, 2 uted to a low state of the nervous system. Owing to its bracing effects on those cen- "ters we mav ascribe ta Fellows' Comnanna 4 " fd ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1872. A Quaker Prister's Proverbs. hs Sh imods thawwiae ue mat, | OsRAWa Music Hall. Wilke Sr et i a iim 4 Heathen rithuut J Acai aged 14 years died in { : &, from. tofilibt, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 12,13 AnD 14 NOVEMBER. for damages to sheep by dogs, og nd Suter, for daghages to sheep by dogs, 50. 4 Mr. Green moved,~ That the sum of $77 be eranted to Thomas Kirby as ad- ditional remuneration for cutting downs, hill on 7th eon. ; and also that the sum of $6 be geanted for the benefit of Timothy Rogers, an indigent person. On the motion of Mr. Green, the Coun- cil adjourned till Saturday, the 30th day of November next. wo . Roszar Buirm, who was lately employ- 1 oc at the Grand Trunk Station, Oshawa, wet with a sad accident on Monday last, causing his death. He fell between the ears on the Nippising Railroad, where he has been employed for some time, and was killed. We have not heard particulars. Mr. Smith, while in Oshawa, was an active member of the I. O. of G. T., and was well-liked by all. ULvses 8. Grant has been re-elected President of the United States, Horace Greeley by a large majority votes. This result was pretty gener ally expected by outsiders who observed the progress of the compaign, and we deem' thie election satisfactory. While formerly entertaining high respect for the "white- . | coated philosopher," we have no sym- pathy with his resent contradictory mom- ents, aud deem that his defeat is precisely what he deserves for recreancy to prin- ciple. His elevation to the position op xcs EERE = | President would not likely prove bene- fcial either to his own country or the interejt of Britain. Grant has plander- ed, but he is not so dangerous as a chief magistrate as we believe Greely would be if elevated to the position. I ------------ i872) ) As Usuawi, OQ 'Complete Succes]. I0 FIRST PRIZES 4% TWO EXEINTIONg W.BELL, & GUELPH, ONT, Received Every Pint Prigy gy Grand Trunk Time Table, name, for thy nams fie tims scures Brunswick ' 8 Thou shouldest not rap aé the deor of & or lock-jaw, jnd OSHAWA STATION.-OSHAWA TIME. publication to worthless articles, , afew : the teeth of an printing office, for he that susmeretl the Dy stepping upon nnty 0 tere ie fogs, sic WARRANTS are Dein Javad a he . gat t Neither do thou loaf about, ask ques- Millis depistman or + 100acros grat tions, or knock down type, or the mee 1870 Red. teers will loge thee like they do shade trees -- . : when thou leaveth. The giompt to gig the Bardey : on | Liquor Law in Chicago given rise Hy basen rad k- Hon disturbance. The Ge are or; ainer thereof, or he may knock ganising to procure its repeal. | (hand Considerable numbers of the French inquire thou of an editor for the | Canadians are going off to the States, and news, behold it is his business at the |nearly as many more are returning to inted time to give it to thee without | Canada Tus great Reform demonstratiun in| will take place om the 13th November. HOWORTH'S MIRROR of IRELAND _ AND THE Late War between France & Germany, ! "WITH A Grand Comedy Com pany --- WHITBY STATION. Trains going East leave Whitby Station ten tutes earlier, and those going West fifteen nutes later than the above. baa ie OSHAWA POST OFFICE. The mails are closed ut thisoffice, by Post Offic? time as follows: GOING EAST. A Perocious Parasite Taken' from a at her concert here, were from - the Man's Leg. establishment of Darley & Hoskin, and were pronounced by her to be first-class-- as good as she had used in the country. We are pleased to learn that this firm are receiving so many orders that they find great difficulty in filling them, owing, we presume, to the smallness of their establishment. But this, we hope, will soon be overcome, as they intend to build larger premises in the spring. 'In the meantime, we wish them ewsry success. - ---------------- ey {From the Charleston News.) A short time ago a sailor went to the City Hospit:l from the British batue Georgiana, wiio was supposed to be suffer- ing faom a sore leg. The man had been ailing for near three months, but none of his shipmates supposed that there was anything serious the matter with him. Accordingly, when a few days before his removal to the hospital, ho declared himself unable to walk about, the captain of the ship supposed that he was en- deavoring to ha 1. an excuse for getting away from the vessel, that he wight be left in port, the shiv being prepared to sail in a few days. When removed to the GOING WEST. orning mail, 6.00 ing wail, 7.00 vening mail, 800 | Evemng mail, 5.00 'The Northern mails are closed immibdiately ier the ofthe. Train from} the West, at - Wa. m., 8 ays excepted. 2 2 The English mall, via. Quebec, in closed ot 7.30 | 18 Hicuxzas the Rajah of Kalspore o'clock on Thursday Evening. and via, New York | has writen a letter to Lord Dufferin, ex- at 7.45 Faturday Evening. 2 | a ti . ith the fact that th The Mail for Enfield, Foley, and Taunton, is | Pressing gratification with the the closed at 12.30 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday. Cup originally presented by his father Mefurs the hour of closing & wall © """* | for competition at Wimbledon, had this TA hes oF roe MESSRS, HOWARD and EGBERT, thelr Sensational Act; in Now, 1 "Dolly Vardon." JOHNNY EGBERT, i The Great-Female Impersonater. ing: » It er right that thou shouldest ask him whp is the author of an article, for it is his {duty to keep such things unto himself! When thou dost enter his office, take heed unto thypelf that thou dost not look at what may be lying open and concerneth thee not, for that is not meet in the sight of 'good breeding. Neither examine thou the proof sheet, pi of Germany, has decided th Juan bow dispute between Britain and the United States in favor of the latter. : Taz Atlantic steamship Missouri, from New York for Nassau, was burned, at sea, and about 80 lives supposed to be lost. A 1356s pigans & Melolg Jacxsoy, the mai convicted of larceny ' OFFICE HOURS. From 8 o'clock a. m. until | year been won by Canadian valunteers;and p.m. a te to tine Outi Reformer, | likewise giving expredsion to the hope that the circumstances which had thus | caused an introduction between that for- | eign country and this, might be produc- while holding the position of baggageman at the Grand Trunk Station, Whitby, a short time ago, and Wm. Smith, both escaped from the Whitby gaol on Monday hospital, the maus right leg was very much swollen, and, manifested = all the sym- ptows af etysipelas, for which malady his affection was at first mistaken. At the end of a few days, however, an absteéss formed upon the iunér side of the for it is not ready to meet thine eye, that thou mayest understand. Prefer thine own town paper to any other, and subscribe for it immediately. Pay for it in advance, and it 'shall be Cornwall to-day, in honor of the election of Dr. E. Blake will be there. : A Reronu demonstration takes place at in and Mr. Snetsinger, Hon. A cur lemon kept on the wash-stand Dan P. Howard, dian will appear lled Dutch C in his Charlie Archer; At the Petre Erni Ge. This Srand success, in 4200 44 Silver Medal, tive of lasting friendship. evening. Swith had been anwell for rome days, and was allowed to have his "cell wnlocked at night ; and, on the night in question, Jackson also eomplained of RE SS being unwell, and had his cell door left sind wiltbecamicd outils | Funst-crass Taftorinp 'at W. Dickies | unlocked. The two mien went to the go | Clothes, Fancy Flannels, Woolens, Dress | water closet and made their escape through Goods, Blankets, and general Goods. -pool by a drain, to Dry So Ss Y 4 dua; f i Nee along the shores of the Indian Ocean, £se " A plices ug y ow Tee unde Seca and certain portions of the Med- | several places in Devonshire. It in eapee- the gaol wa id Placed * hon bea iterranean. It infests da.op and muddy | ially severe in Tiverton and vicinity. stead on a barrel against the wall, clim soils and impure water, and gene y . : : over, and were at liberty, Nothing has | attacks the feet and legs, but sometimes Pa: Reynden Palmar Bits rid, da- been seen or heard of them since. Sheriff Suge BES ous 4 the BY: ig ade in to i the Bri Government organs, at the leaders of the Reform | Two rams had a fight last week, of Rey nolds has demanded of the Govern- | fr the more luxurious habitation of flesh for his services at Geneva, part; -- because of the successful manner | the premises of Mr. R: Blakeston, East | ™e0t an Investigation, and it is rumored | and blood, it is scarcely larger than a| 4 New Yomx lady of fashion wears a in which {he allairs. of this Province: sre Whithy, in which 'ont of thew. a Se | that some strange things will be brought | common flea ; but, having once buried it- | p00 ¢iful carved, dark, glossy stone in a being conducted--there is a comparative | Cotswold belonging to Mr Blackeston, | *© light: self beneath the skin, it grows with [Lopting of red gold. Its the front of her ng 30-1 nparati awe onging to eston, me | Alarming rapidity, and will attain. a size | 3, hand's favorite meerschaum ; having lull in the discussion of public affairs- had his neck broken. varying from six inches to six fact in |§ 4uc0d him to stop smoking, she now What Sir John will do as a "forlorn | . ------ ee length, by eve-twelfth 10 Jte-sighth ot | wears his pipe as a trophy {x ' : hope, in attempting to retain possession | Mavor Huis of New Yopk city, who ETE TRE til 7. Poacher amrite od et | Tus head vook at due of 'the Sere | ing, excersise and rest, will restore full | Gir yKENTH day of NOVEMBER NEXT at | w g the reins of aba, is not at all certain. | vas tried vy week for Suanieity in on The Ontario Medical Act. which it a wi bpr wanderings Bots gota $1,500 our months. Co od By of to the brain 2nd nerves. Supatior, ation_of Insolvent, and the ordering of the | R. ; ELLINGTON is totteri inet will requir: airs, + notorious "Tammany ripg frauds" in i tario ormer: and nderi bout t cles d | hi thirty French istants, great cap AMES v, and oy Rave blind] re dayiab] city, was not convicted, the jury being un- Zo the Editor of the Op Be i Boren hie, ease hi -- to 'the or gooks in the meat and Fame doportment, brain for assimilating waterial from every | : & Olea As ee, MUSIC ROOM, y yr ! . Whitby, October 24th, 1872, San : King Street East, Oshawa, . ancle, from which, after it had burst, | well with thee and thine. protruded about 3 inches of white, > membranous looking substances, about Lins are hiltless swords, which cut the oath of Th ed | The singular i induced & Trands that wield them. careful examination of the leg, which de- ToroNToe is excited over the advent of veloped the fact that the man was afflict-'| 4 celebrated pistist--Madame Von Bee- ed with dracunculus, or Guinea Worm. | thoven. This is a horrible paresite, found only : . Tur hotse disease has ap in 3 Diplomas, ad" 12 First Pris, ' Samet Jager Sr oso ¢ Sole proprietors and ORGCANETTE, Scribner's. Oshawa, Friday, Xov. 8, 1872. WR. 2330s BANA Faouvy rants horses died of epizoo in 4 JARVIS STREET. JS OUR | New York on Friday. § All contr suis Odlice. and jrubbed over the hands daily, after) 3) aud boi) and not wiped off for some M. minutes, is an ex t remedy. for chapped handy. ,' * S Hird E. HOWORTH, _..~ Jp the Grand Transformation Seene, J0EM HOWORTE, - - LECTURER. 'Grand Wednesday Matinee at 2p.m"| +. PRICES AS USUAL. : W. A. ROBINSON, Agent. Dus, Sept. 6th, 1872. ; Insolvent Act of 1872,and amendment thereto. In the matter of 5. A. HAIGHT, of Ar the Comwall banquet Dr." Bergin M.P., declared himself a staunch follower of Messrs. Mackenzie and Blake. authorized nt for the City of Toronto, | Le made bY him Nas - REE Containi Fraxcs is making: most extraordinary, exertions to pey of the war debt. Only two millions of the German indemnity will remain unpaid by the end of the year. Mr. Fellows is daily in receipt of letters of enquiry, from various'paits, respecting his Syrup of Hypophosphites. One recen- | tly received, Adar the belief that the public mistake his ing in' ref to its effect in im ing superior en to wa, an i nt. the mind. Where the intellect has -- impaired by overwork cr by kindred cau- HE CREDITORS ARE NOTIFIED ses, the use of the Syrup, together with that a meeting will be held at my office, GET THE BEST, proper precautions in the nse of food, cloth- oR: Tosvn of Whitby, on FRIDAY, the CALL AT ENTH day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at : Normixe of startling import has oc- curred in the political world during the | wy call the attention of our readers 18st weck--even Sir John's lying Mail | 4, ¢1,q advertisement in reference to the } as been énable to continue its vocation | Christian Church, of this Village, which of manufacturing, "outrages;" and ai) be found it another column, littl cont'nued snarling from the U. Prog. | | Every instrument fully ; Tot and £2 ctalopus Conaing iy W. BELL ~ Guelph, Oct, 22nd, 1872, : "> Correspondener. followed him in his winding ways during | able to agree : 1 wish to inform your numerous readers unsuspecting victim ; it always travels | and twenty-five woman as vegetable | quarter, and of developing in Proportion, in town and country that petitions are | i di but as by far the ater the past five years are on the alert for | being circulated with a view of obtaining downwards, and with such rat idity that | eooka. y oe it will sometimes travel the whole length | not well endowed by nature, high positions and fat berths. The gal- Jant knight's visit to this county, and his stealthy drives to some part of the riding in company with " our member," were intend. d to serve a purpose. The *' pro- found thinker " is constantly engaged in ¢lectioneering tactics; and snanner hinted at the possibility of the it is just | Jyossible that his master has in a wily | More than the usual attention given to | an amnendn.ent to the Medical Act grant- | Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children's Boots | and Shoes at W. Dickie' Trunks from 81.. | 80 to 816, Valises, Satchels, Hats, Caps, { Collars, Ties and Gentlemen's Haben. | dashery. As announced in our last issne the stezm fire engine was tested at Whitby, ing to graduates of jthe Hygienic School the opportunity of passing the necessary examinations and registering themselves as legally qualified physicians. The pre- Tw is decidedly s--ggestive of the days of Galeleo, difforing in this, that a man may preach but not practice. Burely the great cry of sorrow going up from | suffering humanity should lead us to open | our eyes and ears for light and help from of the human frame in twenty-four hours. | It will sometimes come to the surface and ie under the skin like a long white cord ; but should the snrgeon attempt to extract it with a knife without first securing it with a nipper, it will clude his grasp and scamper away with the agility of an eel. If a portion of the worm is removed, the remaining portion will u®t die, but con. | tinue as gay and lively as ever. As an instance of the prices Jeu for | talent, we cite those paid by the Y. M. C, | A. of Toronto,--$1,000 to | lecture, $150 for Rev. George Macdonald, 875'for Elihu Burritt, the learned black- | fessor Tyndall, is also to lecture, and will | receive a good figure. Tue Galt Reporter says that Mr. Thos. | tly lacking this capacity, | possible to find' roude for one | i material y | brilliant con Hence, Js : ~ a ¥ Syrup wil ist in restoring the ming | smith, and, 850 for Eli Perkins. Pro. which is lost, it cannot change a lunata@ | born idiot into an intelligent man. uen- it would be or 8 uite to titute 'the although the MARRIED. J. Kenner, on the 5th LARARD"S New Jewellery Store ! ext the "Vindicator " Office, WilFbe opened in a few days with an entire New Stock of AND EXAMINE HIS NEW AND LARGE STOCK | PIANOS The | Moffat has several cows down with a dis- | At the residence of Mr. P. Kirby, the Rev. from any source. The most learned men | 17 SYMptoms of the Guinea worm are a | order which resombles the epizootic | inst. Mr. 0. Diephenson, of the medical schools acknowledge that | di greeble itching and irritating of the | ju nany | particulars. They have the'| 4, the B. C, Parsonage, Oshawa, on the 6th i i b i . | infected parts. After it begins to» move same cough, the same running at the | inst. by the hes, jp Mr. Ezra C. there is much that is dissatisfact in oF gh, 4 was purchased Ly the to f ! Hil > : Tr is | About its paths are followed by external | nose, and exhibits the same languor, | Calibray, to Miss G. A. Elson, both of the. Tp. P y the a, or the sum | the practical results of their systems. This | abscesses, and when the paths lie alon Hoge cay it P d "| of Darlington. being true, investigation should not te | 4 - P 2 | He only noticed it a few days ago; 'WATCHES & JEWELLERY. Special attention given to : Watch and Jewellery Repairs. Oshawa, Oct. Slst, 1872. to Miss Matilda Rodd, both of Oshawa. thinker being asked to fill the shoes | on Saturday last, and also on Monday, about to be cast aside by Sir Francis the | and gave such good satisfaction that it "heaven born." A short occupancy of | the Treasury bench, Organs and Melodeons, } Selected. fro most cdleinated | he makers, ingly Sted fos five years, | i | At the residence of the brides' falher, on the | PRICES LOW acd TERMS EASY, | the stomach, internal abscesses also. It 19th ult., by the Rev. J. Kenner, Mr. Storey, when the 'cows were in good condition, with the prefix | of $2,500. " Hon." to his name, might in a small rr measure repay the Lord of Ellesmere for | OE of Daly's U. Prog. lambeyin North the outlay of his many dollars in secur- | ing his election ; but we shall have to wait a little longer before knowing the whole the Stratford Assizes to four months im- prisonment, and t> pay a fine of £50, { for riotous conduct at the recent election | Perth, was on Thursd ay last sentenced at | discouraged, but trath shculd be per- | mited to go forth toithe sick and suffering | with the balm of healing in her hands. _ | | The law now discriminates in favor of | the popular and established system, and | against- the Hygienic system. Isit nota always ultimately endeavours to leave the system by working its way through the skin--generally near the ankle, but this is only after it has left from ten to fifteen youngoness. The usual number of worms that are found in one person varies from now they dre as thin as if they had not seen food for a month, and their milk | | has entirely dried up. Mz. JonN Sx~eLy, of Willow Lodge, | Edmontoy, Ont., died at his residence on the 1st of November. Western Canada At King St. West, Oshawa, on Thursday last., | Two o'clock, p.m. Friends and aéquaintances of Whitby, to Miss Richards, of East Whitby. Mr. Joseph Burk, aged 71 years. The Funsral will take place on Sunday. at Coal! Coal 11 Coal 111 HE. SUBSCRIBER IAS ON HAND | of COAL suitable for Cotliing} | ill | Parlor" Stoves, also for Blac | Instruments sold on monthly payments. i Instruments to rent. ; He Orders for Tuning attended to " R. WELLINGTON, Oshawa, October 2ith, 1872. 2a) } smiths which he offers at reasonable prices. | Orders left with | J.B. .KEDDIE, || Kine Sireet, Ouhana. op with rictly dersigned 24 La wl Bank. : willseesive - Port, Oshawa. Oct, Prong dg dh re bis i STRAYED?! |toupuawi by Act of Pum CANE INTO THE PREMISES OF fp £3 Ambo toe Hire Of Scanners ast Whitby, | CAPITAL. - $1,000,000 practical avowal of the saying that " might ten to fifty. There is one case on record, truth--Sir John generally keeps s@veral prac Kk. wove 18 right I" Does the strong want of pro- | however, of a man when Ld the effects eager expectants of office 'dangling 4t his coat tails, and will give none of them : : mtisfaction until he . forced to at the |. IRE dinner given to Father Shea on last moment. 'Wait a little; and in the Tuusaday evening of last week, at Hobbs' wieantime, just for; diversion, practic | °° aa one of the best ever got up in sayiag " Hon," to be ready for the lovked- | Dihawa ; So ne have buen informed. 'The for elevation of our lord when the terrible | shawa House is getting a big reputation moment arrives. | for providing good dinners and suppers, are respectfully inyited to attend. | in that riding. 3 is largely indebted to Mr. Snell for gréat | _ improvement in long-wool shefp and | A Chemical Pood and Nutritive T Durham cattle, he having been one of the ITHOUT PHOSPHORUS. NO | most successful importers and breeders of | the classes of animals in the Dominion. | though*, say theSerin. and mn, since Phosphorie. and Le com His death is deeply regretted by the com- | add, no aci PROSPECT tection against che weak! Does that | of the Guinea worm whosd body and skin | We > us strong, that is hoary and reverent with | were nothing but a network of these hor- _~OF THE age, -- that custom and teaching have | rible creatures. Death rarely results thoroughly ranched in the Hinks ha the | from the ravages of this worn, and when | masses, need the strong arm of the law to | it does is generally the result of some | Cnr 8 : : ' soln. maintain it in its lofty position | Can it | ides Te Lv the inflammation, | munity in which he lived, as he was one { a ea De ist Tuutir® POnEr of the not be seen that the present law, 'as dis- | and other effects of the worm's wanderings. | °F tke oldest, most esteemed and mast use- | more than half the material of the human body, Seiminaging against the Hygienic system | The Guinea worm does mot confine jta| ful citizens in it. : Deing sound in ry Msuay ani their Jicsnce is a virtual avowal of the weakness, --of ravages to man, but will attack dogs and | A project is on foot for establishing an- | version of albamen 'in the food lute fibrine, the want of confidence in the systems | horses. The sailor in question made a | other iilustrated newspaper in London, Thich is the vitilizin agent of pure, healthy blood in thus intrenched by the laws. All that | voyage te the eastern coast of Africa | with the peculiarity that one half will be | Europe and Amerie BE Jnio hivesal ise in MR" GIBBS WHINES. | truth asks, is 'a fair field and no favor." | ghout six months ago, and while there | illustrated by lithography. It is believed | preciated. Hence medical men and all not sympa- | received the parasites into his system. | that pictures of passing events cun by the Rosa D'Errxa's Concerts in this place | were well attended and very highly ap- RED and WHITE BULL. . The owner is_re- quested to call and take him away, and y expenses, otherwise he will be sold to r I eid D. LICK. East Whitby, Oct. 2th, 1572. 28-3w House and Lot for Sale | mE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR the House She, less. 10,000 SHARES OF $100 RACK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONT PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS : J. C. FITCH, Esq., Toronto. JOHN SHEDDEN, Esq., Toronto, FRANK SHANLY, Esq., Toronto. CAPT. THOMAS DICK, Toronto. * JOBN COWAN, Esq., Toronto: W. F. ALLEN, Esq., Clarke. ous, Consumptive and Venhereal diseases, which ---- On Friday evening *' The | nd rae To ane od ods Mr. Gibbs furnishes the last number of | Rose of Erin " waa escoftsd to Fo Church Shasing with Jhe A Hygienic system, now | One of these worms has already been | different processes of that art be produced ites. Obstructions and exhaust discharges, in "ie Marat Resignation, in hick | he 5. Purick's Society's Bross Ban, | 1nd. akin oon 1. sing he | Ba es rpg ot snot, | ch mers cepoditioay, snd niely | £35 py SH pnd hol . » ; i : { 8 gning . an | ex imul by "" Mr. Mowat s Resignation," in which he | and a few friends carrying torches. petition, will thereby express their confi- | i as well as can be expected under the | graving process. The practical difficulties that train of evils known: as a fast life. The expresses his fears that the 'amiable | dence in the present legalized system. circumstances. This is probably the'first | of producing a large number of copies in a | front Fouahifty wad A da ee mould "in which Mr. Mowat's character | Tux Rev. B. L. Hatton will address | Trusting that many of 'your readers | case of the kind ever known in Chale. | limited time are, however, we should think | devitalized constitntlon has made Di WHEEL: is cast will 'result in disaster ; and that | the temperance meeting on Sabbath after. | Will honor the petition with their names, | ston. | almost insuperable. AND CALIRAV GLAXIR OF PHOSPHATES Brown rule will become absoluté in | noon next, commencing' at a quarter to | 2nd 6740 doing huank thewmdelves. SE m---- i ---- | Prorie in America and Europe have | Physicians and public. Sold at $1. Ontario Legislation. He bewails the {four. The Sabbath afterngon 'meetings ! 1 Yemals, Toi aes Largest Land Bale Ever Mads to a heard ot pin oe aries Nei - Commercial hs : tani . | Singl erscn | Kmperor should stri . injury likely to reyult to the judiciary on | were productive of much guod last winter, RB a lis news to them. And yet that : . t of the pr t of Mr. Mowat, | and we hope the same redulfs nay attend | is the very thing the Emperor Francis Oshawa, Sept. 5th, 1872. From the Kansas City Journal. hinting, that although the judicial career of the new Premier is without spot, that his resignation and elevation to the Pre- suiership must necessarily open the way to those still on the Bench for dishonest and | 1. Davidson, of Balsam, sold last week a | many of the electors, that during the late partial decisions. His ideas concerning the precedent, &c., are only second hand ; we have hal them served up a dozen of times already in that Government subsi- dized slandering machine, the Mail. The chief incentive to Mr. Gibbs' whining about precedents and Mr. Mowat's leaving the Bench is based upon the fear that, now Mr. Mowat) has returned to publiélife, South Ontario' may, through the ex-judge's consent, have an oppor- tunity at no distant day of sending their .. present expedizncy tool to the wall. A Most successful Reform demonstra tion took place in Cornwall on Thursday last, and was attended by influential cit- izens from all parts of the eastern sect- 2 . py . . Jim of the Province--the oceasion being oae , of rejoicing over the great victory achieved by Reformers during the re- cont electoral contest. Messrs. Blake and McKenzie were present by special invit- ation, and were received with an adress of welcome, read by Dr. Allen, Mayor of the town ; to which fitting replies were made by the parties addressed. Several local 'M. Ps and M. P. P.'s delivered short addresses; after which lengthy and most able speeches were made by Messrs. Me. Kenzie and Blake--the former dealing principally with the Dominion Govern- ment and their actions, and the latter reviewing the act of the Government of which he was Premier. The eastern part of the Province did nobly at the late Dominion election, and may be consideér- ed to have turned over a new leaf com- pletely. The demonstration of Thursday last cannot fail in strengthening the hold which Reform principles have secured | them this winter. attend. | Tre Whitby Chronicle says ; Me, James All are invited to one-year old heifer end a bull-calf, ten | mouths' old, to Mr. Garvin, of Hunting. don, Quebec, for the handsome figure of £700. He was at the sauie (ime offered | 8800 for an imported yearling colt. | Tux St. Patrick's Benevolent Bociety, | will hold their second shnusl ball and { supper, at Hobbs' Hall, on F riduy even. ing, Nov; 22ud. Clearwater's Quadrille Band, and the Fociety's Brass Band vill be in attend Daiicing to [at eight o'clock. Proceeds in aid of the Benevolent Fund. : Tax Orangemen and Young Britons, with a number of as ps] had a grand time at Hobbs' Hotel, on Tuesday evening, An excellent supper was pro- | vided by Mr. Hobbs; end with supper, | speeches, songs, etc.. a 'most pleasant | evening was spent. Prominent among the speakers was our member, T. N. Gibbs, Me. BAMBRIDGE has secured the services {of Mr. J. J. Smith, who is said to be one of the best carriage painters in the Pro- vince. His reputation as 8 painter is tao { well known in these parts, for us to say [ anything about him. Any' person who have not seen his work can do'sé by eall- | ing at Bambridge's carriage show rooms, Howosrur's Combination, consisting {of a Panorama of Ireland: and 'the late French and German War, and a variety | of comic singer will appear in the Music Hall attached to the Oshawa House, on | Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday even- | ings of next week. This entertainment is | spoken very highly of in the papers of the | Western part of the Province, and we 7 me some very amusing incidents 1 voters anxious to dispose of their votes to T. N. Gibbs as a Prophet To the Editor of the Ontario Reformer : It is no doubt fresh in the minds of | contest in this riding Mr. Gibbs staked | his reputation as a prophet, that Mr. | Scott would break up the Ontario Govern- | ment or would be at the head of it within | twenty days. This high assumption of party triumph has now 'received its final death blow by the appointment of the Hon. Oliver Mowat as wy But Mr. Gibbs is not a false prophet. When he | predicted that he carried South Ontario | In his pocket, it was no vain prediction, | but a fact which the late election plainly | proved. In a conversation with a personal friend, who is an ardent supporter of Mr. G., and who was entrusted with the bag, he gave his experience as manager and paymaster. During the late contest, he says that his house was besieged night and day with the bes: advantage. Many, says he, would pretend to have several voters under their control and would ask an enormous figure, but when the facts came to be ascertained, their statements were entirely . without foundation. This miserable prac- tice induces money to be obtained' under false pretences, in addition to lying, deceiving and false swearing, and yet our opponent say no reform is needed in this case. Columbus, Sept. 5th, 1872. EE S------------ Pickering Township Council. The Pickering Council met pursuant to adjosenment. §Mombers all present 'except Mr. Brown. Minutes of last mect- ing read and confirmed. Several accounts presented for work on the roads ; and also the petition of A, Byer, and others, asking the Council for additional remuneration to Thos. Kirby for cutting down a hill on lot No. 11, 7th concession, The Standing C and accounts brought u $idi ittee on P their report, Sarumpay, October 26th, 1872. . |, On Friday last a formal salé was made by General Robert 'E. Carr, President of the Kansas Pacific Railway, to George Grant, Esq., of London, Eigland, of a large body of land, covering twenty-four square miles of territery, lying contiguous to the line of the Kansas Pacific Railway, in Ellis feounty, Kansas. The tract ex- tends thirteen miles along the railway, twenty-four miles along Victoria River, thirteen miles across the country to Smoky Hill River, and has seven miles of water frontage on the Smoky Hill River. A new city, to be called Victoria, will be Inid out along the railway. A fine station- house will be erected, with ludging apart- ment for new-comers. An elegant hotel will be built, and all the necessary water tanks, stock yards, etc., to properly con- duct the business of an important station, will be supplied. The railway officials offered to name the new city after Mr. Grant, the purchaser, but with great modesty he declined the honor, and pre- fered to have it called after his Queen. This extensive purchase will result in un- told good to our country. Mr. Grant, with his usual energy and good taste, will expend a large amount in laying out a park, and in Seeoting buildings, tree- planting, etc. He will go to England at once, and expects to return to this country in March with a fine selection of blooded horses, cattle, ete. A number of experien- ced farmers, stock-raisers, etc., will also sent over. . Itis Mr. Grant's intention sub-divide his purchase into farms various sizes, to erect farm houses thereon, and to sell lands improvements at fair | rates, and upon terms which will enable every industrious person to obtain good home in a fine section of the country. On Hero Worship. { a "We find Mr. Mowat a poor subject for hero worship.-- Mail of in Ko Precisely so. Mr. Mowat is an upright, honourable man, without a stain on his public or private character, and of cou the Mail doss not take to him kindly. If Mr Mowat were entirely destitute of political principle ; if he could act the | rowdy on the hustings and strike his political opponents; if he interlarded his speeches with vile slanders, and told a Joseph of Austria has done. Hitherto the poor man received a civi list Xx five million florins. gare now informed the Parliaments of Austria and Hungary that, unless they allow him an additional two million, he will have to go to the poor-house ! Ture can be no degradation ter than that to which a Prime Minister descends when he employs the public press to vilify and traduce those who oppose his policy in the government of | the country ; for, when he does this, he | forfeits all claim to honesty of purpose, integrity of character, and every claim to real stat hip He b a law partisan libeller, a public nuisance and a ~----, in whom neither a dishonest nor an honest man can repose confidence. He lowers the standard of public morals and dishonors the State of which he assunies the government ; and this is precisely the position Bir John A. Macdonald 'has assumed as the head and director of that most libellous sheet, the Toronto Mail, his special organ. Without him it could have no existence, and his ction | Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel... : Wheat, Spring. ¥ bushel, i) : Oats, ¥ hushel,........... ; WHITBY MARKETS, ow ee aud for properly defining th: J No: 18 19 and 2 1 s No. an: n uy OF t ownship of Whitby, as they © same. I LOTS FOR SALE. EVERAL 'GOOD-SIZED TOWN lots for sale in & good locality. Terms 5 a WARREN L. ASH. 8a with it is a public seandal. Toox Frexcm Leave!--Apcording to the Manitoba Liberal, Governor 'Archibald lately left that Province ina clandestine way, neither biading friends nor enem good-bye. It is said he felt heartwsick of the country for some time past, and was | glad to get out of it; and' leaves the Pro- | vincéa sadder and wiser man. = What | little larity he ever had, had gone | long before he left, chiefly because he al- |"busred himself to be made a tool of in the | hands of others. Had he acted an inde- pendent past, and done justly to all parties, he would have had no difficulty in secur- ing Mle ¥ a butheb a tool in t s of wily esigning men, and became odious to the a that ac- count; and has according] left the Prov- ince, *' unwept, unhonored, and unsung," It is-hoped his successor will take and avoid the rock on which his popularity became weakened. Tue TRIAL of Mayor Hall of New York for implied complicity in the frauds upon the City Treasury came to an end on Friday. The jury, after what a local paper describes as "an all-night wrangle," Pew Ddvertisements. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE _ FOR » SALE OR TO RENT" --0:0-- : ™ AT FINELY SITUATED PRO. erty on the front 24 miles ome ) ERA 40 ian Wl rooms th gpmmode nat the Back barn, sheds, There is a hard, o and cis- ing of a Dick of It Ld VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR on ililam street, consist. Wall Gomi aT acre of 0 Mr Wi iloos, Ba ee Abert, now HUGH CARMICHAEL. + t WANTED. IVE PANT, THREE VEST, AND TWO COAT MAKERS, it ime loyment. Apply at F. F. McARTHUR'S, owmanville. E- 24 Public Notice ! CAMPAIGN OPENED | Tl he 'Western Advertiser.' 5. 1872. END FOR A PREMIUM LIST AND pe RH 4 Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND, .| wh Rn 1, RA = B : CLARENCE on ARD on Author. oh sample of the " WESTERN ADVER. | azine wil TISER.? the BEST FAMILY Nb IN CANADA. We give mx EW SEAL Lut .and ws, br tel in ony American edi 3 OTHER TOPICS ls The * Department * b Tao! Fe aie edited" . hat the said agree- | Kelcan, ine of the best cultural writers. fn ment declared the Basis of Union to be the ' C giving seasonable articles for Fall Seriptures, which were to be taken as the only | Winter, Spring and Summer. The ** Curious an: Rule of Faith and practice for the Government Scientift columns," has a great deal of useful of the united congregation, which should be called in on. Our Chess Department" is one of Hector "Christian :"--that the only Test of whip | the best in Canada. * The Hu "is not Should Le Character as manifested by Deglectd, all the and wittiest sayings Fain i Chriss, aid obedicuce 1a) Deing carefully compiled. Our continued stories Hn tian Chas Conference. with which the said Chris: | W hil. all flue attention 10 seer ur nk: Tr the entity year. re connected, pprove the generally, we attention | The subseription price is #4 a year, with contemplated union upon he Basis and aeree. to : thy compilation of Western News, | Al ratesto clergymen, teachers, ' | = poecial correspondents parts following that in order to meet the views and wishes of west." na [ie | (The 1 the Conference a portion of the said Christian Musio--In almost i Inducements every issne we give the Church proposed ta ter the ti words a»d music of a new and popular song. af offered to new abacanors For 5 0 EIT REMEMBERED THAT THE Disciple and Christian Churches of Oshawa entered into agreement for the consolidation of the said churches into one ;--t; whopper in every second paragraph, then | stated most positively that there was no the Mail would have no difficulty in find- | chance whatever of their conenrring in a ing him "a good subject for hero worship." | verdict. "The judge accordingly, looking In fact, the organ is greatly given to hero | towards the councel present, said: 'There worshiping. Show us a U. Prog. with | is nothing left for me to do then but to "Sir" to his name, and down it goes on | discharge you, Gentlemen of the jury, its knees in a moment. To burn incences | you are dicharged." The prisoner was under the nose of sir John is its delight. | also declared free from custody. At this It can't worship Oliver Mowat. No won- { second unsatisfactory termination of the der. Whoever expected the Mail to doa | Mayors case, 'murmur of disapprobation decent man ordinary justice, 'much less | ran through tle cort-room, and the crowd to worship him. --Straiford Beacon, flocked to the door, anxious to find out how the jury stood. In conversation with one of the jurors, a reporter was informed that the - . in that district, and is another of the signs | have no doubt will be greeted with a full | which was received and adopted, and the of the times indicative of the overthrow | house here. On Wednesday afternoon | following accounts ordered to be paid : of 'the reign ofthe "Sirs" in Dominion | there will be a grand matinee for children. | Ralph Mowbray, for gravel, $4; Jas. affairs. See programmes for particulars, Smith, for work or 5th con. road, at lot in dailid Rel a | ) No. 9, 810; Thos. Salles, for Pop on Elgin, a i orm dem- | 3 1 Ts i ween lots 4 and 5, in eon., a Yaw was hn held on the same On Saturday night last p ch jowel- ro Dot va Barnes, for work between lots 's L Th ttenda | lery store, two doors south of this office, 12 and 13, in 7th con., $30; M. Kennedy, day as that of Corwnal _ The attendance | was entered, and about $300 worth of | for hauling plank for roads, $3; James waa lafge and enthusiastic, and addresses | yr heretron. lo Gur- wire delinered by several membems of |), 1 popped of the Yurghiey, and in Chapioan, for work on 2ad con. at lot parlisment. a very short time had the burglars in Walter Gilder will write * ! #s hitherto, Prof . John ¢ Dao a ent of "Nature anil Selenee." def rimonts of "Heme 2 : *" Scribner'; . an uswal, which ndicates a waste of editorial brains asd LJ . Jor the Magaitne was gid emo nd vet the blichers ise still bette 27th, $100 ; John Fawcett, for repairing culverts, &c., $23; John Haight, for work on road between lots 14 and 15, in | 4th con., $22 ; John Barnes, for work on durance vile. The two men arrested, WHEN linen has been scorched, use the In addition to illor, in "Bex Avpex," & village a Bt of silly'verboseness, pats *' Johnny on the back for his advocacy of local en- terprise, &c., and in his wonted vainness claims that the evidences of enterprise snd progress of the town result from the ¢ liberal policy" of the Corporation Query--" Ben" from whence do the # 3lons " raise the ' wind 1" Pi and Green alias Clifton, were brought before the Reeve on Monday, and after hearing several witnesses, the Reeve sent them to Whitby for trial. | As the prisoner Green boarded with | Mr. John Kirbey, the stolen property was taken to his house to be divided, but we have been requested to state that all the family were in bed apd knew nothing of | Fegan; you Dovid Silents for dems the affair. . | 7th con., at lots 6 and 7, $110 ; James L. Palmer, for plank, &e., $105 12; Dr. Ferrier, for mecical attend following remedy: Add to a quart of vinegar the juice of half a dozen large on 8. Blackwell, $13 ; William Ablitt, for goods Barry, for plank, $75 30 ; R.S. Lambert, for wd, road scraper, $2 50; Alex. Mcintosh, for: building bridge on Brock road, $200; John Haight, non-resident | school tax due section No. 6, $0 40; A. supplied to Blackwell, $13 50; John | earth, , about an ounce of soap rasped down, a quarter of s pound of fuller's a ounce of lime and one- ounce of pearl-ash. Boil the whole until it is jugy thick; and pita] some of it on the scorched part. w it to remain until dry, then sgrape it of and wash. Two or three applications will restore the linen, unless so much scorched that the fabric jury that the Mayor was guilty of Ao Hg but were divided as to charge of wilfulness. On this Jains they stood seven for ennviction and five for acquittal. Mayor Hall has, i are inf Jor itigation, i ited peceendi Sf2inet New York Times Hacpers eekly for libel. Few have any doubts of | the moral guilt of Mayor Hall, though it | was, it seems, apeasibl to e viet the , with rash fondness for neh ury of his complicity in the swindling | Ennsattions of Twiat's 0a. : i excellen| tone these and other attraction, the Shin Pi i ADVERTINER a welcome visti fUMs. We " CRE CL pov each, we wi " a Pp! " Sewing with latest attach- = vans Machine, The Balance of Presen to Ne v Subscribers, 8 Yeag % JOHN CAMERON & Co., London, Ont, or dealer will , the ard the twelve pumbereer ¥ oh ; the heginn "At His & year, and