a -- ata d a -- A a RRR A dai Gaol a ri, PRE Ue SR A es i a OR TRO RT --- WHAT PERSEVERANCE WON. BY ERNESTINE HAMILTON, "Theres np Suth word as fail." OL1 Adage. By the low attic window « P an old fash foned farm-house sat a boy of about four teen" years, - Although so young the mark of intellect was on his broad, high brow, and his large, dark, earnest cre gleamed with the fire of lofty thought and high impulses. There was a look of energy about his finely chiseled mouth that be- tokened a glorious future. Yet the hoy was onlya poor uxphan. Robert Rae, or Robin Rae, as he was alwaps called, was a peor, bound boy, and hs was daily re mirded of the fact by the farmer and his wile with whom he lived. He was aroused from bright dreams of a golden future, by a sharp vcice, calling ¢ Robin, Robin Rae, you lazy boy, come down directly." ; Robin arose with a bitter smile and went below, 'Go out and" milk the cows, you little good-for-nothing. Tothink when we've done #0 much for you, you cae be so lazy ;' and the good wife could hardly coutain herself, in bar fit of indignation. 'u silence Robin obeyed, but tempted by the Beautiful clouds that lay in the West, h stayed after his' task was done, His bosom heaved with strange emotion as the gorgaovs clouds of purple, erimson and guid passed from his view. He gazed till the shades of night began to darken, and shen catching up the brimming pails be hastened home. Harsh words greeted hia as he entered the door, and heavy tlows fell ou his young head. Sadly Rot ' ht his bed that night ; bitt bt his lonely heart, as it oes, for comfort from on high Boon after he had lain in his lowly bed, the farmer's head was thrust in thé door 'just to see that'that boy wasn't reading and wasting candles.' After all grew 'still, Robin arose, td Raving dressed, he put his few rengininyg clothes in a large handkerchief, and # rg by securing t, hs stole down noise Si) tor the kitchen, agd thence into the quiet aight. He know not where to go, but, he wished to get away from this unpleasant place. ' Robin had nut always been so poor, for once his father owned a small farm near, and om that farm Rohin and his sweet young mother lived, and his kind father. Kind, I say--yes, he was kind till the demon of strong drink destroyed all the good in his nature. Alice Rae died, and her dranken lins- ~ Sand and sorrowful child followed her to the grave. = A Mw. weeks after, the hus band died in a fit of intemperance, and Robin was an orphan. The far was taken in payment for the delis ais father had contracted. From Lis father's grave, Robin was taken, a poor, penniless orphan fo the farm spoken: Morning came, and the usnal sh arp cal of 'Rob, Rebin Rae," ru g through the house, but no Robin answered, The *y #earched his room, but it was desilate and untenanted. house of which we hav Robin was goue. Far away on a lonely road the courage- ous boy traliged along cheerily, often * shimking of his mother's last words, - Have courage, brigh will come, ter®ays my poor hoy, With oceasional help from the farm houses on the way, Robin; after three long days' weary walking, reached a large village, where he concluded to remain, fir © ® time, at least. "Doyou want a boy, sir he asked in "@very store. * Yes," was the encouraging antwer Lie veceived in one. ' What can you do my lad? : ' Anything you please, sir,' ready reply. ¢ Can you run errands I' * 0, yes, sir.' * Well, then, you may come and try it ; _ and Robin went to work with a right god" will. He remained in tliis situation near- was the ly a week, when one morning his was in- | formed that his services would be wanted wo longer, as he was a stranger to- the village, and so could not teil where tv yo when seat out. I wonder when the * brighter times will some,' thought he, as he entered a larsc bookstore, and asked, ' Do you waut a bey, sir I' * Well, yes, what can yon do, boy 7' said 8 benevolent looking old gentleman. * Most anything you went sir,' he re- plied, enumerating lus various qualifica- tions. ; ' Well, you'll do, I guess,' exclaimed the old man, when he Lad finished, * what's your name 1' '" Robin Rae, sir.' ' Robin Rae. Are you scotch 7' * My father was,' was the low reply. The old men soon drew frow him Lis | little history, and then said he--* You may ceme and try it, and if I like you and you like me, and you earn it, you shail have fifty dollars the first year, and we will'séttle after that, about other years. Robin entered on his duties with a light heart. He lived among the, books now, and studied incessantly, yet did not neg lect a Ainge dufy. * - - * Four years passed, yet Rolin was not much nearer his heart's desire--to enter college--than the day he came. He had ®t money enough even with the lar ger "lay he tad had each year since the « first. 'Of what are you thinking I" asked hig ewployer one day. 'Iwas thinking how I'd love to gn to College, sir,' was the unexpected reply. ' Well, Robin, wool you like that bet: 1 ter than a costly preseht "Indeed, I would, sir. * Well spoken, my boy, stop--Ilet me seo--and he walked briskly away, with a thoughtful air. That night the old man came to Robi in, and asked, * how old are you, my lad _ * Eighteen, sir,' answered the boy. ' Are you ready to enter college I' ' Yen, sir.' * Well, Robin, I've been for some time thinking I' would give you a present for being so fuithfnl to my iuterests, as I thought your salary uot lar. se enough, go will you go to coll ege with wy sou William 7 4 "1 laven't enough wiouioy," was the sad eply. ' Why, Robin"T mean it for a or sent. 7 Wiktian is se tt that I hesitated | ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT,, rmsiDAY, LS but if yon Remember | long about: sending. him ye, will go, 1 shall have ne fears. "twill be a-favor to me ax well as yourself. | 'I woul Ya} , > 1 ad I wish to be independent," said Robin who sow then ' . emj ioral So you ean, boy, so you ew, I ae wire your spirit, but this is only an eqni- ng W his conduct ; nssisti liam 'in his valent for your studies, and wa'ching over now, Robin, you will accept it.' * Yes, Iwill, [ ean tell for md I thin yon more than your great generosity to me.' loamy st lad, Rabin, for gor sake, and ad thy old hand and left Mini. * + * * * fy own,' wan pressed his Fourrears mors had passed away, and Commencement in a n one of our New England Threa before Robin Rae iam Hastings hal quarrclled, be 21 thy kind hal continaed of the quar it was night before large eollego 1 States. aud Will eanse-the latter resente and is still Fears advice of the formes, they separated, Mr. hastin college, thouy rel. rooms of the Robin at Li fally aware The young mon sat in ons of the ¢ lego boarding house, dis the events that- wera so soen to Said one, * Will LEI RY happen isa. whom do you think will receive the first prizy for inal Eagdish essay ! w McLaren." said the other, the best orig "O, cither Rae « 'By the ' wasn't Rae's father, grandfather, or else, Scotch ' Yes, his Laran"s' returaed Welkiuns, © AY, that acconuts fur their great in- way,' grandfather, and so was Me. timacy.' The lust day +, and Donal La Laren re had al his essay, if Commercement sands of applause delighted him, Robin Ru de 1 + reigned untill the ivered his, a Y by eid, and then the collegs walls resounded with ? the thunder; that able frame. wt shook 1s vener- In a few moments t! cosident of the tution ross and presented a parse of no msan weight mn Rae, while te Donald McLas and William Hast d prize, After ung freshman n hie gave the socon 3 the all was concloded, some y exclaimed, * Three cheers for our' bonny Scotchman :' then 'thres cheers for our glorious presid out, both .of which were sy the fulliw-colle- » and his ns i parable chnin g Donald Mel, wen went away acm in ar. 'Where are jou going asked EY ° now I' I've the 'Tdon't fur a home. * Why, home with me ! wide world to" go Rabin, will yon refuse g For three shamd the same bed, years we've the same table, and our thouglits even, so Robiu, do not re- fuse. My parents and sisters long to sce Robin, '1 will go you must come.' for a few weeks, if you wish, pald. It makes no difference where | Fended Me. Hastings.' for vour consent, but yon il to study lam with my McLaren, the celebrated so why can't yua join me in my sht, Donald, if he'd take ld, 'willingly.' d, let's pre eed to packing trunks.' tle friends a Mater. few hours later, ly to their Alia ly, 'Friend R ands to whom [ were rea 1d, faceti bes ee von fr rnal Said Dona in I have th and who bear Alicea being to you. an get her, but beware that you fall not in love with sustain a frat relation, wanens of Margaret, Now, Lena the several crzn and Emeline. spoken for, the two first only rémains Yon are welcome to her if you « Georgia Livingstoire, my fare cousin; cr there may be a duel.' ' Ah! then you pbs sess. the exclusive title to that lady's affections," said Robin, gaily. ' Exactly so" home of McLa- r a cordial On their .rrival at the ren, they passed greeting from the old pec up the broad stairs After end nts for others to their room. hanging their travel-stained garn more Hg appropriate, they descended to the parlor, where the you ics soon came, when they heard of the | troduced to the stately Margaret, Alice aud the sweet Lena. The | ful Ge ed lis attention for a mo- } ment, but his heart was charmed with the rival. Rabin was iu- and fair beauti- we Zia clatme lovely and gentle Lina. South, wit great suit | Having studied law at the Sudge McL., which was Je after his first iled in his favir--the tal { ented and preserving Robin {| bright eyed Lena they removed &bthe won for his bride, and thence North on his wed- ding day, Doiald McLaren and Georgia Siningston, the haughty:Margaret and her affianced, and Alics and. her lover, ac companying them, Inthe Nath, Robin Ras; wealth andfame came to +a hesits in his darling Lena, he feels that and often wh elegant parlor by his and his little ones his wother's words were trae, for "brighter times had - Rural New Yorker. -- DEN ---- | coe. | A Guostiy Passescer.--A haunted railroad is the latest sensation in the ghostly line in Detroit, The drivers and conductors on the Fort street route in that city hav 1 half frightened out of their wits by a lady spectre, who wysten- ously boards the at night, aud vanishes from it as wy steriously, without vaying her fare. The circumstances of der apppearance are thus described by a oes] paper * About ten :ights ago the eondretor of the last car down, having no passengets Leyand Twentieth street, the front door talking with r. when he heard a rustle of silk, whed abot to find a woman seated in the ca He hier agility iy be horses wer ¢ bee last can was miting the car while the Oita tron and af er the car had pas and along severd! blocks he started forward to collect hier tare and to ask whore she desired to st op. She had her face turned aw; ay from him, ned as lie put out his Land to touch her shoulder the lady vanished. The condnctur's hair stood up, and the diivar felt cold hills run up his back. Every night since wen, as half a dozen conductors alicge, the ghostly passenger boards the last car, pre vided there are no. other passengers, and after riding a few blocks she "sudd lenly vanishes. 'Tlie comducturs describe her as | being rich'y attired in winter clothing, f having a shawl, hood, and n uff, and su ! closely veiled that a glimgse of her fea.' tares is impossible. The most alarmitg | cirenmstance of the affair Appears to Lethe | Cmis:ion ou the part of the ghost ly lady te Jay her fare, | Tx NEW TORK "TIMES" ON THI 1, sir, but it costs you too much | ' f ! : | expected from the investigation of the the kial excensy of his { mined to got at the trath in rogard to | somebody | | forth by the the | wondered to linwmself at) ROTAL COMMISSION. It is very clear that very little is to be Chunidjan Pacific Railway seandal, com- mene yesterday by the Royal Commis- sion. The persons who made the charges, and puofess to hava the evidence to sustain them, adhere to their determination not The consequence' will be that only the ease of the Ministers will be presented, and it is not hkely the great body of the people to appear before the Commission, | ¥ill be satistied with conclusions based | As we have | before said, we think the opponents of Sir | John Macdonald are making a mistake in | refusing to appear before the Commission, | but it is now evident that Sic John is com- | upon such partial testimony, mitting as great a blunder in persisting in the menns of vindication afforded by the Commission. His opponents will certainly | bring the matter before Parliament again, and insist upon having a Parliamentary investigation. In a matter so grave as the Ministers must, in the end, lose public confidénce if they refuse | to meet the representatives of the people | in thé tribunal of their own "selection. | Parliament must have a session some time, | cither with the present members or new ones, aid whon it does so, the Ministers must expect to meet adversaries deter- | this scandal, | their dealings in this Pacific Railway | affairs { y' | - | London has. just had a domestic sean- | dal, the particulars of which are thus set | Advertiser :--The somewhat | | sudden departure from this city of a well- - known teacher of music, and the official warning to scandal-mongers connected thérewith, which appeared in the adver- tising colums of this paper, has created an ondless fund of material for grssipers, These persons msert, and we regrot to say that: the kuown facts seum to put a teuth- ful face upon their stosy, that the depart. ed musician is guilty of the heinons crime of bigamy. It would seem that not only | is the weman who lived with him in this | city a year or two since as his wife still | living, but that he has another wife and | several children resicing in Cleveland. | The gossipers go further, and state that | he left a family behind him when he ewi- | grated to this country, who still live to | regret his absence and to suffer on account of his faithlossness. The tale ae g nerally | told is a hard one, and we could hope, for the sake of those concerned, that the half | f what has teen said about the affair is { wt true. | The Ottawa Times says that Mr. John Dyke, Special Agent for | Ontario in Germany, whose imprisonment | and sufferings at the hands of the Prussion | authorities were the subject of a lengthy | correspondence between the British and ! Prussian S left here last on matters connected with his operations. Lunmdgration Governments, night for Toronto, A large nmber of settled in this district through lis instramantality this scasun, uid a very large influx is looked for next y sar, who have choir fricuds their cutire Germans have as those written to satis- | We hope to hear of Mr. Dyke at the hands of Government ; a faction, receiving the Outario re-appointment, as his services in the canse or German immigra- tion are too valuable to be lost. AccipeNt.--On the 26th ult, as a languter of Mr. Reuben Crandell's was riding a horse to the field, the animal d violently 'and throwing her some She fell on her head | completely stunning her wid for some time caning life. plunge heiglit in the air. and. shoulder, fears of her Dr. Brathwaite was soon in atten- | aud succeeded in rallying the suf- ferer, who is now doing as well as wight | dance, | be expected under the circumstances -- Standard, Evidence accumnlates so fast that no- body never heard of the Pacific Kailway | Charter either in the Government or the elections, that it is | becoming extremely doubtful whether | there ever was such a-thing as a charter | or gn election, and people have only a dim idea that there is or vught to bs a Gos- | ernment the Rondon Advertiser. pe connection with floating around country | somewhere, An extraordinary thing happened bos gentleman in Dubuque the other "day. He was walking on the platform: behind | the eating house it the I. C. R. RR. depot | enjoying the gentle twilight, t scum-covered evening Before him was a green, | slough, which the gentleman mistook for a | verdant meadow. He stepped on it for | the purpose of taking a little stroll, and ! found 'nmeself in eight fost of water. He was fished oat the wottest and sluniest of | men, and it is sapposed will hereafter hold "fresh fields and pastures new" in | natural abhorrence. A young Euglish nobleman, visiting at | Gordon Castle, had boasted that during | the north he | had acquired so much Scotch that ity, was | impcssible to puzzle him.. The beantiful Duchess of Gordon tok up his challenge, and defied him to interpret the santence : "Come pree my mou' my canty' callant It was with intense chagrin that he after- wars learned what a chance he had lost by his ignorance. his sx wecks shooting in Tbe total absence of boot-jacks, poma- tam pots, and other household missiles in | the remains of Swiss lacustrine villages leads Dr. Hartmann, the distinguished ethnologist, to the conclusion that the domestic cat was unknown to pre-historic man, The captain of an ocean steamer says | that ou Sundays at sea he always selects | some clergyman to preach who looks as if | he would get sick easily, thus avoiding | long sermons, and sparing the feelings and | temper of his hearers. "Doctor," said a man "'my daughter had a fit, to Aburnethy, and continued for half an hour without sense or know- | "Oh," replied the doctor, *'nev- er uind that ; many: people continue so | all their lives. ledgel" In a country chnrciyard this oitaih] tay be scen : "Here lics the body of | | James Robinson, and Ruth, his, wife ; oo J aud underneath, "their welfare is sccom- plished." The third trial of Stokes: for the mur- | dér of Fisk is set down for the fir:t 3 day /n October, arrived have | To hard This Day at the NEW BLACK LUSTRES, NEW POPLIN DRESSES, NEW JAPANESE SILKS, NEW PRINTS NEW COTTONS NEW SHIRTINGS. N.B.--The Chapest and Black lines in Japanese fills, Ie6p'r Tic Lustres, ever offered in Oshawa, J. BARNARD, | Bee Hive, August 13th, 1873, FREDERICH NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in AND | Millinery ! Milinery | ! | For Style in Millinery, | Go to Brooks'. i | For Cheap Goods, | Go to Brooks | FoR Good Bread GO TO McCHESNEYS And other Turaltum, in SAKE | August 12th, 1873 | LIQUORS] SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. ------ < Agent for Davies & Bro's 'Celebrated XXX Cream Ale and Porter. GROCERIES, WINES, G.EODDE King Street. = AND---- Outfitting Establishment. | | Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Hats and Caps. WILLIAM IL.ANG INVITES INSPECTION TO STOCK or NEW SPRING WHICH 1S COMPLETE BRANCIIES, Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. HIS SPLENDID GOODS ! IN ALL ITS Hh Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyio|p aprw-Apeay Boots and Shoes. ATRINSONS DRUG STORE REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES Next Door to COWAN'S. - --) -- Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, French and English Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs, verything of the best Quality and trictly ¥ 2 n uin THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR A. & NS. NORDHEIMER, DEALERS IN Pianos arid Musical Instruments. 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 17-1y LOOK AT THIS! ---- I HAVE OPENED A 4 \ 7 I 14 T . STOVE AND TIN SHOP ONE DOOR EAST OF HOBBS' HOTEL, KING STREET, WEST, Where I intend to keep a well assorted st ck of STOVES AND TI NWARE, Which will be SOLD CHEAP. Special qttention paid to all kinds of Evetroughing - JOBBING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. By strict attention to business and duing ev ery thing in a workmanlike manner and at moderate prices, 1 hope to secure a shave of the public patronage. PRODUCA TAKEN IN EX CHANGE FOR GHODS AND WORK D. FPETCHETT. Pham, 13:h, 1875. 3-18-1y, T ¥ WONTLR an a 151y | HODDER"S! SPLENDID STOCK OF HATS ~----AND---- CAPS, CHEAP. BE SURE AND CALLA T Oshawa, July 20th, 1€73. 16- Wamwr AND P. P. RAILWAY. | PORT PERRY, | TROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO -TO-- bi LINDSAY ECBCATCION, & FENELON Fairs. | HE STEAMER "ONTARIO" WILL | leave Port Perry every Monday, Wednes- | | day and Friday, at 11 o'clock, w.m,, onthe ar- rival of the morning train from Whitby, which connects with the local train from the east, and the express from Toronto, on the Grand ak arriving in Lindsay at 3 o'clock, ron, at 5 p.m, ; F lon Falls, at 7, RETURNING. -- Leaves Fenelon Falls on Tues- day. Thursday, and Saturday at 6, a. m.; arriving at Lindsay at 8 a.m., and at Port Perry in time to connect with the triin cornecting with the { Grand Trunk Railway mixe : golug West, and local and Express going East F rom Toronto to Bobeaygeon to Lindsay Ww "hitby to Lindsay Bobe aygeon Through Tickets can be hod "of the Grand | Trunk Agents, Toronto. ag Thr h _Freights at terms, &c¢ ply to the Agents, Any information can be obtained by applying to low ratea. B. RR. RINE, AL L. Sopterber. Tati, 1873. JAS. HOLDEN, Man'g Director. DU. dbe MOInes » Cabin iba vais egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the na- tive herbs found on the lower ranges of tle Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use | of Aleohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the eause of the unparalleled success of ViNecanr Big- TERS!" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease; and the patient re- covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invig gorator of the system. Never before in the | history of the world $ias a. medicitie been compounds il possessing the remarkable qualities of Vixecag Birrees in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to, hey are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tone, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases, The properties of Dr. Warxer's VINEGAR BITTERS ave A perient, Diaphoretie, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter- Irritant, Sudorific, Altera- tive, aud Auti-Bilious, 1". MCDONALD & CO, Draggists and Sw, A ts. San Francisco, Geltfornia, ancl cor. of Wor 4 crton and Chariton Ss. Sed Lp abl Las Bilsts dud ond 4 Ladies' Furnishing Store | lY.! For SEPTEMBER 19, 'BEDROOM SUTTY ------0: n ' WE HASE NOW IN oun SHOW RcOMS - . To Select from, Raging in Price From $25 to $200 each, PARLOR SUITS | DINING ROOM SETTS,. Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. goal variety, all of First-class Manufsctuse, | : LUKE & BROTHER, 31e1y W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmal zers and Undertakers| SIMCOE £7. NORTH, CSHAWA. - ----0 ' Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, Bedstead | Mattrasses, Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, Washstands, Looking Glasses, Loun ai Desks, Tables, Chairs, and FURNITURE GENTS' CLOTHING Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Agent. in Oshawa for the | Dominion Noiseless Patent S'eel Spring Bed Bottom, ' Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. lio sole Agant for PALLING'S- PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. ! ness and despatch. hand. U NDE Rr AKIN Special atte hy paid to Undertaking. shortest notice. A sple ndid Hearse y kept on hand and made to order. Teums reasonal le. SING attended to on he farnished when reg quired, Coffins AM "0% "WIAMAr UDIVIHOLYM | aro ng Lmao mu ST 098 puv [[vd w mi aad 0, \ 2U0D dO FOOT AUOM TV ATINALOIASAYU 4 b | & ) NO ve LAIULS DNIY 'M001g S,NOSTIAA {9 #saoud puv enfua pool ¢ day s1 vy ug 'PojuBIIBAA pPue padiedoyy A njeded 'aod oy joe [LU } punoq oa puw ssousnq uveu om SCM | 11S 803] "y p LJ pus 'MAN 1 10S ST su 'ozo mania sound Luu Sur HONJONNY | | oq HE] 'gpuariyur J0 ajuarp aoy jou IW oN 'S)10010 ANV SIHOLYA B SIH LVIIL sup! | eats 70 'QUT T-TeATIS 'AIreMop 'SST00TH 'SCTCITM IDquowal aswal J 'LVIAN | | TIVISNIdIH 'M AWE Ma N Hardware, Tin ¢ KING STREET, OSHAWA. have on hand the Largest. Best and Cheapest 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, €0 Boxes Glass, "Star" and * Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White Leads, English and Ameican Colors, ; Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish. Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., American, English, and Canadian Locks, Latches; 'and Knobs, HATCH & MEARNS, and Stove Dealers, Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's s Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &e. i | American Soc ket Firmer Chisels, | Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &e, Dawson's and English Planes, 3 { Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons ete. BM. Tea and Cotlce Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, P atform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Cas, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; HATCH & MEARNS, King Strest, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873, a other goods at proportionate prices. 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES, pi o~ Frames made with neat- Chilleen"s Carriages and Perambulators always on | HOLS . Stock of HARDWARE, and &e, _ & | Ever offered in this market. Our-Stock comprises part of the followings: 1 AM NO Farm or Prod Lowest Po n sums and m oan be re-paid sum. Investments' nd other sect SILVER ANI For further Off Cfice-- McM April 13th. I F INCE TH the County sale in Lump, therein ought 1 1 therefore Lot No. 5, Br 75 Acres. Th Front, East North half Lot 100 acres, nable t J