™ - i -------- ------ PCI AT - B---- oe pS ---- Ty a a ---- wh rd po > pt ar w---- AAA A -------- AX ---------- ios # reba, Poveti of mame .. a [wr sopuumove-of warin-the. Tory camp at St. 2d pdm a C1 iniul 9 iayidioha Wp specify names, bat J "s Cahinet has hecom SETAE Sv federation, it was {| 22a a and "Madson, while the ater Mr. wii BC 1 tpt Kopin oc" Spas bissscrap-book, -Eless - Biwmit we ara glad ta find TRANSMIGRATION A short time ago, a wealth' died in New York, who was a firm believer that when a person died his or her soul passed into some one of the inferior ani- - i gy ry the prefrention of cruelty to snimals--he po doubt ex- pecting that his soul would receive the benefit of the bequest, especially if it should happen to enter into a butcher's Sorse, to be driven by an irrepressible butcher boy, or if ft IhGUIT tke ap tte} which-invariably commenced with prayer abode within a yellow dog, whose tail was sccnstowed to dance a *" can-can." And, really, now we come to think of | { LUE ¢ 3 UNTAKIU REFORMER, USHAWA, WE ESDAY, JULY 2,1%7s. ~ The Brothers Gidbe. | Tu 1807 'Mr. Gibbs spaut some $20,000 in" corrupting the electors of South On- tario ; and in 1872 the expenditure was also quite lavish. In fact, Mr. Gibbs has a way of el " is own. He wins his election gontests bys peculiar measure of prayer and bribery, | Not that T.N. himself prays, but he lias a brother, Mr. W. H. Gibbs, who is said tobe of a devotional turn of mind. It is alleged that during the election of 1867, brother W. H. held a lorge number of meetings and ended with politics. While brother W. H. was doing the de- votional inside, /T. N. 'always dis- tributed the " suplus" around the doors, such a doctrine does not to be vy at ve - useless copations, the "wherefore of whose existence has ever been & puzzle to sufferng humanity. To what congen al abodes, for instance, would the disembodie? spirits of Rykert and Lander attain, if domiciled within a bed-bug or a mosquito! While poor Dodge's would be 4 gverlastingly happy, sir," ensconced chapgegble hide of 3 chameleon. 1 a «Gsaied of 'crigtace whose foes (or tails, is it? drop off at the approach of danger ; and having mentioned the fact, our thoughts at once revert to Tom Fer- guson, the great toe-martyr, when we at once perceive the "eternal fitness of snd ~therg-iy Lgrke : it. bis ig. ahonld for a tiple rest within an Australian *' laughing jackass." how easily he could continne to "'grin like afool I" And the great spirit of Jchn A. could luxuriate in the four stomachs a camel ! But why multiply Matemioek Let ue. by all means prevent cruelty to animated nature, for who can tell for a certainty the secrets of the great hereafter 1 (OJ) RYKFRT * Immediately after Rykert and his scrap- book fled from South Brant, there were Rykert seems to have ex- ima dégianded, ull the groolymants connected with the Welland Canal solici- torship as pay for himself and his scrap- book. Bir John demurred, as he had another man to find ont of the same crib, and he insisted thal Rykert should divide the vils, - Then Rylert, out of sheer : Pot, going to Oftawd nnd alling ing. it we can and with gnch influences they managed to LE mauy ap- [cy von election. Now, we don't sup- hit pode that W. H.' will ever be rewardad on this earth for Ais part of the work John A. will never 1eward a man for snch services, but T. N. has claims which cannot be over- |dooked. If he has ded in debauneh ing a constituency he has fairly earned a right to sit in high places along with Tupper and other virtuous statesmen. And should Mr. Gibbs be vigorously op- posdd; no doulit the new crisp bank bills that were so plentiful in "67 and "72 wlli agnin--be seen in abundance. -- Stratford Beacon. ; Omemee is to become an incorporated village.on the fit of January, 1874. Fourteen young wen Jeft Templeton on Monday last, for the North-west. The residents of Sandy Hill, Ottawa, want the street railway extended to that place. Over 600 firemen are expecled together Fin Port Hope from various places on Do- mirion day. James A. Roseborough, formerly a dry- goods merchant, is undergoing examina- tion at Peterboro' for swindling. to the extent 6§10,000, ~ Charlottetown, P. E. I.., has a project on foot to have a new park, and another for a new water supply, from Winter River, a short distance from the city. The first ifistalment kf 800 French emi. grants from Alsace, to be employed in the Glasgow and Cape Breton Coal and Rail- way Works, arrived at Sydney last week, The rest of the number gre expected in August, The Rev. W. H. Poole, when leaving the city of Hamilton tor hia new ficld of John, * HS made rushes on tho Atel] "sorts of mnexpectec bonrs, and was vomited forth at the Otlawa station by all sorts of trains--express, snecials, accommodations and freights. hus lite: becarae's burden 'to him, all bec use of* Rykert. The brief sickness he had was, 'we believe, brought | on by an over-dose of Rykert." If. ie said | #hat he got up the Cartier firheral solely him to get away from Rykert. Took as though, the little matter between Sir John and | Rykert has been at last settled, for not | only bas the 'little littla man" lef | Ottawa, but he has cropped up in Sonth | Bim there as political peddler for Gibbs. He carries with him so powerful an édoui | of defeat from South Brant that he is of physic to the Tory | STATE OF THE OTTAWA CABINET It = remarked that Sir Johtt A." Mee eonsiderably the time of composed as | follows :--Sir J. As Macdonald ou Massrs. McDengnll, Fergason, Biait, and Camp. | bell, for Ontario ; Sir George E. Cartier. Galv,, Messrs. Langevin w-d | weQuehes, and Messrs. Tilley, Mitchell, Kenney aud Aschibald for the Fitime rit was then eon- AdEréd1*string C.Hinet. And at" various "dimes it received such recruits as Messrs, ef" "Tuppér, | Rowef * and Hincks : and retirements have almost com- Pet]; chrnced its prsonnel of lato, and now the Ontario section enmprises. i h ier, Messrs, A. Camnbell, ts std Gibha {the Quebec section, Messrs. Langevin, Pope, Robi. r. H.. MeDomald + M P for Antigonish, Nova Scotia. répiared hy - M: It mo' one who is at all acquainted with ign .polit'es will fail to observe the tr the: Doinion Gover. ment implied by these changes. As it now Sandls Spf-4 he compared for a moment wi Oppositisn, which num- bs 0 its men of such galibre as J Makenzie, Dorion, Bdl- id others, : worst of it isthat if Sir John and wing eontinue_ to cling to of their majority, by a conve of timor- adherence to the adoption of such A man committed suicide at Cape Vin- nt on Sunday. by, sbooting himself hough she. heart. Disappointment in Tove is supposed to have been the cause, Wp dlip the following from the Hamilton ip must be quite correct, and the 'red-hot haste with sworn in at Quebec and the election | the slightest idea that he was about to | fsllow workman conveyed all that was labour, was presented with $100 as a testi- wonial from a few friends. He also re. ceived ® beautiful portrait of himself and Mrs. Poole. : About 160 cords of wood were burned at Bronte station on Su 'Way last. It is thought to have been ignited °Y . spark from a passing locomotive. The .™ 'shared by the Great 'Western Railway Company and private partfes. An exchange says now that there is a certainty tHat hay will be a very poor ¢rop, should sow spmetaing that will do in the piace of it. Corn ill make good fodder, aud as the price is comparatively | low, let as much us possible of this be | sown broadcast. It will pay well, Bears appear to be more numerous than usnal this spring "through Muskoka District. On Friday - evening last, Mr. David Scott, of the township of Muskoka, caug! t ashe bear in a trap on his farm. The bear had sprung the trap several times, but was caught at last. - The skin was sold for. $6. Mr. Carpenter, of Marquette, had not create an atmospheric disturbance when he knocked the ashes out of 'his pipe on the head of .é powder keg. And when a left of Mr. Carpenter to his wife in a bag, she quietly remarked : 'Hang him up in the kitchen, where the cats won't get at him, till" might." The latest Militia General Orders is- sued contain the following : --Second Bri- gade Garrison Artillery--To te Major, Captian and Adjutant 'Edmund William Windeat, G. 8., vice Thomas Patterson, left limits. To be Adjutant, with ravk of 28d (Lientenatit, Sergeant. Major Patrick Anderson, G. S., vice Windeat, promoted. ; The Bracebridge A fvoeate kes plea sure in informing its readers that an im migrant shed. is to" be built-at that place, as well as at Gravenhurst and Rossean. A. P. Cockburn, Esq., informs the editor that he has received from Mr, Tully, the architéct of the "Public "Works Depart- ment, plans for the erection of the three sheds, . _ Thos. McCarthy, the Conetown switch. man, whose carelessness threw an entire passenger twain from the track of the Great Western Railway, cansing several thonsand dollars' worth. of damage to the rolling stock and endangering the lives of aver a hundred persons, Las heen con. victed at the C wrt of General Sessions in Hamilton of misdemeanonr, and sentenced to four'een days' imprisonment, withont tard labour. . A Walifax paper relates this bear hunt =A _fow days ago's bear made its appear- ance fivr Passekeag station, N. B., and a crowd wotWohunt it. Tt got up a'tree. and then the Shed fired bu'lets and sings from guns and blihderhusses. Then they ran away, anid at last "Megotints, hroin was rioting round Passekeag, thyolasted. A St. Catharines paper savihe only work the police could find to do Stmday was driving cows to pound. This may by all right ; bat if no chores can be found for them to do, it would be as well to dis- pense with them on the Sabbath Day. A stalwart policeman driving cattle to pound amidst the jeers of the crowds on the sidewalks is not a pleasant sight on the Lord's Day. MixsreriaL sheets profess to see a straw of safety in the favorarle ufterances of 'the Whithy Thronicle regarding the re. election of Gibbs in South Ontario. Its remarks are copied with much complacency and an excedgive Amount of cackling, as ing from a Reform ne: , "3Asa Reform journal, during 'the.post year, and w NEW BUILDING, Hats and Caps. INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID | STOCK uF WHICH 18 COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Olothing Mads to Onder WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. ¥ - . } ' sso } Rubnibh v be ! Gents" 'Buiyjo)n spew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Beg leave to return thanks or the Ifbefal patronage bestowed on them Id solicit & continuance of the same, We have on hand the Langest, Bust and Cheapest Stock of. HARDWARE, and &c., ver offered in this market. 'Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, 200 Boxes Glass, "Star" and * Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L-ads, English and Ameican Colors, Blundel'and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Forniture and Carriage Varnish, Sy English, and ('anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., Spears 'snd' Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &e. American Socket Firmer Chisels, : Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &c., Dawson's-and English Planes, Rodgefs' and other English aglish Cutlery, Plated\F darks, Spoons ete., B. M. Tea and Coffee Pots, Spades, Shoyels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, &evolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinwage, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeligrs and Brackets, EVETRQUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices, 'HATCH & MEARNS, . King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873. SPRING SUMMER| CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. Jeantiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Jlothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. ahah -- Scribner's Monthly. A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. | Now iA (F XE HOLM. ! 4 Long Story From BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT ARKAY of CONTRILUTERS CLARENCE COOK on Furniture and Decorations. R. H. STODDARD on Authors. Extraordinary Inducoments to Eubscribers ; 500 PACES FOE 81.00! &¢., fe. The publishers of ScRIBNER'S MONTHLY, In their Frospectus just issued, promise for .the ensuing year a wore brillizut array of contribu- tors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its illustration; already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any Americas magazine. Dr. HoLLAND, the Editor, will write the seria) storv ofthe year, which will be aul obiographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bonbteastle, and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of American Life. It will be commenced in the November Number, There will be a new story by Saxe HoLu, The One Legged Dancer. Bier HARTE, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribitte a characteristic story, entitied The Epic of Fiddietown, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. StoppaRrp will write a series of erite taining papers about Authers, their Personal Charucteristies Home Life, Families, Friends Whims, and Ways. A series of Portraits of Living American Writers, is also promised. Clarence Cook will write about Furniture and the Decoration of American Momes. These papers will be eminently practical as well as artistic, and will be iliustrated with de- signs and sketches 4 numerous artists in addi- tion to those which the writer himself will furn- ish. Among these who will contribute are: Hans Andersen, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, Higginson. Bishop Huntington, Bret Harte, John Hay, MH. H. Macdonald, Mitchell, Miss ow OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY HAND a Ha othe os pd rt Fe We piace os Peto? the Publizas ever Men of Practical Experience, Having a thorough know! mente can dest assured in Tone deg Purchasing Our Tns:: ob 'lathe ominion: " ~~. purchasing from us will have a guarantee they cannot have b purchasing Mis he M: facturer only is r ible for them, : them 3 will not be likely tg take the responsibiiy on fas omen Soon hl We have now opened our W. in Mr, Wi : : BE A Hore Kn Wilkinson's Store, near the e invite the pyblio to our come and inspect our instyuments, Parties desiring t it te their adv to deal with the: Eo purchase will find antage AL with us. as they. can save Som per sem thelr "DARLEY & HOSKIN. Oshawa, Octoljer Sth, 1872, 1. L Ontario Commercial Collége, ] Belleville, Ont. THOROUGH AND P AL . CHARACTERISTE RACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS C of the age, where young men and boys can procure an education charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini- f the Press, Jesters from prominent are t men, and the united admission of hundreds y and offered by this College. o | SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, P onography, Telegraph- ing, Rulrosiing, teamboating, Mechanical and rchitectural Drawing, etc., ete. K Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those Who ean devote a few months to study; * ho have SONS TO EDUC. Hose delirousf hanging their present occupation -- more lucrative, or to Quanity systematically, tages themasives lo Soduss shsis v that the advan we offer 4% Spedim ens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. dress, 8. G. BETY & Co., Eelleville W. WIGG & SON, HAVE -- REMOVED THEIR FURNITURE WAREROOMS, TO THE Opppsite Quigley's New Hotel, Lo Tt -olamin stiperior, both before the Public of Osha wy | TEARS, | Phelps, =tedman, Stockton, Stoddard, Celia Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, | besides a host of others. | The editorial control and direction of the Mag- | azine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write * The Topics of the Time," which the N, Y. Independent says * are more widely quoted than any similar papers | in any American magazine," | Walter Gilder will write * The old Cabinet i as hitherto, Prof. John C Draper conducts the { Department of "Nature and secienee." The | departmonte "Meme and Seclety," and "Culture and Progress," will engage the con- | sributions of more than « score of pens on both | sides of the Atlantic. The Watchman and Re- says : " Seribner's Monthly for September | 1s befter than usual, which indicales a needless waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon- ey, for the Magazine was good emongh before I" | And yet the Publishers promise to make it | stilt Petter for the coming year." The subscription price is $4 a year, with speci- Tale ~to clergyinen, teachers, and post masters, The following Extrandina:;y Inducements are offered to new subscribers: For $5.50 th Publishers will send, or any bookseller or .0Ws" dealer will supply, the magazine for one year. ard the twelve numbers of Vols, 111. and IV.. entaining the Joginning of Mrs. Oliphant's Serial, "4 His Gates ;" for $7.50, the magazine for one year, and the 21 back numbers from the nning ; for $10.50, the Magazine for one year and the $i back numbers bound ¢ vols. ), charges vols. paid, This will give nearly 5000 of the choicest reading, w the finest il- J one for $10.50, or nearly 500 pages for a dollars! and will. enable every subscriber to ob- tain the series from the first, && Special terms to Dealers Clergymen and Teachers. SCRIBE ER & Co, 654 Broadway, N.Y. SONG forthe PIANO Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, Darling, I am Lonely Now, Song and Charus, Stewart, 30 cents. Sweetest, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Mattie May, song and chorus, Danks. 39. Lost and Saved, ballad, Donniker. 30. Fare. well, Darling, till we Meet, Rosewig, 30. Think of me, Darl , song and chorus, Miers, 30. Asking a blessing from Mother song and chorus, Stewart, 30. Recollections of Childhood, Bari- tone song, Danks, 30. Thou art no longer Mine, ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me say my littlc prayer, song and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutter, Willie's Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, 30. Ethel Dreeme, song and chorus, Persley, 35. Quit dat Ticklin Me, Song and Dance, Hays, 35. You'll Aways find 'me true, song and chorus, Hays, 35. * Dead, but not Forgotion, song' and chorus, Hays, 40. "Meet m aggie, song and chorus, Hays, 40. * Lay me where my Mother's Sleeping, song and chorus, Stewart} 0. Father of All, sacred song, Panseron, 50, One INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Antumn Leaves, Seco Pensée Meodique, C. . Frey, 35. Belisario, utasie, Kinkel, 35. * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35. * Sunbeam March, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's March, Kinkel, 35. * Bertie's Sehottische, Kinkel, 35. *Jimmie's Schottische, Kinkel, 35, *Hattie's Waltz, Kinkel 35. * Bweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel, 35. Evening Zephyrs Wallz, Pacher, 30. Bird of beauty Waltz, Young, 20. Switch-off Galop, Young, 20. * Kittie's Polka, Kinkel, 35. Ray of Sunshine a, Pacher, 35. Giistening Stars Polka de Sglon, Feline, 50, * Eddie's Polka, Kinkel, 35. * Harry's Polka, Kinkel, 35. Smile of Beauty Polka, Young, 20. Pleces marked thus * have picture titles, Any piece mailed, post-paid on receipt o marked price. Address, J. L, PETERS, 509. Broadway, New York. ---- RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and U NDERTAKING Business, has Sacided de dis pose oi escent large and profital u at Prince Albert, established Oror fourteen reg and which affords an excellent opportunity to any one wishing to engage in such a business, ross Bid Whole Stok in-trade wil be of a , ahd on easy terms. | stock in hand is large and well ASeOred, aul the "or tor "ahd other part ul ly on thy 'or terms of culars, a o a rs, apply on the pre W. H. PARK. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, ar FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. mus EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 20 in the 2nd con., of the township of Whitby, situate on the main road about halt way between Ushawa and Whitby, The land is of the best Sito upon it. 'itt ndispesable, en onohard is as So Deion qu » avo fore uddaful the 4th con., of Whit OSEPH BIGELOW, ort P erry, March 17, 1873 wt Sw-pd SHINGLES. in Simcoe Stréet; Oshaws. | 3 L a THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, i - PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Posters, Blank Forms, - Show Bills, : Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER:-PRESS PRINTING FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. mmr 20) nee REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, op aire POOR COPY SHAWA. ¢ ; : '2 +H Brignt Crow wilt Thou Weep INSTRUM POLK AS. Sunbeam, of Saratoga, by Victor, Simon, 35 ets. MAZE BEA. Aw 7 0 F Appy thoughts, b BE 1s, : ave, by Ww 180m, 3 3 4 OE ies. Charlie - rf cach 36 cts. ey sng "HES. TA %E May | hv "Belle of Saratoga, Boumtagg 's, by Kinkel, 3 a5, . y a, a and Maggl *'s, by Kiukel, each p : Dev, by Tard, 0 iol AE Ct FOUR WANDA . te Polka, 35 cts. ; Tons ey lia, & Praise of Woman Poika- Mazus om apes Any of theabo fled, pa ve ve mailed. post Pald,on receipt of Address, J. L. PETERS, 5990 Broadway Oshawa: Coal, WOOD DEPOT, HE SUBSCRIBERS , = T FORM the public that DRG 10 IY: COAL and CORD WOOD Georgetown "Lime, Agricultural Salt] All orders lefiat the office in the Yard, will be promptly attended 'to, L Marshall & Besoohy. WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARGE, INMAN-"LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston : Liverpool = ORK. ITY oF LONDON, PULMONARY CONSU Bladder oo Com; 's 1 Try at once for and "You will be fu "| Price 60 Cents per Bottle. Sold Ly all Druggists, VICTORTA CARBOLIC. SALVE. " WORTH ITS WEIGHT Price 25 Cents per Box, Sold by all Drugk VICTORIA GLYCERINE JELLY "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' FAVORITE. the Cg, and for © For Price, 25 Cents per Bottle.d by all Druggists. VICTORIA TOILET i SOAP 8. Excellence of uality., AND WI wg ged gl i. Sold by - hf I ICENCE wa: All ply atic ry ARRIS AT ave J. Hause Or Ba Whitby. HYSICI and Millin For Sty CC) ~ For Ch i 3 H PRE | 1