\N LINE, WA AGENOY, Canpdian and oa Mamet t- WEEKLY 70 ,, LONDONDERRY LASGOW PANY'S LINES ARR ® Wr ened St i 2 ¢ * xe ¥ Lient, 00 tons, 0 tons, Cay n,| L650 tons, Captain an, 260 tons, Lieut, Germatly, praca J, rr Sg Y ine between Liv Ton aud Montreal; leaving Nh day, on arrival of * ). press from Montreal), 3 ine bet ween Glasgow, d Montreal. *Quebey OF PASSAGE. ool land Londond £ "a plentiful ¥ ie, served out by RB ye % Company, " . i w rst Cabin, 1 Inte Hb Tact hs & good for six months, fs _Phssenger. Certificates Hales to parties wi rr England, © or and on arrival of al, Toronto, "and N, QUEBEC, | AND PNTREAL. MEDWAY, ~' HECTOR 1 NILE, 4 SEVERN , rd are intended to sail ie wong TUESDAY of 1572, and ling at from tothe Company's ©. W. SMITH. 2 N LINE IL | STEAMSHIPS, ~ « Bes Fh ir /; Queenston and | iverpool ! or DUBLIN, T ov HALIFAX » ITY oF DURBAM. or WASHINGTON. ursdays and Satordays! er 45 here at moderate Ze eT ror helt friends. Fof on ppply to the Com ¢ W. SMITH, OsHaAWA. te CTORIA & OUND SYRUP OF HOS PHITES! bs prepared from Dr CLarchill® rifled 10 be Chemieally pare Hv CONSUMPTION, for the we of versity College, { T I 0. Dee. 4th, 157 4 ive exaniined A cris Chey Victoria ral Frynoyhes bites J d the 3 al ed % Re Tp of wt dpubtcdiy prove & ". H. CROFT, KX - rol r of Chegnistry, ve. "oid by all Prugsht® TORIA F1.{1D EXTHAGTS OF & UVA URSI dy for all Diseases of he y for all Lol Swellingt tefl te Femeles: and natty Organs in either B y of the shove Disorder : vinced of its po | B04 vy WN Druggist. TORIA LECTRIC IMENT wi, Gout, Neuralg Lim CS line Stitfoess in the 1 ir th nn Lness, Swelling e. Thothacl &, &¢. ha 7 1n11 pROVEIT! Y ITIL EROVE Le TOREA 116 SALVE ro WEN HTN GOLD," ---- A -------- She Ontario Briormer PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Ths Ontario Reformer Printing and "Publishing Company, At their office, Simcoe" St, Oshawa. T CONTAINS THE LATEST FOR- EIGN and Provincial News, Local Intelli- ence, County Rusinoss, Commercial Matters, aud an instenctive ny. TERMS: $1 50 per annum, in advance--81 75 ifmot paid within mix s-$2 if not paid till the EF A vw p L050 et a-- ad of the year. Neo paper discontinued until all | Shear edae paid exce =t the aptionuf the | V 0 H do 4 bilsher, aud pa rei ey thout { 4] pu po will be held ea ible 4 x She sub. | Ei Wr :tiption anti oy comply wi e. ters addressed to the Editar mast Se | SHAWA, ONTA BE ---- ' 1873, " re NO.B1. wR me. (OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON i fg and mr, gros MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bach subsequent in AVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR i | From six to ten lines, first insertion { Ove or Tater on pr line ver six lines, | per - | Each 0! Manufacture, which have been pronounced by Good Judges, to be superior, both in Tone The number-of lines to be reckoned by thespace | wa Nt before the Pabiic us thathave ever bogs Placed before the Public of Osh wocupied, measured by a scale of solid Nonparell Tr 4 in 1 Se published till forbid and charged accordingly. a ieandliary advertisements must be rH Mavi " ai whea 4 aving a thoremzh knowledge of the Dnsiness: and,' therefore, partios Purchasin al . . 4 3 , . . g Our Instru- lo Sn Maclock a | weats can rest assured they cannot be surpassed by any establighiment in the Dominion. a very liberal discount will be mad | Ana partion purchasing from ws will have 2 Hi : 4 > 8 guarantee the; t re by ' 4 imported, »s the Manufacturer only is responsible Ch Rg AR hating Bind sabsequent insertion -iie awa a | Men of Practical Experience, Advertisements must be inkhe | merchants and thors advertising by the your | ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, le. Jusiinion will not be likely to take the responsibility on their own shoulders, Business Divectory, x ee eroial Hotel, King Street, Oshawa. ¢ invite the publizto come and inspect our instruments. * Parties desiring t k ill A to their advantage to deal with us, as they cun ave Ten per cent. Ae pine veil | ud me ture. the same time e DARIEY & ROBINSON. A. M. DARLEY. ET Er -- Oshawa, Octubor 0th, 1871. 16-1y W. CORURN, MN. 0, FL, HYSjCIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, King Street, ®shevwa. Residence and Office Nearly oppadite. Hots | Fw it ] ---- Rosondiey | i | Ep HYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH eur, and Patetier King =. Oshawa. & B E G O N E J O H N F O S JM WH. FREDERICK NcBRIAX,. B.D. MN. BR. OS | Qs HOSPITAL, VONDON, ENG- | LAND, Resillance Spats W. i Gibbs" ' sesideuse, Sime wo Sireel, k A TFRRIBLE BATTLE BETWEEN 10mm A FELLOW BY THE NAME OF JOUWY MeCRLL, ICENCED AUCTIONEER, OSHA- wa. prompely sttended ta -2 mio Sable, Austrican & Russia Dog Skins, EETH INSERTED ON ALL THE To protect his men in the campaign. report said JOHN FROST got the worst of-the contest, Not be audacity, be is about to make another attack on this peaceful gitizen." M. MAYER being a quiet zr of Itussia has forwarded a Splendid Lot of The Emperor Napoleon has forwarded a latest principles of the art. as cheap as the | cheapest, and as Juodatthe best. Teeth filled | E with Geld and Silver. Teeth extracted without 4 . | 1 pain by producing local anaesthesia. Dental Rooms in Cowan's New Block, over ! Atkinson's Drug Store, King St., Oshawa. 97 | The Queen of Great Britain has tendered to her loyal subject, § BRITISH CRAPE, MUFFLERS AND SCOTCH:CAPS. gre pre rn me | And Donald Smith or Reil, from the lludson Bay Company, have sent the finest lot of {CENTIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. | BUFFALO ROBES, MINKS, ERMINE, &c., Ar Ofna t MA Sror is of Metts. Surpuon THAT WERE EVER OFFERED IN BOWMANVILLE. M. MAYER, thankful for the distinguished honor conferred upon him, have arranged these into All operations preformed in a skilful manner. . Residence in the same building. | suitable wearing apparel, and he has no doubt of administering such a castigation to this upstart. that he will long remember the struggle. { A BR. MeGEE, STER, NEY, SO- ri i . ; : Wi IR Th | M. MAYER repairs and alters damaged goods, find pays highest price Fubiic, Oshawa, South-East Corner of King and / Jor Raw Furs. Call Early. mcoe § . Lod J MONEY to Lend. Mortgages bought asd M sMAYRE | Bewmanville, October, I8$72 5 be @ R. McGee. | S. MH. COCHRANE, L.L. B.,, ARRISTER, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, &c.-- Ofiee In Bigelow's New Building, Dundas st. | Whitby. 12 TO THE J.E. FAREWELL, LL. B., | LU | | We have now ofesed our Wareroom in Mr. Wilkinson's Store, ear the JACK FROST and a Gernman Gentleman by the name of M. MAYER, raged all last winter; ing sufliciently whipped, in his | All orders left at this Office will be | Doin ve person, friends at a distance have Fond their assistance in the emergency. The | Foctry. INCONSISTENCY. Against the curtained pane, beloved, The snow beats thick and fast, The wild wind's sorrowful refrain Istelling of the past-- And in the old familiar chair, Beside the hearth-fir®'s glow, 1 sit and sing the tender air You loved so long ago. Ah, often since the springs, beloved, Have bloomed above your rest, 1 breathe the sweet old song that sings | Itself within my breast-- As children, in the cheerless days { When winter darkly lowers, Retrace the garden's sodden ways, | And talk of last year's flowers, It never seemed to you, beloved, When we walked hand in hand An Amid the sunshine and the dew Of youth's enchanted land-- It never seemed to you or me That I could sing or smile If you were lyipg silently | i Within your grave the while. We thought we could not live, beloved, If we were torn apart -- That earth would have no more to give To cither stricken heart. Alas, the clgange that time has wrought ! Your grave has held you long, And in a home where you are not, I sing the dear old song! | Do you look back to me, beloved, | From out your happy sphere, And deem me false, that I can be Alive, and you not here? Death does not always brings its balm To every aching ill Life may outlast its dearest charm, And heart-break does net kill, It would have been the same, belaved, Had I been first to die-- Another love had wbrn your name, More dear, perchance, than I; Ab, after all these weary years, .| 10,000 Volunteers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Wanted fob the Campaign. | = | | marie ow |A WORD OF TIMELY WARNING UNT{ CROWN ATTORNEY, | { | { { Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary Pulilic, | Mc tely ocenpied by "hitby, | | and Conveyancer. Office. -- L £. H. Cochrane deceased, Brock Strect Ontario. L 2-45 GREENWOOD AND McMILLEN Biri AND ATTORNEYS | bi AT-LAW. Solicitors-in-Chancery, Notaries lic. Conveyancers, &c., Whitby. Money to J. Hauser GREEN¥OOD. A. G. McMinn €. WwW. SMITH, | A RCHITECT, PATENT, ance and General Agent, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Agent for the Inman Line of Steamers to and from New York and Liverpool. Rerkw- | excE Messrs. Gibbs Bros, F. W. Glen, Faq f. B. Fairbanks, Fsy. 12 y B. SIERIN & Co... VW HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS | of HOOP SKIRTs. Best New York Ma- | erial used. - The trade supplied on best term Factory King Street, East, Bowmanville. 3s A ROOKLIN, ., AGENT FOR | the Isolated Risk Fire Insurance Company | of Canada, Toronto, a purel tion. Also, for Queen's and neashire Compan- | feos, capitnl £2.000,000 each. Also. Agent and Appraiser for the Canada Permanent uilding | and Savings Society, Toronto, for loans of money | ot low rates of interest. 181 | PF. R. HOOVER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses | 3 WHITEY ALE. | DOMINION BANKI!| OSHAWA AGENCY. | 1 11. MeCLELLAN, Aent, | Money to Lend AT | INSUR- | Canadian lnstitu- | u IR FARMERS OF ONTARIO. GENTLEMEN, -- As we are only ' manafacturing five hundred Broadcast Soeders this year, and three hundred of them are already gone, all who wish to get one had better do so at once, as demand is so those who look out in time cannot be serve season. We would like to supply all wants near heme first. If the people about home neglect coming in carly for their machines, we will e to send them ont to other part the country, where they are being 1 for every dav, as we have no 1 to, store a qnuan'ity at once, and we must finish them uprand get at our other work, Please eall as soon as posible and get your Machine We gudrantee them to do x all they are recomniended to do in ow fact that our Seeder sives one man and team all through seeding, tinted testimonials. PheTVH 0 work better than the usual way, makes it quite a loss in one scason for every farmer that fails to get one, Yours, &c., F. W. GLEN. The Easterly Broddcast Seeder and Cultivator Combined, ke » best Agricultural Implement for the price ! 1 by ce that have worked it to be the best Agriculrura | any i WR rly as it saves seed and about one half the labor, and g} wa the work better than the nsual-way. The facts of the above any person can ascertain by asking the following gentlemen: KSON, East Whitby, Y. East Gw illmsbury, INIRY MIDDLETON, Clarke, . FOLEY, Darlington HK. W. BURK, Darlington, EX, Mariposa. LRAYMORD, Vaughan MR. ROBINSON, Innisfil, FIN THERS. Pic Ontario. GEO. OGLEVIE, Whitby. OT hit y": WENT, West Gwillmsbury, | JAMES MIZELY. Aurora SEND IN TOUR ORDERS EARLY. Oshawa, January 29th, 1873. JAMES BOWMAN, King, THOALAS McBRIEN iby, JOHN DRYDEN, President Agricultural Society South 423m ~N New Dominion Cabinet Ware-rooms. Would you more gonstant bet And would you drop these bitter tears, And sing the song for me? Selections, THE TEMPERANCE FANATIC " [ know," said Tom Fetters, that I am | a Temperance Fanatic, or, at least, what | | you consider one ; and I know, too, and acknowledge with pride, that I have gone back on the business which once afforded | me an easy living, and on those who still | follow it, and who, as you say, are just as | : good, and as fully justified in selling rum | ting'up sluts doing her awn yolk, ahd as T was. All this I acknowledge, but I do | told her that 'she acted niggardly in the yp 50, would bo of little account compar- most emphatically deny that I have gone | back on those whose money then gave me a living for myself and family. For then, the poor deluded victims of the vile stuff, and their worse off families, I stand up | this day, as I have for the past two years, | and proclaim a war of extermination against the whole rum-selling business. i I would break it up root and braach, and | drive every man and woman ont of it inte | some honest way of making a living, end not have them feed and clothe themselves and their families by robbing the families of their victims by the infernal rum traflic. "You tell me that [am visionary--that I am fanatical----that I carry my principles to far. earnestness and good intentions, but be- lieve me wrong in my premises. "You admit that I have a perfect right to prac- tice total abstinence, and that I am right | not only practising it, but in preaching it alse, and that it is a good thing for those who do practice it; but while in the enjoy - ment of these rights, that 1 must not in. | | terfere with the rights of other words, | with the rum-selling business. | helping me, T will fight it aslong as [ have | But God | life." { | Thus spoke Tom Fetters, a man who had once kept a drinking saloon of the | class to be met with on almost gn every prominent corner, mull who, on quitting rf faced villainy I was practicing. You say you honor me for my | TRA ea | clean' but thinly clad childgen; begdng {hashand ordlress" o i : | know. thist. a desire to become rich Bad { me not to sell her "husbind "aby more "An® here," said Fetters, ¥ my wife | tempted wo to enter the business of rum | liquor, as they Fad not had & moutliful'to ¢ fell'inte'w fit "of wobbiny, as' if her heort | selling; 'aud hoped 'eventually she would | eat, and rent was due, and' there was no'! was brealting' by' resliging the centrast | give up hor: cpposition: Ay ull events, ] | money to pay it with, She wis expacting | Petwéun the past and présent. «Butte ull "dete ito in in the till | him from his work soon with his wages, | OF what shé had suid T replied { 1 had'weedred a competency for life. I "Yess you FemeniWar all a¥éirt it; and | had got even so low as that in the scale of and begged, if he stopped to get adrink, | hat I would persuade him to gé home. ' I aldo remendber ore thing that you have | hemaniey, i man had, within the past half-liour, | Teft out: 1 réelldct Wall "that you put | * T15f@the house without my breakfast haid up a score of ten days, smiounting to | your atm avonnd myneck, sivd kissed me, | Thus, I had but little appetite, but the | seven dollars, about all the moneyhe had © but Abw="well, no matter.' '- | greater eatise was that I was ashamed to | possessed. Uh Yo om shy Sifted, "ibe is 160k ry dhildren in the face. + I somehow "I gave her the mean trifle of fifty somgtinng. the malo . Somuthitig the felt as iT was the guilty scoundrel that cents, and promised to send him home if! matter with you,and something the mitten } may wife'hid shown the ram seller to be- the Fab prog the poorhoise of pr . Jean 3 ng hd shite. Poy, Ae "AFT gad; anothorda! ; ' Godel HORNY Dilan pr two young chiidren poor-Lotse, WHE hel now bi : in silence in a corner of ing magiac, hesping imp 'soul, and uttering Lissphe tromble as if struck wie wpitey, "7, | * And now a "Wild 'sctesm, wy ifs & woman; im -Giaome torzible bright Sot gin great peril, 'Lad wtteradd it,' and; sheiott simultaneously, a grasp ou, niy _fHroht, aud the utterance of domestic yells, fully Awakened me, and I found myself in th. he should come there. He was then in a wit], ine, and somethitg the matter with I went'divectly to the saloon, opened the maudlin state in the back room, and my your cugfowers, and their poor wives and bar, setup the glasses and bottles in order conscience smote me sorely for the bare- | childten ; and I pray continually that the sold a few glasses of rom, scolded my bar. " Well." canti 1_ Fottors "4homal sme pag ngy . things made we Sook miy howe anda Mn ¥ phy Lee | myself lost in the forgetfulness of sleep." nd soul destro | ying business of, rum-sell- | but it was not so easy a thing to accom. | ing. | evil days of our life may be done Ayay totider for Being late, snd took up the | conning +haj afte: o ! i, PAERY Bp FDL, ini at the Wlegraphisc | 3nd had bore down all. bitacies jn thay and gonePil news 81 esally did, I turn- | of his coming ; ml while endeay I long for the days to come when we , edt the police reports fv; somehaw 1 | strangle une; was bali - Aub clutches of tha very.ban! of whey 1 fac been dreaming Yes, rum Jind, wade him mad, and with the alhiost instigheti ing to give plish as I had expected. I was, as you | can hud Ap onr hands among oir od | eduld mot help it. © It was headud, a wip | og brandy, Wo had in, ur Sal for of | bed i le % | two deaths by dolivium trémensy arliar | Mid were striving--J, 0 {roa thyseld trou; 'And here," said Tom, "my wife agait | om fight; a stabbing and shooting case, | lis grasp, and he to-strangle--me--no | Loth in liquor saloons. - Just then a little | donbbelidving that to berthoprany of | suppose, in no pleasant mood when I | friends, without shamed faces,' | peramed lecture, 'and gave an resched home, and my unpleasant feel- 3 os Mg , by hoting he Jit sobbed like wchild." © | real g alling © vith my wife, | awa 7b Size: arin Dr 1a : 3 She had for some time past, in fact, from igen i) ocd ida 5! heaping: bist | gil éame to ask me if her fathor had been | I the time of my commencing the liquor | i al ed Yold Tier a; . ug | there, as he had not come home the might busiress, been looking pale and dispirit- | know {ras A {atic ind toate. before, and they. were afraid something | x wr. abba | i od and as we bad considerable of a family, avwselfion i toad . wks A a i ' y | had happened to' Lim. He was the poor | I imputed it to her being confined £00 |g 3. rin Old plea, that i | gottish fellow whom by virtue of my license | closely to the house, apd doing her work : ; . . Ha ' Lid ow tow that hig So 48 she | fare, T had 'robbed of seven dollars the | chose, have people thiuk herself and we ions veri vi c "I had told her a 'week previously to ang asadl iii to.bg despised 'by. har | previous PS and' had given back to | | id ; Ad ) P y. his wife a pitiful fifty cents; 'I know be ready 'to take a ride out with the fanatical friends because I kept a drink- | nothing of hilfwhoroabouts; atid "told so; | children to Prospect Pask, and lind given | 0.cdoon--sshe nw fight ge arity Bars yy y > { gt night go on wearing her | yut 5 policeman, who stood by wy door as | her money to provide them and herself un pamfod Uivases andi wear jst what | with suitable dresses to go with; and! | for she utterly refused to employ help. 1 gn £ Fags A 74 she left, informed me that when her father i description of goods she pleased, bub | yog yut out on the closing of my place the | d | 1 did at twelve o'clock child 1 ; all 8 p | | Jour 185% Sor) Re " So oe | that the children should not suffer the | night before, that he was too drunk to mig, MI A erseil, | taunts of other children by their parents' | g,,q his way home, and he (the policeman) ¥ provoked me very much. It did really apparent meanness. » | seem mean to see her sitting up sill mid= go [ night, as I 'honght, taking the work out of the hands, and the bread -out of the { mouths of poor sow ing house, and that he had just been taken ** Then Nell, for the first time since We | from there tothe justices' court, where I were married showed real fight. | wight now find him. "*Tom Fottors,' said she; "I earnod uy p50 me of Nell's words, and felt in- | wy own living and supportdd my mother 1 al Iy h ' | done, for L always kept her well supolied | 4 young sisters Ly my 4 €acr Jal) J mon, with momey. It looked out of place, too, | when she pay for having it women, could so well afford t> bs labor ref AT ou. simother is n¢ i : he we Dunarriod you... Bly. Shey ia; now Handing my tar tender a ten dollar bill, | in her grave, and I almost} feel thankful | I tol away Bity dollars a week to wear a calico | y),4 glo did not live to sed her daughter | \ dress, when she could just as well pay the | for the wife of a man who was putting She 4 fellow's fine and get him off. " ra od a rum-seller's wife. My sifters are nar | 0. y ! for silks, satins, or velvets, if she wished 110g land need no help ; anil I can take | o : wl 2. uric ta: soak y . Ag 1 fects of his debauch, éame directly t them amd J always took a pride Wm sveing | ooo of myself and the childlen, independ. | effects of his de , eam y to | her well dressed. | ert of the profits made" bythe trafic in " Well, I expostulated with her for sit- rum. with wearing mean cloths. That, if it money I'had paid his fine with was buta | purchase and wearing of such ghods." ey Why, Tom," she repiied, they are the | best I can afford. Besides taking of the | house, and ed with other taunts that are thrown in their faces. " 413 "There is not a day bat tho biéted | : ; y 5 face, the bloodshot eye an® taitered gar- children's clothes, I have but little time £0 | one of ruu"s victims taunt them aud earn make do earn. go as far as possible by buying making my own and the told him he must not in future drink so | money, and must what me. Nota day bat some érphaned child gracing and robbing Lis family. T felt | that I was more the thief than he. 'He | was filthy and disgusting to" look at, his | clothing covered with dirt, and his head | and face covered with clotted blood, from | wounds received by trying in his dranken | of 1gisery, whose father has been ruined 8 and indirectly murdered by the rum " Now, fairly losing my tempor at what gelling business, taunts me with its pitcous ! cheap materials for my clothin 1 considered Lier injustice to me, I angrily look and coverings of rags. Nota day | said, -- but some poor emaciated face Add wasted " Who asked you to earn monoy, and | form greets me with its wan and famished bate. to get ont of tho sthtion Mouse cell. ] how, I should like to know, do yeu earn' expression, tht I kui has been 'stamped | A p red 10-9" > ; : Ho wauted me to give him a morning it?" - there by the curse of strong drink. The | i ¥ . i " 8) Xiod: My : ked a : heats. i dram, which (having no money) I refused | She replied, My conscience asked me hopeless, wearied and careworn ook is that by wae Qetaruained td have | | to earn it, and I do so by my sewing-ma- of the wife of 4 drunken husband -- made | ro Fy ul) helsing Ti If I } | chine work, in the same way that T made 4 perhaps by the fathdr of my children. | it, aiid, was ahon ne ing mse, 100 a livini before you Knew me." { . deavbred to ppt him out of dvors, and a | °o v y w 2 : 1 / | struggle ensued between us; ending in my " And sre the | dickens is| all the , innocent an nt, wt to glo © :) § Bid find And where the dickens is all the | pure, innocent and medest," now lost to | Baring him again sent to the station honse, where 1, instead of him, should have been ent. 'THen "again in' very shiie, far my) share in the afluir, T paid a second five to | get him ont, =| "Here wax twenty doflars gone for | fines, a looking-glass spoiled, and bald} | dozen-glaces and a decanter broken in the} struggle Bejween vs. Ileft the bar and | went home disgusted with 'myself, 'mys Business, and almost with whole world. 11 rushed up stairs and laid 'down on the | { Seereely a day passes but some face, once | | | money I have given you gone to i" | © Part of it, she replied, has gone back whén my Tether "was a sober | to its rightful the an, [ was happy asd free from sin ; but | | children of your customers, and part of it | when ram-drinking' brought us tc the | to by bread for your own children and | serge of starvation, I fell. Hunger and ourselves. I regret, Tom, that I should | rags, and the death of a dear mother, | ever have canse to disagree in word, deed shaine, brazenly taunts me with a look that says, * owners, wives and whose health and courage gave way under | or feeling, with my husband's wishes, but the load of misery and disgrace, brought { I cold never wear clothing that had been ' by a drunken husband, and who sank into made by rum-selling, ani with the money | her grave chetrless and sorrowing, did it." | | that should go to buy bread and clothing | These, Tom Fetters, are the taunts that a | { for the families of the poor drunkard; nor rum-seller's wife and children must bear. bod to think, and if 'possibla, 4 Gompobe { could I bear to see our children in silks The police reports of stabbings, shooting, { ,. Nell ive' T had : Ht v wore Sar-hased ir mmrdorsstinshorticrimesof all:sorts, the Lis min@l. © Nell, supposing I ha gone up and suting while they were purchase y na rh Sorts, {le | to dresgmyself for our Prospect Pirk ritle; | the misery and beggary of others. Ihave fruit of rom selling, tant 'your children andnot wishing to disappoint the children, | suffocation. tery fallen from our, obtaining the drink Lis discased stomae!: craved. : prs aiataia id " Nelly, Who Had, scredinred lon: on his entering (He Hous, Adhd ti followed him up to the recip whiefo T'was F did not'dell the rom that' others would. | granted by the guardians of oufcity's wel- | sleeping, had swooned snd la, oft thefloos as if dead, The childred stbodl "néarly patalyzed with fear and unable "46 move | Isow ata glance how things' st6sd, end A) know that unless help came, "or T' Sbul change our relative positions, I Ould no hope to frée myself." What HNE Rar been the consequencds, or how He fitrug gle would have ended, but. for' hil' whe: pected termination of it, I tatihot™¥ve. They must be well | you obliged to take him to the station guess, for I wis becoming weak frohy constant strain that wis nebessiry'to ! Lis grip on wy th%gt' from tightedin} |: TR * Fortunatly, by a change of' I beliove in fact, that | S0NSeqiont uposi out struggle, F midthg. | T blushed; | know that my face burned. | br! get is head moriFRC heel re low could keepin this position without slang d him to go up to the court, and pay to myself so long. as my 1sureugih lated | He did | but 1fclt that 1 was getting weaker yor, and my customer, sceroely over the | fast, and must soon succywh unlpss: tt wished-for help came. Just the heer { ed tov tarnea his or Jagninag tl the saloon to thank me. I knew Ideserved | hedpest, al privindy at io with pigs dpot Talk of our child being' no thauks, for T had unly ta¥en him from | then, drawing back his head fk his alk. of our children being tannted | p my business had sent him, and the | hold on mo would permit, i t F 3 | forward, bringing his foreh with "sucl: force against the bedstead as ¢&knoek hi tithe of what at different times he had | roe His fre wn pel " "I squandered in my saloon for rum. {was on my fect iu a few. seonds. s T'adted patronizingly, howeyer, and | before he showed suy sign of life othe. od, and 1 wonds. , and than his breathing, hal secured" hiv. against doing farther harm. oy much; that he was disgracing himself. I | expected hii to recover, butas he was, i. dared not tell hima also that he was dis- | any event, socurely bound, 1 left hign t atzend to, Nelly, who was just reagyerin from her swoon. * That dream, and that fearful "®ndis of it," sail Fetters, **wmads wotor ! abs inence man of me, for my own Pea and eomfort ; but a survey of ruw doings, by which, by an experince «, three years asa romeseller, I was eugu: zant, has made me a tempers: WoL. on principle for the rest of ny Hike." ** That will do for a temperafice speech. Tom," said oue of his auditors § ** bat how about the crasy man aud hi§ wife, an! the children in the peor p. Af iti all true, we ought to know 'them, an. should alse have more knowl of th circumstanc:s, ths more exp: ally us L was ruined, as you say, in your shloou. Perhaps you can tell .us where thoy ar: now wid what they are doing." » 05 " Tell them all about it," id gentle voice, in a far end of the * It can do n) haraf, sn® tne good." # ong } St | 'Phat lady, tien," sail Fettandris th dane Lepose of, Her, childeen ang outs -- liveander this roof, ang ia all re spots alike, and will corltinte tH, ules. they have a honfo of theirowni for reasons of my own; (the shaise an! wrong of ay part in makings him,) wade me resolve to pate for hide fyom the fk SA ufther and wie, Hels now's new nble lunatic, mals 85 by roe rand is a 8 sad, ook | soll " n wises, Burgh 8 bi sounds, ruled Chronh® i description, yy ail Droge "TORIA BOLAT ED. i RINE JELLY: 11K LADIES FAVORITES ¢ Complexion, and for J wo klesg Pimples, 1 ' Lithia, Frost Bi ; i Potile. Sold by all Drugs! :TORIA T SOAPS: Wfertn Purity vo PHU R SOAP y \CERINE, IIONEY, RO ISOR. K by all Druggists, REDUCED RATES, [an vow mubeuiy 0 xp W ALTER WIGG & SON, any amount of money, on the security of Good | Farm or Productive Town Property, at the | Lowest Possible Bates of Interest, | | mann horrowers. Principa : : Br ALT Sears lnstaimenta, or I coe | YHANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS WQULD RESPECTFULLY TNFORM oe avostments made in Debentures, Mortages, i T the Publie that they always keep a Stock of guod w ell-inade Furniture on hand, eonsisting of and other sccugities. SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND | SOLD. For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, OMeial Assignee, Money Broker, &c. McMillan's Block, Brockt., 8. Whitby th, 1871 ' Butcher Shop! We have got the best Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, and she very GEO. W. GA RTH, | best Steel Spring Bed Bottom in the Dominion, RETURNS AHANKS TO HIS NU. | and nin them that he Sas opened ou | £6 the people say, and what every person says must be true, but we say try for yourselves, his Meat Market Wext door to My. Gurley's Tailor Shop, And hopes by striet attention to business to meet the same share of patronage as heretofore Oshawa, Déc, 12th, 1872, Booksases, Scfas, Couches. Chairs of all kinds, and every- thing in their line ef business. Offer. Ap ' Pictures, Looking-glasses, Pioture Frames made to order in every style | | \ | | gE UN KING DEPARTMENT ISB COMPLETE, HAVING A THE: CSDERTA : SPLENDID HEARSE, | * a. 1 MILE MILK! HE UNEERSIGNED HAS MUCH | leasure in announcing to the inhabitants Pi Oshawa that he has bought from Messrs. flus- | sel Glass all Their right and interest in the | business, and that be is now engaged in | the sale and delivery of that most indispensible | article, MILK, in its natwral purity! He hopes, 4 continuance of the business and punctual: | Coffins kept on hand and made to'order, Terms Reasonable. our Furnitiire is at our establishment. Remember the place The cheapest and bast place fo pon Bf Wilson's New Bloek, King Street East. WwW. WIGG & SON. OSH AW A, December 3th, 1872. 2.3040 . 10 merit and dbtain the patron. , a 'may be in want of the same. ! rrr wer. + Ontario Comme rcial College, din he inhabi of Oshawa Mr. Tap- | : il wio want | Belleville, Ont. THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS all who want | CHARACTERISTIC of the age, where youhg men and boys ean procure an education tot lin, in our opinion, as being rel busi snd wou good mifk to buy:from him. G. Hedry, J. W. Fowke, | A. Farewell, W. McGill, | A = S16m-pd. uited to the wants of the times, T il ne | i i » result nnvariable, and the opini- { "he charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the re r | NI ROUS OXI DE | own SHE Clare toe " from prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of 1 | our students are the guarantees of eampetency and success offered by this College, ON | ---- " TUL . ; MN SUBJECTS 1 Al G H I. 4 Nitro en l Leenine--by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, Profoxide of. a J ale fe Dt respomdence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- A DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN- | ' Jess ext = of teeth at the dental rooms ing, Railroading Steamboating, Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, FERGUSON, i D8. over the grosery t. 4 ete., ete. < West, Oshawa, i 4 of Simson Bros. King Wy hid of pain at: | raction, earry for of filth, a fruitful has not only ruined their their A Staff of Seven Practical and-Experienced Teachers. study; parents who have ] pA Thane who can devefe § je nth bi oi A o something more lugzative, ov to qualify a: cre po he gy of changing thilt Hol es ay slomatically , will flad shat the advantages we offer © Yo associated with them, as caunot be obtained elsewhere. : Jom, 08 oh » yu. i | 24 Specimens of Pepmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent {roe of charge. Odinswa, May, 2, 1972 2. dress, 8, G. BEATTY & Cos, Delleslllo ' --h | the dishoticst calling, had @istributed among the impoverished portion of his | customers every d™lie of his savings sbove { | what he might have earned, and put away | by his trade of ahi' carpenter; and then | { commenced a temperance eating-hoyse. | Among his friends Le had given himself | the name of the reformed rum'seller, and just at the time we ate writing abotit, was | lectuzing a dozen or so of his forider rum customers, who hsd come into his eating | Oh, I pray that God will help us, Tom, | ots against ony bowiness, but when she | of «Phe kar" thatT had in' com 25 in the cause, and aré | . . ' 3 : ¢ Dru ' ' of . | saloon to look at its refitting, conveniences | and shed now light on you to see the | 4.0.04 te with béifig worse than a mur- pany with Nelly, seen | &e.,tand to partake of a free lunch at |jerror of your ways. But do mot, oh! do |g. pf ooGLI stand it Ho longer." T knew | taught our children to pray and I could and, me with the horrible facts ; and they | imbite of a nad hohse. s Shall, AY not before God bid them to kneel, and say " Lead us not into temptation," | they were flaunting the finery. their father ation." " No, Tom, I could not do that, the, move especially as I know that giving | away to such tewptations has often led to | crime, and for ought I know to murder. while theircommission, Yes, Tom, your children had paid for, by lealing others into tewpt- | crime, superindueed by the rum-drinking, | came upalterane, when, making my head- | ache a plea for not guing to the park that lay, and desiring sleep, she left me. ards od oy, » hd 2 " § Ned tpiniotlGvity Gay; WE Who reporia ol | 4. T soot felf into w distethed slumber, | and for the' four hours must have dreamed tell them in every prper they read, that | : " thot Sutieptis mines, Shan the wripioal fA ont fcStanntly,ot tha tpandesind 61 who fs Sent to the states prison or gallows | yeh yr tof A lute my 'Sleeping for crimes conimitted while drank ' | Vision Was Js . a : . as | © Befuré gett' ng asleep 1 thonght--only + 1 had listened impatiently to this long | gs 4 few 'minutes, however--of the play 'his unmod, Hoja: ous old Cee, who on | best Tontted Toft es Who ¢ and whose te' | career any ome, of all of pum alay y. reach unless you reform," and go Yack vhe rum-seller." i Now the fact that'it was ond Who ha ' been a boon companion of 'most of the... so long made, a despi ai thei minds, and part, of signed, tot. abstinence pledge, and b ¥ worl sult 1) ti . weak along. Shas wt Barnum's | _ ¢ But, asks the render; is not thiwa mie: « tell mse tliat my husband is an abettor in . a fe aatrs ad ; p Mies several vears previously ; and as | story gotten up to fri f ininde | | Tom's expense, and by his invitation, but | net let me corrupted by using that which | "0s fivilo veflos jon that it was all true | 1 feel asleep it vouned to mo that I was { i 7 ---- " | who had, as wpon several previous oecca- | wonld for ever seal my lips against prayer. | every word of «it, 'as every rum-seller || rge ww i i | ' i 4 | . 4 - y 4 theatre, nnd | sions, charged him with going back on his | I world not dare ask God's blessing for | po "ih, Bo true, Bat T had not before | nals are nuttinGy witdesing | best friends. Pom continued to argue; and combat all] sinigle cont of 'your maney beyobd What'! {i dine. tnd becouse it was true, and | up'l saw Hele me a young couple" who | that had been said in the rum seller's favor. | He told his old chums, however, that it | 'was not listening to temperance lectures, | nor reading temperance papers that had | converted him, for like nearly all rum-sell- | ers, he shut his ears to one and his cyes to the other; but if they had time to hear | him, he would tell to them » dream which ! | he had, that had converted him. But first he would tell them how he came to have the @ream. : i y om CA " , ¢ ao } «1 have left the saloon, said Tom, very | honestly earned wages. How good every ad wh the 'morning papers for feat of | dicted Fh" my Tdtéum that lis would be a | referring to it, and in © fol mowtts Ji. tired and considerably excited. - There had been sdveral little unplessant affairs | during the evening; among them the wife | of one of my reqular customers came in she | insisted of my lending her five dollars on | her husbands account; she wanted it and | said, to pay for medicine for one of their | children who luy sick, remarking at the { same time, that I could very well afford it, | as 1 gotten many dollars that rightfully belonged to her and her children. I felt | guilty to the charge, and let her have the | money, but folt so mean that I had not | the face to name it to the husband when | | he came in » little while afterwards." { "Then 1 had a disturbance between two young fellows over a game of cards which | | they had played for drinks already had and neither as willing to pay me for, | Their loud quarreling brougatin a police- «ONS TO EPTCATF 7 man, and [ had about aw muéh as [ could do to quiet thenr, and persniile-the offfoer | todeav' the place withoul arresting them | both: And to cap the climax of my tron: i bles, a'pont Woman came in, followed by | | myself or the children were I to touch a will buy us bread; and God knows 1 have | tried to earn o portion of that also. There {is not a day, Tom, but. that'at least one ! loaf of bread comes info the hdttie earned by my labor, that I may be able te say | the bread of idleness or on the results of a O Tom, dear Tom, how : much happier we lived, and how much more we were respected when you worked worse course. | at your trade, and brought home youp bit of food tasted then. How the orange | or pineapple or banana you broyght hea.s was relished as something rare, and our dresses too, though mostly of ealico, or at | best delaines, how fine they appeared to | us. « Husband dear, db you remember the first dress yon bought me after we were | married I I shall never forget it. Yeu | recollect it was a green figured calicossa real beauty. You had seen me look at # and evidently admiring the paftern as] stopped on my way home from the grocer' where T had been to get o little' relish for your supper. I didn't not know-you saw me, and it was wo kind of you! to. surprise me with the'dress when yow came in/ But LT ealted it most boomuses itawas frog y 'denr Rusbandi and wasn't I proad ghit J 1 Why, Tom, if Flooked at Tt cach, Tacusbz of thy previens night's exe emit. {have Josked st'it twenty timek before' #1 termined, however, to driv i 0nd 3 was Sade up, 1 /Gas road sor wir 16700 It omany usin, let mp wife dvs Tier! 8), too. Mother was living then, and 1 hur- ried &rownd to show it. tédher; Db scarcely know which ¥ was pris 3 106. that 1 have not fed my children wholly on | 0% # persons fron drinking in fa i any. {oman in truth Dads " AF ; play of a similar character. The bell had | 44 Lovo hiopdrond 4 Thetmi had any otie dare talk to me so plainly, so | just rang, And ss the 'curtain' was rolled | 'who was made 80 by re reality py i b aa well a, ; as Lad noargnment to combat it with, 1 Pere jrist leaving the marriage alter; 1 career. 1 ventusil nd ing fr i { lost my temper and witli nn oath demanded | Weld dh bind wil He stitution fn i A TF tlw wn i the names of any one who had thus charged | 1.4 hen a playmate "of fine in child: | The jary Who were impanoksil sith c | | me with belng even an abettor of murder: | 1,04" a companion in boyhood; and an elie ib micide, Fhish verdj 0 Ta "Sho replied that the charge was pre | intimate friend in my early smanhood, [| 'Would recognize. Tasters, who with th 31itod by the fack that nearly. avery erie |'Nad Xiowil Nimkas wi honorable, upright; § "rier stood by (hs grave GPA viet. i : i called it marder: i Sarg was éommitted under the influence' of | xnd respected youniz man, andes a denrly- t } ERE h Wut From that diy ths reforosed ses-yell | intoxicating Rheverages, 'and mdst of the | beloved - and affectionate ¢hild of ' his! devoted his life: mero. dha saves; to ti | assassinations wera committed in drink-| parents, add & kind, loving Weother of two | cause of total abstinence, but, the dread! ing saloons ; thut she was almost afraid to Psistors, whi were proud of 'him. T pre. bhi dug of hia Trignd's ifs go. di od up ™ g of som&wnely erime committed in | kifid, loving and tender hushunid ; and ad | with grief, bilieving shat he grssdinble 1 | my saloon ; and Jf it had not been for the | they passed' by iv my vision, T said, "Gol | t arrestel and trieflfon ia fuga s dat | hope of some day. coaxing me front" £16 | bless and froserve them " : | Tw facts aj oo had "He x error: wile traffic; sho Woulilidirve. taken he "Phe scene cliangod, anil T saw the | the wrahgshs hat eomminted Wn. Far. chiftien dil left' mo Joins ngd 5 for she | 1 band in a series of tableaux, f the liseller, fnight, under-such' citenpmtanc. | detested living "on bread ribbed from the! ' | occasional imbiber of a lash of Maer dnave brought peace to his reingijing day. starving wires and ohildren of the drark- | beer, to § | but the great wrongs he 4 a fio besotted, disgraced and de- | | iL : y t y others who foll i | andy om oi act, om the prot of Fun | sri] drunkard. Th Jast sobns exhib - | eallivie of FudtsseF, dof ol si VRellifig, even if every penny of it came i. ji he was being Yopghly Kicked ont | 40 hiv mind thi i : 8 gq . i opghly kicked ont lie many an d-drrepamtlo di from the pockets of the rich. of the very saloon where Wt had béen | ivi bel. respliel fron, bis oi {or 4¢Kt 'this E became furious, and told | made a drunkard, and the one who was ! bauginass while ke Fo oD& Bigot, 4d ke, [her she "éonld" go when and where she | thus turning him fits fe street' was fio | "That wt of 1! " HG mitt pleaséd 5 Tn fact, T'believe I told her she | other man than myself." grow oft of rimeusiling id bavpetent coll gi to the devil ; nd with an m- "1 made an effort to utfer something | every one wha reads the, pt the precation on the heads of all fanatics anl | in extentiation of my Sonduct, but before in pil vane hata, n une { EL pakie ys . | nected with rum-deinkin 'raga-se'liy meddlors with other peoplels affairs, I [ had time the scene had ¢hanged, and I! is looked on" ds eth ih Whi went 0 heady; cHut dt was a yastloss part of | saw in another tableaux' 'the' downwird Feri of every wort 134 oe iinilorn omaha som, and the next moming T' cayrsg of he¥, who Tad 1oft the altar with the result of rmm-adlling thatitley priv got up with aff aha headiche, the resuli | Kim \§7 ant with thowanghine of hope catise is vend Withayh Epson +5 : CWE a wh Looe | a notige of it. Only Tum is 1. L es looked forward tap life only such ds the spoken of as the bey 0 + © ie Jrouglits | gon ay virtuous can hops to enjoy. | pressed. In" onr.stoPy of *® PHEC ora - of At don ) A 6 scenes showed her * partaki {anos Fanitic,", weriluvg sinless ove VERA RG NBO KORE hidathe beni iFeh, ' shoe ; si I hod he rool kei shir ch thy Tron t, riogly 8b tafingly of fhe' bear | * 'Wl trast dootime 'fer brig ber ie hich th Hibsbant Bad' Deen - Aoéustin wi Willing wf Wetipeces ti at Bisucals, aml which, to sey Co easly obtalicd, 7 wld gd aw fithguy $ ny ities £0 : c biingtite "hotaelt to* circumstances, 1 10 Co 0] > Ta » 'ia : oe : 3 [ S-- fomett & . " ot . . & 4 x all wrote a iB e § ads EA