Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Feb 1873, p. 4

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lhe = lox ste ofthe nervous yen. V ce ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1848: ine , Te ih -- me ---- nc in _-- -- ---- ay ow 70 Go ALONG Ju No fisk, | Dominion 1 i ig THE da S.C Ton, 1 Thomas' Fevvic Of Forth Ten Mimes | New Cabinet Ware- -rooms. | 1872, AS USUAL! gn. ' ' ! . : ' : z= found er hei a ry pve of btainsw, be) its Weight in Gold. Doyou know | "5 Te ¢ Onan / Hin butinen anything of 41 Tat : . Complete Success! | 4 : ) Dot hf 0 toll stories in business! S84 tine you id. : : ; vod P ea 237 r813. {nem e ro . og ; . B%. b ; 27 FL po ean get rich by loungingin stores Fo EE | 10 Fl RST PRIZES : : ; : ; ; a )] : ' " ' Tho 'Ontario Rofo Fave onder, suis oputao lie. dy Shor val: IGG & SON, TSE ee =, Na ~~ Publishing s. ures cases o bles : . : : - ) promptness. Sis oor: WwW A L 1 E R WwW : : » NO At their office, Ri pre with business you do not : Rs fel WV. BE LL, & Co, i M TT E PROY H NCE, pi : ; 25 NTAINS T eo _-- Provinci Never buy an article do not need ; . . % : | B and ne simply because it is clieap and the man HANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM | | GULLPil, ONT: : ; ' Fey LG se who sells it will he it out in Sade, " H . the Publio that they always keep a Stock of good well-made Furniture on hand, » on sisfing {i Bocsived Every First Prize for i . ; : ; y i fi iE MS: 91 porn eis 3 - Noy ' t . ! ' Composed No No pay: Endeavor to yd hard words and per- One nai bottle of your Eclee i Ni --e | ~THE- - . . and Ji the pails ex ities. where the person hag Rok spoken above v arrearages i 4 i blisher, and parties wr ip "| Rev. J. Mall Savoia, Spevins, Disioss, Sais, Cotto Toatin F 45 Bits, sk omy. . 3 ; Rey will beheld r Do not kick every stone in the path. | [Wy Slug writ 4 Yo our Rotectrlc Of Oil ' . thing in thelr line of business. , ; 2 . ' TIGER, D ( Fain Shey con More miles ean be made i in a day by going enred ma of Bronchitis 17 one week." Dealers sh ters addressed all over thes . 'Wo have nevér sold | 2 y as, . : . y J 7 Pay as you go, | faction as this, * ! '6 9 of this Line are intendess. yr OF A It is composed of six of the best oils that are ; i iT A man of E honor respects his avon as help. RU 1 wit, } Phniviran * 1 ookivreaiastes: PistuiaE eamas. tnde ta. ardor in Aran cl: i ; - ". Bix Nines and under, fi a a pe Ho Tetiarad To he iments vepenior ws | Pictures, Looking-glasses, Pioture Frames made to order in every 2 the t of gegen Remy anythin, le. Will ) * steadily on than sto a medicine that has gf Yen such complete satis. | P| Aid, bend never bey. SRVE You yu b snf- From six to ten lines, fir ening a , o Is sold by | | - tick ach subséquent in fer: Help others wher you can, but mover |oneor vhere these | . A 1 i ; ; R 4 Do six lines, rst ine : % ) t i" | j . kach subsequent ius give ¥ at yh Sannct afford to, simply Bs ob rid hg Boeuts. Whynot | wy have got the best Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, and the vary rgens & © Rornd | ;: 8 frig Thenaabae arian it 18 fashionable. aby 8. N. sp N.Y. . ' i . ' : vi aber Learn to say "' no." No necessity for | | eae RHO, ph Ry best Steel Spring Bed Bottom in the Dominion, the Poovinclal, Eis Hamilton, sad 1 snap) fas! but say it | Sole Ageats for the Dominion. ' 3 i SABA Sut Gog tution, » | NOTE. --Erlectrio--Solectad and Electrized. %0 the people say. aud what every poison says must be Lrus, but we say (ry for yourselves ! * er On ly One Dollar a yea rs Til grand success, ln addition to Jast years . x when bh: A Have but fow confidents, and the fower | For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Ont of & 3 : x ; offi ve of publica 101 Osh fu Whithy by J. H. Gerrioand J. B . SAY arang recacd Pring vim | 2 Brookita by Joke Wares. ©" | THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT IS OOMPLETE, | HAVI ¥0 A] jlver Medal oy, : ; da moching veel Use your own brains rather than those f gS Sold by 3 HIOGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT | SPLENDID HEARSE. A ' & very liberal discount «3 ] of ethers. > ; 3 Diplomas, and : wl Frm-- MY INITIATION. \ The Great FemaleRemedy. Coffins kept on hand and made to order, Terms Butsontic 12 First Prizes, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, - Business A western man Daving been ** made" a) JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. The aC 10% urease nat our gmastishiseos. Reamer the place Sompaient sigan Siren: ip the (Jinn sr : ; Good tario t 's New Blook, 3 Y TH E gives Svaplarinens a aro tomas, ps INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS Sele proprieiars and Manufacturers of the B ed dappiaging in 8 those Sint) nd WW. WIGG & SON ORBQANETTE, ' "eo asked we t Hise aod * | Containing Serfbner's Patent Tubes , . ar open, rr PES oma w SEESSENE ONTARIO REFORMER = | god a with them: asked me if | ft1s peculiarly suiied, It wil, tna short tims, ] ; : |e 5 ey withdrew | | { "> SIE IEERANRESR SER drreene PERT LE So i ; TY3ICIAN, ST he Hoi, ate my bewme. * Don't care iB ou the Gandy acted with re Their foutitly 0 ; : . : ear, an Corsasr | if youdo." Gota lotter seying I had been { iL) ihe FIRST T THRE. NON ay trea: Er : ERT Sy -- EERERETER printing and Publishing O into Boban | lack gh glass, saw engarin | Sarat: pid es tte tions, | instruments. n ng an 0 0, lay; want to Jar 3, looked in gltss tp fix! Patns in 1pe B e Lt ! : > ; nectle; startad to find kal, asked s Fim rtion, Pulp i | Nir these PF. i | f t ; residence, Si gk hers i wes, said he didn't, | other means have 'alle ¢ h . | . i Guelph, Oct. 22nd, 1373 ® -- ---- sa some ia Gi op wan Chong (E580 SIMCOE, STREET, OSHAWA. must be the nlace; Sent up two : Jul t9 the cou or Savin : ENCED AU( of aly, ocksd st'the Gave, may inside | package, w be careftllt chaerved. Scribner 8 8 Monthly wis 4 v : > if » LE All orders put ! : nded to. to a hole, asked him wh JCD MCSIR, NAW YCIE, RCLE JRCTPIIICR, promptly attended wanted, said he = ranted the pasawurl { 1 { 17) cents Jor postage, enclosed ta Y {a Vow Shore By DR. HO HOLLAND. : ; . LQ) -- . SEsEEoi LE SES NEW WINTER GOODS "Fi scp Si bia; said I had ome to J join, oY Jit mo in | AR Bt Sor rd Ball] 5 r SREY SABIE ne ' i a little room and tu!d me to sit dowr. ; or yr WW. T. Alki of rn x . MEYETH IN: Bye-and-bye a fellow came out and asked bro Sod Fr f BE KL --" wg : cleat, a yd a Sold b 6 . ! 5 © h Gold and Silver. went thom emo ek wich oben | Boonie ha Zzinertiasry iwemats 0 ow] COMMERCIAL PRINTING. j ain 0 pricing oa - : a Dental same in Co ® on came out, one asked me if I'd be obedi- | -- - pra | : { bscribers ; : NT Pro Shore 509 IR, ps 91.00% de, ac. : San gop Ba Mg Bede Pies for 1873. nt of Scumxtu's Mowrmiv, a : go that would intoxicate, and &_nuwber of | six YEA pa SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Yo A i pricey Lromise for the Posters - : JF omNmATRe other question ; the other asked me for | Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receivin " " ro do stamps, planked down the cash and they URE AL D Zr. L FE, well asserted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. kia ye 1+ B Te PRIEFIILE THE All omeral or departed. Soon No. 1 returned, told me | Residence In the same they were all ready: and to follow him. He | An TUusteatid Month] : Dr, Hous. the Editor, will write the serial : oy ---- knocked at the door, fellow inside" wasn t| onthly Journal, unis | . sory St the ye br, whic h will be autobiographical { . : FAREWEL going to let uy in but changed his mind | CiShaY admitted to 0: he da the Bend- | Dress Goods, Cottons, C atings, | fe Eaiiled evi Digstrated by Mine Hallock, Blank Forms, L ARRISTERS. and opened the door ; girls and boys all ¥ A Representative & Champi- | wits HOI 0 "it moat difficult problems of 0 5 BB LIC ITORS, Con Jomped an and commenced Singing, soon | en of American Taste, © . November 3 br 1 commited Tu' we : TH RATEPAYERS OF THE } b ALLE Lund ig one and sat down ; wal me before an : | : : . 4 { cls The 11 © w story by Saxe Mou, . LAGE of Oshawa, havi 3 ONEY to Lend officer with a young lady on each side of Not for sale in Book Pri nts, Poplins, Tweeds, Phy hin, Rn nev ¥ by SAXE Ror, The Show Bills reward for the introd nay I BY fas him ; next took me arpund and halted me ' ort News Stores. maoufeoturing interest is moras -- - y BRET HarTil the best write ding before a young lady on the other Side of! THE ALDINE, w issned with all the BOW living. tri aractern ebay Eodustrial rasan. te bull J. E. FAREWELLS ------------a--e gv illnentribute & characteris io ot " the room, don't kuow what she said, way regu lari fethpprary or timely Ae ) ¥ ent tied The of Flddietown, which will 0 : ». MN. looking at ton all the bb e M I me inten at 9 h ry riodi. Clo! HN Made to Order on Short : notice! pl om / . C ee wo Ealing: Toe he ave ARE in Chan -_ around again, Leard the girls whispe { u jon of tai oD m wrt on dies a ente. | -~ : : alleltor lu Chane SE Feet A, J PEPER 11.0 Usa spy es, Crockery. Horscs, i Rim iE ER 'Business Cards, , rARGER STOUR] Her he is pretty good- "looking perfectly orrid | nuraber affords ah pies to 11s riends The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery Horses, Whiten, nud Ways. A series of Puriraits of | f - : ; ES --splendid I'm just going for him," ete. ; the 1 ity of The Abiine Living Asmcrighn Wilters, is also promised. | RISTEES Codk will write about Fur ture ill b A a ter it bas Wagous, wid Anything else You can Think Of ! tas or oR halted before another officer who 3 prev Whine heet ' p fone cea: i : } TERS down and shook hands with me, I said/ put i ay el superipr cheapuoces, 2 : j These | re haticn oo Ser tcan ractica a. Visiting Ca rds, 7 Taw Sulieh 4 bow do you do, how are all the folks ? He ° Re bn th sinillar clave, THE ! ists y | . 2 = ; ube, Conveysnces 1425} 4. cameg on " - A : 0, and will bo illustrated od deo- | kept ou talking und told me to siga ihe Pra tay wit: All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange... - a om sh, Sumerous arte ln add | [tee das erue burs temo ond in Otama fl J" hake Gusswo constitution so, and was marched | Qut -competilion in Ad price! or character, -- % i. 5 1 . jp ge oonslsting io part of MEER Fi up before the first officer; who gave me 8 | piicese the Guontits Lilase NOME caBuot du- y WW T° | Amo who will capt E i Wr of sighs dill KUOh wit tay ware; | ER Be Fo Bent SE J. WW. FOWK™ fran, Wha eal Sepia pe Bill sads,, 600 Kegs of Cut Nails: EL J ten times itz c05t; wl ( reth : was looking at the girls on each "side of | foT/20, a | CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS ASD) pri Kay, Ea 1 stucaounls, Mtichep, : - BAe ma Gener him. Soon all the boys and girls Spe} Art Dovartment. i ' ockton, 9 | & THE LARGEST BT AND ) Bese ASSORT- © hawa. Agent for ti up and joined handa ; one of tho girls Notwithsigndia the increases In tho ° BARLEY FOR SEED to and from New York me a glass of water, it wasn't very oy subecripidon Hass al, wien THE ABE | ENS ro) Ee p SitaE \ Torn a host of others arm around my neck and put a white ool- | Ran doubiod Sarg. the yeas pro will contin 10 writs "Th 0) _ lar on me- thought shs was going to kiss | that the al daring 4 i io a rig | : pe . ie of the | Timer which t i "me, but she diets, "Then iiey put me in | Fi SRE € soere Bir in thd cetaeof 21% | Madical Hall | ere italy guctos od Han 220 ¢imilar pagers AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF . ' eitle, oined hands with the girl who flosnice thus demonsiraied, Lave exested # | - ig said I was ginal Bands * then thay | had in- | | selves to the utmost to gereop aad prove ds | - 28 Boner Por A os a as 3 you A "Nature -- k ; and the plans r the --- + = { y termission, all eame up and shook hands | | an uotolded by: t tho dd memiity issues, wil © DR. DEAN H Ticiomea p with me---called we trother ; Slat } gw | asionlsh Io delight erca the most sanguine | (SON k S : VA x EE mm DEANS EE EE ETTER PRESS PRINTING VAR! SHES, | - 1 : | pu Ea LI JUn0e 34 would inform the public that be has just recetved a full sssortmest of ofthe s re HOOKLIN. n the latter pert of the evening, + ikod the | fiom m * eminent art das 2 of | dese 8 fra The Watchma: . Glass Putt &eé. 3, the La fsolated Risk who said she wss ** going for me," if ¢ Ju ao wil | D P t t M di P D St o |e detter 7 Tham rua shih inditne i Y, 2 Toronto, po ul ee her koma, she zaid I ecculd if ol I Le Fes ant. | rugs, aten (21 icines,- erfumery, ye 51 i | wants of ed parma ss pood and Publ : IN THE COUNTY | her husband wes willing --dida't wait too! Success, aud. wi got; 8. | Sad pet ci blisters h Spo FROM A : : : see, but took my hat and left whistling ls ol N Teas | TOILET ARTICLES, &e., | till Doron for i promise » « k 4d SPLENDID v4 Nor shall the biedeo be be evar forge: 2 ot | . Lo 2 EER as Sith 8 . : RIETY OF That so much Lila creates ; on LA File hatches ab | WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. | "as momie Pogimas > Spades, Shovels, Hoes, We'll touch not, taste not, Ladle 5o Bain in the 1s r Januar ¢ M What'er intoxicates. { and October be alone wort ghey of | Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Stare. Remember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel | Extraordinary Inducements LADI ES VISITI NG CARD Forks, Rakes, &c. 7 Issuer of M a years sub = The opular feature of | pp-- -- mm | copiously &8 ristmas" numb- | Oshas, Ald il 13th,1971. 1-4. | are offered to now subscrd y : : "1A : | WHIT SiMEINS beving wedded and settled | £7, will be Ts Possess Such 8 valees: a | th | Publishers will ri ne; We piri Rosas, he LARGE STOCK OF | Eres Bal aR down, accurpisted a slight scar over his | sonore $5 Lh 3t & goat ho trifling. will { dealer will supply, the ma . spor ces 8 EE 1 | SH | ep fumbers oF Vela Hrcsdly ~. |LOCKS, KNO PPMINIL « necessary to state, but aan inquisitive ac- J HE WA fn | Jerial, * Kt His Gates : : quaintance asked him whether it was | Sretas of Ko mmo 1h EuEierion rou 7har and ors from the sof LATCHES & HINGES. Dsnaw ep ine age 2 " Worse than a sure," | h ea oe hd ¢ A Splendid Ass 3 ; * replied "It's a mark of a ne h : ortment of Carpenters : " i x the henpeck." : Freminm Chronos ra il HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly | Fe ot th with the : Tools, or = Money A Hovssgor> Rewrsy. No family oH authorized Agent, for the sale of rat, THE . LARGEST SIZE POSTER 'All kinds of Pai bh : y s of Paint, Varnish, Sheula be without some efficacious remedy |g mos, : Sa terms to Dealers Clergymacn and ite W 5, td REDUCH th f aff i i c ; oo - x + $ Xp 8 valent, ae coughe, coda sre throws eho. arid Lg EX a Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent, wage gO, i Yash. Relaonise, oy af Now PR -cough, and croup--ssiae remedy, too, Som. 3 A tetent , Reqd ; | ing, and other Brushes. any amount of moo} which can be rl pon an sar wus snd Brome Lr prs he : Family Sewing Machines. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Fn ky iy Dr. Wistar's Balsma of Wild | 32 toon 15 Kee The. the de th con. | A lL. 1. A N I.1 N E. Cutlery, Dizon u Rodgers and othe "Lowest Possible a combines this desideratun. 201 i 7 the cliromos | This further certifies that Mr. L. Prodhom has the exclusive right of selling or | - 34 y Dizon's aad other superior ol shuts Faruexrs. and stock raisers have fre- RD 64 of nuy that | Sewing Machines in the Xillage of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to appoint 08 EAWA AGENOY. makes Nickel and Silver ' n sums and | 8 he bby year quently told us that they have seen very |scriber will : ; a | | Agents for the sale of our ines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the Plated Goods and Cruets. - Sob he pe-puid, by good results from giving Sheridan's Caral- Shrome Ac Dubjishe anfecing that the | rights and Privileges of the Sn Say h appointed by us. fe : : PLAIN& ORNAM ENTAL PRINTING 4 first-rate assortment of "Azle, lavesmenta made rede d sw ini t 1 i 08 Si or the 5 ; ARS v ER 1 f this | 8 y 'J.J. COLLINS, St, Catharihes, Ont ra J Carrianme Spri ings, Tron, Rope and SILVER AND G REE The powders put them in good conditic ion, 5, . ] odie y ------------ : L Chaine. and give them strongth 1- : | The above Machi f the best Family Machines in the market, and : a : For further particu ve them strength are ar we | ng e che me 1s obe of [J] an! ac, es in € market, and only : ' ' ' for their sucklings. Ly | a : marye ] 8 SE vdoom ME to be appreciated. Prices, #13 withon: stand and $30 with stand. 3 Suis W IN VT TE R S E R Vv | C Eli ! . An the best assortment of Guna, Oficial As nw Ww HOLESALE of HoDR SKIN aL used, The t med Oshawa, Jas. 12, 1873 _ ; p > Circulars, Er ee ee RS ire "PAINTS v Wag v ay} jo iio a 241.035 26. WE WOT! Msicn, President EER To. OWSzns oF Honars. Li a wal B' Huivax Sis ng Director {ve mechanical call atten 5 attended fact confrmed 7 the experience re of thousands that " Darl Condi 1 ye Powders and Arebian cd Romedor Fix e a nd M arine for horses is su; to anything now or : ever known. e know that it has been INSURANCH used in many cases where the horse has . : ; I considered almost worthless, with| AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. the most satisfactory result, the horse : - having béen restored to perfoct soundness) Special Low Tariff of Rates, coverir or 80 Bo hensfaind that the complaint Br. for one or three : im, Detached could scarcely ha observed. --Many such | "che a Co i horses have afterwards been sold from 250 y n i thenlarts favorable v pd ne SE Jo. $100 mars than they would have previ-| * Farniing Coms . All Beosssary information ¢ y finished Dg: and vee yl worlh fhe) FIRST-CLASS MAN WANTED for | gin SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO. Serene: all interested consider this. a Travelling Ag for the Tow wnshipe outlying Remember the name and see that the sig- | this Town. 3 ing, with references, Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. nature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. i The undersigne / Forlitin 1wission to the Head Boston, Mass nining 10 rooms; bard Northeop 4. Loman, Newest, 03 ST Kk. & H. O'HARA, | JM. BRIM AON soft water: good arden, with variety of Cras m e : cultural Chemists, ; riatiny Joe Rewinanrilie, Sept. 1, 1671, * Local Agents. | Gengral 1 Agout for he Province. FoF Bgl HUMPHREY, ISI MCOE STRART, OSHAWA 101, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. > Fer Bal ody all Drugglet sverywhere. = 84m Oshawa, April 13:h BOG pAjuRdg 'SOURIPIJY ITNT] his. 4 $qQuIOQ) 'seysnag Jey] 'Aromnieg S.NVMOO 03 400q XN ud YFDHUVT anv MEN OL aIAC - 1 Ualnte w -hand ufact: g Machi sale che a 3 \ . clal . A Vicreny 1¥ Reanirr.--The fame of |} ba k ¥ © geniag and big Lo 0 hag LL Srna h Saka 2 for paring Machine ir sie cheep. W, poi Bred { Under Contract with the Canadian od We. Shade | i EXECUTED WITH ig (includigg Breech Loaders), Revol- (feed 20d | y 4 , out a single parallel in MEpIcAL HISTORY. STEAM WEEKLY TO ] 1 Through the whole country, diseases of the The Literary Department A L ARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES : ing Tackle in the * Contig, stomach, liver, bowels, and nervous sys- Nill ventions under the care of Ar. Richacd | |LI VERPOOL, LO KDo NDERRY : ' " AND CLASG S br Phin ed th reste of our | fet 1 uf VAS ao HLL | conEyse or i NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, [a ted Full ! been no less manifest in the cure gined Clyde Built Iron : hy br i sick-headache, female weakness noural. $3 per annum, in advance, with oll i of all Classes and Sizee, tei samy i co (ouling, | Ber | gia and rheumatism. - Chromos free. Beott. Scandinavian, 3,000tons, Capt, omnes Vegetable Pills now superiorly st an Jase; cash or AT must be sent A X tons, . 4 coated eannot be excelled ssa F a HA hs eiocnl £ Moravian, tons, / ; : iene for vas pserity fo IN. OKDEE TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING STOCK, ; PER | MACHINE & IMPLEMENT Na The Pill contains the active propérties | PSHE. : 'REF " , i Philig of Mandrake ke aad Dandelion, as well ss agents Vested '| A share of public patronage solicited. BE2. ons , " | yanup 3 : x i id So 22a : sompdund mig Wl Sviecyaty sud 5 oo: a nS 7,10 mat % Jecmaenty as 2a i L. PRU [»]' {OM. Night bx : ' v p ACTURING OOMPA EEPS. HE] bung Oze box contains 2 3 { asd ems : ANUPA 1 30 Pills. and ouch pur pon cooaatoa about | AMES SUTTON & Co M CTURERS. OF Or74wa, OxTanto, No "3 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YO MITH AMERIOAN | Qebave. to To IL, seriondersy. Fis : : : Lros asd Wood Working Machigery, i Dxar Siz: Wg have Sn ra, in rs DE now completed their AN On Ono ton. Stee iy CY a & pisacre toular Saw Mills, on Plated, ' informing yu of a large demand for your nd yearof! business, with Te senrantang wil ress fof well cooked ? nse Rio 2 our physicians who are ! manufacturers, they have Mowing Machines Sel Rake Ropers - Cd vs hi th ita e sapact : or pt 1 it aon 0 apart} it] Cemmez and Gang Plows, It will pay to exam | Scot nu -- Mills, : aud cheaper thai au - "she Dominion as with your own people,' i , "The Sicamablos of of i 3 Montreal Ocean Steam. : wt : .| Feud Cut Choprite + peop 4 : tera, Wishing yon Jeary SUCCESS, Wo are yoirs, a . skip Company land their t pasacngers at the Grand J - PHI recy Rise ag sear cating | apy ict who Share A.B. GIBSON, | J | ing and handling of : i op ge. - Toda Juwms © Fesions $2 Joba) Hos 3, spo hr ELEY CALL and SEE SPECIMENS MANAGER N. B } Nesern pointe; and the fheilities . otter line adoat. | uroug passege tickets and every informa | i, apply to and Portland as follows: . ; gE FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND : 1 i : { " NO J TN . : 2d Den Ig R FATTENING AND BRINGING Protoxide { 4 2 ' YORESEIRE CATTLE T§EDER : DMINISTER SEAR Vix h oh " 1 is used and recommended by first-class breeders. ; H.& A. ALLAN, i 4 Stock fed with it have always taken First Prises. DEPEW'S MEDICAL VIOTOEY i is with. 288 of aromps, oye Six Wistra for carrying the Canadian and vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- : Vivi ded. w artistic attr TRIS COMPANY'S N 2 foes wongeriel Sulluemie, 2nd lh oB. | "Hs We wet Sniaume. * 7" | Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies, Misses' and Children's, | "I Sisposs ot Ss un i Pomares | T Rr Gibbs. + | Oshawa, i*'3, THE ALpixg will, hereafter be obtainable only Red. | "true. russian, 2,000 ook, Llagt" Duin, i AT THE = ; Tazy Bxcei. Doctor Josephus' Shock. | by subscription. There will be no reancsd or | 10 O€ Sold at a uction of 20 Per Cent., | Ru to 3 BOWMANYVILLE Dearleg 3 ET for an adult in ordinary oeses. Try them: | Publis chess, i American Organs! RATES OF PastacE -- 10 LaBu Amariosn Double Turbine Water Wheel Watches, Clee w oh : Shingle Machines, } Somos Syvey ot bi ssitance Lo 2 aa mene EER on; il Punctually Attended 2 Machinery So By we hear pi aD epiites, = fh ASS ent Hi: Wii ade lip Tanke au shah i A 5, SER 29. Orders Mall y A to. Grist Ma 20 a : Watches, Lazarus & ve rod At 1 - is fast becoming ss popular ia this part of oft Jasts Hisnss Som En i chasis . Tg eldsware, ALY | Trunk Railway Wha A CHRISTIE & co, + Chaminn. ui, 151 to y the ALLAN LINE cannot be sar | Stgamships will be despatched from Liverpoot Ra 5 5 : ; 4 ey Condition Horsas, Cows, Calves, Sheep, | SAMARITAS 16th and Figs, dé 8 RB REMEMBER THE STAND 3 - Agents, Montroal | : produce more milk and butter. L. SMITIL A o Ss SPMIS 04(I JO JUOWHIOLSR [BIOUSL) © pu Post foe. Oshawa. i It Patters in one fourth the usual time, i nL the operau Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, And Saves Food. kK. Pa mo For Sale, + folios Senté and $1.00 per box: a dollar bos BUICK . DWELLING HOUSE ox . : HUGH MILLER & Co, © Ajdrnig pue Apjen) iseq 'SOSTAET JI0O], ° q pue puaa 'sd C | " v Ls baua. By SASIN Uinua st

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