oy TARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1878. : : 4 tT ~ CROQUET AT DANBURY. FREDERICK NEALE, -=0022. 9 croquet has inspired the following" reflec- | | * FROM DANBURY CNE FOURTH OF JULY 1 BNTS, WW. WIGG & SO Cabinetmakers and Undert, i SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSH; hy Se ) 0 ~ AXD OTHER INCI- tion from the Danbwry News Man :-- With the exception of a little " Croquet is not designed for the develop- { ment of muscle, but merely for the enjoy- ment of recreation. When a man puts | the prepondence of his strength in the blow, he fails to progress in the game, and not only that, but he loses so much enjoy- ment, and merely expends strength that may be required to take him off the | * premises. An acurate eye for measuring distance and defining disections is about all the capital required in a safe and ) nourishing game of croquet. Cons'dering | what an ®xcellent citizen he is in all re- | spects, we are led to regret that Mr. Hennessy did not posscss these facts pre- vicus to last' Monday evening. On that occasion he played his first game. There was a nico party of them on Mr. Warford's lawn, and several elderly ladies, members of the Khidghluy Missionary Bociety, wero seated on the stoop, having had a very enjoyable tea. Mr. Hennesy | waited expectantly for his turn at the game, at the same time swinging his right | arm and slapping his chest to warm up | Up to Time / 1d. F. K E LLOG G. Celebrated jo de a 4 Cream Ale and Porter. his muscle. When his turn Qid not come | Rs . , | he D he determined to surprise the congrega- enear Agent for the Dominion, | CURES Rheumatism, Secalds, Lameness, Nouralgia, Burns, Soreness, Sore Throat, Boils, Wounds, unusual suimation in the graveyards there was nothing to indicate that Friday was the Fourth of July in Danbury. Alarge number of our people celebrat- ed the Fourth with a trip to Rockaway Hoarseness, Ulcers, Bruises, Beach. They went down .there for their | health, and after pelting the beautiful Headache, Piles, Sprains, ; Scund with their dinner, they came back | Toothache, Colic, old Sores, late at night, hugging thet girls, jawing | Al Hemorrhages, their relatives, a Diarthes, barrel, The members of the flawson Sunday The American | BODSEL Oty Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, The Onte AT THEL RMS : I= aid wi heye ibd are blisher, a: Ja Kup w Bookcases, Bureaus, : Cupboards, Bedstead Washstands, Cha | Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand, Agent in Oshawa for the AND | GROCERIES, WINES, | and smelling like a tar If you want to get HORSESHOEING --OR-- School had no library on Sunday, and | they. were a little arritsted. . Deacon Hovey was deputed to go to New York after new hooks, and was to start on Thursday, but he was two days finding a | milf LIQUORS SIMCOE ST,, OSHAWA. meee) see a Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottan sm HYBj( ACCOU Residence Hotel. WN. FRED UY'S H LAND. esidence, Simi vk revolver, and lost rnother day in Jooking | up a suitable dirk. But he started for the city on Mond and the matter will | be all right next S ay, wo hope. A New York party, and white linen clothes;-and boards at one ng » RING Button-Hole, Overseaming REPAIR AND COMPLETE 'Sewing Machine. Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of. all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. -Also sole Agent for ¥ PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, ness and despatch. ¢ FELIBMBEEE gE om = OF ANY KIND DONE who wears spectacles Agent for Davies & Bro's of our hotels, went ont into the woods to hunt for wil have since been employed In of his ears. T d strawberrica. Two doctors inting for one 3 e got the down 50 hie can blow his nose with a pair of pincers, and think they have found all of his mouth, but they can't find hat ear | They believe it is there, People who can't tell mercury vines from straw- berry plants should keep out of the woods.' ADVENTT swelling Pictures in great variety. Frames made with neat. Children's Carriages and Perambulatos$ always hand, . sEEYEpTaTREE: tion. And he did. He Jooked at the By Time | | other players patronizingly, and at the always | elderly ladies affectionately, then he raised And I n Time / ell 4 {Choice Brands of Cigars 2 Tobactos y le thy mallet, and carefully measured the | ; : | distance, agd took in all thé bearings | --Go TO-- : UN NDI2 RTAKIN G. p 4 r BETH L A v between chim and the ball. Then he Special attentiofs paid to U ndertaking Funerals attended to onthe 3 THE TRADE SUPPLIED. BAMBRIDGES, 'cheapest, and | swung it around his head once or twice, shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffin with Gold and apin by produd kept on hand and made to order. Terms rcasonable. Dental Roo! On Time | ING § Geo. Ro Robson House Tha first and only Button hole and Sewing Machine Combined that has made its advent in thi: or any other countr; aT He, following reasons are given why this is the best | Best Family Machine to Purchase: 5 fincet to The RE WITH A VELOCIPEDE. are material ming he, clio, jordin, There were several velocipedes standing quilting, ete. R at one of the freight depots the other day, consigned to Han Among these who stood around and admired them, and thought of the bruises they had received however, " | and the next instantic swung through the | air like a flash of lightning, and descend- | | ing square and accurately to the aim, | | lifted that ball into the air, and drove 1 button hole | Hats and Caps. un is full against the shin of the amiable Atkinson's Dru better than auy | se the tensions are more easily ICENTI 8 ther Machine | Oilice over T _Bros., King St. SIMCOE ST. NORTH. JO paou MA 4. Because FrHLEEITEETE ~ wis wo f yu HHI HHH ie hc. A in former tussles, was ome who blushingly confessed that he had learned to ride one of the critters, and was proud to believe that he was calculated to shine on a velo- cipede. He strod around atrlile, shen he removed one from the pil about to see that none of the were in sight, and eagerly j Perhaps (we do not know j ) thie presentiment the people would meddle with the goods. At any rats he took the precaution to cover the seats wi I skim, which concealed wit! folds the sharp points of nnmerony tacks. But we will not anticipate. As soon as the young man mounted the velocipede he dismounted again, and taking his hat in one hand, and placing the other under the tail of his coat, he shouted * fire!" and disappeared. . A DIAD DOG. Orer in Newton they their own. un its inn have a sorrow of "fam kas shot his Whercever the visitor to that beau uraful eader a3 v hot his do 3 troubled, It was an and un fortunate member of the communi had death s a cat, and whose tail was.d a sort of dry rot, like-the dew of the before the power of the sun. He has Low ; Le is wafting Lreezes of suum who had kr y, who lost one eye in a with | norn away on the b and old people, d --wheo n the twili a childhoc had stopped to and who > had cones cost Sar m fift that. way. t ho does has put away t the gaze of tl He rory far away from , and dried his tears not murmar. --and go' a new FOURTH OF JULY INCIDENT. Stephen Butler lives in Westville, owns a farm. Mr. Butler has had no par- ticular feeling against tte Fourth of July as an anniversary. Friddy morning he was. engaged milking ore of his cows. | While thus employed a yonth bpamed Morgan, fired by the temory of the deeds of his fathers, and having money, imagined the British, and, loadi and slung, fired The cow Mr. Butler was milking at the time was working up a new end, and thinking of the es that had taken place in the political and social affairs of { the country in the past 05 years, when the slung from Morgan's gun came over the fence and ploued into his Lind leg, glancing from the bone and dropped into the pail. At this the cow stepped over to the other side of the yard, and glenced back at Mr. Butler with a lock of ming gled" astonishment and reproach, which Mr. | Butler failed to notice, being too buisly engaged in picking himself up, and other- wise enjoying the stirring memories of | the day. -- © -- ee The French made payment of the third quarter of the last milliard of the war in- demnity on ths 5th inst. The German Government has been in. formed by the United States of its con- clusion to decline extraditing Vogt, It is said that more women are arrested | in San Francisco than in any other city in | the Union. and som: | , A Cubuque grain dealer is astonished that "sach "an honest farmer-looking | man" should swindle him, | --Gfetioral Peauregard is going Yo intro. duce ** fireless locomotives" on thie street cars in New Orleans, Dr. Amos Westcott, the originator of | the Cardiff giant, committed suicide at Byracuse a few days ago. | Chicago calcuates from the number of names in her new directory that she L i 465,745 injabitants. = XY. oO oO = 1 i i . Bret Harte and Boucicault are said to be collaborating in a dramatization of ~ the ** Luck of Roaring Camp," A circus rhinocerous, while being remoy. | ed lately from a flat car at Charlotte, Mich., fell upon a man and killed him. - Eighteen Cincinnati physicians have de- elared that gymmosties ia public schools injure the health of the children. A lobster was recently taken at Port. Jand, Me., which measured forty-six | . inches from tip to tip of his extended | claws. At, Oakland, Cal, there | as just been eaptured & newspaper-th wing dog. Over 100 paper vairi ou 1 behind a J Pisirab abn wiry be dog had Hayward, will give a tempus... at Butterfields on Sunday next. OFFICE AND Nothing Like Leather | G irls " " a It it will embroider over the edge, | making a neat and beautiful border on any garment. 11 work a beautiful eyelct hole 1 do over-handed &caming, vy cases and the like are the rfoot turns back'; that removed after being 10s NG apr 2t of or i r achines in one--A Rat. d Sewing Henne 0 other Machine can a complish the ing stated in Nos 3, £ 5and 6. ing a family Sewing Machine want | 3 : Wikaie Machine, one with all the improve- ute, LTIME, ard therefore one is » the most work and do it WILLIAM LANG INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS! WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyjo|p epew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. machine con do scyeral s-- we on any e her Machine | that all otu*r3 can do. rts), daes all that is excopt button-kole ed Leen ang siated general or the Dor TIiRIon of 4 anada. py Wanted in Every County! Good Inducements, Apply to ppl Jd. F. KELLOGG, OSHAWA, ONT. Sairesroom Grees' Brock, Over McRae & Co's Storz. 16-2 ATEINSONS DRUG STORE 'REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES Next Dcor to COWAN'S. -- -- ty) nn Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Comb. Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of 1 'e Stuffs, 1 Ev erything of thebest Quality and tristly Genuine | noo ® wuB® HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers. KING STREET, OSHAWA. | Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them | during g the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, E a 1 ( For Everybody. We have on Land the Largest, Best and C heapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &e,, | ver offered in this market. Our Stock co mprises part 'of the following : )0 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, ) Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, 0 Boxes Glass, * Star" and * Diamond Star," James', W als & Parker's, and Brandram's White L ads, En alish and Ameican C 'olors, { Blundel and Spencer' s Boiled and Raw Oil, { Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish, | A merican, English, and ('anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, | Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., | Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, | Ii | [ A Gouge's, Plane Irons, &e. merican Socket Firmer C hisels, { Star Company's Bevils, Squatés, Dividers, &e., A DISCOUNT OF | D awson's and English Planes, * | Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, | Plated Forksy Spoons etc., B. M. TEN PER CENT. § 1G WILL BE GIVEN Tea and Coffee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks etc. atform and Counter Scales, uns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, | Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, | Chandeliers and Brackets, FOR CASH --ON ALL | Readymade Work! FOR THE NEXT Thirty Days | To clear out the Summer Stock. -- Ladies' Prunella Gaiters - 70 enett. | Gents' " " 8150 50 " Calf, « 65 |v omen's " $ 00 TG. HAWTHORN King Street West. Oshawa, Aug. 6th, 1873. Prive, $3,600 for the Prem, 14-1y . BurGLARY.- Simpson Bros. store Sle pumps for the progection ow vw he dntered burglarously last Sunday, and t ami as feloniovsly bye tind Toma | from. village fron fire, were carried in Uxbridge | on Monday, by a majority of 47. | EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO | Cut Nails $5 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices, HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873. | C------ CHEAP GROCERIES! THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR GROCERIES --]S AT-- HENRY'S OLD STAND, | Opposite Black's Hotel, King Street. | A a CHEAP TEAS, IN 10 LB. CATTIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C. Call and Satisfy Fouselt before you squander your oney elsewhere, 3 R: V.CHUBR woh way, alone whom tne du. | confederated Parliament of the Lous... | president of the Khidghluy Mission, | who immediately rolled off the stoop, and went Kicking and into a | Michigan rose bush. The awful con- cussion of the blow broke the head short screaming off from the handle of the mallet,and ghat | | distressing article contributed some new and startling phases to the disaster. Aficr making several unsuccessful lunges at the | | prayers, whose numbless alone saved them, ! it skipped across Mr. | Waadford's rose, | Change of Business, Selling | | off at Cost. | taking off jsome two dollars' worth of skin, | i and flying' upward, come down with un- | | expected force upon the crown of the vice-president of the Khidghiuvs, wh) | was 'making himse!f horse in behalf of | her unfortunute s= perior, and brought her | Sacrifice Sale, before moving into New Shop. | jaws together with such force as nearly to | | derive her of one-third of her tongue. The unfortunate Mr. Hennessy appeared | to be the only one to retain. his presence | | of mind. He buttoned the *mallet handle | under-his coat, and threw his hat into the street ; and then, watching his oppor- | tunity, dashed in and canght ome off the | and | iately puiled her out of the rose bush, | and on to the walk. { of the balls in Lis pockets, slung his watch on the pear tree, and went home, | president's struggling legs, mmdiing | in} the most imbecile manner indescrib- | Drugs, Patent Medicine 8, Scented Soaps, French and English |» ble. A SWIM OF NINE MILES. The imrginings of the romancist are | continually being outdone by occurrences in real life, and the story of a Communist's | escape from a transport off the, Australian coast, a few wecks ago, is almost as start- Then le put three | imined- | Cheap Balance of Stock cleared out before 1st Sept. S. TREWIN. | ing as anything of the kind recorded in fiction, It scons that the French trans. port steamer L'G,me bad put into the lower harbor of Melbourne for coal and provisions. ment of New Caledonia. The sentinels { 'on duty were quadrupled in number, and | the ship was kept brilliantly illuminated | Boats were stationed at > | judicious distances, and all conceivable | precautions taken to prevent any of the | convicts frond eseaping: | ordinary combination of courage, good | | fortune, and physical endurance, one ! Michael Serigne, managed to effect his departure from the (vessel and his arrival | on shore, a distance of seven miles, with lanterns. | where, sirice there is no expatriation for | | political offences, he walks to.day a free According to Melbourne Argus, Berigne, having watched his opportunity | | for several hours, rolled out of a port hole | into a collier, which had been breught | | alongside to furnish- the steamer with {eoal. A guard with a Chassepot was close by, but the prisoner executed his critical movement just as the sentry was | moving from hiw, snd before be turned, | Berigue fell amid the coals, and with | | great swiftness and dezterity covered | { himself up among them. Here he lay | i until after midnight, his first descent [ ha aving been made at about 9. He now | Mealthily lowered himself overboard and swam to the collier's steen, where a boat | was fastened. Oufting the rope, he | gently pushed the boat away, swimming | behind it. The night wes dark, there | was no moon, and it rained. 'When 300 yards away, Serigne heard 8 noise on | | board the steamer, and) made up his mind his escape was discovered. He naturally inferred that the absence of the boat would be instantly noted, and that if seen, she would at onge be fired upon. Ho therefore instantly left her, dived well beneath the surface, and rose again some distance off. All was quiet again on the ship, but he dared | not return to the boat, and struck out for | the shore. He could sec the lights af Sandbridge, but knew not how far they might be away. After swimming nearly an hour, he felt that he could On board were v9 Commun- ! | ists, bound for the French penal s.*tle- | TREWIN | gains just now. | Bat by an extra- | | Clearing Sale wt 1st Sept. . TREWIN. i { | Boots and Shoes and Groceries Very Ch at | , TREWINS Cheap Woolens at TrRewINs', for One Month. | | STEAM BETWEEN | LONDON, QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE wo longer. Happily, av this juncture he espied a vessel at ancher, and contrived to struggle to her cable. Fearing he should faint, and so sink, he lashed him- self to the cable with his belt. For an hour or more he rested, and then dis- sugaged himself, and again struck out for the shore. Greatly exhausted, he | managed at last to gain the beach at Sand. bridge, and thence, in the morning he walked into Melbourne. He had heard, he said, that having once tanched English 20il he was free, and so had no fear of being given up. On the line taken, it in quite a destitute state, and, as it turned out that he had been quite a harm- less member of the Commune, he found many sympathisers, who will see to it that he has a comfortable provision for the future. There are few instances in the dof followi of the ving First-Class MEDWAY, DELTA, The Staamers of this a. tended ta sail London for Quebes aud BEET sonia i . > PE . » HECTOR SEVERN P Li il 5 ¥ i S. TREWIN. | | S. TREWIN. | Goods for One Month. | S. TREWIN. mast bo 1 seoud pue enjua poof ! deayd st yey jug 'oouyd oy : 'PojUBIIBAA pur padiedoy A[njaae) 'VAMVHS(Q 'ISYH JL1IddYLS DNIY M20T1g S NOSTIAN D0 [[14 'YeOLIIUT 10 2JRIT[AP. AOL] JOU BIVD Nn 'S}0010 ANV SFHOLVM NI MHOM TV '198 0} puneq dv puw ssaursng ' quasar oswal [ PUT QTXALS 150%] a) jo pus 'AN ST 3003y or su 'Ozer masa sasuyoand Luv Burpn|puod wlojoq spoof sup ees pu [red v uy ead o], 'LVIN | "sorong0edy 10 'OPT I-T0ATIS 'AI[esop SOTO 'SOWIE fF ATIQALOAASHY Ad'IN0 Fy "0% '4371aMmar YIIVWHOLVM | | NId2H HAVIA'T DIY 1} x 11S PAOD PIROM PUY 'SLAUEN( Jo] PORN MOU §] JING LIMA MOT .AONNOXNY OL uy ore oym Luv ona SIH LVHL This further certifies that Mr. L. ov Machines in the ined, work, Satisfactory reasons I A share of public patronage solicited. Lk. PRUDHOM: ® HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHQ authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and | Family Sewing Machines. ~ of th ig in ays Toit i 1 New Just arrived at the & b offers Great Dar NEW FIGURED BALERNOS, NEW STRIPED SATEENS, NEW STRIPED POPLINS, NEW LUSTRE SERGES, NEW BEACK LUSTRES NEW PRINTS- CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. 4 # fiw £ ok i has the exclusive right of ied Such agents appointed by us. iE CONSISTING OF . ang Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' aad hire, of all Classes and Sizes, : To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per ous IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. «a J.J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, oi neal shove Maghine- is one of the vu wins Machines ; in the heeds to be seen to bs appreciated. leon, S23. given for We have a splendid stock of Black and Colored Kid log : at the BEE HIVE. i AN operation Residence in thy ARRIS LICITOR Pablic, Oshawa, Simcoe Street#. | 24 MONEY © old. JE OUNTVY Barrister, A © and Conveyance 8. H. Cochrane, Ontario. GREEN ARRISTE AT-LAW, § Public. Convey: Loan. J. HAMER GRE < RCHITE "capital £ Appraiste and Savings Socie at low rates of i int GY. ARRISTEF £ Solicitor in otary Public, J! . Brock Street, Whi FRAY HYSICIAN eur, and' Corg $6 to $20 of either sex, you at work for us in t time,t han at at G. STIN HIS SPLE! now open, and and Tor OTICE IS the Dominion P.m., except on Sat closed at 1 o'clock, ONTAR CAPITA OSHAW OFFICE-SIMC FFICE HOU to 3 o'clock p.m. 1 o'clock p.m. over 1 0, repayab shawa, July 16th, Money REDUC I AM NOW P any amount of md arm or Productivé Lowest Possible B sums and manner San be re-paid by 1 SILVER AND GRE For further Official Office Mc Millan's April 13th. 1871 INMA OF MAIL New Y ork, Live Crry or RicnMoND. Crry or MONTREAL. City ov BrooxLYN. Crry or Pa Crry or Ciry or Ory ov ()