Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 1 Nov 1872, p. 3

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AS USUAL} mplete Sues FIRST PRI \T TWO EXHIBIT) .BE LL, & ( GUELPH, ony Vincial Exhibitio {entre Exhibition, 3%. v nd success, in addition tg 1g r - Medal, 3 Diplomas; 'and 12 First Pri istrument in wiges re company rt ctors and Manuficturery of ORE ANETYE, er's Patent [uy ¥ alls > bey The. Sualitying wooed, Thair igo Seri mhakers from J ELLINGTON 1USIC ROOM, | ~~ Street East, Oshan AND EXAMINE MIS AND LARGE sn [AN Of ans and Melodeo f the mobt anted for five years, S LOW azd TERMS \n. monthly payments Ins ents to rent, 3 4 Tuning atiended tOSPECTUS "QF THE awrence Bi ted by Act of Parl TAL. - $1,000, SHARES OF $100 EACH. . OFFICE, TORONT OVISIONAL' DIRECTORS > TCH. Esq., Torogto, DBDEN. Esq., Toronto. . HANLY. Esq., Toronto. ~ \% DICK, Toronto. AN, Esq. Toronto. q.. Clarke, per cent. on the the anoun {: F. LOCKHART, Cashier yy DR HOLLAND. by 1X HOLM. Nt , 7 m BRET HARTE. vT ARR {Y or CONTRIBUTH CEN 5 Fook m Furniture STODDARD ots athors. nary Inducements to Subscribers ; \UES FOR S100! Sy de. { SCRIB NEN . Mo NTHLY, wh ch have nitharto appesl i i thie will write the ' 5 t iff ult problems will be commenced in © nhet ory by Saxe Hows, Dancer. 3 ut writ er of short 10 e a characteristic stof pie of Flddictown. which will y write a series of © Authors, Ihelr Be thes. Mome Life Families, a t Ways, A series of Portraits rican "Writers, is also heir re| ! write abi out Fa oratio yn" of American e than ore of pens 8 3 The Wate Jian and bine M hh in wd Publisher's « dh gme ug Publ) his re mise fo for the caming year." we price 4.0 year, with «f ues, Leg , and post ' t linary Inducements, 5 sn re kw Jor 638 new! aanrine Coty and 1% will give 0 g. with the fi ly 500 pages tubscriber 10 o Dealers Clergymen ol senzvEn x AS we FOR SALE. PRE PROPERTY ¢ ox SELINA ST. 3 consisting of A story a half Qwelling house, with wom W fa bie and p Fae « arden with & num Frame o fn ation, fore Is od atta hand 8 good r of choice t ;.also, a hever-failing well of excellent Water For terme and thet particulars apply on the premises, to : WALTER FOGG. H Matehy, 1879 ou Osh for When, Bu wi. Oats, Pease, Tax = BSCRIBER WOULD SAY to all indebted to him, either by Note, Book | ount or otherwise, that the same must be paid | an or before the 15th October next. 1 would | also add, that after the lst October next, my | business will be done wholly for cask, without | rranged. 2 otherwise especially a J. W. FOWKE. Oshawa, September 11th, 1372, 21 CAMPAIGN OPENED | The 'Western A dvertiser. ' 1 872. ESD FOR A PREMIU M LIST AND samiple copy of the " WESTERN ADVER- a the BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN CANADA. Wegive the very latest home and foreign news, br telegraph and mail. The editorial columns discuss. POLITICAL and UTHE R TOPICS in a moderate and fair spirit. e "Ladies Department" has hints about etiquette fashions, emine nt women, reeei on ete, The * Farmers' Column," edited by Mr. Mec- Kelcan, one of the best agricultural writers in Canada, giving seasonable articles for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. The ** Curious and Scientific colunins," his a. great deal of useful i information. Our Chess epative nt" is one of | ~ he Humorous" is not | the best in Canada. ted, all the i hors and witfiest sayings ! being carefully compiled. Our continued stories are noted as being very select and entertaining. While giving all due attention to news of the Dominion gen: y, we pay special attention to the compilation of "Western News hay ving special correspondents in all parts of the Mo s1C=In almost every issue we give the words and music of a new and popular song. | In addition to thes« and other attraction, the excellent tone pervading it columns and the | carefulness of its selections combine ta make the WESTERN ADVERTISER a welcome Visitor to the family circle. PrEMIUMS. We give very liberal toall who raise clubs. For instance : of 55 names at $1.00 sach, we will send'a Guelph * Osborn " Sewing Machine, with latest attach- ment. Cash value, £3500. 24 REMEMBER -The Balance of Present Ycar given Gratisto Ne v Subscribers. Address, JOHN CAMERON & Co. » f London, Ont. VALUABLE "PROPERTY FOR SALE! -- HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS sale that valuable propérty, situated on the Worth side of King Street, East, Lot No. %, con- sisting of fifty acres, in lots of from ten fc » twenty acref. On the premises is a G00D TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with driving shed and wood shed attached, a good barn and other outbuildings. Also a good garden of choice fruit trees, and one of the remiyms BEST ORCHARDS 8 the Province, containing over 1.00 tre T here is eight acres of good hard wood < on the premises. For further particulars, ap ply to the proprietor, on the premises. 25-1. VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER Mihi FOR sale his property ¢ on wi 1 sect, co ing of a block of four - he and ever ain acre land. It is high, we 1 arines I, aud ina good cultivation, Also, that fine os in Prince Albert, no hd occupied by Mr. cox, Bailiff. HUGH C. ARMIC HAEL. Oshawa, June 22nd. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S| AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. | He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. | lothing of all kinds made to order on . the shortest notice. y A CALL SOLICITED. §* 5 rb a CHARCOAL PIPES "NOW SELLING OFF! ARE THE Sweetest Smoking Pipes Made. A Large Supply JUST RECEIVED Ean FITCHETT'S, 1 King St., Oshawa. A LARGE SUPPLY OF SMOKING WANTED! --AND-- Chewing Tobacco! JUST ARRIVED OSHAWA Fall Trade Now FAIRLY OPENED AND Things Worth Remembering ! 8 -- 18 FALL. 72 GO AND SEE THE PLACE FOR GOOD TEA. At STEELE BROTHERS. CHisHOLM'S -- 10) THE LARGEST LOT OF NEW STOCK, NEW WILLOW BASKETS, For a club | FOR | H. 8. DREW. | "THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET _ At STEELE BROTHERS, NOW COM PLETE| The Greatest Variety of New Fancy Baskets At STEELE BROTHERS, -- NO -- Flannels, BEAUTIFUL BIRD CAGES! At STEELE BROTHERS.. 7 I Tweeds, ----e 1 0) } nn YOU GET Pure Spices! At STEELE BROTHERS. Cottons, Shawls, Silks, -- Dress G THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN oods, | &ec. BROTHERS. | &c. &ec. CHEAPER Lamps and Lamp Shades, &c. Gen At STEELE | i. | NONE BUT THE BEST | Than last year, or ever before offered in Oshawa. COA L oO I LL] . [iin the prices. At STEELE BROTHERS. | For proof, ----O ALL MANNER OF PROVISIONS & GROCERIES | | At STEELE BROTHERS, | --O CHOICE BACON! | And Cheap too | At STEELE BROTHERS. NEWEST DESICNS | ---- 01 Fresh Pork WILL SOON BE IN, AND | 4000 Ibs NIOELY OURED MEATS, MUST BE CLEARED OUT! At STEELE BROTHERS. MirLinerY | = "HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND | To meet heavy arrivals of Goods At STEELE BROTHERS. | 1 ) Tailoring Department | A FINE TIME TO BUY | Choice Crockery AND GLAS SWA RE! At STEELE BROTHERS. reputation needs no puffing. ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN for Clothing, ! nk | | Finnan Haddies é Oysters At STEELE BROTHERS. BASU) , 3 Jy S30 Inspection Invited. Any quantity of Eggs ar and Prime Dairy Butter At STEELE BROTHERS. | * October 2nd, 1872. A. M.. CHISHOLM, Gibbs' Block. Under the management of MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose | gr See Fall Price List _2¥ IMPORTS FOR FALL OF 1872! W. FF. COWAN IS NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. 0: Reloe of wrool has Jed consumers to e: a correspondi Jie 10 agreeably disappointed when they vit this well-known of last y are still current in many of the leading lines. Piles of hesiry ces. Stocks' of or odlen | Shawls at old prices. Th of yards a Fan Heaps of Dress Goods at old prices. Lots of Blankets at old prices, &: fino Goods Dopastment Contains o full sats ont! ul Woo) Sefgen; ho rll Jesortmment | 'Wool French Frenc st and plain ; rish a a Son Woo otmbasines, and other et valor 20: ool Sax6a Cloth Merinos, Silk and W The House Furnishing Department Embraces: Carpets-- Wool and Unicns, Felt, Homp and Star. its, Lace Curtains, Linen Damasks, Table Sheeting, vers, Towelings. Price and ty can be confidently recommended to the most prudent b buyers. 10% THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT now fully stocked with the choicest West of paglud Tweeds, Cloths and ¢ Pyercoatings, F. J. DREW i Ll ATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Jewellry made to order, 28 Pearl Street, St. Paul, MINNESOTA. Lumber & Shingles R SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- li . ngton A.B, CAMPBELL. December 1, 1871. LL PROF. WHITE, EACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE SINGING, ete., Organist and Composer, | now prepared to attend puplis, Terms may be known at this Office. Oshawa, June 20th, 1872. PE FOR SALE. IYHE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 48 Acres, in the South-east corner of the corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of wood thereon. Also, 160 acres in Grundy So. Jowa, U U. 8, ten miles from Cedar Falls, miles m New Hartford village, on the Hints Serom R. R, acres cultivated; frame house and stable thereon. The whole 10 be sold very cheap. A. M. FAREWELL, 45-41, Os RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE U NDERSIGN ED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis- pose of his present large and profitable business at Prince Albert, established over fourteen years, and Which affords an excellent opbartunity to any one wishing to en e In such a business, The Premises and Avy he 'k-in-trade will be ong, Be our vited. Vv. F. COWAN. 227 18 New Fall Goods. 72. Osmawa, Oct. 17, 1872. Direct Importation for Our Oshawa Fall Trade, HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM HIS CUSTOMERS AND THE Public, that he has received per Steamships St. Andrew and St. David: A LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT, CONTAINING IN VARIETY Shawls, Mantles, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers; and Millinery Stock, and Corsets, Skirts, Hosiery, and Gloves, including Sull range of Sizes and Colors of the (genuine celebrated Jeovin and Josephine Kid Gloves, Which will be sold at prices much Deiow the figures ifutes usually aalied for those goods. Together th a large assort. Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Lustres, Alpacas, French Merinoh, Scarlet, White, Pink, and Rose ; Saxony Flannels, Plain and Fancy Winseys, Superior Make, Carpets, Damask's, Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Oil a loths, Tor ellings, etc. To- gether with a large supply of Clothing Made to order--Fits Guaranteed. MILLINERY AND MANTLES A SPECIALITY. LATEST STYLES AT ALL TIMES. 8S. TREWIN." Corner of King and Simsoe Streets, Oshawa. Oshawa, Oct. 16th, 1872. Comprising French Merinos, Crape Cloths, Fancy Dresses; Shawls, Gloves, Collars, Laces, Fancy Goods, &ec., oF o' BLAMEY & BRIGGS ARE NOW OFFERING | Teas from 10 to %0 per cent. Reduction, --ALSO-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS FRUIT JARS, Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c., All of which will be Sold Cheap. 0: FRESH ARRIVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. = BLAMEY & BIRGGS- P.S.-- Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Towh t' Furnishing, Cloths & Trimmings, d of at a Bargain, and on easy terms. The stock in hand is large and well assorted, and the run of custom excellent. For terms and other particulars, apply on the premises to W. H. PARK. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, tr VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. AVING PURCHASED MR.' CON. ANTS interest in the McGregor proj I offer for sale twelve lots on the west sid Centre Street. Terms: One-third eash ; Dolanee on mortgage, with interest at eight per cent. To parties who will erect a house at once, I will mot) uire any pay ment down} but in addi- tion will advance one hundred do'lars on each lot, if they erect a house thereon, costing not less than 0, and take a first mort age wit) insurance policies for the value of the ot an the amount advanced. For ful particulars enquire of Lyman English, a . q oy L$ . F. W. GLEN. Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. 43 First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! HE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD FIFTEEN LOTS on the Karr Property which they offer for Sale. THESE LOTS ARE THE HIGHEST and DRYEST Within the Corporation. As no more Lots will be offered for Sale, parties wanting GOOD BUILDING, SITES Should not let this opportunity pass. Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. Apply to SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD, Oshawa, Sept, 10th, 1872, 2d ONTARIO MILL. GRISTING. HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- CHASED the property heretofore known as BEAN'S MILLS, about Oshawa, and having put in New Bolting ClotLs and otherwise improved the facilities for prodye. hree miles north of lig First our, would respectfuly soli it the Hy of the people of East Whitby and surrounding townships. No effort will be to give satisfaction. WILCOX & FREEMAN, an Ww hithy. August 6th, 1672, NITROUS OXIDE OR Protoxide of Nitrogen DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN. less extraction of teeth at the dental rooms o FERGUSON, L. D, 8, over the grocery of Simson Bros, King St. West, Oshawa. Persons need not now, from fear of pain at- Sanding the ration of extraction, carry for years in their mouths a mass of filth, a fruitfal cause of disease, which has not only ruined their health and destroyed their happiness, but made thew objects of Fepugnihos to all who are so unate as to associated with them, as Nitros Oxide is pleasant to take and quite harm- Oshawa, May, , 1872. Bw T GREELEY CAMPAIGN MUSIC. WITH A PICTURE OF GREELEY & BROWN. Good-bye, Ulyses. Song & Chorus. Corham 35 cts. He always Wea Wears an ou w hite Hat. Song - Macarty 35 * 'armer Choppi his W Ti ret A Caoping on bis Wal: Gresley a and Brown's Galop to 'the White Dressler, 40 * Ry Grand March. Smith. 40 * Greeley's Favorite Polka. - - Strate. #0 Any of the above mailed, id, on receipt of marked price. Address, J. L. Peters, 590 Broadway, New York. Send 30 cents for tha latest number of Prerers' Musica MoxTury, and you will get eight or nine choice pieces of New Music. 25-5in. CHANGE OF BUSINESS 23 AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- CHER'S businesds to Mr. G. N. Stephonson, I heartily recommend him to to the patronage of my former customers and friends. GEORGE HENRY. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. Ix reference io the above, I to say to my friends that I shall carry on the usiness at the old stand, corner of King and Chureh Streets, ola after Friday next. . A full stock of First- class MEATS of all kinds .in the season, i always bo kept on hafid. A wagon will be ally, = and all all peritns desttous of ord at the 7" cals at their houses please leave wo! e A call Is solicited, as no pains. will be i a give satisfaction. G.N. STEPHENSON. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1572. 4" Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. | usyal. | King Mss GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV. sold out his Sutcheriag Business to heretofore to solicit the patronage | me, 3 ok to yo Ho will do my best to supply | old custoriiers and new ones, with the best meats | of all kinds. The pedling waggc n wilt call 8 Al orders left at the gho attended S Fast Oshawa, June 5th, 1972 of NEW Fall Goods! LATEST STYLES IN HATS & CAPS, Gents' Furnishing, READY-MADE CLOTHING In the Latest Styles, for Men, Youths, and Boys, just received at HODDERS. BOWMANVILLE MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Vi -- VA NUFACTURERS OF Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Shingle Machines, Grist Mill Machinery, 3 Self-Rake Reapers, Mowing Machines, Common and Gang Plows, Fanning Mils, ; Chopping Mills, Feed Cutters, ; Lath Mills, ete. A.B. GTESON, MANAGER. Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1872, 13-40 ' Wg would call the aftontioh of Teach- ersand Amateurs to KINgEL'S NEW METHOD FOR THE REED ORGAN AND MELoDEON, which we will asus about September First. The work is NEW METHOD and simple course of instruction Wherel one may easily acquire the mi favorite lustruniolit, with a few mon Ay t will always be a fayorits, ork with we FOR THE Suis pe ness and asm: rogression ; more of an amusemen ody for Pupils, and will prove a mine of wealth to the Amateu=, on ¢ Scount 0 of the many ch Melodeons, Songs, etc., that Mr. Kinkel has REED ORGAN. selected and arran y for this wi Ki be mailed, post- kel's New Met! - on a ddress, J. L. PETERS, 500 Broadway, N.Y. Send 30 cents for the atest aber of Peters' Musical Monthly will at least orth of la nd bo Void Semone) fal aa Sie" w. BRL LUS-131]: 1 = CATTLE FEEDER. JR FATTENING AND BRINGING into Condition Horses. Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs, the TOREKSEIRE CATTLE FEEDER jsused and recommended by first-class breeders. tock fed with it fh Jf have always taken First Prise. Sie Cattle produce more milk and butter. It Fattens in one fourth the usual time, And Saves Food. Price 25 cents and $1.00 per box; a dollar box contains 200 feeds. HUGH MILLER & Co, Agricultural Chemists, 167, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. For Sale by all Druggist everywhere. 22-6m A LargeQuantity OF. : FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRORS For the astonishingly low prices 15 and 25 cents each, Complete with enios, at the Hardware Establishment of WILLS GIBBS', Simcoe St., Oshawa. Remember the Jace drost] ak" | Oshawa, Je SHINGLES. : SL QF TALL XINDS FOR | anle at my > JUL df Julies Con JORATH AN | STEPHEN Mereh " o superior § to all others id us class by 7 Teachers. In order to give finishing of new Snellities for the the subscriber LARGER STOCK HARDWARE, thika has ever befors been offered Osihay consisting tn ro i I» ] PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty, &c., > IN THE COUNTY. 4 SPLENDED PARIETY OF | Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment Wt Shpentory White Wash, Kzlsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing,and other Brushes, Cutlery, Dixon's and other superior makes of Nickel and Silver Plated Goods and Oruets. A first-rate assortment o Carriage Springs. 1: Iron, Chat (including Breech Loaders), Revol- | vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in' the County. - The whole of -the above stock wa pur. | chased before the late great rise and will be sold cheap for cash, © T. Wills Gibbs. 5 Oshawa, May 3rd, Jo, TAILORING AT WM. DICKIE'S. -~ IN THE 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST ALLA Best ASSORT- | : Spades, Shovels, Hoes, || . LOCKS, KNOBS, | | All kinds of Paint, Varnish, . | A Large Stock of Rodgers 13d ctre' J Asles; | pe and | And the best apitiank of Guns, . oL ING DRESS GOODS! Newest Styles. Of all Shades & Prices. { i i { PARASOLS!! MILLINERY 'FLOWERS, &C. SPLENDID Black Lace Shawls, Only 81 26 Each. BOOTS & SHOES | Of Everv DNoacant ptian : 14 i

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