Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 May 1873, p. 3

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3 atte Ne the i -- y a been made, as to the "tne, op 20m matter shall ler this Ast, be setting e lotmation of a Hew gon * dissolution . tcwaships, the 3 ning county op ¢ of ts debentures or part uidny debe for whigh del ght hay been, » before the di bu th res or obli ti ability 'of The Ju shall therefor under this Aes | { » unty or be ond ph T as if the same he tuicn before the get sessments imposed ho 'then corporation fp by th ore the year in ion) is formed by & ha 1, 'shall bel sag 'treasurer of lity, and the erg W so received in @ money. raised ---- d 1 the senior og Pemaining the amount 3 paid ang section Rd vn : : 8¢ "nigr.or Temaining espect of # lability of gg o, excectls the sum "nt or award betwey W corporation on its uay be recovered » remaining muni = as for money ase may be. ul wn yvitlage is incor oF town is erected intoy - any. township or hey , the council and f having prio pality immediately til 'he 'council for the eon Sanize, . continue to Nave (hy as before; and all all other rvanis of the Toeality o ? shall, until di on bs be appeinted, continde iy ve offices, with the same a ad Fab ilities as before. on of a junior a union of Fy ¢ in an ¥ case opin any man. Hect the office, duty, power v of any public Fai of sontinnes a public officer of ty t ywasship OF remain. townships after such sepa- tie es of any such officer tv, further ey by limiting power, responsibility, ibility to the semior $s OF remaining counties ph Law officers shail, after + the officer of th Lip.jor remaining as % wey had a v. appointed public cflicers r cour ty or township or for g counties' or townships es for such public officers ain liable, as if they had r such public difipers «ch senior sounth of such remaining cou all secvrities which have . alter such. separation, be raed as 3 they huve been : Tor remaining or pei 1 or towp- erein contained shall # new sureties being re' ven by any sheriff or by any f, or othér public «fficer, tute, or otherwise kowso- Mux, Cor cis, How 'UMPUSED. : : members, alitication, disqualif cation Tue MeueeErs. villages. a townships pr ywvisronal corporations 5 i 1.--Ix CouxTiEs. cil of every county shall ves and deputy reeves of nd villages within ie. any towns within save not withdrawn from ys of the council of the of the reeves or deputy ty Junicil, until he has he county pogael 4 Rship. vil , OF 2 on fag of the that such reeve of Nv elected, and has ibed the declarations of n sa such of i y 1, case of a 9 156 filed with the clerk rmation or declaration - erson having the £ appear. upon of at A five hundred. | lders in the mans same property q he first deputy reeves i lity, and that po imits of the-mvuni er of persons pos: y gna Jlification a8 ed foreach ce the seid rolls fk oti-place. ers for Juss.' eatures of, IP. 'Landford's didly-illust of Mount Hayy | Ph biography vated papers on Lorne'? Our Postal-Car Service; tant paper by Genl, ndent of, the Iate-Census, r case gby births, of the} «rican Germans; || r r and 81 oiritualist"| e the well-known! | | to - the revived | ides. An interesting | 4, the Pope is gives, ol, capital short stories, or James T- tioned Story." basides the cob-| Halland' Eh Arthor © Lich the hero has 8 New! we and Society" b usally full: snd} . carry out the spirit of the law." --Cairied. ! St. John N. Tv GOOD OPEN EN BUGGIES, KEW. ko Progress" there nl . WWE, "articles on ilu? and Vk * series willbe of yamber of "Ax Op Esrasumsued Firm. -- The firm of 8. M. Perrenciit & Co. com- menced their Advertising Agency in the old Journal building, No. 10 Stale Street, Boston, nearly a quarter of a, centur: ago (Febraary 1849,) where there Agency is still located, carrying ona large and successful business. They established a branch in New York k SH, May 1882, which has grown to be larger than the parent house, --increasing steadily, year by og until now it has the. agency of nearly States and Buitish Provinces, and does = yearly business of hundrads of thousands of dollars. 8. M. P.ttengill & Co. have recently cpe:el auother branch office at 701 Chestuut Street Ph ladelphis, where they are doing a sue.essful increasing business. They have dine advertising exceeding tea milliuns of dollars since commencing business. The fi m is favor- New Tapestry and Kidderminster Carpets ably known net only throught § .is country, hat i in all of the world. They have a reputation for honoraole and fair getsblisie which any firm might envy, and but few have attained to. We con- gratulate them on their success. We would recommend all who want advertis- ing done in any part-ef the country to call upon them. They can point to hundreds oF husiuess men who have followed their advice, and trusted to their acity, aud availed themselves of their faghlities, who have made fortunes for th ives, and they are daily assisting others in the sante Tar Mitchell tavern- FRA stirred up by the fact of the temperance societies becoming very vigilant, have formed an association for defence, and *passed the following resolutions :-- Moved by H. P. Kennedy. seconded by W. Livingston, "That in consequence of the stringency of the new tavern law, we deem it neces- sary to form ourselves into an association | NW Check Dress Goods, Pogplins, and Plain Lustres _of defence against any unwarrantable in- ? formations or vexatious suits that may be brought against us while endeavoring to Moved by James Barge, seconded by H. P. Kennedy, *' That, in the opinion of this meeting, no uniform law enacted by the Legislature for the government of taverns can be satisfactory ;' the wants of cities, towns, villages, and townships being so-much at vanance, we consider large powers should be vested in mwunic- ipal councils to regulate their locality and protect the tavern-keeper from vexation suits."--Carried. Moved by John Watt, secorided by Duncan Stewart, 'That a petition be sent to the Municipal Council requesting them to instruct their Inspector to allow taverns to be kept open till ten o'clock on Saturday nights, as the law em- plowers them to do so.""--Carr.ed Mr. Jaxzs I Frrrows,» Manufacturing Chemist : a For several months past I have used your Compound Syrup in the treat- ment of Incipient Phthisis, Chronic Bronchitis, and othér affections of the Chest, and I have no hesitation in stating that'it ranks foremost among the remedies used in those diseases. Being an excell- ent nervous tonic, it exerts a direct influence 'on the nervous . system, snd through it invigorates 'the body. Tt affords me much pleasure to recoramend | a remedy which .¢ is intended, when so many advertised are useless. Tam sir, Yours truly Z. S. Bante, Jr., +M.D, | every newspajer in the United |° New Antimaccassars and Silk Cord- and Tassels New Lace Curtains and Muslin Curtains New Rich Black Silks of * Bonnet's " celebrated make New Lace Shawls and Silk Coats ad. ONTARIO LUFORM EK, OSHA WAS WHDNESDAY, MAY 21; i575." New White 'Quilts and Counterpanes At WIGHTMAN'S. New Rich Damasks and Moreens ] At WIGHTMAN'S. New Floor Oil Cloths and Hearthrugs jo * At WIGHTMANS. At WIGHTMAN'S. At WIGHTMAN. At WIGHTMAN'S. At WIGHTMAN'S. At WIGHTMAN'S. New Plain and Cheni Striped Grenadines At WIGHTMAN'S, ee AT WIGHTMAN'S, LATE COWAN'S Oshawa, and Prince Albert. . B., January' 1868. | MARKIED. In Osawa, on the 20th 'inst,, by the Rev. J. Kenner, Mr. R. J. Moon, to ise . Jonuson, Loth of Oshawa. PIED. In/Oshawa, on Saturday last, May 17th, Maggie Kerr. daughter of Mr. Geo. Kerr, Ontatio Bank 17 years. R. w H EELER' S COMPOU ~ D| elixir of Phosphates and Clisaya contains elements absolutely essential to cell-growth and | the formation of the system. Dr. Dasart, a cele- | i brated Pia ologist, ot Paris, says that * Phos- | Jameat Lime is eminently an exciting agent of functions of nuuition ; in other words, 2 ne tonic--ti 8° it induces the Diino matter to assume the celiular shape. and that it controls the formation of tissues. When taken | into the system more food is absorbed, and the | weight of the body rapidly increased, owing to | the transformation of albumenoid matter into musrular fibre." Sufferers from iniperfect ma- trition, as in scrotulous and tube Felons dis- eases, will derive immediate benefit 1 rom its use. Yor sale by all drugg - Commercial: = Ee HA" J OSHAWA MARKETS 3 avoomascoccssem=i 8 ER-BUGUAVEIAILRES k-eyed 'Marrow-fat Pi toes, ¥ bushel Butter, ¥ b,.. .c. lard, $n... Eggs, ¥ dozen,... Beans, ¥ bushel ri RARAAARR wdaS¥NsEsERRHSS : = 2CRSVLY pod | ulloncee® ggsenasy e i=} "Apples, ¥ bri, . Bw Advertisements. A a Td at 'FCR SALE! 1] BAT DESIRABLE HOUSE AND Lot on the corner of Sy and Co. Str ets, at pr yl d, is i sale on « asy terms. iw | Carr. G. FAREWELL. FOR SALE. pat ve sold cheap. S4MUEL WOOD. P Piano Fortes, O |ORGANS,R VIOLINS, {Concertina go. 5 0 Orders fot Tuning Promptly attended to. R. WELLINGTON, WILLSONS' BLOQK, OSHAWA. N| | WOOL! WOOL! WHEAT, WHEAT. SH PAID FOR tany quantity of WoL, WHEAT AND OATS. _ mwivowEE. An Immense Stock MILLINERY | McRAE & Co: New Dry Geods Store! ALEXANDER & BRYCE Announces that they are showing a full assortment of NEW SPRING. AND | SUMMER DRY GOODS, MIL LT INERY. NOTE A FEW Vv. OF F THE PRIC JES. Good Dresses, 81 25, 81 50, $2, $2 50, up. Beautiful Black Lustres (a speciality) from 20 cts. per yard. Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 cts. Table inens at 30 cte,-40 cts, 50 cts. 75 cts, $1, $1 25. Table Napkins from $¥ 25 per 'dozen, to $4. Linen Towels 5 cts, 10 ets., 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts. and 30 cla. Heavy Steasn Looms at 8 cents. Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest in Town. did assortment of Lace Curtains at 00 cts, $1 20,81 50, 81 75 4 Sylev $2, $2 25, $3, $350; and $4 50. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! Cott pn Socks at 10 ets, Good Oxford Shirts at 75 ets, Splendid Ho ects Shirts at $1, a full assortment of Straw and Felt Hats. Clothing made to order on the Shortest Notice. Call and see the New Styles in Shawls at $2 25. MILLINERY! MILLNINERY! | Our Millinery department is under the superintendance of a First-class Milliner from Toronto, and will be found replete in all the Paris and New You styles. Call and examine goods and for yourselves. goods marked in/plain figures and one prige only. ALEXANDER & & BRYCE. Wilson's Block, King Street, Oshav a. SJHIouda HIAHILS IV Sa (] ad Idd AAH S NAQHVSDO dANV HH isd Aue Suipnpuce eo oq apes sry ves Put [wo w wry 0a1d oy, 'oowpd omy Joqmemel 0svol] 'TIO 0) PUNO] OIE PUY. SOUTER] Weows om ! [[03 seoud pud onjea pool! deep wm Yv} ug pai SARIS 39019 oy Jo pu oq ia 'eyvorLnymy 30 91R01PP MOY JOU IW oy 'MIAN 1 300) "IY *v. 'oe Mcsle sou VAAVHSO 'LSVH J1AAWLS ONIY 'N00Tg S,NOSTIMN 'POIURBILIB AA PUB padiedor] A[[njade) 'S}O0TO ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOM TV 'serovgoedy 0 '039II~I0ATIS 'Arremop S00TO 'sonoIEM 'LYAN a SIH LVHL AONDONNV OL HAVA1 DIS ATINALOASSAYU oo AN "0% "UITIMIP HINVIAHOLYM uy av ogm Luv ojAul AEIPI0o0 PROM PUN 'seu nq lof pepodo mou st arg AAOMOL MOT. Lumber for Sale. A LARGE, QUANTITY OF SESLON um or sale at : Masay 2 SPREE tr Proprietor. $5 to $20 RT of working people is either sex, young or old, make more money work for us in their spare moments, or rail the the vy than at Alrthing Particulars Address G. STINSON & co. rtland, Sales: NEW STOCK 3 --OF-- Pianss, Organs, Violins, Concertinas, Violin Bows and Strings, Sheet Music, dx INSTRUMENTS TO RENT BY THE TERM. Orders for Tuning attended 0 promptly. R. WELLINGTON, Sign of the Book, Wilson's Block. FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED Eso S00 SAAR Drcant." 1il sell either pr o by the Tes ANCRW ANNIS. day, Agents wanted! House and Lot For Sale. Opposite Oshaws Ca Catizot Pactery. , HE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE rooms, an. stone cellar. Will ac- Suthodais four a families. For terms, etc. apply to Capt. George Farewell, / ; & Mean FOR SALE. PE VALUABLE PROPERTY istely owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner of Simcoe and Fina strgeta, co of one quarter on whi which ih there are two houscs with wa _-- SRR oa the Karr Prop APPIY 10 5 \3ES WOOD. FOR SALL. A suits ro EIGHT YEARS ARS OLD. t E. FIELDING of King St. West, Oshawa. " PSYCHOMANCY, "SO0TL CEABMING," How either sex may fascinate and gain the love affection of a aap person they choose, in Sanly. This simple mental acquirement all by mail, for 25 cents, together n possess, with a ae i. Egyptian Dulce, @ ELIE 2. SILC th by oe Fhiladeiphia, Pa. IMPORTANT TO Fruit Growers! 8 THE DEMAND FOR GOOD oavatistios of winter apples is constantly in- and a very large proportion of the wy of this Suu{y oa nothing but take this way of letting the public know may change $heir peor apples to good. mJ to § years. I have secured the services of C. 3. 3. Repua, a.sxperfonced Grafler, from. XY. cron having pear ra es wiih sii it ne 10 contract aad of the Jowosts pos- plying Geo. asson,.| i - will take note of such com- munications and send Mr. Redman to do the We, only. Jat and we warrant ou be just what ue represent dd Please -- iE 11568 ted we not buy sweet trash, ¥ ways pay good prices Prices for good fruit, dp ped dit Yours, hos : GEO. A. MASSON, Ota. 0 Ont: April 1st, 1873. NEW MUSIC] PUBLISHED. BY. J.L. PETERS, 509 BROADWAY. NN. T. And mailed, Bost-pRid, on reeeipt of marked | VOCAL. __ "Above and Below. Sacred Song. By Jurch. $0 30 Back $ » he old home. Song and Chorus. Beaviital F Form of my Dreams, Stéwart, Darling Weep no more. Song and Chorus. Hays, - Do i. adh 'Weep 80, Sister darling. Song. Don't forget to Ww, rite me: 'Song and Chorus: old weour nds. § or duet. Bol1jen to the eavenly deng Cha ou were gud youl Sah. Shatner i fin. ne ere we ri. Sie ol ttle Blin el ng and Chorus. Macy. Little Dan. Song and C horus. Ha, . Lord forever at Thyside. - Dan me, Bessie, in the Dell. Ste rey Mest me, Dearest, witha Kiss. Danks. y Boy across the Sea. Hays, oh 1. Give me a Home in the South. Hays. Sam ! Song and Chorus, Only for you ! Ballad. = "Delionx. Our Little Pet. Song and Chorus. Hays. Papa, stay Home. Temperance Song. Hays. Save ome Bright Crown for me. Hays. We oar A Sing that Song. Dolphus. ocp when I am low | Walker. INSTRUMENTAL. POLK AS. Sunbeam, by Kinkel. 35 cts. ; Belle of Sur on.) by Victor, 35 cts, ; May Flowers, by > what grows, soopusnpepsne®E vn 8 vB PY te hl houghts, by Walker, 80ers ed by W ison, S0cts. ; Sunbeam, by ed ets © ALers.--Clarlle: s and Freddie's, by Kinkel, each 35 mares Glance, by Young, 20 SEER ER Fo Hetls of § Saratoss. by Baumbach, kel t Sallie Ips tie" rove id Muse, a maa son om io urka---all by Dress- ol, 30 cts; Plal' te on. | He | DR. DEANS MAZEREAs Awakening of the Birds or dron . SALON PIECES. in tha Baymakers. wi 75 cts. ; Love's Caresses, Kinkel, 40 cis; | | YSPEPSHA Bp Be Valeri sry. 1 AU ANE bp (3) Lem r.} sie TEARS Any of the sbova malled, post -pall,on rrecelpt SE! Ad@rew, J.1. PETERS, 5°0 Broadway. *.Y rs. Toncl, # cts, ; Ae If you want to get HORSESHOEING Cf Rp REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE Up to.Time | - By Time | On Time | And in Time | ~GO TO-- BAMBRIDGES, SIMCOE ST. NORTH. STEAM BETWEEN LONDON, QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers MEDWAY, HECTOR A NIANZA, SBEVERN SCOTLAND, . DELT THAMES, dur! th La Sethi sTlencion f Ba rom ny oe Aason of na 10] - opps Soa? 56h. (Via Halifax and £t. John : SEMVERN ednesday, kh pave 5 : Wednesday, 1th Tih May EDWAY + = = Direct.) Niaxza Saturday, 17th do BcorLaxp + - Wi , 28th do and every alternate Wednesday a Lahturday Shercaftos: And from: Quebec follows : THAMES . Thumday, 8th kh Mas " resday, - hors day, Zaadl EN Bulls - yarmar 21th do nd every alternate Tuesday and Thursday theraafiet, Wig of from Quehes 1A London. ny 990; $24; Ticketas from ai ints W. at renecd Tuite rti ey iss 0 persons rous of ing out their friends. Through bills of lading issued on the continent, and. in London for parts of Canada, and inthe United States to Te. troit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points the West, For freig ight or passage, apply to Temperity's x Seen Quebec: David Shaw, Montreal, or to OC. W. SMITH. , Oshawa, MEDICAL HALL. Removal ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE Public that the MEDICAL HALL fs REMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. BAR THE POST OFFIC hid ne Apoko at KEW STOCK of And a large stock of Fancy Asticlen. Ai 8 Surg in usual peith the Oshawa, Maach 32th, 1873. ASK FOR IT-IRSIST PDA I-83 40 OTHER CALDWE EELS ¥ sSSug » Lowrelg Je SPOS UIPIEY) pur PLY pojiodwy Ysa] In the Bullding en the Oshawa, December 24th, 1572. After the Fire! |JO&RH.HENRY, Have Resumed Business in the Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Haitt Cormer of King and Simcoe Strocts, Where they ase ohios mors prepared to Take Photographs, - | And other Stylin of Ditvitesi ia a1) the Latest Entrance on King Street Between Gllletts' and Dickie's Store. attention Special ih given to enlarging Pitogugn tg, Sm rad ce hE art stores. is the duckorets cosh "The Aldine out wie loin sifondiaciy ahted oy will ve a cert 0 ture of the bead gelivered shall will hi an Wihes ar the con Sideringithe =o} alrscedented gap 1872) AS USUAL Silver Medal, Complete Success ! I0 FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. W. BELL, & Co, GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Tin for 3 Diplomas, and The publishers Gf 12 FIrst Prizes. ne Eg gh Tf 8 soil? or | be EY wr = short of a the 1g Bang pelts w 248 best is of ee ons ol rOmOo3, 00 N TARE ALDINE] (1872. '8 A its Saifies ot Any pen, + . Prospectus for 1673. rar Az DYE, ot for sal in Book or News Stores, a ee = * and SE is of = oh of ran us = {liustra- ¥ issue of Hi Tao Literacy Deptrtcaent : will continue uader the eare of EER REE asa JAMES pm co, B1ish "MAIDEN LAN! ¥EW'FORK. x 1. STS 4. an increase in the aidan already cor opinion or ET 8 uve cok pl & Darke, Billeter Street, London; Ross | ie OLLAND, si. he Eaton [31 is 1 eniiged ET Er tN Sertbner's Monthly. Ozgans & Mel odeons pass PAEAND. At the Province Exbftion, Hamullton, and ail uv Bidza Tull 1s! 40 de. ha 5% vv hee [Een TS WATORES, / JEWELRY, FANCY. Has commenced to sell his Grit REove foe » EER A $8,000 Worth of Stockh. Nov. YOUR TOME YOR Cilmi? PT A hy So SILVER PLATE, ho Fhe hm fit vrite 8 hims, and Ways, A 8 Living American, W the Becorntivw of Am tient of 1, Yujatre pad &C., &C. H. the : Bur Ave, best writer of short. stories das LAN EE --

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