Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Feb 1873, p. 1

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---- fare, of Eran ard for he ing interest petus to the lasses RS OF i F : Th Unb pag » Pn ye Kive greater oi od » - - ew Deine or | or before bean consisting in par Epon €9s. of Cy {GEST AND bE oF. v THE LL = LEN NDID VARIETY Gb we Ontario Beformer PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, T™ME ONTARIiC REFORMER ~ Pring and Publish flop, »Y THE OFFICE, SIMCOE STIQEET. OSHAWA os T \INS THE LATEST, FOR-| nd Pro winolal News, Local Intelli- | Commer ial Matiors, wm in advange Jout hs 2.00 {if not paid till the No pape ri disc ontinued until rol at tho option of the . Wh nu: papers without | nts N for the sub- nply with the male. | wan est » nes, first insertion a ainsn Then LL recs ¢ the space | scvupled, wie by AR Nonpareil. ydvortissmenta w yithout spesige directions will he published tii forbid a otige dl AU transitory adv RE must. be Re ivy EB when handed {n. Advertise: gies of puliiidation by 100 Ay morn ne Plock TS 3 morsbasts SE nah « very libe: Businessy Bivectop. aiid WN. FREDERICK NcBRIAN, M.D, MRC 8 (UTS FOSPITAL LONDON, ENG. aA Bison Street, Oita: ie w + COBTRY, X. Dy Pu Ly PEE SieIaAX, SURGEON, J AND &, King Street, or hy 'Oiceeurty oppostie a Bove | Wa. FRANCIA RAL, X, D., ove FR S, is, Rap PY SICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH éar, aad Coroner. King Bt, Oshawa. 1-2 EANGE STOCK of KS, KN UB CHES & HINGES d Assortment of Og 18. of 3 ig GF Vash, Kalsomine, §§ ng,and other Bry Faded ite pity 0 Springs, Ion, Ron Chains, best assortment of § Breech Logde Iqgand Shopting ackle in the C ounty, e of the above sto re the late pbb pd 4 i sold cheap for cash, . Wills Git. cial Exhibition, re Exhibition, Guelph. in_shation by edal, Diplomas, and rument _in he € Wpoen Fx and Marci BGAN ETTE, f drew from competition, Lreir 'inability to compete fully warranted for im logue containing fifty & ments, W. BELL & 0s JOHN DALE, nd, 1878. TF Hoi SHERIN & Co., aCe D Celebrated Machine Oil [ED IN ALL THE PRIN actorie and Mills in ¢ sat and all it acts coldest. STIMONTALS : # HALL MACHINE Worgs Oshawa, Onk., Apsil 1 Esq., Brougham, .ave been using your Labs ast four months, and can MF tht it is the best oll we be%S o cheap, and lasts ve run our large 14 Lo ros me oil ling, It keeps the We do not want au OF ry, PAY. snag pn 6 Oil against any other oil is I prefer if, to either Sperm ier used on machinery. Foreman Joseph Hall Works to be the best oil I have evéf Mill for lubricating 'find eviods to Steel's, ; Surra, Duffins Creek, Ost have Som thas a@ - rieh yn EORGE BLAKE, WH A Mviriy Whitby, Ont. s Oy andl'find It to ezodl =ed in 40 years many ¢ used Castor and Olive 10 using Steck's Oil. cos EfaLTER, wood | Oil to either Sperm, Olive, 8 ised, for poi pied shows it 347 & Sox, Markham, Ook n my machinery, which mes per minute, and d find = bs satisfaction. CHURCHELL, Bangor, Ost ® THE DOMINION © "EBSTER, Box 1814, Toroute, T.GIBR Obs 8 J. TERGUSON, GENTIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. LE over the Grocery of Messrs. Simpson King St., Oshawa. ration formed in a t) phlmetop menu | nanner. FAREWELL & McG i, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SO- "LICITORS, Conveyancers I ' - addressad| to the Editor wust be not be taken from | | - Ontario | | -- I a ------------ EE VOL. 2. -- OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODIAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY AVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST | INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR Magufacture. which have bean pronounced by Good J to be superior, botir in Tone Finish to any Instruments of the ind that bara ever been placed bofors the Public of Oshawa | © place ourselves hefors the Publ Bovelt of its groon and beautiful crown. "Men of Practical EX perience, | or asta | 24 1m iad you've found it out. And Me. | Hav ring thorough | kaowledga of the Business; and, therefore. parties Purchasl Our Inatrd- | Gaged at! and dark shadowed beady Popkins is wenderful clever, turning to DIGGS CBT asured 1hey cannot be surpassed by ay otavlial the I Bley fri sompink ry wy spite "| Sallie, and instead of being two farms and ALL OUR TeTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED ra rive Thane Drooping in darkness as sllent and dead, # law-suit, there need only be one. Law And parties pial Seu San will have a guaravice not have by purchasing those | ing, yet fearing, tho to hear, me ! rubbing his hands with increas. they i is rosponsi v the | | ha 'Pominion an will not 20% 00 katy to take BN L b lr n Slowly I glanced at the bright glowing weet; satisfaction, if it ain't s arrange: ; | Misty and rare were the red-tinted clouds, ment. Siptop [We MT 8 now opcaed our 3 agesoom J jp Mr ilkinson's Biore, near the | "rc; tue icresn ver the setting sus' Mr. Popkins clutched at his throst breast. . 4" us! dey Oshawa, BEE = Cry BAPOCt Gur instruments, Parties desiring (o porghase wi fag | Sug 8 wie choking to detikiatd wide tens Oats Baste mau icrury | he DARLE ¥Y ® ROBIN SON. his sougus sovmed; and talled A.M DARLEY. a ROBINSON. in this Oshawa, October Sth. 1871. Ap Pe DE lb her hand to her mouth and shouting, 50 as to startle the horse, said : I am going to see Mr. Styles on busi- ness, | Oh, day "of 'blenders! Mr. Styles was her lawyer, but the unfortunate girl was unaware that a Presbyterian Minister had the same delightful cognomen. Mr. Stiles, indeed, said our friend. Well, I've heard him well spoken of but I never expected you, Sallis; a Baptist, to be married by any one but a minister in your own church ; but I suppose you gave way to Mr. Popkins, and I think it shows a downright good disposition. Miss Sallie gave up in despair,and look- od fizedly out of the window, while Mr. Be said Mr! Popkins, in his most polite manner, snswering the first question and ignoring the last. Do tell ! and the reund face fairly glowed with surprise. Going to marry! Well, I told Hester last night that was the best way to settle the suit after all. There ain't a more capable girl anywhere than Sallie, Born. THE DEAD LEAF. BY ELLIE MAUD HENKY Softly It fluttered and fell at my feet, Decked in its mantle of crimson and bruno Sighing so sadly it trembled and fell, at | Mormuzing, sho bronze the answer sent back, l. Welling tn sorrow ts brokenly cried: * Trust not to love, 'twill fade tie the morning. | but Changing 1a buo lika the gresa lead thas died." Slightly Iarusiiod the dead loaf i8 my hand, Helpless to Lats wilh lifes coming pein, Ontario Commercial College, | Bmbmiis isin lowly cach life, like this pale withered spray, Belleville, Ont. | Fades lo the autumn, and, sinking to sleep, | Leaves some fond Loast, that in life loved them A 1 THOROUGH AND PRACTIC INSTITU TION FOR BUSINESS | , "3. SHARACTERISTIC of the age, Where young mes aud Loys cai procure an education | Vv &inlyend fatty Sa 0rIOW Lo Weep, uited wants Hmes. | Darky (he teilight's soft hush falls azound, The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the resul: unvariable, and the opinl | Bang tho earth fa its dim dusky lght, ons of the ren, Soni Ao prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of | | Softly the a 1s ite cl 'er th our of aad offered by this Coliege. 17 the mist f3:15 te cloait G00 56 pat. Before me the future ever is bright. SU BJECTS TUGHT. | BEace Dave Fans, Feby. Book-keeping--by single aud double cntry, Spencerien Penmanship, | 4 . Selections. Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- | ing, Railroading, easyboating, Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, | | HOW A LaW SUIT WAS ENDED. 161y etc, etc. A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those who Sa devote a few months wo study; parents who have SONS TO EDUCATF and Pubic, Oshawa, South-East Corner of Ring snd Simcoe Streets, 7 Yo ey to Lend. Diortgages bought and J. EF. FAREWEL A 2 fw S. M. COCHRANE, LE, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY -at- LAW, | Volieitor ia C cery, Notary Public, &e.-- Office--In Bigeiow's New Bufldi ng. Pundas st ay Whitby. 2. McG EE. JOMN McGILL, ICENCED AUCTIONEER, OSHA- ws Lo ery left at this Office i > Pr. R. HOOVER, of Marriage WHITEVALE. § 081i WA LIVERY STABLE, WwW "H. THOMAS, PROPRIE TOR. | o First Class Horses aud Cariages aa hand ; also, Dally Lino of Si w Beaverton, connecting with ur. Licenses hava teamer ik TR C. WW. SMITH, RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR- Ft and General Agen Bimcoe Street, | ent fg th the 188 Line o 5 of © fro w York an aad Bos ov, Yori ad LiYOrEonl Fairbanks, Esq. DOMINION BANK! WHITBY GRNCY, ee J.H. M CLELLAN, Aout SEES Axo MeMILLEY otaries Tapts w Damas Table Covers, J. Hauer Gre A. G. MedMiLiax Z.iW00D: L. SHERIN & Co. FTHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS 4 . Best New York Ma. , BOLLIDAY, RUQKLIN, OXT., AGENT FOR thelsolated Risk Pire Jnzurante Oot |The Dress Goods Department Contains iw 1. 'hus: Mr. Popkins wes a bachelor. I mention occupation fof of something more lucrative, or to qualify | this fact with all its due reverence for the thiemselves to duct their own ally, will find that the advantagesw ¢ offer | pame--and sympathy for the condition. cannot be obtained elsewhere, | ! He was well-to-do in the world, if owning to a fine farm and being plaintiffin a law | shit is any criterion. Aside from Mr. | Popkin's misfortune in being a bachelor, | he had one fault--a general aversion to | female society and a particular aversion to | Miss Sallie Hopkins, the defendant in the above named lawsuit. Now, be it known, that though Mis | Sallic's name was put down in the list o t would have rejected the idea immediately, 0. Mm's, (Old Maids,) she was the round- | and she hersolf would have taken it as an esi, cousiost, dimple checked Spinster that | insult ; but the totally unexpected manner | ever lived in Lincoln. She had the softest | in which the matter had been brought up brown eyes with a trick of locking down | made a different affair of it. He stole a and peeping under the lashes, porfecly | glance at Miss Ballie. Her face was still bewildering and her hair waved and | turned away, and she was apparently shone in the sunlight, insuch a manner! studying nature. She was pretty, Mr. | that u susceptible i; like you and I, | Popkins could mot deny. What if--if-- | would have 1s It irresistable desire to and his heart gave a tremendous bound. 0 lod ners to ox 4 corresponding riso ia agTesably 35 disappointed bon they vis Tiuds Woll-Enown House, t | have sule own of the "nut brown | What a fool he had been all this time. He must try at any rate, and risk a pepulse. year are still current in any of the lines, - Plies of Leavy 'Woolen Ghawls at ol {oos. KF hiosand sof yards of Flanncts locks." | , Goods at old pric o of Blankets at old prices, &c., &6. | Buy hi, (ating Miss Ballie was | 80 without any mors hesitation, for our | to theses 4 4 1ovnl, ao I have said, be: | hero was brave, Le took Uncle Ben's sont | tween Lier wil Mi Popkiss theré was o | and said quietly lo oauso of all the | Miss Sallie 2 woadow, spreading far snd The {sce turned the sightosalh part of ool Wee t; all Wool h 8 fall aeacrunent | all all Wool French | wide Lu vem Bliss Zallis's end Ms. Pop. | an inch toward him. Not much sncourag: | Sopen SW BSE Arias a alae nin » farts ment, but.a little. Ee Wow ithe uch of tes aatier was this ; | Mise Sallie, he repeated, I"ve been a fool | Tho a a dow Just ly belouged to Mr. Pope | and a brute. | kin'y, but fastead of going to Miss Sallie | Ob, wise Mr. Popkins | He had started aud [ ing the case,ho must serve | on the direct road to a woman's heast. fran Aly stat aud Usiens, Felt, pHemp and Sur. Qulits, Lace Cartains, Linen | a progess Miss Bullio flow all to | Either from contraryness or a sense of hs pieces, and declared she would maintain | justice they always take the opposite side. ting, Sowslings, Pri Matiiy can can be confidently recomm to the mast pradent buy | her rights at any ccat. Miss 8. made up her mind from this mo- | Iwsmconfident,from the manner in which | ment that he was a gentleman and gsecond { the whole thing ended, that had Mr. Pop- | Solomon, and she turned her fi | kins gone to her, himself, ho would have | pletely round. Do you think, continued Eoloost West land Tweods, Cloths and Overcoatin se relinquished it gracefully, but a woman | he, that we can scttle this law-suit in the "Son Saint i som sommet Beracives to HT ect 54 Fassia. ave hes a mortal horror of being forced to do | sensible manner suggested by Uncle Ben 1 F. COWAN. | anything. Tie a thread round their necks, | I do love you, Miss Sallie, and by George! : i 2.97 | | feed them with sugar plums, and you can | ! believe I've loved you all the time and Popkins lips moved occasionly, as though he was saying ' Water ! water I" But the unconscious cause of all this turmoil sat serene and happy, in an occasional chuckle and-knowing glance at Mr. Popkins, but at this moment he saw he had arrived at 2& Specimens of Penmanship, and Journal contaluing all particulars sent free of charge. / dress, 8. G. BEATTY & Co. Belleville "IMPORTS FOR FALL OF 1872! ence Jr = W. F. COWAN IN NOW SHOWING \ CHOICE SELECTION OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS OF tims ' much happiness,' he left them. The human heart is a strange affair, to say the least of it. HIS OWN IMPORTATION. () ---- 10 ---- The House Furnishing Department Embraces: -- () | ---- THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT 17, 10424 pany of Canada, Toronto, a purel Canadian | Tnstitu- tion. or) for G Qr Sy and asking O pen les, capital £20 ¥ eac Appraeer for the Canada {1ding Savings Soclety, Toronto, for r+ of mone; | stlow rates of interest. 181 Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST 8c ck of Watches Plated, and Fancy Goods. & th ie agent, Jor = Russell's atches, Lazarus & M nal oS Bpocta | cles, and 3 Mariden rs Pate. best. Pt made and every thing im his ine made to, order. before 10 $i ood sad ad Sos 50 pushy 'Lan apy other PHILIP TAYLOR, Wetshmaker & Jow ler, Simeoe Street, Os - Oshaws, 2prid 135, 1671. DR. CARSONS MEDIOINES. The Crestest Public Demet of the Age XD FOR WHICH, NOTICE THE Testimonials, (a few of them ch bottle, with a ihe] Ry round us 2 ons' names, who testify to is hg Gquallt Jewellery, ilver , It will pay elseviare Sawn es of his various Compouads, . Lung Syrup, Constipation Bitters, : ? Liver Compound, Cough Drops Worm Specie, Pain Reliever, Golden Ointment, & The abo Drug Stores Money to "Lend AT REDUCED RA] IES. 'f AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND 1 any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property, at the * Lowest Psible Rates of Interest, n sums and manner to suil borrowers. Pricips can be re ls by yearly instalments, or in one sam. Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, other securities. SILVER ANT) GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. r pardoulars bo + to Kec " . edicines can be obtained at all 23m. For furih BN. Official Sg A &e. Ofice-- McMillan's Block, Breekt.,, 8. Yhithy Yoril 151k, 1971, | daily enacted. esl JEOVIN and Josephine Kid Gloves, | Ei iy amie, ww veligesias Osawa, Oct. | lead them to the ** jumping off place ;" go | never knew it until to-day. to driving them, and for the obstinacy, | Miss Sallic was completely vanquished, | they will beat Mark Twain's mule in the | and the answer, although whispered, was | holy land all to pieces. heard by Mr. Hopkins above the noise of 18 New Fall Goods. 72. | When Miss Sallie met Mr. Popkins on | the wheels and the cracking of the driver's | { | the street, her nose was decidedly *" re- | whip. | t," and Mr. Popkins looked like an : : ; \Direct Importation for Our Oshawa Full Trade, |e ot ee ven {acs SL Pogtios meme Eoghan wan were forced to take part in this case, for got a fee, and the people ni No wel has, | when invitations were issued for the regu. vinced that Mr. and Mrs. Popkins are the THE lar tea-parties, those who invited Mr. Pop- best hands in the world to keep a | Kins were obliged to omit Miss Sallie, and Cret. vice versa. In the meagwhile the y suit 'dragged | lits slow length along," from session to AND J R BEGS TO INFORM HIS CUSTOMERS asm per Steamships St. Andrew and St. David |A LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT. CONTAINING IN VARIETY Shawls, Mantles, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Stock, and Corsets, Skirts, Hosiery, and Gloves, including full range of Sizes and. Colors the of genuine celebrated rr -- + ® ~ ---- ee A MIGHTY CURE-ALL. I was talking one evening at the house session, from term t®term, until Popkins | of a friend, when I made-the remark, versus Hopkins was as familiar as A. B. C. | « 4p, depend upon it, a SoRt answer is a Millinery | But fate had in hand the destiny of these mighty cure-all. | two obstinate individuals,and soon brought . matters to a most satisfactery conclusion, |. A by ge sat behind at a his, yasy. although the unconscious mediator was > 3 grant ow Degas Sim | rather a burlesque on the right *' high Tepoatets 32 he thoug t quiiots po self: "" A soft answer is a mighty cure-all. "Yes, that is it!" cried I, starting, and turning round to see where the voice came from; 'yes, that is it; do you not think 80, my lad?" The boy blushed a little at Sading himself so addressed, but snswer- od: "Ido not know that I understand you, sir." "Wall, I will explain, then," mid 1, wheeling round in my chair, "for it is s principle that you ought to understand and ast upon; besides, it is the principle which ia going to conquer the world." The boy looked more puzzled than ever,and thought he should like to know something that was equal to Alexander himself. "1 might as well explain," said I, *' by telling you abous the first time it conquer- ed me. My father was an officer, and his notion was to settle everything by fighting; if a boy ever gave me a saucy word, it was, " Fight him, Charley: fight him." "By and by I was sent. to & famous school, and it so happened that my sest was next to a lad named Thomas Tucker. When I found he lived in a small house behind the Academy, 1 began to strut a little and talk about what my father was, but, as he was a capital scholar, much thought of by the boys, besides be- ing excellent at bat and ball, we were soon | good natured old maa, nearly as deaf as a Together | gt, who bad the greatest faculy of blun- Alpacas, French Merinos, Scarlet, White, | dering on unfortunate facts of any individ- S d Which will be sold at prices much delow the Sguree usually asked for these goods. Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Lustres, Oct. 16th, 1872. Ler in Ancient or Modern Rose ; Flannels, Plain and Fancy Winseys, Superior Make, { ual known: eit: Fos, oh Rows 's, po chewy Table ory Oil Cloths, Towellings, etc. To- | History. Ji ? gether with a large supply of .| Heaever had anything correctly and it | wea utterly impossible to try snd explain ; Gents' Furnishing, Cloths & Trimmings, | vee wood coaialy fad yoursel douder- | ing about in a "perfect slough of davphis of e ranteed. Miss Sallie and Mr. Popkins v: | Olothing Made to order--Fits Guara | 2 aes wg Yo Foti rd NE ITY. | fors final hearing, in Harrow,on uesday 'MILLINERY AND MANTLES A SPECIAL {130.0 Smut bang. i Eo ry LATENT STYLES AT ALL TIME | tako the stage. Uncle Ben Dropper, our %. TREWIN. deaf friend, had business a little distance | on the road, knd he would take the stage - Corner of King snd Simtve Streets, Oshawa. | too, and Mr. Popkin's saddle horse fell Osbaws, ick just as he was needed,rnd no time for T1 1 sny other arrangemeuts, 80 he mus* take H | the same conveyance. B E G ON NE T 0 N 0 S | Miss Sallie came floating' down to in E NAME OF | gate with - white ribbons and bows, an A aT. and BATE TLE METVEEY be 2 JEAN, EL THE AE, winter; | | dainty dress, sufficient to bewilder a man Ao anid JON anat a sack © Sontest, R.A belt sufteeg] Y FER a ry Qniet | with as stony a heart as the Sphinz, and avaacity fy, ha a about odin an amet DA a their assistance in the emergency. e saw, approaching from the PP side, poral wii Bib orvard ia 8 lend & R her foe in ammaculate broadcloth and & shirt 9 | | front. For a moment the color to Sable, Austrican ¢ | her cheek, and she half resolved to go back, Hh Ros ge aus 4 H "GON ES. but to be outdone by & man, and hes Fop- : , FINE ASSORTMENT ( OF "FRENC | kins, was not to be thought of. So she on pretty good terms, and so it went on for tendered to her loyal sul H CAPS, | stepped i in the coach with an air of sixteen | some us, yin " awhile some lads viny AND SCOTC | Queen Victorias, elevated her head until | stamp, and 1 wit! rest got into trou BRITISH "CRAVE, MUFFLERS AN have sent the finest lot of fo made an acute angle with her nose, and | with one of the ushers; and somehow or Aut Dose Suit, 4 8 KS ERMINE, &cC | then sat down sublimely unconscious of | other we got thenotion that Thomas Tuck: BUFFA LO ROBES, MIN : " | anyone's presence. Mr. Popkins seated | er was at the bottom of it. THAT WERE EVER OFFERED IN BOWMANVILLE. | himself as though he had swallowed a| "Thomas Tucker! who is het" J cried M. MAYER; thankful for the distinguished honor co nferred u hum, have arran ged thas ie this | whole foundry, and had his peckets full of | angrily. "I will let him know who I am; suitable wearing apparel , and hai ho has il 160g remember the struggle. | a Su dl fing and blowing, utterly uncon- ves into the temper of wolves. e 10,000 Volunteers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Wanted for the San paign. | | Bem, patie tmpatiant Joh Te So Tt, ahve MAYER repairs and alters damaged goods, and pays highest prio Mies Sallie, sid Day [let him know what he had to expect. NM. ] for Raw Furs, % Early. Mr. TE, Where might you | Swelicg vith rage, I ran into the play- M. MA YR E. Boeing, and what for? ground where he was. "I will teach you Bowmanville, October, Ise. gong, ' \ A his destination, and whishing his two vie-' Had any one advised | Mr. Popkins to marry Miss Sallie, he | eggs for desert. Just then came Uncle | and we talked on until we fairly talked | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1878, 0 talk about me incthigeny 1 called out marching up to him, - He neve: seem- ed the least afraid, but stood still, looking at me as mute as a lamb. 'Tell me," 1 cried, * tell me or I will"---kill you, Twas going to say, for murder was in my heart. 4 He stepped to one side, but spoke firmly, yet mildly: " Charles, you may strike me as you please, I tell you I will not strike our differences. A ain thinking, when you will talk with you." "Oh, what ab answer was that! how it calmed me down! So firm, and yet so mild. Felt there was no credit in having the fight all on one side. I was ashamed of myself, my temper, and about me. longed to get ous of his sight. I saw what » completely got the better of me; that there was power in hif principles superior to] the power--the mighty power of a soft suswer. » "1 have been about the world a great deal since then, and I believe," said I, that nearly all--if not all--the quarrels which arose among men, women or children--in families, neighborhoods or even nation-- can be cured by the mighty power of a | soft answer, for the Scripture, says, 'A suft answér taryeth away wrath." Boys, study this principle. Try it. The fighting principle has been tried these back again; fighting is a poor 'wayto settle | i plied with fh uomsual request, and ai i in his polivest tome: - " These' apg the tough ones, sir." Upon whigh the merchant cooly put his hand on the einsining four, and exclaim- "PILE theth-th-these! Tus wife of ¥roofer being seked if she pL. wis sot tUIESS nave Bor hushed, oz. many thousand years in the world, and than the disease--in fact=that it increas- es the disorder. Anger begets anger, | fighting makes fighting, and so on. Diffi- culties are neither healed nor cured by it. Let us id the cure-all principle. { er ---- #1 -- | THE STEAMSHIP MURILLO. Ad Spani tch from Lisbon says that the hip Murillo, which it is now theemigrant ship Northfleet off Dungeness, off that port. Itis thought that she had been ordered to leave Cadiz. If such is the case the Spanish Government vught'to be called to immediate account. The testi- mony given before the British Consul at Cadiz by passengers on board the Murillo concerning the circumstances attending the damaging to the officers of the Spanish vessol. Thoy testified to the fact of a cul- lision, to hearing loud cries for *' Help I" and to having entrested the officers and avew to lower the boats and lend assistance to the unfortunste crowd who were going ' down in the other ship. To their earnest entrestios na heed was paid, the inhuman oaptain of the Murillo appearing totally everybody admits that the remedy is worse | | to recognizances in the sum of jo no longer doubted, is the ship which suk | in the English Channel, had been sighted | collision in the English Channel is most | indifferent to the despairing appeals which continued to come from the dir¥etion of | thesinking ship. For a momentthe engines | Were stopped ; but without lowering a boat | or making any wffort to find out the name | of the unfortunate vessel,the engines were | com- | again put in motion, and the Murillo | steamed away, leaving the victims of the collision to their fate. Nothing so horribly crnel as this has happened on the high scas for many years. The Murillo may have found her way out of the harbor of Cadis ; but it will be dificult for her officers to escape the punishment which is so justly due. In such a case vengeance should be swift and sweeping. 1 CHEAP STUMP PULLER. - How to construct a cheap stump puller, | and what can be done with it, is thus told | fby a correspondent of the Ohio Furmer: . | Have a chain made of the best round | charcoal iron, at least one inch and a | fourth in diameter and eight feet long, with | a ring in each end two inches and a half in diameter; one side of these rings must be formed like a link. . Attach one ring to a band of iron two and a half inches broad, one inch thick, and one foot in diameter, with a small offset for the ring to lodge in. This banid should be bevelled on 'the inside | edge, td make it slip on the polo readily, and preyentcutting it. Cut anice,straight | tapering hickory, white oak or locust lever, une come within two feet of the large end, | inches: Pass tho chain round the stump, twist in the chain. lever drive in a common wedge. twisted out. without cutting the brace roots. { diggings little. Aftereverything is ready up 100 or more stumps per day as it is no | draft at all on the cattle, except the labour | of pulling the lever from stuwp to stump. AN EXPERIENCED SHOPPER. ped at a grocery and inquired: "How m-m-many t-t-f-turkeys have you g-g-got!" ' Eight, sir," replied the grocer. ¢ T.t-t-tough or t-t-t-tender?" "Some are tender and seme are tough was the reply. customer. "P.pick out the t-s-toughest t-t-turkeys if you please." i €; | pecially who have choice gradesort | years since with a religious *' pal" to the fogt in diameter st tho butt, and | | hands," twenty-five long. Take of the bark and | t0 dissppear under his manipulation, be lumps smoothly, put en the band, lst it | undoubtedly possesses the gift. This machine will take out bout half | speedily extinguished it. dead stumps, in a fleld of long standing, | face of the hottle nad acted so as to con- Com- | verge the warm rays of the sun upon the mon sised green stumps can be: taken out | woollen, and set it on fire. Several ex- An old fellow who was noted throngh | | to purchase groceries. the town for his stuttering as well as for | !' there an old woman from the country came his shrewdness in making a bargain, stop- | if) and asked for some candles, for which « [ k-keep b-b-b-boarders," said the new | f-four | holding up her hands. posed to "Oh! he's re Tus Savana, of tiv thus eployed in clear- anything ] had ever seen before; and from | ing the track of the Union Pacifie that hour Tucker bad an influence over me way through the Rocky Mountains 2a which nobody ever had befure or in0e; it | ported to have perished in the snew- has been for good too. That, you see, is | grips, A YoUX0 man, who was visiting Grafton to attend the trotting races, nearly got choked, through indiscreetly swiflowing his false feeth along with his bread and cheose, Ir is reported that some American bankers in London loaned Napoleon III. 1£200,000, to facilitate a coup d' etat he was meditsting, and that since his death the money has been returned to them. Tre Tichborne claimant has gntered in- to ap- pear before the Court of Queen's Bench, and answer a charge of contempt for cer: | tain utterances in a recent speech at Brighton. Tie latest news from Dr. Livingstone is to the 28th obSeptember. He had re- ceived the goods sent to him by Mr. Stan- ey, and had gone on his final exploration. His health had improved. War was going on in the Ourori country. 1 A WEDDING was recently broken up at Coluiubus City, Iowa, in the fellowing wanner:-- The preacher asked if any one had any objections. "Yes, I don't want to marry him." The expected groom folded his broadcloth snd silently stole away. iN A ¥Ew use of paper is thet of forming it into window shutters, which are said to be fire-proof. The paper pulp, while wet, is pressed over a thin sheet-iron plate, which gives body to the shutter, while the exterior form is obtained from the mould in which it is pressed. Ax engagement was broken off by a young man about town for the following congent reason : " You know a cigar onse is v fearful nuisance, and I always cafry my cigars loose in my waistooas The necessary amount of affection toward Molly was very hard on 'em. Never came away {rom that housd\but every one of 'em | was smashed. Conldn't expect a fellow to | waste good tobacco that way, could you I" A xzwsraree of Iowa city gives rather a discouraging account of what the farmers in those *' diggings" are doing, or rather not doing. Here is the price current : A pair of winter boots cost two loads of toes ; a night's lodging, a load of oats ; wife wears five acres of what ; the child. ren each ten acres of corn ; the priceof an vvercoat is a good four-year old steer ; of a Sanday suit, twenty fathogs. The farm, too, wears a mortagags that is worse than hard- pan to the soil, and the annual tax rots the roof faster than rain. A Suspiciovs -CEARACTER. --The Chat- ham Banner. warns its readers of a seedy- looking individual claiming to be an elder in the Baptist Church, but in reality a Nese or something of that sort, who is palmiag himself off among the unsus- | pecting families in the rural districts of the county as a godly man in " search of the lost sheep." It advises farmers es- Horgugh- breds to keep an eye on their muttof-- The same party was around eight or nine disgust of a fow and the regret of others. | He professes to heal by the *" laying on of aad as things have "been known Taz Auburn, Me., Journal says thst at which point put in two small pins of | | there came-noar bei o fire in thet iron, to prevent it from going any further. } & tow dayntinoe 6 fi - Within four inches of the small end, Po | 5 toilet bottle of white soured on a common ox yoke clovis, With a ring | pol £11 of water, init to pull by. Hitch en two yoke of morning sun shone to the room, of ozen. Drive on the right of the stump |.» valid was the occupant. -- until the band passes the stump a few | iy pi pir + og ig of with bulging a Qa to The woollen, and queried what it could be.-- on the left side, and draw it tight, with no | | Turning her face toward the table, she A little above the | 4; oo ored a woollen mat on which the Then | | toilet bottle stood on fire in several places. gee round in a circle, until 'the stump is | In a few moments the table and room | would have been involved if she had nat The convex sur- also by cutting the brace roots first, snd | periments made since have resulted similar- ly, but the bottle emptied of its contents with the team and two hands I can take did not produce the same effect. Corx1sE people have always been, until | brought into closer contact in later years | with the rest of the world By the railway, | very unsophisticated. During the Crimean | war a lady went into a shop in Penzance While she was she had to pay a higher price than usual. "Why should you ask more for the candles than T have always paid!" inquired she. " It's owing to the war," says the shop- ,* | keeper, " that the price is raised, for can- ; dles are becoming dearer." " Lor!" ejazulates the poor old w The young lady ssid, 1 hours the animal was in the ly eating grass. Another instance of _} success occurred with a young heifer On sitting down the old aunty pulled from her pucket a long pipe asd commenced smoking, to the infinite disgust of her host. several minutes ; but -the fumes became too powerful for him, and rising, he said ; Christian * Yes, bradder, I spscks I is." *" Do you believe.in tae Bible?" " Yes, brudder." 5 * Du you know there is a passage liore which says that nothing unclean shall in- herit the kingdom of heaven!" = "Yes, [heard of it." = ol "Do you believe it 1' " Yes " "Well, Chole you cannot enterfinto the kingdom of heaven, because there is nothing so unclean as the breath of a smoker. What do you say to that I" "Why, when I go to heaven, I specks to leave my breff behind me !"" | Sexzxapive Usper Dirricuvirizs,-- Serenading is not always as fascinating and as agreeable as is supposed. The Cleve. land Leader says: '" A young Romuo residing upon Garden street, whose voice had just commenced to change, and sings anywhere along the scale from falsotto to bass, purchased a forty- dollar guitar a few weoks since, and last week thought he would serenade his Juliet, who lives on the same street. Hastily chewing a fow bronchial trochoed to clear pipes, he crept within the shadeof a bay window and nervously began clawing the instrumental ehiords, while he ly ¢lp- pod a ballad to his charmer ** There's music in the midnight air," when he became convinced that sole leather soaring about mosphere also, and before he the chorus he found the stufing of his guitar and himeelf in the tsiag his nose ss ""plougter of the 'stubborn soil." The girl's father had down town at su u.usually hour, hence the result, The warbler is' now his pants half soiled with sheet-iron. He says he will make the old man sick if the bellows don't go back on him." Tus Suirresy Susscniszr.--The * Fat Contributor" says the slippery subsériber ws low collectors right square in the eyes swear he " never got a copy," with the fourlsstpambers in his cost-tail pocket. We didn't know there was 50 much litle: ness in men until we began publishing a newspaper. But the race of slippery sub. scribers is mot 80 very extensive. You, dear reader, engaged in pursuing this pa- per, with the noble and satisfying con- sriousness that you have paid for it,do not belong to that class. Add you, another dear reader, uneasy "at the thought that worthy determination to settle on the first opportunity ; we will not rank you in the disagreeable catagory. Hozriere, 17 Tevz.--~Just as we are going to press, wp learn that a womancom- ing from Niagara, passed a man sitting erect in a sleigh, the horses being in the middle of the rosd, but did not-turn out. This was just below the Hospital. Bode distance below this the team was met by » man who ordered ths driver to give half the road but received no answer, jumped out of bis sleigh, and en geing up to the wan found him quite dead, frogen stiff. 4 We could not learn the mag's name. fi Ostherine Journal. 11 waa Daniel who ssid, "Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be in- creased." Ho cleatly referred to reporters in this remark, snd this suggests the ides that Daniel was in that lias himself ; it is certain, at all events, that Be was allowed to pass in {rea to see the lions. ie they took Stephen outsidé the walls of the city to stone him to death. The Vit*] : fellow was silent for a moment, as though absorbed with the problem, when, brightening up suddenly, he re« plied, *' So they could get a better crack of him." A A young man, whose rich bachelor unele warned him against marriage, saying "Woman's a delusion," replied that he never knew a man that wasn't wedded to some delusion or other, or that wasn't fond of hugging The uncle was. silent, agd his will in favor of bis It may be mentioned as an evidence of an increased desire for knowledge, that the number of evening schools and classes, is largely on the ineréense ir towns and vil lages throughout Ontario. It is scarcely half a dozen years since evening schools were scarcely known, whileat the present time not only have they been "established in towns snd villages, but actually in some "Well, I never | knowed afore that they fight by candle- | 2 The delighted grocer very willingly com- | light! Well, to be sure!" 9. inst in rural secti Usually when once established in the winter season, their "success has been beyond question, and The man maintained his composure for * ** Aupt Chole, do you thing you are 8 ~ & i practisi.ig on the concertina, and getting you are in arrears, but filled with a praise- A kirk luminary recently saked his pet a Wem IT wees

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