Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 15 Nov 1872, p. 3

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: ta d tertisements, TRS TED] ' GENERAL HO ¥- small, Apply at oon. ART, B.A T0 he Babtist , TORONTY, (x, 2st BSL, in wid of ire to Mk ICE. 'RS OF THE ms, GGETT, nen SET I. im mediately, and set tie IGNED HAS Mugy aa phe inhabitante. he a' interest in the i want Ton same, . H. TAPLIN, take Pleas xntS o { Onhawa Min ing reliable in the ano mu ey rend toall who wang, WT; Pow W. Mega AGE PAINTER THE NTY. WINTER p-D S ARIETY, TON! EST AND URTMENT- THE PUBLIC. 'nt assortment of" . ee adian Tweeds. hi t notice, and good DEPARTMENT F EAB are A No. FORTY CENTS. se iif £ at374, by 1 RE AT VARIETY. vourselves be- where, es and Skins ! VILLARD. Tauntod. FD. E_VEST, AND "ae AR ri HE, | for Sale OFFERS FOR et,at ¢ He se is a a good well «. attached. re, nore or RT MURRY. 2-11 mh. Stre vs from Whitby house 30 wt the back. and cis Dr. Thorn of. I'Y for SALE. 'RS FOR reet, consist or an acre of in a state of, a Let, DOW MICHAEL, | coal 4 , will receive atter he patra CAPITAL. . Dividend from day of payment. | CLEARING SALE] ON TARIO i ----t : REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1 i872. RR SN EE SL, LARARD'S New Jewellery Store | Next tho "Vindicator " Ofico, OpgHHA WA Fall Trade FAIRLY OPENED Things Worth Remembering ! --(} ---- be jopened in a few days with an: entire New Stock of WATCHES & JEWELLERY. i . : Special attention given to will Watch and Jewellery Repairs. Oshawa, Okt. 31st, 1872, Coal 11 Coal 111 HE St BYERIBER HAS ON HAND ot of COAL suitable. for Cooking, Parlor Stoves, and also for Black- | h he offers at reasonable prices. Ondemleht with King Street, Oshawa, or with the Ses ped tion. Terms strictly Cssh. JAMES 0. GUY. Port Oshawa. Oct, 23rd, 1872 2¥-4in Insolvent Act of 1872,and amendment thereto. THE PLACE FOR GOOD TEA! At STEELE BROTHERS. In the mutter of 'S. 4. HAIGHT, of Oshawa, an insolvent. THE LARGEST LOT OF NEW WILLOW BASKETS, At STEELE BROTHERS. HE CREDITORS ARE NOTIFIED that a esting will be held at my office, the Town of hitby, on FRIDAY, the PIFTRE NTH day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at the hour of Ten o'clock a.m., for Public Kxamin- ation of Insolvent, and the ordering of the affairs of the Estate generally. J AMES pol] DEN, Hiial Assignee, Whitby, October 24th, 1872, 2in LOTS FOR SALE. The Greatest Variety of New Fancy Baskets At STEELE BROTHERS. EVERAL GOOD-SI1Z iD TOWN A) lots for sale in a good Il¢cality. Terms reasonable. 2 WARREN L. ASH. Bar GET THE BEST. | CALL AT R. WELLINGTON'S | * MUSIC ROOM, King Street East, Oshawa, | AND EXAMINE mis' NEW AND LARGE STOCK | or | : YOU GET PIANOS! Pure Spices! Organs and Melodeons, | At STEELE BROTHERS. Belected from some of the most celebrated { makers, warranted for five years. 5 PRICES LOW azd TERMS EASY. Instr Also | --10-- } BEAUTIFUL *® (Bl RD CAGES! ! At STEELE BROTHERS. pte 0) conte 1 Hee 14 ents sold on monthly payments. Instruments to rent. Orders for Tuning attended to promptly. E. WELLINGTON. flompea and ii Shades, THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN Oshawa, October 2ith, 1872, At § . BROTHERS. | EEL "PROSPECTUS OF THE St. Lawrence Bank. { NONE BUTTHE BEST Incorporated by Au of Parliament. CO Al. O I L ! - $1,000,000. | SHARES OF $100 EACH. ams", At STEELE BROTHERS. 10,000 | | ---t0: HEAD OFF ric 5 TORONTO ALL.MANNER OF | PROVISIONS, & GROCERIES At. STEELE BROTHERS. PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS: J. C. FITCH, Esq., Tor JOHN SHEDDEN, Esq., T - FRANK SHANLY, Esq., Toronto; i CAPT. THOMAS DICK, Toronto. | JOHN COWAN, Esq., Toronto. { W. F. ALLEN, Esq., Clarke. nto. orento. --l---- rs | The first call of Ten per cent. on the:Cayfita | Stock of this Bank is now due and payable at | the Dominion Bank, Oshawa, and shareholders will please deposit the amount as soon as | a CHOICE BACON! And Cheap too! At STEELE BROTHERS. THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET 'K. F. LOCKHART. Cashier. N.B.--Shareholders desirous of doing 80 may at any time pay gp. wthe whole or any portion of the balance o eir Stock, and will receive Fosgate, October 2nd. 1872. 28-3in Giving up Business, i | 'Fresh Pork WILL SOON BE IN, AND | 4000 lbs NICELY CURED MEATS, MUST BE CLEARED OUT! | | At STEELE BROTHERS. COST! ----l0---- HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND | TE SUBSCRIBER HAVING DE- INOW SELLING OFF! % E ERMINE D to give up Business, offer his | To meet heavy arrivals of Goods ' At STEELE BROTHERS. Dry Goods ! 4 | A FINE TIME 10 BUY | | 'Choice Crockery AND GLASSWARE! | "'At STEELE BROTHERS. CROCKERY. | [ GROCERIES, Boots & Shoes, | --AND-- a 10} | "ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN As the whole Stock myst be cleared out before New Years', Finan Haddies & Oysters Great Bargains, will be Given.| AY BIRELE BROTHERS. en 3) ee WANTED! Sales Only for Cash ! | | | All Parties indebted to the Subscriber are 'Dairy Butter! requested to settle at once. SAMUEL WOOD. October 2nd, 1872 Oshawa, Oct. 31a, 1572. go " : 5 | | | | Any quantity of Eggs and Prime | "At STEELE BROTHERS. 18 FALL. GO AND SEE NEW STOCK, NOW COMPLETE Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Cottons, 14 d Silks, Dress Goods, | &cC. &c. &c. CHEAPER | offered in Oshawa. examine the prices. NEWEST DESIGNS o MiLLinerY Tailoring Department ! Under the management of MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose | reputation needs no puffing. 2. See Fall Price List _g# for Clothing. Inspection Invited. A. M. CHISHOLM, Gibbs' Block, "NEW FALL GOODS! Dress Goods, CHIisHOLM S! Shawls, | &ec. | 1:87 2, YHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO TPE INHABITANTS OF | Oshawa and surrounding country that he has receivdfl, and 8 sull receiving well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES, Cottons, atings, Prints, Poplins, Tweeds, &c. | Clothing Made to Order on Shortnotice | Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of | All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. JW. FOWKEIE BARLEY FOR SEED. Oshawa, Nov. 15, 1872. | { | | | | Comprising French Merinos, Crape Cloths, Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Gloves, Laces, Goods, &ec., Very Cheap. RA Collars, Fancy E & St & Than last year, or ever before ! For proof, | Oshawa, October 1st, 1872. BLAMEY & BRIGGS | "ARE NOW OFFERING Teas from 10 to 20 per cet. Rglustion, --ALSO-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS FRUIT JARS, Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, All of which will be Sold Cheap. 0: 3 | FRESH ARRIVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANED: BLAMEY & BIRGC P.S.--Goods delivered prompily 1 to Customers in Town. CHARCOAL PIPES ARE THE Sweetest Smoking Pipes Made. WI N TF ER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AT | FITCHETT'S, King St., Oshawa. A Large Supply JUST RECEIVED BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR AND WINTER CLOTHING. x He has just received his L 1 NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. autifgl Vest and Pant Patterns, - Chewing Tobaccos ! ora of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. JUST ARRIVED | A LARGE SUPPLY O SMOKING --AND-- A CALL SOLICITED. |W le orporation of win 8 "fre 1 | there m. Ti The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery. Horses, mies n CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS ANR | a | Barris er, | Oshawa, Sept, 10th, 1872. FRESE { surrounding | A niet STE the n objec Greele | House { on receipt of marked price. | my former gustomer | | Oshawa, Feb. 27, F. J. DREW ATCI MAKER AND JEWELER. Jewellry made to order. 48 Pearl Street, St. Paul, MINNES OTA. Lumber & Shingles OR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- lington. A.B. CAMPRELL December 1, 1871. 5 PROF. WHITE, TP ZACHER OF THE PIANOTORTE | GING, ete, Organist and Conipe N EW $5, 00. REWAR | ! { | | : Tall Goods! | | IE RATEPAYERS hp LAGE of Osha ¥ er, i ow prepared 1 puplis, Terms may be known at thi Oshawa, June 26th, 1872, mn ay CAR re FOR SALE. { THE WEST HALF OF 48 Acres, TIE in the South-east Oshawa, corner of the A quantity of we ac # in Or rundy Co + Towa, U Hartford 70 acres enlt c ap. A. M. FAREWELL, Oshawa, 3 ARS ~ p- FF SRY SAN ess for Sale wii Fo: terms and other particulars, apply on th | premises to Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, VILLAGE FOR SALE. AV ING ru RC H ASE iD ME. _GON. | Centre Street. | on mortgage, wit To parties who will erect a he will not require any payment dow tion will adv md lot, if they ¢ less thd an insuranc the ame uz it advan For fall particulars enquire of Lyman English, F.W, SLEN. Os Woy March 7th, 1872. | First-class Village Lots | FOR SALE! YHE SUBSCRIBERS STILL FIFTEIL LOTS on the Karr Pr which they offer for Sale. HOLD, 'T HESE LO T S| a FACTURERS OF ARE TUR [HIGHEST and DRYEST| Witkin the ration, As no more Lots will be ofTe wi with 4 | GOOD BUILDING SITES | Should not let this opy ed for Sale, partic ortunity pass, { Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. ; yl Apply to SAMUEL JAMES WOOD. 220 iLL. _GRISTING. HE SU BSC RIBERS HAVING PUR- | HAS hers ing First the r pe n hi s. Nocti 1 will be to give sa ion. WILCOX & FREEMAN, Tas at Whitby, Augnst 6th, 1672. | NITROUS BE --OR-- Protoxide 7A Nitrogen RED F¢ Or THE PAIN I &c., ts of repugnane 0 Jo all whe ave oo op Sis te as to be associated with them, as | BD | Nitros Oxide is pl less. :asant to take and quite harm- Oshawa, May, 21, 1872. 2w-] GREELEY MPAIG MUSIC. WITH A PICTURE OF CA Ni: GREELEY & BROWN. Gaod-bye,Ulyses. Song & Chorus, Corham 35 cts. | | He.always Wears an Ol¢ 1 w hit e ht. 8 and Chorus. acarty 35 - | The Farme 1 goes Chopping on his Way. Sons and Chorus, an d Bro wn's G - Higgins, 35 * alc op to the W hite Drasler. 10 Smith. 40 - Sirate. 40 " Grecle Grand Me ATC oh; | Greele's Favorite Polka. Any of the above mailed, ! post-paid, Address, J. L. Peters. 590 Broadway, New York. Send 30 cents for tha latest number of { Peers' Musical MosTuLy, and you will | ; . : he | get eight or nine choice pieces of New | Music. 25-5in. CHANGE OF 'BUSINESS é bossy AB CHER'S business to M { 1 heartily pe ommend hi mt rs and fr n GEORC GE HENRY. > AVING DISPOSE D oF MY B UT- e Sritish . | spared to give s atis fon. G. N. STEPHENSON { Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1572, 'Thoma as s Brooks, " BUT C ITT IR. { | atte nde d 0, | King St. East, Oshawa, Ju wr HODDISIROS. LOTS | WOOD, or | LATEST STYLES IN $0 le Freer fades | SOUTH | "HATS & CAPS than has ever before been offered fu Conclsting in part of of Cut i AXD BEST A MENT OF | Qents' Furnishing, ~NN or {ii} So UU Kegs iL LALGE AV tab GIO THINDG cau T-Aave vLUliiiNg PAINT, OILS, ARNISH] Glass, Putty, ¢ IN THE COUNTY A SPLENDID VARIETY | Spades, Shovels, I Forks, Rakes, & A LARGE-STOCK, OF LOCKS, KNO. | LATCHES & HINGE | A Splendid Assortment of Carr Tools. MACHINE & IKIPLEMENT | AN Kins of Paint, Van | White Wash, Kiulsomine, | Scrubbing, and other Brug | A Lard Stock of Rodgers and Cutlery, Dixon's and other supe: maless cf Nickel and Silve Plated Goods and Cruets. - BOWRIANVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPAN Y ] | LefT&1 American Double Turbine Water Wheel, | rob fachinery, | Iron and Wood Working Machinery, | 4 Jirst-s ate assortment of Ai - | Care (ug w Sprigs, fron, Rope " Shingle Maclines, ( hai 18 { Grist Mill Machinery, 4 Self-Rake Reapers, | Circular Saw Mills, And the best assortment of Gi including Breech Loaders), vers, IMstols, Chopping Mills, Mowing Machines, R Common and Gang Plows, | vey Fanning Mils, and Shooting and 1 Feed Cutitr, ing Tackle in the County. = Lath Mills, ete. | A. B. GIBSON, MANAGER. 131 The whole of the above stock was pt chased !efore the late ¢ great vise a pie. and. will be sold cheap for cash vills Gibbs. Bowmanville, July 2rd, 1872, | Oshawa, May 3:4,7°72, | CAMPAIGN OPENED | The 'Western Advertiser.' 13792 ~ «END ron APR Evie M LIST ANT Y camsile ep of STERN AP 1) + BE STF A Re NEA x s onc of H ? $s" is not stand wittiest saying: L. Gur cs ntinued stor ic lect and -entertaining: t'ienticn to hews of the noger + We pay spec cial attenti compilation of 'Western News pecinl cote pondents in all palts of While iving Po nin REED ORGAI LI ir csic In almost every issne we 'give th i ¢ mailed, 1 musi pe 1 ne v and popular ong. to 1} ind ogher attragtion, t} viing it columnsgSand tn nie Me's) ne togake the IER a welcome visitor elected g and arranged expre thod-will 1 r he ha? y 2 me Peters' Music ar q ¥e u will ret at least $4 worth t Vocal and Instrumen Pia vali 32 --The 2 Bultice of Present Yes to Ne v Subscribers Cash for Wheat, Barley, Oats A JOHN CAMERON & Co. Spa and? Wool ! London, Ort Jd Ra AS USUAL! ' vimplete Sueccrs Oshawa, September 11th, 1572 FOR SALE... |10 FIRST PF HE Py OPE iR ol ON SEL i ha 'AT a iZE TWO EXHIBITIO KS. FW. BELL, & Co, GUELPH, ONT. oh For tern : iy premises, 1 WALTER FOG( March 1, 1872, 5 py TILES. --ir KINDS FOR Lot ho eon. Darling | on, about 4} miles Com Bown vill. Al HAN SHING Received Every Firet Prize for Se OF roe STEPHENS, o [a March | 22-14 ree Quant; tv. OF FIRST-CLASS Plate Glags "Tn TOILET MIRRORS | giver Medal. For the astonis Orga ns 8&1 ieledecone At the Prov incial Exhibition; Cenire Lo Hamilton, ana n Dw de on ition, Guelph. tion to last year's hingly low prices 15 and 25 cents each, Com 3 Diplomas, and' 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrume ut in the opivion of C bL ; . 3 of FY, aie lncompacably superior Ww plete with Frames, at the Hardware Es'4blishment of Siac a ATI EEN TTT YI ll Laduld

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