Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 18 Jun 1873, p. 4

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ie Ba ggser ee a HW ee | FEST IREE IRIEL | gt ts LE To EEE Fodkbe FRITIFLE 25% y bf TT LETH 'Alm gre LE ET Thoanlight sohly breske: ON1ARIO REFORMEK, USHAWA, WEDNESDALZ, JU K lo,ices MUSINGS. Never taunt with a past mystake. The weary doy Alas Passod away, thatone another, " As Luna, bright, With sliverly light, From out her realm awakes, Soft droozey sich Their Kllnby To languid, dying hours ; In Jow, soft tones, Aad gentle moans, They rock the sleeping flowers. of another ; it is meaness. words to think of during absence. 'Never meet without a loving welgome. anger or grievance. and asked forgiveness. Never forget love. . Int' stariight's gleats; Moves on With a lulliag flow 'While I mase to-night Ta th' calm twilight Qube eveaes of lcug ag. but make the best of what is. | A Girl's Idea.of & Man. Standing elbow-deep in dish-water, not many days siues, - this time-worn raying flashed into my mind, like an electric' shock, causing me to drop the the dish cloth while rn cmpbatic "That's so! burst from my lips. My mother's ejacu- lation of amazement at so startling an exhibition restored me in appearance to * my wonted equilibrium, though inwardly say indignation best a thrilling tattoo to the fying cups and saucers which, ever and anon, crashed into the cupboard. And irls. whether yon believe it or not, the ¢ ie space of fifteen minutes saw my | it when they get the chance. dishes all ont of sight--skillets and frying- | Punch says that reading wakes full pans not mentionable, whereupon (calmly | man, butifashion's full woman. This is make it what it should be. eternal home, because she can draw him out,see through him and shut him up. It is better to be dull, with an ardent de- sire to learn, than clever .with no dis- position to improve. do, as they always seem anxious to take and quictly seated myself to cool off ; but | only half true. Fashion puts a great deal | 500 Kegs Cut Shingle and Lath Nails, Y) the more I tried, the angry I grew, till | 1) 40 out side of 8 woman but nothing in finally snapping my fingers to that hypo- |p. critical old doctrine, a thing ee 854 greseverance Aorvispiiy physicians 6f man ; labor sharpens -the I seized the broom and duster, and pro- appetite, and temperance prevents him ceeded to vent my spleen upon the from indulging in excess numerous offensive articles nearest. my | energetic grasp. The chairs flew in every " direction, to say nothing of dust and cob- webs, and with every dash of the broom on went another layer of indignation. At this rate, then, I leave you to judge of my --probable state cf mind when. at the expir- ation of half an hour, just as I had seated | myself to rest a little from my arduous labors, in walked an important member of ahe male sex, making and extremely soothing observation, something after this style, * That he wished he bad nothing more to do than to sit in the house from worning till night, as the women-all did." Well } it would be pariartly Yeulcns for j We su1¥a Brack Cavico.--After wash- tito sedpt to deseribe wy Jens Om: ing in warm suds, rinse in cold water, as every word in Webster's dictionary all | : | with a handfull of salt thrown in rinse, strung together would't be enough. 1 was | = perhaps, in: the starch water--dave actually dumb. My tongue clove 1 Te | not tricd the latter. A little bran water roof of my mouth. -All the pent-up ideas |. "ot suds will make it wash easier. of the morning crowded into my train at | On no sccordhiaoek the goods, as thet once, and contracted in my eyas. Sparks fades ball flew, if language didn't, and if looks could Ye annihilate, I am quite certain the afore- . Add to the sales and taxes paid on mentioned individual- would have Yeen spirituous, vinous, and malt liquors the streiched at my feet. He, however, | capital invested in buildings and machin- fearing perhaps sach a termination, pro- ery, etc., together with the expenses con- ceeded to take his depaffure with all | nected directly with the' trade, and the necessary dispatch. I, meanwhile, striving | last year's business aggregates at loast to gather up my dead-and-alive energies | 81,500,000,000. sufficiently to aim at his retreating coat- | A horse car driver in Chicago gave a skirts a shot with the broom. Sst | penny over to twenjy different passengers, Men are selfish creatures, the best you 4; 4.0 p00 honesty, and nineteen of them can make of it, and the Bory 3% Jramos kept the money while the other one swore them the worse they get. They have been | yo ores more were due to him. 80 long accustomed to having the best of | everything, that they have naturally | come to expect it. There is a monldy piece of sentiment, fished up from the sbrain of some old bachelor, probably, which always did disgust me, and that is, | " Always meet your husband with a smile," Temperance and labor are the two best Baron Alderson, learned, gentle and | good, could make puns, and had much | drollery. A juryman once said that he was deaf in oneear. 'Well, then," said | Alderson,you may leave the box, for it is necessary that a juryman should hear both sides." Some lively girls in Pittsburg, "with malice aforethought, placed the effigy of a woman in the young man's bed, and strewed the room with hoop skirts, false hair, etc. He hid the false hair and the | lively gi:ls, stayed at home from church next day. Railroad damages in England, during the five years ending with 1871, amount- | ed to more 'than $8,000,000 paid for lost lives of limbs,and nearly 12,000,000 paid for destroyed or damaged property. Neglect the whole world besides, iather Never make a remark atthe expense Nover part for a day without loving Never let the sungo down upen any Never lst any fault youhave committed go, until you have frankly confessed it the happiness of early Never sigh over what might have been, Never forget that marriage is ordained of God, and that His blessing alone can Never let your hopes stop short of the A girl says her lover isdike a telescope The question is often discussed whether the savages enjoy life. We supposé they That goes a Little beyond my powers of | deed d Smiles i ! Delightfully copsistent with washtubs and gridirons. 80 a woman must slave and toil in the kitchen from morning till night, shut in from all communication with the world outside, must toil and bake and stew with a dozen little pinafores clinging to her skirt ; must. sweep and dust and darn and sew ; in fact," must go threugh her work more dead than alive, with the cver pre- sent idea that the arrival of her husband is thé& signal for her to scare up a smile, to 8o great a happiness do I esteem it, to be loved, that I. really fancy every bless. ing both from God and men ready to descend stone spontaneously upon him who is loyed. A young man in a suburban town sent off his first postal card. After writing a | message on the back he enclosed it in an | envelope; clapping on a three cent stamp, {and dropp~d it into the post office, re- | marking that it was a very handy arrange- | ment, and should have been introduced | years ago. greet the poor dear creature who is so | tired and harassed with business! If | Maxe Your OrrorTuNITrEs.--It was a there happens to be a tender spot in the | 8aying of the first Napoleon that every meat for dinuer, why it must be saved for | man should make his opprrtunities--his father !| The richest bit of cream is re- served for father's coffee ; father must havethe most comfortable chair in the house--the largest half of the lamb. The instant you hear father coming, presto! change ! clear the track, children! your father is tired ; don't disturb him ; runto your mother; she will attend to you. Mother musta't get tired. Well, come ! ment. Father plants himself in the only rocking-chair the house affords, elevates | his heels abuse the level of his nose, and remains a fixtore for the evening. Mother comes trotting down stairs, from her task of patting the cherub to bed, with a sen- sation of pleasure at. the bare prseibility which suggests itself to her mind of a | social chat with her husband about the occurrences of the day, which is just what she nceds, after the numerous duties which she daily performs. Nota bit of it! there he sits conning with un- flinching steadiness, the columns of that odious paper, informing her by appear- apce, if not by words, that " Mum" is the order of the evening. Bo, heaving a faiut little sigh, she takes the basket of stockings and with unswerving, martyr like devo- tion, plies her needle until that man gets ready to speak to her, which will probably be when he wants a disk of apples or a glass of cider. . ' Yes sir,' my mind is quite made up on that subject, and I don't see that I am going to helg:it either, for, * Men will be men the wide world And women can't help it whatever they do." on both g des of absolute unselfishness. Never tilk st one another, either alone or in company. 'Never both get angry at once. Never speak loud to one another, un- Joss the house is on fire Let each one strive to yield oftevest to the wishes of the other. Never find fault, unless it is perfectly certain thats fault has been committed, Let's have the denounce- | | chances. Butas a ganeral thing, while | ten men wait for something to turn up, only one turns something np, so while ten | men fail, one succeeds, and is called a a man of luck and the favorite of future. There is no Juck like pluck, and future most favors those who are most indifferent to fortune. 1; ' Wairewasn. --The following is given hg the best receipt for whitewash : Six- | teen ponnde of Paris white, half & pound | of white transparent glue, prepared as | follows : The glue is covered with cold | water at might, and in the morning is { carefully heated, without scorching, until dissolved The Paris white is stirr- ed in with hot water to give it the proper | milky consistency for applying to walls. The dissolved glue is then applied with a brush, like the common lime white brush. A single coat is sufficient, unless the walls are very smoky, CovrTiNG aMone Ewarse Exicrawts Iv AvsTRALIA--' How did you manage to win her affections sv quickly, Dan? The receipt's worth knowing." * Oh, that was simple enough," replied he. 'The first night I arrived at the lodging house in Auckland I fourd myself setting next to a young woman at supper; who, I scon found, was one of the newly arrived emi- grants. I looked her over, and found she was a round, strong, cherry-looking lass, with a laughing face,and thought she'd do I didn't know how to go fooling round her,--as I am certain you would have done, sir, no offence to you,--but just spoke a word or two with her, =nd when we came ont into the passage, gave her 8 squeeze and a kiss. 'Says she, 'How dare you 7" Says I, 'I want to marry you my dear." 'Marry me 1" cried she; laughing, "Why, I don't know you." "No more do I know you, my dear, so that makes it all fair and equal" She didn't know how to put a clapper on that, 0 she only langhed and said she couldn't think of it. "Not think of it," ;gsays 1, artful like, "not when you have come all these thousands of miles for the pur- purpose 1" " What do you mean 1" says she, staring. 'Come now," says I, "don't tell me; I know what's what. When 'a man emigrationizes, it's to get work ; when a woman emigrationises, it's to get married. You may as well do it at once." Well, she. giggled a bit, end we were spliced two days afterward. Hats and Caps. WILLIAM LANG INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK uF NEW SPRING CoODS! WHICH 18 COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Fubhishings. 'Buiyiojn sprw-Apeay Boots and Shoes. SPRING AND SUMMER 'CLOTHING, LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. HATCH & MEARNS, KING STREET, OSHAWA, Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, have on band the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &c, ver offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the fullowing : 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, «| 200 Boxes Glass, " Star " and " Diamond Star," | James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White Loads, | English and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish. | American, Ragliah, and ('anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, | Butte, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &c., Gouge's, Plane Irons, &ec. | American Socket Firmer Chisels, [ | Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, ke., Dawson's | English Planes, | Rodgers' and other English Sugloh Cutlery, | Plated Forks, Spoons ete., B. M. Tea and Coffee Pots, Sqades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks etc., | Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBINGPROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April Slat, 1873. | -- | OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON " MANUFACTURING COMPANY | AVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTR N ! Hin which have been Siohounced by Good J ir opi By i ER Md supe inish to any Instruments of the that hav Web ¥ Jnats i the Kind e ever been before the Public of Oshawa Men of Practical Experience, Having a thorough knowledge of the Business; and, therefore, - ments Can rest ass they cannot be surpassed by any cs Putchasing Ou: Jnstra | ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR FIVE TBARS, | And parties purchasing from us will have a guarantee they cannot have by purchasing those h i | oe, a a TL ir resppuribie for thet bd A Ee aap Rt Sheu ta 'the We have now opeued our Wareroom in Mr, Wilkinson's Store, near the mmercial Hotel, King Street, Oshawa. | We invite the publi: to come and inspect oar instruthents. Parties desiring to | it to their advantage to deal with a, a3 4 they can save Ten per cent. ae ibaa will and 6 same ome i DARLEY & HOSKIN. 16-1y, Oshawa, October 9th, 1872, Ontario Commercial Collgge, Belleville, Ont. THOROUGH. AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS A CHARACTERISTIC of th , wher: and boys can procure an education uited to the wants of the times. Suge, whats young mea ho The charges sre moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini- ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of our students are the g of and fered by this College. SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Spencerias Penmanship, Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- ing, Railroading, Steamboating, Mechanical and rchitectural Drawing ; etc, etc. A Btaff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. hose dasirons of CARBINE thelr Breeshs OCCuDatOH for sOULMNG. moore TAeraLive, OF 10 Gal yi 8s of Ci ng r present occu, jon for more lucrative, or themselves to conduct their pce don ols systematically, will find that the advantageswo offer cannot be obtained elsewhere. ST E£pecim ens of Penmanship, and Journal eontaining all particulars sent free of charge. dress, 8. 6. BETY & Co., Ballevilis W. WIGG & SON, HAVE CE MOV | ® 1 D FURNITURE WAREROOMS, TO THE-- NEW BUILDING. Opposite Quigley's New Hotel, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, bestowed on them We Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, GALL A'T GLURLEY'S AXD LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be fotthd complete. ) 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Jlothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. 4 Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. New Story by SA XE HOLM. 4 Lens Sy 1 vom BRET SARE BRILLIANT dltt.4 ¥ of CONTRIBUTERS CLARBNCE COOK on Futitre and Decorations. R. H. STODDARD on Authors. Inducements $0 bscribers ; see PAGES FOR S100! &e., Re: The publishers 8f ScRIBNER'S MoNTHLY, in their Prospectus just issued, promise for the ensuing ycar a more brilliant array of contribu- tors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its illustration, already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto sppeared in any American magazine: Dr. HoLLAND, the Editor, will write the serial jstorv of the year, which will be autobiographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bon le, and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of American Life; It will be commenced in the November Number: ow One Legged Dancer. now Mving, will contribute a characteristic sens entitled The Epic of Fiddietow i, which wilt bs illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. Stopbarp will write a series of ente- taining papers about Amthers, their Personal Charucteristics, ome Life, Families, Friends Whims, and Warts A series of Portraits of Living American Writers, is also promised. Clarence Cook will write about Farniturd and the Decoration oF Afreritan Moms. These papers will be éminéntly practical as signs and sketches tion to those which the writer himself will furn< Among those who will contribute are: Hans Andersen, Bryant, Bibhnell, Eggleston, Froude, Higginson. Bishop untington, Bret Harte, John Hay, H. H. cdonald, Mitchell, Miss Phelps, Stedman, Thaxter, Wamer, Wilkinson; Mrs. Whitney, 45.» aditorial comtrol and direction of the Mag- azine w, | remain ip the hands of Dr. Holland, who will cou! 'DUE Lg Write * The Fopies of the Time," which tul N. Y. Independent says "are more widely quotea than any similar papers in any American magazine. Walter Gilder will write " The old Cabinet 3 as hitherto, Prof. Juha C Draper conducts the Department of "Nature and Science. departmonts of "Meme snd Society," and "Culture and Progress," vil] engage the con- ributjons of mare than a score of pens en both sides of the Atlautie, The Wai hman and Re- flector says : * Scribner's Monthly yor September is better than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon- ey. for the Magazine was good enough b fore!" And yet the Publishers promise (0 make it still Peter for the Sunny year" 'The subscription price is a year, with speci- al rates to clergymen, teacheri, and postmasiers. The following . Extraordinary ' Inducements are offered to new subscribers: For $5.50 th Publishers will send, or any bookseller or news- dealer will supply, the magazine for one year, ard the twelve numbers of Vols, IIL and IV.. entaining the beg of Mrs, Oliphant's Serial, ** At His Gates ;" for $7.50, the magazine for one year, and the 24 bhck numbers from the inning ; for $10.50, the Magazine for one year and the 5 back numbers bound (4 vols.), charges on bound vols, paid... This will gre nearly 5400 of the choicest peading, with the finest il- lustrations for $10.50, or nearly 500 pages for a dollars! and will enable every subscriber to ob- tain the series from the first, && Special terms to Dealers Clergymen and Teachers. SCRIZ ER & Co, 654 Broadway, N.Y. Mailed, post-paid, cn receipt of price, Darling, 1 am Lonely New. Song and Chorus, Stewart, 30 cents. Sweetest, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Mattie ¥, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Lost and Save lad, Donniker. 30. Fare- well, Daring, till we Meet, Rosew ig, 30. Think of me, * Darling, song 8nd chorus, Miers, 30. Asking a blessing from Mother, song and chorus, Stewart, 30, Recollections of Childhood, Bari- tone song, Danks, 30. Thou art no longer Mine, ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me say my little yer, ol and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutter, Willie's Dead; song and chorus, Stewart, 30. Ethel Dreeme, song uit dat Ticklin Me. Song and Dance, Hays, 35, You'll always find me true, song and chorus Hays, 35. * Dead, but not bigotton, song and chorus, Hays, 40. * Meet me Maggie, song and chorus, Hays, 40. * Lay tue where my Mother's Sleeping, song and chorus, Stewart, §00 Father of All, sacred song, Panseron, $0, o INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Autumn Leaves, Second Pensee Meodique, C. T. Frey, 35. Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35. * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35. * Sunbeam March, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's March, Kinkel, 35. *Bertie's Sehottische, Kinkel, 35. *Jimmie's Schottische, Kinkel, 35. *Hattie's Waltz, Kinkel 35. * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel, 35. Evening 'Zephyrs Waltz, Pacher, 30. Bird of beaut: Waltz, Young, 20. Switch-off Galop, Youn, 50, Kinkel, 35. Ray of Sunshine listen' \ 0, 'ddie's 's Polfa. KinKel, 35, Polka, and chorus, Persley, 35. Stars Polka de - olka, Kinkel, 35. i Smile of Beauty Ika, Young, 20. Pieces marked thus * have picture titles. Any piece mailed, t- ipt Bol od) oy HR on teoeipt o J. L. PETENS, 509. Bread way, New York. RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale He UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET UNDERTAKING Dusingss i ER a Pp Albert estabiis over fourteen ye and which affords an a rn Jal: any one wishing to e {1 such a business. re rau ens 3d whole Sttekis-trade will be of at a s on easy terms. Th stock in hand is large and well assorted, and the run of custom excellent. For terms and other particulars, apply on the premises to W. H. PARK. tr Prin ¢ Albert, July'17th, 1872, FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. mas EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 20 in the 2nd con., of the township of Whitby, situate on the main road about half wa bet Ushawa and Whitby, The Jand 18 of the Quality, and is well watered; a also upon it. Title indisputable. or particulars as to Juices and a¥ine APRN 30 the undersigned. Also Tes part 4th con., of Whitb; os ri biting ort Perry, March 17, 1873 PHILO, Sw-pd SHINGLES. SHINGLES ow ALL KINDS FOR my Mill, No. . 4 a a tes from No. 6s Ver ig Darling ween best orchard is snd always speak lovingly. ] Scribner's Monthly. SIMCOE STRERT, OSHAWA. There will bea new sto¥y by Saxe HoLw, The | ' . | Bier Hare, the best writer of short stories 4 well as artistie, and will be illustrated with de- | numerous artist: in addi- | ish. Stockton, Stoddard, Celia | posides a host of others, | THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, --THE-- 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80'a year, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co., EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Posters, Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards; » Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, ¥ AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, L ud 'REFORMER' OFFICE. -- tO -- Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to ---- ei CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. RR IS Vi { hand at the above Yard, Do Mewast, Ww Rg ow n't forget to W p Ad Chores" at for to "rite me Song 0d Chopyy, Fold weourHands. Song or duet Gone to the Heavenly rd Ifyou were I, wor "youl Kiss me Da "hel jitle Bind Nell. Little .- Song an Lord forever at Thyside. Meet me, Bessie, in the Meet me, Dearest, with a " My Poy across the Sea, ". 7. h Give me a Home in the South, m ! Song and Ch - for you! Ballad, fe Hayy Our Litile Pet. Song and Chepyel®louz. Papa, stay Home, Temperance duns. for me, Song. Save one Bright Crown We pray you Sing that Wilt thou Weep when I am low? Ww, INSTRUMENTAL MAZURKAS A fr a 10.cta.s GALOPS.--Charlie'd : ; each 35 ets, ; ¥ad Freddie's, by Ringy, 2 SHOTTINCHES. --Fitil : cts. ; May Morring, A heam, 4 Hampel, MARCHES Ble of Sabai Biukibecy ~ Belle of Safatoga, by Bi . ; Mollie's, by Kibke WALTZES. - Claris, G ota ni and Maggie's, by Kinkel each . Dew, by Allard, (0. stack % Gn cts, y FOUR MANDS --Amary ou Polka, us. : ve. C a =) i ota, Praise oman Polka- Mazur) by Dress, RALSN PIECES. Dance of the Haymake Wilson, 75 cts. ; Love's Carcasen itp: May Blossoms, Rinkel, 50 ota, 1 poh eta; Any of the above mailed, 4 " > eed ga Paid. on receipt: Addresi, J. L. PETERS, 500 Broadway THE SUBSCRIBERS FORM the public that they have now large quantity Georgetowh Lime; All orders left at the offit in the will be promptly attended to. Marshall & Bescoby. WOOD CcuUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARGE: * INMAN LINY OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Q eensiol and Liverpool | Cry oF Ricrirontn: C11Y OF MONTREAL. Crry or } Crry or AMTweRe; Crry or | Crry or | Cry or | City or Crry or Crry or DURBAN. Crry oF WasHiNGTON, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdaje) ; From Pier 45, North River: To Queenston by iia Aas Tongan ;-. = - Agent, July 20, VICTORIA € W. SMITH, Osmaws, #, Bie Oniar E > : \ Phe Ontario Ref Fleurs. Ti 0 ' Plaiute deg + Seals, Sone, ota; Whis . reezon WE A Er Nai od | Bit 40 15 of + Publishing At their office, gas3, 1: CONTAINS GN and Proving El Coraaty Basine and an instructive M Jat w Iolisher, anl parties payin scription until they ¢on 7 RMS :--$1 $0 per Xe aid withia six mn ad *Peheyear. No pa up will be held etters al Jrosmed paid, otherwise t. Post Office. RATES OF 1 ines and under, fi *% Each su . From six to ten Eacl uent nes, f h subsequent i Over 3iE lines, first insd Each.subsequent i The number oflines-t4 : ad OS ments witha De published till forbid All transitary advertisd hen handsd u; , measured by in. Adv office of pablication by v -horning preceedi 8 EA merchants and othe! wa of a : 3 LJ : ETAL ro 5 i promptly at Oshawa Coal, | 3 WOOD DEPOT 4 COAL and CORD WooD, § Agri icnitural Salt BE Yardy . ell, 3 Tickets can be ht here at by persons ishing send for their further information apply to the En ie eee ® - J.E. FARE COMPOUND 8 Formula an YRUP OF - HYPOPHOSPHITE The only #yrup prepared from Dr. ceriibed % be Chem Chu For mo also tor and For the prevention and cure df : PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, ' Also for the cure of - Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss : 5 Tetite, Generar Debility, de. hi . CERTIFICATE 48 TO PURITY AND EFFICASY. Laboratory, Paiyensity College, : To the Victoria 5 Co., employed in "the i ed ea the preparation of the Hire Syrup o phospnites. The seve: e Syrup is also are chenically dob ree purity, Your Syrup o ; osph LR undoubtedly prov Dehandle Medicine. 4 N A " HE) x H CROFT: UG Price $1 per Bottle. £old by all Druggists. VICTORIA . COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF ery BUCHU & UVA URSI Rs 4 A bi LA =F its pre. VICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT! Remed; wil. Diseases of th Bina deg Rady. Jor yi A wil "fiy oon Price $1 per Bottle. SoMsby »il Druggist. "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." ERLE SN i BUY IT! TRY IT!} PROVEIT!!! Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold Ly all Druggists. VICTORIA (CARBOLIC SALVE. " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN BO A Specific for Cuts, Wour ds, Bruises, Scalds, Boils, Piles, Pimples, eic., and Chroal Diseases of Skin of every description, Price 25 Cents per Box. SoM by all Drugg VICTORIA GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES FAVORITE. 4 the Complexion, and r ving Tae, Cte Ft pen te 1 Sore Lips. Price, 2 Cents per Bottle.d by all Druggists. REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Te elegraph Office, Al ATHAN ETEPHENS. Mags PF) TOILE "Cele brated for their Uni YICTORIA Exoce llence VICTORIA CARBOLIC v Vis siA fg 24 AND WINDSOR. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. Sold br all Druggists. oron(o, Dec. fth, 1800, heumatism, Gout, Nepralgia, Lum! : So Rh umatisn Pains Sent in the Limbs 1 T SOAPS. a NEY ROSE nil a very liberal discount i Poy FREDERICK M UY'S HOSPIT LAND. Residen ssidence, Simcoe Stre Jomy | Paget Al All orders wa. - C. VA EETH INSER T latest priiciples y Ad as DC aT gold and Silver. apin by producing loc tal Rooms--in C Alkinson's Drag Store; REN ea SC J. » I JCENTIATEor - Office over the G , King St,, Osha rations prefo: Residence in the same = E ARRISTER, SACTIOR: sour Simcoe Streets. » Jo MONEY to Len (WOUNT{ CR Barrister, Attorn eyancer. Off aad Cov a 8 Cochrane, decex: GREENWOC ARRISTERS AT-LAW. Holiciy Conveyancers J. Hanz OREENWO -- ow ROCHUITECT, anve and Gene wa. Agent for th to and from New Yor Aud Messrs, Gibbs Yai 4. B. SHE HOLESALE of HOOP SKIH erial used, The trad Fa tory King Street, ROOKAIN, O the Isolated Risk of Canada, Toronto, & tion. Also, for Queen' £2, Ro Hi Cay Ha Society, 'at low rates of intercs SUPERS DOMINIC * osinw = NN ARRISTER, Chan 5 Sollottor in C Bigelow's ; PRANCIS PHsSICIAN, ST 'eur, and Coroner $5 to 820% . Res « FOUR HOR = QO SNE voux BAYS, suitab! le Will sell 's wo vr. Issuef of M: i WH Millinery For Style i Go td For Cheap Got © Ladies' Fur

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