Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 18 Jun 1873, p. 2

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pes EY A re Ah Tre S We presume that the subject of pullic Grand Trunk Time Table. OSHAWA STATION.---OSHAWA TIME. 0 @ WEST. ING EAST. new ham | 8 .. AS a. . bd. . 3pm = ce tlopm. WHITBY STATION. Trains going East leave Whitby Station te nates earlier, and those going West fifteen mutes later than the above. at the present moment, with propricty, without in any way eonnecting the late Sir George Cartier with it, in such a way a to detract from any merit belonging to him, through his gerviees to the country. It is in no hostility to him we speak of the interment of the dead as a mark of honor at the public expense, but simply with a view of pointing out the occasions on which this can properly be done. In all conntries so numectous are the persons who serve the state in various capacities as Emperors, Czars, Kings, Presidents, Ministets, Civil, Military and Naval officers, &c., that to give each®of them the honor of a public burial would be so manifestly out of place as to make such an act no marked or very special honor. We, therefore, select for such distinetion very remarkable men, who tower above all others, irrespective of party, as benefactors of their face or country, or who occupy so elevated a position among their folluw cotmtrfmen as fo make it desirable so to distingnish them. Among the letter may be placed the reigning Sovereigns of States by what. ever name called--whether Emperor or ---- OSHAWA POST OFFICE. The malls are closed at thisoffice, by Post Office ime as foliows: GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Ing" mali, 5.00 Morning mall, 7.00 Moming ma 8.00 | en mail, 5.00 The Northen mails are closed im diately fier the arrival of tho Train from the West, at 00a. m., daily, Sundays excepted. a The English mail, via. Quebec, is closed at 7. velock on Thursday Evening. and via. New York a! 1.15 Saturday Evening. ' Mail for Enfield, Foley, and Taunton, is LLY at 13.30 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday. Registered Letter should be Mailed 15 minutes before the hour of closing a mail. OFFICE HOURS.--From 8 o'clock a. m. until p.m. The Reform Candidate! funerals can be, and ought to be, discusted | WHITBY SECOND INNING. G. Ray b Osler Hancock, b Osler Mathewson, b Osler Marshall, not out At about half. past nine o'clock on. Mon- dry evening, Hon. T. N. Gibbs arrived by train at the Oshawa station. He was there met by two brass bands and fife and drum and a considerable numper of peo- ple, chiefly boys who like to hear music. When the procession arrived in the vil. Inge, Messrs. T. N. Gibbs, W. F. Cowan, F. W. Glen, and 'Dr. McGIll addressed the blage. The pr turned around only one or two streets, very little eathusiasm was manifested, and it struck us that the cheering was somowhat crest. fallen for such an occasion. Was it omin- oun of the result of the elections 1 *" There is many & slip. between the cup and the lip." * Lochiel, Lochiel, bewate of the day" whet Keformers " meet thee in battle array." The notes of warning we griote seem a propas, but we would fai not disttird the swéet slumbers of ambition too soom. 4 VUNTARIVU REFORM, Ac2ipENT. ~On Thursday last, a boy about 12 years old, son of Mr, Walker, Broc's Street, had his hand badly muti. lated in a large lathe used in the Hall Works for turning some portions of -the Leffel water wheel. Its speed led Lim to | mistake the cogs for a smooth shaft, which he placed his fingers upon. The cogs drew the fingers in, and would in a very of the belt by some one near by, have to Dr. Cobourn's office where, with the assistance of Dr. Clark, the :taftered fe- mains of the first, seed and third fingers wete amputated, ard the injuries to the thumb and little finger dressed. Though poinful, he stood tlie process of amputa- tiont well ; and wa believe the wourld #0 far is progressing favorably. Correspondence, : ----------TTX %o the Editor of the Ontario Reformer. Sin, --1t seems to have been sirciflated to tho effect that Mr. Gibbs ot South On- tario, is to be the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and forthwith the family organ of this place heralds forth the annéeunce- short time, but for the prompt removal; dostroyed the hand ard wm, He was taken | USHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE iS; i=, of South Ontario baen used for the last eight years, in direct Opposition to Re- form and progress, 'and to impede and thwart almost every Good measure The vote and influence of the Riding in the Commons has been employed chiefly for the purpose of elevating its possessor t» the position of a Minister of the Crown, Can the electors stand this longer? We think not. Then why not wake up and elect a man who will make his country's interests the objeot of his solicitute, snd do his utmost to raise the position of re- to one of honorable distinction, Yours, &., SPECTATOR. Oshawa, June 13th, 1873 To the Editor of the Ontario Reformer : Sin, --I differ entirely from the senti- ment laid down in the Chronice of ldst weeks issue, that if Mr. Gibbs accepts office in the Dominion Government that he should walk the course alone, not being opposed by a contest. The Editor of lic Chronicle admits, if the Re- formers in the riding were united they could elect Mr. Qibhe to stay at home ; Now sir, if this ba &s the knowing Editor says it is, that tue Reformers in the riding MURDER IN HAMILTON ! friends, the murdersr was visited in his | _-- | cell, but precions fittle information was | A Father Deliberately MurdersKis Two | got from him. He was gloomily pacing | Children. i about in his cell, his arms folded, his dirty | va a hat drawn over his face, a cross look on HE ATTEMPTS THE LIFE OF MIS WIFE | his face, and dressed in his complete #uit of working clothes, (From the Hamilton Times. On Thursday last about six o'clock a fearful crime was committed within the | precincts of the city of Hamilon, and only This was given him, and he again began a few yargs from a police station, wiich his pacing about until called again to the | presentative from grovelling selfishness | has: almost frozen the blood of all who | Tatingof the cell dour, when he muttéted havo heard of it. It was one of the most | that his mind was aff .cted, while he tap- unnatural capital offences tliat could have fis vecurred, and ofig" which the like has | is left hand. Again mattering this, he Some years ago wo had a case which re- | *¥ Mr. Gleeson, whom he knew; but he sulted in the murder of one O'Shangh- | Pretended to know nothing of the affair, | nessy, but with that exception, we believe { and had no idea at all what he was im- | that no crime of deliberate life taking has | Prisoned for, Fields was perfectly sober | been recorded for years. And it has been | 224 88ne when seen; and thers is no pos- | left for this beantiful June morning to | sibility of a doubt but that he intends to | witness a crime which must be read of by the ** emotional insanity dodge. ; Ta with horror ; spoken of with almost bated this he will fail. "Our reporter then visit- breath, and thought of as the blackest | ed the scene of the carnag:. On entering | that conld stain' the character of man. } the allcywdy he met a crowd of Women, leven a grown person by one who has | crouched in a corner, in the shade from reached the years of discretion, is. awful | the sun. Tho bystanders wero talking | [ enough, but where a fathef or a mother | 1°"d}y, and in a bawling ton % sympath- | } vos' his or her sleeping progency of that | izing with the female, who was overcome |date Sir Geoifge E' ------ Ir only costs $19 PH | corners in Oswego, - or anything else in When he was spoken all black to he aifected not to hear, but in a micment | Perfect with the he asked in a choking voice for a drink. | only three legs. agai for fraudulently i ! ped his breast in a suggestive way with | large num | by the ys : 0 1% | hate never before taken place in this city. walked off. Some tint? later he was visited | fem. | one of them of fresh fields 4nd pastures | fie Hembety for Li a } ehildien and men st i | branches of the The murder of onié wan by another, or | ¢41ldren and men standing around a female bet of titty, met at the J | and unanig ment with its accustomed vanity, when he thinks he can have excuse for serving np | & political dish that he well knows 'wonld tickle tho pallet of his master if it could Toaal aid Gesieral FEREL IEEE 8 in the majority, is it not a shame on | dearest of all Boons--life, then must the | with tears, and calling out. to know why ay nok de : their part if they ¥mger suffer Mr. | condemnation of the wholé World be thoyihad let He huspand kill the children | said that he wilh ng n Gibbs to misrepresent the riding. It is | fieoded upon fhe black hearted creatures. | She s raped, Oh: why did he not kill leadership of the "rey. well known that the honest votes cast in | The case we hive to speak of to-day is | ™ and let my children live I" My poor |- Daurinz the 15H, § only be got. But that is the difficulty, | riding in the late contest has been given | one of a clags that is happily, rare. A few babes, my poor babes ! She was dressed | real Witness, ¢ Point 8¢, Sich positions are generally given to men | for the Reform Candidate, and if undue in a somewhat shabby looking calico gown | Yard has been a scone of | who have signalized themselves as states. | and {corrupt influencés Mad sfed green ilk bonnet, | a { men, and patriots, and who Kavo spent a | brought to bear, tds South Riding of { children to a brook and held their heads i Jue | States 182 cam ¢ cattle { large portion of their lives in promoting | Ontario wonld iv the present, as in the | downward in the water until they were | ™* might' B08 Souch the wounds, | She wit | head, and five cars hogy } | the interests of the comntry. Surely Mr, ! pasf, have been represented in parliament | lifeless, while. a rank coward, of a whi | rosking hereste to and fro, and seemed to Jniuin on, and some 47 spy Gibbs could not found his claim to the by a Reformer. pre. | who caught ight of her from 4 bank ran | bo almast. beside herself with grief. But and Te by without oh been, fide : : : : : oh position on the ground of any service he | fanted by a high Tory like Flr. Gibbs, for | off for assistance, when kid he promptly | when spoken to she instantly apparently | oy ich speaks well for delay or " passion of France at his back, he medi- Hepinstall's, Jewelry Store King Street, | had ever rendered the state eiflier as states- | where has there been a representative in | rendered if he could have saved the pre- recovered herself md replied to questions | road, ' ; tated the distruction of England by his | Oshawa. ' i x . ad o . ---- | Wan, or patriot: As to the former he has | the whole parliament who has voted so | ¢ions life of the flotillas-and fleets ; when England, tremb. " E : p : ! ol ! No. 1, Rescue Fire Company has chal. | been stght years irr the public service of | steadily to uphold Tory principles as : . gy : lenged No. 2 Fire Company to a trial of | his country as representative of South Or. | Mr Gibbs has done ; and PIr. Gibbs new | Thursday last there is reason to' believe | iiterview we may sum np the engines. The trial to be 'made shortly | tario, and during that time we believe he | accepts office in the Govetnment, whieh | that a sontewhat similar feature of sowaril- | sativa s Yasin yp after their annual pic-nic. | can lay claim to the paternity of one or | I believe he woald have done long ago | ice is aiso fo be chronicled. as fall 'ws © Yesterday tele s had been out | -- "-- - | two measures, of very small dimensions. Wad it not been for the fear of 4 co For a year or so past a family of four drinking, but cawe home in the afternoon Tue sentence of Johnston, who was | This is we believe abont the extent of his | persons hing been Mving in a small: tene- quite sober and steady, and found his | condemned for the murder of Price in | claim to be 'considered a stetesman, and as | March last, in the County of Bruce, has | been commut ed by the Governer General JAS. HOLDEN, ESQ, Will hold meetings and address the , ELECTORS {F SOUTH ONTARIO At tho Tollowing places, commencing at half past Seren o'clock, p.m., each day: | DUNBARTON - Wednesday 18th inst WHITEVALE - Thursday, 19th " BROUGHAM Friday, 20th "" CLAREMONT - Saturday, 21st WHITBY Monday, 23rd DUFFIN'S CREEK - Tuesday 24th ** OSHAWA Wednesday, 25th COLUMBUS . Thursday 26th . BROOKLIN Friday, 27th rn Ouinio Leformer, AMARA ARRAS AR | President--only becuse they are at the heads of their countries. Of the former 80 very few appear as land marks in the history of any country, that often but two or three individuals in a centyry rite so prominently above the common level as to deserve the honor of a public funeral. When out of the seething cauldron of the first French Revolution arose, fired with personal ambition, the elder Napoleon. When, with all the power and fierce Hews, ! Witte publishing the lettor of "" One dyed in the wool" we disclaim endorsing his sentiments xs to ibegitimately using | money at elections. HA months ago an insane mother in a town. | : : att not been | ship farther west, took her two youngest and wore a batt { | perched in sucli a way upon her head that aa £ "al and the 85 > $18, wilt buy that desirable Silver Hunting, ** Inverted Patent Lever Wateli,' ull Jewelled, and fime guarantaed, at roe A 8 Instead of being re : i younger girl. In the I'8 clear and ready manner. - From what | g r Kissin v. Taw. is mournful episode. Whih ton place' on | Was obtained from her then and at a later 1 k now that a British jury does not {it an act of impropriety for | nsher to kiss the ws recently engage c the southern erupt which plainly shews he is determined to England ata salary of $300 5 3 as f ; . vient hotice i ol all aloy's yar wife cleaning a small cooking stow hen | Was disc "* without uphold, as fart as his power, the Tory nt hotire in a place called Maloy's yard. 3 g e, When any just non principles of Sir John A. Matdonald. | This yard is situated somré ote hundred | he remarked in a pointed sort of way, and 40 earls ed Reformers to the front ! aseers your rights | YATds | or 80, from the No. 2 Police. Sta. | a very ominovs oe, we fancy, * that she | civil courts, It was in wh like intelligent men, show this unsery. | ti0h. In this'station a policeman is on | neddn't rind cleaning it for she wouldn't | that one of the causes, ** just and pulous politician yor value your inde. uty, and the portion not used for his | want it very long." able," of the di missal was: that Mr. Bh A . oH f- Alth h tl sigh > 41 he had | 5ton had Ki the cook. The inti dendence more than the almiglity dollars, | fle and for an hose reel room is occu: |= Although the Neighbors say Unt she | however denied having positivel | Better to eat a dry crust with indepen. ¥ :d by the affiable Sergeant Logan as a | to be rescued from him -»' week or so ago, the cook, but admitted that he 4 dence than to live in léxury at a sacrifice | Fosidence. In M-loy's Yerd a small two. | when ho made a murderous attack wpoh | so in the pantry before th 6° your manhood. Mr. Gibbs cannot storey frame dwelling stands. The whole | lier, no particular notice was paid the fore Fa ne Secret about attempt to palm en your crc dulity any| building is about twenty feet long by | ugly remark. Last night the wife and her or vt tongs id aot { longer, that he goes to parliament an twelve feet in depth. This is devided | children climbed vp the shaky staircase | cook," and thereupon . he independent member ; he goes 6 endorse | into "two tenements, so that the families | into the bedroom and went to bed. : : hag | 1 OF pedagogue. The j all the wrongs, the gigantic fraud, tl ¢ had one rooni each downstairs and one Mrs. Fields says her husband whs had | not in the kinsing of ling fcr her very existance, sent her ships | to cope Trafalgar, when the English fleet | swept that of France from off the face of the ocean, making England free ; then a cheer burst from the whole land; a signal service had been done to the whole nation, and at the public expense she buricd Nelson. | Whe Napoleon overflowing the bound- | to imprisonmen. for life. Oshawa, Wednesday, June 18, 1873, | aries of France subjugated snd oppressed | orm _ | the siirrounding mations, when he overran | Something Entirely new at W. Dickie's | Russia, Austria, Prussia, the minor Ger-{ The Banner 830 Sowing Machine ; The | orphans, and mother's widow's, and when | man states, Italy, Spain and Holland, | Wester $35, 1,000 Stitchew 8 minute | he hand of charity was much nceded to Stripping them of their male population without noise, skipping of sth. hes, or | allay want and suffering, this noble patriot the 23rd inst., at Whitby, and the poling | PY the sword, their wealth, their most {broking of thread. Buy no ether | talked about subscribing $500 towards as. on Monday the 30th. There will be only | valued works of art, and the Princés of | without first trying these. | sisting the futherless children and widows, one day for polling as in the Ontario Par. | of their crowns. When ait Europe lay | She - | but ft all ended in talk, liamentary elections. Gentlemen from a | Prostrate at his feet, and he was, for per- | See, SeE--'Tis a positive fact that Rus- | patriots of more n.odest din; *nsions, who | * " IE Fo dbx Frit " . mtest, | to his patriotism he gave the public a pretty good idea of what kind of a patriot he was, when the country was invaded by a borde of miscreants and cut throats {in 1866, and when children were made el] SOUTE ONTARIO ELECTION. The nomination takes place on Monday Jar While 'many | ' " distance will proYably be present to speak ! sonal ugrandisement, distributing Thrones | sells celebrated watch is sold as cheap, and | wero really patriots in th truest suse of | corrupt practices, the unscrupulors mean | each upstairs. The upper storey has for been out during the evening, came home | bad character, and wi British at the nomination. among the members of his family. When | a little cheaperin Oshawa than Toronto | ' ig : | | ; {the word, put their hands into their | ¥5¢d-by the Macdonald Government to the greater part ata ceiling the réof, and | abun? nine o'clock, lighted a lamp, came | gave he Seta ae ---------- | he ened a defeated boo the Wh i i to do. 5 i then ! pockets and drew forth their thousands of | ke? itself in power, and I am Rraatly Ye room is consequently mach cramped | *» or Yiresp Wisi] laid In fast p they Pe iim looked | armies urope, and was marching on | ore sending your money from home, to ! Se " ai jor 0 orspace. A family named Fie ccid- | down on id, an ng Ais pive, | extra feeling on the dismissed tutor, REFORM CANDIDATE NOMIJATED | that he i Alexander like, S | see those pa I learn The prices going Sotiary and Hedy gure them, 30 those whe | DANY the ha ha sol nb or ing a | smoked for some time until he fell A der | they "not Li _awarded him his - On Monday night 16th inst., une of the sapreme, England sent forth a soldier to | at Hepinstall's Jewelry Store, King St. oo ol reece p d ay ro | tricksters in power. The Edtr better than a shanty rlace, and while Sot Ene pest Spoiatly 3 fur J. we 315 Be tics uf "largest and most influential Reform meet. | the field of Waterloo ; he struck the con. | East, Oshawa. . | connected the md the. Hon George | of the Ohronicle courcils tie Reformer; | they lived as such poor familips do live, in | knows watil thismotuing, Shesnyd, i ings ever held in the. Riding, u:der the | 9"eror down, crumbled his power in the SET : circnmstances, unanimously nominated | dust, and setting the continent frée, " a given osm -- to ] ; another situation. Virtue--and rm et : . coi : saion by t the lower part, occupied {he ! HE VaS PERFECTLY SOBER, . {lly when so gallantly dis TAILORING at Wm. Dickic's. A large as- | Brown, or Sir Francis Hincks, as: the | to avoid a contest on this u¥ whi y the tion asa rhe ho licre Yhper pw becarise ke undressed himself ; for whedi he | IS zeta ity ot ari wi laced hi ntry the fi t of the | *ortment of New and Fushionable Clothes, | Probable succ:ssors of Mr. Howland as | arguents made uso of in his arwJle, tha" | dur "dead ' re was atl ce the worse of lignor, he stumbles up to | And how ha; the cook gar. Holden, Evy, of Whithy, as the Re. | P vi ' -- " gv ot New Hats, Collars, Tios, &c. Boots and | Governor of Oatario, there would have foo much corruption will be practised whi | the dark dee "43 Porprotrated The bed and with all' his clothes on 80¢8 | knowing' that charms ar form candidate, to contest the (I ction of ii wei oa » Toop nations vied Shoes, apeciility Fren h Calf Boots, | been a fitness about it that would have | Means nothing less than money, will be : ay two tenanting 30 slow unl When he is in Wie Sondities, | to have caured such a hubba! ~ ¥ : with each other to do him y, rench ofa, T Li . 7 : 8 Se sn ia 3 .v thin, byi os is as helpless as a child. ve whole § SRN, 0 03 Gib, Eey,, M. P. whe has just his death grateful England Sao, nd ke | Yery cheap. Call early and leave your commended itself to the better judgement unduly used in carrying the cloction. That families Ive, ¥ PY vig id interfere Tos family slept hn the one bed. Thie marn-| ~~ -- acepled 4 Seat Ju the fiaws Cabinet. | Welli win the h : f me She ye orders. =~ 3 { of every one. While we would not do | While I for ene protest against the use of §id Hoy ome om ho ne | ing, whenthe wife was in a doze, but The promptitude w ith which the matter | © ya ingion the honor of a pul ie burial. 2 | Mr. Gibbs the the injustice to say that he 4 8 single dullar being apont for corrupt pur. | imagine, unless the people wefe stock- | oil] -able'to have some idea of what was | waghter of Mr. A LP. wis taken np, on so short a notice, and | hen after a prolonged civil war { obtained a | had not always been sufigiogtly faithful | Poses in influencing votes, yet, having no | stiff with fear, Asw? have said before | going on, she uig hat Field Mon wha | _ 10 months and 12 days. . : itu "h | Washineté inde 5 A | BB aes I i : -~ : nilv nembarad four pa 13 i ight the: goin the = -- the cntlinsiasm which prevailed angurs.| of hinge gsuatel a asresience new uniform, and will at the Fireman's! to Sir John, during many an ordeal in the'! faith, even though promises. weg given | the Fields family numborad four persons, tie wipe: Meg in a x, E - Sho | well for Mr. Holden s anccess. Committees | 7 at the = aif th ry ig | Pic-nic to be held at Pork Hgpo, on the | Legislature, to lay olaing 4p the honor, on | by Mr. Gibbs h E- and werg ps follows : -- "bntrons voice t6 a man in a neighbouring | y PHATE and Calisa LoL ¢ were there and thén 'organized, and the, him pense of the 'State. It is | Erst of July, be able to gope it dremsias FE t of service rendered to his leader, fadaculd be spont il'e ;itimafe'y In th ¢> - THE MURDERZE, yrard and asked what time it was. The | favourite on aerownt of its parfess bills, calling public, meetings for address- Pe sach po i these where men have | well as in musie, with the Bands of oar | we there are fow indeed who would | test. 1 would say to the Reformers go the hasband Ad father, is named Thomas | reps; was that % was twenty minates to | A eens o* fH ing the electors, were printed Fefore she Soret Ja an wren lo the { neighboring towns. . } have stronger claima npon that ground | into the contest fully armed in ike man. Fields, is aged about forty-fvo, is are the of meeting disbersed, and were postel on | ON 4 > enple unite short | sixe--an our when, in this scason, and in | | 1. x : in | { than Mr. Gibbs himself, A more devoted | Wer with.your &pponcnt and his purses, | and rather ofsmall'build, yet his appearance | the loct Jig oe -- ed Fi ople are the walls before the dawn of day. Those | doing them honor. No such servises 38}. A Lover of True Blucs was orgunized | servant faithful fol'ower Sir John does | for it © unfair to eoutest sy battle «where ! would afford the idea to a bystander that | about thei a who held the proclamation back until it i these nor any other sufiaient to warrant { by the members of the Victoria Lodge not p and po doub; Mr. Gibts 3 | came to the dside, and with a sharp ; a a, one party is armod with deadly weapons | he was stont and strong. hatchet he had concu2led, struck his wife | Itis was secretly posted up late on Saturday | a public funeral have been render:d by Orange Young Britons, on Saturday last. | thinks it is about time that h of warfare sure to kill, while the oth r than five fost six inches in height, night, in the bar rooms, &c., to steal a | the late Sir George Cartier to the people | ' . da: | be His ja fearful blow on the mga' te. ne; be- | FEES ; ! Any boys wishing to join can do so by his revard. As to Mr. GI spectre | Pty goes unarmed relying entirely cn | facial appearance is rathe march were astonished to find the Reform of this Conutry. .The Confederation o -- eine | r against him, j/fore. sha gould raise, Sather bigw fe «1* 4. | making application at their next in TW arliany. 5 the righteousres of the'¥ cmuse to carry | his head is small, the brow low, the eyc.i upon the right side of tie head. loug | party drawh up in battle array on Tuesday | Act was the most important he aided in | to be held if; morning, with the light of victory already | carrying, and that was not his meeting, | was not very alarming Vesk re. a daha tls Brood | these cuts were deep, and with a murder- i the Orange Hall, on Thars, "The Reformers of South Ontario are not i them on to victory. The weapons of the bres Slate: Buh reibey heory, the ye ous intent, the wos sprang from the : A 4 : iparty's. HH pais nor leis | day evening noxt, at half-past seven, [likely to be much terrified should Mr. | warfare will be carnal, and it is no more a 3 par i 2 a ' aa yc '¢ | bed, and while ying of the op of he in their countenances of its enthusiastic {pangs i: originated and was carried i pe | Glen be so unfortunate as to try'his hand | than right if ome party is armed the op- | Hib eye, whith has rather a scowling ap- | voies * Murder! murder! wi ranks. The end is not yet ! | by the Reform Party of Upper Canada | Scroot E ' Wri ' } led by the Hon. Geo. Brown. Se that the | | SCHOOL EXAMINATION. -- Written Exam- arance. grizzly whiske - | husband and began wrestling with him. at an election contest here, which could | posing party should be armed also, | PoATARCE A grizzly whisker and mous. usban g g : inati i ld this wee he t on sel whole pageant, at Montreal, was not so | "* 1°" Will be held this weck and next | have but one result, name e 0 i i | She says she called for help until she was | -- yy a thorough | trust that the Editor of the fironicle while | es 5] Some wil sipped, hide : a Tn a moment or two she wrested | ) . Hi | yest o | 1 i | " a arried low, se . i ny CARTIER UEOREZ E. much in honor of the late Baronet, as | ihe uivh Schon], On Thwsaiay, the | Seieat, J Vikically, Mz. Clen beivuge to] being : ; Reformer he ie - » on the short 1feelseso that the chin seems | De yun i Flats, ring | . hey 26th inst., the Half Yearly Examination | the light weights, asd whex he | will now arise in his might an coune | whic sha ol! by the -- for the selfish purpose of strengtl te! i is ; | 2 : . i » ' . . almost to rest on the breast. The shoulders | as far as which she was follow by the Last Friday the body of Sir Georso tottering ord Sovran ot 4 = | for Admission into the High School takes | meets with reverses, he is said to be af- | the Reformer's 80 to act in this campaign { are rather broad snd square, and indicate | Would-be murderer. She says that two Caxtics BY oe Dy TeOrE Joh M. Denald y B .. | place, and all candidates should be pre- | flicted with the blues. Then he would no | 80 as to be unifed, and gain this victory, | woke stretinth than Nie Is dit to | Strong men came running into the yard, 2 ay ported in he wig o pi on wry y h oy hat ig 1 sent at 9 am. { doubt wish he had done as he did in West | and assist in rescuing our country from | TY _ yield i 3 ven ~ # . | and she sad Wyn thew, Jor Gods ska; silent tomb at Mon'real. As a mark o 1s mipistry what means they use to | asa | sits Blok ng vet but o the destruction it evidently is tendi g ot 1 as employed in | oy and save her children, or they wou hon r; he was buried at the public expense | keep 'office. Men who bribe individuals ; : 29 Durham, felony sickens avd os; we bite a nia yy , ne to | the engine department of the Great West- | be killed. They séemed afraid to do any- in accordance with the recent vote of the | and constituencies wholesale, will not| AT # meeting of the Hamilton Fire | difficulty by following. the advice of bis } suit Talore ) pik ah PH Railway, and his duties were those | thing, and ghrank gs Fd E the most . , Wi i : RDF. m he . ' SD! : ghbors n House of Commons. The funeral was | hesitate to press even death into 4'e Brigade, on Wednesdny last, it ¥as unas. hasten Yours 8e, | generally deputed to a * wiper " as when | Sadly rion pT Fields chat BD hogs very largely attedded, the crowd of on. | se~viee of their party manipulation. The | imously agreed to attend the Fireman's BSERVE | X ; y I th a ca lookers numbering, acoording to the Mail, | country should rid itself of such vulkrs. | picnic at Port Hope, and arrangements | Osh. June 13th, 1873 0 ® . gh es fifty yards to Dr. Wheat, ¥ bushel, 10,000. Tae pull bearers were Sir Fran. ------------ | have been made for the company to leave ny pa ! Mullen's, where the wound on the temple Barley, do o. cia Hineks, Judge Sicotte, Hon. W. Arch- : Tr | Hamilton by the mail line of steamers . was dressed. In the meantime Fields bons, % Ge far rc iy Cricket--Oshawa vs. Whitby. | on the Monday moruing previeus te the | The Probable Appointment. f ran up stairs, and having been deprived | Pate. (LEE ambault, Sir A. T. Galt, Lieu. Gov. How- ; xy ? haa o | dus money orders ean be imsued between the | . of his murdérous weapon, took a pocket | Potatoos, per bag. land, Sir U. F. Bellean, Juige Merodith, | A ericket match between THe Oshana | PIM Zoutie Bilton of the Vutario Eeformers] | | Dovey ardois sam ho fused Telande, | Tied was known in the neighbor} ood Hon. Mr. Polette, 'Hon. Thomas Ryan, | and Whitby clubs, was played at Whitby Mores & Howorta's New Hibernica | S1B,--The air is again thick with rumors | Beveml articles trom the iilfat ia] where his family lived to be a man addict- hy Tole a D , by i . i Wa | » n fated At- ink: e Bow. A. 2 Das ©, Hon. L. de St. Just, big Saturday last, resulting in a victory | in connection with the new Irish Comedy | respecting those vacant offices. The would | | 0! drifted ashore at Point La Tour, | 0 to drinking, and for some months past and Hon. J. Ferrier. { for the latter with seven wickets to spare. | of Kitty G'Cohnor a ic { | y O ppear at the Mnsic knife he had, opened the large blade and | Hay, ¥ ton, .. seizing the poor infants, held their heads { bo Governor has again returned from { and were picked np by fishermen on the | '¢ Pad been very unsteady, He spent Among those in attendance from a cis- | The Oshawa eleven went in first, and was | Hall, this (Wednesday) evening. No pains Ottawa, where he no doubt went upon one | Tth inst. | his money in drink, and of eourse neglect- tance were members of the Dominion [disposed of at 36 runs. . The batting sideways upon the mattrass and stabbed the blade deep each rapid blow on the neck at agular ves, and with atro- | | of his official missions. Sir John perhaps | " as {ed his impoverished family, compelling i ! mse have been spared by the pro- | © pull | ! Anovt 200 Wesley tors attend. } Parlimnent, and of the Local Parliaments form displayed by Messrs. Harris, Jones, | rn the crear in wheting pro | noticing a look of despondency about him, ing the Confer yo pista "esend. | the woman he had sworn to love and Mayors, and members of corporotions of | and Osler, was very guod ; the latter in | Pramatic Company, which consist of first. | thought it necessary to again cheer his | free trip to Port S'anlsy 'and back on | cherish, to go out and do char work, or | both innings making { city ir poor throats open, having severed all the vital parts, and in "ities, tw, Stum Outario and Quebes. 29, being 8 more | class artiots Admissiow 25 and 50 cents, | 4T00Ping spirits and increase his zeal and | Satnrdday lost by raitway. | anything by which she could gain even Forming the proeccasion were the re. ge Mrs. Fawcett, wife of the distingnish. | ® Wretched subsistence. She used to the case of the cutting intothe verte- i than, was made by any other player on | | devotion, and tickle his vanity, by holding | presentative of the Governor Genneral, stern most 0 partetion between PIED, A Co ymbus, on the I3th inst Tue Battalion Band have HE COMPOUND He is not more Commereial, i a Flour, ¥ewt,...........s Yhoat: all. y bhatt Ww t, § . ts. 0 Ce a Your, &ec., Ox Dyed 1¥ THE WooL. Oshawa, June 16th, 1873. locomotives came in off the line. he was supported to busy himself oleaning off the | oils and accumulation of the travel over { the voad. Ome week he would do night Arrangements have been made by which | duty, and the next lie would do day work. o do ssscasesy we poy THE CANADIAN PUNCH! GRIPE] _ Out Every Saturday, 5 cents. FOUND. HE SUBSCRIBER, SAKE THI® opport of letting public brow hs on ne which give proof Remi 1 3 person accused of theft. g H. THOMAS. lw bree. of the . It now appears that the glutted morderer dressed himself while the bodies of the dying children lay wel in tir little Kearts' blood, and . f i ' -- i i aa ; : oa ; > t o i d, as he ] | the field. On the part of Whitby Messrs. | Hiom Scmoor [xsPecTION. -- On Wed. | Pefore his delighted visivn an appointment | ed professor and writer on political | scold him roundly, ind he greatly com- | then ¢ouly walked down stairs and, ! the Liea.-Gavernors of the provinees, the Rays rendered good service. A shower nesday last, 3. A. McLellan, Ese. LLD [ to one of those vacant seats at the Cooncil | sevmomy, was recently requested to | plained of her tongue. About a month | Pressed through the crowd, remarked he Executive Councils of the Provinces, the | of rain interrupted the playing for a short | visited our High School. He spoke very | Board. But how trying must it be to so i area fae bie ois oom in Bh ago Fields came out of jail on a sentence speakers and members of the Senate and | time, during which the players adjonrned | highly of the thoroughness of the teach. | faithful and devoted a fcllower as Mr. meant for lhl J band the lady | for being drunk, and Mr. Gleeson, the House of Commons, the Judges, the to the Drill Shed, where they partook of ing, and of the proficiency and discipline | Gibbs has been, to have his fond hopes | carried the case tothe Public Library | Worthy chief Templar and one of the of the school. He expressed himself | thus raised, and to have them Tuthlesaly | was going td dvown himself, and passed down James Street. A little boy had run to the police station and Consia le Ben- nett immediately ahswered tte summons, clergy, the Bar, the Medical Profession, | some _ refreshments provided for the oc- | | Commissigners, and was informed that founders of the I. 0. G. Templars, Rescue the Professors and pupils of Universities, | casion. The following is the score: -- entircly satisfied with the progress, man. | crushed by the heart-breuking news, per- women Fave a Jive tisk to use free | Temple No 222 and some of his good as- the National Sccities of St. George, St. | OBMBAWA--PIPST INNINGS. | agement and organization, and said that | "aps by the next mail, that just as the | ing-Tooms ane public liberaries. | sociates got hold of him and induded him ~ Andrews, St. Patrick, St. Jean Baptiste, | 7 in some branclies, it far surpassed the | coveted prize was within réach, some un-| N0 organ of thought or action ean be | to sign the pledge. Previcus to that he Eb y 3 | majority of schools. | fortunate event oceurs to dash all his | 7 East Whitby June 13th 1873, | Courteany, run out, b Mathewson. Png hurrying towards the place and running Stone cutters, Butchers, Carpenter's, employed without the assistance of the | been before the police magistrate twise for rance Harris, b cherished hopes to atoms. Alas! how by the murderef who was not pointed out to him. Sergeant Logan, who had been working in hig gatden, ran over to the house. Constdple Bennett enquired who Klar English Werki wgmen and Temp: ar and Xo, organ wy 2 employed drunkenness, and once on the complaint Societies, the Military and Militia, and | Hinds, s Ray, bam ve often has this been the case, and he has | of healthy blood. With: healthy blood tha | of his wife for some offence aud assault. an mm concourse of citizens, Archer, b Mathewson. had to content himself to remain plain | exercised orga ger. But with | whether they be musenlar or intell and where thé" man was, and, Fields being pointed out, ran back after him and J b H ns b well developed, | During the month referred to Fields was ' i . ones, am o mS Satlialque; or hearse, was snecially Currie, run out, b Mathewson i r [By Ta oe isenias @ ectual. | a regular attendant at the mectings of the © for;the occasion, cost ng (2,400. It the assurance that his turn will and must of Hypophosy hites the b} soon come. Vote sellers'hopes are raised, i JUST RECEIVED AT R.WELLINTONS' A NEW STOCK OF | Graex Eczrron (Mrs. George Case) | ice wes brie. ... (gpand Mr. George Case will give an enter. | 1! tainment to the citizens of Oshawa, in | Mr. Gibbs for a while lon 2 he had hurt the childen, but he was trembling violeytly and unable to s ; The question. epeated, he said that when Bennet went back there he guessed he would find them dead. Fearing the | the Music Hall, on Friday evening next, | entitled : .""A House Warming," which | has been received with the greatest enthu. arrested him pegr the railway bridge, no J Morrison, b Mathewson nd ST | Temple, and some hopes were was seventeen feet long, ten aud uc half vitalized and purified, and so ll gs i resistance be: offered. When Fields was inthe station, Bennet asked him if Gower, b Mataewson n {entertained that he would come feet wide, and twenty two feet hi nd | Rice, b Ham | they fix the price high in anticipation of | able of producing a sound mind and a | cround all right. However, he drew. his Wi Lae tee was borne on a huge waggon, was | eovered with white lining and ated with black plumes, and mass of drapery and silver carvings, altogether apparently worth: sion, Flags of the the city were at half mast, and minute guns | were fired during the ceremony. Altogether _tlieve wus a grand display wade and all passed off ereditably. TR ---- s and was S, Contest, can: be had at Hopves's, one door West of the Post Office. 84p AccipeNt.--Just as we were goirg. to press. lest week, a wost painful event occurred in connection with the lowering ! of sowe timbers of a barn belonging to Mr. Albert Eilis, in the towuship of Dar- lington, upon which oecasipn two men { were seriously injured, ome of thew, Mr, # Jordan Veness, we fear fotally, one ride | dof tie head being badly crushed and the :ull seriously fractured. The other, Mr. 2orge Wikisou, was bacly braised but wil Bescoby, not out | Byes y of the ocea- | 3. Ray, | Wolvenden, b Osler shipping and throughout | Methewsou. I. b_ w. b Osler. . Ham, ¢ Gibbs, b Jones. _ = Marshall, c Hinds, b Osler. wa Garrit, ¢ Morrison, b Osler Norris, b Jonas.............. Campbell, ¢ Harris, Jones. -- - Gibson, ¢ Hinds, Osler Pre Campaign: Hate for the Coming | H Gower, b Norris. ... Feseoby., uot ont Byes 3, Total WHITBY FIRST INNINGS. b-Harrie... ..... 5 sean--ss MN . Ray, e¢ Morrison, b Harris. The Physiciol Needs of a Baby ; Are You 87 Weis, 380 Broadwa-, New York, siasm by both public and press in England, | the importance of the election of a minister | *nd body. | Halifax, St. ohns, Hamilton and Toronto. | ot the crown, knowing that a fabulous sum Tickets can be obtained, and plan of the | will be necessary, under the present ex- | hall scen at Mr. Wellington's book store. Admission 23 cents, reserved seats 50 cts. Tue Sciexce or Heavta: fof July is the first of its second year. It is a most practieal and usefvl magazine, devoted to the best interests of the people. This would be a new world of ours, in its con- ditions, if the avoidable causes of disease were understood by others, as they must be by the readeis of Tue Sciexce or Heavtn. The July number contains : Cat-Footed? Rules for Bathing ; Constipa- tion and ite Cure ; Science and Temper- ence ; Flow to make Lean Folks Fat; Grabaur Dread ; How to Cook Green Peas, New and old Potatoes, Sinnslies, Apples, etc.; Diseased Liver ; Three Theories of Disease; Woman's Dress : | and elsewlere, should their chief again appeal to. the | electors, and'ask them to endorse his con. case--one of the niost glaring outrages ever committed upon a free people, to say Can this man expect the electors to fall down: and worshlp him, when kis public with the usual " Talks" and « Answers" | record is- so revolting to every right think- { making a most valuable number. Publ..| 98 mind! His putyise carrer is chiefly i ig 2 ished at $2 a year; offered "on spray" | Fomarkable for his truckling servility to ' -Byes D....... Sere naans - : ; = | the powers that be in the hope of reward this mote for 1. Adirew, 8 B. | wad in this way has Rye vote nd mma | igiencies of the adverse circumstances of { the party, not one of whom has been able to get elected since th: general election, { and they have been routed and defeated | to the Times :-- My Deles.ce Fund bein, | where'defeat 'was thought impossible, The faithful here are agitated and excited over the rumors in circulation, and may be seen in little groups on the street corners *" Persons suffering from | impure blood, or whose health is giving | way, either as ministers or those who | study clasely, will find in the Syrup the | | material to build them up and tonic to | keep them there." DR. CLAY, Tue Ticupor¥E CLIMANT writes a letier | before my trial had fairly bugun, induced me to petition the Hon. Lords of the | Treasury to afford me assistance to produce | wit for my defence. After they | eagerly di ing the latest news respecting the probable ap- pointwents, and urging, entreating. and begging Reformers to offer no Opposition | duct 'n roference to the west Peterboro nothing of the rest of his public eareer. had kept my petition upward of a week, | my Seoilcitor received the following reply." Here the reply is given in full, declining, as unwarranted by precedent, to comply | with his reqzest. '* It is now," adds the | | astute beggar, wio knows the depth of | John Bull's purse and tha kindness of his | heart, ** quite plain that I must do one or | two things either appeal again to my { friends the British public, or eave in un- der the enormons pressure brought to bear against me by 4h Government and my relatives. Inasmuch as I have fought | NOW Over six yesrs to and regain m rights for my iron] fo assured that my friends will not now desert me ; there- fore I make bold to ask them again fo ren. | der me what assistance they to de- 'end mysslf against the Goverament and the puree of the nation," x | exhausted with the numerous calls I had | for three months past, | Truro, Cornwall, England, several years wrath of the mob, now hecoming clamor- ous as the blooky details became "known | to| them, Bennett toak the wise precau- tion of having Fields driven at once to the police cells, King William street. i} He was scarcely gone when the crowd: | | |} pay last Monday and immediately began to drivk. He was drunk on Tuesday and drunk again. yesterday morning, but during the day scemed to sober up. On Monday he gave $10 to his wife, but next flay bor- rowed 32 from her. Excepting this $8, she says she only had 50 cents' from him demanded' the murderer, and had then got him, he would certainly have been lynched. Their cries and imprecations were horrible. As soon as Dr. Mullen hac drgssed the woman's temple, Nh» ran upstairs, found the children quite dead. The, half crazy mother now appeared | upon the scene, and hearing that her | children wére dead, began tv cry, and (the | | constable says( enrse and' swear 1i'a most | disgusting and profane manner. She | | abused in most unmeasured terms the two | cowands---oite ann Englishman and the other | a| Scotchman--who had been afmid to J grapple with the demon, and thus save the |- lives of her chi dren. It was a lon before she could be at all quieted, I THE INQUEST, : | At three o'clock in the afternoon an in- Post was held at No.. 2 police station, IN THE WIFE'S STATEMENT, she says that she was a Gressmnaker in ago, and was a widow with one child, a little girl named Kate (one of. the murder. ed children)' when she met the prisoner who was a widower, who had three sons andr daughters, now grown up: and living invthe old country, They married, and about two years ago emigrated to Canada, living four memths in. Montreal, thence coming to this city, where some fourteen months ago the boy William (inurdered) was born. Ed ames Street, upon the bodies of Kate | THE MURDER. and William Fields, and after the jury When our reporter had heard of the | had heard all the evidenaz, they returned dreadful affiir, he went to the police sta- | & verdict of " Wilful and deliberate mur- i 2 : ' r. tion on King Wiltim sires! where Fields Fields was then sent to jail to await was then confined as a prisoner. In com-| yrigl at the Assizes, whic opens on the pany with a conple of policemen and some | 20th of Saptermber nest, vols » - 2 AW en 'SHEET MUSIC, Fak, Music Folios, ladies satchels, etc, CALL AND EXAMINE. WANTED. NE SALESMAN AND A BOY Strawberry Festival, HE LADIES OF THE BABTIST JONES w OMEN ADE CONC , on Wednesday ne ine | S3th inst., when a good programme ¥ tine { pared f HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION. HE HALF-YEARLY EXAMINA- into the Chava High Wilson's Musée Hal IT tion for Admission Schoal will be held on: Sidntey should be present at 9AM he. Jects for examination are those pres the Fourth Form of the Particular importance i= attached to Rith. . . | metie, Gramumer,

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