Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 12 Sep 1873, p. 1

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- EE al hh ei ahr Onto dieiorner. i 4 = ? : Committee will not be sworn; but when N ) " NJ =~ you are calied upon te contrast the su- PUBLISHED 3 Wi os % 3 petiority of the judicial character and EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, 4 . = k . ag of the judicial obligations, it 1a POR - | a | BY | : | I | well to remember that the saf guard which ¢ Lcelter i ini harges sc for sale at his mill near Utica, (late their opinions upon these charg » 4ve Resumed Business in the Bu guard which the law declares to be a Publishing Company, necessary safeguard in judicial tribunals AT THEIR CFFICE-SIMUOE ST,, 03HAWA. i H Again, this Commission is not within the Jt paid within six hs-$2if not paid till the ad Corua sal, Thue : N sr discontinued natil all f he i 1 ind of ; . | orm t overument of the day of : i hi her, aml arth Tefuing pagers without | w_-- p---- -- of which the government. was. ignorantes addressed to the Editor must be RY { knew not of m order that they way be the encom Vol. 3 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1873. . No, 22. bettor able to determina what the pabiic Nh EL % : ; rr ; " -- - RR RRR RR RSE | wate object of such Commissions. But cf Business Sk n ectord. A fte ig the F re ! Lumber & Shingles for Bale. '| Li V E RY ST A 8 L E. BLAKE'S GREAT SPEECH N LOKDON, Crown had appointed three men to en- | stance of one of his surviving friends, the | this Ccuwission who can say that the .-- = RR { TPVH 2 SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND | § PUY. Sus = a Co 4 he Sot Julie | Te : pi od Laaghver) ihe pu W. COBURY, R.B., P.L., ¥ curtis "El of lumber and shingles. : POWERFUL APPEAL ure reversad as illegal and void. And at | lic mud that requires to be informed. It SHYS[CIAN, SURGEON, AND bli padi ad derby : + BRR ji cm | to write a levter to this member of Paa'ia- | tlement of the British Coustitution, | is tu be disclosed, and, forsooth, they a | Beau EUR, King Street, Oshawa, | 2 V1! R44 Your A. B. CAMPBELL. | R. V, CH U BB, In the course of a very lengthy speech | went, who in the discharge of his duty [an express declaration was inserted in | point a commigsion te find out wives they Hotel. : g ; A 0 - | fils " " , i lows : | : i "That the freedom of speech and de- | sion is entirely 'without warraut either of | Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt PA CK Opposite Hobbs' Hotel, "ig the Commons, from' time imme | forsooth, have been appointed by minis- |, =" proceedings in Parliament, ought | the common ur the statute law. The great (LUV HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG. | Th the Buil¥ing on the ING CASE FACTORY | Horses to hire at all hours XN LAND. Residenee oppesite W. H. Gibbs' | Corner of Xing and Simcoe Strats, | | The Ontario Reformer Printing and i the law declares to be a necessary safe- : does not extend to tlis particular tribunal, erv 1 SRWS : 81 59 ner annum, in advance---81 75 € rybody. CEIRM 1 annum, in adv of n | : - : Commissions wers issned in order to in- it #t the option of the | Be sori ail they comply with thé rule. oo to make Bupaieies into things which they 5 Ol Editor and Publisher. | ---- interests way require. That is the legiti- Fd | quire into and take evidence and report judgment was bronght there and was by | minds of Ministers require to be inform. -- made ; and these Commissioners proceed | g later day, ut the duy of the present ret- | is what Ministers know and can say thet Residence and Oftice--Neasly opposite Hobbs | - | Corner of King and Church Streets, at London, Hon, Mr. Blake spoke as fol- | ad taken this stand telling him that they, the Bill of Rights in these words: | know. (Laughter.): Again this Commis- WN FREDERICK McBRIAN, M. Po M.R.C.8 5 : : . A © law = morial, kid belimged the right to institute | ters, and calling upon him to give a list | 04 tc be inpeached or questioned in any | master-of English law, Sir Edward Coke, esidence, Simooe Street; Oshawa, ahd prosecute, and control proceedings in respect of the impeachment of Ministersand | : | le' t-- others charged with high offences against People's House by the sppointment--{pto: | longed cheering)--there to answer and CN. VARS L B.S. | FPEETH INSERTED ON ALL THE | latest principles of the drt. as cheap as the | €heay aud as good as the best. Teeth filled ade Work! A : - | of his witnesses, and appear before them | court or place out of Purliameat. nid foun that, er Simiasicn is a Seles » SUBSCRIBER 19 " 3 . | i boint--di i the | That was the solemn declaration | gation warran an OF Fariiamen --~---- : i Where they are once more prepare" to | WHE SUBSCRIBER 1S PREPARED | of the Day or Night. at the time they appoint--discreating the afirmed by many former propecdings, | oF of the common law whereby jurisdie- ROBSON MOUSE, { . | or quality of Lumber, . Plekets | sanctified by that martyr's blood ; and it sen, powes authority of transferred ta A CTD EET WR Rf . 2 . . . i ivi i 0 A i i K ING STREET WESE Ray OX, | ake Photographs, d prom, fered: plane. | Drivers Furnished if Required. | the State. Nobody denied that funda- | thers to make geod his sharge, And 1) Be i ope und igilt thab you ate Sehr sr asia oe mrntiol X ieo. Robapn, Prop or, OULDING, and | . " 5 ot has Robson House, W hithy,. | And other ®¥les of Pictures, iin all the Latest | doue to order on the shortest notice. RATES MODERATE mental doctrine. It was une of the great- | see in the Ministerial priuts that in effect the violation of (Cheers.) "Are we worthy | act of Parliament." It is in effect a Com- { Styles. | 3-191y CHARLES H. HONEY. . est securities for liberty. It was enter | he is upon his defence ; and that ihe | sons of such sires | Have we bronght to istic} $6 Su IG into erin ad fences : 9-1y. | . . i i to de. ] nee j. | this sid 1 1d tl ti commi artical rsons, and who, Entrance on King Street ro |Special advantages to Commercial | t+ined by the Commons an exxly period. | 4 yeqtion really to be iuvestigated is, how | whe aos Tor xo ve as te if Parliament do not choose to take cng. Between Gilletts' and Dickies Store. LIVERY STABLE"S > en ! and solemnly re-affirmed in the year 1715 { in the world these honest and honorable | days of freedom, to forget what were the | nigance of, could be taken cognizance of by with ¢ - 3 phd +: {eeth extracted without Special attention given to enlarging ---- = WEE pps iB cluiaetion wih 00d bo which he a | transactions which all these Ministerial trials, what was the expenditure of blood the Svar. Tie atime or Ulises Sharged apin by producing loca esthesia. | i "+ "3 Wo. Pl ® octrine was i A ' i i is a misdemeanor cs cing tak Dental Rooms in Cowstile New 0K Sa} Caloninn: MIE =xMS FOR SALE at that earl a it Foe rg" pater | Setemen are 50 glad did come to light. |v Br an the Pim, | cognizance of by Fompwioidig bn Atkinson's Drug Store, King St., Osliawa. 242 | pi, igraphs taken from Pictures, and-cnla | Have always on hand . |» ol early _. bgp? ol Msp | (Laughter.) The question is, who got the | "0 =~ cq to be flung away? (Great | Commissions have been determiued to be to any Size. - N 8 3 0 0 d : 4 2 rene : Oshawa. Decen herp, 157k. Horses to suit Travellers. F[WE VALUABLE PROPERTY re controlled by its responsible sdvie, | 10ers § who got. the telegrams ? how | cheering.) Sir, 1 call you to witness | illegal fur obvious reasons. = Liecause they ICENTIATE [AL SURGERY. -- - . Single Rigs, Double Rigs, Carriages. Omni- | Simos and Pras a fone quarter . og --~ yo th 3 i tvs | 10 the world did so much hidden virtue | what the dugisicn of old "Landon was in | pies aa i ry one o io CENT Lo ALR {GERY. =~ » aTas, rages, 1- | Simcoe and Pine streets, consisting ofone gu °T | ers. e advertec o another doctrine 4 4 ¥ | thos days--the city after which yours is | tice, which is one © greatest securities » Lisses, Waygons for Exciirsion Parties. de acre, on which there are two go v 2 the d Great langht d cheef- | thos y y y : I 4 om bd Yhe ¥ of Messrs. Simpson MEDICAL HALL 3 1 ws for K # Parties, doe, good 9 uch there are two guid hawses With well established, that for any other court, i He ay ? ( Heal anghier tnd. owe! | named. During those troublous timés, of the people. I: is your security and Boos. K 5 ® | The BEST STYLES. and as Cheap ta - A'5), me guod Inte for sale on the Karr Prop ing} Well, sir, let us refer fo ore ex-| yon the King tried to arrest the five | mine, that there is a general standing law --- ¥Ly, the Dest in vay io [ ample in English history. One of the no- | ;,,umbers, Parhament was pris ly Jor bringing to ial iA wishces agains} 4 | blest, I will not say the moblest, for thére | sought to be turned out of doors by the | the other laws of the land. nd 118 a Oshawa, Aust i2th, 1 st S ES i : bod ek iy are many noble men in English history-- | Bing coming in persons there and seeking thy winest consequence that Hire should - FOU R HORSES FCR SA LE conte lnpt of the privileges" of Parliament one of the hottest <f * hem wt was | 200€ of its members. In those times | be no questioning in reference to offences ND A £l Toon y * | Parliament has got and Parliament must | _. Te em "® | the city of London was found to be the | cognizable by the courts except under A M AT | 0 N ONE YOUNG *PAN } y | be allowed to keep undisturbed hold of Di John Eiiott, He » was the protection of Parliament, Parliament met | authority of the general law and of the (8) Rive "indy AN MATCHEI ! ) | leader of the popular party in Parlia- | in London, and there deiiberated uuder | tribunal properly constituted for t genera } met in the evil days of the first Charles the protection of the city guards. That i of offences. Remember what muy be Public that the MEDICAL ali || city bore & prominent part in making to-day in respect to this may be d LL pul is op . He alleged in Parliament that the Co . J ; REMOVED to | emouval of Business. 484F ANCRW ANNIS of doors while acinally eugaged in the He 5 gediin J atiiatetst tl 3, the Connell that struggle a successful one, and 1 | morrow in res; ect to you. Remember the TB. cnett J. FAREWELL, LL, B. WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. . afin Sa prosecution of the cause, to order that and Judges had conspired to trample | pylieve, as you have brought to this land | Conumission that has "iss 1ed to day to in- . = ar - " = under foot the liberties of the subject. | the name, so you will preserve the tra- | quire into these charges which os caguiza- OUNT ROW "ORNE FAR THE POST OFFICE - . Eelam a : s by the cour i ar (! " Xe \ ) 'N AT TOR NEY. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, J A ( 1 I B O I ! &Y TI - Parliament was dissolved, and after the | ditions of that famons city (great cheer- | ble by the comrts may in the future be yo 4 ¢ | Where he has opened out a NEW STOCK of % : = ' . . lissolution information w referred by | 10g.) ; that yon will be amongst the for- issued to inquire into the offinces com- eo - --- 3 g - : disso 0! formation was preferred by Sa : e ah a : 4 Ture Drugs, Chemicals, Patent il I PEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS '3 SHEPERY GIVEN the Com nittea is disolved, there is an end the King's Att G | pre err. bi 3 most to rise up against the infamous at- { mitted by your crime, hd wt "we may i ap s Stuffs. Elo Dund customers that 'he has REMOVED wii y that 1 Narr Fy Vip tard investiextio: o the Ring Attorney-General, upon which | 6 which is in these latter days being | be called out of til ordi X cinegs, Superior Dye Studs, & ered e Cour A Parliamentary investigation, w : } . 2 Perfumes, Soeutsd Soaps, T ; . Nisi Prins. Over and Termix rl . ve tio alternative now but to he was called upon to answer for the | juade to violate thes: same rights.(Cheers.) law before a tribunal constitute Ty = Seah tn A wy = Ne aininigm | tral Gaol Delive will he holden'in and for { ¢ Rave have ho altefnative now. Ly Brushes,air Erush , A Dominion of Untario, in the Court House, in thie Way § ol . Brushes, Coombs, Trus- WE -- the Cour charges so made Ly hima. He pleaded to | Sir, .1 do not pretend for a mowent that peesvphive Jee 3 Jaa &.C MINIS 3 2 1 ri i : Jo sl 9 3 y \] would Le lable to try ro 3 the jurisdiction and the privileges of PF: this Commission has the desire to punish, ; Y d as usual W receive Tovm of Y 71 ith was ¢ "er such a spectacle presented since lic J tS schon 1 be i . 4 or could punish Mr. Huntington for the | walls, for instance, instead of leaving it ses, &e., &c. { . v al Ys English history bezan to: be written 1 lament, «ct me read to you what the | 316 "uttered in Parliament, bat 1 | to betried by the ordinary eonrts of law v owned hy Mr ert Gott, corner o Summer Steek, a skilful manner. even the highest courts of the land, es- consistent with a modest profit. SMITH & McGAW Sho. JAMES woop, |! hlished by law, to take cognizance of 2h, - R c I 1 | O \V a | | a ease pondinigiu Parlizweat was a high PARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SO- = Y» LICITOR, Convevancer and Notarie - Vablic, Oshawa, Seath-East Corner of, King and DE. DEANS » ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE NEY to Lend. Mortgages bought and suit for either Carr age this great cause (Cheers). And for the Ol One Span CATY @ n. MCGEE. ! wazht, Will sell either separatly or by the accused Ministers to turn Parliament out Lif the prosecution must cease, and then, for- 20 " sooth, to say Parliament can do no more, take control of it into our own hands ERS AND ATTORNEYS- : itors-in-Chancery, N s vaucers;, &c., Whitby. Money to J. Hager GREENWOOD. A. G. McMinn STW. smaTn, | PATENT, INSUR- al { al Agent, Smeese 3 ¢ Inman Line Gibbs Bros, FW. 1ks, Esa. BP. SHERIN & Co, MANUFACTURERS |! T i h} D. HOLLIDAY, LIN, ONT., Al Risk Fire Ir 1 onto, for loans of money at low rates iu est. 18-1 * BRITISH AMERICAN ROTEL. »AY'S, LATE ROBSON HOUSE, py i House newly renovated and put in first-class uests. An omnibus t RRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, | ry and Insclvenéy, | | 10 t And a large stock of Fancy Articler. i9~ His Surgery is in co1 nection with the Shop a Oshawa. Maach 12t} Dominion Bank NTE. HEREBY GIVEN THE : follows alls on the alloted Stock of the Doni Jank, 1 » been made by the Dire , and the same are pay- ble at the Banking House in Toronto, as i k IWS 10 per cer id preminm of 5 per ceut on the lst 10 10 10 10 "5th Jan. i Sth Feb a * 6th March ** ' 9h April (By order of the Board ) R. H. BETHUNE, Cashier Toronto, 28th May, 1873. 3-15-tf. | Monday J. A.Gl1D ' hewa, July Sh 1872 Newcastle Nurseries. SCRIBERS, DESIROUS OF IT TREES! VISCO ROUS GROV REMOVAL. Sept'r 22. 1873, 'ence; and all wthers e¢ notice and guvern them- At the hor o Coro rs i eoncer 1 tak selves aecordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, her Office, eriff, C. 0. Whitby, Aug. 2 3. - . SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND ELST QUALITY. | (Cheers and lsughter.) Was such an out- rage and contempt mpon the people's House ever committed since Eng- lish history has been written? No, sir ! I dely those who search even into the dark ages --excspt in the evil davs when culminated in the great revo lution--I defy them to tind anything approaching the audacity of the pro- ceedure of the Ministers in destroying the trial against themselves, which was being prusecnted in the proper form, by their bwn act, and the same day erating a tri- bunal to smit themselves for the proseca- of that trial. (Lond Cheers.) The ap- pointment of the Commission is a high utempt of Parliament, and you are - not to listen to Lose who talk to you about the priviieges and rights of Parliament not being important. The privilege of Parliament is the privilege of the people (Heor, hear.) The 1ighus of Parliameat are the rights of the people. (Cheers.) Itis for those rights and in those infer- | ests alone that we are striving to-day. We are not separate from you ! from you we spring, {o yon we go back agalh, ia great historian Hallam says was the issue. He pleaded that the only®burt which had the right to take cognizance of the words words alleged to have been spoken by him was the High Court of Parliament. *' This brought forward," says Hallam, 'the great question of privilege on which the power of the House of Commons, and, | consequently, the character of the English Constitution seemed evidently to depend.™ | The character of the English Constitution evidently depended upon the determina- tion of the question whether a charge preferred in Parliament hy a member of Parliyment could be taken cognizince of by any other court or tribunal in *he land. Vell, the judges decided for the King. | They ordered that Sir John Eliot should be confined to prison till he made his sub. mission to the King. For years he linger- ed in prison. At a' y moment by making { his submission he might have been re- leased. Had Parliament been in session he would have been released at once. But Parliament in those evil days was not an- nually convoked, and was sometimes also hurriedly prorogned. (Laughter.) And fo unable to receive redress from the peo- | poiut out to you that the principle uwpom which the Commission is issued is a prin- cipal utterly incompatibls with hissceurity, | or with that of any other of your represen- tatives, for things by him or them done in Parhament. The principal npon which the Comntission is i'legal is, that no tri bunal car be constituted which shall take any cognizance, whidh shall know anght of what transpires in Parliament ; that that House alone must deal with what its members do. 1f you permit that priucipal to be violated and the precedent created, | that another tribunal may be permitted to take such cognizance, how will you fail back upon the old and sacred rule, when the evil day shall eome, as come it | may, if you permit the jewels of liberty "to be wrested from you ! (Sheers) But the Commission is upon other grounds in my ; Judgement illegal and void, In the first place is is contrary to the fundmeutal principles of just'ce that either the acosers | or the accused should have the creation and coutrol bf the tribunal which is to do any material ting in the tridl, That conunends itself to every man. Every man feels that it is out of the qustion that he should be tried, or that anything im portaut with reference to his' trial should | be done by men whom those oppused to him have selected. Which of us in ang private condition would agree that the | other party should nawe the persons who | i The security of the subjeet is, theretore, impaired by the Comnussion Bat it is said that this Act nnder which the CGom- mission sppointed anthorized "it I'lie Act, in the first place, doe | much authorize the issue ot Comunissions as to provide, when Governwmicat deems | it expedient, means of conferring addi | ti mal powers on Commissioners. The | alt leaves the issue of Commissionars to | the prerogative. Apart from that the | general language of the act can or | extended to subvert fgndon | and principles such as we hav. cussing, those, viz., that the not nominate the tribunal to | that offences against tue lav; | by the courts shall not be take: | by any tribunal constituted o | dinary conrse of justice, and | commissions are issued to inlorm. | mind of the Crown gboud mab ers of | ministers are ignorant. Now, 1 | very shortly stated what, of evurse, is » legal course, is a lagal question, but ch the iptelliger t pacple of this eovntry most | to some extent consider, inasmuch as the rights of every man amongst as depends { upon the true apprehension of those prin- ciples which con ine inquiries into erim:3 | to the general standing laws and general eneral gourts which are authorized for Whe purpose. Then there are certain grave inc nveniences eomnected with this | 1 han 1 Office-- McMillan's Block, ¥. 3-14-15. = T | XT NEAT WNARKET.! FRANCIS RAEYWy | Val main jong PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ACCOUCH | < are not de- eur. and "King St. Ohawa. 12 Notice to Sguatters (3. Ww. GAR TH, your interest and in your name alone we | are to take the evidence ! But it is said | omission, Witnes.es may ref 150 to an- . : | this is not § waterial thing ; it is said it | swer erimiating questions, The Com- he ling red in the gaol: Let me read you | ;, simply a recowling of evidence. Do | mons, I believe, have a right to compel some affecting words in which in that cluse | not be led away by any such fallacy as that | answer. At any rate, Provision might be rp a : Pl : , confinement which was "wearing out his | I tell you that the Juasbloie which will made fou tha, but by this ak, wi en of the privilege of Parliatiient in general, | 1.0. he describes his sufferings: * To be arie before the tribunal however con- | may refuse answer anything which u R IL. E Y : S this commissions is a gross and glaring | 4 poor and paked ; to re imprisoned | stituted and hetever gonstintsd, sad hain Crist -- . / : A H , al ( ot of fe y ( Sy breach in the particular of the must im- 4 and restrained ; nay, not to he at all i not EE Ee tame | it is competent for the chief actors 0 ae- I olasson of Working pegple HE ATTENTION ( F SQUATTERS BUTCH ER. | portant privilege of Parliament--the |; have tae proper we of anything i not | the witnesses. shall be called, as to the | cline before this Commission to answer : 4 omentsor sil Bie on the Potilic , Hy call 0 5 te oh Z : AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR | freedom of speech and the freedom of | to have knowledge of socie ty ; net to have | mode in which they ghall be examined, | many most material Questions. There Addiess G. STINSON. & CO., Portland, Maine. The pourdiarions a hw ne H A REMGY KH 7 H io EM M it debating and questioning in that House. | : a4 fo the diuraetyt of the ansWerels which i Sudeed oiiset justin hie Li : ge D118 «| cilon the 10th ary, i REY lo-the Building direstly opposite | spring: ANS SUMMER © 0G. | gi . . . shall be accepted as satisfactory; gre of the | not refer to for of tme, Another CEN TRAL HOTEL. t kv 3 a ight, of © Bla X 1 " ME RCIA L Hoy El. BING { "LOTHING- | Sir, who is there that does not know that | his friends debarred his precence ; himself | eseence of pr great cause. I tell you, so | pointy]. ain Fxtomely Aden ho say s : | - ; Ch _oeCupante. was | do Y tata, he hopes by having 4 . \ 82-7 | deprived of the world ; 1 will not. tell you | strong is my conviction on this point that | anytaing about the personnel of the Com- k 2 bone Rule nt th a gn fn w 1 with the be meats in their Not the greatest security for liberty itis | jy pci oom od in your 'service, for you I decided that if the Commiittes of which | mission. It is always disagreeable to say MOJE, $3. NORTH Oshawa. | Suported oy the Si cy y ir - a ntsc 13 % a in bis ine the N E WwW NS) T O C K liberty itself, (Cheers) Freedom of your and children's posterity wo prev 1 waza momber had been determined by anthing against thas who are_psitieally . 2 do BR Crown Lands sinoe the imc of such in: | 8 i a in his line. | \ ) y ', ory a . ki : . S43 QUIGLEY; Proprietor. ePection. will be: Tost 0 the occupant.unlesasuch | TWO PEDDLING WAGONS on the road | = 3-4 4 AN 9 | ypecch--give me freedom of speech for a oh Roeser F the House to be a close committee, 80 that | precluded from making a public answer. HIS €PEENDID NEW HOTEL IS | occupation has been guthorized by the Depart- | EVERY DAY, so that his customers can be le andl I will undertake Ba your rights and liberties, that as they { J shoyld not have the protection of public | Fherafore, I shall contine myself to the : : t 1 [ people und | wil yndelate ler 34 were the inheritance of your fathers, from | opinion and the light of day, I declined | statement thac I at unable to acqniesce freedom of speech will secure for you you they might descend to yous sons." | to sit one hour upon it. (Loud cheers.) jn the ropesitius Yat the Government 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. | freedom of lite, freedom of person and (Loud cheers.) Towards the end of his | But t' at was not becanse publicity alone | having undertaken the invidious task o | i ic i | those persons who are to perform freedom of property. (Loud cheers.) It would be a sutficient protection, but be Talus " , ich i " : : licity w > rua pf they are so in: Jlothing of all kinds made t : od -- t : causy publicity would be a partial guard those functions in wh ey | 8 AA binds mae to order on | js by virtne of that rule--that I am den: " My lodgings are removed and I S at any fue, wf Stu juatice, ¥ | Es : a 4 - am now where candlelight may be syJored, | that were important thea, has it ceased to | pe : " : " A CALL SOLICITED. | cheering), and it is by--virtne of that pri- |, oe I " e Vou will ak { be important with these men? They are confidence. 1 am obl to say that = mee------ ~------------ | 'vilege that 1. expect when Parliament | p "a pe 1 | given just the samé powers which were much, though I abstain from further re: 1! 1 t in =e shalll red' bef that this exchange of place makes not a | given to the Committee. We were told | marks respecting them ; slthough I must ne A merican meets again =e shalll be approved Delore | change of mind. The same protection is | while the Committee were going on, that | say it was not in hantan nature to expect | the people and, the people's representa- : : : ple or to obtain release rom the Cruwn, ---- speak and act ; and it is for your rights | that truggling to-day. (Great CAL 1, AT iat we are struggling to-day. (Grea | cheering.) Besides being such a breach son or other - na, ted Levand 1} - r day. Agents warted | EU BLIC LANDS. tent and Inter- Ii age so preva- being or existence ; his faculties confiscate ; He has just received his | freedom of speech is liberty. (Applanse.) 0 . sen, and offers to the travellers the | nent. . ors,and in good time | Which will be found complete. roughont ent best of ac od ation to be procured 'between | Y THOS. H. JOHNSON, | ) s left ot the Market | plet » Suniner -and Kingston and Toropto. House fitizd, up with 4 Ar ommissionet, ually a £0 during seR- ail the modern improvements. Best brine of Department of Crown | -- > nd dryness, are Wines and Lignars always on hand. Extens! ] ADVERTISE IN THE" REFORMER." | 1 tabilr z and an attent!y* hestler. 13-1y v extensiverde~ ch and lifer, y g ---- ra. In their s DOMI NIJON BANK! life he wrote to the fambus John Hamp- here '-night (renewed #nd prolonged xe rting a pow= = o-yarious or- sary. | CEE PRL > | 2 'OSHAWA AGENCY. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT Oshawa Coal. y ' opened an ageney AND =s in Farggvell's N O T ICE! WOOD DEPOT > (TICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT IE SURSCRIBERS BEG-T10. IN Interest will N OTIC} ' Laney WE SUN RIDE RS BEG 0 IN ASD COMPLETE hand at the above Yard, large quantity of | w found ou fo args, 8) = ars ia clude od. and capied ayd unim- COAL and CORD wooD s i a i From i' ¢ OOK A, > oF ely " atziinst disehind : Pon. €xceot on Saturdays, when the Bank will | proved wilthe cancelled and the lauds resimied with VINEGAR * = elpeed at 1 o'clock, § g and offer : sora) i" i 1gke hold : JH. MCLELLAN, Act, a Jee eal OHNSON. : id As sen tant Ce . . " of easing) © still with me and the same confidence, and | they had most important powers, that | anything tote what A tous wore L H TL tives themselves. (More cheewing.) Sir, ste. thi pi ave. o i 4 | they were judges, that some of us were | choosing the tribynal. MN Ww mem Button Hole, Duerseuiming this charge was made by my honorakis these Hhingé ro hate ) mg ov Thin tut | ntterty unit to it thers, aud conld not | bors and myself who signed the appeal to ' es rem eieg. None ; ut my servants, | 4, our daty bocanse we were most anxi- | Hin Essellency, sad dguodusej oni yaw mrdly m sons, rave admittance to we. | 0 get pC sreouth. JAG ar. an intense 1884.9 ion wou QQ ha) Narhi of the people upon the fluor of the House wip rd a NE I We. | oa to gut Glige; foxanth. (Laughter) reated in the conntry if Parliament wa --eWwW1 g \'4 a 3] 1ne . My friends, I must desir thir own | We wére not told, however,' that the | cre: - y am 8 1 chairman was unfit becanse--because he | pror ged, have got to stand b; each J. F.R F1.1.0OC '1 friend in his capacity as a representative of Cornmms ti be the proper sakes to forbear coming ' i i phice, * Wr vation, . had happened to receive some of the | other in defence of the constitutio:, wouey, (Laughter) But that did not*{Cheors) We bave got to take the judy- Georgetown Li me, iappen to be known at the time. But those | ment of the country and Parliame 1k upo 1 g ven who made this charge sdwitted that | it. We mast bide our time til Puri » Deépartme of Crown La ¢ . AND (Genearl Agent for the Dowinicn RY 13 109 procecidtig of his, 1s | Lye d for a time probably life i | our duty was very 'mportaut." Sic, more: | mont.meets. An early meeting is pro- Torou d May, 1573. AL i 1 no ma a 1 ; moms ; ' a) d to the ssi The ; I his Commission is authorized to report mised ; for that Sasly meating the faith of NTARIO BANK. : 8. cult pal Salt BL ae CoE hh a gf, Sing 4 pon es ol he won és the Crown is pladgad, and at that meetin wn oft at he 3 1 His close confinement br sumption and his physician that py YL th remain there was death, an z lace hi Owhts > s opinmon upon this matter, and the 3 oS achine Combined | ho is eae ts adver court or place in this conntry "Tr must make Lis subuiission tot He | Commission its If and the letter that it | we shall assere those prioei les which 1 I A 1 ) 1 Ios All ¢ : Vaid, aT sent. in a petition to the king stating what | has written to Huntington has ree gunized haye boen endsavonring fee ly to expound £ will be pronptly attended to. ia the hest ; | his physiciaus liad advised and requesting | that as its function, You will 8 id that | this night. {Cheats } Ne shall Assur 3 OSHAWA BRANCHL Best Family Machine. to Purchases | *Fivien on it, ba? no tribunal in Canada |, oy joryement. ' The king returned an. | Mr. Day's lotter expressly says that the | CIS Vous 8 oie Gy Jig Gonstitation ! - IN TDW ID \ | BS ! A Al ozo A 61 1. Becaube it wil do everything that any ma- | can be cosstitated, nor ean niy existing swer that it was not humble enovgh. He Commission is amthorized to ingaire into | Wi Wl ca w 3 MT o | symp OFFICE-SINCOL STREET SOoLTH { i | ) 1D ] \ \ ! 1d iyo. . eb dvVentiiivh oh chive can d ing from' the 1 | constituted. tribunal dure to say fort , apa, and report upon the matters stated in Mr. you. v4 what we would have pepsia. Mv : : WOOD C1 ud SPLIT at EXTRA CITARC ding. mathe ron Ei sent in a second petition, It is short, led | Huntington's resolution, i say thet the | ssi bad the opportunity been gi en us to inten: (QFFICE HOURS_FROM 10 A. WOO CHIT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARS * | crear veil i hear and cheers.) We can dis ollow ing reasons are given why this public weetings, we ean invoke public the office in the CAPITAL $2,500,000. a Series shat voy sant that it is trhth or falshaod ko, pong je; 4 Sir, I am heartily gory | desizn is to obtain a report "rom this Com. | eriticize befora the act which has been advergise~ 1.30 ulm. i 8 have displeased. your Majesty, aid having | WWission, »0 named, and sfterwards. call committed; and wo shall look to the peo- | a 2 ; oi i ess of all 1s wr cred of ti \' { 1 ) I | 1 V( )( \ r Zz Becaye the ) Brg Tre, of lly | (Cheers) The very instant that the con so said des haa d In Yeseoch von oles awain Parliament and say to Parliament, ** Thess | ple to sustein us in fighting the pe ple . | White: ¥, ; gi Hi a \ y 3 Ad. } 7 Ada | 7 eguiur dip i» button-hole | trary determined; that very: Gif. | oo one " AL Jot 0 | gentlemen heard the evidence ; they yaw | battles. {Sremendous cheering, lasting hed Neck, : ; i wilh 4 i "a pid eye 1 son o'e ' to set we at liherty, and that when I have the witnesses ; they knew exactly what | some moments.) Do I speak to any man he hand : 2 i ndolent h ; : ywed on ali depos Having obtained Rooms in will er wer r the cdg, . i | recovered again 1 may return back to my | degree of credibility was to be attached to here, or if my utterances be read by any ry oid > able Ww t notice, | [ OR making a neat and beautiful Lorder on any that very instant the sceurity thet you Lizate into this = matter, h constitution is changed and Chronie 3 Rewit- 5, Diseases of . and. Bladder, ch Diseases iuenases, -- Persons en: such as fo, are subject' To LLERRS Vise ni Hamers 1 fer Name Ad carr Ly the use nd other Worms, many thousands, removed. £, DO 40 ull worus omplaints, in young tat the dawn of wo- these Tone n influence that verceptib] ted Blood when . HOLLAND, Manager. shawa, July 166k, 157%, 314-1y Money 'to Lend REDUCED RATES. T AM NOW PREPARE wm 3 ( me 3 mt For « lates Interest, 1 re Princina fn Debentures, Mortages, NPACKS BOUGHT AND to AMES HOLDEN, {1 Aasighee, Money Broker, &e. 1 For Sale! (INCE THE SOUTH RIDING OF the Cemuty of Ontario is, and has beep for | thik the individual properties old 'as well, the Sonth: Part of | wt "Whithy, about . he South tf Lot No. 6, Broken Fast Whithy, shout 120 Acres; also aif. Lot of Nu. 13, 1st con. East Whitby, Reasonable terms of payment will be given. ore Frock, Brockt,, £ WM Litly | 4 ' GIBBS BLOCK OVER McRAE AND CO'8 STORE 1 havé commenced the manufacture of LADIES UNDERWEAR IN ALL 17S BRANCHES, \WHOLEASLE & RETAIL | v rea zr their o will ve Lhen I, in a manner guarantoed 10 give i to ca'l, where goods will be Courtesy paid Ly the for J. F KELLOGG. Oshawa, June 3rd, 1573 First-Class Investment / HE CORPORATION OF OSHAWA | offer for sale Village Debentures to the amount $7,000, with coupons alta hed for in- terest, payahie 8 mi-anpually at the rate of 6 nt., per annum Pe es may oifer for the ¥ hole or any of the,above amount. Address portion now WHEAT, WHEAT, - L CASH PAID FOR -any (quantity of WHEAT AND OAIS | PIANO FL RTES & FURMNITURE,! VICTOR GOODS 1S THE THING. R. WELLINGTON, garment, er-handed seaming, by in the like are tise or lower the cloth tise you have a shiort deep bobbin by ch the thread is constant irawn from the 3 ension is couse ntly even, and ¥ the thread 'uss the presverfoot turns back; that th can be easly removed after ling 10. Because the best mechanic pronounce jt ¢ best finished and made on the Gest principle neue manafactured. {1 has ne springs thing to get owt of order. cause it is two machines in one-- A Bui le Working and Sewing Sachine hine can accomplish the un Nos 5,4 Sand 6 Parties nding a family Sewing Machine want a Whete Machine, one with all the lmprove- mens It is to lat a LIFETIME, ard therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do it | { the best: and this mwchine can do several | kinds of sewing no | besides dokag every king tit all others can do. The American or Plain sewing Machine | + (Withowt the batton-hole parts), daes all that is wie on any ether Machine + en the Combination, except button-hole and overseaming, The undersized has been appointed general nad; | agent for the Dominion of Canada. PIANO FORTE POLISH us Wanted in Every Gout] Good Tadncements, Apply to copuse it will work a beautiful eyelet hole, | 4 : . | ri'y depends upon the absolnte immunity have for liberty is gone ; for that secu- of the people's representatives from being | spoken of outside of Parliament by any tribunal in respec: wv any act of theirs in the jwople's House® of Parliament. {Loud cheers.) Bir, in the heyday of free- dom shall we abandon the sccurities for liberty 1 If you do, IT know not how soon yoga way fall npon those evil days. in | which, without those securities, your | liberty may be taken aw ay from you. say to yon tha' at this moment, by the uncoustitutionz] acts of the present Ad- ministration, the government of this country has Been seized into their bavds, | that at this moment, by their ack of prorogation, they have substituted an ar- bitrary and tyrannical government by the Cabinet for that Parliamentary and prpu- lar government we have Ritherto enjoy- ed. (Immense cheering.) Sir, let us not {forget the history of the past--Ilet as not [dorget what has been said and dene and 'suffered in order to secure for you this liberty wlich this Commission impeaches. | Look at its language. It recites that J. E. KiB 1.1.€)(C 1G . | Lucius Seth Huntington, a member of OSHAWA, ONT. . Orrick AND Savessoom Gress' Brock, Parliarrent, on the floor of Parliament made certain charges against Ministers, prison, there to undergo such punishwent cach ; you didn't see : yon eonld | wean, vho culls himself a Conservative, as Cod hath aliotted to me." He was told that this petition 'was not humble enough, and he refused to petition again, He ordered a picture to be taken of him, and directed it to be hung on the walls of {Port Eliot, in order that it may be' pre served forever in bis family as a perpetual memorial of his hatred of tvragny., And there it still remains, beside another one | of the great leader of the Commons, in the pride of his strength. The great contrast between them is ore of the most affecting spectacles which any man can witness. After his death his son humbly petitioned that he might have his body €o be buried in his Cornish heme. - The ruthless King replied : ** Let the body of Sir Jol n Eliot be buried in the church of that parish wherein he died." He was byried .n the Tower ; no stone marks the spot, Lut, as his biographér says, * While freedom subsists in England he will not waut a monument." (Loud cheers.) When next the necessities of the King drove Lim to call together Purlinment, one of its first {net judge whether So-and-go told the truth ; who so qualified to judge as the persons who heard the evidence: | Will you pot sceept their opinion! These are the | arguments that will be addressed to the | House, | fully recogaize tie advantages | of being present when the inquiry is going | on, and if here were no othr ground than that I should decline to accept the | eommission and their views upon the evi- foundation of our system of jastice verted ; the jury system is subvert ed ; the syste of challenging jurors is | destroyed by the adoption of ths principle to nue the persons who shieil be judges of the fact anid of thy law, What reason, what justice is ihere 1a it! Does it not shock every honest mind! Again remem ber this, those who talk to yon so much | about oaths, the superiority of Judges, lose sight of the fact that while a Judge who is doing bis judicial work is sworn to | do it honestly gnd fairly without favor | and iwpartiglity, those gentlemen com- | prising this Commission, two of whom { happer- to be Judges, and one an ex- | Judge, are, of course, mot sworn in" this | investigation, nor da their oaths of office | apply mn the slightest degree to it, and acts was to declare its opinion of all those { therefore that alleged security of a judicial proceedings ; to declare that that judg- ment was illegal and a high breach of the | privileges of Parliament. Shortly after- bunal is not given wn its entirely since | | the men who are to try, though they hap- | pen to be Judges in another capacity, are not in this one sworn Judges. - 1 do not | attach too much importance to that. The Ln speaking of this, 1 say the | | wo usk hin to step to the front with me step to the front with me to conserve the | eomstitutiog {chcers) ; to'step to ths front with me concorve those anclent piiuciples of British liberty which he cin agree with me are not "now fangled." Isis for any one who eall himse a Conservative to propose to sanctigqn or express other than abhorrence of a new and d wigsrous conrse, swooping awsy every well sottlod principle upon which the -consfitution Presta! I want to know what is is tion in this conn'ry, if 1 be not ti up for those good things which are © lished Chats.) Soinetices, [| re oot te . ers. , 1 reget to of allowing owe side of th» investigation | say, it is dee eanse enough to stend up for an evil'thing bycause it i oitih. | lished, and assuredly I shall hays iho sup« port of every Conservative in $e main | tenance of that which is good. (Cheers) | You may be told that we are trifling ; that although these principles are uWndeniible, _ and these privileges are unquestionable yet they do not concern you, because tle end is good. (Langhter, You may be sought to be entested in 'he 2 of the doctrine that "the end justifies the Jovan. Bod Ak asked to say that ecause investigation you should entirely overlook the the fons And yet these gentlemen who tell you that, with the sune breath are Ito de- nounce my friend Me, Sutinglos, be- cause they suspect that in the attainment _ of that good end, namely, this investige tion, he has used some unjustifiable moans" in getting evitlence. (Langhter.) Butt is (Continued on Fourth Paye.) | Fy TT | COWAN, Resye, | Sole agent for Os) awa. Oshawa, Avgust Zith, 1873. i = McRae & Co's Store. 16-2y | and moved a Committee, &c., that the | wards in the flouse of Lords, ut the in- | Committee was not sworn and the new DANIEL CONANT. n find it ob: Fost Whithy! §th July, 1573. 133w Lie ; cleanse it when it J» wiil tell you when. the the DRALD & O0., Phe pid riven Ste 'he i es iF Egists aud Dealerse

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