Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 24 Jan 1873, p. 4

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4 ESI AfSEE IER NREERCERARREENE 3 ry fo un I 3 ih g fit EEy BER EY, a aa BRN NER Ru a _--_--.'e B a rr ash Aer "wed to whe ai } RT bia i , SAI RAN NC Pind Weal SNIPER, HB i SOR DENER YS "Pwo hundred new and LOCK raised slave Ivey {enn ly told us that they have seen very good results from giving Sheridan's Cavaliy con dition Powders to cows, and swine, before sad after they drop their young. The powders put them in good condition, and ow them strength to care and provide for eir sucklings. To the Weak, the Worn, and the Weary the Editor of the Boston Recorder says, *" We can most unhesitatingly recommend the Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of wo nm, te all the the worn, and the weary, havirg richly experienced its. beng fi 8s. It [possesses all | She qualities cli ned for it hy its prog { weak, Mary suffer rathe or than take nauseons medicines. . All who suffer from coughs, "eolds, irritation of the bronshial tubes or! tendancy to consamption, will find in Dr. wister's Balsom of Wild; Cherry a vemody as'agreeablo to tho palate ap elfectn al in removing disease. - The Balsa is a pleas antre medy; it is €afe x u t isa power , ful remedy; itis a spo Fyn Iv: it isa * remedy that cures A Vicrory 1x Rroaurrr.--'he fame of DEPEW'S MEDICAL vic [ORY isw ith. out a single parallel in MEDICAL HISTORY, h the whole countryisise ases of tw hha dy bowels, and narvon s system, which had defied the treatment of our best physicians, and medicings, have yield- | ed toits wonderfal infuence, ani its offi has been no less ma p bry Ac headache, female gia and rheumatism. Taey Excer.-- Doctor Jo sepl wus' Shosh- onees Vegetable Pills now superiorly sigar- | coated cannot be oxcelled as a Family | Mediicne fur general purposes. The Pill coutains the aeive properties of Mandraks and Dandeliop, as well as compound Extract of Colocyuth and Ex- tract of Hy ocyamus. Test them for yourown satisfaction. One| box coutains about 23 Pills, and cach Pill is a suflicient dose for an adult in ordiaary casés. Try | them. For over twenty years * monic Wafers, have main utation for curing coughs, ¢ diseases. Those s ened with any of t! chitis, or any « ithe oy should at one give almost immediate Wegkness neura, ' Bryan's Pal. ined their rep olds, and pul fering orithreat- uptoms of bron: hat dis --consumption, | Sold by Druggist and country dealdrs. Price 25 cents per box. : Everyeopy Sav: So. --That is all who have either nsed the article or witnessed its effects when used by others; all such, and they are only fit to judge, are unani- mous in the opinion that ** Darley's Con- dition Powders and Arabian | Heave Rem- edy" is superior to anything of the kind fore or at present Th use for cougs, "colds, thick wind, and-all-diseases which affect the wiiid of horses. A$ a condition medicine it has no equal; there is nothing im it which can injur rsq whether sick | or well--nor need the horse be kept from | working while using it; it is jhst the ar icle which all who own horses re which theyshould h ave constantly Remember the n ¢ signature of Hurd rp Co age. Northrop & Lj Ont., proprietors for roe tL] La~caster, Pa, James I. Fellows --Sir: I a: © form that'my heart is improving un- der the vds of your Hypophosphites. Ex- in time, often lead disease cessive tax of the brain had 30 cxhaysted ,.°%, my body that I could neither work nor | enjoy myself, and it was with difficulty that I could sleep at all. I tried rest, and active exercise, varic ies, and the ost pop: 1 accidentally heard of yrup in New { York, I purchased three be ottles at Caswell '& Hazerd's, and untill I used than noth- ing relieved me. Now 1 can eat well sleep well, work well and fol well, and have good reason to consider your syrup a most surprising and capital restorer of mind and nervous system who have much brain work {0 take it.-- You are at liberty t> use this zs you may. Yours very truly, JeroME SHENK, Jusurapce Agent. No Risk. Thomas' Eclictric Oil! Worth Ten 3 its Weight in Gold. Down know anything of it? Ji jot, # is time you did, SAIN CANNOT ST. AY » VHERE IT IS: used. Itistheche: clres common EE C] nding. Donne | + Pa. says: "1° y miles for a bottl* of ¥ ar Soriad Cond ure of acrooked limb la bet who has Bad Asthma for years. says: "1 Ana! balf of a 30 ¢ent bottle left, $100 womld not buy it iff coul get no more. Rnofus Robinson, of Nunda, N. of sour Eclectale Oi erson had not Sp ) n tev. M all'over the country say: a medicine tha faction as 3: i omy * We have never sold t has given such ¢ompiete satis- of six of the best Gils that are | asgood totake as far external use, and is believed to be immeasurably superior to ever made. Vill save you much suf- and many Cr expensc, Is sold by ome or more dealers in every place where these are found.: Price, 2) cents, Why not eirculars hioaars Ro ! THOMAS, _PueLvs, N. Si NORT! OPS LYMAN, NewcastLE, Ont. Agents for the Dominion. Maze. Ecietfior See 4 and Electrized. tkinson and Dr. Deans oawae ric by: H. Gerticand J. Byrn by John Wargen. Sold by J. HIGGINBOT HAM ead D. STOTT Bowmanville Ont | T TheGreat FemaleRemedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases 10 which the/frmale consti- tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- all obstructions, and a speedy cure may on. RRIED L\DIns 1a peculiarly suit ah It will, ny a abort time, on the monthly veriod with regan Pills showld not be taken Females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg- | Paney, as they arg sure to bring on Miscarriage, any ot. lime they are safe. In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections Pains in the Back and Limbs, F atigue on slight Palpitation of the heart, Hy"terics ur ad these Pills'will effect a other means have failed: and alth fal remedy, do not contaix pit JOB MOSES, XEW Y(IK, FCLE 1 RCT FIZ $1.00 and 12} cents for p tage, er & an, Neweastle] On or the Domin . seneral will Yins sure a bottle returl. mail. For r pad Dr. Deans Oshawa, in ¥ hitby by. J. H tie and J. Byrne by John en vill si HIGGIN BOTH AM land D. STOTT Bi ONG ECH]) FIFTY Aw SCHOOL Book, by H. 8. Per-' wor : 1] OF MUSIC Mus. Price, $7 pr FOR 8 3, dosen, Contains over QUBSCR? ERS to PETERS AlUSICAL 5 AGeA | r | old, married or 51 | or att beturn of | oLLARD x |ALLIAN LINE. en De Oe Ware dees osmAWA AGBNOY. WINTER SERVICE! { Under Contract with the Canadian Government for garrying the Canadian and { STEAM AND CLASGOW, VHIS COMPANY composed of tho Do uble E tain 'S LIN NES ¢ nde Footed Full aed ingined Cl © Built Iron Ste: 2TorT nL fons buflding, Rarmatian, | 814sboards, Bureaus, Bookoases, Sofas, Couches. Chairs of all kinds, and over Rt L290 tous, berg ap 3 one , Capt. "Ball . 8. Mails. WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY | of busine ' ranks among t Daring the long tacturers,they have stead ity of their instrume nts, ww ihe performer, WALTER WIGG & SON, s are hel As here without regare most thoroug! AST FAVORS WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM | QUIARKIUVL FOR PASE CF a Stock of good well.made Furniture on hand, son sisting ARE! thing in thelr lino of business, rkmuen, th dont. Dutton, Or tl csiba us, Captain J. rmatiy, 3,29 J, Graham. heo and Mogtroal, lea tu ¥, on arrival of * yress from Montreal. fue between Glasgow, Quel aud Montreal. RATES or Oshama to Liverpool and Londonderry, R 4nd | pass SAGE. Cablu from $81 to S01, accardiag to acco tion. Steerage, $30, iucludin, {of well cooked Stewards belon Oshawa to Gl mediate, Siam | af Return Ti } ) sued at reduced. rates. Hoa paid European Passe issued at Reduced Rates {0 parties bring out their fiends from Ej Soot and, to un Canada. he Steamenipy of of ae Montreal Pouan Steam- | shiv a ny land their ™ Ratlwa gers thereby av voiding the usual tag und hand! Ing of bi Ocean Siéamors & & ple atifal s ops THE UNDERT AKING rovisions, served out ng to the Company. ¥ gow, First Cabin $71; Inter Stee rage, $29. ots, good for six months, Is | r Certificates are | Tiahing to to | The obeapest and best oat place to buy your Furniture is at ourestablish ment, Wharf, Pox ery grt charges of cart for Montreal, Toronto, western poiuts ; and the facilities afforded so, that am >d a reputatio assure dis ver leav | Potures, Looking-glassee, Pictures Frames made to order in every style, 'An rica Organs!| HE SMITH AMERICAN Co. have now completed their Twenty-First «,with a constant and still increase As the manufactory is one of the est in f eviry method to improve the and to increase the mec mtinne the course of improvement, sundantly satisfied with what has been { with the estimation in which their in- 1 by good jud, fore they will use the i oe a arisbns as ta Sie tone, and as to the r They call at Tt. 1 manufactory, emp! 'ant purchasers tha © their warerooms with | ORGAN he hi, ex ence of the added tothe and have avalled hanica And though they IN THE PROVINCE, --THE-- are sold A 4 s low as is charged Haviog a wey | and bay bing fn ¥ Are de | | an nog 5 myets | 6 ong other things, | n for fair Scsiing, | e, that is uot fn every respect per- | clas oy have bef friend in'e ire stated, | We Lave got the best Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, and the very riaation cl Ho the people say,and what every person says must be truc, but we say wry for yourscls MITH AMERICAN itemont St, DEPARTMENT I8 OOMPLETE, HAVING by SPLENDID HEARSE for fle Drovin » Coffins kept on rand and made to order, Terms Reasonable. Remember the place oor West o Wilson's New Hlock, King Street Last. W. WIGG & SON. ry purchaser, best Steel Spring Bed Bottom in the Dominion v ar a DICAtIOD, opposite Waltham 8¢. J. BRINACOMBE, ARNTIRTIRERD. | : | vie LLY ONE 57TORCH: press Traing leave Bortland onarrival of the | OSHAWA, Becembor 5th, 1877. ger 0) : * Only One Dollar a year, Thelr catalogue urate they intend to | engrayi sorfully ulnished, | ORGAN 00. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Doston, Mass Tw snvil e, oe. 187201urlo, ~BY-- W. R. CLIMI1E, and a | Passunigors by the ALLAN LINE cannot be wr | passed 7 tion, apply iips will be despatched from Liverpoo: and as Tollow FROM LIVERPOOL. 6th Noy. 5th HIBERNIAY, . MORAVIAN . SAMARITAN, SCANDINAVI H&A TH, A y any other line afloat. Fo or through passage tickcks and every informa | - Tih De AN-14 ALLAN, Agents, t Ofige, Dahawa. AM iressing and ST § eo LON DON, QUEBEC, EEN AND MONTREAL. row LINE Pris, {bis Line are intended to =t| The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses; 1 avery TUESDAY dur gntion of 1572, and from Plymouth | tickets from all Certificates issued | ging out their friends. | pir) to the Company's | SMITH. i OF MAIL _ HECTOR. URE calling at Cw. INMAN|LIN TO AND FROM a ! CITY or ANTWERP. BALTIMORE BrasToL. LIMERICK. JUBLIN, Crry oF HaviFax. diry or Dyrnax. CITY oF Cry or Criry or Crry or City oF WasHINOTON, STEAMSHIPS, 5, North River, Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates | by persons wishing to send for thelr friends. For | further information apply [to the Company*s | SMITH, Osawa. VHT | Agent, July 20. Cc Ww, 'DR. DE>EW, or PALES, nent 4 Gre iatenses very |i Cisease that the Lungs, Liv H 1 ire and tue hepith of t 1a 'Complaints, Hether in young or usle; mt die dawn o£ wou nied, ife, the Medical Victory wal ut, and diseases of tie ts are surprisiug trail id curing desatiful Songs, Duets MoxTaLy are getting Sm thelr Mukic for less than | ote, by Will 8. Hays, (wo centys piece. Those Webster, Thomas, ct who have not seen this | svery thing is now, fresh Musical Magazine 4 sparkling. Contents' ishould send 30 cents for ia sample copy. Th | 'aad specimen pages sen music is by Hays) . free. Sample coples Thomas, Kinkel, Pesr Farewe B mailed free of postageiey, and other popular teachers cen writers, - foro oo Two back numbers Liberal terms for Intro igor 4 cents. Four baok | J vetion. oy Dera for 75 cents. J. L. PETERS Broadwea, New York SO, Sywt em, toring the Blood to its health Sold by all Druggists & Peal 3:3 SEXD FOR A CESCRIPT'E PAKPMLET. aliar merit of we FROM PORTLAND New York, Queenston and | Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays | HR Wi MEDICAL VICTORY . FRANCE, nt, bas discovered a egetabi « Con pouid ars, Derew's Medical Victory, ¥ fang Ry ora every Conges randall fue In the cura of Rhsumatism, Nvsran Kidne Hor NRegulaiing the iliousness, Hea iachie Nick. Te Wal YOUNG, nis aco E. FAREWE] L. L. L. B., RUTLEDG = Bath, DGE, B. Opa Wm. MecMurt door west of the ha 11, McGee ay ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- CITORS, and Notary Public. R. SIGUEE, B. A. au emi. hen Lowest Possible Rates of mere PPT A N QO. well 4 a ame aul iganer Soukit boriOmann Principa gla at rg Pa agit ve, as 5 ¥. 2 TX R FAT 1878 | | | ~ NEW WINTER GOODS ttens in one fourth | $ # Ser | 8p TOD Fw Ais, NTs Ag ba A Cn mia Fmt on Sat laastert A A. NING AND BRINGING ya Horses, Cows he 4 , Calves, Sheep, rifirst class breeders. | taken First Prizes. | k and butter, COMMERCIAL PRI NTING' tho usual time, | And Saves Food. Price £5 cen 8 Re contains 200 fee : 0 pug Ir HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Tos Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receivia | well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. Scultural ¢ For Sale by; Dingzist eve lDress Goods, Cottons, C atings, o g < REURTS | Poplins, Tweeds, & SuiylAao «l Jue Clothing Made to Order on Short notice! \ Net VERN. 11 "Asowngao, aol) © pur Wagous, rd Anything else You can Think Of! ° PAY All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. oY - ~ | NE i: J. WW. FOWKRKIN CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PE. AS AND | BARLEY FOR SEED 0 *'SINVMOD 0} 400Q iXaN wo)) 'soysnagy J 0g [udos '8 Oshawa, Jan. 12, 1873. Medical Hall. DR. DEANS | HAvizo PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., | would inform the public that hie has just received a full assortment ot SPM 04] Jo Juowagsse |¢ 'SoS 1 ([SISUsE pue yo Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office ia the Drug Store. 'Remember the stand, noarly oppos Hind auinuaK) Ajjonig pue Ajjengd) 1seq ay} JO | 1822.) * Hotel. Oshaa, Ad { 13th 1871 11 CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent 1 5 Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our | Sewing Machines in the Silisge of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to appoint { Agents for the sale of our ines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the | rights and Peivilegts of the trade, as though appointed by us. igned for the Company, J. J. COLLINS, st. 'W. BELL, Catharines, Out The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and ! needs to be seen to be appreciated. $23 without stand and $30 with ang. TTA ae hang Grover Ek er od selloz. © Machine for sale cheap. work A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and hildron' 8, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold ata Reduction of 20 Per Cent, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. Aton 3 Warranted At the Pro rinclal Exhibition, tre E xhibition, G This grand success, in addi record of a il ver M edal, 3 Diploma Sole propriotors and Manufac | "nent yet infec duced by @ther makers from A share of publie patronage solicited. L. PRUDHOM. = er to Lend F YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS wk { ing their inabili | years. Se r catalogue con! Every iH trument fully wa ferent styl 5 instruments. Ort RED U RATES. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO = amo oney, security of Good | Fi Aes za Productive Town Property. at the Guelph, Oct, 22nd, 1872. | can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or In one | suo. Investments made ia Debentures, Mortages, and other securities. OR vo | SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOU GHT AND spor oo SEWING eet es | MACHINE, JAMES AIOLDEN, | CALL sion, { Leilel Americsh Double Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. Des) Je Millan's Block, B rockt., 8, Whitby vpril 13th. 1871. 3 To Let. The Pump Shop. GeO. S. CLIMIE, baila WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, | Fannis at present we worked hy the the sub-| AT THE Feed Cutter seriber. Onlv SE EERE EELS « REPORMER FE. SILVER. OFFICE. ¢ Turbin ON \ irenlar Saw Mills, i fal Goods © "Pl Bowmanville, May 25.71871. | Bowma-.ville, July rd 1872 10'FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. GUELPH, ONT. : Received Evory First Prize for | 'PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING | Organs & Melodeons 12 First Prizes, | sstrument in the opinion of comparably ORGCANETTE, Containing 8cribner's Pgtent Qualifying Tubes acknowled@ed by all to be the greatest improve Their superiority is con- } LL withdrew from competition, thus le iy to compete with W. BELL & Co. ° : JOHN =] EOWMANVILLE 1ACHINE & IMPLEMENT RING COMPANY. | | MANURE ITRERS OF | nd Wood Working Machinery, { smmon and Gang Plows, A. B. GIBSON, CONSISTING OF box; a dollar box | HUGH MILLER & Co.,| i Poste rs, hemists, 167, LING STREET EAST, TORONTO. tr rywhere. 226m Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER- PRESS PRINTING 1d HFDHVT any MIN 01 ATAONAY J290LS DAYd SMNOSNIZLV 4 v ISIN FROM A SY (1872. LADIES VISITING CARD AS USUAL! | = = | Complete Success! UP TO } | i | THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF & Co, | EXECUTED WITH Hamilton, and mel ph. ion to last rors NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, s, and AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. superior to turers of the the fact that at rranted for pve taining Sfty di DALE, rooklin, Ordersby Mail Punctually Attended to. CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. CHEAPEST PAPER ONTARIO REFORMER' 2: SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. Circulars, HE RATEPAYERS or 1 sie Hr ny wh 800 Kegs of Cut Nei THE LARGEST AND MENT OF PAINT OILS, VARNISH Glass, Ea IN THE wk, . 4 SPLENDID VARIETY or Spades, Shovels, How Forks, Rakes, &e. A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS LATCHES & HINGES, = A Splendid Aso siien of cumin All kins of pol Varig White Wash, Kelscuuine, Shes - Scrubbing,and other Brushes, A Large Stock of Rodgers and - "Cutlery, Dixon's and other supasior makes of Nickel and Slive A first-rate assortment o Azle, | Carriage Springs, Iron, and : Chaina. : And the best assortment of Ou (including Breech Loaders), Revol vers, Pistols, and | Shooting and Fish ing Tackle in tlie County. The whole of the above stock was chased kefore the lato great rise m sad will be sold cheap for cash. Oshawa, 173, CARBOLIT eT SOAP | e Water Wheel, | REMEMBER THE STAND. ingle Machines, | "Rake Reapers | 1 Chopping Mills, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, Lath Mills, etc. | MA RA0H R. above 1:tedly, the most popular 7 Trice 85 cesta, CARBOLIESS 108 A te 255 "nets, as tho br DIE er Mullis aa Pits ta "bis Prrraz:sio | 1 ™ f rfherpentn; Portet tye Duzoes, @ Ne Plus Ultral A NEW GLEE BOOK, WITH Price 81.50 cach; 815 per dozen. 7 HEREVER THE NE DLS: Litra a Glee. Hook has been Introduced, B. HOLLIDAY, 5% RUOKLIX, ML AGENT Jo Fire Insurance SIMCOE" STREET, OSHAWA. | T. Wills am] | PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT, = = EVERY FRID WM. R. C AT THE 4 NOTE RIC] Al " paz Ns A on es HYSICIAN, SUR( Poa C LE St. 4 RISTERS, pi J uoxET vies. J. E. FAREWELL. ' 8. MH. 000 pe W.E Cw. EE Lo | WHITBY 3 DR.CA "MEDIC The Greatest Public the sole agent Agog PHIL wi

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