vfhare 'abouts x a Pension 1 in 'Prides and cirenmstance, ~~ Yernment the few short or sew days, spend thous Tr electionger. a dollef to! med in 1812 ve! We are let Canadians s of the civil. he; Coneerva. Peak a word Trek carted tds from one other: " Give rv § commen. formed to his w1813." a { | Stomach. e 'Eshoymen onster shark': 1 that town, been opened Dundee 4d. h sight-seers, of the brute's expecting to other, and a § would not h- himself had i did expec- the| animal knife of Mr. be si soon chusiderably ittention, 'and s bonnet was cagerly seized and dogfish, ud flippers of | towards the . corked and overed, witha e bottle was en to atoms, 1 aloud to the e, which was ts follows: -- Sanday, Ist of « all's well, ai Deir boy: TE GORDEN. were tarfully id the pariy ck and sealed that he had medistely ran rowd followed after the port Hlzga "van age, at as white a; {unpleasant is returns for it t the --eptire es, in 1871, 20,000.32 in a trifle fers, e returns show 6.7 per cent, =atment of wi itis axp Cans ®nown that act n, by imparting Pancreas, she nd perfectly t is eminently en and deli- weco~essccorc emt SR ERTEFTLUIHTUWETS Mare 16. tI 5814 wd 5 ooo 0 0.65 .0% 017 TS. March 13. sien 06 on - PRA, giqsan 08 0.00 6 35 000 SO BJ od ¥ LTR. " a TAN 2h 0 : a2 IT SALE. < RECEIV ED . 1 1iky * Warn inl i on, 4 Hack colt "tor span of old, m atch) g) Ya ONTARIO" REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1873." -- New advertisements. ---- en FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. oO YOUNG SPAN Sm TINTS YS, salable for either C H 0 gd roe; and Que Span we riage He] { Fraugh',s Widsell sicher separatly or by the | i "Er ANTCRW ANNIS. Ca oh for 'Hides, SKINS, .° TALLOW, BACON, Laas, ete, at GW. Garth's, BUTCHER. Barrels of Good Corded. Beef | In for Sale Cheap for Cash. Ww AN NTE Dent gre Business that will Pay from $4 to 88 per day, can be pursued in your | own NL ood ; il is a rare chance for those Sut of employment or haviag leisure time ; girls | and hays freq « oy do as well as men. Parti- ! «hl ress SUMTy . LATHAM & CO, 32 Washington Sweet, Boston, Mass. | | i 'Insolvent Act of 1869! | In the matter of AEEXAN DER McKAY CHISHOLM, an Insolvent. HE INSOLYV ENT HAS MADE AN assigament of his Estate to me, and the Creditges are notified to meet at his place of ' business ip the Village of Oshawa, on TUESDAY, the FIRST day of APRIL, At Two o'clock in the aflernoon, to receive statement of his. afluirs , and to appoint am | UE. Ag JAMES HOLDEN, Interim Assignee. Dated, at Whitby, this 12th of March, 1873. 2w | ROOM I PAPER NEW P! PATTEN, At R. Wellingtons. SCHOOL BOOKS, At R. Wellingtons. | STATIONERY, | At R. Wellingtons. MUSIC, 3 At B. Wellingtons. FANCY GOODS, ~~ At R. Wellingtons. | BURLIN AND FINGERING WOOLS, | t R. Wellingtons. | PIANOS AND ORGANS FROM THE | BEST MAKERS, At R. Wellingtons. DAILY AND WEEKLY Pa \PERS AND PERIODICALS, At R. Wellingtons. SIGN OF TEE ZOE, Wilson's Block, King 8. Eust, Oshawa, $8,000 Worth of Stock. | Nov IS YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP | WATCHES, JEWELRY, = SILVER PLATE, FANCY GO0GDS, 7" &C., &C. Philip Taylor Has dommidneed to ssll his splendid stock at | GREATLY REDUCED RATES ! for Cash only, prior to ing up a New | Store and Targer premise d visiiing the English, French, German, and American mark- I manufacturers. Is present stock is of | the bist quality and newest patterns and pui- chased from the manafactarers last fall Parties | will save. money by exaniining kis stock and | 3 prices. before purchasing clse where. | Wate'ses, Clecks and Jewelry Rpard and warranted on short not.ce, and cheaper thaw any other house. Oshawa, March 11th, 1578 . MEDICAL HALL. Removal DR. DEANS ESPLCTFULLY INFORMS THE Public that the MEDICAL HALL is REMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST CFFICFE, Where he has opere l out a NEW STOCK of Puro Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi class, Suporior Dye Stuffs, Elegant Perfumes, fosnted Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Ha'r Brushes, Mail Srushes, Coombs, Truse ! 828, &¢., &e. And a large ttock of Fancy Articler. | 72 His Surgery is in cor nection with the Shop as usual, Oshawa, Maach 1th, 1472, -- spr STRAYED. | | (AME INTO THE PREMISE "8 OF | / the subscriber, Lot No. 5, 3rd con. East | Whitby, shout three months ago, a led Heifer, | with 8 Hitle white on the belly, camming two | Joars old in the spring. The owner is req ested to call, pay, exp cnsce, and take her away. wep JOLN WALTER. To Rent or Jor Sale ! I OT 39, 3ep CONCESSION OF DAR. diington, consisting of 190 ac ros fifleen neros | $f wh ich ore good wood land. 'There is a oy ©, barn, orchard, outhouses and a pever | ailing stream of water Liere on. | Terms (Jiberal. Apply at. the REFORMER | oflice or ¥ R. BALSAM. Oshawa, February 17h, 3873. "ou hic 1 _FOR SALE. , | The Subscriber will commence his OLEARING Great Clearing Nales . BOOTS and SHOES. ----tn N\ saved from the. late fire, TO-MORROW, SATURDAY EVENING, March 15th, at half-past Seven o'clock ! The Sale will be continued everg night next week. a NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TQ BUY YOUR SPRING STOCK OF Prints, Cottons, Steam m Looms, r | "&e.; &e., At the Store Ons door West of Post Office. SAMUEL WOOD. OSHAWA, March 15th, 1878, SALES uf. GOODS] -- To Speculators. FL TRADE Ol OR SZLL, THOSE Lots lumedistel wept of Hobe' Hot fronting on King an nd 8 reets--provid Aly situated cup hoobtained OE wo of FHobin 11 fIotel. Oshawa, Feb, 25th, 1873. wp Insolvent Act of 1869. 439 Osun of ths County of In 420 Cunty goust of ; bide ori iA of Edward NS, an Insol- Canada, Proviree of Ontario, 53 o,f axs,. { County of Outario. N MONDAY, THE SEVEN TH DAY f April next, 1873, the undersigned will ap- | to the 4% Judge of the said cour! fora discharge | t. ™ *% EDWARD 8. mIGGINS, \ per G. Young Smi'h, his attorney ad Litum, Dated at Whithy, this 22nd February, hi 7 | LAND FOR SALE. | wo HUNDRED A ACRES OF LAND, | being Lot No, 5, in the 3rd pon. of Reach. | There is a large quantity of hard xl on the : premises, For further Darticuiars SE to LB I's i. | Port Perry Standard please lusert four Umes, and send ac't to this uffice. - Sl A Valuable Property for| i Sale. the Village of Oshawa, ¥or jer, &ec., apply to RKLAND. NOTICE! LL PARTIES IXDEBTED TO THE | Estate of the WILLIAM SHAW are heve- by requested to month, otherise ti THOMAS G. HAWTHORN, Assignee, Oshawa, January 30th, A.D, 1373. SHIN 'GLES. sale at my Mill, Lot No. 6, ith con, Darling- | ton, about 4} miles (rem Bowmanvilie. | JONATHAN STEPHENS. | March Ld i bo | € J) ACRES BEING NORTH-EAST | corner of Lot No. 9, Ind con, situated in H. Oshawa, February 18th, A ast | { | { y up the samme within one | ey will be placed in suit. | QUINGLES OF®ALL KINDS FOR | | BE | Call and see the Cheap Goods AR TIE New Bry Goods Sere! IN WILSON'S BIL.OCK. arr --0. "| Whit2 & Colored Quilts, Tweed, Black Cloth, Table Linens, . Table Napkins, Lace Curiains, Damasks, Flannels, W.nceys,&c . At the Provitela} fob ilon, Hamilon, and 4 Arownyaa S POURS 'SAUWIPOTY Juoreg 'sSni(y AT TWO EXEIRTTIONF, W. BELL, & Co, GUELPH, ONT. © Received Every Firs Prize for _-- ouinusy fous pue Ajend) 1seq ayj Jo po Grey Cottons, Steamlooms, 'Prints, Ginghams, Towelings, Tickings, Denims, Shirtings. amen) ett Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Bloves, & Corsets. Fancy and Plain Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Mourning Goods, Black Lustres, Cobouzgs, Thibet Cloths, Paramattas, Crape Cloths, Persian. Lords, &c. : Ee ot A al allothem, LC sanniactire Every seiaistie in Gents' Foriilie and Ready RENEE, Made Clothing.. Containing Scribner's Patent Qual ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Him | ont yet introduced. | Remember the place Wilson's Block, King St. East, Oshawa | OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON| MANUFACTURING -COMPANY AVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST. INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR Manufacture, wi wave been pronounced by Geod Ju to. be superior, both in Tone and Finish to any Instruments 3 the kind that have over been pluecd before the Public of Oshawa "S.NVMOO 03 100Q I1X3N sasiyaad HIDHUVYT avy MIN 01 TIACKTT SPNIS 94 JO JUQUILIOSS® [WISUOY) ® PUT 'soqsIagl YI00],'SquIo)) 'sorsnagy Jreyy ¢ ug pur yous 'sdvo This RET vIn addition to Jat Fears ecord ol a Silver Medal, | 3 Diplomas, asd 12 First TI0Ls paua siosNIlv snd fsx Every instrament years, Send for a © Terent styles of instruments, Or to JOHN D. Guelph, Oct. 220d, 1872, LUXURIES CHRISTMAS We place ourselves before the Public as If you want to get hb Men of Practical-Experience, " PSYCHOMANCGY,| OR SOUL CEARMING." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love | and atlection of apy persbn they choose, in- | { stantly, This simple mental acquirement all | ! can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together | { with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian | Dreams, Hints to Ladies. etc. A queer, Settin, § book, 100,600 sold. Address T. WILLIA t+ o., South F ighth st, Philade 1phi hia, P a | | | Pay up and Save Costs. | LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE | undersigned are hercby requested to eall | and settle their accounts by the Lith of Febru- | ary, st the store of Mr. Wm. Dickie, who is | authorized to give receipts for the same, and all | acoounts not paid by that date will be handed ! fove to the Division Court for collection. GEORGE HODDE R Oshawa, Feb, Gh, 1872, | ~~. NOTICE. 4 | TM. DICKIE W WOULD KINDLY | reques st all parties whose accowits ave | due, to call at ance without further notice and | scitle thessame by cash or note, to enable him | to go ou with his business as usual. She wp One | door East of Gillotts' and opposite J.W.Fowkes, Oshawa, Dee. 26th, 1872. | FOR SALE, N Exo WiLENE CARR lace MARE, | sctly sound, a | -- Great Clearing et © s Retiring from the Dry Goods Business! G. W. GARTH, - 1 --emmnnd HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED HIS PRESENT PLACE OF BUSI | NESE, to Messrs. W. M. Rightman, & Co, of Prince Albert, is under the necessity of dippoging | 20ns can uow rely his stock within a Hinited ¢, 8ce of time. 'He has, therefore, On THURSDAY the, 16th inst. COMMENCED A Bona Fide Clearing Sale, | To be Continued for 30 Days, During which every article in the store will be offered for sale at the nett cost to the importer, le Tho stock is principally composed of First-class Sfaple Goods, and affords an op) rho SeRold Pyquiteingnts. wil | ith for supplying present and futm scidom wet vw otk wii Be foubd a largo} nt of : | Carpets, Cloth, Flannels, Silks--black and colored. | French Merinos, Wool satin Cloths, Fancy 'Dress Goods, Hosiery, &c., &c. W. F. COW A N. Oshawa, March 4th, 1873, | Cash for a at, Barloy, i Ryo and Wool ! | FPR SUBSCRIBER WGULD SAY | to all indebted to him, either by Note, Book | aceount or otherwise, that the same must be paid | on or before the 15th October next. I would | | also' add, that sflerike Ist October heat, Xd | business will be done whol ly for cash, wit | otherwise especially arra: ged, | J. W, FOWEE. | | Oshawa, September 11th, 1372. 2-u | | . BUTCHER, "AS NOW PUT ON THE ROAD | another PEDDLING WAGON. The cid | on having their Mea | supplied at their dwellings in good time evert | morning. All Orders ieft at the shop punetually | attended to. Oshawa, Dee. 13th, 1872, | Parliamentary Notice. HOUSE OF Ct SONMONS, THE CLERK'S OFFICE, Ottawa, 30th Jan., 1873. Pursnant te the 5°th Rule of the louse, notice | | 1s Hereby given that the time for RECEIVING PETITIONS FOR BILLS WILL EXPIRE | On WEDNESDAY, March £0th, 1873. ALFRED PATRICK, Clerk of the House. PRIVATE All New IAPETS will please insert above antl, the meeting of Parliament, ricle, 4 104 RALHENRY, LEH | Between Gillette' and Dickie's Store. WOOD DEPOT | i Having a thorougl ow I W af th d, theref Rirties Parchasing Our Instru- HORSESHOEING. Dents oan rest Tye) b eS SE pk 1by apy esta lishment Fa the Toulon, . ALL OUR rsTRPMENTS AR3 MARRS NEED % TIVE TRARS, And partied pufhasin# fro ym us will iave a Fniranger they not have by parchasing those imported, as the Manufacturer only is responsible fof them, Fe "Agents sciling for them ia they Dominion will not be likely to take the responsibility on thei r own shoulders. | We have now opened our Wareroom in Mr, Wilkin kegs § Stora, near the REPAIRING | ommercial Hotel, King Strect, : We invite the publi: to come our instremwents. Parties desiring to it to theirady autage to Gegl UAE TT Be can save Ten R per, cent. ou heir 30 Riohes. wll pod at' enéourage home DARLEY & ROBIN SON. Wi. ROBINSON. ely a, H. JONES' OR Simcoe St., Oshawa. CONSISTING OF 'PRESERVED RED RASPBERRIES, - BLACK RASPBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, GRAPYS, GREEN GAGES, etc. ole, ete. For sale by the pcund. A large lot of Black Currant and seth Jellies. : Ai Nate, Radu, | "as the boat Oysters in the market, id he can HORT |B Rt tt Se te 1, IC ONES, 1 Donators After the Fire! i : BE 4 JHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF | Oshawa apd swrounding country that he has received, and is still receiving Byring Goods, atthe usnal Low PRICES. OF ANY KIND DONE A. M. DARLEY, | Oshawa, October 9th, 1871. By Time ! | And in Time !| Up to Time | BLUL PLUMS, On Time | 1.8.7 > "a --GO TO-- sausripers NEW WINTER GOODS|; SIMCOE ST. RurelMER J. W. FOWKE. STRAYED. about six weeks ago, n lowsot Have Resumed Business in the Gallary latsly occupied byl. E. Hoitt Dress Goods 3 Ia the Byiins of the | otuce ¢! Ting ex Simcos © oets, | Where they are once more prepared to | Pri ins ts, Tako Photographs, Clothing 'Made to Order on Short Notice! | | Cottons, x : %.70 Ovhawn, Nov. 29, fe 23341, b= te ei np fin ph Poplins, | Tweeds, And other Styles of Pictures, in all the len | 81 les | Entrance on King Street | The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, | Vagonsp and Anything else You can Think Of I | Special ante lg und » h Phatographs taken from Pictures, and enlarged | to any Size. Oshawa. Desetuber 24th, 1872, Oshawa Coal | AND | |] f - ; --] g JW. FOWKE CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AN BARLEY FOR SEED. E RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL. Oshawa, Jan. 12, 1873 Bo | taaa has ever before bess otered in Osis consisting in part of | NITROUS OXIDE wR Hay of Nitrogen | '20 better Black Lustres spt in the trade, " OR CHEAPER HL 1V NYHL 4 Valualls Dusinegs Dullding Bite. ao TO THE BEE HIVE THE SUBSCRIBER WILL: OFFER | for sale by public anction at Hinde's Hotel, | in Tuesday the 15h of March, shat valushie | usinews building site adjourning Messrs. Sin $788 grocery, Tle iot is 32 feet frontage by 117 w, LTH. JOUN MeGILL, Au tioner, 9 Sa For Cheap Dry Goods. | oe hie only first-ciass entre. basic GO TO THE BEE HIVE: v iil LOST. Ox JANUARY : 23, BETWEEN A. Cane erwviilezar's and Lot No. 4, 6th con, a ope Seat Rocking Chair, Teapot and other ar- ne The Sader will picase leave them at this | * or with the Subgertivar; Past wi; thy, Feb., 22ud. To Contractors! NEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE. said until the 19th March next, for the | Can no an an Mdition tu the Bible Christian "and Npecifl ations can be séen on ani fer the 2 21th instant, at the store of Mr, 5. Tenders 10 be addressed to Post Oflice, Bax 98. he Jowest or auy tender not nevossarily ac- Gia, Foy, 30% BARBER, Architeet. P C. 5, Tonwiumah, w GO TO THE BEE HIVE For Cheap Dresses. | 'GO TO THE BEE HIVE For Cheap Cottons. For Cheap Linens. For Cheap Coods, Splendid Variety, and bes attention to Customers, go tothe BEE HIVE, J. BARNARD, Osmawa, February 27th, 1373, King Street, Oshawa. | DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIX. | A fron extinction of teeth at the dental rooms of FERGUSON, L. D. ®, over the grocery of siinson Bros, King St. West, Oshawa, Persons need not pow, from fear of pain at- | tending the oparation of extraction, carry for { years in their mouths a mass of fithen fv a frujiful | -h | epuse of disease, which haw pot only eir | | Health and destroyed their en gy but made | them objects of repugnance to all who are so | | unfortunate as to bo associated with thei, as | | Nitros Ostia is pleasant to take and quite Lari. "Casae, May, 24, 1872 Sway RARE CHANGE. | Splendid Busines s for Sale | ({FTPYHE UN DERSIGNED BEING | about 10 retire from the CABINET and | UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis pose of-his preseut large and profitable business | peg rince Albert,cstablished Ad fag | and which affords an excellent opportunit, | any one wishing to engage in such a on Kg The Premises and whole Stock-in-trede will Fdisposed of at a Bargain, And o nu easy terms, The | stock fn hand is large and well assorted, and the run of custom excellent ! For terms and other particulars, apply on the | prewises to | Prin e Albert, he July 17th, 1872, Fire, Bool Damaged Goods, Sol. ling Off, Auction Sales, to the Elect- tors, &o., all played out, but J.P. JOHNSTON, | Watch-maker & Jeweller, | If burned is not played out, but has openod t | & Mow Store Thres Dcoss Hest of Elack's fowl. ted stock of Choice ard Fine Gold Jewellery, Wato'ss, &o., &o.! Which he is offering cheap. X k ly attended t nd 1 All work promptly attend 0, an properly | Noale's W.HP ARK. i Ame is now able to show his large and well assor You rh, &e., | 22m FROST! JOHN COAL and CORD WOOD! manufacturing five hundred Broadcast | i880 great, those who de not | Green do Co -. - $5 nbong. © negloc toning in early tor | ly attended to; \v ) I day We have no room to store promptly 3 A WAY [Ape Machines," We guarantes them. to de | 'ason fof very farmepth al lula Ly gu! one, ' : pon bande J O84 "rem | VARNISHES, Tho Lastorly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator Combined, gent lena i JAMES BOWMAN. Kae, + IL. W. BURK, Darlington, Keen constantly on band a full suppl of Fresh | It. FOLEY, Daslington, GEO, OGLEY 8 : i 1K, Whithy, | uo oitkvie. whi: | Spades, .Shovels, Hoes, Oshawa, Janviary 20th, 1873. | | Mafled, post-paid, on receipt of price. | 3. Lost and Saved, ballad, Donniker. 30. Fare. | HES 4 HINGES, ay | Stewart, 30. Mecollections of (Childhood, Bari- sot |b cient] hipped, Willie's Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, 3.. | audacity, he is about to make another attack on this peac crn HM. bi AY Fit being - hig { White Ww, ash, Kalsomine, Shoe, Hays, 35. * Dead, at not Foi otign, song and To protect his nien in the campfiigh. The Emperor Napoleon has forwarded a makes ¢f Nickel and Sliver" Frev, 35. Be hing Fantasie, ei el, And Doudld Smith or Reil, fon the Hudson Bay Company, have sent the finest lot of Chains. Schottische, Kinkel, 35% *Hattie's W. altz, Kinkel | (inc luding Breech Loaders), Re y ol. : ad these inte | vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish. suitable awearing apparel, any bas no doubt of administering such a castiy . HE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TO IN. FORM the public that they have now of TO THE™ Which they wil Bellver of the whderineigoncd | Nn -- NN AK-F Bett. Stove Coal, 2000 Ib. 8. ; ul d ti Sto per sah SE and rye Junie of ¥ % 00k out in thine cannot be served this 2 y ¢ season, We would like to supply ut CUT AND SPLIT AT EXTRA CHARGE, | g All order} left at the Yard, or at Mr. F. | erm cision parte ut to commas, | 1 LF, LARGEST THAT OFT ASI0RT. quahtity at once, and we must finish & B 0 the 1 up and get al our ot! wrwork. Please | Mapshall oS C by: | 2 &ii they are recommended to do jn our | x -- A. Su pely of Lumber, Lime, | | printed testimonia's, on je fact that our Heeder savos one men snd team oll through seeding, { SJL Sh we . arked §1.%0 be the best Agricultnyalfmplement for the pri G i Pu &c: 4 swan te, it jin ~ hy x wl and ont one half the Jabot, snd do. +4 the work. better lass, tty, = ' ERR pan wi IN SHE COUNTY. y ant thy he 44 cbt k. A. BOWES, Mart ETON. ¢ ide THOMASM DEN, Dreshdout' Mita Y Mo {Va han | | M of all kinds, Dally tri ORV IS BIO HERS, Pickerd Onta | Pediling on "o ar she tov th Hrd [Jou¥ IL LIS, Ww hi » A din B. WE: E A | West Gwillmshary, Forks Rakes &e. in. | RS ' ' A LARGE STOCK oF Darling, T am Lonely Now. So \ \ "i N Remar denn onions. cont aon | BS - GVO NE | well, Darling, till ' , | of her Dart vor a oma Sian | ' | A Splenid 'Assortment of Carpestare Ton anit Dons ay poe. of Childhood, Hari TFRRIBLE BATTLE BETWEEN A FELLOW BY THE NAME OF | ballad, Danks, 50. Hear me say my littlo prayer, JACK FROST and a Gernin Geutlean by the name of M. MAYER, raged all last winter: Ethel DD | ft friends s I d hy roel Guit fiat teeme. song and chorw, Pareiey; &. i Rugive Bergen Pi els at : Samance hay oi roffcred their assistance in the emergeucy. |S Scrubbing,and ot ther Brus} | chorus, Hays, #0. * Meet me Maggie, song and A Larps Stock of Dodgers and sthe chorus, aya. io. * Lay ue Wha my Mother's oem ® FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CONIES.| stat ons ent true | late i INSTRUMEN TAL MUSIC Tle Queen of Great Britain has tendered to her loyal subject, A JSirel-vate rtment of A 3 Tai Be March, Kinkel, 35, * 8 Ad Mar; oh, Sknate 3+ ohms: March, np am BUFFALO ROBES, 25. * Sweet Sixteen W aliz, Blake 31 35. Evening THAT W IRE EVER] OFFERED IN BOWMANVILLE. Zephyrs Waltz, Pacher, ird of beaut upsiar : that a wil long remember tne sirugsie. ties Thin ing Tackle in the County. + 10,000 Volunteers; Ladics ad Gentlemen, Wanted for the Campaign. The whole of the above stock was = | nand at the above Yard, a large quantity of . .. HAR D W A RE GENTLEMEN, == As 'wa are only Dry Wood per Cord - £5 50 | ; 3 La Ae ~ : Lo "Dd DOtLer db coat once, asthe | wants sear homo fist. Tf the people Store, Bimcoe Street, will be | j - RN Ee re being called for every onli ns soon as possible: and gel your | Plaster, and Agricultural Salt | Besides saving seed and doing the work better than the ussal war takes i. lea oss in ope OILS, BUTCHERS! |B Bly Ss wining Gn jem a Seid ly Cig & lies | King St. West, Oshawa, | » Fad LY Bani A SPLENDID VARIETY OF: Agri it ural Boclety South ME, ROBINSON, Inuit, gz¥y ity lvdys ORDIRS JARLT, SONG for the PIANO | LOCKS, KNOBS, Danks, 30. Mattie May, song and chorus, Danks, | Asking a bless hg from Mother, song and chorus, | All kin" Is ¥ Paint, Varnish, song and chorus, Pratt. 30. (lore the s hutier, | report said JOHN FROST the worst of Lhe feontest, You'll Always find me true, song and chorus, | Sable, Austrican & Russie Dog Skins, a ze ses er etows wt Sleeping, song and fdr, Stewart, 0. Father | rid] | umn Lsves Sound pero isan ¢.| DELI IoH CRAPE, MUFFLERS AND SCOTCH CAPS, | Carriage Springs, Iron, Rope and 3. * Hertie's Sehottisehe, Kinkel, 35. *Jimmie's fea You te Pacher, gi af ew M. MASER, thavkful for ihe distingnisljed boiior conferred upon kim, have arran chased Fefore the late great rise mi p Polka, Young, 23. Pieces marked thus * have picture titles, Any plece mailed, post-paid om receipt of | mi Sea ice. Address, pat up J. L. PETES, #22, Broadway, New a, Kinkel, 35, Ray of Sunshine | Pacher, 35. ein Sta A Joka de | | M, MAYER repairs and altgrs tinaged goods, and pays kijhest prics| ang will be sold cheap for cash. Jor Rag Fi Call Early. Salon. Faine, 50, MM. MAYRE, |. Kddi *Haay's Poin, Kinkeh, Rh Bie a « Qahawa, Jan.1°"3. | : se York. Bowmanville, October, T8572, 10 i sr PRIZES Organs & Melodsons | MINKS, ERMINE, &c., And the best assortment of Guns, Oyster pet PORK, PORK. > : Cen FOR ANY QUANTITY OF = chsh ge a Ee x All iors of Produce taken in Exchange. REWARD! A WORD OF TIMELY AIG nn FOE | Ha in 600 Kegs of Cut Hai: : T. Wills Gibbs, - le 2 Le r,t i Ahi a aa a a A lh