Dufferin's inspir- ations. His only knowledge of what Trrciie sz Doings Angap.--The Vin- dictor (ays: "Constable Guifey will have | *" an extra force tu quartsr sealamags tin T™ the lock,up." What is this dark aid Llooly mystery 1 We thought the time for quartering criminals Lad long since | passed, but jt seems Ly the . Vindicator | tant our ferucions Chief with an extra »apply of Lisodthirsty minions iatend to saves gory catiival tu-uight, dissectirg cabbage stealérs in the lock-up. We re- ssember upthiag like it since last killing d#y st Garti's, Of course it must be »>, ror docs nos Mr. Gibbs' organ say so? Ye reckless s.anll buy, ge forth to your sited cabiage gwdeu, with your cof. transpires in"the House is derived from * my Prime Minister." The stenggraphic reports of the newspapers are " quite un- trustworthy," Dut gentlé Sir John truth- fil Sir John"faithful,"Sir John,he is the only medium by which His Excclleicy's understanding car be approached. And #0 it is upon the strength of the cooinge of this immaculate dove who 'gharmed Lord Dufferin's ear, that the whole of His Excellency's ** clear and able s'atements" sre made. and hence itis easily percept- ible why Her Majesty's Government de- clined to commit itsslf onjsuch one-sided testimony. Probably before this meets the refiders cye, the House will have Yi "inde your leit sx Cunfiding parent wuep tears ui biiternsss fur not even a ase eorpe, wil judentily your vlive sranch ia tise waigiod rewaius which you v ili find iu tue locs-ap to-morrow. Rath- proved whether or not the weak aid bruaight by Lora Dufferin to his ministers will prove any avail to them bss Grieg, whet weuser of man art aval > 11r. Disraeli is said iv be writing a new BE a Ed : 3p0uie payumcibs, oi silver basis, will 9 It is reported mow that the Govern- ment will submit the amnesty to Riel as au open question to the Hous8. A $20,000 chess match is to be pla ed early iu February at Austin, Nev., be- tween Musas. Vearco aad Gallagher. Mr. W. Reid, of tke N. Y. Trilune, has gives every month several songs choruses, and piano pieces, to the amount of at least $4 ; and yet all the Publisher asks is the modest sum of [0 ceuts per copy. Those fond of Music can save money by sending 30 cents for the Nov- ember number. . Address, J. L. PxrEas, 599 Broadway, New York. Tue Auping.--This excellent work for November 1s to hand. We cannot speak in too high praise of the success which "seems to attend the efforts of Jas. SurroN, & Co., to give tu the people of America a standard Art Journal. Everything about the publication is artistic, and in our opinion superior to any English journal of the same class, especially in the matter of illustrations. The Arvixs should be in the house of every man who wishes to encourage the fine arts, Address, Jauxs Surron & Co., 68 Maiden Lane, New York. ScrisnER's MosrrrLy for November begins a new volume. Edward King's carefully and profusely illustrated paper that Macdonald of Pictou, does not lead | on'Old und New Louisiana, in the Great Nova Scotia by the nose as Sir John leads | Svuth Series, is_ remarkable for its calm hin:, and probably he will have an oppor. dispassionate stat t of the actual sunity of repenting in sackcloth and ashes | state of affairs in New Orleans and Loui- of his impudent 'assertion. What a hu- | siana generally. Two American serial labuoo there would be among the U. P. | stories are begun : Katherine Earle, by party if Mr. Blake were to declare that | Adeline Traftun (author of "The American Ontario would net submit tv the "'verdict | Girl Abroad,") to run' throuzh the year, of a partizan house." snd 'the other, * Earthern Pitchers," by Rebecea Harding Davis, which will be concluded within three or fom numbers. There is also the usual contributions of able standard writers. Scrisxzx's for December will have a new dialect poem by Bret Harte ; and to the January number nseful and accommodating gentlemen, the Crown Law Officers of England, will be left to solve the gnestion to Riel's advan- tage with a decision which it would be "disloyal" for any one to cavil at. BULLYING THE ROUSE. Macdonald, of Pictou, the bully of the Government side of the House, in his speech on Tuesday, said, Felerring to Hon. Mr. McKenzie's motion : ""If this resolution is carried, the people of the soun ry would not be satisfied and he could tell the House that the people of Nova Seotia would not accept the verdict of a partizan House.." In other words, if the House supported the Government it was all right ; but. if it condemned the Government, it must forsooth be a * partizon house" and the Province of Nova Scotia would do unut- terable things--rebetlion, or secession, or 'something of that kind. This is a pretty nitimatom, but we are thankfal to know SIONS OF A ROTTEN CAUSE. At the close of the South Huron elec- tion, because of the indifference of the Opposition in brirging out their voters, being certain of the victory, the Opposi- | he will comiribute a Christmas story. tion candidate Lad only s majority of 14. | entitled '* How Old Man Plunkett went Notwithstanding the fact that Case, sheir| Home." candidate polled 57 vetes less than the' Conservative candidate at the last election the U. P. party claimad that the Reform paaty were 'falling off" in strength in Ontaaio. At the recent election in Laval, the Tory candidate was elected by a de- creased Conservative vote of 476, and by means which are described below in the | by¢ contains sound Jogic. "Mrs. Pome- Montreal Herald : roy's Pin. Money, "is capital. ** Upun the * The election in this county came off | Stand," is another meritorious sketch, by yesterday, and was made a scefe of the the popular writer, Kate W. Hamilton. wet barefaced bai , corrupti d v. AR " : Ten ro mbain, 224 | "Godieh and Potatoes," Eleanor Kirk, is a short serial which opens well Mr. Ouimet. Several well kuown gentle- men who appeared very prominently in | 'Growing Aged Together," by the Rev. Robert Collyer, is well worth the price of In Woon's Housenorp Macazine for November, the table of contents seems spread for a Thanksgiving feast, and gives evidence that no efforts has been spared that could add to its excellence. " A sermon on a Skimmer," is not only pleasing in its gnaingness, and originality, duets, | | was kept within the gift of the Govern. ment, betokeued a guilty purpose no less than their opposition to a bill te prevent bribery at elections, He reviewed the transactions between Sir Hugh and the of the Premier himself. Ho alluded to John A's statements in the House and on the hustings vowing. that the Govern- went had spent no money whatever in elections, and showed how utterly untrath- ful those statements were, as proved by Sir John's sworn testimmy. lie then alluded to the gross violation of the con- stitutional rights of Parliament by the Government by praventing it from pro- ceeding with an investigation which it had undertaken. He concluded : " We are at-the present moment i. the heat of a great crisis in the political history of this country. It was quite evident tnat our system was on its trial at the pre sent moment. If this srt of work cau be carried on with impunity by the adminis- tration of the day, then Representative Government had practically failed in this country, (herr, hear,) and if the Parlin mentary system of government fail d, what were we to substitute in its place ! Did these gentlemen look at nothing but the retention of office by themselves 1 Was this to be the chief end of yMimistries in this country ! He appealed to every man in this House to conuder seriously the position in which these matters had placed us, and say by their votes on the motion he proposed to submit, whether they were willing that this system should continue. He moved that the following words be added to the paragraph : --** Aud we have to acquaint His Excellency that by their courte in reference to the investi- dation of the charges preferred by Mr. Huntington in his place in the House, and under the facts disclosed in the evidences laid before us, His Excellency's advisers have merited the severe censure of this House." (Loud cheers,) . The motion was seconded by Mr. COF FIN, member for Shelburne, Nova Scotia, a supporter of. the Government at the last session. Hon. Dr. TUPPER next spoke, he de- clared the charges false and scandalous. attacked the opposition as factious. In order to excuse the appointment of the Commission, he attacked the Committee as "partizan" in its character, and abused amidst laughter and ironical cheers, the tribunal appointed by the House on the motion. of Sir John A. Macdonald. "There were," he said, three partisans on the one sideand two partisans on the other. "Yes," interpolated Mr. Blake, amid roars of laughter, *'and on the Com- mission there were three partieans al' on one side." After some personal attacks on Mr. Huntington, Dr. Tupper went over. the old story of the Pacific Railway negotiations, and diverting to the minor charge against the Ministry, declared there was no proof the Government had ever spent money directly, indulging in the fuguogue argnment, and declaring that money must be used to fight money. Government resulling iu the sale of the | charter, as shown by the sworn statements | | he trusted that all who stond in the path. | member for 'Middlesex, then took the | floor, and made ¢ scathing onslaught on the Ministry and their jackails for hounding down the fourteen of the Government who had dared to have minds of their own, He concluded by asserting, that the case againrt the Ministry was conclusive, and way of the country's honor should be swept tarnished, , A party ofthe name of Baker, conelud- od the debate for the sitting. Hon. E. B. Wood moved the adjourn- ment of the debate, and will reply to Macdonald of Picton, to-morrow. The, counting of noses has already be. gin, and the prospect of saccess for the Opposition at this moment is good. It is rumored that the ministry is to be recon- strocted, some of the members being d - termined to withdraw. Tilley is said to he disgusted with his a ssociates, The Ministerial whips de 85 members to 'the Opposition ; but do not reckon Man- 'toba and British Columbia. It is certain thet at least five "members from these Provinces will oppose the Govern- ment. To theif credit be it said, the 14 protesting Conservatives with one or two exceptions, remain firm in their deter mination to vote condemnation of the ar. bitrary conduct of the Government; in ontraging the privileges and dignity of the House. Orrawa, Ocr. 301m. fon. E. B. WOOD took the floor at 3 o'clock, and excepting the hour for re- cess occupied the time of the House till half-past nine o'clock, giving by far the most forcible, logical, and effective speech yet made on the subject. His annmaliza tion of the evidence was exceedingly thorough and effective, and made a power- ful impression on the House. He then showed the absurdity of accusing the Op- position of ubstructing the progress ef the country. They had only opposed the means adopted to provide for thd covstruc- tion of the Pacific Railway. It was they who had iesisted from the first on a bold canal policy, the extension of railways in yll parts of the Dominion, snd the acqui- sition of the North west Territory. He rebuked the shameless political immerality exhibited in the speeches of Dr Tuppe, and Mr. McDonald of Pieton. He ex- posed the absurdity ef alleging collusion between the Opposition and Jay Cooke & Co., which he ctaracterized as an in- famous declaration, and defended, hy re. ference to British precedents the p ble: tion of the Allaw-and McMullen letters. He then called atteution to the amend- ment. of Mr. Mackenzie. and called upon the House }o rise to the greatness of the occasion in dealing with a question of such infinite importance to the country. Mz. PALMER followed in a prosy and discussive sligy which emptied the Govern- ment benches even, and Snally seeing bis away rather than that henor should be the Pacific Scandal were present during the whole day, and beitig well supplied ; ins 3nd . with money, bought every vote that could | * year's subscription ; it is full of this be had at any price. . Liquor was plentiful | man's eloquence--powerful in its very and to be had for the asking ; the conse- | simplicity. There are many other many uence was that the * country cousins,' in- | interesting articles had wespace to men- famed with drink and with all their evil : : : passions roused, took possession of the tivm tem. . The poetry in this mywber is polling places, assaulted Mr. David's sup- | Unusually good. A new feature porters, drove them away, and wonld |of the magazine is the introduc allow only those Who would vote for Oui- | tion! of pictures, and the illustration, Tw to Approach. Ange of laborers Wi «Past, Present and Future," here given, and the employees of the penitenti y, is dingly pretty. Price of Mags- wero conspicuous during the day in stop- | zine, one dollar per year--with the chromo ping Mr. David's meeiings, and allowing | "Yosemite," one dollar and a half. _Ad- no one to be heard ; they even went 90 | 3.00 fur as to personally assault several of the : spearkers with stones and filth. We may Lave to speak more fully of these d- {itiga. Up to midnight we could get no Woon's HousemoLp Maicazine, Newburgh, N. Y. Mr. Wilkie Collins is ubliged to aban. audience too thin to be interesting, he moved an adjournment of the debate, anu will probably resume | is tedious "way to- Mr. HUNTINGDON rebuked the dis- cursiveness of the Minister who, at such a moment, could travel through the morrow, subscriber 15th to the 20th November, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, D. FISIER, ONTARIO BANK Cashier, 29-2, 'Card of Thanks. JYHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO return her sincere thanks fo the Agricul: tural Insurance Company of Watertown, through Jolin Boyd, Ksq., their agent in this vicluity for the prompt an! ready payment of the sum of $400, being the full amount of insur ance policy held by me, on the premises unfor- junutely destroyed by fire on the 1Jih of August SARAH ANN JORDAN. Oshawa, Oct. 30th, 1873. 20-1in. YMC A HERE IS A PRAYER MEETING held on Sabbath Morning from 9 to 10 inthe Son's Hall. All are cordially invited. Osnawa, Oct, Tth, 1873, PAY UP! ALL INDEBTED TO THE UNDBR- signed (NOTE OR ROOK pnd 3 . ? otherwise, are (NOTIFIED TO SETTLE such deny the IsT OCTOBER, PROXING to do business fer eash J. W. FOWKE, NOTICE. Outario Reformer Printing Company. TOR AT Ds Radar of Soe, 1873, DANIEL HINKION, ESQ. of Oras: a rointed Treasurer, and it was ord a Dolieetions be made, and all accounts All parties indebted to the Office will please Raving mocounts. gait the pom ay ais % i) please to Tesi, rteulen thereof To The LIVERY STABLE'S SMITH & M'GAW Have always on hand Horses to suit Travellers. Single Rigs, Double Carriages, Omni Tarr, Wagoner te Darvigr. Jr. The BEST STYLES, "and as Cheap us consistent with a molest profit. "SMITH & McGAW. Oshawa, August 12th, 1573. TAY ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE HE CREDITORS OF PHOEBE of e® per- and Effects, Rights and Credits the sald Phacbe Sheba Rai Fo Christian ot ames, resses an scription, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their potounteund the nature of the securities (if any) dart ny and immediately Mise the of Janua! © assets of the Estate of the said Phoebe Sheba Hat, will be disribet: ed among the persons entitlel thereto, having been - furnish Administrators as above required, and the said Administraton, or cither of them, shall not be received by them or thir said Solicitor, at the time of distribution. : All nersons indebted to the said Estate are required to arrange the same forthwith, either with the said JOHN EDWIN FAREWELL, or the said Administrators, JOIN E. FAREWELL, Solicitor for the Ad minis rators Dated at Whith , October 8th, A.D. 187 . 265. | | gots Delivered to all pars of 89 Dissolution of Partnership! | Sp HE PART ERSAYIP EXISTING lL between Messrs. RAGGET & SHEA having being dissolved by the deat of Mr. Ragget. the begs to e that he 9 the business on his own acco int, ang hopes for a continuance of tl e patrons ;¢ so lDerally ex line of business. Corn Meal, J. W. FOWKE, Searetary. - R large in that department of os a 3 TOE diary Ls ALSO DEALERSTN. d "0d Oat and >» L WANTED! Any quantity. of Butter, Egf* and Poultry at the very highest Town. whole range o. conceivable-- fopies from | Lo bd an ween buh Bi few | been indicted for sliogel Lb. by cui_e! figures, only the bare fa:t that Mr. U. met (om pu'l « reading for the present ou ae- : i ' whdubeid o Vaid Siatoain sa few | a indicted for alley y ! Genesis te Revelati us. He proceed d in . ADVERTISE IN THE "REFORMER." Py | 246Cu>, of Brooklyn, i was elected." | count of asevere cold. tended to the late firm. 25-3w. JAS. HEA. Cshawa, Sept., 30th, 1873, 5 : Tamblyn & : & ------ I] GT

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