| edies. pepsia, sease, } + ness, £ and ge are be: isthe I Ira flat on let him it is sil fiowing itself tl troublec in thesi burns, 1 "bottle of which is plaints. - Souex pecular 1 ent eye ¢ and gra his obed use, all « | "look ata | in the in [butt is | | cared for ! or unsou exibit tl | without uted oO - Slax slate of the nétvous system, | wine ta fre hebnine afyste an thaea ace The Song of Life. ry CORA MAY, bara tLe song of life, sing it joyously and | Sing, though thy hoart is breaking | With the anguish hidden there, And no Jay of sunlight pierces The cloud of wild despair Which weighs upon they spirit, And casts a shade of cloom Deeper than hovers over The dark and silent tomb, Sing: for the dark browed phantoms Hl vanish swift away, If thon wilt meet them bravely, And sing As wild and Kay As the merry song-bird warbles, Or the hiroek that purls along, Skins in storm ped sunshine © same sweet, happy song, Take up thy life-song bravely nd the Joy-waves seon will roll In a flood of light and glory Into thy troubled soul, And the flowers of lovewill blossom With swoetost fragrance rife; Whilst thy heart beats to the musle Of the merry wong of life, . Tr ------ © G-- ee The 8!. Lawrence Canals, Mr. Hope made a véry sensiblo remark, and uttered an important truth, when he said at the last week's mecting of the Hamilton Board of Trade, that the St. Lawronee Canal was" being noglected in the excitement caused by the . Welland | Canal subject just now. the country needed improvement, even | that of Sault Ste. Maric, but the enlarge- | ment of the canals below was of more im- nrtance to Hamilton than those: above. "hat we want is a 24 fect channel from Quebec to Mou troal airy pS passage | of the heaviest ocein vessels, anda twelve- | feet channel from Montroa] Westward," | It weuld be folly to enlarge and deepen the Welland Canal, unless the St. "THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING. W. WICC & SON H AVE JUST RECEIVED a BEAUTI- . ful assortment of Pictures, already fam- cod.suitablo for Christinas prosonts, in part of | which are the following : | A SCENE IN CALIFORNIA. WINDSOR CASTLE. A SAIL BY MOONLIGHT. BALMORAL CASTLE. BALLYNAHINCH, Ireland. MOTHER'S JOY. 'STAR OF GLENGARY. : THE HAPPY FAMILY. INNOCENCE. : | FIDELITY. THE FIRST PAIR OF PANTS, i, THE NOSEGAY. THE BREAD OF HEAVEN. EVENING PRAYER. otc., ete, ete. All the canals of | Algo, a lot of First-Rate HAND-SLEIGHS, The beet over before offered in town. Call early and got your choice, | CHEAP FOR CASH! Wishing our kind friends h ** Merry Christ] mwas and a happy Now Year." W. WIGG & SON, -- ion ---- rence eanals are also enlarged and a | M x L E M I LK 1 ed to a uniforin width and depth with the Welland. ! and the St. Lawrence canals are allowed If the Welland bo enlarged, | FP'ME UNEERSIGNED HAS MUCK ; A Rak e in 10 to remain as they are, the result may be | Jo Oshawa that he has bought from Messrs. iRus- that the through the Welland would find an outlet to New York, by way of Oswego and the Erie Canal, thus cutting off a largo share of the commerce which should, and would find its way, if the St. were en treal and the St. Lawrence. It is utterly useless to enlarge the Welland unless the St. Lawrence canals be made the same or roduce of the West passing | | She sale and delivery of that most indlsi Lawrence canals | ed, to the seabdard, via Mon. ! wreatercapacity. There cannot be a doubt | among intelligent commercial men and | for-warders, that the St. Lawtence canals | should bo enlarged contemperancously | with the Welland, if, indeed, 'wot prior to | such enlargement of "the upper naviga- tion, and the Welland canals must be enlarged and improved, and that right speedily, "or Sooke] lose a large portion of the carry- ing trade between the cast and the west. -- Hamilton Times. , pf ---- 0 -- Nimrop--* Have ycu seen a doer pass Thefact ia, both the St. Lawrence | this way, boy! Yeu know what a deer is | Like" Yekel--*' Noa, I don't." Why, something like a donkey with short ears Have you seen anything answering to that description 1" Yokel--** Noa, nottill yeau come by ! " THe first bird I shot in Ameriky," said an Irish sportsman, *" was a forkupine. | I treed him nnd.r a hay stack, and shot | him with 5 barn shovel. The first time I | hit kim I missed him; and the second time | 1 hit him in the same place where I missed | him the first time." Tue workingmen of Toronto held a mass mecting in the St. Lawrence Hall on Tuesday night, and condemned two of the Bills introduced by the Ontario Gov- ernment regarding workmen and masters. The Stratford Beacon Icarns that a few | days ago an order was issued by Mr. Spicer | local saperintendent of the Grank Trunk, to the different agents to use every means in their power to prevent the necessity of despatching trains on Sunday, and to en- ! deavor to diminish Sunday labour at the various stations as much as possible, with the view of finally abolishing it altogether. This is gumove inthe right direction, Sap Ir True. --It will be that on the night the Herndon's played ¢ Under the Gaslight' here on the last night of their first engagement, that when the Railway train ran over the stage and came 80 closely (according to the play) klling one of the actors, a newly married lady whs so overcome with fright that she fainjed, and had to be carried from the Hall. We learn'that, being in delicate health, she became ill, and died in the gity one day during the past week. This, if true, is very I Times. Ar Nice there is a Russian who made many millions of roubles by his specula- tions. He refuses now to go into society, and receives at his house none but the rsons whom he knew in the happy old pi when he, had not asou. To t he makes little presents of a. thousand to two thousand roubles, and so on. He is an uneducated man, but passionately fond of music, and his one pleasure is to maintain an orchestra. He engages by the year the best musicians he can obtain ; - in the morning they take up their position at one end of a salon in Lis villa; he sits "down in his arm chair at the:other end, and they play to him all day. Measuring tne Herour or Trees. -- In B E S T A S S 0 R T M E N T the last American Agriculturist is an illus- Vl) trated article describing the mode of as- | certaining the height of trees. The mode although quite simple, "is not always at band when most wanted, and requires some micety of managen:ent, and the ex- treme height of trees isless frequently de- sired to be found by farmers who wish to cut a stick of timber to some desired length from the timber woods. one has only a measuring rod, and has the experience of the writer, which is as follows: A stick of timber is desired, say BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. fifty feet long; select your tree, measure | fifty feet in a direct line from the foot of | the tree on as near level ground as possible | now cut a stick the exact hei ht of the observer and stick it in the ground exactly perpendicular; now lot the observer lie flat on hia back, his fe st against the stick and head in line of tree and stick and look | directly over the tep of the stick, and where the line of vision strikes the tree will be the length of stick, fifty fect, de- sired. If tho measure will not be exact, Lut a'lowance must be made. Waar 1s Ir 1--The London Advertiser of a few evenings ago, rays: --** On Thurs- day of last week, Mr, W. near the vill fat cow for butchering. killed the beast, and upon laying her open found a curious object, which cannot be called a calf, but which is described as an 'odd mixture of parts of the human and bovine species. The head was round like a-man's, and very large, devoid of lair, with a white forchead, human chin and eyes, but with a nose and mouth resembling | The | those portions of a bull dog's face. NEW STOCK] | remembered sell & Glass all their right and interest in the Milk business, and that he is now nEaged in nef article, MILK, in its natural purity ! He bopes, by a continuance of the business and punctual ity in delivery, to merit and obtain the patros- age of all who may be in wait of the same. H. TAPLIN, 'We the ondersigned take J Sasure in resom- | mending to the Inhabitants of Oshawa Mr, Tap- lin, {a our-epinion, as being reliable in the above business, and would recommend to all who waat good milk to bay from hiw, G. Henry, A. Farewell, $1-8m-pd. FALL WINTER CLOTHING. J. W. Fowke, W. McGill, LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY"S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AXD WINTER OLOTHING. He has just received his Which will be found complete. 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. the shertest notice. nl NEW GOODS. IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at A more { ou simple method, and. one that can be put | in practice at any time and place, when | ground is not level the | body, shaped like the body of a man, was quite black, with a small patch of colorless hair close to one shoulder, being véry short but shaped like a child's, while in place of hands agd fect the un- mistakable hoofs of the calf were to be scen tarned contrariwise. a full grown muskrat." is now in-the possession of Mr. Mummery taxidermist, who intends treating the beagt | Selected from some of the most celebrated with the hope of preserving it as a curiosis ty. Dr. Brown, we learn, as soon as the body is sufficiently thawed, will dissect the animal and give a statement of anything that he may discover that will prove inter- esting. He is of the opinion that had the | Orders for Tuning attended te prompily. animal been born it would have lived, wher we would have bad a living instead of a dead curivsity." The arms and | legs were out of proportion to the body, | And withal the beast | possessed a tail which would do credit to | A subsequent issue of the same paper says: "' The calf | THE CHEAPEST AND EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC, | We have an excellent assortment of | - English and Canadian Tweeds. | Talloring done on the shortest notice, and good fits guaranteod. Is _well assorted, and our TEAS are A No.1. GOOD GREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS, Our Dust Teas we are selling at 37}, by the five pounds. Also, an excellent assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes, which will be sold very cheap. Trunks and Satchels. And, in fact, everything that belongs toa rn Country Store. Call prices and satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Cash Paid for Hides and Skins WM. WILLARD. Taunton. CALL AT R. WELLINGTON'S | MUSIC ROOM, King Street East, Oshawa, AND EXAMINE Mis { | [ Organs and Melodeons, makers, warranted for live years. PRICES LOW azd TERMS EASY. | | Instruments sold on monthly payments, Also Hardware, Stove and Tin Dealers, lustruments to rent, R.-WELLINGTON. Oshawa, October Sith, 1572 lu Jlothing of all kinds made to order on A CALL SOLICITED. * FALL & WINTER TAUNTON] R GROCERY DEPARTMENT and examine. our stock and re -- GET THE BEST. H. K. Talbot, | -- of London Gore, a butcher, purchased | e of Avon, in Dorchester, | On Friday he NEW AND LARGE STOCK PIANOS! IMPORTS FOR THE WINTER! W. F. COWAN 18 NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. 10: » ico of wool "has lod Sonsuinend to axpeet 4 cortoapandin rise in int when they v iis we nown house, to ER ee lines, Piles of heavy The great advance in the Winter Goods. They will J still pnt In many of the leadin Srl ihat de pbc 2¥ rd Shawls at old ee -- Thousands of yams of Flgnnels at old prices. Heaps of Dress Goods at old prices. Lots of Blankets at vld prices, &e., &c, 10: Tho Dress Goods Department Contains : ; ! rtment ; all Wool Serges, a full assortment ; all Wool French | Bl and Wau] Sul! Susnrt ine stripod and plain ; real Irish Popling, Bonnets celebratod Lyeus Silks, pure 8k and Woolon Bombazines, and other Mourning Goods in great variety, The H use Furnishing Department Embraces: Vv p fits, Lace Curtains, Linen Carpets--Tapestry, Wool and Uniens, Felt, Hemp and Star. Quilts, c : y ung, Towelings. Price and quality can be confldéntly recomincnded joeiiney, Tals Lover, Sheri to the. most prudont buyers, LO -- THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT : stoc t West of England Twoeds, Cloths and Overcontin' Fy i ir 4s jhe i AB w all re jaiting ~, ble and Fashi Re Clothing. #4" An carly call respectiully invited. W. F. COWAN. 227 Osnawa, Dee. 17, 1872, Highest Price Paid | | ons | RED CLOVER SEED! ALSIKE CLOVER SEED ! --AXD--- BLAMEY & BRIGGS! Oshawa, Jan. 27th, 1873. 2-42-¢f 0: 5 PARTIES WANTING ) DRY GOODS! Blankets, Overcoats, q Clothing, Boots & Shoes, &e, will do well to attend the Auction Sale, every night, at W. DICKIE'S. He offers his whole stock of Goods Saved from the late Fire at Auction. Something for Christmas Britania Metal Tea Pots. Electro Plated Cake Baskets. Electro Plaled Cruets. Electro Plated Tea, Baskets, And Table Spoons, and Forks, : Electro Plated Desert and Table Knives. Ivory Handle Desert and Table Knives, all First-class. | JUST RECEIVED AT HATCH & MEARNS. Also another lot of the Celebrated Mansard Cook Stoves, | HATCH & MEARNS, KING STREET, OSHAWA, Oshawa, Desombor 10th, 1972. : %6.tf | | Cry oF BROOKLYN, TIMOTHY SEED! Auction Sale] | | and Portland as follows: y with some of the most difficult problems of | illustrated by Sheppard, i | Characteristios, Home L { John Hay, | more widely quoted than any similar papers | waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon. STEAM BETWEEN LONDON, QUEBEC, MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE ron Steamors: SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECTOR NIGER, NILE THAMES, TWEED, SEVERN The Steamers of this Line are intended to sall from Quebec and Montreal every Tukspay dur: ing the season of navigation of 1572, and from London every Wednesday, ealling at Plymouth on the way out, Through tickets from all points west nt reduecd rates, Certifieatos imsned to partics desirous of bringing out their friends, For full particulars apply to the Company's Agout al Oshawa, $ OW, SMITH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston and Liverpool Crry or RicuMonn, Crry ovr MONTREAL, City or ANTWERP, Crry or BaLTimons City or Pans. Crry or Brussers, Cirry o¥ New York, City or Harivax, ITY OF LONDON, Ciry or Dunnam, Crry oF WASHINGTON, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays! From Pier 15, North River, x City or DUBLIN, RATES OF PASSAGE, To Queenston or Cabin, Averpool, - - 875, gold, . ap BY 1 mn, . wo 3x " Paris, © - Tickets ean be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing (0 send for their friends, For Stoorage. $30, currency. 2," ALLAN LINE. 0SEAWA AGENCY. far I WINTER SERVICE! Under Contract with the Canadian Government for carrying the Canadian and U.S. Malls, STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. FPYHIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE 1 of the undernoted Full Powered, ed Clyde Built Iron Steamships: \ ian, 4,20 toms (building). Sarmatian, 3,80 tons (building). Caspian, 3,250 tons, Capt. Scott, Scandinavian, 3,000 tons, Capt. Ballan- tyne. Prus ) N 650 tons, Captain . Peruvian, 260 tons, Lieut, Smith, R. N. R. Germatiy, 3,28 Tons, Capfatn J. Graham, Forming a weekly line between Lives i, Loa dovnderry, Quebec and Montreal, leaving Que- bec y Sat ty, on arrival of the, Nig xpress from Montreal. Forming a weekly line between Glasgow, Quebec and Montreal. RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First Cabin from 251 to 391, according to accommaoda. *, $30, including a plentiful suppiy I provisions, served out by /the ng to the Company. wsgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- Steerage, $20. 2¢ Return Tickets, good for six months, is- sued st reduced rates. Pre 3 can Passenger Certificatos are | iced Rates wo parties wishing to r friends from Kngland, Ireland or any part of Canada. mships of the Montreal Ocean Steam- ship Cor pany land their passengers at the Grand Trunk Railway Wharf, PokTrAND, passen- gors th # the usual charges of cart- ing and IKAKe, SX pre rtland onarrival of the Ocean Stean { I, Toronto, and all western points; a wilitics afforded to passengers by The ALLAN LINE cannot be sur- assed by any other line afloat. irongzh passage tickets and every informa tion, apply to ips will be despatched from Liverpoo! Steam FROM LIVERPOOL. HIBERNIAN, - MORAVIAN, - SAM ITAN FROM PORTLAND nd Dee' 9th 16th 2rd 0th 6th Or to Agents, Montreal. L. SMITH, Agent, Post Office, Oshawa Scribner's Monthly. A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND, New Story by SAXE HOLM. 4 Long Ste rom BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT RAY of CONTRIEUTERS CLARENCE COOK on Furniture and Decorations. R. II. STODDARD on Authors. Extraordinary Inducoments 'to New Subscribers ; 500 PAGES FOR $1.00! &ec., &c. ishers of ScrIBNER'S MONTHLY, in us just issued, promise for the year a more brilliant array of contribu- torsgand an increase in the variety and beauty of its iflustration, already conceded by theeritics to be finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any American magazine. Dr. HoLLAND, the Editor, will write the serial story of the year, which will be gutobiographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bonicastle, and will deal ensuing yo American Life. It will be commenced in the November Number, There will be a new story by Saxe HoLy, The One Legged Dancer. BRET HARTE, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribute a characteristic'story, entitled The Eple of Fiddletown, which will be R. H. Stopparp will write a series of ente- taining ers about Authors, their Personal Families, Friends Whims, and Ways. A series of Portraits of Living American Writers, is also promised, Clarence k will write about Furniture and the oration of American Homes, These papers will be eminently practical as well as artistic, and will be illustrated 'with de- signs and sketches by numerous artists in addi. tion to those which the writer himself will furn- ish, Among those who will contribute are: Hans Andersen, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, Higginson. Bishop Huntington, Bret Harte, ian ih H. Mac donald, Mitchell, Miss *helps, Stedman, Stockton, Stoddard, Cel Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs, Whitnen besides a host of others, The editorial control and direction of the Mag- azine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write * The Topics of the Time," which the N.Y, Inde pendent says * are in any American magazine," Walter Gilder will write * The old Cabinet m as hitherto, Prof. John C. Draper conducts the Department of "Nature a selenee." The departmonts of *"Mome aud Soctety," and "Culture and Progress," will engage the con- tributions of more-than a store of pens on both sides of the Atlangg The Watchman and Re- | lector says : "Scribner's Monthly for September is betier than usual, which indicates a needless ey, for the Magazine was good enough before I And yet the Publishers promise to make It still bet for the com year." 'The subscription price is $4 a year, with speci. al rates to clergymen, teachers, and postmasters, The following Extraordinary Inducements are offered to new subscribers: Fer $5.50 the Publishers will send, or any bookseller of news. | dealer will supply, the magazine for one year, | ard the twelve numbers of Vols, 111. and 1V. | containing the " Ser 'At H sinning of Mrs. Oliphant's | fur one year, i" for $7.50, the magazine | back numbers from the | Ine qlhing ; for $10.50, the Magazine for one ear, and the 21 back numbers bownd (4 vols.), charges | on bound vols. paid, This will give nearly 5000 r of the choicest reading, with the finest fl- ustrations, fi 0.50, or hearly #00 pages fora | ¥ r! aud will enable every subscriber to ob- tain the ries from the first, ae Special terms to Dealers Clergymen and | Teachers, SCRIDNER & c0,, 1 U'rcadway, N. Y. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, ~THE-- 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, \ \ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, i | - BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co. 0: EE rn ome [SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Posters, Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, ' Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, » > AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. ---- VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP op HYPOPHOS PH TEg, Sad The only # Formula an pi A fe "vo be Cre lly z For the prevention and PULMONARY CONsy. IN Also for the curelef ' Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Ash petite, General Teo, ood 7 4 CERTIFICATE AS TO PURMY 4 Laboratory, U niversity College, T To the Vietoria Chemical Coo Dees th, py Gentlemen, -- 1 have exa employed in the Viet re ined the ) mical W, ~ the preparation of the Viet phosphites, The soveral® I Iori of Hyp Are chemically pure, and the Ky raoephites Teed Sree from any impurity, Your Syry to phosphites will undo 4 D of Hype valuable Modicine, bubtedlypiuve . -y LENRY I. CROFT, Professor of Chem . __ Price $1 per Hottle, Sold by all Drogo 3 Cc "VICTORIA. = A COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS op BUCHU & UVA Ugg) Specific Remed Ul Diseases Bladder and Rye or pit Dia fhe Complaints incidental' to Females : 1 Diseases of the Urinary Organs in py AC Try at once for any ofithe ab Disorders, and you will be fully Gonviriced' of its eminent virtues, re Price 81 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggist VICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS* For atism, Gout, N Scintia, Wanderi " Pains, Sues: thee, or Joints; Sprains, iruises, Numbness, Ewell Headache, Earache, Toothache, &e, | tid BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVE TT by all Druggists, Price 50 Cents per Bottle, Sold - VICTORTA CARBOLIC SALVE. " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD» A Specific for Cuts, Wounds, Braj N Scalds, Boils, Piles, Pimples, ete., and C Diseases of the Skin of every description, Price 2 Cents per Box. ~~ VICTORIA CARBOLATED, GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES FAVORITE" For Beautifying the Complexion, moving Tan, Suliburn, Freckles, Pim also for Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Bites and Sore Lips, [| +. Uhilblains, Frost Price, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggiste, YICTORIA I TOILET SOAPS. *" Celebrated for the J Ba odllomarof prom, Purity ad VICTORIA CARBOLIC S04P, VICTORIA SULPHUR S04P, VICTORIA GLYCFERINE, HONEY, ROSR AND WINDSOR. Sold by all Druggists. +4 Sac lale-1, 11:13 CATTLE FEEDER. (YOR FATTENING AND BRINGING into Condition Horses, C , Ci Sheep, and Pigs, the Wey Ca ven, TORESHIRE CATTLE FERDER s used and recommended by first: Stock fed with it have pio ker Foy ars. Milk Cattle produce more milk and butter, It Fatters in one fourth the usual time, And Saves Food, Price conts and $1.00 per box; a dollar oontains 200 feeds, ps - HUGH MILLER & Co, Agricultural Chemists, 187, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. For Sale by all Druggist everywhere. 26m . | Prospectus for 1873. SIXTH YEAR, TE AL DINE, An Illustrated Moiit) y admitted to somest Periodi THE ALDINE, while issued regularity, has none of the tem: interest characteristic Fvof cals. It isan elegant miscelld light and graceful literature ; and a ictures, the rarest specimens of arti lack and white. Although each number affords a fresh the real value and beauty of will be most appreci &R ated after it bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness, 88 compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE isa unique and original conception-- alone and unapproach JY ed -- absolutely with- out competition inM&4 price or character,-- leasure to plicate the quantity of fine pape ings in any other shape 'or number of velumes for ten times its cost; and there are the chromes, besides! y Art Dovartment. Notwithstanding the increase in the of subscription last Fall, when THE ALDINE assumed its present noble Projiortions and re- Joacalative Fharecter, the edition was more an doubled during the past Jear ; proving that the American public appreciate, will sup rt, a sincere effort in the cause of Art, The publishers, anxious to justify the ready cone finence thus demonstrated, have exerted them selves to the utmost to Jor élop and dmbrove ihe work ; and the plans for the coming year, as unfolded by the ld monthly issues, will astonish and delight cven the most friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to.announece de- signs from many he most eminent artists of America. In adiition, D THE ALDINE will reproduce exam of the best foreign mast- ers, selected with a¥jew to the highest artistie success, and greatest general interest ; avoiding such aé have become familiar, through phote- fraghs, or copies of any kind, The quarterly nted plates, for 1873, fF will reproduce. four of John 8. Davis' inimit 4 able child-sketches, ap- propriate to the four seasons. These plates ap- pearing in the issues for January, April, July, and October, would be alone worth the pricé a year's subscription, N The popular feature of a copiously illustrat 4X ed "Christmas" numb- er will be continved. To possess such a val epitome of the art world at a cost so trifling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in ev: section of the country ; but, as the usefulness attractions of TH ALDINE can be en- hanced, in proportion to the numerical 'in- crease of its supporters, the publishers make "assurance double sure," by the following unparalleled offer of . Premium Chremos for 1873. Every subscriber to The Aldine, whe pays in advance for the year 1873, will receive, without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oli chromos, after J. J, Hill, the eminent English painter. -- The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle," and "Crossing the Moor," are I x 2 inches--are "| printed from 25 different plates, requiring 25 ime pressions and tints to perfect each picture. same chromos are sold fer $30 per pair, in the art stores. As it is the determination of its com. ductors to keep The Aldine out of the reach of : competition in every. department, the chromos Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to sil: im bmp iy tris : | can be offered by other periodicals. Every subs --O---- pe CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWAY scriber will receive a certificate, over the signa- ture of the publishers, Ye unieting that the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be re- funded, = The distribution of pictures of this grade, fice to the subscribers toa $5 eviodionl will mark an epoch in the history of Art; and, cansidering the imprecedented cheapness of the price for The Aldine itself, the marvel fallslittie | short of a miracle, even to those best acquaint with the achievements of inventive genius an | improved mechanical appliances, [For illustra. | tions of these clhiroos, sce November issue THE Arise] The Literary Department will continue under the care of Mr, Richard Henry Stoddard, assisted 4 the best writers and poets of the day; who will strive to have the literature of Tuk ALmNg always in keeping with its artistic attractions. - Terms: $5 per annum, in advance, with oll pe Chromos free. THE ALDINE will, hercafter be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or | club rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent | to the publishers direct, or handed to the local ent, without responsibility to the publishers, | except inl cases where the certificate is given, bearing the fac-simile signature of JAMES SUT- T0N & Co. Agents Wanted. Any per an, wishing to act permanontly as & local agent, will receive full and prompt informe ation by apply .ng to JAMES SUTTON & CO,, : I ublishers, 33 MALDEN LAY ¥, NEW YORK, Sold by, all Driggise _ The possessor of a complete volume cannot du. i The § BTER Ths Ont At their Advostivi be publish All transi when hand office of pr day morni 'To werch a very lib Big = HYS Ac Residend Rotel.' HYS eur, GU ICE} A wa. promptly EET oheapest, with Gold pain by p Dental | Atkinson' I ICE) Ome L, Kin All oper Pesidence ARI} LIC Puhlic, O Simcoe St i did JE. Fal ARR Holic n ithy. - YOUN J. Hane * 7 RC A ance Oshawa. to and Bt GR Me: 5 Fain