Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 20 Sep 1872, p. 4

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fst I TEES Re THATS A i EEF Fo Ih HITE H AE g £1 ER 0B 2 AN rt OLE NE od es es a ° .QONG ECH) FIFTY Tue waiters who carry lunches "to the | rooms at Congress Hall, say it worry a | hired man to stow away the corned beef, | and jerk and beans that the young ladies | call for between their regular nieals of water, ices and sponge cake. | Fon loss of cud, horn ail, red water in | cows, loss of appetite, rot, or murrain in sheep; thick wind, broken wind, and roar- | ing, and for all obstructions of the kidneys in horses, use ** Sheridan's Cavalry Con- | dition Powders." | | AX Irishman called at a drug store to get a bottle of ** Johnson's Anodyne Lini- ment for the Rheumatism;" the druggist asked him in what part of the body it troubled ham most. ** Be me soul," said he, '" Lhave it in ivery houl and corner er me." Surrerers from coughs,. colds, bron- | chitis, croup, influenza or whooping cough, will find relief in *' Dr. Wistar's Balsam of | Wild Cherry, which has now been in use | for nearly half a century, and still main. | tains its long established reputation as. the great remedy for all diseases of the throat, lungs, and chest. Cavtiox to Purchasers of the Perilvian ! cured an old standin applications," | No Risk Thomas' Eclectric Oil! WW wth Ten Time its Weight in Gold. - Do you know anything of it? Jf not it is time you did. JAIN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS used. Itisthe cheapest Medicine ever made. One dose cures common Sore Throat. One bottle has cured Bronchitis, . Fifty cents worth has Cough. One ortwo bottles, cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles Six to eight applications cure any case of Excori- ated nipples or inflamed Breast. One bottle has cured lame back of eight years standing. Daniel Plank, of Brookfield, Fioga County, Pa. says: "1 went thirty miles for a bottle of your O§l, which effected a wonderful cure of a crooked lilmb by six Another who has had Asthma for ears. says: "1 have half of a 30 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if could get ho more." | Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y.. writes: "One small bottle of your Eclectrie oil restored . the voice where the person had not spoken above "& whisper in five years," Rev. J. M th of Wyoming N. Y., writes: * Your Eefectric Oil cured me of Bronchitis in one week." © Dealers all over the country say: " We have never sold a medicine that has given such complete satis- faction as this." 3 tis Somposed of six of the best oils: that are known: 8 as good totake as for extérnal use, and is believed to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made. Will save you much suf- fering and many dollars of expense, Is sold by one or more dealers in every place w circulars are found. Price, 2 cents. buy it to-day? Prepared by 8. N, THOMAS, Pufurs, N. Y., Nhy not re these | ! rg | The Aldine : © N ILLUSTRATED . Journal claimed to be paper in the werld. ALDINE who are striving to make their pi festion worthy of admiration for beauty, as | has always been for usefulness." | Beecher, | THE ALDINE, | regularity, has mn | interest characte! while. issued with all th of the temporary of timely stic of ordin periodicals. 1t 8 an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and grace- | ful literature, and a collection of ictures, the | rarest specimens of artistic skill skill, in black or white. Although each -succeedi number | affords a fresh pleasure tg its friends, the real | value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be | most appreciated "after it has been bound op at close of the year. While pther publications | claith shpenjor chieapness as compared with | rivals of a similay class, THE ALDINE is an unique and original conception--alone and un- approachd absolutely without competition in | price or character The possessor of the volume Just completed ccnnot duplicate the quantity of | fine paper and engravings i y other shape or number of volumes for ten limes its cos The labor of getting THE ALDINE ready on | the press is so great that reprinting is out of thie question. With the exception of a small Syrup (a protected solution of the protox- | And NORTHROP S LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Onl. | number specially reserved for binding, the edition "ide of iron). Beware of being deceived byany of the preparaticns of Peruvian Bark, or Bark -and Iron, which mag be offered to-you. Every bottle of genuine has Peruviay Syrup (not Peruvian Bark) | "blown in the giass. Examine the bottle befo: sing. ~ Is your turost sore, or are you annoyed by a constant cough? If so, use promptly ** Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers." "They wil. give you instant relief. They relieve th air passages of phleg v or mucous, and ai lay mflamation, and 1.0 safer remedy cai | be had for coughs, coids, or any complaint | of the throat or lungs, and if taken iv. | time their efficacy wiil soon be proved. Sold by all Diny ists and country dealers Price 25 cer box Spots oN ink SUN.--The sun has of | late becowe an object of great anxiety t. many scientific wen. "pots are quit common on that orb, as may be seen by any one who may take the trouble to look at it through a piece of smoked "'a-s; but | although these phenomena have or site a suited appearances whic 1 astonis ro omers how much more stonishu wonderful effect of the *Canadi: Destroyer" in cases of severe cold, matisui, neuralgia, pains in the stomach, &c. For sale by Drugyisi country dealers. Price 25 cents pet b "Waite Tee Worep suffers turmcil n ts many shores, felicity still trickles fori among the thorns. DEPEW'S MEDI: CAL VICTORY. as a GREAT BLOOD PURI- | FIER, and health invigorator in the cure of diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys and | biadder, stands brilliantly among the stars of progressive medical science which mark the present age. Prominent physicians, | witnessing its remarkable efficacy in scrofi- ula, skin diseases, humors, female weak- | ness, and al! diseases of the stomach, liver, | 3] rves, named it DPEPEW'S | Dowels and nerves bY in honor of the dead, Heaven has MEDICAL VICTORY. To Ow~Ers or Horses.--It is a well attested fact confirmed by the experience of thousands that " Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" for | horses is superior to anything of the kind | now or ever known. We know that it has been used in many cases. where the horse has been considered almost worth dess, with the most satisfactory result, the | 5 horse having been restored to perfect 'soundness or so much benéfited that the | complaint could 'scarcely bé observed. -- Many such horses have afterwards been sold for from 850 to £100 more than they would have previously brought, and were well worth the. difference; let all interest.) ed consider. this. 'Remember the name, | and see that the signature of hurd & Co., | is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, . Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada, Sold by all medicine dealers. A NEW SCHOOL DOLLAR Book, by H. 8. Per WORTH OF MUSIC { kins. Price, $7 3 per F OR 8 3, | Contains over S UBSCRIBERS Two hundred néw and » to PETERS MUsIicaL beautiful Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting their Music for less than etc., by. Will 8. Hays, two cents a piece. Those Webster, Thomas, etc: who have not seen this dozen. £very thing isnew, fresh Musical Magazine and sparkling. Contents should send 30 cents for a sample copy. Th ts by Hays Copies Then as, Kinkel, Fest , and other popular writers. g Two back numbers 'or 0 cents. Four baok uw num bers for 75 cents. Address, J. L. i ETLESS99 BroaNew dway, Yor and specimen pages sen | free. Sample mailed free of posta to teachers for 65 cents Liber intro Chronic Diseases. R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Would Fespectfull} state that he is now treating successfully the 'ollowing diseases : Epilepsy, or falling Fits. in their worst form ; Consumption, in its various stages, (with Dr. | J.'s remedies consumption is no longer an incu- | rable disease); Rronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, | Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy, &c., patients who have been tapped several times are curable under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of the EYE AND EAR, Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay al all the effects of indiscretions of outh--a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, Liver Diseases, and diseases'of Women and Children, Cancers cured without cutting, and litide pain; | Sore Legs, Salt Rheum, and Scrofula in all its forms, Pr. J.is happy to say, diseases which | have hitherto been thought incurable are now | rapidly yielding to his treatment, as his grat ful patients are willing to testify. No Calomnel, no mercury, no Mineral Poisons, will be adminis- | tered in any form, in any disease. The afflicted, who cannot obtain relief from other sources, are particularly invited to call aul see him. Offi ] &4r Office in Neilson's Hall, Belleville. hours, 11 a. m. to 3 p.m. Yours most respectfully, H. JAMES. M. D. Royal Insurance| COMPANY. FIRE AND LIFE. ; 3 TEMPORARY OFFICES: Corner of St. Paul and St. | Francois Xavier Streets. Capital aes Annuallincome over... Funds in Hand over FIRE DEPARTMENT, All descriptions of property Insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderate rates, LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED WITHOUT | REFERENCE TO THE HOME OFFICE, LIFEDEPARTMENT. | Assurance on Lives graated on favourable terms, and unquestionable security offered to Policy hilders. . Besides the Large Paid-Up Cap ital of the Company, Assurers have Additional Becurity in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a 'Nealthy Proprietary. The Special Life amounts to $86,603,210. THE SUM OF a" » ¢ S|736,200. haying been added thereto as-a result of the Bus- | iness of the Past Year, after the Payment-of all | Claims, Cash Bonnses, Annuities and Expenses | of every Description. | 'Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and full infor- } mation can be obtainéd on application to the un- i Xt) eriguel, H. L. ROUTH. E. F. BEDDALL, | Chief Agents for Canada. | A. PERRY, Fire Inspector. | ROBERT ARMOUR, Apo nt a Sowmanville. { v. B.--The financial tion of the Ro, sin | n ND ---- by the recent Fire at 5 hy i the Company having no Agent doing business! n that City, Assurance Fund now | tution is subjeet. | of Consecon, | riage. ete; i Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexnal extrav- | | Sole Agents for the Dominion. 3 NOTE. -- Eclectric-- Selected and Electrized. For sale by W. Atkinson and; Dir. Deans Oshawa; in Whitby by n Brookiin by John Warren. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and Dp. STOT1 Bowmanville Uutario. - nadia S A FAMILY LA well and favor! in Destroya MEDICINE, IT | | «nds from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, So. Throat, | Bruises, Craps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, d¢.: The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER been before the public for a length of wherever used is well liked, never (ailing in instance to give permanent reliei wi we have never known' a sing. action, where the direcd ns nav followed, but on the are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magica vifect, e speak from rd it t Wains, has nos time, an serience in the matter, ha ughly Tand therefore thosa wi n any of the complaints . may depend noon ring the discases for which it Tis wonderful etfects in sul us pains of Rhoumatisni, and a Air , enditle if © hig. Orders are comin, in all parts of the duing the tortu tieving Nery in the + M dicine Deal for further sup, niversal satisfaction it gives. ; dian Pain Destroyer nevef fails t & uidiite relief. AN Medici Y] Dealer ee} ; Bhysicians order and use it; and n« amily will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. For sale by W. shawa; in W hitly i J. H. Gertie and J. Byrne Irooklyn by John Warren. J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn | y known, relieving thot | cuntiary uw. es, and each testifyin, | T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans } of 1871, is already exhausted, and it is now a | scarce ns well as a valuable book. NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. ART DEPARTMENT. The enthusiastic support 80 readily accorded o their enterprise, wherever it has been intro- | duced, hasconvinced the publishers of THE 4 L- DINE of the soundness of their theory that the | American public would recognize and heartily | supp rt any sincere efforts to elevate the tone | and : taadard of illustrated pnblicationrs. That | 30 mauy weekly wicked sheets exist and thrive { 8 not evidence that there is no market for any- hing better--indeed the success of THE A DINE from the start is direct proof of the con- rary. With a population so vast, and of such varied taste, a publisher can choose his patrons | wd his paper is rather indicative of Lis own | ban of the aste of the country. As aguarantee 1 the excellence of tis depastinant, the publish- oul bef to anno dei: the coming h Pon Ng Sminent ., . Al «Hart . . Smillie, Algae AT Granville Per- *. Darley, Victor Nehlig, W. H. W i- X. Jawes KH. Beard, J. D. Smillie, R'E. Piguet, | ©'rank Beary, Paul Dixon, J. Hows. I'nese pictures aie being reproduchd without egsid to expense Cy the Jory best engravers in | 'he country, and will bear th oILparison with the best foreign work, it being ublishers that THE LLDINE shall be a successful vindication of Ww Gar, * Give my love to the artist workmen of THE A -- MONTHLY the handsomest Henry Ward FEYHIS SPACE IS { e severest critical | | American taste in céompetitipn with any exist- | ng publication in the world. | the determination of the { LITERARY DEPARTMENT. left to show that BAMBRIDGE has always on--hand New and Second-hand Wagons and Carriages ready when called for, at reasonable rates. Repairing and Shoe- ing attended to us usual. SIMCOE" STREET, OSHAWA. March 29,71872. 51-6m G. B. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine Oil S NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIM CIPAL Manufactories and Mills in Ontari and is giving entire satisfaction, and all unite in saying there is from 2 to three hundred per cent aving over all other Oils, and as the quality of Ui' is well known, it is unnecessary for me t« ile tue reasons why il supercedes all other Oi}, 5 it is a well known fact that it will neither gu wr get thick in the coldest weather, TESTIMONIALS: Tuk Josern HALL MACHINE WORKS, Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 18% GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., Brougham, Dear S1R,---We have bec using your Lubri * "0 much attention paid to illustrSe | cating Oil for the past four months, and can say Wp of the work too araness may icipaie |» slate that the edi t ALDLY KE has been | AENRY 51 0DDAK ully be fea. ed. , It is onl nl dEnageine nees ol assistance trom a host of the most pop- | Mar writers and poets of the country. | THE VOLUME FOR 1872 } wip contain ne y 360 pages and about 250 fine {en gay, ¢v Commencing with the number for toi Tein isted to Mic. RICHARD | who has received wssur- | uch dependence vu | ry third number will contain a | J : to © | beautiful tinged picture on plate paper, inserted | as a frontispiece. splendid volume in itself, containing hy en- raviags, (foug in tint) and, although retailed at 5 will be sen} withoRt'pxtta charge to all year- ) Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and | I¥ subscribers, D, Stott, and all medicine dealers. | | Ein Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES-| | uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not injured, but benefitted, by them. All thosesbeantiful emblems which adorn the many tombs around which we love to linger, Assure us we are in a world of warm and loving hearts; the adorning of the sepulchres of the *" loved ones alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers th¢ be- reaved to know that an additionak em bellishment of the grave prepents stronger attractions to ar the stten- tion of the stranger, and ¢puses hin to pause and learn the-name' of one! who as shared so largely in the love of others. We take this that we ¢an fill ¢ raves of } : | nethod to inform you lers for decorating the departed friends, at low cuted in the best style of MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF TH). FINEST QUALITY OF IN & AMERICAN MARBLE AND J] SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on short netice, Everything pertaining to Cemetery work will meet with prompt attention, by léay ing or- ders with : C. BOUNSALL, Bowmanville. IT4 The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. FYHIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE I$ unfailing in the care-of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female consti It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions; and a speedy cure may be relied on. | TO MARRIED LADIES | is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, | oring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills show'd not be taken by Females | during the FIRS THREE MONTHS of Prey nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at Dr time they are safe. | In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight | exertion, P +' no the heart, Hysterics anc Whites, the v elfect a cure when al other means . wd ; and although a power | ul remedy, do ¥ ntain iron, calomel, anti mony, or anythin tiul to the constitution. \ --Full directions in il pamphlet drotnd each package, which shouic. be carefully preserved. | JOB MOSES, NEW YOK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.60 and 12} cents for postage, énclosed tc Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont. general agents for the D minion, will insure a bottle; containing over 50 pills, by return mail, | For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Det Oshawa ; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne | in Broclyn by John Warren, Bowmanville, Ontario. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D.STOTT | | IN Es 17 Stop and See. : THE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of the magt wonderfhl and ex- | traordinary cures in Canada by the GREAT IN. DIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incuntestable facts, sufficient to convince the most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound earned after for ages is now accessible in the reat SHOSHONEES REMEDY For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Diges tive Organs, Kidneys, &c., as well as Scrofula the various Skin Diseases, Humors and all di scases arising from Impurities of the; Blood, we boldly state that this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person 'of Wilson Storms of Brighton, Ontario, o Consujnption ; or that of Peter (, V. Miller, of Ernestown, Onta- rio, of Consumption, or that of Ambros: Wood, tario, of Dispepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of J Li Hosey, of Napanee, Ontario, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. £4 Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular o | unque: nable certificates on the GREAT SHO SHONEES REMEDY and sat'sly yourselves, Price of Reinedy in Large Pints, $1. #4 For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Agents tor Bowmanville,-- Messrs. J. Higginbotham, D. Stott. Northop & Lyman. Newcastle Manhood, How Lost, How Restored J! ST PUBLISHED A NEW J cdition of Br. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without. medicine) of Sperma- torrheea, or Semiial Weakness, In- Seminal Losses, In wotency Mental -al Incapacity, Yinpodioe: nts to Mar- also, Consumption, voluntary and Phy Epilepsy, and ice of self-gbuse may be radicall dangerous use of internal un pucationof the knife : t is lecture should be in lhe hands of every youth and every wan in the land." Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post paid on receipt of six cents or tw ost stamps. Also, Dr. Culverw¢!'s rice 25 cents. 14 Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE, §; CO., 127 Bow , New Yo: k Post-Office Boy 588 o * Marriags Guide | ing the season of navigation of 1 { OF MAIL Wholesale: Agents, { A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a very popular feature last year, and will be repeated with the present volume, The pub- lishers have purbhased aud reproduced, at great expense, 'the beautiful oil painting by Skis, en- titled ** DAME'NATURE'S SCHOOL." is 11x13 inshes, and is an exact fac-simile, in size The chromo | and appearance, of the original picture, No | American chromo, which will at all compare | with it, has yet been ofiered at retail for less than cost price asked for THE ALDINE and it rogether. It will be delivered free, with the January number, to every subscrijgr who pays for one year in advance. TERMS FOR 1572, One Copy, one year, with Oil Chromo, $5.00 Five Copies, - 20.00 Any person sending 00 names and $40, will re- | ceive an-extra copy gratis; making 11 copies for the money. ] Any person wishing to work for a premium, | can have our paemium circuler on application. We give many beautiful sud desirable articles offered by no other paper. A Any person wishing to®a-t permaaently, as our agent, will apply with reference, enclosing $1 for outiit. JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, 23 Liberty Strect, New York. STEAM LCN DON, QUEBEC, MONTREAL. ag TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: MEDWAY, GER, N THAMES, SCOTLAND, I'WEED, HECTOR. "SEVERN. "he Steamers of this Line are intended to sail rom Quebec and Montreal every TUESDAY dur- London every Wednesday, calling at Plymouth on the way out. Through tickets points west at reduced rates. Certificates issued to_parties desirous of bringing out their friends. or full partionlars apply to the Company's Agent at Oshawa, _ C. W., SMITH. MAN STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM - New York, Queenston and Liverpool ! CITY OF AMTWERP. CITY OF BALTIMORE, CIT¥ OF BRISTOL. CITY OF LIMERICK, City or DUBLIN, Crry oF RICHMOND. CITY OF MONTREAL. CITY OF BROOKLYN. CrrY*or PARIS. | CITY OF BRUSSELS. | Cty o¥ NEw YORK. CITY oF HaLiFax. City or LONDON, CITY OF DURHAM. CITY OF WASHINGTON. Bailing on Thursdays and Saturdays ! From Pier 45, North River, RATES OF PASSAGE. To Queenston or Cabin. Liverpool, - - $75, gold. London, - =e, Paris, - - - - 9, *" 38, i Steerage. $0, currency. Tickets can be bought here at- moderate rates by persons wishing to send for their friends. For | Agent, July 20, | C. Wi, SMITH, Ossawa. 15-3m PETER'S 'Musical Library CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS, Shining Lights, - A choice collection of beautiful Sacred Songs, Hearth and Home, Fireside Echoes, { and Sweet Sounds, Three Volumes of | easy Songs by Webster, Persley, etc. Golden Leaves. Volumes I. and IL. The two volumes contain all of Will S, } Hays' Songs. Priceless Gems. A collection of beauti | ful Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, ete. 0 INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS, ry Fingers, Magic Cirele, and ¥ ne Planks. p, volumges of very, easy Music for you ers, * Pear! Propsand deal Ree Dance Music. Two collections of moder. ate difficulty. La nt Memories, ensa A collection of beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack, Dress- er, ete, | Golden Chimes. A collection of brilli- | ant parlor Music by Charles Kinkel. Brilliant Gems. A splendid collection, DY Thre, Allard, Pacher, Rink, ete, ice, $2.50 per volume, elegantly bound in cloth, with gilt sides ; $2 in ain clos 3 $1.75 in boards, v Address, J. L. PETERS, 4 } 509 Brondway, NY. We would call . attention to The further information apply to the Company's | | | without hesitation, that it is the best oil we hav. ever used. [tis also cheap, and lasts longer than other oil ; we have run our large 11 foot Iron aner 7 days with one oiling. It keeps the too! sean sad bright, We do not wan better us a lubricator, Yourstruly, F. W. GLEN, Pres" 1 will run Stock's Oil against any other oil in the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or Olive vil, or any other used on machinery. A.HeNDERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Wo: ks. 1 find Stocks Oil to be the best oil I have ever The Christmas nvmber for 1872, will be a | had in my Flouring Mill for lubricating prrposes I had used olive previous to Stock"s, and i (in Stocks to be the best, | Moses Smrti, Duffins Creek, Ont I would rather have| Stock's Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20 years. GEORGE BLAKE, Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. I have used Stocks all oil 1 have ever used in 10 years mahufactiring experience, and have used Castor and Olive; Oil, PncIpaly previous to using Stock's Oil. JACOB STALTER, Greenwood. We prefer Stock's Oil to either Sperm, Olive, or any other oils ever used, for ex lence shows it. SPAIGHT & Sox, Markham, Ont. wm, I use Stock's Oil on machinery, which re- volves about 4,000 times per minute, and find it | the only oil that gives satisfaction. J. CHURCHELL, Bangor, Ont. Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., Sik, --Your extra machine oil comes nearer to perfection for lu¥ icating purposes than and thing used, so far as" known to me, it w neither gum nor corode, and wares satisfactory. Very truly yours, A. FAREWELL SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Brouvenam, Oxr. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 1314, Toronto. | THE BEST AND CHEAPEST 72, and from | from all | { LINE] | originated and communicated to the Jedule, ot- | | | our aim is to render the whole | | | | | | | | graphical Art, | | i | | | | WINTERHAS COME! LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS AND NOW I8 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MOORE'S Rural New Yorker ™E Farm GREAT NATIONAL FAVORITE Weekly. and Firéside - PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED. FPYHIS FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR neatly Twenty-Five Years been | th recognised Leader in its Sphere, and has attain ed the Largest Circulation of any N eWSpaper « its Class, fis the standard authority on RURA AND HoME_AFFairs, and concedes ly the be combined Agricultural, Literary, Family an: Business Weekly. UNEQUALED FEATURES! THE RURAL'S EDITORIAL STAFF is the larges nnd ablest of any Journal in its sphere, while its llustrations, Typography, Etc., are superior. e the writings of the conducting and as- sociate Editors, its Corps of Contributors is Jar- fer shan that of any other RURAL AND LIVERARY APER--80 that MOORE'S RURAL is the Organ in and through whick great and beneficial efforts toward IMPROVEMENT In the Future, asin the Past,the RURAL'S will be ** Exelsior!" except in'price, which has been reduced--making it the Cheapest Ru- | and Family Weekly in the World | THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS are Numerous, Varied, and Beautiful. Indeed i per exception- ally Valuable and acceptable, RuRaL's Re- worts of Markets, Crops, Finances, etc., are full and reliable, and alone worth double the price of the paper, Indeed, next to your local pape; MOORE'S RURAL is the one for Yourself, Family, and Friends. STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS. Each number of the RURAL NEW-YORKER fo 1872 will Sompise Sixteen Quarto i" , (larger than Harper's Weekly,) printed from db Type, on extra fine and heav: per, and Illustrate and Printed in the hi est style of the Tyo TERMS, in Advance ;-- Single Copy, $2.50 per Py ; Five Copies for $12.50; Seven opies 1 16; 'en Copies for $20--only 8 copy. Lit el Premiums to all form "Tube, €1 Numbers, Show-Bills, etc., sent free, Address D. D. T. MOORE, Rural New-Yorker Office, New York City THE S4th VOLUM! For 1872! ILLUSTRATED Phrenological Journal, A FIRST-CLASS - FAMILY MAGAZINE. Phrenology.--The Brain and its Functions: Location of the Organs, with directions for cul. ture and training, and the relations of Mind and THE Body described. Physiognomy, or the "Signs of Character with Hlustrations, and how to Read them," is a special eature, Ethnology, or the Natural Hist f Man, illustrated. wi be given. ny an Physiology and Anatomy.--The Oi nization, structure and functions of the human body ; with the laws of life and health. What we should eat and urink, how clothed, and how to exercise, sleep and live, in accordance with hygienic prin- ciples. Portraits, sketches and biographies of lea ling men and women in all departments of life, are special features. Parents, Teachers and Others.--As a guide in éducating and training. Children, this magazine has no superior. Much general information on the leading topics of the day is given, and no efforts are spared to make this the most interesting and instructive as well as the Best Pictorial Family Magazine ever published. Established. The Journal" has reached its 3h yolume, It has stead} increased in favor uring the many years it has Loon ublished, 'Was never more popular than pried g nd Terms.--Monthly, at $3 a year, in advance.-- Single numbers, 3) cents. Clubs of ten more, $2 each, and an extra copy to y polly o oeiriane mak Mier, Proms number, | Poster and Pro and a plete Premiums, SR Pul "3% Broadway, New York, anything | ail and I find it to excel T.GIBBSOhawa,Ont, | | western points PIANO OR SEWING MACHINE, | CALL Geo S. CLIMIE, | SEPEW'S MEDICAL VICTORY. y , OF PAIS, FRANCE, su emi. a: DE BW. OF 24 descent, his discovered a Grad hiv Reed y--a Purely Vegetable Compound «~--named by pliysicians, Depew's Medical Vi tory, that cures every kind « healthy Humor disease that dependson 1 } the Lungs, Liver, and 1 gans, are not wasted bey For the cureof 8 rheum, Eczema, Sca'd. Hea Skin, Ulcers, and Fever Humor 1a the Mouth ao fs, Eruption on the d on the face, it stands ! ¥ the al! mher remedies. The fact is; Hun & and Diseuse of the Skin. of whatever) are literally dag 2p and carried out in hort time, b> ase of thw | Jue bottle, fu such caves, will convine } AT THE eroiulondof ity carmtive effects. - | | Cleazsathn Vitiate~ Blood whenever vou fl i ts | npurities bursting through the ~k.u io Dimples, { Era,t008 or Sores ; cleanse it when you tind if cb. ; { v lente 1t when Keep tae Blood pure and thie he ' ! slow all » Gentle Regu'at ng P t a8 Ahly lo Regu g, e ulisr merit of acting asa powerful agent in ve'ieving Congestion, avd Glromic Inflasmation of the Liver and all the Visceral Organs or Fomal« Complaints, wether 10 young or old, married or single, . t the d wi ol womanhood, or at theturn of life, the Medical Victory has po yal athe Sura Complaint, and its effects are surprising to ull Bowels, and curing Bilious Headache, Neuralgia, Vesa ness, Pains in the Side, Loins and Back Weakness and Delnlity, 11s curative powers u youd movey and beyond|y nce. 11 IST H G BLOOD PURIFTERAND A LIFEGIV] CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Inv System, carrying off ally nsonons matter and bo toring the Blood to its iw v condition Sold by all D $ID FOR. 4 prot r ON ' rujtion of the 1 kinos, B ils or Fyes, 8 re or BI tches bead of a mes me OFFICE. H INIAYV Heuaache >i Weakness, Nerv u und gee | Snaq ogy ul WO Sv "3 17/04 » AHL JdASAHOU Nd " K m------------ CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY a -- T™ IS. certifies that Mr S\LOUIS PRUDHOM is ¢ authorized Agent, for the sale of : Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and § In Family Sewing Machines, , whi This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of dh Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized § Agents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. Such agents rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. Eh Signed for the Company, ! J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharini'. 1 -- atharines, Ou, The above Machine is one of thé best Family Machines in the needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, without stand and $3) with wanted. g#°A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufacturing Mac to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND CONSISTING OF of tg 's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and¥ hildren' | of all Classes and Sizes, Bc $ ' To be, Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent, | Tr IN ORDEC TO MAKE RU FOR SPRING STOCK: A share of public patronage so. cited. NEW SPRING STYLES, WwW E LEARN THAT Unprincip:ed cannot palm off & worthless persons j\cquainted with the ferent Machines, represent themsel for the celebrated Lockman and chines and offer to grant w. wit i | persons who can grant warrants | any persons not employed | themselves as ents, or offering to | rants, are imposters, and liable to be {for fraud. The public are hereby against sucn. R. & H. | Bowmanville, June 22nd, 1871, H3 OURLEY'S Stock of New Spring Cloths is now complete, ; 1 Y | and embraces al! the " ry C H 3 M | Cht LATEST STYLES! The Stock is oue of the best ever brought into the place. { oy and 'Works, Victoris : X D be I od ere GENTLEMEN | 7 TORIA CARBOL: , {TIOILYV I > Pad ' Xen] Philip Taylor ak Sonate Reh : 5 : > tA Ii NE at od do well $0 call easly > cLYCERI NE Jt All Work Done insthe Best Manner, | 224 a rroonble. LOWEST a | Skia Soft, White, Clear, and LIVING PRICES CHARGED ' PTET Fobaruion for he Teller is uarivalled. It 'will quick < ® p 0 J Tl 2 Jee 08) J pe 2) £30 IWLIoNe® [1 ¥ POAIROA 18[ UY oy yw) ongnd ay) wo ul pmom "0D ¥ NOSNIHOY 40 SSANISAT HUA EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | CHEAPEST Stock of ( | Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver| Plated, and Fancy Goods. "SEOIYd ATAVNOSVAY ISOW HHL LV TITAS THM JH HOIHM T0H sepuil] Lowwoddo] Awou] 'puws on Joquieway] |'aumg" 'sfmg ahq 'hiswnfiag 'sauiaipeyy jueivy "'sbnig | ¥SIST UPON IT-BUY NO OT He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated | ( id Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, heat is made wnd every thing in his line made to o A It will pay to examine his Stock hefore purchas / ng elseware. All Goods and Job8 warranted | und cheaper than any other House. oe. th PHILIP TAYLOR, | CURES ALL FORMS OF { | INDIGESTION AT ONCE. | | TRY 17 I Sib ALLAN LINE OSEAWA AGENCY. Watchmaker & Jew ler, Simcoe Street, Os awa Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tr. | 1] 1 \ | "Sqm { i ---- | WINTER SERV 81 'C1 dv 1 Under Contract with the Canadian Governmen for carrying the Canadian and U. 8, Mails. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARI 1Smpostd of the undernoted Full Powered Double Engined Clyde Built Iron Steamships : Poll aesian, 4,200 tons (building). Sarmatian, 3,400 tons (building). Caspian, sso tons, Capt. Seott. Scandinavian, 3,000 Jous, Capt, Ballan- he, Prussian, 3,000 tons, ut. Dutton, R.N:R. Austrian, 2,700 tons, Captain J. Wylie. Nestorian, 2,700 tons, Captain A. Aird. Moravian, 2,650 tons, Captain Brown. Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Lieut. Smith, R. N. R. Germatiy, 3,250 Tons. Catan J. Graham. £ Forming a weekly line between Live: 1, Lon donderry, Quebec and Montreal, Tod Que- bec every Saturday, on arrival of the Night Efren from Montreal. HSI'TON Jd0 MOOLS LSADUAVI AHL i ayy woay aarp poatadax sup THI INI® . y | RIDIN TY ALN second apqssod som] OY] Ju H dAdVd ANVIL s 'OIAVLNO dO H and Montreal. : which has b A Hygienic principles. It will not be the organ of! '48 WY | any person, business, or institution, but #h earn- | ba retire gual Bt ) | poment of all known means by which Heal | missions given, vn BETORIACARBOLC Good Fits Guaranteed! TORIACARE SU Oshawa, April 12, 1832, hc 141. T's 'Ton.er Soar y Cpl Aci], 13 agrecably seen |] i 'thas nin, rsvents imitation, The Science of Health. 0 via. eves i fimi'ies, Cholera, | should ba washed with | parssas lia)le to inf | thespread of disease, Devoted tothe preservation and.restoration of thesis Health on Hygienic principles. | i8 10 R A NY A LV Health is the great want of the age. : It is the | ee 'd care for all Sk , first need of the individual, the nation, and the | dog Bari, Sores, i h &e. 1 ' race, Heatth is long life ; Disease is premature | death. Health develops body, mind and soul; arnt a a ---- A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MUNTHLY, 3 CARBOLIC Disease dwarfs and paralyzes all. To educate | the people in science of life, which includes all that relates to Preserving Health, and to the Art | 55.3 words, of Treating Diseas without Medicine, is the ob- worn 'I'e ter ject Abd burpose of this new Health Journal, | Ab icetios, Bo Is, Pimp THE ant b This Hee fea ENCE OF MEALTH will aim to dis | seminate throughout the world a knowledge of | st teacher of the Laws of Life and healt - SCIENCE OF MEALTH will © Tapa STORIA CARBOL case, including Air, Liglit, Temperature, Bath-| | ~ VA (NRL cARGAR NA ing, Diet, Clothing, Exercise, Rest, Sleep andall | ip real normal agents and hygienic materials. { Pu ] Sunil she most reliable and 3 ¥ Mn. Published monthly at $200 a year | [4 13.001 cases of Sate Throat, 1 ; single numbers, cents, Clubs of Tadd £2 conmon in this_casngesble { may ten at $1.50 each, and an extra copy toagent, We | Ah 1a, Oonsive Yireath, Clcerated G A are oftering the nos liberal lis: of § remit, | all d «13:8 of the Mouth. For Publi cal agents wanted everywhere, and casheom- | 3.4 5 0 2 invaluable. The Address all letters te B11: ingers itis " i SAMUEL R. WELLS, Publisher, 3% Broadway New York. | . strength, Happiness and Long Life may be ot wr yh using and regulatin thors ageocies ' vituliy relatefl to Health and Treatment of Dis- | ! v r TAONWHY i, Coss "and for paves vo a Asomnygao escrv df i 1 wos scleet joers in > Iyast Dislct et nt for Cie foetus @ RIA SHARPENIN i i SHING PA ) 'soysnag Jey Forming a weekly line between Glasgow, Quebec 'suaajyed jo Ljourea quoal y RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to eee and Londonderry, First $30, including piemiial sey including a plentiful suppiy visions, served out by ¢ 58 Company. w, First Cabin, $71; Inter- | "e Reurn Tik ts, good fc ths, urn Ticke! or six mon! is- | sual at Jeduced rates. e | uropean Passenger Certificates aré | ted aC HedueSi aire 10 aries wishing to out their friends from England, Ireland or Scotland, to Any part of Canada. The Steamships of the Montreal Ocean Steam- | ship Com y land t heir passengers at the Grand Trunk lway W , PORTLAND, passen- gers thereby avoiding the usual charges of cart- | ing and handling of Sagas: xpress Trains leave Portland onarrival of the Ocean Steamers -for Montreal, Toronto, and all and the facilities afforded to re by the ALLAN LINE cannot be sur- | Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, vassed by any other line afloat. | ! , For through passage tickets and every informa | n sums and manner to suit borrowers, Principal | tion, apply to | can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one | Steamships will be despatched from Liverpoo | Sum. and Portland as follows : Investments made in FROM PORTLAND | 80d other securities. 2nd Dec. ; SILVER AND GREEYBACKS BOUGHT AND hn . SOLD. rd | For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker; &ec. ' HEA ALLAN, tater | OMbr-McMina's Tock Bod Sr vi L. SMITH, Agent, . Vpril 13th, 1871. | Post Office, Oshawa. ete el Western Assurance Compan, Corgan Jang Syme; fr & | Bupes pu ATHEAD SONTONYV - ® iy. 0, | REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | any amount of money, on the security of Good "arm or Productive Town Property. at the Debentures, Mortages, | FROM LIVERPOOL. 30th > RIAN, . 7th Dec. SCANDINAVIAN -14 * | HEAD OFFICE--TORONTO. Capital Steek, .. .......ii........... $1 ce, sarpius Funds, . .... oc | 208,369 G4 | ding N =~ ng 337,508 96. NATURE'S OWN VITALIZER CAUTION. --All genuine has the name "Peruvian ON (xor * Peruvian Bark," | blow in the glass. A 32-page pamphlet { fred @ .. P. Dinsnonre, Proprietor, #4 Dev st., | New iork. Seid by all Druggists e Hox. J. McMukrich, President. B. Hawvay, Managing Director. Fire and Marine INSURANCE AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. ; Special Low Tatil of Rates, coverir nsurance for one or three years, y Dwellings, Churches and 22 vy tached in Jowns snd Sunt Jiaces, These to the Farming Pood Ang y favorgble FIRST-CLASS MAN a Trav WANTED for | this Town to the und pr ror the gg outlying for to 'Head R. & H. O'HARA 7 » amar? § 'SINVMOD 01 400Q I1xaN sasinaud SFDHVT anv: MAN OL a ¢a discovered w! move RY 20S PAIUIIG 'SIUBIPIJY Jude] 'sSna([ ysnSug pure gouoay 'sd Caution! ! Caution} BEG MOST RESPE That Tn May ast 1 SPMS 94] JO JUIUWNIOSSE [RIIUOL) © PUR were up to that time prepared 4 'william now deceased, to be closed. regret to say, from what has : kaowledge, made up ol such very ients as to render theny almost herefore calculated to damage name. Those who do © Al1owIg pue Alen @ 1saq ay} 40 Sui AR 'sousnag 300], 'squio ZUO0LS DAYC S.LNOSNISIT auinue | on which is engraved the WEY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT," and that dress on the label is OXFORD STREET, DON, where only they are manufactured, e retail no other of the world. Th pod Wied edhe nde pd een Pills and ve that attem| Proclaim the Glad Tidings HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEE: ned d Pills, of the Eminent iar | th to communicate the leans fe Doctes Lewis Josephus, Indic: of Xie same to their friends that they may Great Tribe of Shosh British © lumbia, is | lefranded of their money by Burchasing a working the most marvelous and astonishing forpowa Cures the World ever heard of. Never in the a annals of Canadian Medical History has suck success attended the introduction of any medi cine heretofore, ; less imitations of the genuine AND OINTMENT, I would ask, as a great favour, that come to the knowledge of any person that »us medicines are being made orsold in he be pleased to send me all the can collect respecting the same, t he name and address of the vendor who Is ng the spurious medicines, and like wise wnd address of the House in the United r elsewhere, which may have supplied ti ws to enable me, for the protection of the o institute proceedings against such ¢ WHY? SIMPLY because the numerous Valuable activ medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of whic) we will meniion, such asthe Exiracts of Wilk 'herry Bark, Podophyllum, Juniper, Quassia, smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound iuxtract of Coloeynth, Jalap, Socotrine Aloes | nd I engage to remunerate very cum, &c., &ec.,) which enter intothe compo | iny person w ho may give me such in om of the combined medicine, are such por on he informant's name never being di har i] ly cl fled and oc ded, t " should any person have reason to is made the most searching- curative in the | je has been deceived hy buying 8] uriontds known world, and cannot help but act on the | ions of these Medicines, he wi wi system in a very satisfactory and desirable man | me, in a letter, to the address at foot ( ner. No matter what your ailment may be, or | 'an do at a cost of six cents in of how long standing, & will find the spot anc he books of instructions which are = astonish you by the rapid manner in which you | same. Ipromise to e ne it and ses are restored to perfect health and full vigor. stating hells he Medicines are This leasant and not, sot sp us he ma; nd f i Sou SIO whoth he don Bo m to bave BS money returned. = rw Apion Droggists who desire to obtain the Medicines can be sup lied at the wholesale prices "in quantities of not less £20 worth (for which remittance must be advance) -viz., 8s. 6d., 22s., and 3is. per hoxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nett, unt scount, I have the honour to be, With great respect, - THOMAS HOLLOWAY. diseases arising fron al m] ity of the Blood, excepting the Third Si of Eonsianptl on. Farther info rina on, with 19 directions for using the Gi eat Shoshonees Remed» con onials and Pills, sud taining testim, and Certs ficates of Cures, can be ed by securing the Creatise, the ac 3 Hand- or- the Almar and from any respectable Druggist in ' Bowmanville, Sept. 14, 1871, 7 , - Price edy in large Pint Bottle of vy . 553 Oxford Street (late 244, Strand), {lls per Box 3 cents Ww, rig Ah ember 1, 1871. 3

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