Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 2 Jul 1873, p. 3

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¥ KIND DONB By Time 1 And in Time / GO TO-- orth of Stoék, "R TIME FOR CHEAP CLOCKS, SILVER PLATE, ac, a0, aylor sell his splendid stock af REDUCED RATES T to his fifting up a New remises, and visiting the 2 merican marks present stock is of Parties ing his_stoek and ng elsewhére. Jewelry vepared and rt notice, and cheaper 1 ofher house. 1573. (1872 AL! te Buccess | oT PRIZES : EXHIBITIONS. bh ' & C Oy ONT. irst Prize for 5 Melodeond Fxisbition, Familton, and Tuition, Guelpa. ion to last yest # iomds, and 2 First Prizes; in the opinien or parbly saperior 19 rd Manufacturers of the # ANNETTE, 's Patent Qualifying Tubes lta he the greatest improve Their superiority is con kers from the fact that at ew from competition, thus inability to compete with fully warranted for uve logue containing Afty dif- uments, Ww, BELL & Ce. r JOUN DAL HE klin. Roe | ry IRST-CLASS hine Operators TO MANUFACTURE went. Steady emplo; ages given, Hock, ar McRae & Co.'s J3.F. KELLOGG 1873. Ld TLY. ND THE BANNER. ARIO JRMER WSPAPER. mers rs Should PRT ITI » 0 per per annum. : bpicoc of he Re UNTAKIU KEFUIIMELIR, USHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JULY =, I=i&. he Ontario Beformer DEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY | AND THR | Daly Profitable Advertising Medium: OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. | TRowptmx.--A man was badly beaten | in King Street, a little east of the village, | on Montsy sreuing. Taz Fire ar Brocotian. --We regret | to learn that the loss uf Mr. Price, near Brougham, by the fire an his premises last weok, will exceed $2,600, with little in- | surance. ! $18, will buy that desirable Silver | Hunting, ** Inverted Patent Lever Watch,' full Jewelled, and time guaranteed, at Hepinstall's, Jewelry Store King Stréet, Oshawa. snes -------------- | Tus Tory SrroxcroLD.--The intelligent | lectors of G: ood won th Ives im- mortal renown on Monday evening by | burning the Reform candidate in effigy. | The fouls are not all déad yet. Gaus or Lacrosss.--A lacrosse match | was played in Whitby, on Dominion Day, between a club f#6m Oshawa and one | Whitby, in which our--young men came | off second best. | TAILORING at Won. Dickies. / 3 A large as- sortment of New and Fashionable Clothes, | New Hats, Collars, Ties, &c. Boots and | Shoes, a speciality, French Calf Boots, | very cheap. Call early and leave your | 'orders. Doxrxiox Dav. --The natal anniversary | of Confederation was celebrated in a nega- tive manner in Oshawa, by the closing of | shops, and a general exodous of the in- | habitants. No demonstration of any | kind took place here. ! Something Entirely new at Ww. Dicxin's | The Banner $30 Sewing Machine ; The Webster $35, 1,000 Stitches a minute 'without noise, skipping of stitches, or breaking of thread, Buy no other | without first trying thuse. Tax Carmorics' Prox: XIC. --The Pic-nic | at Annis' Grove, on Tuesday, was very | largely attended, and was favoured by the finest of weather. A most- enjoyable | | afternoon wis spent, itl bdrticipation in | the various amusements provided for the | ~ Sse, Szz--Tis a positive fact that Rus- sall's celebrated watch is sold as cheap,and | a little cheaper in Oshawa, than Toronto | men advertiso to do. Be sure then before sending your money from home, to see those goods and learn the prices going at Hepinstall's Jewelry Store, King St. ! East, Oshawa. A Baigrrer ProseEct.--It was remark | ed to us the other day, that what with the riin the other ay, and_ the money | scattered over the couitty in "order to elect the ministerial candidate; South Ontario has profited by a good many thousand dollars. ** It's am ill wind that blows no- body good." Faise Ararum.--A large namber of our | citizens were startled out of their slumbers | #arly on Tuesday morning, by the lond mouthed clangor of the fire alarm bell, ad many rushed to the streets without any regard to propriety, to sce where the danger had arisen. Jt tarned out, how- ever, thaf it was siniply a call to the fire- imen to assemble for their excursion to Port Hope. and the alarm subsided. Ax Osszcr or Posuic Coxtembr.--At the voting in Whitby, on. Monday last; l ¥erH Brair, a Reformer of years standing, who had been Working hard for Mr. Holden 4nd abusing Mr. Gibbs up to the" day of election, walked up and voted for Mr. Gibbs. It is said he received a large pecu- niary consideration for turning traicor to his principles, and we can well believe it. Suxpay AFTERNOON Tesreraxce | MesTinG.--The usual Sunday afternoon | temperance meeting will be held in the | Sons' Hall, Oshawa, on Sunday next, when able advocates of the good cause will | a ldress the audi:nce, " Judging from ths appearance of the streets for the past few | days, we should say that there is ample | scope for tle operation « of our temperance friends. | | SoMZfNING FOR PUBLIC ATTENTION.-- We ould recommend to our public spirited citifens,that a subscription should | Le taken up to procure proper helme | for the two Fire Companies of this village. | These halmets are not only desirable i in | titdet to eontribate to the better appear- ance of the Brigade; but they are neces: sary to the protection of the fire:ean wi { actual service. Who will set the ball rol'= ing, and earn the thanks of the Brigade 1 ---------------------- Seaiovs Row, --On Monday evening a drunken row took place in Hobbs hotel | in this town, the result of which was, that | tv brothers mamai Jon, riccived a | severe beating. One of them receiv ed a! fearful beating, and the other by a kick | on the head from ono of 'his assailants, lost an eye. 'This kind of brutality is be- coming far too prevalent in Oshawa, and the svoner the authorities take proper | steps to put 8 peremptory cheek to it the | better. A¥xUAL Mzrrixe oF Frususs. --At he meeting of Fire Brigades yesterday, it was resolved to hold their next annual pic pic of the Fire Brigades, in the City of Hamilton. On motion of Chief Engi- | ee neer, of Hamilton Brigade seconded by | Chief Engineer Thornton, it was also re- | solved, that an anpval copvent ion of dele- | gates from all the Fire Brigades of | | Flom. ® Ontario should be held each year for | purposes of ¢ poration, and mutual benefit. Coxrearrarsp RemovalL.-~Tt is statad thet the Oshawa Organ Factory eonten- | |. plate the removal of 1heir establishment | to Bowwmanviile,. We trust they will re- | omsider the matter, and that our citizens will make an effurt torethio the manufact- Timoth ory here. - We need say mothing of the . importance of encouragement to such in- stitutions, and if there is anything which | we have not done which should Lave Loen done to support the Organ Factory, | Jet | Vou aul by Fuingieg | he Whitby 'grounds on Dominion day, es | [also that of Mr. J. V. Ham, of the | Tuésday night, | about 600 pep! le, and passed off happily. ! An excellent tea, prepared by Mr. Wyllie, i one. The band made their first appear- Conkling "that purple earthquake of | 6 PSYCHOMANGCY, pape fer a bustle. There being so much | | ------ Coal 0il Cooking Stove giiesctions vf J ii gg AL [ of that number some will bo wrongly | placed, in spite of the best of care. 'A | | | | THE GAME OF CRICKET. bri 1 After the Firel. A match game of Cricket was played on | J0& R.H. HENRY, ] Have Resumed Business in the Galery lately dootipied by J. B. Hoitt In the Building on thé Corner of King and Simo Streets; Where they are orice more prepared to Take Photographs, | And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest Styles. Entrance on Kirig Street Between Gilletts' ai4d Dickie's Store. Special attentici given to emlarglig aud Oslerisg. CRYSTALIZED SUGAR ==2-- | | | LADIES | between the Whilby and Oshawa Clubs, | resulting in the defeat of the Oshawa | Club after a hard contest. The playing on both sides was particularly good as will be seen by the score below, and had it not been for a run of bad luck in thé | first innings, our bogs might have had | » different story to tell, The bowling of ! Mr. Osler was particularly 'good, as was | | Whitby Club. In batting Messrs. Ham | and Ray, of Whitby, and Osler and Todd, of Oshawa, carried of the palm. The | EN, TONS following is the score. Winsor OF THE BEST BRIGHT 1st in. zal in J. Mathewson, 3 J. Fitzpatrick, A. Armstrong, G. Ray, J. V. Ham, W. Marshall, . . - Eeugough, GulRcxacon oy FOR PRESERVING ! UNDERWEAR! » TO BE HAD OF J -t g| 8] wots Having obtained Rooms in GIBBS BLOCK OVERMGRAE 'AND €0'8 STORE Ist in. 2nd in 14 ™ o- = a A "0% 'HIANAMIAPL UDIVINHOLYM Oo ~ NRW RWOoO Oo eT H. Gillett, Ww. Borsberry, . | B. 2 LAL W, 1 have of LADIES UNDERWEAR IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, \WHOLEASLE & RETAIL. Ga NALOAISHA A'IN0. This makes two out of three games, won by Whitby. It will be seen that the | number of byes & wides in the first inn- ings of Whitby, wou them the game. 3 sry eos pav [vo v uy oa1d oy | Majority for Whitby... 31 | { | INSTALLATION. The Offizers of Lebanon Lodge, No. | { 139, G. P. C. was Installed by V. W. Bro. | John Beyd assisted by W. Bro. Charles | A. Jones on the 24th day of June, 5873. | The following are the names of the new officers : Mr. Gilbranson,--W. M. Charles T. Gibbs, --T: W. Was Hay,--J. W. Wm. H. Finnimore,--Treas., John Boyd, --Sub%'ts E. Aylsworth,--Chaplain Wnt, Deans,--T. D. Charles Kellond,--J. W. Robett Gott,--D. of C. Wm. Lavchiand, ) o Wm. T. Bryant, | § Stewards. Wm. E. Well! ygton,--T. Q. | W. Hurt,--Tyler | | 'sean Enq pp pauads mou ¥) INE Lima mou Samples of work are now TOMY Jor Ladies leaving thelr orders EE ee have ie bem promptly filled, in a manner to give | satisfaction. ies are Invited to nb will be shown, and every Courtesy paid by the for- | woman, Mrs. CURRIE. { J. F. KELLOGG. June 2rd, 1873. WOOL! WOOL: 'YMVHSQO 'ASVE 1LIFAYLS ONIY 001g S.NOSTI AL ¢ 17 #9oud pue: ones pool : dweyo' s1 N% Ang 'poquUBIIB AA pug padiedey A[njede)d 'aond oy *[[9% 03 PUNOQ OIF PUY SIOUIFD( ULI OM FERS, WSS HONAONNY OL JAVAT DAA AT] PUT SETALS 19919] OY jo pue 'MIN St 003g SI we 'ozoymes]e sesuyound Luv Burpn|ouco ei0jeq §poo! ! WHEAT, WHEAT CASH PAID FOR TIVLISNIdIH 'M 0 [[1M 'PJNOLIIUT JO GIVOT[OP MOY JOU BIVI OA 'SMOO0TO ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOM TIV up av om Auw gran L[[PTPI0O pMOM puv SIH LVHL r---- any quantity of Doxixtox Dav Ar BowymaxviLLe. --The | Bowmanville division of the sons of tem- | perance had a soiree at the drill shed on } 'woo, WHEAT AND OATS. which was aftended by | nqmewmax osval 'LVAN W. FOWKE: | a capital oration from Rev. 'W. Pirritle, of Sell 85 to $20 1] Jelleville, #nd first-class music from the | ¥* + of either sex, ye Bow vaille cornet band and temperance | at work for us in at work for ie 1n the Prospectus Jor 1873 union, made the afternoon an enjoyable | Address G. STINSON & CO. land, ee! SIXTH ¥ TRE AL 21X85, An Illustrated Josh Journal, versaliy admitted somest cal a1 in the World: ve & on ¢f American ance in their hew fill dress aniform, which FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. | dresented & most creditable appearance. ONE YOUNG SPAN MATC HED | BAYS, suitable fi 'either Carriage oF er ---- 0 -- | | | Brau purpose; and One Span ef Leavy -- | Mark Twain respects his baby for its | father's sake. draught, Will sell feith er scparatly or by the span | Europe alone possesses 171 cities con- 48-tf. ANDRW ARNIS: | 42 i Tak taining more than 50,000 inhabitants. ones - Kot for sale in Book or News Stores. | FOR S. ALLS. THE ALDINE, while issued with all the HORSE, BIGHT YEARS OLD, TEMPERLEY'S LINE ny A ln Al 3 2 a FC Jur keneral Purposes, also BUGG figh Ls hap : nat miscellany 0 Varick if 1 % . sos | BO! ARNKSE, apply to t an aceful literature ; A rick street sa oon keeper announces | p » o ELIS C otiphued of the follovring First-Class ptures, { Parest epocimens por pee in , in by sigr-Yoard, * Irish Lager Bier t Be Iron Steamers: white. Although each { 140 King St. West, Oshawe, SCOTLAND MEDWAY HECTOL Sumber, affufs a fresh leasure io fin frisnds ¢ +] mim ccs 5 aN AY, ECTOR | the real value and beauty o Aldine The Nation refers to Hon. Roscoe DELTA. NIANZA. i be fost pect raved After It Xr been i Aner. . und up at the close of the ,. lo other TRAMES, SEVERN pablications ey clan HS eA ihe Feb oratory. --OR- he Bi ' compared, nih Hvala of a similar class, e Steamers of this LJ L. Z is a unique A Liverpdol paper fpeakes of " Artemus | 8 OUL CRARMING." Suring the Jouson of Pm of Se io all | alone and ke oh ah WV Beec i How either. sex may fascinate and gain the lova mdon for Que: and Montreal as follows: competit Ward her, the great Ametican and dffecticn of any person they choose, in THAMES The pommeitor of a complele volume e humorist." stantly. This simple mental acquire.nent all (Via fnlifax and St. og pi April an, Pllcs iw BE ob wad ener o can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together SEVERN - - Wednesday, 16th an times tt cout "and there arethe oh besides, W - with a Marriage Guide, Fgyptian Oricle, DELTA - - - Sat " From his cavalry experlence; Mac Dreams, Hints to Ladics. ete. A queer, exciting | Megoway - < . sturday, 7th oh s. Art Davari Notwithsta: book, 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & i t. Mahon is Telied on a stable government | | Co., South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Niaxza - ps awe mH do in | a . SA Bona = + + Wednesday, 23th do subscription last Al when when THE pu ping 3 3 >, H t and ever ternate W. assumed {ts present noble proj Manufacturing is not a poor "paying | N1o ~~ ST OCK | hereafter And on Genday and Saturday prose resentative character, the 5 ig Ko rf business, although it takes ten. mills to | | follows {han {ie America Rng the make ona cent. Taures eT. 7. Tipsiay, oth May Tih He to justify the read; - ere tr hw Jw e ha Liberal. A Philidelphia paper is willing that nature should take its course. | in france. -A female correspondent suzzesis a con- FF { dition on which she wiil give us a kiss. | | We feel in duty bound to say to her that kissing i¢ a thing that, at every proper | lr BE VALU AB LE opportunity, we set our face against. lately owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner of | | Simcoe and Pine streets, consisting of one quarter | | acre, on whieh there are two good houses with Osha' 4 good water A Eentoek J pap id gives the following | Also some a lots for sale on the Karr Prop i : * Delinquent subseribors should | 'erty, the best in Oshawa. | not permit their daughters to wear this | 5148 Apply to JAMES WOOD. | T H E D 0 M I N 1 0 N | Pianos, Organs, od ioling, . Coricertinas; | SEVERN = Tuesday, 13th d% | The . . - u . empngtri erted The London Standjard is profane enough | Figlin Bows and Strings, Sheet Music, dx. | NE . : Tde iri y, Bnd do Anne thas Ben aid thew | t> hint that the chief obj:ct of the Royal | MENTS TO RENT BY THE TERM. | i Thursday, 1th'do | work; and the planslff for the « you INSTRU N 1 Thesday, ¥ith do as unfolded b EL monthly issues, will Literary Fund is not the relief of literary orders for Tuning attended 10 promptly: (fd every alternate Tuésday and Thursday | 8stonish and ht even the most sanguine i , i . hereafter. Rates of passagh from Quebee to | friends of THE b> DINE. men, but the perpetuation of the annual . WELLINGTON, | London, ~abin, itp Steerage, $21: Through | hé publishers are suthorized to announce Hl ckets from all points West at reduced rates. | sf many of the t eminent artists dinner. Sign of the Book, W Be s Block. | feihatgesie d'10 DArsot's As sivous of being: | A mbrica. In alion Ji THE 4 E ALDINE il =: Sas ng ow eir Fionas. Througl: bills of laudin iid Se mast- | issued -, the continent, and in London Yor all | ers, solected with & view to. he | arts Mi i hi, and inthe United States to De- success, and do be general interest ; avoiding the Vest. ee, C hdeago and other points in | gus as be have become § familiar, through photo- For freight or passage. apply to Tem y periey's ier) Jaton, or ro Eg re; oe four of PROPERTY { Cacter an Darke. Billeter Street, London; Ross | Jobin Davis' inimit & able chi IA ake! Che, oD. 0,, Que David Shaw, Montreal, or to propriate to the Jour seasons. Th Avon, CW. 8 aring in the issues for anuaty, ul MTR | am i d October, wonld be alone 4 pe n ayear 's subscription. Fri of a copiously ptr. IN o ed*® be popiar io numb- er will be contiuned. To possesssuch a valuable | epitome of the art world at a cost so trifling, command the gubteriptions of nd fy Li seotion of the col the usefulness ih NE can te en e Rumerioal in- crease of its' euproTters. the punt ers i ah assurance double sure," by the followinll | cold." Burns coal oil at an expense of cone cont per ere} is danger of their takirg | | House and Lot For Sale. | | unparallcled offer hour. without smoke or smell and does cvery | ite Oshawa C a Cabinet Factory. Ugpes. variety of cooking in a very superior manner. | Promium Chromes for 1873. avoidable. © Every issue of many journals | HE HOUSE CONT AINS TWELVE | DBakos brea, buscuit, apples cakes ples. 5 fie eg pA BY Je Aldine, Wic Di in | involve the placing of 150,000 types. Out i Eo aod a good stone Eellar. Will ac- | Roasts meat, fowls and birds to prefection | advanc year Newspaper mistakes are scarcely o. : : ¥ additional cha comodate four al farnilies. For tcrms, etc., | they are not subject to be dried up as in the | afier J. J, Hill, | apply to C apt. George Farewell, or to ordinary method by the carelessness of the cook. The pictures, entitled * R. McGEE. | a da The pean ilar construction of the gen I: "Crossing the Moor," are 14 x 2-19tL ey may be shut up and Je n her return, the | printed from 25 ditferent plates, requiring 25 im- Pittsburgh paper made a rather ridiculous | | cook wil find. tho oo rlectly r cooked. The eat pressions and | tots to a lo perfect ci digi Jy The 0 researe retain sam per pair, the blunder lately, and yet there was only | I ber for Sale. | which impart to the bird its specific flavor, to seme chfumos yeiny Ts 5 the , 18 $30 nos | oir in one letter out of place." The editor said | um | the sriisfaction of the most fastidious epicure. | ductors to keep The didéne Sof the Tench of 2 Boils and Steams vegetables; pdddings, and ool tidon in every "The Legislature pasted (passed) the ill | i ' gs, an ill be found corres y haa of any that that ery _ | all kinds of meat. LARGE QU ANTITY OF SESLON | poile or fries speaks, oysters, tomatoes, &c" Sun 5 offre by other peice over the sh lumber for sale at Mendy 2 Mill. Reach. Heats flat irons, glue pots, tailors' and tinsmiths MPBELL # ture of the publishe: ranteei "tr. Uo ver 1 igus, fe, anu is admirably adapted for dry ing | chromos deliv ered hal be equal' to fe vom a It is si.iple and neat--occuples but a small i furnished the | space woos M hitchen table ; ja 8iwags ready for | gn use, requiring only a match for kindling--ati 1 Only One Dollar. 10,000 Sold | mo be extinguished at preasare. | will mark Ean Spoch in ¥ THAT OF ALL | nioigat oan be ropulatod fo 8 tloety heal | Short of miracle, ov pt ) y not subject to those variations to avhich al ort of & miracle, even ¢ gmm ereial, 1% 18 SAFE TO 8A 4% csent day none have | 0 other fires This will be np reciated | with the ac hievements of inventive - crea"ed more astonishment than the Lord by Isundrea: gr She JMly ye does sid or iuproge Sena Chrorios see Nov jfoe osmawa MARKETS Repeating Watch. The idea of making a oh | prom bbc by oke, unpleasan TRE these chromos, vem The Literary Department | for the small sum of one dollar seems an Net | impossibility, but it has heen acapmplished and Famnlies of ang size may dotbeir entire | the most t tim incicator produced which | ing with this stove. To Students, Clerks, and | will continue und the, the world has evereeen, weaides that each Watch all who desire to stud} cconomy, it is invelaabie. | Henry roe'y under care comprises & compass Aki Sun Dial, without ex- | The saving of dard, tra costs. 'The Londen repeating watdh isgot up| . over the Governor's head." ' Fe At Fg 's Corners, Erin, on {th ult., the wife | ---- f Mr. Wm. M. Crawson, formerly of Oshawa, { of a son. | = = rer | _» @ 8 9 - coed TOO ~~ 4 2 ean Wheat, Fall ® bushel... | Wheat. Spring. ® bushel; Oats, ® uty, Barley Blue Peds a Black-eyed Harrow. fat Peas' wan | Potatoes, ¥ bushel, ...... B ir. Richard x3 RE i ed n defrays its whole cost. | gnd egy day, who will ve ia have mos" ' 4 and L d s will find it a | literature of THE ALDINE always eeping the ee et imiatign of cold at covenience, as. beck dos cooking. it heats | with iis artistle attractions. and metallic works, and a | at irops at a small ex ; the perfect! re- | Toy seEus PCO "0000 POOOT ~~ 2 82.588 8888 s I : occotme , St r- arity and constaney of its Beat making it par- | amaliod dial one Is a a REED | | ularly Eitictent for this purpose. Pariies g 85 fer enim. in a in stvanee "ith ofl ron TWO YEARS. Enclosed in | 17 early Train, or hone after the usual | tan dial and & perfectly accu- | Ruir for family meals will appreciate iis value. | rug Arords will PER Fer: orth of itself twice the amount | fh¢ Nursery, the C ing | grery one Yeanis | , the Workshop. will soon dcover Hare my As a Summer Cookibe Stove it eH Srnec oth hem. | unequalled. as it does not heat the house. seat on receipt of $1, or bfor r 84, Send | The stove will be monufactured to meet the | in cases Shere where yo cori umsover 81 ragistaced to the manufactory, | wants of each. Searing the fac-simile EDWARDS & Co. R. LARARD. xi Agen Sn ©. A.D. Toronto, Ont, Aguat for Oshawa, and Eom Wiithy | : ed wh3y Rema, will NY i] ation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO,, S. H. COCHRANE, L. L. B., Esa, FRANCIS RAE, M, D., ral gt SURGEON: EH dT1HIA INV ' SAddSs gq HAT1TAIALS LV HILOY SEH FRESH ARRIVALS OF BOOTS & SHOBS | x ~ : - Seine tnd | JUST RECEIVED IGHTMAN'S, in the Dry Goods Department : Hoyle's Dit Ground Prints, Mourning Prints; | Black and White Striped Prints; Dolly Varden Prints, Two Bales Orosley's Tapestry Carpet, A fow pieced Floor oil Oloths, Oxford Suistings In ihe "3 ea ry Black Oouchong Teas, at 25; 45 and 65, ots: port Black Congon Teas, at 25; 45 and 65 ots per Ib; WILEIAM M WIGHTMAN LATE COWANS Oshawd, and Prince Albért: _ New iy as sr ALEXANDER R& BRYCE are J0QWIDg & Announces that they are NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY G MIL PIN ERY: NOTE A FEW OF THE BR SARE Dt oem Toi io ped. Beautiful Black Ground Prin Fe Linen 30+ A hit Table Napkins from $ Linen Towels 5 cts, ie 20 cho. 35 4s, and DQ cle. Heavy Steam Looms at 8 Our Grey Cottons are admiited to be ihe. Cheapest A Splendid umarimeit of 25, $3, $3 50, and $4 50. oe a 3 GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! can Abie MILLIN Gilt CN Sl

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