A 5 IR 4. SRD - 3 ON ALO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 18; LYE? --_--_ng ETE SDT ARTS isl asd Comoe i : i) | Sms SR ef ~FORSALE New Bey Goods Store | GEORGE HODDER | Smtr Sf ARIE, pe ye SAN pe RAE yay dg bi atonit NE . on ar we : | Yo a Li : iQ T - 2% FL x * i ¢ to ah a top A L BE Xx A N D B R & B R Y C iH a * believe ge Hyporh aplite s ha 3 i he liarr Prof ' | t a, h a r x erty, the best in Oshawa Pa . tment of Pitian twithstanding its high pri . 4 ILL h iE RECEIVED he \ooly te Announces that they are showin « a full assortmer hi sededithat of any other med 'Wa the Commis; ones AY Tobi 51-00 Argh AMES WO wy a = IE foe ; ch, ' serv, Mp dey host; Housel a oon NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY c00Ds, he Which have gone into al 1 "w : "entalp) N * rogilar svince, an Fan, so far as Wi A letion of tha ° Al 3. EA ah Hp un BUCKHORN ROAD, | Conisits Cshaws Cabinet Tactor MILLINERY. wine," but epmpont at t II COYNPATNE 70 IMT APS " quack wnedie A siucipies of 1 ona iintis near the Southern | HE HOUS NT! VELVE RE 0 we paliave, bj n tle sound i } woundry of th \ ' Tor rrr a eet Jos. = Towns 3 ppt G3 © aus oe NOTE A FEW OF ITHE. PRICES. rese Wm} ill not allo sw the publi Ho " ! th 4 te the Rav hom ne pots I iy g od r&% = : : a1 2, 29 50 Ein A V z ody 80 woll calealated to be o pet ' : iF. re nel Good Dresses, 31 25, 31 50, 2 $2 350, up. 2 Z sirnin remedy value. Very respectfully, AVERY, Tov vaste 0 F Lig ed Beautiful Black Lustres (1 speciality) from 20 cte, por yard. Demibery ob y BROWN & C0. . ; ab Ec . Also 10h old eR MPO hy Good Lig ht Ground Prints, i 8 cts. . I'd = brs ethuon and ndes Ro: | . ; S s., 15 cts, 81, 81 25. 18lf the Members of WE PRU gg HAVE i ST {on ent. ta hau Hor} oe d111 = r uit Grower S ui Li ens i i 30 cts. . 30 ST 173 Seu 81, $125 ter No. © E gived a supply of Dr. Whee Is | a fart oy 1 AL EN south able 1 rom & ) per doze wh a Botn, i i fo o. rand , a Noes nd he first toad tole built ae ns S THE DIEMAN : ay) Te els 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts. and 30 cts. n y was been in yt x al Specifications- No. 1; « vi 4 bre an} ht sRANSON, H 4 LLISATA. T i » ' i : on ei, Spe Hieation No. as arietics, of wi "8 is cr tly avy Steam Looms at 8 cents. Savivdy, J ficatho J EE Prioae. v i i | fol wine bere fications dane bcen nthe | be ' noting vu | Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Che capest in Town. til th 83. : v ie been | Ag J MK ithowy 0 288 theiepoo = > . J ; : nd | Tog G am Oly 3 AE CE i dnc t cig RIE al Splendid assortment of I Curtains at 9¢ cts, 81 20,81 50, $1 76- = tries Naw Yi ing ol} Ip | Crown Land Mice, Deterhoro"; edt es of C Ax. 82, 82 25, 83, 83 50, and $4 50. IONS 1 3 i g veel m per | 8 or " J ; S. ¥ Aa) heident 44} vo 'and in' dcheate ehildren, | ! W Ms of wo et re, and ' GENTS FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! * Atlantie" Se ecnliat s \ described he ' ald at the 2 wh Bi want : " n he + " ing n, ' c 3 id | Carder of a Public Ma; Fie agrecable rem: ol HII ey ey nd | or = v a | Heavy Cotton Socks at 10 ets, Good Oxford Shirts at 75 cts, loadid | 'id tantie ; Yd J .gep's protracted period ¥ 3 i : n B fy of Injury; or oe om PUFA to the Rr Ww SCOT fy ) Yo A il She 0 Dress Shirts at £1, a full assortment of Straw and" Felt Hats. soldat . patient Commi dr, | Bod 1 ust what 3 Clo thing made to order on the Shortest Notice. a o : - - DEPARTMENT OF ( WN LANDS, ) 76. . = " . i } i ¥ in) - 124 » 70) J | Commercial, Poranto, Sad Apr ' y Ww " ays pay good teen fo t wt Cali and 5 th New Styles wm Sha wis al 2 2354 Asks no Bonus of the Inhabitants | 3 of Oshawa, he has already received | their kindest sympathy, he now asks for their atrocage. He takes this the earliest opoor- tunity, of thanking his customers and friends for past favors, and specially for the friendship and sympathy through his late trouble." If you want to get: HORSESHOEING He now announces the reception ot --OR---- a LARGE and 7 REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE z i CHOICE STOCK OF GOODS, Comprising the following department : Up to Time | 2 By Nime ! Hats & Capsion Time ae : z ; Sex n your order, & ' 4 4 V OSHAWA MAUKETS pril 18. EAT vig py Hid : y Zvi 35 wii Man, Sik | Xx 5 n i : i) W x %e HN ler A prin N ey hy 0 @ 83 : RO 0 M I AT ER - illingr f: is Milliner fromm Toronto, a will be Ai ord replete in all the Paris and ~ AND 1» i 12 PAPER BLINDS, Spring Goods! Re JL hs sould ] L068 0% H ods marke ri in plain f ures and one price only. 0 66 i 30 0: 3 ad \ yed ™ . Wilson's , King Str it, Us hawa Instruments : Waike gatoes, ¥ bushel... « ays Milline ery ay Ladies rclothing | on's Bl | alter, w 011 o i bi f } "ids Sen By Engi i ree hed MH WARNIENG fini wll cal | - to Montreal Origing A ix 1 20 12 ini Yum? ft be wifix| ; 'Sonnet, Drams rd b Gs 25 HER EPY CAUTION THE PUBLIC Notes 52 oe Soa ols Ne EL "A NCTE FOR $300 hd ROSE Rew Just arrived at the Goods, 'es cand Queries, 'News, * Adeertistments Inet ie Lave recrivad NON ARUR FOR 11, v Magdalen. (Wilkie Aw deer! Sth . WANG FO TEE | be Ih pm Tha F08 IE eensed libeller, the WN A . Qo J ti § n hl y 3 Cr . ted by the Pindicatay® Y \MEDIATELY, A GOOD SERVANT Dissolution Sapna D One Hundred Acres. i» of the people andrug GIRL. AW 10 yng 30. HENRY. THE LAW A IN BRSIIR For. lrpRE Eis B ALF OF TOT No 2 And in Time 4 ----G0 TO--- In this department is found the very latest styles, including both Home and Foreign Manufacture, B AMB R I D GES, representing the styles of the fol- owing cities: SIMCOE ST. NORTH. PARIS, 1872.) (1872. LONDON. AS USUAL! NEW YOR [ s . REY SORE. AL Complete Success ! TORONTO, and HAMILTON | |O FIRST PRIZES * AT TWO EXHIB TIONS. ; . vs. IW.BELL;&€o; Gents Furnishings. GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize for Style and uality Ad Price |'w ¢ Hon Mr McKellar, qo : the Montreal Witnes : Em FO i 2 -- A I. 1. T VIXDICATION, J (COMI ws (COME , who have continualy § IVE GOOD MILC H Ct and 'on the stump » Flag 1 sue ; Snow that the prof 13w 7. CHARLE axa. E SOREW ELI bre Shem, lookd RIBAS : . a i. McGEE. a. ny 3 ' hawa April Tth 1873 $2-3in lar sympat ras FOR SAL... Oshawa AJ vor of the mag -- ; TIT PY RL Te RSE EIGHT atime t | FOUR HORSES POR'SALE, we nd ut : % ¥ t . . : miration reses v by ihn yang Mr. | 3 WHITE, Harmony This departmnet is Somplets with beautiful styles BOWS, SCARFS, NECTIES and COLLARS, including SHIRTS Of all kinds in the latest patterns and cut. Orgnse & Malbéons At the Provincial Exhivition, Hamilton, and ; Guelph. SPECIAL LINES IN This grand success, in addition to list years | ecord of a Silver Medal, 3 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes, Worthy the attention of young men. Prove that our instrument in the or opinien competent judges aro incomparbly superior to all others. Sole proprictors and Manufacturers of the ORCANETTE, Containing Scribner's Patent Qualifyln | acknowledged by all to be the greatest lying Tubes meant yet introduced. Their Juperiott sp 8K ceded by other makers from act t at Guelph they withdrew from Bo petition, thus Also exta value in | { acknowlogging their inability to compete with L Every instrument fully wafranted for n years. Send for catalog cue s conigining any. ferent styles of instrumer | BRACES, SILK, COTTON, and Ser W. BELL & Co. ZANILLAR UMBRELLAS, JOHN DALE, HOISERY and 'GLOVES. Guelph, Oct. 28nd, 1572, $5,0 0 |X CL RATHER and RE WwW A RD ! CARPET _ SATCHELS, NEW FIGURED BALERNOS, 2 Faire Gris. 0 OSE YUSG SPAN! BH Hg AND NEW STRIPED SATEENS, it he gould overwhelm general purpose} ar a One Span ieavy rT " rm "PW QTPIDE OD o mks of documentary" Re irre oe Liraught, | Will sl! ¢iche ay ¥ dhe | W OOD DE PO i NEW STRII ED 1 OPLINS, with perfectly svblime NEW STOCK 48-11. ANTRW ANNIS. B ; ; NEW LUSTRE SERGES, fee Tidise," Cumeertie iN G1 E SUBSCRIBERS BEd oO 5 NEW BEACK LUSTRES Estoclear hi Ten Wn TERM INGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR'™™ 4 ity of NEW DPRINDS- | To wo INSTRUMENTS TO"! I 5 1 , Lot Nol 6. 4 n. Darling- | sions of the Mail 3 = tended «0 5 tor : wizanvi / Ww 3. ' Yi. } Jat she latter, oNiess for Tuulng asi AVES LINGTON e ¥ JONATHAN STEPHENS con. and coro | ve have a splendid stock of Black and Colored Kid Gloves | Ze gefe ce, pwr | R. ¥ dala ' March (rat ; : 1 ce by Whos) Shen of the Book, Wilson's Block: Ge eorgetown ; at the BEE HIVE. bof discrem ---- \.O, F, : PRESENTATION. 3 "L AT i Ag 1% J. BARNARD, fod to a af T THE L AST RE UT AR ON. ' MOTICE. . ricultural Sa : ) 2 ct charg Ar Soon, Otiove | FIVE MEETING OF THE FOREST. | All orden Lt oie, BEE HIVE, King Street, Oshawa. hed 'thomas rosso : re Finis | Reddics Block. © WLER, Secretars stawa, Merch 23th, 1873. vs based up Cf Bl dame ol ant on bellairor the BEDE Qunawa, aveitignn Ge Massa! Bescoby: WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, ry 'press. NK wre refused to ---------- Fire! Oshawa, April 15th, 1573. bmg & VM 3 ine - TTY red of him in makig A SPLENDID OFPOLT NX. station of she zlander oR BALE or TO oF Er re Ft premises at present occu WIGG & SON, Kio Str rondence. : fom the Post OM a Th J res¥tand conc boter i - -- GED. W. G. suiarie Beformer » Oshawa, April 15th, 1573. wing that Editog A [oe fe you for inf@e ving pe ANTS 7 y the goos ness to " clavae giving C pn f u ot se aid to fke ir wl { Entrance on King Street of the deber* SD A Jue Ectween Gilletts' and Dickie's Store. w FILL BE RECEIVED" AT E : pi ; \! nL of the Commi r of Crown pada attaation Evel to calarging iy d1.10s ? i lin ; CHUOLS AUTIMAr MAN HHL "0% 'HIANAMAP HIIVIAHO 1 A dear. #1 LAA --y 5 A Some splendid lines in 1[ 098 puv [[¥O ¥ wm on 91 0. | | | §,NOS ATTNALOUdS onea poos ; | SILK, i LINEN, and COTTON T HANDKERCHIEFS. )D 910)0q SPood e] 'sororgoode 10 'UNRII-TOATIY 'AIM 'e300TD '6 gourenq oj pauado AT HAA HAVAT JOU DID IAN 'SMOO0TO ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOAM TV IE RATEPAYERS OF F THE VIL: LAGE. of Oshawa, havin, above reward for the pr: Bey ctio Tope mantfacturing interest In our Qur midet, it has a great impetas tn the bull of Houses ven industrial cl In order $ give greater facilities for the finishing of mew buildings, the subscriber laid © in a LARGER STOCK Th [This dorirtme Te H A R D W A R E | MEN' S and BOYS COATS, VESTS, | | PANTS and . OVERAL LS, also] then hos ever before been offered in Oshaws BOYS' NICKER BOCKER SUITS, | Tonsising iu purt of in all styles and patterns at very 1600 Kegs of Cut Nails. moderate prices. {9 sooud puw ntu + 2B lands, until wil become resol 5] THURSDAY, tho oth dey of Mayes, : Saye il,. or the rates *hotographs taken { un I} t AION querign no} 'the Parry Sound Dist ri ot . perl aps the \dy would have NORTH-WEST ROAD, the secessary intom bd For the Prolonczation of (he game from ite pre- | M EDIC L H ALL. set terminne at es mile om Parry Sound | : ts : Village, in a north-wester tion, fiv es . : AL Yous, farther: i ih ai w "Removal Por the extension of this road frog vee" 2 gant at : 1 CC termain . Magne an Sires the. Magn aver, T Mpeg Rep > or " , > 1 fe i a Prides ot 368 nD i ke, 3 ) 1 A u . i at ers all prevent] pic win e cited to Te § : ii REMOVED w read and confirme ¢ a y Speci | WAL SON'S Sy o% OCckK, vi ar ; NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Messrs. Andrew py. T¢ = iA NEAR THE POST OFF] + frecholders of s & + the first Com- er = s : 3 ing the Coun ¥ t he nds of work , o Studs, Ey , he Sactions 1 RE roeifie : Perfu ted Soaps, T 'h the and Sy fr re Bi ror . : Bash Sa Eruchon al essicn' of the 3% the Dera of Crow: Sand rushes, Gooz bE, Tang : Commimiomer of Cr PN ar ders . 823, &e., &c. Roidge, 3 hi of accepting any orn i : sink af Fancy Amis RW. SCOTT, And al stock of Fancy Art Com Nis loner, that growth of intelligence increases a ls (OHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON, a ey MAM § FACTU RING com PANY well as in manners. During that time 1] A SPLENDID VARIETY OF ; g. a | k | | have endsavored to meet the growing | Spadés, Sh of 1 +2 3 : I Ser] Cx - ; : : ovels,- Hoe t Concession was - 5, x - ¢ / 8 - of y % N BAND THE FI yo ET ch DIR | reqnirements of that taste in a degree p ' " bi try fod to netily 3 3 < fr ee ies ; suitable. And now I have spared no | Forks, Rakes, &ci pains in the present selection of my Goods, | | A LARGE STOCK oF fecling assured upon inspection 1hat they | oh will be pronounced RIGHT. | LOCKS, KNOBS, As I sell but for CASH, ewstomers| LATCHES & HINGES, may depend upon getting" GOODS | A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters at really CASH "PRIC 3, as it is Tools, impossible. that I can be undersold, DNIY] 'M201g OL n I fe fol in For the comstrnotion of the folk i . READY-MADE CLOTHING AHL A[[RIPIOD. PIMOM PUR 'SSUES NIIONNY ye wey ProczsTo. TIVISNIdAH "M IU pu® ssoung 1 oq [| "9JuatIjuL 1070§ed1[OP MOT [198 .Q} punog us LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT:' MENT OF And Nowa Word to uy PAINTS, For more than SIXTEEN YEARS I | OILS, | have been before the public in my present | | occupation, during these sixteen years I! VAR N IS H E S SJ | have watched with interest and delight 'VAMVHS(Q 'LSVH LAFAYLS 'PojuBIIB AA pur padiedoyy Ajnjadaen Jaquiewmog CEL LIA | . the growth of our town and country, physically. morally and intellectually, with Glass, Putty, &e., AIAALS LV SOFAS NAUVOO aNV aid d MEH 1 before the Public of Oshawa | roceed wit | rod PR ENDERS vl "Neh o of Practical Experience, | iD AT IH 3 > 3 horeug! wk dge of the Business: and, therefore. parties Purchasing Our Instra- | I v Ha bea | BE REGEIVED, r of dds 1 y em o H a : the 10 Iv a an or] by py sul mas: od by any aig ent in the Hominion: ir arper, 4 . Puce of the ©0 : ¢ : is 1 nted to bi oo fv 2 May Heat. es ALL OUR 3 TOR TIVE YEARS, ing and re. ' Rea ATZ,S nil ot Jllowing roads And parties purchasing n us mw sa gv they not hay, by purchasing these 01) . ng v . ne selling for them in the i Mhatrnets ] ! pAtnor i De 3 x \ Nn ke ot J neibilit, ) r own : wed 3 oad. = $ 00 th of Steck. yminion will not be take the responsibil i "ler ddd roma] . er Li » said river | 8; = 0 Wor We have now opened our Wire in Mr, "Wilkinson's Store, near the | lomuntip RE can ware i miles CE InISEE FOR CHEAP ommercial Hotel, King Stroet, Oshawa. chee, Ottawa d. 3 TOW IS YOUR TIME FOR 5 w ite the publis to come and inspect our instruments. Parties desiring to purchase will find | i h Roa N it to their advantage to deal with u re Ten per on their Money, and at | * Mr. Luke, CR . e fron nits pr et -- vA TCHES the same t > ge mar por thi 7 10 Romi pe ends et BS i CLOCKS, DARLEY & ROBINSON! t "Mi nday of 3 i ar ai un | : ; : LRY A. M. DARLEY. Wa. ROBINSON. arid ; JEWELRY, SILVER PLATE | Oshawa, October 9th, 1871, 1615 ' A x All kinds of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kslsomine, Shoe, My present place of business is | Serubbing,and other Brushes.. A Large Steck cf Rodgers and othe ' Outlery, Dixon's and other superior Wocd's Now Block,| =a ef ics we sive, ' : A first-rate assortment of Ae, KING STREET EAST. | Carriage Springs, Iron, pt : Chains. | | And the. | ment : Ine door West of he Post Office, ftudins ft rit oo er, where 1 shall be glad to see all my | vers, P: stole, and Shogiéghen giggle. oll customers and Hany mom 8) ing Tackle in par aly they ch to bring. 2. chose ki The whole of #~ tar pl { ehased Fefore tlof ut - and will be s~fd'¢ Geo. Hodder.| Pm . a ok, N Rea Aart % rp. 1573. 3 Lolly, 3:4 concescing, Dla. it Ra: we ree Seb ia AM & Catz \ {Oxaawa, a . g xr Ap row LANES, : 3 ' TMENT . morrow, ax } Ten, zu ATL, Bh is i 1 : te bout seven i resented were o ROAD. < ; i : Ir. Coskewell, a from. its present 1X } rANCY GOODS, ex Harwood, = Sho Jets or Eh A en , north: iit £0. &C. House and Lot For Sale. | nsolvent Act of 1869. iar timber, ua al Ne . ; A : A L ACCOUNTS DU THE ESTATE eda HU =. ' ! NG ST. WE Wa WILLIAM SHAW, if wot paid before » Jor 2 SQUOSH 3! 2003. Bridge Lo J§ 111 P » Tay or 1€ ) One Ti G 7. A ro. OSH AN + Y of Aon le will ba placed suit for i and Reed, he che cons ion 208 8000 fos (0 : : Phill Lee Su lc I3:h dat et, $175 ; of ' F WCie said M 1skoka Rod rding | encod 5 . VR Go THOMAS G. HAWTHORN, Assignee, 50; of J. 5 « i y B bail SAC Has commen JOR) | or Jo sei £: ) RA * {1 1 2 ha ch 20 Di ¥ ! Richard- . = Specidcation (No. a GREYTLY ap : 2 1 i MR. R. McGEL, Oshawa, March 20th, A. Ds 1373. dz } ol r cedar tim- os OFFICE ; : for Co tothe firs + LOUNTS OFFICE © © Blu sous " PSYCHOMANCY, - cat 10 a.m, . BRNS STORE Co Touoxro. | © Boia By - re : y =O = HET at ti A o can be a and quality abd te - -- i 80TL CREAR MING." Ti lan wud Bpecifice , 8 he hased: frum BAe . FOR : . fascinate and gain the 'ove he Grown Lan Ave AONE ¥\ Qe ¢where. SALE. a ction ©) ners 'y choose, fu | ther, Nelson ER -- stats cliuer # end | 1s | wilt be puri > x Wey, nst., by the ; for the re wds, Colman, of of work d ea the =: aot k Won 3, Clock: pli heaper A 300D FRAM € 1 BUILDING 32x50 | ISHHH.LOYY sho hi 4 v il bs pi 3uide, gals, the Pickell. iomeq rest vas tho warranted on sho 00D FRAME RUILI : 3 po nope of Loe tepders ; : . Ls fd t s cle. xeiting thax -any . M$ MALL, ; 4 7. Wik Yrt | Mr. George