Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 7 May 1873, p. 3

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Uni Aaluv JAFORMAR, Commercial, ' Th ' ih osmiwa mamuETS act of | than 3 May 7. PE And ag 1 Flour, ¥ ewt, C0 G83 5 of § any : fl \heat Fail ¥ bushel: act shall Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, .. Tm part of. the exed, par "A "whship wk 4 wlack-oyed Marrow-fat Peas ' an " Matoes, ¥ bushel, " corporal 5 : ute r. ® 5 pi : . vutte an i or in cany oy 343 x n Si Sheu ¥ conneil dag A TH of WO F x 108 % . lover Sc thal, 5 3 sol Sg seed, WHITBY MARKETS, May 6. Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, oes tof th . MW heat, Spring, ) do. 188 0 SC of there ® bei Fi Barvicy, ¥ bushel, 060 06 rated = Oats, do ne veaneie OR ow ' oF County or Peas, do . . 065 8 67 More adj rotatoes, do ee 030 vorated, and not EE Butter. ¥ N, ol or t % union : $ BOW MANVILLE MARKETS, viracent I ! L Ma 6 Wheat, ¥ bushel, A ena P13] hl 0 65 ft . , Y. : 50 033 | . Hie county op 0 60 06 | 3 law, form 3 oe als, do 035 0 rende Mover Seed, ¥ bushel wanes BOO 0 | : Bt union of Timotlyse ed, do dein 8 00 0 | 3 lamation or Butler, Ba. .....l 0 id 15! *uships to ed 8 TORONTO MARKETS. | 7 May 6. ¢ [103 sooud pue onfea poo ¢ INIY "001g S.NOSTI MA 'POIUBIIB AA PUB padieday 3 'aouyd aovyd ory '|19% 0} PUNO OIT PUY FSOUISN( ULOW OM d . 19 Savon pue_ S77] ESOT ET TE odo (Mos | "serongoedg 20 'orer-0 Wheat, ¥ bushel, ........0. . 8) Rarley, do We. re 075 Peas, do " . 57 0 Oats, do x 042 ¥ ve, do . it € 66 otatoes, per bag 5 oq I's 'ejuwonjut 10 SJUITAP MOTE JOT 'SMD01D AGNV SIHOLY "VMVHSQO '1SVH Lad LS . SCOTT, 3 Sdsrtisrmrate. = > McRAE & Co . Lumber for Sale. A LIRGE QUANTITY OF SESEON lumber for sale at Meads = I td Tr 1-3w. 1872) (1872 As U SUALI Complete Success ! ESL A. B. CAMP ix ES clude in theme $i. Proprietor. Joquowax osval J Tavas tx S thereot nut ie : Sion ans HATCH a MEARNS, t¥ to any. ad : i stders the new A her. Srated co aunty fer ry th Gn wernor ay, by i re ry umon of h the county uate, shall bed * other th. shall be the county em ng the union of alle to counties and Resi ced but one compl pioceeding the vm Or eo "URPURATIONS, REAKFAST BACON, SPICE D ROLL, Bglogne, Dried Beef and Fresh G.| W. GARTHS, Butcher Pasturag e. A FEW COWS TAKEN IN TO A PASTURE for the season. iw. G. W. GARTH, Butcher. Seed 'Barley. TOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER \ a quantity of Two Rowed Barley for seeding purposts. 3 JOHN T. GOULD. r day, Agents wantdd! $5 to $20 Re lasses of working People of either sex, young or old, make more mpney 'at work for us in their spare womenis.or all the han at anything else. Particular . ss G. STINSON & CO. & CO. Portland FOR SALE. wo GOOD OPEN \ BUGGIES, NEW. will b¥ sold cheap. 32w. SAMUEL WOOD. SOLD. OUT. EO. HENRY TAKES THIS OP x PORTU NITY of informing his fri and pate 3 Twbert Chat bh, and mending hina to thei n ween this and tl » GEO. IIENRY Oshawa, April 20td, 1873. : Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Jer leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed- on them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &c., | Ever offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kégs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxe :s, Pressed and Horse Nails, 2650 Boxe 's Glass, "Star" and * Diamond 'Star,' James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L ads, English and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Furniture and Carriage Varnish. American, Enclish, and Canadian Loe ks, Latches, and Knobs, Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &., ~~ Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge', Plane Irons, &e. American Soc ke 't Firmer Chisels, Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &c,, Dawsan's and English Planes, ~ Rodgers" and other English English Cutlery, Plated Forks Epo ms ete, B. M. Tea and-Cotfee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, "val and Wood Cooking Stoves, f a vd Chines 3) p ere) Bor wekets, -# | {EV TROUGH ING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATFENDEDTO' [ Je SPIN WOpaey pue ploy pIjioduy - q y Hueg ri A | In order to give {Fiaater facilities for the ra) ia 'HORSESHOEING sii mis tau a | REPAIRING HARDWARE | | | Up toTime | RE WARD! 10: | | | Hh RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- LAGE of Oshawa, having lately voted the | above reward for the in uction of a new lnanwlntuiig interest in our midit, it has given eat impétus to the building of Houses for our | in ustrial classes. If you want to get --OR-- LARGER STOCK OF ANY KIND DONE than . ever before been offerell in Oshawa consisting in part of 600} Kegs of Cut Nails. By Time ! / THE ARgESt Ed DESY ASSORT | On Time l | id, And in Time | PAINTS, aN 1] SP ma -GO H-- h 10 FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. | -- "W.BELL, & Co, GUELPH, ONT. - Received Every First Prise for Organs & Melodeon? At the Prosiadial ye Ty Hamilton, a> in addition to last This grand success, you: o Silver Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes. ve that eur Jnstrament in the or pe tent judges are incomparbl; 39 ouinien te Sole proprietors and Manufa of the ORECGANETTE, | Sonata) a ep) Tubes w a | ke introduced. Their r makers from the Tack Ry a Guelph Chey nF from competition, thu: ! acknowledging their inability to compete with em. Every adn rumant fully warranted for mve ears. ad for cal containing Afty erent styice of psi Ay imho 6. <5 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, S. NAHVD wr WE {AME INTO THE PREMISE: 3 Mrs. Dew ar opp 1iatsl, Oshawa, about the 1 TWO- YE Alt OLD BRINI JOAN DALE Brooklin. Guelph, Oct. 22nd, yo Ix Prospects s for 1878. | Or to | | | ° t, Oshawp, April 31st, 1873 hd | -- SIMCOE ST. NorTh TaE AL DINE, | An Tustrated Monthly J i versally admitted to | somsst i A Represen on | Not for sale in Book or Kewa Stores. |] THE ALDINE, while fssued with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or ffmei + ~ interest characteristic te fof | cals. Itisan el ee , ight and Eracetu erature: ad LX rest black and white. Corner of King and Simcoo Stroots, Where they are once more prepared to will be most appreci ated a bound up af the close of the yew. pub¥cations y claim superior compared with rivals of a similar ALDINE is a unique and origi alone and unapproach ed -- absolutely ! out competition in price or Shasacier.. The possessor of a complete oe me cannot d: plicaie the quantity of flue engra in any other shape or number of velum« ry ten times itscost; and there arcthe chromos, besides! Notwithstan the increase im the subscription last Fall, when THE Ab] assumed its preseat ovis ) arcssulatve character. the City Fengelih his morning, demanding' 7 to £9 per week. Th > difficulty im tuations vacant sf f the strikers gladly ey ET ---- BAMBRIDGHES VARNISHES, ia tr : i Glass, Putty, &c.,, nd AWRY J DEWAR TA Fr \NX7 ; { " House and Lot For sale. | ; i J : Rent! . ' . 1GG & SO N, be - Binet Pact A SPLENDID VARIETY -OF House to ent! / J 0, & R. H HEN RY, Opposite Salama gp fae ian, | Spades, Shovels, Hoes, | 4 by 2 RE ht pig = ely . Have Ilesumed Dusiness in the - rooms, and a good Bf ne cellar. Will ac- | , . apply to Cap org A awe or to i A LARGE RTOCK OF Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt | "/P¥ 0 cor George Farwell or 3 oe. | Dissolution of Partnership : : I riot, | LOCKS, KNOBS, . In the Building on the LE -- Fats : RLY <3Iuting between 3 ~ , Y | fever prevails about Seaforlh, en Public and Conveyan = | \/ O \ / r HE VALUABLE PROPERTY r= has = tree-planting Ames ed nt alt she lato firm are te ir ed 'Take Photographs, ately nwnod by de : rd | A Splendid Assormau of Carpenters : Farewell, INO. E. FAREWELL, b . i ; ; | Ard other Styles oT, fa sil the Latest bl o some god lots for sale on the Karr Prop | All kins of Ps unt, Varnish, re Hen Betwech Since aad Dickies Seo. rs SALE. "| Scrubbing,and other Brushes.} x FUER ae E---- and Coloring. mp T,. THE ai HORSE, E IGHT YEARS OLD, | Cutlery, Dixon's and other Fi Reh ry = he seu Mears, F uU N 1T u R E WA R E R OO Mi S, Photographs taken from Pictures, and cnlarged | t Suitabic of General Purposes, aif BUGGY pnd ef Nickel and Wosesies si Z WI0Q So Ing os rt > " nber 2th, 1572. FIELDING fl : Lildren denofess wat How :&stand --none better in the Village. : = | Oss a Dies ES BE King St. Wesfj Oshawa. | A firat- rate assortment af Azles rey commensurate withthe GED. W. GARTH, Butel.cs. MEDICAL HALL. R C Ww M U si C I ad Springs, Iron, Tope and | { i | | OILS, |, | After the Fire! ! IN THE COUNTY FEE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE Forks, Rakes, &c. HAVE----e comodate four small famili For terms, etc. LAW PARTNERSHIP FOR- | FOR SALE | ; - . { - LATCHES & HINGES: afd Conveyan ] b ne Tacs consisting of one quarte own Council this your gl Wit y bf Pay on Mr Fr de 3 erty, the best in Oshs Ph Ape Tn Th isn HOER | mom : | Entrance on King Street yAfiEE WOOD. |W hite Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe. A SPLENDID 'OPPORTUNITY. | Special sttenticn given to enlarging | A Largs Stack of Rodgers and othe JG fae Thos 1b a, sples wil HARNESS. aly» Plated Goods and Cruets: ve yd system aod Oshaya, April 15th, 1873 cd. roTHE ing, I 1 pipet: - v the parent or at on, me FOR SALE. i hites | ; the nervous system B GI oD FRA AME BU ILD ING 32x30 | = : Rr e Im O Vv a L.A 7.1. PETERS, 599 BROAD SWAF. a. x |G (including Breech Loaders), Réval- AEE, NEW BUILDING, i otdl, 3rd concéssic $0-4in- ill PUBLISHED DY And the: best Lassortnient., of Gung The publishers CREEL selves Ay "the utmost to develop and im vetl the plans the menthly issues, w t most Be triends of TIE br NE 0d ae The publish are an horiand signs from many of most eminent artiets « America. In iil ng) THE 4 ALDINE wii reproduce exam best foreign mas ers, sclected with a view to the highest success, antl greatest Interest} avoid ; M. S. HL ALL, Waive San irr - : DR. DEANS "rier. ing « Tackle in the County. Lane," which 18 . ARGE ASSOR TMENT OF , The whole of the above stock was pug" : R MOVED lit the MEPITAL HALL if Vv o C A L * | Price 1 ehase d before the late great rise 1m prices, RE ! : ¢ ROO] M Pp APE R Opposite Quiley's New Hotel, WILSON'S NEW BLOCK io en So Lo pi %0 3 and will be sold cheap for cash. an | : gig my xT. Wilis wiv wart NEAR THE POST OFFICE, titul PAPER BLINDS, Oshawa, Jan. 1973. ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE Beautiful Form of my Dres ams. Ste wart: such a dave 1). g | Where hic kas opened out a NEW STOCK of | VF Ww cep no hore. Sou ngand C Lh -. 7 Simcoe Street, OSNAW A. | Sh ran ie, Eee Moth po HE Suc i, Sr ol | _cines Superior Dye Stufls, Elegant -' pon hd by to Writs me" ongasdC horus, 3 > nr R- WELLINGTON'S : |" Perfumes, Scextted Soaps, Tooth ox res Ferlien, ; N EW ST OCK estern Ontario. -- Fol 1d weourHands. Song he: Brushes, Hair Prushes, ail Gone to th we Heav sarden. Chamber: Brushes, Coombs, Trus- ! tain. twere 1. would you? Sens zr. Shattuck- | Pianos, Organs, ¥ "ioline, Coneertinas, ses, &ec., &e. Kise me Darling, ¢ tewart. 3! Violin Bows and Strings, Sheet Music, de. Little Blind Nell. Song a nd "horus. Macy. | And a large stock of Fancy Articler. | Lule, Dan, Seng er Chor (Hays. 40} INSTRUMENTS TO RENT BY THE TERM. i Lord foreve i re Dap" shanks. 5 | ze His Sutgery is in cornection with the Meet ori 1 in the Del togatl:. 3 orders for Tuning attended 10 promptly. stated, rs shh a LON D Oo N, Q U E BEC, Shop as usual. Mj > ¢ ays. 3! R. WELLINGTON, pk A by EXAN D BE R & BRYCH | Soa TR hm 3 ie Bonin Bl ties of fe Bork Wek and sul stitute immediately or g EEE steam New Dry Goods Store ! epitome of Sommand She subscriptions at a ul fe of T, Ee vo hanced, in crease of Tt pa he be Bess ake A aranre save," Dake au of ° i dn Premium Chitmes for 1073. E whe. advance Tor for te veut 1 te The Aliline, wih" in BETW EEN ng + thro ngh the = and Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: Loug FIdALS IV Sad chanical llustr - - theiss Suro, te Wo ber laws «/ bike continue under the care of Mr. Mk a Poets tthe day. who who i ates heath 'with its artistic y ay - Terms: anfiom, in nd: with 83 per hal oe ofl THEALDINE will, hereafict he only subscription. be ae ; cash Ho hike Go | Y GooDs, 2) Fava sax Hoste, Tginpsranes one. flay | FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. NEW SPRING AND SUM i fee | do hits ot NSTRUMENTAL. jit rig ont ta Ts i ! Draught, Wil ED) ther separatly or by 'he new common od 4 X a 4 7! | POLKAS {onbeam, | by Kinkel. 35 cts.; Belle { 10 ets. ; [+ /~OR Beantiful Black Lustres (a i from 20 cts. per yard. 9 000 Ww th Stock DELTA. N1ANZA, ? Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 ots, 1 $ ' or of ' Morning Schinidt and affection of any person they choose, in 3 , | with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oricle, D ox ( > Linen Towel s 5 cts. 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts. and 30 ets. ies Hottie ice | book, 100.000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & GIRTH. ondon for Quetsec and Montreal as follows st. John 5 H. A IMPORTANT TO ia Jali fag wid oh JEWELRY, BU ACR mn. LANDS. Amar . 5 cts 3 Joens ML li I AN Wednesday, 7th if, i FANCY GOODS, lez SALON PIECES. Dance of the Haymakers, it SD a - Wilt thou Weep whea 1 am low? Walker. | ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED span. Sag in two ] rr --( es . J - Jf Sara \icter, 30 cts, ; May Flower rs, by 48-tf. ANLCRW ANNIS. 041d bring in » LINE = : . | N £ of : woe ei wal Bion aa TEMPERLEY 8 NN OTE A FEW OF THE PRICES. J WUEIKAN -- Awakening of the Birds, 70 ets, Charlic's and Freddie's, by Kinkel, 80 TL UBAR MING." SHOTT TILAMES, SEVERN : Table I; inens at 30 ets, 40 cts, 50 cts. L790 5 cts, 81, $1 25. -- 4 pd go Hampel, 35 cts. ; and Will stantly. This simple mental acquirement ail The Steamops of this Line are intended to sail | | Dreams Hints to Ladies. gic. A queer. exciting | 1 5h Hea vy Steamn Looms at 8 cents, [14 TCHES, Maz « by, inks 35 cts. ; Drops ot | 6 do., South Eighth 2t., Philadelpbia, Pa. + Wedne edaf, 161 h sven . : th - pte Thies © A Splendid assortent of Lace Curtains at 90 ete, £1 20,8150, 217 SILVER PLATE, bo ofw'oman Doike- Masurka- ail by Dress: | Fruit Growers! | \COTLAND + = =A edpesday, "Bth'de ; | &C.. &C. | Wilson, 75 cts. § Love hy agogees, Rinteh dv Al THE DEMAND FOR GOOD i 0 § i op . ! | Only fo I Ballad. Delius. : : MONTREAL! Announces that'they are showing a full assortment of : fi yo ind, eeu. r .the line. © p , 2 BAYS, suitable for either Car: 10 issue 168 MILLINERY. { { les | thonghts, by WwW Ther, 30 cts. : Laughing | Sin liin Spel The ELE " PSYGHOMANCY, Goo »W I'eSS¢ 8, J, od - Rn : SCOTLAND, psi Tree mes. Fata! Glance, by Young. 26 | How either sex may fascinate and gain the love cts. 25 4. ! " $ 1, 35 ets. can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together Tine Table Napkins from $1 25 per dczen, to | NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP | OES, Delle of Saratoga, Aueing the season. of navig ation of 1573, from f oll 0 8 . 5 ie, Eby by Muse, 24th inst, 1B 5 % THAMES. aturday. April . CLOCKS, Our Grey Cottons" are admitted to be the Cheapest in Fo h Katupda NiANBA 2 5 Saturday, Mth do {2 82 25, 83, 83 50, and $4 5 Ee | av Dlossonns, K 5c and every" alters y rid Saturday GE NTS FURN ISHING oR ENT! | - » y Diwsoms, ike Whispering Breezes, Wil varicties of winter apples is constant) om ho for London os x reasing. and & very large proportion pi fon Ahussdar. 0h May | JJeavy Cotton Socks at 10 ets, Good Oxford Shirts at 75 cts, Splendid | wrsdar, Sth Mo {ZT ony } aring trees of this e« on {roduce aothing but | + : an - tiling the public Know a NT7 > ar of tha above mailed, post -paid,o ipt | trash, I take this way of lu! VERS ' baw do | "Dress Shirts at 81, a fell gssortment of Straw and Felt Hats I hilip I a Y lon } ADF efihdgbove Indue.. POR 3 12! | how they may change their poor apples to good of NM ar, 7 . y : re nd d S 3 L y S cid, of Danie) Fa AY ; Seg Jun Couhiz ve made to Gder on thé Shortest Notice, | Has-egzamenced to sell Li splendid tock ct | Address, J. L PETEDS, 399 Broadway. XY Fave secured the services of. % Repay. sod Jive : : Call and sec the New Styles in Shewt® af $2 25 | GREATLY REDUCED RATES ( UTS ' ASK FOR IT-IKSIST UPOR IT-BUY 50 £7: iil raed oo Bonn "and. whbranied to be | 8 fred can gett. done iad ages LLY NERY! MILLNINERY! gos roagaibogs W 8 El oa \ TI) KEE] fiment © "TS oe Ro Sinan > nnd y " x 4 . oO remises, a ¢ AR" y ! -- WZ | sible rate, by apy ui g y WW; Steers oa: d M 1 4 English, French, German, end Aner rk | Aik Gl wre---- t.,. who will Jars na eof ch com- Vickets from 611 pou 5 : ar Millinery « le partme nt is under the Supe rinte ndance of a Fi #5 steclass ets and i \antfac CLM TS. "His present stock is ef > NTC 3 ~ Bop aNIY Oshawa. On and send » do the Coruflunten, Iona 7 PE gh bills of ) k . ,, and will be found replete in all the Paris and | (bo best. quality goa sewest paticrns and puc- | JE 18 82 Era work. We only 'cium 3 ng ont, their frie Tur a it Bg eg liner from Toronto, an 1 I d fi 1 Al § chised from the man: afactarers Jost fa a ies 3 » acd we warrant our ioe it, and in London for a i a 0 ourselves. £ will save money by examining his sioc and sent it to be. lease pet ww York styles. Gall snd examine goods an ry 22m hgh ait. Sa Py eprosoht luo ho, Diente p ouds m3 uf) in plain figures and cne price only. | Watches, Clocks and Jewe'ry repared and CUES ALL TOLMS OF | will always pay good prices for, | ALEXANDER & BRYCE. warranted on short notice, and cheaper | § : i Rl ISM ETION AT ONCE. Send oa your order. Yo Carter and Darke, Billeter Streel, London; Boa than any | BOLD RY ALL ther. oes, | TRY IT! Sir hae it Montreal, or 10 ' ' ! LR Et, & Co, Quebec Dani Baim SMITIL. | Wilscn's Blogk, King Street, Oshawa. ode, Maken 1, 107, : Ushawa i Biter, {ones in from 3 to 5 years, oo States to De- parts of Canada inthe United troit, liieaukee, Clicugo @ud. other poiutsin | ' Wes : 8 freight or passage, apply to Temperiess | » SUH MAIDEN 1% NEW YO©~ .

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