Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 30 Jul 1873, p. 2

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PE au rw . y i PY cma ada = FEV RVR, es ah AMERICAN NEWS. | Very Latest by Telegraph BALTIMORE. Nrw Yorx, July 26.~ Among the losers by the Baltimore fire is the Central Pres {to Mr. M. Smith, of North byterian Church, Church and Library, $80,000. A [] ten blocks, bounded by Mulbe: , Liberty xington and Howard strects. The total loss is estimated at $500,000. Bavrneore, July ©8.--The morning estimates £500,000 and ea the damage as fow as between 8300,000 and £400,000. The Gazette estimates the Ines at from £500,700 to £800,000. The American says 81,000,000. Cuoausearaxp, Md., morning an engineer ou the Baltimore and Qliio Railroad lost control of his engine on a down grade, near Altamont. The | | | ) The) { | Sun this | while the loss by the fire at | cars good judges estimate | legs. ! t it will approximate to | July 28 --This ! engine ran away, and while running over | forty miles an hour, struck the rear of a | freight train, demolishing twenty carloaded with corn, cotton and- tobaceo. The en- Fineer and two men were dilled ; the con- dnetor, the brakesman, and a drover were badly injured. New Yong, July 23.--The World's St. Petersburgh despatch says Gen. Maoffwann, commander of the late suc- cessful expedition against Khiva, will ad- vance with 8,000 men uvon the wild Tur- coman tribes who continually harassed | and in favor of a Parliamentary enquiry. | Van | the Russian foroes during the late cam- | paigr, constantly hanging ou their flanks aad rear. Cixcix es711, O., July 28. --The steamor Jennie Howell, from New Orleans, struck enag at Curlew Point this morning, and 'sank. Mrs. Pringle and two children "and brs. Ring were drowned. = New York, July 87. --The News says an , ernor Dix, and a petition signed by some of tue most prominent men in the State . of New York to grant young Walworth a | : pardon. "New Yoox, July 28.--A tornado at |] partially | Macon city, Georga, to-day destroyed the Masonic totally demolished several ings. Two pers ws were killed, aud a nujnber more or iess severally injured. Bax Fraversco, July 23th.--The receipts of wheat from the interi tinue light, al'hou as that of last year. seven grain Jaden vessels have got off since the 1st July, against twelve for the same period Jast year. Thera are vessels enough in port to carry 25,000 tons of grain. Temple, and LovisviLie, July 28.--The cholera has | eoplication has been made to Gov- | | | 1 | | | ior con- | h the crop is as large { { | broken out again in Lagrange, Ky. On | Lot 6, CANADIAN. Fort Garry, Man., July 28.--Bail waa refused in the Gordon ease, except in the case of Merriam, whose bail was fixed at £4,000, in two surcties at $2,000 euch. Loxpow, July 28.-- A driving house, barn and sheds, with contehits, belonging A fine cow, Herald | belcnging to Wm. Bell, of We. t uinister, pecial says the burned district comprises | was struck dead in a field. Wioper, July 28. --To-dny abont 4.30 o'clock, a brakesman named Robert Mo- Connell, fell from the top of a freight train shunting at this station, and two passed over him, breaking both of his One leg was very badly jammed, but the doetor says he thinks both can be caved. He was theu sent to Saruia by No. 4 Express West. - Dr. Rice is in #t- tendance, Riviere pu Love. July 28. Hon. Letellicr de St. Just convendd a meeting of the inhabitants of the County of Temisconata, which unanimously adopted a petition of the Governor-General praying for an investigation into Mr. | Huntington's charges, declaring agains! the appointinent of a Royal Commission Mr. Mailloux, member for the County in the Commons, joined with Mr. St. Just in his efforts, and the meeting supported them unanimously. St. CATHERINES, July 28.--On Thurs- day last, a blue fly got into the ear of a carpenter named Elward Hudson, who aas been engaged in the township of Grant- ham in building a barn for a man named George Cole. Hudson thought he remov- ed the fly and paid no farther attention to it. Next day he felt very rainfal 8 nsa- tions in his ear, which became so violent that he consulted Dr. Clark. Tht gen- tleman made an examination of his ear, and took out five hundred small maggots. A large potash factory is in course of erection iu Seaforth. . Thirty new buildings have been erected in Aruprior this year. London is adopting ths Toronto system of dog registration aud license. A broom factory is bging established at oblin's Mills, Prince Edward Couuty. Mr. C. B. Stephens of Walkerton cut 3 | tons and 40 lbs of hay from une acre of small build- | land. Lindsay is considering the advisability of adopting the Waterous system of water- works for that place. Perth is to have a town clock, the funds necessary for w tare to be ruised by veluntary contributions. The supply of new hay in Hamilton largely exceeds the demand, though prices | range from $12 to $17 per ton. A valuable colt belonging to Mr. Brett, Friday night there were t=o deaths, and day afternoon last during the storm, by three on Saturday. To-day labor has disabled the physicians of that excessive | the falling of a tree. place, and applications has been made to | ~ The Montreal Salvage Brigade are now this city for a physician and druggist. EURCPEAN NEWS. Latest by Atlantic Cable. -- <G-- Loxpox, July, Commons to-night, Mr. Phillip Callan, member for Dun- dalk, . asked if there was any probability { | |E ~In the House of | in the distance. represented as being a most efficient curps and render valnable service in saving fur- nitare and goods st fires. The people of school sectiom No. 6, mily, have just had built a fine school. house 29} fet by 37} feet, and capahle of aceomlating eighty scholars. The building is of brick aud gront, oud pre- tents a neatand eubstantial appearance. It commands a fine view of Pigeon River The Royal Oak Good Te mplars' Lodge, | initiatory steps for | Oakville, has taken . vo oti 1 the establishing a " hh . i that tre Carlists in Spain would be re- establishing of a brass band in con Vissoan d, Under 8 cretary for the Fereig partuient, replied that the Carlists were undoubtedly gaining ground, Lut matigrs were not in a to entitle them tfhelligerent rizhra, A message from the Queen nati the Commons of the forthcoming marria of the Duke of Fdinburgh, and ask that provision he. made therefor, wai ro ceived and read and consideration post- poned till to-morrow, absence of Mr. Gladstone. Panis, July 28.--The Extreme Left has resolved to form a Vigilance Com- witee, which is to sit a'ter each meeting of the parliammt Committee of the Aseembly during recess. EBevoxse. July 23.--A steamer to-"ay landed 3,000 Rewi gton rifles on Fiu- tribea, near Bilboa, where t ceived Ly a band Lizirraga w Peracerrada pn -ar Vittoria, LUSTRIA. Viexxa, Jaly 28. --Adrices give details of tie trials of mowers aud reapers; four. teen American reapers snd fifteen Ameri- can mowers entere ine grain Was ry Qe, tolerably stout and thick mn one part of state 'Yy were re- leaves of 690 Carlus and purpose of meeting the Governor- Gen- ere reported ou Friday last at | eral, and placing before his Excellency all the documents relative to the Pacific painted, Sqnare, nection with their Order in that Village. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wragg, of Belleville with their relatives and frien 's, o Mon day evening last celebrated the fiftioth anniversary of their entranes into man The Indians of the Anx Sible Resorva- i purpose holding a tea wieeting at Stony Peint, Lake Shore, B sanget shortly, in aid of a fand for ¢ wpleting owing to the | the building of Johnston's Church. | The Carronbrook salt well Las now at. tained a depth of over 600 tact, and work is still being pushed downward, There is said to be every indication of salt being found at less than the average depth. A Montreal ¢ rrespondent of the Ecene- ment says thatt. ¢ Hon. Mr. Hw tington for the Lower Provinces for the Railway scandal. A band stand, eneately made has been erected in Prine 's Hamilt-n. In the evenings when the band plays the square is lit up with Chinese lanterns! and children are not adniitted without their the ficld bat s.nall and thin in another. | Rough characters are also excluded, e had its section nuts were very bad. imme, no syite ROT about the namber of msn to: ace mm each machine. All the American macliines exce t one did good work. The Geran mac'iuer were too heavy fir hoses Every machin to cat There The Managing Director ; shares, con CuBorre. July 25.--There has been a pany formed here for the purpose of ¥ | mrunfacturing sugar beet; Mr. John Pur. ser, President, and Mr. A. F. Burnet, | trial 'Was hi L!y satisfactory to the Ameri- | Which are payable either in cosh or beets cans present {every mower and reaper in the A sricultgral Hall was in the trial with two exceptions. Dzruix, Jaly 20.--The German Gov- eruor c.savows responsibility for the seizure of and calls upon Captain Werner, command- The best quality of seed has been import- { ed from Fiance, and is supplied to share- | holders by the Mannging Director or, ap- plication. THe best and most approved tae Spanish steamer Vigilante, | Machinery has been purchased for the fac. | tory. The experiments made thus far ing the German man of war which effect- | have have proved highly satisfactory, and ed the capture, to account for his proceed ings. "Eis report of been received. Roug, July 28.--The Pope to-day re- ceivel a nup'er of nesly nominated bishops. lu his address he urged them to defend zeilonsly the rights of the Chuich Referringt the coud [ avthoritey mm B were lille to exc y he same es members of other seer sucieties not- cithstandthg the charitable cbjects of their crganization, | Tae Mail waxes angry at the thought | there is po doubt Lut that the enterprise the affair has not yet | will be a success. | of petitions being sent to the Governor General praying him not to prorogue Par- suggestion as a disloyal impertinence and insulting lecture to His Excellency on his duty. This is the organ which attempted Maori, July 28.--The Cortes has dc - | It autumn to bullyrag the Governor of clare itself in favor of the abolition of | Ontario, and muttered capil punishment. The Carlist foece which was threatening Bulboa has retired threats against Mr. Howland, should he adopt the recom- mendation of the retiring Prewier, Blake. Dorchester, | loss estimated at #70,000 | wero destroyed by lightning on Frid Wy | insurance $60,000. and the St. Alphouso ' night ; loss about 1,500. Con., Caradoc, was killed on Thurs. | areuts. | . . : » ' Parets | releasing themselves from the wretched | ing that His Excellency may refuse to | (01 { position which they ocenpy before the | act a part in the scheme by which th y country. John A. does not teil us what | liope to bambozzle the pespls and esc: Pp 25 each, | from the meighborhoud.- Din Carles is | reported at Arcos in the Province of Log- | Then the orzan set rono. The railway from Madrid to Va- | itself up as the FPurveydrop of constitu- lencia has been cut in s¢ veral places, | tional deport ment, and read Vice-royalty "Hove Koxg, July 28; via London, July | severe lectures as to his duty. Now, it », 2 dlowmeive typhoon visited Atuuy wonld anathematize those who propose to e St Inst, Teal alvage was done oa 2 - : : * ia to forsiyn property, and to the shipping in | assert in constitutional fashion the inher. | the harbor and river. The telegraph | ent right of every British subject to lay. | as to his suciessor. (rand Trunk Time Table. OSHAWA STATION.--OSHAWA TIME. weer. GOING EAST. 5.00 a.m, Fxpress .. . 05a. m. 2.45 . | Mixed ...... 50 p.m, 7.00pm, 0180 dnesengor xe . x Passenger. . Expross...... 9.45 p.m, | WHITBY STATION. Traims going East loave Whitby Station te tales eatlier, and those going West fifteen nutes later than the above. OSHAWA POST OFFICE, The malisare closed at thisofiice, by Post Office time as follows: GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Morning mail, 5.00 Morning mail, 7.00 Evening ma 8.00 Evening mail, 8.00 The Northen mails are closed immediately after the arrival of the Train from the West, at 820 a. m., daily, Sundays excepted. The English mail, ¥ia. Quebec, is closed at 7.3 2'clock on Thursday Evening. andvia. New York a: 7.15 Saturday FE ing. The Mail for Enfield, Foley, and Tavrton,, olosed at 12.30 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday Registered Lettershould be Mailed 15 minutes before the Lour of closing a mail, OFFICE HOURS.--From 8 o'clock a. m. unti Tp. m. { NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. * Lost-- Apply at this office, | Found--Thos. Cowle, Public Meeting--Y. M. C. A., Tai oring--John Wood, Change of Business--J. A. Gibson, Sewing Macaine--J F Kellogg, Pianos--R. Wellington, Notice--Crown Lands Department, Notice to Squatters--Crown Lands De- partment, Fire Engine By-law--L. English, Stove Foundry By-law--L. English, Genta' Clothing--G. Hodder, New Teas--Steele Bros, Change of Business--S. Trewin, Removal --Organ Factory, Sumer Trade Sale--F. McRae & Co. Che Ontario Befovmer | Oshawa, Thursday, July 30, 1873. | Ati povsors h wing dinrgs of the Paci- this riding | to this office on or before Saturday, the 9th day of August prox. ' 3 -------------- | DEMAND AN INVEITIGATION. ture througliout the County, praying that 1 Li wl wall, as they very often do, they mount | | fie Railway Investigation Petitions, in | | | | | depending upon their so doing. | { | , i ; ' / " | Petitions are being circu ated for signa. | be attacked by the *' doughheads," (as 1t | : | The: } ; ii ov ha | His Excellency the Governor-General will | These are the cries which they have now | eral ! the House of Commons thereby assumed | the duty of prosecuting the enquiry. The Committee having been prevented from proceeding as ordered by Parlia- ment, by the Government procuring the dissallowance of the Oaths Bill, they will report t> the House to that effect, and the whole matter will then be relegated to the Commons, somo other method of conducting the meestigation. The House is still de f1cto, in session, having, adjourned to the 13th of August for the oxpress purpose of dealing with this question, and they meet them it will be with the sole object of proceeding with the work upon | which it had entered. To prorogue the | House immediately upon its meeting | will 'be nothing more or less than to | arbitrarily exercise the prerogative of the Crown, so as to deny them the right to finish a very impor- tant work, and would constitute ontrage against the rights and liberties of the people such us could net in any way be palliated by the flimsy sham of a | Royal Commission, and an unprecedented to "deviso when an violation of the constitutional principle. We feel sure that H's Excellency Lord Dufferin--educated in a political school where the instincts of public morality are keener than those wkich anin:ate the Tory party of the D« minion, and who has been tanght to b lieve that the r bbery of wil- lions is not a less hein 01s crime thas the picking of a pocket--will not be induced by any advice from a Cabinet indicted, and well-nigh convicted of the fo lest of pbc crimes, to commit so flagrant an act of injustice and wrong as to deny to the peoples representatives the rights and privileges which they have always hitherto enjoyed. This view of the situation is | really a very serious one, and it remains | to be seen how far the scheme of Sir John will be allowed to run. EH A ---------- THE RIGHT OF PETITION. Whenever the~Tory party ia political the Loyalty Horse, and ran tilt against are requested to forward them | all and sundry who differ from them. Just | | out of the day. now they are running that noble animal as if the very existence of the Stato wera The | Grits are going to insalt the Governor-Gen- | Her Majesty's dignity is 'abont to | delights to terim the farners of Ontariv)! | f not dissolve Parliament, until the House | taken up, and to judge Ly the comments | ase} ,. | longer safe in the hands of the Ontario | of Commons shall have completed the | Madenpon these assumed picmises, some | | iry ich i | thing very alarming indeed is at ut to be : 4 : enquiry which it undertook last month, | 8 Ty 133 ne yo | introduced the subject of the Ontario | { and given the Government ample oppor- | done by those incendiaries the Grits. | tunity of vindicating their character--if | And what is it 1 Why, they in commer NIW SUB3IRIZZRS TIS WIZZ. The following additicnal names were added to our subscription list during the past week : John Leigh, Orono, W. J. Rengin, Duffins' Creeck, Joseph Gall, Oshawa, Alex. Gunn, South Oshawa, Francis Cole nan, East Whitby, Samnel Dearborn, " Robért Morrow, Samuel Horn, Raglan, Thos. Henry, Port Oshawa, Culson Horn, Harmony, Charles Mallery, Oshawa, T. 8. Trewilliger, East Whitby, Samuel Webster, Oshawa. Joseph Moore, Columbus George Phaenix, East Whitby, J. R. Hamilton, as Edward Worden, Darlington, Michael Murp East Whitby, Frank Glaspell, Tannton, William Garnett, Oshawa. Gareespondene, We do not hold onrselves as responsible f¢ r,or endorsing, the opinions expressed by our coires- pondenis. Our columns are op n to a discussion of all matters of public interest. THE TWELFTH OF JULY. To the Editor of the Ouiraio Reformer : Dear 81g, --Permit ms through yonr columns to make a few remarks cegarding the action taken by Orange Lodge 685--in consequence of a mistake made in the Globe's report of the 12th in Oshawa. That it was a mistake, no one attempts to deny, but 1 think it somewhat strange that the members of 686 called a special meeting and passed six resolutions condemning the Globe, and yet could not send a correct ac- connt of that meeting to the Vindicator. It says that Mr. Thomas Gibson, County Master, moved that the resolutions of the Grand Lodge be adopted as the sentiments of the Lodge. Mr. Gibson was not at the meeting aud consequently eonld not move or second any resolution. Was this siate- ment calculated to mislead the public ? delivered on that occasion were not of a | character to warrant the assertion th vy | wlitical capital was attempted to be made | Will they deny people | the right to believe their own ears, or to judge between a political speech and a sermon! Take an Oshawa Orangeman's ester, when le says there were several Rev. Gentlemen on the platform who by the truthful and eloquent .speeches made | evety iover of freedom feel that the free- dom of the subject and conscience were uo | Government. Government and the Orange Bills creat " LGTY: DOPSD atiw with Conservatives and people of every he impression that an Orangeman says he { they can. Every perscn, Conservative or ' i peo} y | Reform, irrespective of polities--all who | stripe of politics "are about to lay a peti- | desire the stigma w!)ich now rests upon | tion, asking for redress ofa grievance, in | the Government of the C anty to be re- [a most respectful manner, at the feet of | moved by some means or other--will | the representative of Her Majes'y the | Sc ------------ TEE TRUE SITUATION. ! perforin a duty by signing thess petiticus. | Queen. { | vileze secured to them by the British | | constitution and They are about to excrcise a pri- which British people peo - have exercised for five hundred years, | | ~The actual position of aTairs in re the indictment preferred against the Govern- went of Sir John Macdonald, is studions ed by the Goversment in all the while with question, side issues of all desc rip order to divert the pu! We are t not a credible ic mind from the hat Mr. McMal- witness; that Sen. real point. lon is ator Foster is mistaken 'n his testimony ; Surely th re is nothing in this to distur the rifles of those who delight to cozen His anh themselves in the light of His Exc ! Whit then is it that ¢ Excellency's butler, wgnify ec unteuance ms are raised in | all this vutery against the Poo le who the for their own about' to address a dignitary who Fories fancy exists solely chosen elect 1 What La e those thirteen "innocents" to fear from the gra ting of that Hincks has denied, and Allan deuied, | the pray er of the people's petition 1 Why aid Macdonald denied, and Ounimet has | do they shrink from going on their trial | denied, aud so on. On no point do the | before the House of Covimons, since they Tory organs place the subject fairly before | say they are guiltless ? John A. said, "gen- the country on its merits. They overlook | tlemen, these hands are clean!" Why the fact that it is not McMullen who gives | does he not dare to bare them before the | the most damming evidence agniust the gaze of the people? How can he expect Government, The letters of Sir Hugh us to believe them clean, when he per- Allan ; the *' orders to pay" given by Sir | sists in keeping them in the botternjost | George Cartier ; the drafts of Sir John depths of his breeches pockets! The | and 3 Macdonald, and the explicit conditions at- | fact is/that * guilty" is a foregone con- | | tached to the transfer of these large sus | clusion in their case. John A's drafts i] of nioney, are the spectres that set the | Cartier's orders ; Allan's agreement, and | | guilty consciences of the Ministers in ter- | Senator Foster's testimony establish that, | he did with the which he drew on Abbott for * on the | | same conditions," as previous tens of thous- ands of dollars from the same prolific | source, had been procured ; but like the ostrich, which seeks refuge from apparent | danger by burrying its head in the sand, | | he thinks to draw away public attention | | ment--unwittingly given--by .ecrying the character of the man who wasina | measure instrumental in bringing about this expose. All this buncombe will not do. The public mind is thoroughly aroused -- to say the least--to the necessity of clear- | ing those circumstances which tend to | throw suspicion wnpon the honor and in- tical | Jisment until the Pac.fic Frouds are offici- | tegrity of the Government. The steps | wsoury | ally investigated, and looks upon such 8 | taken by the Government to prevent en- quiry, and to thwart the action of the | people, only strengthen the conviction ¢ theirown followers is that j nothing but conscious guilt has prevented which even amor 1g strength, viz, | is rapidly gathering | the truth and the whole truth from being | brought to the light long since. | re -- I INTERFERENCE WITH PARLIA- MENT. It seems to be generally understood that | an effort will be made by the Governmert | to bring about the issuance of a Royal | { | | | from kis own evidence against the Govern- | | | | disloyalty and insult. business associations have cable between Amoy and broken. The Trus ees of the High School, Elcra, ~have from quite a newber of applicants sélected Mr. James Murison Duin, B A. L. L. B:¢f Toronto University, and for seven yé#rs head master of the Grawmer | | , Guelph, es privciple of the High { Bchol, in place of Mr. Mills, resigned. | Last Saturday a great feat at black- smithing was perforu ed by two sturday Vulcans in Erin township, They wade none hondred horseshoes 10 seven hours. _The guickest tims made doring the per- formance was gix shoes in fifteen minutes, | sud a dozen in thirty-five niinutes. Who ean beat this, especitlly in such hop | By-laws relating to the purchase weather! Rasbitaille, director of the * National," | ro dead on the foot walk pear his residence in John street, Quebec, Wed- Shanghai is his grievance at the foot of the Throne and pray redress. -- Whig. A Quiney paper speaks about ** Nebaka uezzar eating grass," but adinits that old fogics used to speil the name little differ. eutly, ---------- Tux goage of the Grand Trunk Rail- way wil be changed cn the 1st of October | proximo. Soon after that beeurence, we iizy expeet to see trains run every day | Letween Oshawa aud Port Perry, direct. | WE publish in another column the | Whom it might be altered, garbled or sup- of a | Commission, comprising some of the lead- | ing Judges of the Dominion, to whom | they desire to refer the enquiry into the | charges made against the Government Ly | Mr. Huntington. This on the 'surface | looks reasonable enough ; but on consider- | atign it must be evidente that nothing but | a sense of the weakness of their position | has wrung even this from them. A Royal Commission would proceed with its invest: | gation in secret ; its report when made | ust be made to the very eriminals whom | | they have before them on trial, and by | pressed altogether, according as its | steam fire engine and also to gran: » bonus | nature, would effoct thew. Knowing this, | | 3 4 "2 ' i 2 > i Mr. W, Robitaills, eldest son of Dr. | to the Sto-e foundry, about to Leinauguy- | 1! i clear that in desiring to issue a Royal | | ated in this village, Oa the Jen August both these by-lans will be voted | Comission, the Ministry are taking the vury course to excite suygpicion, and the | | own rascality and implicate others. | clear as some of those who are high in | authority in Canada, and who were part- | ners with him in the business." : | ror, and set them at devising schemes for | and feeling that their hour has come, fe ar- | g9 | | ' other ten thousand," | punishment, they assail the people with | a ld common s savrgeness of despair, with accusations of Blow hot or Llow cold ; turn this way or turn that ; where was there ever a Conservative journal that | would not justify the conduct of their | leaders, whether in rotten-egging one | Governor-General, or in *' defending" a1 - othér from a petition of the people. John A., nobly drawing his 87,000 a year in his country's defence, and swearing to live or die by it, is about as good an idea as we can suggest of the *' trooly loil" Conservative. © em------ GEORGE W; MCMULLEN. A prominent citizens of Chicago bears the following testimony to the reputation which Mr. McMullen bears: He says :--*"Geo, W. McMullen was | | born in the tcwnsbip of Hillier, near Wellington, Canada, and continued to | | reside ie Prince Edward County until a few yearsago. I regard Geo. W. Me- | as a straightforward, upright | wan. He is so regarded ty the business men .of Chicago, whose confdence he | scems to enjoy in a large degree. He is considered a clever Lusiness man, and his always been amor g the leading operators in the great city he has chosen for his home. I do not regard as anything derogatory to McMul- len's character what the Chicago Taibune may say of him. That paper is by far too reckless in its charges of men and mati rs to carry much weigl t where it is known. McMullen will stand the test of honesty alons with any of "the fir John As, Sir Hughs, or Sir Francis, who are a pretty lot of fellows to ery thief and make a hubbub after the Chinese style, in the attempt to detract attention from their | If McMullen has done wrong, I'am no apol- ogist for him, but [ have no doubt his record in the transaction will bs quite as Mulien Ifthe Government organs, instead of wrying to blacken McMuilen's character, would turn their attention to clearing the | character of their' masters of the foul | stain now standing against them, they | he did, then his speech must have been politiea!. what it wax worth on that day; but when the Paafic Railway money broad cast through the country, it would worth $1,000 at least. If the unister was have been isan he Orange Bills ia the Gentleman in ist, lot him attend wich, and le the guest. to dutics as ave ands of the men who passe risk of brea gd wid when (] 1 them at the wn their Government ten and corrupt Govern went at Otta as it soon will be, then conscience his own Tailor or s be bought, usd and of his butcher the { Leen the case during Yours, tra! ATRovau Ascu Po Oshawa, July 22th. To the Editor of the Ont rrio Reformer -- Dear Sir.--In 150} d'cator of lust = over the Vin- *k T was astunished to ng see a series of resolutions passed at the | Ora g: meeting in Oshawa relative to speaches on the Twelfth. Does the clique think the reosslutions will weigh a single etriw with thoss who , for the | If the Rev. Gentleman who | As for capital, I don't know | flying | The following is the result of the recent examination of Teachers, held at, Whitby, Oatario last week. IIT crass. 1st Grape. -- Victoria A, Nutting, Sarah Bigham, Barah 8, Baxter, Lizzié McCraight Sarah A. F. Cron, W. J. Croshy, 2nd Grape.--Rosina Burns, Mary A. Madden, Eliza M Biady, Martha Moore, Ame dinning, John Ross, Abraham Dobson, David Forrest, Th mas B. Bunting, R. B. Harrison, A. McLayden. 3rd Grape --Nancy Starra*, Jessio Me- Kay, Mary E. Laurie, M. McMultz, Mary J. Barnatd, Kate Carmichael, M. Cleghorn, Josephine .Fin- nigan, Lydia Gerrow, Agnes Thornton, Catherine Gorman, Ellen Chisholmy- F. Bagshaw, J. Miller, R. McDonald, W. Forrester, W. Bungard, John Suffins, W, | J. Ratcliffe, A: Brownie. James McDBriex, Inspector P. €. Co., Ontario Hew Advertisements: OST, ON TUESDAY EVENING 4 last. A GOLD EARRING. The finder will # ably rew ed ov leaving it at this office | Oshawa, Jaly 30th, 1873, 1w-p | -------- | FOUND. | ' - { OF TUESDAY LAST, A GOLD LOCKET, enclosing miniatire, and having | 8 Gold Pencil and other tricke s attached. The | owner can have the same on proving property and paying expense of this adveitisement, by | applying to > THOMAS COWLE. | LOST! | 16-u0 "DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE | PUBLIC MEETING | THIS EVENING; | In the W. M. GHURCH, | + Be ion i , 3 aches | | argument or efinflict get driven to the | In tho bth resolution it says the spoeches For the purpose of organizing a Yonng Mens' Christian Association in this Town. FASHIONABLE TAIL ORING. | REGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE | Public of Oshawa and neighborhood, that he haa opened a TAILORING ESTABLISH- Next door to Hawthorn's, King 8t.,0shawa Where he will be happy to receiy orders fip work. Satisfaction and promptaness graranteel. Oshawa, July "0th, 187; 3. ROC Removal of Business | 3LGS TO INFORM HIS FRIEND: > and customers that he has REMOVED ito wis | Wow Elsck, Dominien Bau, Simeos Strack, » will be prepare J. A. GIBSO N. Iw | The 8t. Patricks' Banovelent Society I Intend to hold their Second Annual Pie-Nie were present and hewd the speeches | referred to. It is notorious that h of the Rev'd. Gentleman was in- *d throug'.ou: to re adics the minds | of those p-eseit »zanst the Ontario Goy- | ernment. Whit an insult to Orangemen did | mse, to say that he wot doubt but the Oradgemen would remember their friends at next election. His the Rev'd. Gentleman forgotten the damming ihsult, that the Orange body, ani every loyal subject, received from t.e hands of the J. A. Administration in their utter refusal to bring to trial, the wretch who dyed his hands in the blood of a Bro. Oraugemen, and for no other offence but that he dared tostsud up in defence of the " Protestant religion and the liberty of England 1" Let him think of this wher his extreme proclivities would prompt him to act the part of the parti- zain, and I think he would be very care. ful abont the remarks he would otherwise be inclined to make. What meant the cheering which Went up from the crowd when the Rev'd Mr. Hutton administered his cutting rebuke 1 Now contrast the ex. cuse viven, viz.,, that he did not mention Mr. Mowat's name. Did the Rev'd Gentleman think that the percep- tions of the vast crowd there assembled, was so obtnse that they could not se throuh the flimsy covering with which he | attempted to cover up the insult, Now Sir a word as regards the action of the Lodge in the matter. Wo were told by the Chaplain of Oshawa Lodge who certainty should know, and it has always been stricly erforced wherever I have attended whether in privrte, Dis'rict, Connty, or Grand Lodge, that_the Orange the | AT MR. AXNIS' GROVE, | ON TUZBSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1673. The Committee will spare no A rains in making it the m Jt successful one of the sc ason, One Hundred Dollars to be given away in Prizes. For further particulars see Posters, An invita- 1. tion extended to + THOMAS BYR) Se. Managemant Committee The A Button-Hole, Querseaming AND COMPLETE Sewing Machine, J.F. KELLOGG Genearl Agent for the Dominion: 118i merican The first and only Button-hele and Sewing Machine Cosubined that has made its advent in this or any other country, ¥ £¥ The following reasons are his |i The easons are given why this | . . | Best Family Machine to Purchase: 1. Because it will do everythine that any chine can do, sewing from tl ¢ finest to coarsest m ial. Lemming, felli i brai ling, ion att tine, other r Letter than any Examination of Public School Teachers. SE RVA NT WANTED. McPhail, James Ratcliffe, W. | | Oshawa 13-11 oss, Jiunie Thorn, Henry Glen- | | Bred Cows Four Dollars, common Grade Cows | | One Dollar cach. McLaren, I. | | Notice to Squatters John Wood | on Crown Lands is strictly forbidden. | will be r JOHN WOOD. || LAMATION = - Department of Crown I J*A. GIBSON 1 (uneil to jas: | after anpointed for this By-Law to take effect at | the Office of the Treasurer of | and shall bave a WASTED AT ONCE, A GIRL FOR general housework. Enquire at this office, FIRST-CLASS TENEMENT, WITH any number of Rooms that may be requir Aigo rooms suitable for Millinery and Apply to MIL, LOGG, over McRae's Store, Gibb's Block, samaking esiablishment. Kl The Importsd Ayrshire Bull, BISMARCK; ILL SERVE AT SYDENHAM FAR 'I during the Season. Terms-- Full THOMAS GY. Oshawa, July Sth, 1873. Her MY STOCK OF Pianos, Organs, Books & Stationery etc., is complete. . Call and examine. R. WELLINGTON. A NEW SUPPLY OF STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, just recaived at R. WELLINGTON'S. - aii NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 4% the lands in the Township of Neebing and Pai-poenge, in' the district of Thuader Bay, sold subject to settlement, under the Order in Council of 5th April, 1561, will shortly be inspect- ed. and the sxles of such lots shall be fowmd on such inspection to be umoecupied and unim- prove | will be cancelled and the lands resumed and offs-ed for sale under the General Mining Act, at 31 per acre cash. THOS. H. JOHNSON, Asvistant Commissioner. Department cf Crown Lands, Toronto, 23rd May, 1573. Li - IR | PUBLIC LANDS. HE ATTENTION OF SQUATTERS on the Public Lands is specially called te the rezniationa ¢ ntained in the Order in Coun- cil on the 10th January, 1759, wherein squatting No claim to and by right of occupa. a ss such occupants was settler on the land with substantia) ents at the time of inspection, and so reported by the Inspector. Improvements made on any Crown Land *e the time of such in- spection, will be Jost to the ocenpant, unless such | tion has been authorized by the Depart THOS, II. JOHNSON, A purcha | ined, v istant Commissioner, nds, Turouto, April 1st, 28:3. 16-tf | | | | | | | franting to William | rmvichael William { Met Tell nd and | the Defntures] f Ushrira Leaving sir ¢ in' the sand | i ys amounting Fire payhle twenty after the Cale thereof as a bonws bo assist them ia est lishing and +m of Tu wears vintaindng | above named rp elves together r of incor on at the Vii of Oshawa, ari he business of Stove sed a suitable sive thereon expensive 1d have applied to this 12 of Five Thonsand il of this Municipality n by way of bonus 1g and carrying on ntures to the said st at the rate of six per | cont , and payable twenty years after the date thereo!, And Whereas, to carry into effect the said recited ohjeet, it will be necessary for the said their Debentures for the said snm of Fivk Thonsand Dollars in manner here- pavm Debentures, as d. Ad reas, the amount of the whole | rate ble nroperty of the said Municipality, frre pective of any futnre increase of the samo, and also irresnective of any increase to he de- rived, rom the temporary investment, of the sinking fund thereinefier mentioned or any part the rrof, necordine to the last revised asses- sment rol! of the said Muticipality, being for the vear one thonsand eicht hnnired and seventy. three, six hundred and twenty-eicht thousand eizht hundred and twenty-five dollars, And iWherems the existing debt of the said Municipality is thirteen thonsand dollars, the whole thereof being principal and no portion thereof heing for intere Aad Whereas, for pa nz *he interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fand for paying the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars and interest as hereinafter mentioned, it wi 5 require an equal annual special rate of ---- 1000 parts of a mill in the dollar in addition to all other rates to be levied in each year. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Oshawa, as follows ;-- 1. That it shall be lawful for the Reeve of said Mawicpukity to cance any number of Deben- tures of sald Municipality for sums of money not less than One Hundred Dollars cach to be made,bni not exceeding in the whole the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, and that the said Debentures <hall be sealed with the Seal of the said Municipal Council and be signe by the Reeve thereof, 2. That the said Dahentures shall be payable a! twenty years at furthest from the day herein- this Municipality, ched thereto coupons for the pavment of int That the bentures shall bear in- 2 of six per cent. per | of the said loan or debt and iuterest as' | also hereinafter mentioned. | was six hundred and twenty-eight thous , | creating an equal yearly sinking fund. for | paying the said sum of Seven Thousand Insolvent Act of 1869, CANADA oh Province of Ontario, / fe Sounty : Connty of Durham, one ', of Nort . of the United Counties and Dug Northumberfand of and Durham, Dr. Wu, Cost west of Hobb's He Francis Ra MoBriax, $) In the matter of . HENRY ELDRIDGE, An N TUESDAY, TH 3 0 AUGUST nest, 'the der ro : under the i obo said Court pd 2 Dated at Bowmanville, {i A.D. 1873, OT manville, this tenth day of July; , EB. Farewer, RAY &e., B BE, pis Rois 'hitby. i Ontario Bank, S . Dominion Bank, JAMES HoLDeN, Brock Street Whit! 4 Frnovox; C. N. Vans, Cow: Jorn MoGrLe, A GENTS' CLOTHING k ~----AND-- 7 Outfitting Establishment. oo --0 le -- » A NDER & Bi 8s. TREwrS, Simo W. Laxo, King § G. GURLEY, King MILLINERY J. F. KxLro0, Ki Mes. BROOKS, Sin a SPLENDID STOCK OF HATS ----AND---- CAPS, CEHEAP. BE SURE AND CALL AT HODDERS, | Oshawa, July 29th, 1873. 16-1y BY-LAW No.-- A BY-LAW to raise bg way of loan the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars for the purchase of a Steam Fire Pngine, and w Jor other purposes theresn mentioned. "hereas, the Council of the Corporation. of the Village of Oshawa, have determined: to purchase a Steam Fire Engine with a © suitable quantity of Hose, and to erect LS suitable building for housing the same: =~ Aud Whereas to carry inte effect the: said recited object, it will be necessary' | for the said Council to raise by way of 4 loan the sum of Seven Thousand Dollary : in the manner hereinafter mentioned. ; And Whereas it will require the sum of - seven hundred and seventy dollars to be' raised annually by special rate for payment: SreeLe Bros, Ki J. O. Hexry, Ki A. ALEXANDER, G. W.GarTH, Ouimis BEST PAPE Only Profitabl OSHAWA, WE] "Orr ror Orra left for Ottawa 8. 8. Festiva . Beheol children Point on Thursd Rexovar.--Mi moved into his to the Dominion Coxcrrr.-- Vid will give their g the 2nd Octeber Opreirows fellows excm day next. Taz 15th A Pic-nic for the 'of the finest ev body should give Ax oud FaIENT of Toronto, and f deliver two sermon Church here on S| 1 And Whereas the amount of the whole 0 ! rateable property of the said Municipality, 9 : irrespective of any futars increase of the AL same, and also irrespective of any income J to be derived from the temporary invest "10 went of the sinking fund hereinafter men © tioned or any part thereof according tof © > the last revised, assessment roll of the sail + Municipality, being for the year one thos: sand cght bundred and seventy thregy © 3 ul eight hundred and eighty-five dol # . ars. ' : And Whereas the existing debt of the" suid Muuicipality is thirteen thousand dollar, the whole thereof being foe prineis val and no pordion thereof for interest. And Whereas for paying the interest and Dollars as hereinafter 'mentioned, it will require an equal annual special rate of': 224 one = mills in the dollar in addition to all other rates to be levied in éach year. > Ee it therefore enacted by the Municipa - Council of the Corporation of the Village of Oshawa, as follows :-- 1. That it shall be lawful for the Reeva ES | of the said Municipality to raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be wi ? to advarce the same upon the eredit the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, & sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Seven Thousand Duilars, and to cause the same to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer for the and with the object above recited. ° 2. That it shall be lawful for the mith resve to cause any number of Debentures to be made for such sums of money as may be required, not less than one hundred dollars each, and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal ~~ of the said Municipal Council, and be = * signed by t%e said Reeve. a 3. That the said Debentures shall be made payable in twenty years at farthest from the day hercinafter mentioned for this By-Law, to take effect at the office of the Treasurer of this Municipaliy, and shall have attached to them coupons for the payment of interest. 4. That ihe said Debentures shall bear interest at and after the rate of six per cent per annum from the date thercol, which interest shall be on the thirtieth day of the month of June and the thirty-first day of the month of Decom~ ber in each year, cy the odd the Treasurer of the said municipality. 6. That for the purpose of.forming sinking fund for the payment of the Debentures and interest at the mate aforesaid to become due thereon, an equal 224 special rate of one 0 mills in the dollar . BE Jecauso the tensions are more adjusted than any other Machine. eof which interest teenth pay of the | month of y and the thirty-first dav of. December, in cach year at the office of the Treasurer of this Mur pality, 4. That for the pu se of forming a sirking easily | an | shall be pi | 3. Becauze it can work a beautiful button-hole | | making as fine a pear! as by the hand. | | 4 Because it will embroider over the edge, | | making a neal and beautiful border on any | fund for the payment of the Debentures and | garment. | interest at the rate aforsaid to become 5. Bacause it will work a beautiful eyelet hole, | 1% 6. Because it can do over-handed scaming, by dug 'thereon, an equal special rate of - 000 pars ofa mill in the dollar shal), in addition | i shall, in additien to all other rates, be { raised, leviad, and collected in eaclt yesr | npon all the rateable property in the said | municipality during the eontinuence of | the Debentures, or any of them. G That this by-law shall tale effect and {come into operation on the first day of body was strictly nonpolitical, and I be- | which shee's, pillow, cases and the like are lieve the Reform' party belonging to the | %¢™ed over and over. 4 | the resolutions order are anxious' that we should remain 80, for while the Reform members of the order have always avoided politics in | their ludge room, the other party have always taken advantage of circumstances and passed resolutions having a po'tical Bras when they had the chance, witness in question, and tl} reiolutions of the Grand Lodge in refer- to the Scott Murder affair, Now Sir, if a split should take place in | the Orange body, politics is the rock on which™ the split will take place, and the conservatives will have the blame to bear. Ove thing is certain, a majority of the | Rev'd. Speakers there present, will have get more than a mere private profnise | yous . + | kinds of sewing not done on any ether Siachlne | that polities will not be allowed to be in i doing every kina that all others can do, | troduced om the platform again on swch an occasion before they will consent to favor ns with their presence to be insnlted in the way {lies were on the occeasion ro | But Sir it is more than time that an understanding was come to on this point, | | 7. Because you can quickly raise or lower t2 | . y an quickly i r the feed to adapt it to thick or thin cloth, ho 8. Because you have a short deep bobbin by which the thread is constantly drawn from the | centre ; the tension is consequently even, and does not break the thread | 9. Because the presserfoot turns back ; that | the cloth can be easily removed after being | sewed. | 10. Becauss the best mechanic i the be-t finished and made on the pest principle of any machine manufactured, It has no springs | to break ; nothing to get out of order. 11. Because it is two machines in one le Working aud bined. &% No other Machine can aceomp'ishy kind of sewing stated in Nos 3,4, Sand 6. Parties using a family Sewing Machine want Tonounce it A Bate Sewing Machine a Whole Machine, one with all the improve- | 5 | ments, It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that wiil do the most work and do it the best; and this machine can do several besides Tho American cr Plain sowing Maching done on the Combination, except button-hole | ered to the seid ps | Coun | (Without the button-hole parts), daes all (hat §s | O® to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected in each year upom all the rateable property in the said Munieipa'ity during the continuance of the sail Dabent R any of them. 5. That the ssid ures shall not be deliv- " or to any or either of them, or to any other person or FEToons until the i foundry buildings shall be completed and escurity given to the satisfaction of the Council for carrying on the said business for at least the term of ten years, and the continuous employment therein for at least nine moaths of each year of at least thirty workmen. 6. This By-Law sholl take effect and come into force on the first day of September, in the year of our Lord One Thausand Eight Huudred and Seventy Ehree. 7. That the votes of the clectors of this Muni- lity shall betaken upon the said proposed | v at the Town Hall, in the said Village of | , on the Seventh day of August, in the | r Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred | niy-Three, between the bours of nine in the forenoon and four o' i moon, and that Lyma turning Officer to tak NOTICE. The above is a true copy of a proposed Dy-law which will be taken into consideraiion by the 1 of the Corporation ef the Villawe baws after one wonth from the first p ticn thereof, the date of wihch fir 'sa'd | seventy three, and that fer the purpose | of taking the votes of the electors thereon. | a poll will be held between the hours of Septemhcr, A. D. 1873, 7. That the votes of the electors of the Municipality shall be taken upon the a'd proposed By-law at the Town Hall, in the said Village of Oshawa, on the Seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and: Seventy Three, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and o'clock in the afternoon, and that Lyman English shall be Returning Officer to take the votes thereat. NOTICE. The above is a true copy of a proposed By-liw which will be taken into con sideration by the Council of the Corpora: | tion of the Village of Oshawa about one ever they have beer Productive of grea ~~ of no place which for the work whi of the Y. M. C. 1t is propose to ec month from the first publication tl the date of which publication was the niotld day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aod ir nine o'clock in the forenoon and on by the people, and we hope to scoa = Sil, paid Rusgem keel? So we "he hearty indursation of the action taken by ; M Rolang 0 le ¥ e fullest anc the Council in this instance. We do noe | fairest investigation. However, the apprebend that any opp-sition will be | question isnot as to whether or not a reading room, lib Tender the workin, only useful practi fa . and overseaming, was the M nesdsy evening. It is supposed he died | of heart discase. The Probibitory Law bas met with fhe might do a little good. They, however, prefer to do the former and omit the latter, ---------------- o'dock in the afternoon of Thursday, the seventh of Aucrust, in the year of our Lord ous thousand eicht hvndred id seventy aking tho | ferred to. The undersigned has been appointed general ada, Ihe he'd | . | IL conclusion, let me express the sin. | agent for the Dominion of Can | votes of the electors there. cere hoye that the Rev. Mr. Scott will | ! ra poll setween the hours of nine o'clock in be more discrect as and four o'clock in the afterncen of Rusnal fatality in Rhode Jsiand. § 8 B Supreme Court has declared ah:vt une against liquo! sellers pe serge ray for want erm:nt that the ligee vr rold a Ber ol forse in . tation the United States re ve, viicred ; but we should like to see an | emphatic scal of approval placed npou the spirit «f enterprise which has con. duced already 80 much to the benefit of the com.sunity,and which we teast will | Special Committee to investigate always be carried to a reasonable Ji nit, . ~ royal commission should be issued, we have nothing to do with that. The fact is that when Parliament ordered a the charges made aguiust the Gofernment, | It is now understood that the resignation of Dodge, of North York, and the issuing of a writ for a new election will be post- pened until after the mecting of Parlia- ment, Agents Wanted in Every County H it regards putting | politics in his vest pocket so as to be at his fingers end whenever the opportunity offers in the future. Yonre, truly, A Mryerror *us Onerez Toy, East Whitby, July 20th, 1873, € Good Inducements, Apply to J. F. KELLOGG, OSHAWA, ONT. Crrice axp Farespoon Grens' Broe=, Over McRae & Co's Storr, 16-2y the seventh day of August, in the your of our | Lord one thousand elgit byndred and sev enty- | three, at the Town Mall in the wilage of | Oshawa, | Dated this eighth Cay of J11-, in the year of i onr Lord one thomsind eigat hundred and suveuty-thiee. Se pnT wy LY rn, Clok of the C une! iw r Oshawa, sovonty-three at the Town Hall in the Village of Oshawa, ated this cirhth day of July, in the 3 you of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy ihree. LYMAN ENGLISH, ClLirk of the Council of Oshawa, intelligent recreatio pment. A public m . 'connection with thi 1l-1lw

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