Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 12 Sep 1873, p. 3

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i{linery ! Tillinery, Brooks', »ods, Brooks' shing Store LOAF. SUGARS. > BROS, DURITE: RVE JARS, 3 ¥ POZEN'S y G. HENRY} © F ockery, ec, &c., &cC. RIFICE ! TEAS ALTY. he PLACE Tp sabe Black's t } Only The Ontario Befornier, 13 Tan PER IN THE COU. AND THR BEST P: OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 gar Coan Oru. --D. Fetchett is making a specialty of coal oil. cellent articlé, and cheap. Broek Fart Snow, --The North Brock fall show is to bo 'held at Canningtos om | Thursday, 2nd October. 150 members and a subscription o Hows Acarx.--Mr Philip Tay his lady arrived home, The Society has lor and as we had announ cod, last Friday night, and was heartily welcomed by his' numerous friends. 0. ry B ge 0. Y. Ww. M., Walker, secretary. At a meeting of Meyerhofler B., S. eted Isaac Bewley D. and Jolin Campbell was ele M, Exrorr or Caeese.-Brown and Plitips of the Maple Ridge Cheese Fuctury last § week shipped five loads of thuir manufac. \ -~ worked = and costs," ture by the Grand Trunk. 2% Superior eave-trov;lhing may be procured by ying D. Fetchett Feonomy, promptness ard first clas en work is guaranteod. Mr mary we ment Baory INJURTS wa D Edward Smit so med last week, it.seems more hurt than was at pated, and it bt! Lis jaw-bone being broken in J JeveNine WebpDING A juvenile Wednesday at Bet Lod 3% ned the The br ym has re age of between G0 and 70 has seen some forty sumer ng. --Port Hop ¥ Deata. --Mrs this villuge of app having been SUpp siding between lenly last, died sud evening m perfect health up tacthe hour of pare her d She was & ledy well known and hig wy a ot le of friend fy a esteemed am large cir wha will regret her witim ath A Noven Scene was witnessad on King street Oae a lively time an Mondsy of the L-Quite fast ok ppY, when she scientifically knowledge of the and knocked him comp! evening last. winders of -this village -undert agreeable to I her splayed manly t of d art tely ou time, if_not-out of his vanity. Cun f Mr. W. Weeks, a narrow escape from being burned to death last Monday. with p BreNep.--A daughter had It scems her and only the timely that laying matches while p clothes caught fire, appearance of the mother saved the life of the child, ly burned. : Rse Mr. McRae is récovet idly, to Oshawa in a few fr who as it was, was very scvere- Jeased to learn g from and will be able to. retarn His many glad to see WERING.-- Wa are his days. Js and customers will be nial face behind the mlter once Pre Mr. C. 8 'der of Corintl Mule. foun ian Lodge, T. 0. ©. F., was on Friday evening and P. ©, P's. Regalia, :d ty an : PNTATION 181s visage, presented w ith P.G aC from the n mya appropr nbers of the Lodge wge te, a AGRICTZTURAL SHOWI-- be sone uiisc ption as to the Fall show, ns being under the a great many Jerse unty show ig to be Ti s is a mista 1 be held in W] impression that the Co held in Oshawa. the Cor on the J East Whitby show will ond of October usually pated a. ty show wil ld here on r, when a ms 1 exhibition the sec re than successt is ant ci- Loczs Hope, act, Tas Lixpsay Bripoz.--Mr. Por drawn from his cont tided to the works to Mr, John Cain. The following were the tenders :-- Lewis Davis, 84,245! Whyte & Davis, £4,560 ; John Whyte, 84, John Cain, ; Wm. Clarke, £5. 700 Jon Be yd, R. M. Rodden, $7,000; $7,500. having with- Cit has been de- Lewis Davis of award Thomas res Gora and Cartwrigl ie Bowmanville cor ying, left there on Tuesday - the Gragd Trunk Ra there to go _inta camp. numbers were smaller than s» men presented an excee re AS they ar he station. und robin" is of this L] its 'dock as ti he shutters, an but ed" exj ness e Satur by afl, ected chant will close his doors day. as it wil] be sig unless 0, 1t can hardly that one against his customers, to sec ther go to a No rival who » choose: s to keegnpen' later. 4 nild stand in the viduals sh ¢ 10 a large class of oyr eiti- a class at present very much over Since writing the sbove we learn that 'all the merchants have wigned the agréement, but two, who not in town, This are and will do so on retorning home. The people of this m time to time annoy- rofn itinerant swindHers, lead 4 -them Mfiongst us, seeking whom they may gull eno' to kee Twice during z this wee! been blockaded by crowds habits ut of stivers p their hands from honest toil. the strects have &f listeners to the idivtic -haraugues. of 1 Lple, ail among the crowds we : iced afew viciims. Sigu- re seems to be no law to these gentry,thongh 1e operatians of their scoundeelism is a great deal more glaring and less creditable than pock There is one way of putting a Wp to their operati ns, as far as Oshawa is | gest tothe Chief to ip pickirg e9ae pot FOC sfned, and we su it ntn practice in future. rested as public nuisances, whenever and ¥icrever found engaged in blockading the thronghfare, or endangering the safety torches by night. gk of the streets with their A few iuearcerations, with * five dollars wonld teach them to shun Oshawa Like tae cholera, This fias been found the only way to bring the strung hand of the TY Lo Profitable Advertising Medium,| He keeps an ex- | F 8 | oo Rn and ths/i \ There seems tire. | the doors. These. | pn, they became in turn | Putatoe ioa thimble rigzers may be ar- | alariwed children, ey be | law on them 1 the cities, and i» we hope Mr. Gurisy will try it on the A SEN SATION lowing lotter was a few days ago by a youug goutleman in this and whe declares that hie has never, directly or in- YOTES ABOUT TOWN. 1 | l Blamey & Driggs hate got a The. aA new sign received town, of first-cluss moral habits; So has Garth. go and up. Some cthers should ! do likewise, Philip Taylor will shortly the premises being fitted up for his basi ness. remove into HE | directly, given the slighest occasion there- 4 for :-- he fin- est jewellery stores in the Dominion. He intends to have one of t ity M1 IAY0 ANG O Oshawa, Sept. 9. 1873. This is to give yon warning to keep away {row my girls while at work or after, If found after this with them, 1 will ad- | vertise you, Hatch & Mearns are doing a and | don't seem to mind it, roaring | trade in hardware, somehow they M. 8. Machine Hat' W urtesy, stten a LW. Ba Alexander & Bryce at the *"NewStore," | are reaping the benefit of ¢ tion, orks, Oshawa E. 188 first class goods and reasonable pri er & Attorney. in a . Our young friend, of course, at first na turally felt and wiathy ; se- condly, he felt inclined to find out who the author of ces, rapidly increasing business. | They have got their fall stock in. ) ! indignant Wightman is always among the fore. He has got his fall stock in, but to say scems to be putting it out as fastaspossible. he most, the was. So far, he has only succeeded inworking indignation up to that point "sensation" strange his which would make it dangerous to the write gth, Lut he has and habitation" and the first time Vetchett, though a new-comer, is , doing a good trade in stoves and hardware. | within arms len to the * ard, As an eave-trougher, he W. Dickie new is & success 'name of the cow intends to remove into his comes building about the first of Hes g ish the natives, he across next Lim, he vows with terrib ., " mouth. etling in a stock to aston- | he will 'put a head on him." Our own | opinion is, having a good Steele Bros, are to + selling groceries so fast | "'party of the second part" they threaten drain the wholesale | & good su dissection when' the market. { outraged cpistolized gets through him. e, merchant is"said to be Trewin will be in his mew store on_ ! His bloek If. Cha EAST WHITEY COUNCIL PR - _CEEDINGS. et, 1h a few we se Dow uMER office. Corvamnrs, Sept, 3, 1873, Ther Cor Members nt vew fall ancil met this day, ae re Ss Communications Provincial read, Secretary's office, respecting survey of lot 12, in Broken from W, J Dellevi'le Tustitute Department of Public Diainpge ; from C cation equalization of agsessn frout conces Palmer, s for the sion respecting blind ; from Works, respecting unty Inspector of Edun- ! I pd went in Union School scetion. Also report of the com- inted by the inte wittey apps County Council lay might to' enfjuire ibers to b i'd be ists will | rate ayers nn + Schicol district No ud. . shop the dan The Council then passed a rk Ralph Robin year. Jexire w, ap- tector for | ] the present of Ap -- ~-- Lick, the sum of 815 was granted to the Soli itors of Jurors " ave a happy this WIL-. nointing nson, coi On motion Sahin .y : PreRERING kering show will be held at Bronghain, on Friday, October 0h WANTED TO Thursday and troduced, and 10th, + A by-law 'was 1 and passed, to assess Lot No. 12 in Broken Fi Col. | Lots 5 and 6 in the 2nd and il of said Lots. On wotion of Mr, M-. procure a bill of indictment against Mr. C. Farewell, tain mt, and Kxow the Jd con, for lector for this vill sinted,.) PY STR] Luke; the Reeve was ordered to and who! seconded by wo Mothersill, Sermon. -- Elder Langdon, will preach at the Christian Church in this place, at 11, a. next 2 hhatl 1a for refusing to®remoxe cer- Sabbath, , and 6, p.m. Bazaar. --The ladies of St, Charch, Whitby, intend giving a bazaar on Wednesd for the Church. obs'ructions made by him on the road allowance between lots No. 4 and b m the § Andrew's 20d gon. A by-lamfwas then introd: vod ad pains } ed, 'to assess the Janu FWne rs and ocenpant 17, 1 survey iy next, the beaefit of CONFEREN Conf sion Christian | of lots 13 to for the of said lots, and ex- penses connected with said survey. Canada oth inclus've in the first rence will 1d its next annual ses- | con. at the Christian Church on Wed at 10 a.m. Ruw Extension. --The Whitby have sr to con rots in. Orono, commencing The following accounts were red to be pr viz: presented of J. 50; of John ts, £20; Luke anc 29, and ords Smith, Jaynt, 1 Larke of indigents, § fof indiga r railway fo the | printing account, § The C¢ he 6th of il then ad joyrned till Monday . wher next, to weet a ) ne rufars last October next, to weet at I oh cast of the. | @0luck, am. d of Mr. 'Oaks', he ums they eould wantonly broke BEALL, ana after ling all Clerk. - ary sack a manier A Boxt A8YS are years su the pl the trees in rr ---- 0 --e Tarrixa evenings since as nearly to ruin them, A PrLum-StEaLEr.--A few A nunber of our subserib- au enterprising youhy d to this office, for three yor $5.00 gent, residing not a thousand miles fgom to a Simcoe Street, unlawfully and felonious- who return ft cunt of their in rden of a gentleman «dness within ten days from this n ing « x tre th theintaat of 21 will be allowed off. Affer that tune, | f ums, and hypoth . H- ved his ill be collected. a nd The return match } Naughts" of Orono and club -of ill uber Gih, 2 store for fut 1S ended the tree, feed all te fruit allows, and hs 1 to descend. ure reference. | Sew 3 CALL. tween and there enj + +] thie " Fear with * Midland" d on--Saturday, the gusto that forbidden Garden was the od name by a ny filled his pockets playe Se prepare It seems however lub red 'eming g The game was well con Midland « | that the moon was not in the right quart , edre Hf 19 runs. or there was sometl in the tested. ExTnaoapivaRy TuEPT.-- A- fow even- ings ago some ing wrong reckoning, as Lhe had no so the gréund than his hat wasdrawn tothe whl an immense swab of tar was slapped on 1 3 field earth by the attraction of gravity, person entered a field ot Dar- na- iry Pearce the base line, : % Mr. Henry Pearce, of th . his craninm, probably under the imppres- sion that it would stick on better. his, hands on and stole from the knife" The man, who drove a 3 A | lington, chine the ** reaping 1 1 ao ir sickle, valued at £7. . | UT SICH a man just clapped rse, Jeft the ead, ang the he got (at wal snakes. way up aud 4 where he if he ht have canght 2, h rht before a mag! ling in the Pearce, was up, animel stan " of that garden was a caution to seen by Mr. who had sus- A . : His lardlady says there isn't ni eseted what the thief. will be bron comb in the house with a seund tooth, and It is gnite proba wever, ain't bear anything softer than cotton He' = : a esn't manifest M: CO. A.--Wa beg at to 'the public held this e Hall, + 1 attendance, that he sirat his cavut s sick of plans, sone Y. tention to be Music see tne the seme interest he nsed to. The to add-insnlt to injury, trees that is, u Gurley has got tracks of it, and is on the at 7 o'cl We hope to | 4.00] § with 18 tie | shor Lair, . Ta young man short very R large 0k ony and the plum fancier has to cause which eminently | commends it- Yeifto the public ou t to be, interest one wear his lar so faf down over his head and in which all are, or | gt panor shirt collars ' are costing him » but at this mest- | fyrtune. of rded at and al nity will re afl an ovj hearing speeches from promin i The ¥yi ng words of a Delaware woman whose cannot fail to in- | were : "Henry, if you marry again, terest and. instruct. Let us see the |anember that it only takes a cupful of su- Hall full at 7, o'clock. | gar to sweeten a quart of g Fe nd of | TZ was awarded at the at the of wen, remarks ror Te. --The Da (amas Tue ForeEsTERS . the 46th Battalion second prize £200, trial of mi feta, Toronto, the Tenth! Royaly receiving prize--8350. The Oshawa band were rafher too unex- to their but playing much praise heard them, Viet 0.Y. B. won a third fife and drum band, the recent BIRTHS. In Fast Whithr, cnthe Tthinst., litary bands, Forester's: ohn Beer, of a son. the Band the first In Oshawa, on the €th inst, Richard Drew, of a daughter. | In Oshawa, on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. Fredrick Lambert, of a'son' MAERIGES, In South Oshawa, on the 6th inst. Mr. Mgntge mery, Mr. William perienced cope with their op- by the Rev. Randall jo Phi'ligiia, wife of tLe late Mr. Richard, of T rone, township of Dartington, bothe of Rl w all, England. By the Rev. Dr. Thornton, 8th inst, Zephaniaa be Blair, E<q., of West Whitby, and "Miss Eliza- JAVET| poh Stephenson, of the Village of Oshawa. got second at least. | | DIED. Mr. C. Trull In Oshawa, on the 6th inst. leaving his | wife of Willian Warren, Ji. The | 4 months, girls seeing some boys (supposed to be- elicit from = those . who Oshawa | Lodge with their | pon nts, ed oria prize and ought to Usruviy Rovs.-- went to Bo horse iu charge of two little smanville last Sunday, girls. Commercial. AWA | ARKETS aici Sepomber 12, long to the village; as they were not known by the children) stealing fruit in the gar- den, Lecame frightened and locked: all | Tife boys supposing the House after trying the the Flour, ¥ ew! reat Wheat, Fi iy ¥ bushel, .. W hedt, Spring, @ bushel w to be doors, effscted an entrance th { lar way, and started on atoar through the p Hearing the noise made by the | RI% 100 i wero w. jai Poss a s, ¥ bushel, PRES | Butter, ¥ bh, | Lard, ®#®,. | Eggs, ¥ dozen. eans, ¥ bushe vacant, ough cel- coco = | house. the terriffed, r nd made an exit with mar- It is hard to tall which ed vellous celerity. was the worse frightened--the or the It is not 'thought Rhey had any intention of stealing, but they ought to be careful how they throw way of temptation bese besergers. ccooO~oRCOCOSO fii ER. ESTRENES2ESCT Timothy seed, PTR. TORONTO MARK "pia Wheat, ¥ bushel, ....oooiaiiennens @ Barley, do " Peas, do | Oats, do --geuius in working ky toon. por er prom, .. » themselves in- tie ! like that. ee -------- A ---- "Common sense '" \ dress. al SELES Bacac tt oe v hE . 0 00 r to come got a clue | le emphais that | idea of the | N that he will be | with | | We have also received new styles and patterns of Fall Millinery, | from Canadian | the: complaint of certain That | rosebergies.™ | the wife of Mr. { the wife of Mr | --------aataste---- ! many ra 119 EBRHLNLEEES £3. 8sessEy NEW FALL ag 4 ee (i S. TREWIN begs to announce the receipt | --OF-- | LARGE SUPPLIES OF NEW COOCDS, --COMPRISING=-- [FANCY DRESS GOODS | In great variety. Newest Styles and Shades, Really Beautiful Goods and Splendid Value. SPECTAL.--A full rangg in prices of the pretty celebrated SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP BLACK LUSTRES, | Best and Cheapest in the - Market! ALSO EW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS, CRINO LINES, BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, TIES, | ete, ete. { . Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ete, ete. ORDERS S( JoL ICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. pecial attention to the getting np of FAMILY MOURNING ! | NICE- DAKRY BUTTEM 18 CENTS PER POUND. S, TREWIN. NEW FA iL, GOODS! ~-AT- WIG ET MANS] DIRECT FROM GREAT BRITAIN, Der Steamer St. Patrick & Scandinavian. New Tapestry Carpess. New New New New New Now New New Ne New Kidderminister Carpets. Dutch venetian and Hemp Carpets. Woolen Ottamar Shawls. Striped Shawls. Brocha Shawls. Mantle Velvets. White and Colored Sarantans and" Striped Laivus. Embroideries and embroidery Cambrics, 'w Woolen Polkas and Chest Protectors. Creakfast Shawls and Handkerchiefs. New Table Linens and Diapers. and Twilled. Hollands and C 'ream Linens. New White Sheetirgs Plain | New a o New Dress Lining and Jeans. New Black Silk Laces. New White Silk an Cotton Laces. New Real Maitese and Boniton Lace Collars. New New New Valencies and Crochet Edgings. Faney Flannels and Shirting-. Winceys. ner touched | " WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN, (Late W. F. Cowan,) Oshawa and Prince Albert | THE MOST | a| STYLISH RIGS ON THE ROADS, ARE KNOWN AS BRIDGES, he New Store. 10: | WE ARE SHOWING A LARGE LOT OF FIGURED CAMLET CLOTHS Suitable for. Fall Dresses, which are being offered at about half-price: | regular price 45 cts, selling them off at 25cts per yard. | CALL AND SEE THEM. Eliza Mary Pole, | ,aged 37 vears and | 10% OPENEED TEIS DAY THE FIRST CONSIGNMENT CF OUR FALL IM PORTATIONS (Ex S. S. Sarmatian.) - o stieg of Ashtan's best Dark Prints 3000 yds Steam Looms, very cheap, | A full range of White Quilts, onsi i A full range of Colored Quilts, { A beautiful lot of Wool Table Covers, 20 pieces of Scarlet and White Flannels. - ALEXANDER & BRYCE. | Wi'son"s Block, Ring Street, Oshava, csTAwaA Senin machine Factory. HE "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE | will be found the most perfect machine ever | Souwe of le | introduced to the Canadian public, | Prints of excellence are, | 4a o1lent Motion, | £2 Perfect Ela asticity of Stitch, = Simplicity of Construc tion, AF A self adjusting needle, | AT running and rapid in operation, | No under gearing 10 perplex the Sheraton | no screw driver required to adjust its parts, and no helping the Machine to run over a seam. - g& It will'sew the finest cambrie without | ing the machine. ders received will be filled in two or ive} | | weeks without fall. | GEORGE, YOUNC NO, anwfact wrer. | Oshawa, Sept. 1, 1573, 21-tf. (MOTHER NEW LOT OF LADIES SPANISH BACK COMBS, LADIES BELTS. Sofa Pillow Tassells in| | GREAT VARIETY, AT R. WELLINGTON'S. iF HOPPE R| BUTCHER. {| KING STREET OSHAWA. 1 | C at his 8lhop, opposite Hawthorne! s Store, or | attheir awn Residences, with the best of Meats, | fresh and salt. Fish, Fowl, &e. ,elways on band in season. THOMAS HOPPER, _oshawa, Spt.e th, 1373. nly. | | IN PRESS. To be publishel in November, OVELL'S GAZETTEER 4 ush An a, containing the latest and most anthent le ptions of over six thou. | sand Cities, Towns and Villages In the Provin. "ees of Ont ario, Queber, Nova Scotia, New | Brunswick, w Fonndiand, Prince Edward Island, Manits be, Reitish Columbia and the North West Terrifories ; ane ral informa- Hon, drawn from official sc Rovio ns to the names, locality, extent, &e., of over fifteen hun. | Ge Lakes and Rivers, with a Table of Routes showing the proxmity of Railroad Statiotis, and | | Ken, 'Lake and River Porte,(0 the Cities, Towns, , in the several Provinees, Price 250 ; Price in ral Calf, $3.75. | ed to canvas for the werk, | JOAN LOVi KELL, dublisher. 1873, FPYFIRST.CL ASS TEN NEMENT, WITH any number of Rooms that may be requir- ed. Also rooms suitable for ) Rinary and Dressmaking establishment to. MR. KELLOGG, over McRae's vy (et bb's, Blox k, I" sLhawa, ur ] | 1873 OF BRI. | in M ontrenl, 5th Aug.. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. | | OT NO. 4, IN THE STH CON- 4 cession of the Township of W. ollaston, County of Hastings, containing 100 ACRES, of which 50 acres are under cuitivation. Remain- der wood, Apply to R. McGee. | Dated 20 August 1873. 1941 | ki PSYCHOMANCY, | | --OR~ SOTL CEARMING." | How either sox may fascinate and gain the love | { and affection of any person they choose, in | } stantly, This simple mental J equire. nent all can passess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together | with a» Marclage Guide, Egyptian Owicle; | | Dreams, Hints to Ladies. ete. A Tlec=, SXciting | 00k, 1M, 0 80 Id. Address T. WILLIAM & | Co.. South Eighth St, Philadelphia, a Philip Taylor IS NOW IN EUROPE' | PURCHASING | | 1 | { | | 'A NEW STOCK| ~sOF WATCHES & JEWELLERY ----l LOOK OUT FOR THE |\F INEST 1.OT EVER BROUGHT INTO OSHAWA. G.HODDER | | King Street. GENTS' CLOTHING == AND---- Outfitting Establishment. SPLENDID STOCK OF HATS wee AND CAPS, CHEAP. | BESURE AND CALL AT | 'HODDER'S ] Oshawa, July 20th, 1873, 16° 1873, T 'Hurrah for Old No. 1 on -the Gorzer a J. W. FOWEKE, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets; ing it and the heaviest material without strain- | IS NOW 'CLEARIRG OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AN | ALARMING SACRIFICE. | TO MAKE RCOM FOR N EW FALL GOODS! | Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks and Lustres. BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, JSTOMERS CAN BE SUPPLIED | GROCERIES, &C., &C. 'THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN J. W, FOWKE, Oshawa, BOWMANVILLE ORGAN FACTORY IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS: Cheapest ! GRAND. COMBINATION ORGAN --0 Encourage Home Manufacture. --0- The Bowmanville Organ Factory is now Manufacturing * Instruments equal to the best imported, and at' much less cost. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! Our celebrated ** Vox Celeste," " Octave Coupler," ' Louis Patent," ¢ Vox Humana," * Wilcox Patent" the charming, "Calo " og' Claricnet Stops, and Quality and Volume of Tone Urerualled. The Best Material and orkmanship, ~~ DARLEY & OHARA. 1873. FRUIT SEASON. EN TONS OF. THE BEST BRIGHT CRYSTALIZED SUGAR FOR PRESERVING | TO BE HAD OF BLAMEY & BRIGGS. ann China Tea Sets from $4 765, White Granite Tea Sets from '82 60, White Granite Toilet Sets from $2 50, General Crockery and Glassware equally cheap. The above being bought before the recent advance, intending purcha- sers will do well to call and see them, as we have a large. Stock which must be sold to make room for other shipments now on the way. = -- ---- Jur general Stock of Groceries is now complele, including a new lot thos¢ Green and Bleck Peas, which cannot be surpassed Jor quality or price. 2,000 DOZEN EGGS W WAN TD -- TRADE ALE --AT F. MCRAE & CO. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD The balance of Chisholm's Bank- rupt Stock will be offered at a large discount on the cost, compris- ing Summer Dress and El Goods, also a large vopiely of Fi Goods of every description. cannot enumerate prices of so ne a List. ~ Purchasers will do well to call and examine Goods and Prices.

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