. sridEne § x £1 HABREEE f : JRE EYES Fy 2 HA 1] re EE BR A 7 aa nt Bin. DEP RO SR Lt wis: Al TS hs TH m= © ; RT SER aR 4 Bt i Al | he | H 4 acorn Ta " hi x oe __on the Puckett place, four miles west of | "olen without his being awakened. To his A pedagogue in Curlew, who was ' had up' for unmercifully welting tke back of a little girl, justified his action by explain- ing that 'she insisted in flinging paper pellets at him when his back was turned.' That is no excuse. The Town Crier once taught school up in the mountains, and about every half hour had to remove his coat and scrape off the dried paper wads adhering to the nap. He never permitt- ed a trifle like this to unsettle his patience; he just kept on wearing that gaberdine pntil it had no nap, and the wads would not stick. But when they took to dipping them in mucilage he made a complaint to the board of directors. ' Young man,' ssid the Chairman, 'If | you don't like our ways, you'd better slink your blankets and git. Prentice Muolford tort skule yer for mor'n six months, and he never said a word agin the wads.' The Town Crier briefly explained that Mr. Mulford might have been brought up to paper wads, and didn't mind them. 'It ain't nouse, said another director, *the children hey got to be amused.' The Town Crier protested that there were other amusements quite as divert- | ing, but the third director here arose and remarked : ¢ I perféctly agree with the Cheer ; this youngster better travel. 1 consider as paper wads lies at the root of poppillar edyercation ; ther a necessary adjunx uy THIRTY PRET OF SNOW IN THE COBEQUIDS. 8t. John's News, March 8th. About half-past twelve this morning the train which left here on Monday last Yor Halifax got back to this city. The passen- gers on board, many of whom returned to this city, and the officers and employees have passed through dangers and difficul ties, to which the history of railroading in this Province ly furnishes a parallel From ore of the officers who was on board the train, our reporter has gathered ' the following particulars of their five days' experience on Tantramar Marsh and vicinity; They train for Halifax leit Sack- ville on Monday afternoon last between four and five o'clock, being about two hours behind time. At this time the wind | 0 hool system. Mr. Chairman, I was beginning to blow freshly, with indi- | =~ "4 second that this yer skoolmaster "cations of a storm. While crossing the be shot' Tantramar Marsh, and within about two | miles of Au Lac Station, the squall struck | the train. Those on board say they never au rie nd vars postr in Ama, in do tirought to a standstill by the fury of the | Ting a lake on an estate in Cumberlan storm and the quantity of snow clogging | county, says it is so clear and so deep, the wheels, so that it was impossible to thatby Jacking hue #yousan gee them advance or go backward. After several | aking tea in China. : ineffectual attempts to start the engine, | THIN party. (to street urchin): Boy, all hands saw 'that from the fury of the What do you suppose that dog is following storm they must make the most of the { me for | The youngster cast a knowing circumstances in which they were placed, | 100k at him and readily replies: Guess he and the fireman proceeded to clear the | takes you for a bone boilers. In doing this the engineer and | " Arr these pure canaries" asked a fireman were 50 completely enveloped in | gentleman of a bird dealer, with whom he snow and ice from the escaping steam and was negotiating for *' a gift for his fair." the pelting snow, and so benumbed and | "" Yes, sir," said the bird dealer, confi- exhausted from the cold, and from their | dently, " I raised them ere birds from exertions, that they were forced to draw | canary seed." = their fires and creep into the box. After | A young lady of Indianopolis, not long getting thawed out they made their way | | since, killed a skunk in a hand to-hand with the greatest difficulty to the passenger | combat. Her lover came to see her that and mail cars. - This they had to do by | | night, and told her that he would never feeling their way, the storm raging with marry her if she didn't stop using that Sal Naistiesy pid that they could see | kind of hair oil. nothing before m. . In the passenger cars the wind was 30 | terrific that no fires could be kept up, and | the fine snow sifted through every crevice, The Town Crier did not remain to observe the result of the voting. A savoox keeper having started busi- ness in' a building where trunks had been | made, asked a friend what he had better . . do with the old sign--* Trunk Factory." drifted into the cars to such an otto} | "Oh," said the friend, * just change the that they soon became untenable, and the only place of refuge left was in the wail | T to D and it will suit you exactly." car. This was protected from the | "Way, Ichabod, I thought you got by the passage way through it, which, married more'n a year ago I" *' Well aunt when the morning came was drifted half | Jerusha, it was talked of, but I found out full of snow. There were about twenty. | that the girl and all <her folks were op- five male passengers on board the train, posed to it, so I just gave 'em all the mit- and four females, one married Thdy, three | ten and let the thing drop." The Schoolmaster of California. | ONTARIO REFORMER, CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling ou Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to Splioin Agents for the sale of our ines, in said Territery. Such agents have rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. Signed for the Company, J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Out. The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and only ecds seen 10 be prosiated. Prices, $23 without stand and 330% with stand. Agents a ee ef TE A a aon to do good work. I for selling. A LARCE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. A share of public patronage solicited. L. PRUDHOM. Highest Price Paid RED CLOVER SEED ! ALSIKE CLOVER SEED | TIMOTHY SEED unmarried ones, and a colored girl. These | A Detroit fellow tried to kiss a girl, were made as comfortable al possible | when she turned upon him and bit his under the circumstances, and after the cleck. The doctor had to burn it with | first fury cf the storm had been spent, | caustic, and otherwise treat it as if he liad | they succeeded in keeping on a fire. | been bitten by a mad dog. We put this | Nearly everything within the car had | forth as a warning to the young men who been used as fuel, except the mail boxes, | read th's paper. Dut we suppose it will | and it was thought that these wonld have | do little or no good. Probably each one to be sacrificed, but Conductor Cannon | thinks that the "girls of his acquain- and Mr. Blizzard, the postal clerk, | tance won't bite, determined to make an attempt to reach | A poverty-stricken clerk applied for a the engine and get some coal. This they | situation to a large employer of labor. succeeded in doing, after which the in- | pore was no vacancy, and he was curtly mates of the car were made more com- | informed of the fact. Being of a religious fortable. turn of mind, as he was leaving the office Previous to this, an attempt had been | consoled himself with the passage of made by one of the employees to reach the | Scripture the concluding words of which fence, in order to procure fuel, but helost | 410 «hath not where to lay his head,' his way, and being unable to see the cars | or the fence, became bewildered, and with | difficulty made his way back to the train, being gnided only by the shouts of those on board, which could scarcely be heard above the din of the elements. Don't stand theré quoting Shakespeare, said the employer. I can't give you what I haven't got. VErv NEAR-SIGHTED.--A certain very near-sighted lady could never be induced . . | to admit the fact, but persisted in declar- When the morning dawned, nothing ing that her sight was excellent, One day sould be more boving Yat the praspess a waggish neighbor stuck a darning-needle w presented itself. e inmates of | iy the side of a barn, and placing her on the postal car had to shovel their way out | the other side of the road, asked her if of it, the' snow being nearly as high #5 | she could see it. ""O yes," she replied, the Soot. They hd wt J = looking hard in the direction indicated, board a barrel of crac ers, IC " ad been opened and the contents distributed Bot Wherwie) the buen ¥ during the night, but as they had neither | _ "You 'must have lived here a long butter nor water, it was impossible £6 eat | time," said a travelling Englishman to an them. The ladies exhibited tho greatest | ©ld Oregon pioneer. coolness and courage in the trying position | © Yo sn 1 bate. Do you ate that in which they were placed and not a mur- mountain 1 Well, when 1 came here mur escaped their lips at the prirations sthat mountain was a hole in the ground." they endured. At great personal risk | - The Englishman opened his half-shat Conductor Cannon and Postal Clerk Biz. | ®Yes- ~~ zard tramped through the storm to Sack- i 2 gk dry mre le por freight train from Truro, in cl of the question, don't blush and stare at Cond Allingha had also od your feet. Just throw your arm around uctor Allingham, ha wor his neck, Jook him full in the face, and well down toward the snow bound train, commence talking about the furniture ahd communication was thus ve-establish. Ycung fellows are mighty nervous some- ed. The snow at Brown's Cut, between times. 1lost several good ch Yolore Au Lac and Amherst, was reported by I canght your. fond dear grandfather, by Conductor Allingham to be two feet deep, putting on airs, but I learnt how to do it and at Fort Lawrence it was from ten to qo» Sten fort devp. after a while. ie A society for the suppression of slang has been formed among the pupils of the "" Sampo, did yu ever sce the Catskill | girls' high school of San Francisco. Said Mountains I" '" No, sah ; but I've seen | a reporter to one of its members : *' Your "em kill mice." object is a' praiseworthy one. Do you A youth returned home from a large | think you will succeed in eradicating con- dinner party was so very tired that on | versational slang?" Said she, getting inside the outer doors of his pater- | bet !" nal vestibule he concluded to pass the| Huxo sy A Goup Cmary.--A some. might there. He first took the precaution | what remarkable circumstance occured in of putting his boots outside to be cleaned. | West Nashville the other day. A gentle- He has missed them ever since. man, before retiring for the night took Eves since last Christmas millions of | the Precaution to place his gold watch and robins have been roosting on the cedars chain under his pillow that it might not be "' Girrs," said a worthy old lady to her this town. Hundreds of people visit the | *UYPrise, he woke up the following morn- roost nightly, and bag as many as they ing, to find that it had unaccountably want. Up to this dste many thousands | Den spirited away. He remembered of these birds have been canght, but | Paving heard the servant making a fire, there appears to be no diminutio of i Sudpe to the conclusion that no ome their numbers. So says the Murfrees- co d have taken it. 'He called the servant boro' (T ) New. in, and made inquiries about it, The SRNOsSLL servant denied having seen it. This did A Dutchman's temperance Jecture: "1 | riot satisfy the owner but the servant was shall tell yon how.'t vos. I drink mine | nevertheless allowed to depart. His em. beer; then I put mine hand on mine head | | ployer now instituted a thorough search, and tere vos von pain. - Then I put mine | After looking everywhere about the room hand in mine pocket, and tere vas nothing. | he found the watch forced half- .way in a 80 1 jine mit demperatice. Now dere ish | rat hole. He pulled it out, and, to his no pain in mine head, and de pain in mine ' gret consternation, found a rat at the end pody ves all gone away, I put mine band of ¢ ¢ golden chain, in which it became en- in mine and tere vos dwendy dol- gn ed, and hanged by the neck until "You {5 lar. So I'stay mit de demporanes beoples." © BLAMEY & BRIGGS. Oshawa, Jan. 27th, 1873. 2-42.¢f Auction Sale! -------- PARTIES WANTING DRY GOODS! Blankets, Overcoats, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, &ec.,, will do well to attend the Auction Sale, ever,y night, at W. DICKIE'S. He offers his whole stock of Goods Saved from the late Fire at Auction. Something for Christmas Britahia Metal Tea Pots. Electro Plated Cake Baskets. Electro Plaled Cruets. 'Electro Plated Tea, Baskets, And Table Spoons, and Forks, Electro Plated Desert and Table Knives. Ivory Handle Desert and Table Knives, all First-class. JUST RECEIYED AT HATCH & MEARNS, Also another lot of the Celebrated Mansard Cook Stoves, HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware,Stove and Tin Dealers, KING ws I REET, OSHAWA, Oshawa, December 19th, 1 0-H # LTE AA IR HI Ta ------ OSHAWA. A] FRIDAY, MAKUH 21,15¢3. STEAM BETWEEN LON DON, QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL. ' TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class MEDWAY, HECTOR tion ay, calli ng the season of na ng he every Wedne Through tickets on, the aA out, bringls t thelr Cn pin oy gh oir Friends. eo. Ww. SMITH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMS TO AND FROM | York, Queenston and Liverpool | Crry or RIOCKMOND, City oF MONTREAL. CITY or BROOKLYN. Crry or Pamus. CITY OF BRUSSELS. Crry or New York, Crry or HaLiFax, ory oF Loxpox, Crry or Dursin. Crry or WasHiNGTON. Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays ! From Pier 45, North River. Now City or ANTWERP. CITY oF BALTIMORE CITY or BrisToL. City or LiMERICK. City or DUBLIN, Tickets can be bought h at moderate rates by persons wishing (0 send for their friends. For her information apply to the Company's Agent, C W. SMITH, Osawa. July 20. ALLAN LINE. OSEAWA AGENOT. WINTER SERVICE Sr Sp STEAM | WEEKLY TO L 1 VERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW., HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE undernoted Full Powered, pp EA ns A y 3 (rey Or ry Ci y tons, Capt. t. Scandinavian, 00 tons. Capt. B Ballan- Tx Prussian, 3,000 tons, o Llout Dutton, N.R. Austrian, 2,700 tons, Captain 3, lie. Jestorian, 2.700 tons, Ca, ain A. Moravian, 2,60 tons, iptnin Brown. Peruxion, 2,60 tons, Liout, Smith, R. N. R. ' Germatiy, 3,250 Tons, Ca in J. Graham, Forming a weekly line between Liv donderry, Quebec and Montreal, leav! bec ror a on arrival of th A Night ap 3 fiom Montreal, 'orming a weekly line between fires vec and M Montreal. on! RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First | Cabin from $81 to $91, according to accommoda- | tion. BStecrage, $30, including a Dientif) Lig A | of well cooked prov islons, served ou Stewards belonging to the Dompany. Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, ; Nr mediate, $4590 ; Steerage, £% Return Tickets, for six months, fs- at Jeduced rates. ropean Passenger Certificates ae ins ery Rates wo ties wishin, ink their friends from England, > hd. 10 any part of Canada. of the Montreal Ocean Steam-, ny Smet Ld their rs atthe Grand ilway Wharf, PORTLAND, iding the usual charges ho grid Et informe tom, h, APPLY 10 Steamshi; be despatehed from Liverpoo' and Pornns ah as follows : FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND HIBERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. 2nd Dec' MORAVIAN, - 16th " 9th SAMARITAN, - - 8rd " 16th RUSSIAN, - - 30th" 2rd ESTORIAN, 7th Dee. 0th SCANDINAVIAN -14 + 6th Ort H.& A. ALLAN, L. SMITH, A am, Mouwsal. gent, Post Office, Oshawa Scribner's Monthly. A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. Aves Story bu 3 BE ie J 4 LM. BRILETINT 7 611% a Ea CONT AIBOTERS Furnit 7 eco R. H. STODDARD on Authors, Inducements to a reg New we PAGES FOR sree? &e., de. blishers of ScriBNER'S MoNTHLY, in ha Prospectus Just issued, promise for the t array of comtribu- nIRCToADS in the'v: Sand beauty of its i Pemirhel io already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto Fie in any American magazine. Dr. HoLLaND, the Editor, story of the year, whic! h will be autobiographical in form, and will be abd by Mise Hallock. Itis d Arthur B and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of fi mctican Life. It will be commenced in the 'ovember Number. There will be a new story by Saxe HoLu, The One Legged Pancer. BRET HARTE, the best writer of short stories now livi wil contribute a characteristic'story, entitled of Fiddletown, which will be illustrated by pard. RE STODDARD wil write a series of Sule: taining Ing papers abou Ythors, thelr Whima, a and Ways. A hey BF Poveraton of Living American Writers, is also promised. Clarence Cook will write about Faurmiture the Decoration of American writer himself Among those is who will sontHbute are: Hans , Froude, Huntington, Bret Harte, Sie iit > Mitchell, Mish don, no The editorial con re and ilisetisn of be azine will Tomaln, in the hands of Dr. Holl who will continue to write "The T fon 2 the Time," which the 3A tian el ' say more widely quot n an mi bop Mh in pu 4 gros Bors magazine, tad Walter Gilder will write *" The nines he as Hrvedry vg Fa ha 4 C. Draper oondusts th i Tis, fp, eae Jing, oie and "Culture a on will engage con- tributions of more than a score of pens on both sides of the Atlantic. The | (A and Re- flector says : * Scribmer's Monthly for ia better than vaval, which {; waste of editorial b raing and Publisher's mom- % the Ma {casas good enanh before I" nd yet the Blishers Dromise make it sell r for the com year." The subscription price is $4 a Jear, with speci. al ratesto clergymen, teachers, and postmasters, The following Extraordinary Inducements offered to hecri iro ew, Shace od) For $550 the THE CHEAPEST PAPER ~ (IN THE PROVINCE, kb --THE-- z= 'ONTARIO REFORMER' = Only 1.80 a year, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY THE 4 ONTARIO REFORMER | Printing and Publishing Co. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Posters, oi Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, | Bill Heads, Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ) FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, % EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE -- 'REFORMER' OFFICE. Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to £3 CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. re J) eee REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. VICTORIA COMPOUND BYRUP gp HYPOPHOS PHiTEg pho only & i 3 Ticpared trom - the ie or Prevention and camped PULMONARY CoNsunm; M Also for the cure of Dospepsia, Bronchitis, petite, General Dama Debitizy, 4% 9 CERTIFICATE A8 TO Dein Ax Laboratory, Univ To the Victoria Chemical Co. LC Gentlemen, -- I have e in , Cmployed . in bbe Victoria Ch Victoria 8 Ba: The oe orad prin, got hi and the 8 ree from an; phosphiten Ae valuable Medicine, HENRY H. €CROPT, Professor of Chemiatry, | _ Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by gi Drugging, VICTORIA ~ COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS BUCHU & UVA | Remed, and Kidneys: Dropepiress Bia Complaints nie fully convinced and os p _Price 81 per or Bogue. Sold by an VICTORIA] : ELECTRIC LINIM EXT "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS, For Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatia, Wandering Pain En or Joints, 2 Sprains] inn rete Sumi, um bness, BUY ITI TRY IT} Fovin ; Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all VICTORIA = CARBOLIC SALVE, " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," A Specific for Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Scalds, Bojls, Piles, Pi Diseasce of the nets Ee Tien, vcr ud Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold b7 all Druggisy VICTORIA CARBOLATED. GLYCERINE JELLY. - " EMINENTLY THE LADIES' F AVORITR rn Se Complexion, and for ye SE Hed MLL Price, Shey Suid by 4ll Brugge VICTORIA © TOILET SOAPS, 'clebrated for their Unif Purity xcellence of Quality." - VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP, VICTORIA SULPHUR SOAP. VICTORIA GLYCERINE, HONEY, ROSE AND WINDSOR. Sold by all Druggists, " "YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER R FATTENIN Fi ib Coniiition YING AND og "Soaxeznig CATTLE FEEDER bok ook eh fH Rave always akon Fim more milk and butter, Ter a I eC And Saves Food, t le wSEts and $1.00 per box; o dollar box HUGH MILLER & Oo. Agricultural Chemists, 167, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, For Sale by all Druggist everywhere. Bm x Tar AL DINE, An Nustrated eT « versally aA Resiepentativs on of ond THE ALDINE, while issued with all the the temporary or of ordinary m beauty of A P! ated after it has heen at the close of the year. While biloati ons may- claim supegior ch Co ith Hivals Of 8 SHIGE lags, HE SLBINE BL isa unique and original alone an unabproac " roach ed -- sheolutely with out and uns on in price or character.-- The r of a complete volume cannot du- li the quantity oh fue paper in any other s number of velumes for ten times pig, and U1 there one are Ehechroman, besides,! ; + Devartmen Se a Wen GE pind an e; selves to a utmost to ay and im work ; a the coming as a 'wikiided the , ms ke "ass unparall OE Chruies for 1070, Every subscriber to The Aldine, whe advance for the year will receive, additional ch. , 8 beautiful oli § chromos, after J, J, Hill, the lish -- The bictures gutliied *The Vil Bell * and "lare 14 x printed from 25 different plates, requiring jm pressions and tints to perfect cach jucture, same chromos are for $30 pe in the art stores. As it is theetermination of pd Suictbrs to keoh The Aldine out uithe reach 5 of in ev ritmen e chromos Will he be found corres iy y abe ahead of any hi can be offe: er pe s. Every I a recelve, re 6 be certificate, over the he Signs ture chromos pr il fora ant fo the vi ait the furnished ed the agent, or the money will be re- fanded. The distribution of pictures of this grade, free to the subscribers toa $5 ial will mark an epoch in the history of Art; i pad, considering the vnprecedented cheap ness of price for The Aldine itself, the marv Vel oittle short of a mjracle,even to those best acquainted with the achievements of inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances, {For illustra tions of these chromos, sce November issue of THE ALDINE.) The Literary Department s will continue under the care of Mr. Richard Henty Stoddard, assisted by the Lest writers poets of he e day, who will strive to have the he es of Tie ALDINE always In with its artistic attra Terms: annum, in advance, with ofl gt i Chromes free. THEA A pixE will, hereafter be obtainable only ription, There will be no reduced of dager rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, without responsibility to the publishers, Scat in cases where the certificate is given, ng the Jac-simile signature of JAMES BUT- TREES Agents Wanted. reson, wishing to act permanently Mme ation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & co, Publishers, MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. : Prospeciingar 1878. q : Not for sale in Book or News Stores. and engrav- iw. 1 of publication bY ay morning and othe! discount rochants Tomer: Jou pen A promptly aitended 1a CLY BETH INSE The latest pris principles na and ana Silver rod pain a ooms in ABinson's 's Drag Sto ARRISTET LICITORS ho - pale, Oshatio. o REY tok ol J.B. FAREWELL ee an. o ARRIETE A B Solicitor dn ri RISTE Brian = J. Hamer GreEN LH TEC ROmITES ri and om 8%, oe » OLES Ter Hoor Feony img Factory-- King © ROOKLIN the Isolate tion. Al for « pot: Ea vings Soc es low rates gssuer of "poOMI OsH Mont Any Tosti a agent, will receive full and prompt ia forme © » A "pi AM NO any Amou 'arm or Prod! Lowest Px Oat an But GE ETUH MER FAH) N nd hobe Ant the unfortu Nitros! Jose Osha