Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 4 Jun 1873, p. 2

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Free ~ PT RBI EE ATREL RARE 1 sex Fey Ld Ld ¥ Sn at mar Na « Eg RRA iki i « 3 s g 1 2 i { 1 1 | « 1 4 i case of Sir Robert Peel on the corn law | | question. In others the change is induced | . { | from personal or Provincial gain, or other | considerations and it is a nice question of enquiry, when, and under what eircum- | stances a man is justified in ceasing to aet | with his party; and join his former oppo | nents. k Time Table. OSHAWA STATION. ~OSHAWA TIME. WING wre, | Poesenger.... 5.00 am. | Express 45 a.m, Mixod « 4.50 pom. Express .. 8.43pm. | WHITBY STATION. Trains going East leave Whithy Station ten nates eatlier, and those going West fifteen Lautes latet than the above. GOING FAST, |} Express hi Mixed It is a question, moreover, which Passenger. . hasioftont to be decided in the cases of those statesmen we have alluded to, as | well as in that of the late Lieutenant Gov- ernar of Nova Scotia, 7.0 p.m. We pinch regret the having to record so | , t.. a = i soon after the death of Sir Geerge Cartier, | 'OSHAWA POST OFFICE. - The mails are closed at thisoffice, by Post Office | servants, and we on'y wish that it may be | ime as follovsy GOING EAST, | the death of another of our leading public | {along t » before we shall have a similar | GOING WEST. {duty imposed wpon ug from the thinning | Morning mail, 860 | Morning mail, 7.00 | 4 Evening ma 800 | E mg mail, £00 of the ranks of either political party. | The Northen mails are closed immediately | fer the en ival of the Train from the West, at | SERENE. | Ja. m., daily, Sundays excepted. { » 4 =a ama | 7 The English mail, via. Quebee, is closed a! 7.30 FILE AGAIN IIT BOSTON. | ock on Thureday Evening. andvia. New York | -- alll) Saturday Evening. For the last few years the frequency | and Taunton weeday apd Friday, d Letter should be Mailed 15 minutes before the hour of closing a mail. OFFICE gOURS.--From 8 o'clock a. m. until Tp.m. is { and extent of the fires that have devasted 80 many fair cities and towns are almost my terions and are truly alarming. Oue { singular feature, in nearly all the late large fires, is that they seem to defy tho Ae SE Eas @niario efor i | utmost exertions of the organiza'ions and v * AMT IAA LA Oshawa, Wednesday, June 4, 1873. | | appliances for their extinguishment, anl | the idea has often occurred to us whether, where theso large fires have taken place, | a a there must be something in the atmosphere | of the respective localities, at such times, ' | At { the fire which Durned so much of Boston, | FRANCE. oo France last weak has had another politi- -cal convulsion. It has set aside the polish 'ed, able, and experienced President Thiers and elevated to his place for the next five years, should it have patience t+ leare him there/so long, Marshall MacMahen, 1H. has not a tithe of the political abil experience, and none of the liter of the accomplished, aged Thiers. But he t favoring the spreading of the flames. about six months ago, there was no check- | It blocks of buildings composed of massive granite, as if they were of sun scorched ing its progress, swept through pine, and they seemed wpontaneously and | io iting, such was the fury of its strides | firemen could do to stop it. Now, again, this not to the same extent, burning is a soldier of note, and I'r; mindful of her late crushing by delights in a military hero' who way pro- the same occurred Prussia, | (1, 001 ' millions worth of valoable property, mise to raise her 1 her lack the « Eur pe, from which she was so ighonun iously driven by her hated neighbor. "It is impossible raf forsee what the immediate future of France may be, publican and others that she re-repeat her pas* hist ing towards despotism, and a government _-- to Lhe - ~ 1 1 ostrate liead, and gir: amongst which was the piano establish. sition _in Ca., the National It is but very ment of Chickering & Hotel and Globe The recently the whole tre. of Chicago may be said to propuecy,or 10 | ¢, have vanished befers the d vouring ele- ment, favoring very much our idea that Somé she 1 become Re- the compnsit ud is now d sc fires are distant from us by thé sword, as under the elder Napoleon 1 ave nevert . less their serious effect frou weed rate of insurance on house pro they upon ns it may be,make | Onr own 'opinion is that she will st through many convulsic towards ou the whole continent, the en- cons ivnal in otlitr Eur governgpeut, portly everywliere. Insurance companies with whether the ulti common powers, have been o.liged tq, raise their rates to 5 form she May settle | 1 . ; € orm #10 may set about 50 per cent. within the last)year or mmder b 2 constitutional . 4 under be R constitutiona. | yyw, Ti ey either had to do this, for self- The at La H ac 1 v rd . . monarchy. That she will again in our day protection, or give up ding business alto- oes Wa "3 Oh ff arbiter of the 2 occupy the-proad p { arbiter of the gether. Thus it is that all good citizens or indeed of ull Le we do not desire, or believe. destinies of other pow Europe, as she rece have been, will at the earliest are deeply interested in the detection of may said to 1,0 arism, and its punishment, as in a recent case among ourselves, for we all suf- le op- | fer in pocket and safety from the effects, In this con victory from the hand | |, y make a desper nection wise that the vil- I js it wrest the palm of ge of Oshawa, whick so recenily suffered a is certain, but that she will b h, should take no steps to improve failed and prostfated in the dust before ppliances for extinguishing fives, while | Whithy has shown the good | onist we look npen : iy ce unple of getting in this we r asons. Wh France held the first pcsition tl her powerful and fast, consclidating antag a steaw ee ne ice f ny r he world by Harbor ten daysago 1° Let us sell our was ever kepton tha quivive for wars an € es § t we can get for them, an ramon: muscles to work rs, and for di tires no m other na ions. 1 gives some sort of guran > ease, we live in some sense | ¢h.t those new being erected, and nd therefore we are glad the Wow will not be reduced tu , without at least the most eJectual eJorts being put. forth to save | Is population of France is overawed | ashes in an that of the steady, yet progressive Ger vy Jmany. : them,and let us also have a proper system | The French are impati 1 vain, and as a nation alth wpon as Roman Cathel For reasons the French have not Leen able to | ent number of the R: the of water works to supply.in case of need. quarrelsome and DIINION DANKE. We publish in the columns of donitueering, and h usually looked great mass and the these other the pres. are atheistical. FORMER the proceed. lay wide and deep the} les of civil | ings of shareholders and Directors Tine] Report of the Dominion Bank for the fiscal year ending April 31st 1573. The Di-gctor's report shows a large in- and religious liberty, and are mot. likely either to do this for thamselves, nor were they dominant, to permit otlier national- The Germ other hand, ars equally patriotic, warlike, | its agencies, that the amount placed to alities to do so. 1s, on the | crease in the business of the Bank at all when necessary, and have moreover "far | *' Rest 2coonnt "during the year just closed more depth of character, solidity and per- | exceeds by 824,000 the amount placed to severance and have s! : 1 : 3 ] eh ent wy o largs bu turies that they are capable of not only | ceeding the last annual report. The do- | ratified, that the Council does not possess | x o npon th Ing a" J . . : : F bowe ' r by . | n « , we hs appreciating but also of establishing on a | posits also show a large increase, and the | POWer, either by by-law or otherwise, to | M8 ras and wi e : : : + : give tl i i : ur respecte rier tows average increase of over | §1ve the proposed ipstitution a single cent, | MUCH lor o respects en owards durable basis liberty of conscience. Fora circulation an a li { chers this institution will employ it | difliculty as a priv { ployed at [ont at the end of the ye & THE FEMALE SEMINARY. The liberal bonus syste lately inan- gurated by the Municipality of Oshawa has had the effect of bringing to its notice a variety of enterprises. Among the more recent may be mentioned a project for the establishment of an institution to be called the * Ontario Female College." Judging from present movements, this | embryo, like an addled egg, is puzzling the generative powers of its foster parent. A new idea, therefore, to bring about, if possible, its final development ia soon We learn from various sources that an appeal to the about to be adopted. County Council will be made the current Mr. Demiil to chip his egg and set his pet on foot. Our present High Schools, and for which the session for aid to enable County Council make large annual grants, are adapted and competent to furnish to both sexes a good English Education, and if desirable a classical education also ; then why, it may reasonably be asked, should the County Council be expected to duplicate the provisions they are already The chief argument advanced in favor of the pro- posed institut on, is that it is intended in making from year to year! | its management to adopt a course of domestic training --in other words a system | of instruction is to be employed "which will result, it is expected, in *' orthodox (1) housewifery." It is also argued that it will afford cheap instruction, The tea is stated can he had at a salary varying from £100 to £150, and according to an extract copied by the Vindicator of last week, from a Rochester paper, even as low as £70. Now we would ask any class of merits of an institution conducted by last Friday, | teachers at the above figures? What, we | breaking of Thread. ask, must be the character of the musical instructions imparted by a teacher paid a salary of $70 per year 1 A# lady music teacher, of ordinary note, can have no ato teacher in earning trom 500 to $600 per year. Will any teacher then, we ask, having the slightest claim to musical ability, give her sérvices \ 13 pittane entio --wo t} | ion lof the atmosphere in such nt the pittance mentic ned I--we tlink not. abot . rachers Sy ac \ 1 a A is about to laces niay diave favored the spread of the f teachers are to be had. at the ures { Council of the t : Jaiwmed, we need have little troutle in | { judging the nature of the instructions | they will he able to impart. The same tay be said with regard to the those em- salaries to teach 'the Stin some make it convenient like languages, to argue that an institution conducted upon Jacex furnish ample provision for our young this Clicap principle will ladies to receive a finished (1) eaacation. The salaries-of our High School Teachors vary from $800 to 81,500, and that of their assistants from $590 to 8300. Is it reason- able then to that elaim an taught by teachers whose sa ries vary from $70 to §150--who, according to the Vind extract published in the cat wr, come } 24 in debt 81 2), can afford instructions anything approach- (according to, © calculations ing that of eur High Schivols, or even the ngine, f= h did so much good service at Whit. | Povrest of our Public Schools Leach | + engaged at such salaries may do to amuse | bg » . " FH Le { wits a | and infant class, or instruct children in | 04h foo the art of imitating sounds, or enable them to exhibit a series of cpmical grimaces, but very little tending toward a sensible sys- | tem of education will bé found to result. And the ilea of sending.a girl at the age of 16 to a public institution to be tanght domestic duties, is something so ridiculous about. * It rding 'an excuse for indul- idleness as to be hardly worth talking is simply aflc gence in until the habits are formed, and leading every young girl to | the assumption that her mother is only a unfit to give her the ne . To infinence subscribers and obtain aid from oqtside' sources, it is said that the Village ¢f Oshawa is represented as having granted £3,000 toward the establishment of the so called College. It is just as well, first as lasty that Mr. Demill should know, ) Tax loss of property eansed by the fire at Boston, on Friday last, is estimated at a million and a quarter dollars, A trapeze performer belonging to the great Eastern Circus, while performing in London, C. W., on Monday last, fell a | distance of 85 feet and was severely in- | J wed. Tue once contemplated Agricultura Dinner we believe has fallen through, from tensive that no one could be got to under- thke an affair so unwieldly, { Ox Friday lust, a number of the Modocs {and " Sear Facel Charl to the United States troops. Captain Jack escaped, but.finally cast his lot among the surrendered others. Tur 0. Y. B.'s intend to hold a monster pic-nie in this place, on or about the 15th | | of August, to which invitations will be | | { given to ull the lodges between Hamilton { and Belleville, . Tamorixa at Wm. Dickic's. | New Hats, Collars, Ties, &e. | | Shoes, a speciality, Freach Calf Boots, | very cheap. Call early and leave your orders. | Ma. Kyox shipped yesterday, by Grand Trunk Railway, 42 head of cattle for the | | Montreal Market. Messrs. Knox and | Morgan are thinning out the ranks of our | fat cattle at a rapid rate. | Something Entirely naw at W. Dicxie's The Bannér 830 Sewing M achine ; The fame | fom block to block, unimpeded by all the | ©lucationalists their opinion as to the | Webster §35, 1,000 Stitches a minute £ without noise, skipping of stitches, or Buy no without first trying these. { Tare _ Rev, J. Kcuner, will d lecture the Bible | Oshawa, on Tuesday, June 17th. Subject : ['* The Dreamer, his Dreams and his Times.' in Christian ( Chair will be taken at 7.30 ; admission 25 cents, The wwaship of Whitby, held a meesing at Brooklin on Monday last, and OSTARIO AND QUEBEC RAlLWAY | submitted a by-law to the ratepayérs, giv- ia a= . \ ing a bonus of £15,000 to aid in the con- struction of the Ontario and Quebec Rail. | way. A young man of this town, a few days | ago, got married. gloriously dru and his shoulder broken all in the same day. It id to be 'hoped the first performance will not,in his case at least, have to be re- neated very often, if it brings with it such a nat of unpleasant sequels, AT a meet: on Monday last, of the | District Lodge or O. Y. B.'s it was decid- ed to celebrato the 12th of J 12th July in this 1 nlace tad Osliawa it is expacted will wea unusually loy i various Orange Lodges of the District alro intend to spend the day here. Tux mgn who takes the trouble to sneak teps of another. 2 where he is going, an ] entering the what is the m himself acquainted with other people's business. with a weorbid desire to make It is rumored at Ottawa that a certain member of thé Commons, not a the miles from here, is the first one in Je ing and thé last one at night in Macdonald's bed room in the m« continually besceching for one of those vacant offices, and that Sir John has privately expressed disgusted of such 12 and pleading. and adying, be 0 neighbor, Mr. Whiting, leaves for Er It is his intention we believe during his tour te The trip unity for 3 and in abgut two weeks. visit the Vienna Exposition. | will afford au excellent opport - | 1 1 . relaxati » active duti onse- wn in the past cen- | the same acecunt for fifteen months pre- that a'though a by law was submitted and | F¢!a%ation from the active duties cons ess relations of ve no doubt, do zo . Ith 3 > y invigorati nation of this character to possess the $240,000. The loans during the year | and that a majority of t'ose who professed | general health and bodily invigoration. supreme power, the power to say yea or | closed have exceeded, medrly doubled in- | to support it have no faith in the project, | > . a > 1 1 a es nay, in such tones as to overawe the dis- | deed, thosé ma leduring the year previous | °F that the money will ever be raised, and i selock. the 1 1 stab! bel : ¢ in the neighborhood of | Only gave it conntenance and passive sup- 4 o'clock, the barn and stables belonging | To C \pital Lurbar of nations, is a blessing to man-.| the increase bei kind. herself unworthy should hold the so Franee has such a n it matters litile to the rest of the whether, as chief magistrate, she elects a | pll interasted in the relative merits of the | or whgther she cali banking institutions of oar country, that him President, King er Emperor. #ie Dominion Bank ranks high, and] EET ETE reneaey | affords a safe anl favorable channel for DEATH OF HON. JC3EPH HOWE, | transact LIEUT. GOVERNOR GF NOVA inrzely emp : 8COTIA. The Hon. Joseph Howe who had been sworn into office as Lieut. Governor of We are cont tha Germany decided to issne to the shareholders the | unsabiscribed and as long as | balance of the ghbor near at hand, | A compara civilian or a marshall, ons where money is needad and A branch of the abeve herz only a few months ago, has contributed much toward bring ing about the fa report the Direct- enabled at their late meeting tePmake, and in placing it high | in the list Bank, established rable | ors were enabled Nova Scotian on the 10th of last month, lived but a short timeto enjoy the nonors | of that position. Hs died on Sunday morning last at half past four o'clock, of liver complains, as was supposed, and of the leading monetary in- | stitutions of thy Country ; and we are | : | ough the business tact | and pergo nl pophlarity of its manager, Mr. McSellan, is rapidly spreading and | hapoy to say, rather unexpected, at the age of 69. Ho entered the public arena as a journ- Bist' at an early age advocating liberal #rinciplet, such as respongible "Govern- #ent and kindred measures, and was the in all cases to the advantaze and full satis- | serve. | Se ------ RAILWAYS. With rxference to Railway | cilities for the village and vicinity, it is leader of the Rsform party in his own Province for many years. When the pre- sent Domitiion was formed he strongly op- | posed Nova Scotia entering the confeder- | increased ation, bat upon the Prime minister offefing | f him office and giving * better terms " to | intima'ed that in a short time the guage { Nova Scotia, he' ceased from Oppdition | of the Grad Truul , wil be changed te . and has np to the 10ch of last month held | four feet eiht' and a half. inches, thata | the position of minister under Sir John | double track with steel rails will be laid McDonald, / Like many other pablic men liere and «elsewhere he began Lis political life with the one party and ended it by adherring to his former opponents. There have the Stove Foundry, the been many similar instances in Canada. | Furnitare tory, and end at the | « Mr. Cartier once a prominent Reformer | Joseph Hall establishment. Then go to | in Lower Canada, becsmne leader of the | Port Perry by. taking the train on King Conservatives. Mr. D'Arcy McGee from ! street near the' Drill Shed, which will take being u strong opponent of Sit John Me- | you to the Oshawa station, thence to the Donald became a minster under him. In | Whithy station, thenge over ths Port | Lugland Mr. Disraeli from a Rot radical I Whitby and Port Perry Railway to Port | from Toronto to Montreal, and that a large amount of new rolling stock will be placed Then construct a branch tion nerthward past the upon the road. from Oshawa s Malleable w 2 is now leader of 'the Tory party, and Mr. | Perry.( Gladstone [som being a leading Tory is | - Giet the county Council to assist in ex- the Reform Prime Minister, | teuding the road from Port Perry to tho | : This change from one party to another' | Georgian Bay. Hurrah! Look out for is rather striking, and is uo doubt attri- | the cirs when the whistle blows! ! butable to various causes. In sowe in- -- stances as in Me. Gladstoue's, who all A drive through the country at pres parties agree to bes thoroughly comscien- | ent, and a glance at the apple tree orchards | tious man--the chauge kas been from con- | furnish reasonable groundsfor the prophecy wicti sas of Lhe negossity ui ceriaiu weaires | : was tlie same ia the | the coming autumn, % 4 , until 'she proves | one mill'en dollars. The Directors have | Port, lest its rejection might prove "preju- | to Mr. James Mit dicial to subsequent bonuses; moreover in his ability to manage an institution of {the kind, as they have in his power to | #Ve origin to the fire. obtain the means .to establish it. In therefore, of the facts we have we feel that the County view, I mentioned, | Council will only be acting justly and | the advertisement of Mz. KoHogg who has | properly in sending the petitioners on be- commenced ths ma: { half of the proposed college to the | of Lalie's underwear in the rooms over | right-about, and let its friends, if it has | MOR8e & Co's store, Gibbs' Block, The | any, contribute from their own private pockets to their hearts content. EET -------- TEE CROPS. Having had occasion to visit the counties of Durham, Victoria, and North Ontario seeing, and hearing of the state of thecreps | allo faction of those it has been its privilege to | The fall wheat looks healthy and stroug, | "'F® luxuriant in some inssinces, and there are xery few places 'indicating frost killing. ass, though backward, show well Local and Erneral Hews, > Tas funeral of the late Jos. Howe, is to be private, and will take place to-day at four o'clock. Tue corporation industrials have levelled the ground in front f the Hat Factory, and planted a nice selection of Scotch elms. Ru -- A BEAUTIFUL assdrtment of Windsor &carfa in ail Shades-and Colors, cheap at Hodders, one 'door west of the Post Office. Tar water in the harbor and marsh is unusually high at present,'no doubt owing to the easterly winds at present prevail | ing. See, See--'Tis a positive fact that Rus- sell's celebrated watch is sold as cheap,and a little cheaper in Ochawa than Toronto men advertise to do. { before sending your money from home, to see ¢hose goods and learn the prices going that the apple erop will be unusually large ot Hepinstall's Jewelry Store, King St, ! East, Oshawa, Be sure then Fire.--On Monday afternoon last, abont all, ttlement The Saxton sc | were entirely destroyed by fire. tock | that they regard his success in obtaining | cause of the fire is unknown, but a pic-nie & : : - 3 ath Scho¢ a 'i he > view of the operations of the meney with the greatest indifference, | °F Sabbath School tea wag being held near cee world | the Bank will eonvines money dealers and | Bad freely confess they have as little faith | PY» 80d it is conjectured that some of the | To balance of Profit an Loss children threugh accident, or carelessness The buildings | were insured. | IN ouradvertising ealamns will be found kinds acture of ail | samples exhibited are well worth the at- { téntion of the ladies. | that Mr. Kellogg intends.to carry on this y. As g our columns he de- | sires to obtain imm We are informed { fine of business ext valy. observed in perusi This will be the place for some of our bebo; . . y . rbung ladies to ob ain a practical } - multiplying its business operations, and | recently we have had an opportunity of young ladies to ob ain a practical know ledge of a very imports g an experine line of business beyond anything the con- templated Demillinstitution could possibly | Spring wheat, barley, oats and meadow | *¢Meve. A man named Rainey, from the neigh- borhocd of Darli toxicated in the villags on Saturday night last, and opened a dispute with another concerning a rope purchased at Messrs- Hatch and Mearns', and made himself so | noisy and troubl to stable's Gurley's interference nee 30me as render con- ary. { Rainey, like most drunken men, neither | willing to observe, or obey the law, struck | the constable, who in self defence brought | Mr. Rainey to fers tfirma with his ¢ truuch- eon." " After some little tronlle Rainey's friends took him away and started him on his road howe. | short distance, a spirit or revenge induged | himggo return for the purpose of abusing | the constable and provoking a fight. Mr. Gnrley at length succeeded in placing him in the lock up, and some of his friends | bailed him to appear on Monday at 2 p.m. | toanswer for drunken and quarrelsome { conduct, and assaulting the constable. In | the absence of the Reeve, he was brought | before Mr, W. H. Gibbs, and fined $15 and costs, together with $1 for damages to Messrs. Hateh and Mearns' window, Moral-- Let nothing enter the lips likely to | trouble the head, hands, or pocke?, the fact that it was likely to prove so ex- A large as. sortment of New and Fashionable Clothes, | Boots and | other | hurch, | | aspect on that day, as the | will be | ately fifty girls, | ht domestic duty, | ess in thal partieular | ton, got somewhat in- But after leaving town a | 1 / it : Isl iAW Ay WIR ILWIPA YX s OU IN hu TIE DOMINION BANK. to the Secretary and. the Scrulinecrs for Precredings of the meeting of Shareholders held at the Ranking House, Toronto, on Wednesday, the 25th Ray, 1833. reridered, The Serutineers handed to te Secre- gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year :--- Messrs. James Astin, J. Orowthe James | Holden, P. Howland, J. H. Mead, F. Sa.ith, and John Worthington. ; At a subsequent meeting of the Direct- ors, James Austin, Esq., was elected President, and Peleg Howland, Esq., Vice-Pressdent, for the ensuing year. Toronto, 28th May 1873. The President, in moving the adoption of the report, said--It'will be observed Among those present we noticod Messrs. Wm. Cawthra, Dr. Rae, (Oshawa), James Anstin, Henry Blong, L. Buchan, Walter 8. Lee, James Holden, Aaron Ross, Henry Cawthea, 3. W, Dingle, Peleg Howland, A. T. MeCord, Jr., Robt Stewart, John (arvin, Jos ph I. Mead, Jas. Crowther, Wm. Troup. Il. B. Taylor, Henry Pellatt, E. B. Osler, R. W, Bethure, &ec. It was moved by Henry Cawthra, Esq., seconded by J. Dingle, Esq., that James Austin, Esq., do take the chair. It was moved by H. Blong, Esq., and seeiinded by H. Swan, Esq., that R. H. dethune, k:q., do act as Secretary. | Carried. The Secretary read the report of the Di rectors to the Sharcholders and submitted | | the general statement of the affairs of the | Bark, which are as follows ; -- tu been a very | of the Bank's operations. After paying dividends at the rate of per cent. per annum, and all | working expenses and making ample The Directors have pleasure in presenting | provisien for bad and donbtful debts, &e., 1 ector leas I nting | Shareholders the Second nnual | accompanied by a statement of | the business of the year ended 30th April | last : The balance carried forward at the credit of Prcfit and Loss acconnt on 30th April, 1872, amounted to woven The profits for tl 30th April, 1 ducting charg ment, for bad [and doubtful debts,nnd hav- | ing made the second appro- | priation of 20 per cent for preliminary expenses, and, 10 per for Dank premises, are 123 813 G5 eight credit of Rest account the sum of for the year, which, with the $50,000 realized the flrst year, now amounts to £105,000, or 11 80-100 per cent. on the present capital--a pretty handsome little | sum for alittle over two years' operations, { and that on an average capital of about | 2700,000. The net profits for the year are $123,813- 03, being at the rate of about 14} per cent. on the averago capital employed. The officers of the Bank have been | very attentive bo their respective duties, at the and agencies. The | cashier continues to have the entire con- | fidence of the directors, both as to dis- | eriminating ability and close application In fact, he has more than realized our utmost anticipations, and I ler the shareholders fortnnate in | having secured his services..] need hardly { state to such an imtellizent audience that | the cashier of a Bank has highly respon- | #ible duties to perform, and unless he is a | man of exjerience and firmine | ter, very serious mistakes may be bor, 1872 $34 027 02 | which the most exacting directors Dividend at samo | not possibly control. ' rate, payable Ist | The utmost harmony has prevailed 'May, 1873 amengst the Directors throughout, and | each and all have put forth their energies to advance the interests of the bank. . $413 77 ar ended { alter de- + of manage- pr providing | both office cent to business, | $124,226 62 | From 'which has been taken, divi- dend at the rate of 4 per cent for the half year, paid Ist Novemn- con of charac ma could 34 505 77 - 68,532 79 Leaving a balance of. , . 604 03 M Williams. Ca whira 3s ving the 855,000 of which, has been added to ¢ arth ra deo 3 ea os rE fit 4 Rast pecount, air} he hatance 3694 93 should be given to the President, Direc- carried to Profit and Loss new account . {fors, and officers of the bank for the to §105- | 4hle manner in which the vy b ducted its aflairs from its ¢ The sHce f the institution | wished him. During the long period of his con- was re-4 ne m with financial institutions in that it | Canada he had never seen so great progress ced the operaticns of fifteen | made in such a short perixd as by the #. This yedr the amovnt added | Dominion Bank. year by | lest sods that of Jan ) ; x -- 60a o 5 000. entirely realized from the profits of 5 . . : : Dodge, Daniel and David. TheNotal Rest now amounts 000 on the capital of $833 400 Wi CO" mmencoment. Account in 8s remem The amount placed to Rest was £50,000 but it wust i that about £19,000 of this 1 fi # | from premium on stock, ar ex T} 000 last ye The circulation shows an average from £405 000 last year to $647,000 (his year. The average from 81, 281, 000 last year to $2,233,000 this year. | enzie made a Showing in all transactions of the Bank Dr. Tapper a rapid improvement in all branches of | did some heavy debating, and if truth its business. { were not to » he might rank high as a parlia | mentary orate wk. | : been made. { laboured spec 1 togssne the scandal a stock, nam will be allotted | at five per | notice will be csits show g erage from £405 - . : as 1'3 Show an average from §495,- | Now that the session is over, it is some- ar to $1,049,000 this year. Lest speech ? {| We are not" prepared to express an opin- times asked, who made the e or twice with Mn wits ; 1 1 { ion. Mr. Blake spoke or loars sho I singular power ; Mr. number of very able eff necessary make eloquence The Directors hava to report that a satis story business has been done at the head and at all the agencies of the e usual mspectior The Direct 100 s hav was d vim ; and Trow among fow the rs have de bal ance of unsubscril 1 8111,600; the samo to the shareholders . 3 nium. The usaal a ne moambers number --made a very pro rata Jat though we cannot say who neade the the directors have m Ne bearing testimony to the | greatest exhibition of Iifms of the cashier to the |B was Dodgb, of North York. , to who discri i. heard Dodge before. v the wk is greatly a : iy. LMI . . regard for this embryo blic from rutorically. Our readers hav of imne- H . faving a c and j AV IRg AC tims to time respectir and sayings. lis ol ed- the house was st as has 1 p ae sed his fellow members soeech 11 - bean ard in arilament ! dom the it is not lik 1 Statement of Liabiliticaand Assets 3 In another direction t as on J0th April, 1873, | Liabilities. | To Notes in cireula 2 £025,811 00 To Government Deposits, pay- able on demand snes To other deposits, payable on demand To Government Deposits pay- | able after notice or on a fixed day. ..... . th posits, payab | 1: ' ov other deposi pay: la of the whole, when John White fairly after motice or on a fixed { ) p ; day 422.571 69 | sat on him and his bantling, by pointiig AY. ...4 22,0 J To due too Tn REC RR | To dnetoother Banks or I agents not in Canada. . palm for the greatest display of ignorance and stupidity lies between Mr. Daniel B. Chisholm, of 3,000 00 | pfiddlesox. © Daniel brought in a little | said his little bill was a private bill. : Daniel moved this bill a first time, and 209,600 00 finally Daniel got his bill into Committee out that the bill should be in the Com- Daniel we hope 52,744 00 | mittee on Railways and Canals. is M. P. for Hamilton, his comstituercy is proud of its .repre- sentative, Any ei and | Total lialilities to the PublicS1, y onghi be proud of a man who dosn't kndw that, a bill about To Re . T'o reserved for Int To dividends nnclaimed. To Dividend No. 4, pay 1st May 000 00 | canals is a public Lill. 16,69 53 | paid GI U3 191 to Daniel's. a little bil putting | the Government, aqual ass has genius noss He, too, tried to bring in hich modestly provided for e telegraph system of of the on which 34,505 97 | Account earried forward to under the control On night 54 he was to trot out Lis bantling David a clean ... $101,649 20 | dickey on and all his oratorical apparatis on inflated to its utmost eapecity, which is saying a good deal. . Mr. Mills quietly pointed out in » sentence that such come the od Ak 694 ht the §2,813,16 came dowa-to tha house with {| By Specie. By Provizei Notes. ......... y notes of and cheques en the or Domin 164,812 00 B 94,450 7 a measure must fr m Crown. 62,821 02 | David subsided ! in Dodge, Daniel and David are supporters 37.264 54 | of the Government. We are glad that last session -------- They got sat Agents not {it is 80. on { Total Assets immediately. available a a. $100,907 By Notes and Bills discounted and current " | By overdne Debts secured by Mortgage or other Deeds of Real Estate, or by depos't of or lien on Steck, or by others i "| and neither of the three knows enough abont parliamentary precedence to do a | ward politician 2,386,558 82 over night.-- Stratford ti 2EACON., North York, East Middlesex and Hamil- . - ton what do you think of your mem- 11,319 50 14,288 49 | , 164 54 | It was moved by James Austin, Esq, and seconded by . olin Garvin, Esq, that the report be adopted. Carried. It was moved by William Cawthra, Fag. | and seconded by Robert Stewart, Esq., | Oshawa. that the thanks of the meeting be given to | 8 an {the President, Vice-President, and Di- Peters' Musican Moxtavy for June rectors, for their services during the | contains the following Now i You year. Carried. 2 i ; The It Was Moy ed Ly Dr. Rae, and Second. | mugic will cost in sheet-form the prices ed by Wm. Troup, Esq., that the thanks axed s I have hot Sang an f the meeting Le given to the cashicr and | "ex" wave no home. Seng and 0 uvegting given cas An " ' " 'a agents, and other oflicers of the Bank, for Chorus, Hays, 40 cts'; Meet me Bessie, in the efiicient performance of fheir respec- | the Dell: Song and Chorus, Stewart, 50 cts ; The Sweetest Bird is Missing. bers? $18, will buy that desirable Silver Hunting, ** Inverted Patent Lever Watch,' { full Jewelled, and time guarantied, at ic. can buy the Monthly for 30 cents. tive duties. Curried. Itiwas moved by L. Buchan, Fsq., and secciided by A. T. McCord, Esq., that the | dark poll be now open for the election of seven | : Directors, and that the same be closed at | wo o'clock in the afternoom, or as soon efore that hour as five minutes shall elapse without any vote being polled. wha that Messrs W. 8. Loe and Hy, Pellatt | be scrutinears, and on the close of the poll | do haud to the Chairman and eertificate | of the result of the vote. Carried. { It was moved by Hy. Pellatt, Sono song Ballad, Walker, 30 cts ; Glory be to God on high. 4 voices, Dressler, 50 cts ; Springins-feld 4 hands, | Pacher, 35 cts; Sallies Waltz. Kinkel, 35 cts ; Silver- Moonbeam Schettische. | Becht, 30 cts ; May-pole March. Masller, | 35 cts; Antumn Leaves, Kinkel, 50 { cts 3 . Esg., and Think of it ! all the above picces for 30 seconded by W. 8. Lee, Esq., that the | cents, or the same pieces in gheet-form Shatiks of the meeting be given io James | ¢. $3.65. Send $1 for the last six months' ustin, Eaq., for Lis able conduct in the 0 | chair, Carried, numbers of ' Perers' Musical Moxta- It was moved by A. T. Mc7o0-d, Es Ly," end you will never regret jt. _ Jr., and seconded By E. B. Cslar, Esq., Address, J. T, Perens 509 Broadway, : That tho thanks of the meeting be: given Yewlors, Galop. the services that they have so Kindly tary their declaration thatthe following | from the report just read that there has | gratifying improvement | during the past year ia every department | we have been énabled to place to the | 5.000 | good impression by their maiden efforts. | h | best. speech we can tell who made the | with Hamilton, and Mr. David Glass, of East | 485.158 £6 | bill obout the Desjardins Canal. * Danial | worse then any of the other members; ! Hepinstall's, Jewelry Store King Street, | n . jaud Chorus, Danks, 30 cts; My 'soul is"! 1 | A IX7ste ! A ""slrangoe » if true, is told by | the Montreal Gazette, of Monday last, { which brings to light th i | thirty years' mystery. | follows : sof a | "Thirty years ago a child, about. three | years old, belonging to the family of a ear- | ! penter,namod Richard, was playing on the door-step of his father's house, in St. Roch, suburbs, Richardson street, Que! The man was busy at his trade,and the mother } intént upon her hoas hold work, 5 that | the gambols of the little boy in the san- | shine of the To- | however, when the work street were wanhee led, wards evening, was done, and the family gathered around | the snpper table the child was discovered to be abacnt. | | the neighbors, search was made in the As nigat advanced, the anxiety of tha good parents vicinity, but without result. became intense and they visited the whole suburb, only to return with the sad eon- viction that the little boy was lost. { jectures were exhausted in the attempt to Con- | trace "the manner of his disappearance, {and after weeks and months wore away | the bereaved family gradually settled into | a'resigned sorrow as forthe dead. Years | passed-- three long decades of them--and [the lost child was for except the gotton by every one Abont from mother who » him: | a fortnight ago a ge man camo ! Quebec to Montreal, and entorad on busi ness, into the store of a hatter, named | Richmond. At the v was struck with the a first sight, he f the shop wranc? I keeper, and after fuether conversation, ex- | pressed lua astonishment at the air of re remblance which he bore to the Richard On returning to his lod sed with this mecting, he wrote the rings, im- fa n or m 1 mother, residing in the 8, Quebee, articalars to his | St. Charles suburl he letter he ret After post ing t irned to the shop- | keeper's and entered into a full conversa- tion with him. Questions led to quest- tions, reminiscences opened tha vista to the following strange story was gathered from the lips of other memories, until finally Richmond : Hb Lad been raised fiom infaney Indian woman. whom he had beea taught She had riably kind to him, and he should y by an ! to reg as his mother. been inv never have cared to travel beyond that record, had he not learned the secret of { his life from the squall, when on her death bed. was not her child, that she had stolen him | from his father's house when a mere b Ws brought him to the forest and adopted him | as her own. name of his family, but gave him that of | Richmond, as the nearest approach to it After ving the dying declaration of oung man, then alr to Quebec 1 addy went to seek his r, but his search was entirely vain. ££ ize of name, his ignorance of the e lapse of time, which alters all thing ) foil 1 so that he t upon'the old walled city with the sad feel f a man who has no kin his ing on the ea r Learing all these particulars Richard 2 a second letter to his mother. av ene an infallible to e yore certain birt! means of quire whether and alone long tory thirty ears, Her son returned a satis answer. Ti hesitated no lot had we mother then to ye fme up an intel with the hatter,and described more minute- ly the m t she thought he must bear upon his pers She was correct in every particolar, and thede conld-no Jo rer be the shadew of a doubt. We need not ed her son say more, to her bosom with the old fee ling of him who said, that was Jost has been yound ; he that was dead has come to life azam." God rose this woild sometimes, but perhaps the sweetest mercy is the faithful m n it and the of the ther her lost child, after long weary reacaes of tearful ate gre reward patient years. {An Act » tions i tinz Municipal Instita- Province of Ontario, (Continued.) { 1stoN IHL.--Or Exemrriona, | 76. All persons over sixty years of age ; i all members and offic rs. of the Leg | Assembly of Ontario, and of the Sc Housa of Commons of Canada ; ing seetion ; all coroners ; all persons in | | priests orders ; clergymen and mi | of the Gospel of every denomination ; members of the Law Society , whether barristers or students ; all attor- nies and so offic of the medical profession, whether phy- 8 tie versity, colloge or school in Ontario, and all offic ans or surgeons ; all professors, masters | { authorized five company--are exempt from | being elected or appointel members of a | { municipal council, or to any other munici- pal office. | Pan? IIL.--Or Muxiciran ELECTIONS, I.-- Electors. . II. -- Elections. Ti Division I. --QuariFieaTioN. CTORS, 77. Tho selectors of every municipality for which there is an hssessment roll, shall be the frec¢holders thersof in their own he or right of their wives, whether resi- not, and such of the residents for one month i election as then are, or whose wives then t are houscholders or tenants in the muni- | eipali all wh eleetors gall be natu- or nat zed subjects of Her Maghaty, and males of the full age of | twenty-one,-and (if not voting in respect the muni- cipality for which the vote being taken for one mouth yext before the elec t tion ; hich electors shall have beg Jast revised agadsy ly rated on the | ment roll for real property in the munic pality, aeld in their own right ee that of | their wives as frech:l or tenants, and have received no reward, houscho'ders nor have any expectation of reward for voting, and are named or purported to bs named in the list of electors; such rating shall bs absolute and final, and shall not be gues'ioned cither hy the returning i officer or on any ajplication to sot aside | porated villng " Inquiries were immediately 'made of 1 Y She then declared to him that he | Sha conld not remember the | ined his back spacial blessings in | tors in"getual practice; all | of Courts of Jubtice ; all m:mbers | achers and other members of.any uni- | rs and servants thereof ; all mil- | lers; and sll firemen belonging to an | next before the | any election ; and ia Cities, 8 and' townghi pass by-laws reqniring this to be electors shall also Lave paid all taxes due by them respective fore the fourteenth day of Deco hod preceding the election, 78. In cities, towns, townships corporated villages, such real p and whether frechald wre leasehold or * each, must have been so rated least the actual value following ; we In tow nships--One hundred dolla. In incorporated villages--Tyxe y 0 * In towns--Three hundred dollars, In cities--Four hundred dollars, ; 79. At the first election for 2 Dey erected. township for which there in separate assessment roll, every male inhabitant, though nes assessed, shall be entitled to aw possesses the other qualifications mentioned, and has at the time of the tion sufficient property to have en him to vote if he had been rated for such property ; and every person so claiming of vote shall name the Spon on which i votes, and the Felting officer, at the quest of any candidate or voter, the property in his poll 'book "Shall noty | voter's name ; and at the first 'newly-erected village the electors those who would be entitled to vote township or townships in which village is situated, the clerk or clerks pe | spectively Having furnished from the - revised assessment roll a list of the of those so qualified to vote. inthe the ay 80. In towns and cities, every eleg may vote in each ward in which he i Leen rated for the necessary Property quge. | litication, but in the case of mayor of g cities, mayor, reeve or deputy reeve of towns, the elector is limited to one vols, 81. Tu townships and incorporated vil. 8 divided into electorial divisions wards, no elector shall yoge in more one electorial division or ward for same candidate. 82. In casa both the owner and he of any real property are rated but not jointly therefor, both shall be' deemed within this Act. 83. When any real property is owned op - ocenpied jointly by two or more ; and is rated at an amount suffici equally divided between them, te gi qualification to each, then each rated within this Act, otherwise them shall be deemed so rated, be none of | 84. Every occupant of a s : : tion of a house, such portion having fro : tinct communication with a public road op street by an outer door, shall be deemed a householder within this Act, i, 3 Tirue 11. --Exrecrions, | | Div. L--Time and Place of Holding, Div. IT.-- Returning Officers. { Div, 111.--Oaths to be taken. Div. IV.--Proceedings thereat. | Div. V.--Vacancies in Couneil, Div. VI.--Controverted Elections, 'Div. VI1I.- Corrupt Practices, to Prev. vent, Division I.--Tixe axp Prac or Horpixa, | "85. The electors of every muniei | (except a county) shall elect ana off the first Monday in January, the members [ of the council of the municipality, except such members as inay have been elected at the nomination ; and the persons so eles' ed shall hold office until their successors" * are elected or appointed and sworn intel # | office, and the new council is organized' #* 5 86. In case of the incorporation of 8 new township or townships; or of the separation of a junior township from sf -- | union of townships ; or of the erection of @ + a locality: into an incorporated village ; | of the eroction of a village into a town | of a town into a city ; or of an addi | tract of land" being added to an rated village, town or city, or in or by-law by which the change was | efl, shall take place on the first Monda January next after the end of three from the date of the proclamation, or from the passing of the by-law from which the change is made, and until such day the change shell go into effect. 87. The council of avery city, town | village muy pality (including a | newly erected into a town, and 8 newly erected into a city), shall | to time, by by-law, appoint the | places for holding the next ensuing | cipal election, otherwise the election shall [ be held at the place or places at which the. | last election for the municipality or wards | or electorial divisions was held. = 88 83. When in any year a junior township of a union has one hundred resident frees, { holders and householders on the thew | revised assessment roll, ths council of the County shall, by a by-law, to bo passed | before the 31 day 6f Octolier in the same | year, fix the place for holding the fimb = | annual election of councillors in the town= ship, and appoint a returning officer for | holding the same, and otherwise provide | for the due holding of the election -accord= | ing to law. 89. Tn case of a separation of a min 5 of townships, the existing division into wards, if any, shall cease, as if the same h~d been duly abolished by by-law, and = the elections of councillors shall be by general vote, until the townshi or towns | ships ate divided into electorial divisions or wards under the provisions of this Ack. (To be continuednext week.) | © Homse-tuizvzs are reported in several: parts of the Province. Five firemen wera killed walls during the late Boston fire, ¥ 3 pox last week. First-cra88 wood is now obtained in London at from $4 {0 to $5 per cord. Or the 600 immigrants who arrived ins Montreal on Thursday 260 remain in the Dominion, A tirTie boy, five years old, named Reeve, whose father was drowned in the steamer Atlantic, came a psssenger in the ) Austrian, from. Liverpool,, Ha left . this | | morning for CampoBello, N. B., where his mother now resides, Tue farmers of Rathurst appear to be © J ATTINOTS © p 4 | rivaling each other in the size of lambs, one of which, owned by Mr. Wan | Weir, weighed at birth 17 pounds. Johw { Motherwell, of the saio tewnship, has | a pair bf lamby which at s month weighed 43 pounds each. THE men who drives cows io » Napanee was himself impounded for do- ing #0 on Sunday, and his excuse was that the Mayor had ordered him to do so at ay a PYES times. I¥ New York it has been found, by actual police invesligation, that thers are 8,403 places where intoxicating liquors are sold, with a daily number of customers of 275,008. There is a saloon for 119 of the population. Is the mind a ponderable or an impons derable substance ; an essence, apes, 9 | an indescribable something which ean | bo zrasped,felt or withhel11 Man thinks, : udies, invents, tires the brain by ove: pork, and loses his reason ; rests bis m= telle becriges ealm, nses resteratives, ain thinks. When we reflect that a power of endurance can be imparted to - | the brain, and that week minds have been to strength by fellows' Compound of Hypophosphites, we cannot but conclude that the snTtle power is | ponderable matter, i | ingredients are snpplied which | snppmt and give it vitality, Persons stndy hard thonld preserve their b of power by using the Byrap. ~ render 4 8 . by failing Moxtreat had six deaths from smalls Sa from the fact that the = a, ------ ast Whithy, Tn Ee Burns, of to t the Wesleran dA, on the Tt Riuad oT Med amphry, to MM Oshawa. v Hawa, on ti nO hiter of Boni ag ad 12 years and She formation of t peated Phys olo: ats of Lite is Je Conctions of nutritive tonic 1 matter to assame controls the forn jate the system wwof ght of the bo the transformati mu eular Ho. as in 4 trition. en by ses, will 4 alt Wheat, ¥ bushel, .. Barley, - do Peas, Ryn do Potatoes, per bag Hay, ¥ton,.. . os, ¥ bri, ONE-HORS good and chen <A © oBaf Card WISH TO TH Oshawa, for the jo oh iny barn on the 2 1- TAKE INSOLY hh LL PARTIE by Noteor RH: an insolvent, or t« Sewing Ma ANTED, ladies under- furnished and good Oshawa, Jane 2nd ---- PIC.NIC ANNIS' BEA inion Day, to ass fog-his Presbytery, COLT A DARK GR mane and tail, eturning her to me g JAME: | East Whitby, May) FCH AT DESIR Srey n the cor resent 0 sale on prot g terug, 6-2w FOR 'WO GOOD O will be sold ch 32w, LA UNDE -» Having ob! GIBBS DVER McRAE 1 # haye eemmend LADIES. U IN ALL IT

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