Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 4 Jun 1873, p. 3

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of D 1 towns, § Ps that ma % to be done x all munic coriiber next » townships and in. ch real p ed Qollarg. -Two hundreg red dollars; 4 dollars, fo od a 2 newly. ca there is po & CVery resident ih NOt reviously rv } 0 & vote if ha. fications above he of the pe hi ave entitled 1 for s 1 80 claiming te on which he r, at the re. ter, shall note K opposite the election of a ors shall be - vote in the mayor of 1 ¥ Treeve of { to one vote, rparated vil. tial divisions op ie ia more than or ward for the nd occupant i severally shall be . to give a h shall be rerwise none of Loa taken, s thereat, 1 elected at ns so elects r successors wl sworn into' 1 inéorpo- 1 case of a town oreity ; the proclamstion nge was effeet- t Monday in e mouths ! ,or from v n which the | til such day the ity, town and a villag vn. and a town I from time he place or ing moni- ion shall at which the ty or wards elent wt ownship passed in the same ling the first 5 arrived in sin /in the 1d, named «1 in the r in the Ha left . this N. B.; where sar. to be bi their Mr. Win. John p, has pound iB ed for do- ¢ was that +50 at al} nnd, by hers are | quors 1stomers nds} ave heen rs' Componnd cannot hut Hower it really: ihe fact that the ich render it Persons who = their balance, ISA a en, Mis, | TAKE NOTICE. GIBBS BLOCK; remotly fide. i, in a usuner guaranteed to give ONTARIO RIfk URMEK, OSHAWA, WEDNE J | 2d > br 4 pi Cc AY, JUNE 4, 1373. In Fast Whit! the wife of James Burns, ° we \ | MARRIED. | t e. B.C Parsonazs, Oshawa, on the Ind ad ty br the Rov, wor, Me, W. Egerton, | to Mi +s Florance Cameron, FH | At the W van Mathodist Chureh, Pa <ynnd, on the 7th ult, hy the Rev, Mr, Tucker, M- Alex M MeGary, of Itnsseaw towns? hip of! Hamphry, to Miss Emily White, late Oshawa. The Latest Styles of - » : aon tha fal fast. Rasa, ancond | MO erat Bentamin W iams, Colina Street, 8 12 years and 11 months, WHEELER'S Cc MP UND | 4 ates an l Clisava contains | tial to» zrowth and | sm. D Dina . A oole- | Patis, says that * * Phos | ber Ane i an ex iting agentof | the PA 'tims ition ; in other words, a | nutritive tonic indy ices the albfimenoid | matter to as 9 pe, and that it | controls the format of »s. When taken | fata the sv URL sorbed, and the ~-icht of iy reased, owing to the transfor i AT esi monoid matter inte, manalar idm rs: from imperfect nu- | Urition, &% in t s and tubercialous dis- | eases, will derive immediate benefit tr ym ils nse, | f or sale by all druggist. +m | ¢ommercial, he Se | OSHAWA MARKETS | Jane 4. 4 0 ass | 140 | 1% | 043 | 00 | 065 L om! eved Marrow-fat Peas 00m | Blackax ® bushel... .. 02 0% utter, ¥ ® esas ran 013 iard, in. . dozen, Fina. ® bushel. Woal, . F. McRAE & Co. te fe FRESH ARRIVALS OF © | BOOTS & SHOES! Wheat, ¥ bushel, 5 @ $1 ES Hoy 3 . 5 0 5 » pi 4 0 | a . 62 0 6 Toa ¢ 0 000 R R ) 65 C68 otatoes, per bag : LB] 0 50 Joies wr il ER 17 0 20 Apples, ¥ bel, 3 tw Mrextisenments. House to Rent | PPOSITE THE CABINET FAC. | JTORY. Apply to "oi F. MeRAE & Co. ee - -- ¥® NOTICE. LL AC OL : . Adi CIUSHOLY, Mast be settle + | New White Quilts and Counterpanes THOMAS BROWN. Oshawa, June dnd 1873. 8-tf FoRsALE | At WIGHTMAN'S. A ONE-HORSE SPRING W AGGON, | Rich Damasks and Moreens sod and cheap, for PRI % At WIGHTMAN'S. Floor Oil Cloths and Heart! rugs At WIGHTMAN S. New Tapestry and Kidderminster Carpets At WIGHTMAN'S. Antimaccassars and Silk Cord and Tassels At WIGHTMAN'S. Lace Curtains and Muslin Curtains tf CAPTAIN G. FAREWELL. ~ Card of Thanks. WISH TO TENDER MY SINCERE thanks to ti nitural Insurance Com- pany of Wa v N. Y., for. the prompt settlement their agent Mr. Boyd, of Oshawa, fo the burning of my barn ou the Zit 2 of May 1-pd LEWIS HALL. IN3ILVENT ACT OF 1320. LL PARTIES INDEBTED EITHER Book Aconntto WM. SHAW. or ta the e lirm of TRIPP & At WIGHTMANS the fund for The : Patronage STR AYED JROM TOE PRE MISE 3 OF LOR n nh Slay nigit of horse and our with white 3 od 12 ye ars, The mare, and one white foot, aged 3 mm giving saeh information as overy will will be sui.ably J. 0. CLIFFORD. Rich Bladk Silks of " Bonnet celebrated make Check Dress Goods, Poplins, and Plain Lustres At WIGHTMAN'S. "| New Plain and Cheni Striped Grenadines At WIGHTMAN'S, r Lace Shawls and Silk Coats Oshawa June®h 137. ~ FIFTY FIRST-CLASS Sewing Machine Operators | W; ANTED, be TO furnished and dv . ely at Gibbs Bl MANUFACTURE teagy employment veng over Pleas & Co.'s J. F. EELL OG G Oshawa, Jrine nil 1573. 8-t PIC- NIC. WILL BE HELD IN BEAUTIFUL 'GROVE, on Do- assist Father McCann in erect- we AT LATE COWAN'S PIC-NTC ANNIS minion Day, to ing his Presby COLT. STRAYED. DARK g REY F MARE COLT, silver | r ears old. Any person | etur ning am will be suitably rewarded. JAMES WILSON, 5 . it 7, 1st con. EW. East Whithy, May 13th, 1873. 7.2 FCR SALE HAT DES TR ABLE HOUSE AND | Lot on th "wr of Mary and Colborne reet sent upied by {4 Barnard, is for Carr. G. FAREWRLL. FOR SALE. WO G OOD OP EN BU GGIES will be sold cheap. Oshawa, and Prince Albert. NEW. SAMUEL WOOD. New Dry Goods Store LADIE ALEXANDER &| BRYCE . Announces that they are showing a full assortment of AR! NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, i --AND--- MILLINERY. (me NOTE A FIL WwW OF THI Good Dresses, $1 25, $1 50, $2, $2 50, up. Beautiful Black Lustres (a spee ality) from 20 cts. per yard. Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 cts. Table Linens at 30 cts; 40 cts, 50 cts, (#57cts, 8], $1 25. Table 1 Napkins from $1 25 per dozen, fo 'St. Linen Towels 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 ets, 20 cts. , 25 cts. and 30 cts. Heavy. Steam Looms at § cents. | Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest in Town. | 81 20,81 50, $1 75 RIE ELoY Laving obtained Rooms in PRICES. OVER M:RAE AND COS STORE | menced the manufaciure of 3 { A Splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 90 cts, | $2, $2 25, 33, $3 50, and $4, 50. GENTS' FURNISHiNG DEPARTMENT! Heavy Cotton Socks at 10 cts, Good Oxford Shirts at 73 cts, Splendid "Dress Shirts at $1, a full assortment of Straw and Felt Hats, Clothing made to order on the Shortest Notice. Call and sce the New Styles. in Shawls at $2 25. MILLINERY! MILLNINERY) | Our. Millinery department is under the cuperintendarice of a First-class Milliner from Toronto, and will be found replete in all the Paris and | New York styles. Call and examine goyds and for yourselves. All goods marked in plain figures and one: price only. ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Wilson's Block, King Street, Orhawa, ) LADIES UNDERWEAR - | 3 BRANCHES, | | WHOLESALE & RETAIL: far inspection | have wen Sam; les of work ars now ready dad ies leaving thew orders wil Salisf ction. | dies wre invited ta ail, where goods will be f Shon, unl every Couriesy paid by the fore usmle, PR BILOGC: . ¥ a. Sunage', 167 : Bf Pa " At CHTMAN] 3 dS NAAYVYD dNVv didid H r-- S- A HAAS LY SO i (SUEH10Y HINVINHOLVYM y Jo peau rao. | ) ATINALOAASHY Daa "0% '"YFNIMIP AAVHT 'oouyd oy ; g Jaqmowe: oweo[J °[[o% 0} PUNO] OJv PUY ssoUTSN(q Uveur oM : [09 seoud pue enpea pood ! deep st qr% ug b "VAAVHSO 'ISVE 13d LS ONIY 'M007g SNOSTIA\ aud Luv Surpujpuce esoydq spood sy ees puv jwo.u muy 913 o, HOLS KWTIMIC WIN THE HONNONNYV OL PUT ST ALS AVR jap "TIVISNIdIH 'M oq [[14 '03ROLIJUL JO SJROT[OP HOY JOU SID IA\ ul 010 om Suv girauy A[[VIPIOD POM PUT 'SSOUISA Joj pouddo mou §] 01013 Aamo mon SIH LVHL 3 'PaUBIIBAA PuB padredey -A[[njaas) '8300710 GNV SIHOLVM NI MUOM TV AEN 's0102300dE 10 '03 I-TOATIS 'Aremop 'SO0TD 'SOTOICM LVAN Lumber for Sale. LARGE QUANTITY OF SESLON | lumber for sale at Meads' Mill, Reach, A. B. CAMPBELL, 4-1, Proprietor, Agents wanted ! 86 to $20 Alle 2 3 of working peo ple | of either sex, young or old, make more money | at work for us in their spare momenis.or all the time,t han at anything else, Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. NEW Pianos, | Organs, Violins, Concertinas, | Violin Bows and Strings, Sheet Music, de. | INSTRUMENTS TO RENT{BY THE TERM. | Orders for Tuning attend@d 0 promptly. R. WELLINGTON, Sign of the Book, Wilson's Block. Only One Dollar. 1 10, 000 Sold T IS SAFE TO SAY THAT OF ALL | the inventions of the presgnt day none have | creatad more astonish bent than ihe London | Repeating Watch. The idea @f making a watch for the small sum of one dolfr seems an utter impossibilit yut it ha the most perf time ind the world has ever seen, i comprises a compass and 3 STOCK --OF-- If pro want to get - HO# SESHORNG | | | tra costs. The London repeating wi: at the mos" elegarit style, with 4 hand gold metal, which is an exact im sitation of ie old, g!ass crystal, steel and meta white ham] lied ial, and is of dinary wat Eac Shales war IN O {DER Yok wd EA the same case is a sun dis oo and rate compass, worth of itcelf twice e the ar charged for the whole watch. Every one wants ote, every boy can now have a watch for him- self. Agents make £5 a day celling (hem, \On Time l A sample sent on receipt of £1, for 81 { all sums over $4 registered to the \ onl tory, A § A5C0ts ns atuda A. I EDWARDE & Co. Tor mito, Ont, } 'FOUR "HORSES FO JR SALE.| ONE YOUNG SPAN Yidutan) BAMBRIDGES | yw oither purpose ; a One Span Will sell either scparatly o the ANCRW ANNIS. And in Time | GO TO-- mera' Jranght, span. SIMCOE ST. NORTH. House and Lot For Sale. | ! | Cppoaite Osawa Cabinet T Ta | STEAM BETWEEN | LON DON, QUEBEC, FOR SALE. ! MONTREAL. HE VALUABLE _PROPE RTY | 1£tely owned by Mr. I tea Simcoe fd Pine streets, acre, ofA {hich there are tw good waler &e. Also sdme good lots for sale érty, the'best in Oshaw Apply to "FOR S. Th =» TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the follo~ First-Class Iron Steam: rooms, and a go comodate four small familie apply to Capt, George ae wel 2-49-t1, « ped pr. houses wath { | | on the Karr Prop { HORSE, EIGHT YEARS OLD, | Suitable for General Purposes, also BUGGY | and HARNESS, apply te E. FIELDIN 1-tr Big St. w est, SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, DELTA NIANZ THAMES, 8 HECTOR Oshawa | gs, 'PSYCHOM ANCY, HEE AER | London for Quebec and Montreal as follows: Tuaxes Saturday. SOTL OEAR MING. » (Via Halifax and St. John } How either sex may fascinate and gai and affection of any person the stantly. This simple mental acq can posscss, free, by mail, for 25 cents, with a Marriage Guide, Egyptis an Ori Dreams, Hints to Ladies. ete. A queer, exviting | 100,000 sold. J WILLIAM & | ar Cok outh: Co., South Eighth st., letphia, Pa Di - 4 Muow AY . W ednes. lay, 7th May . Dire et.) NiANZA = Saturday, 17th do SCOTLAND - Wednesday, 28th do y alternate Wednesday and Saturday fter. And from Quebec for London as NEW MUSICI £5 PUBLISHED BY H Se OTL AND JL. PETERS, 509 BROADWAT.X. T | wd And mailed, post-paid, on receipt ofinaried price. YOOAL. Sain Aboveand Below, Sacred Song. By Jurch. $0 3 Back to the Old home. Song and Chorus. Stewart. - - - TH MNES i Ti nrsday, 3h May S - pada; Tuesday, 2ith do, alternate Tuesday and Fineadny 'ates issued to persons desirous of bring- ing owt their friends. Throwgh bills of landing ithe United States to De- Chicago and other points in o F wv ht or pascas ze, apply to Temperley's ro Be a "arteggand Darke, Billster Street, London; Ross THe cep mo a my re Ras y Lad BY o,, Quebec; David Shaw, Montreal, or to - . 135) . W, SMITH. { Oshawa, : MEDICAL HALL. ays. Do At Ww ecp so, t Pont pn to Write me" Son Zand C he Tus, Cox . Fold weourIlands. Song or tut. Boll Gone to the Heavenly Garder Chamb | { Ion were I, Kiss me Dar Little Blind N Little Dan. ot bord foreverat 1 or Meet ne, Bessie, Meet me, _ De: arest, wit DR. DE ANS >» ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE Our Little Pet. Song and Chorus, Hays, oi A Public that the MEDICAL HALL is Papa, stay Home. Temperance Song. 7 REMOVED to Tom peat dnp it 4 WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. Wilt thon Weep when Lam low ! Wa. £73 N =! { NEAR THE POST OFFICE, INSTR J iM ENTAL. HS hare he has opened out a NEW STOCK of POLX AS --Sanbeam, by Kinkel, 25 ets. Be | Puro Drugs, Caemicals, Papeas eli of Saratoga, by Victor, 3 cts, : May Fiower ¢inss, Superior Dye Stull, Elgant unui, 55 cts. Parfumss, Socatod Soaps, Tooth p>! Drushas,X aid Zrushos, Nall Bruskas, yrherioog Truse 83s, &o., &3. Oh 1 Give a Home in the South. Oh, Sam ! Song and Caoras. Only for you! Baliad. .-- Awakening of the Birds, 5 Happy thong by Walker, 30 cts: ; Wave, by Wilscn, Mets. ; Su -- Charlie' 3 and Freddie's, by Kinkel, AHOTTEN HES. Fatal Gla e's. ; May Morning, by ~hmidt, 50 cts, : Sun- beam, by Hampel, 35 ots, ; and Willie's, by Rikel 35 ets, ; MARCHES, Delle of Saratega, b; 40 cts. Kinks Wi nee, by Young 20 His Surgery is in cornection with the Shop as nsual. ' Oshawa, Maach 12th, 1872, and Maggie's, by Kink Hew, by lard, 4 cts, FOUR HANDS. -- Amarrilis, Polka, 35 cts. ; Love's Chase Galop, 8 ets. | | Praise of Woman Polka. Magurka--all by Dress. { SALON PIRCE3--Dancs of the H Wilson, 75 cts. ; Love's Carcssea, Kis May Blossoms, Kinkecl, 5 cts. ; Fleurs. Tonel, 4) cis. ; Whispering B: ceces, Wil- | on, 30 cts, p Any of theadove mailed. p post -paid,on receipt | 1 Lod T-ov 3 0 erm. AR 5 cts. ; A8drens, 3.1. PETERS, 50 Broctway By Time !| | i }, | isswed on the continent, and in London for all | 1 alarge sicck of Fancy Articler. | dup ysodj g ¥ Lowel je SPY WOPILY pue PPLF PINIo SSSI 1872.) (1872. AS USUAL! 1 will always pay Cb pe Bo. After the Fire! J.0.&RH HENRY, Have Recumed Business In the is Gallery lately ocoupied by J.E. Hoitt In the Building on the Cerne of Xing and Siméos Stowe, Where they are once more prepared to Take Photographs, Entrance on King ieeet Special attention given to and Coloring, Photographs taken from Plotures, d enla Oshawa, December 24th, 1872, IMPORTANT TO | Fruit Grows rs! 8S THE DEMAND For GOOD Faristios af of winter apples is analy Aid creasing, and a very la proporgon bea: trees of this Contry produce nothing but take this wa Jetiing the public Td CS he alr poor apples to good I have secured the gervices of C. J. REDMAY, an an Sxpesjuced Crafter, from Rochester, N. Y., and an person having pear or apples they wish od can ER it done, and warranted ach, nnd at the lowest pos Geo. fake note of Fou com . Redman to 8 do _the NRE Osha wi a, On, pr Picaions and send Mr. poi We only claim m pa ad ¥ to be." Please ot our trees pS as we cannot aad trash, but r good feait. Serd on your order. Yours, &e., GEO. A. MASSON, Oshawa, On April 1st, 1373. 51-2m P Piano Fortes, O | ORGANS, _ VIOLINS, Concertinas fe. A | Orders for Tuning Prompt! Oo 7 attended 2 fii N R. WELLINGTON, WILLSONS' BLOOK, OSHAWA. WOOL! WOOL! WHEAT, ' WHEAT. | CASH PAID FOR © any quantity of WooL," WHEAT AND ° OATS, Iw FOWKE. FE | = Prospectus fof ers. SIXTH FH ¥EAR. Tar AL DINE, | An Tunstrated ka Bivnsnl J wnle Complete Success ! | Timah Berld, ERT 10 FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. W. BELL, & Co, GUELPH, ONT, Received Every First Prize for Organs & Melodeons | At the Proxincial Exhibition, Mamiiton, and | Ceatre Exhibition, Guelph. This grand success, in addition to last yea®s | ecord ol & | Silver Medal, Ho 3 Diplonias, and | 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrument in the opinion or | competent. judges are incomparbly superior to | gil others. Sole proprietors dnd Many acturers of the ORGANETTE," Containing Soribner's Patent Qualily Tubes acknowledged by all to he the greatest improve { gnent yet introduced. Their superiority is con | coded by other makers 'from the fact that at v withdrew from compgtition, thus | nckhow ledging their inability to compete with them, { Every instrument fully warranted for nve | years. Send for catalogné containing fifty dil- ferent styles §( instruments. Wi DELL A Co. 'orto « JOHN D 2 oklin. . _ Guelph, Oct. 2nd, 1872. Tr L $8,000 Worth of Stock. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP wh WATCHES, CLOCKS, | JEWELRY, SILVER PLATE, | FANCY GOODS, © &0,, &C. | Philip Taylor | Bas commenced to' sell Hs splendid stock af | GREATLY REDUCED RATES the! i chased will sa | for Cash a New without Bo tad rt ody Nie | Som a aser | ets and stock TON & een here. en gg yin By ld Not for aslo in Book or News Stores, THE ALDINE, while issued . with all the regularity, has pone of the temporary or interest charanteristi e ry cals, I isan ele y 0 light and gracefu Titernture ; a ple stures, the rarest epceimens of jo skill, in lack and white. Although each speceeding number affords a fresh pleasnre to its friends, the real value and beauty of The Aldine will he most appreci ated after it been bound up at the close of the year." While Sher publications way claim superior chea compared with rivals of a similar class, Hie ALDINE ts a unique and oj opiginal a alone and unapproach g¥ ef oTataly 'with gat competition. in rice or character, © possessor of A complele volume cannot dy-. peat the qnantity of fine paper and engrav ngs in any other shap> or number of volumes for ten times ils cost; and there arethe besides! Ar: Disartaxiat, Notwithstanding the increase in the subscription last Fall, when 748 ian | assumed its present noble p presentative character, the than doubled during the that the American public Sg C3 sup Jor, a sinegre effort im the Saune of rt, he pu anxious 1 Justify the rend ane iy dem Lt vo 23 delves 4 st © ntmo¥t to ure work ; d the plans gy as unfolded by astonish and a vi the a0 friends of THE Fr DINE. The pulflizhe®s are guiiorizéd to announes d signs from meuny of the America. In addition, 8) J ik 4 A Fl, TeprOducs a a iiies uh . ory, Bel rie tye succhas; and grea! a such as hate be dy Tamir, t graghs, or copies of an Kind, tinted plates, for 1373, § will 3 | | | niece) John 8. Davis' inimit propriate to the four seasons. vo in the issues for Jan and October, wou!d be alona wi 3 Sear) 's subscription The » 3 copfously drusirat AN ed n i of the art world at & costso t Somat the subse Ti; tions pe {the couniry ; but, as the usefulness pr: i of THE A TDINE can be hanced, in proportion #4 to the numerical 4 crease of its supporters, (he he San make "assurance double unparalleled offer of Pramium Chron jaw JN. Every subscriber to The Aldine, whe advance for the year 1373, will receive, addy kinaleihoge 3 pairof beantiful oli chromos, alter e em ment FE painter. -- I'he pictiires, entitled "The a "Crossing the Moor," printed from 25 different tes, r pressions and tints to perfect each same chromos are sold for $3) per art stores, "As it is the d-teroiantion ductors to keen The Aldine out of the compet tion in every department, the found Jarrespnndingly y abead of can bo ps offered by oth othor or pekiod odicals. ¥ certificate, over Eure he anise guar areating ams pa furnished the the a ptributiah of pit Fares ond this of are bv ory funded. The grade, free to the subscribers t will mark ne epoch in the price for he Aldine itacif, the short of a miracle, even to those : with the achievements of inventive gr improved mechantcal appliances, [For obs of these ciromos, see Nureoe $e ArpiNel ' Tas Hp Dezazizany will continte under the Peat of Mr. Henry Stoddard, assisted 3d Jost set the day. who wil srive's i» erature of HE LINE wi keeping with its artistic attractions. ays a 'Toamis: @5 per annum, In Advanee, with Be Chromos -, TRE ALDIYE ll ernerte bsoription, will a ; cash for stacy a. to the publishers di or Ww "i "R" pr en Rl rat aso plylag to $ RES SUTTON & co.

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