Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 6 Sep 1872, p. 4

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Tr aaer™ ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1872. A urrrie girl in Linden; N. J, while F playi ma balloon, at- No Risk - | tached to it her mother's pocket-book,con- | Thomas' Eelectric Oil! IW 51th' Ten Time | taining several dollars in money. She its Weight in Gold. De you know | carelessly let go her hold, when ballon, anything of it? If wot, | pocket-bouk and all ascended swiftly out itis time you did. | of sight. 3 sigh PAIX CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS 7 TAGILTIL, (Ll.0 1] F YOU WANT A CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. . For loss of cud, horn ail, red water in used. It is the cheapest Medicine evermade. HIS certifies tat Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly FIRST-CLASS cows, loss of appetite, rot, or murrain in Owe dose cures common Sore Throat. One bottle 4 bat ap r has cured Bronchiti ' rized Agent, for the sale of a ANA ix ; N~ ILLUSTRATED ; ; thick wind, broken wind, and rear- | "u No a on Sat Sh has authorized Ager H : oe BARELY ' y A an _ ~ a Journal claimed to be i obstructi i cures bad f Pil < A ; ' ~ hs AR paper in the world. : peel fended, SERIE Se SUE Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent FS «iF INA AT EA aks --' vy = One i N \ : 3 % " 3 dition Powders." Ping ag ack of ght years sanding Danis] | ilv Sewing Machines. : : : TE | BRE de te rete otran § AX Irishman called at a drug store to | Went thirty miles for a bottle of Shh Oil, which [s Family Sewing S. SC f, " ~ . jo - « gt hy, Mmitat [27 Pity : Beecher. an ttle of V i | effected rool si G ! . Noo | usefulness, get a bottle of "" Johnson's Anodyne Lini- | applications another whe has has Ambros fox | fe ce : : ¥ ment for the Rheumatism;" the "druggist | years: says: "I'have half of a 3 cent bottle left, This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our | = Tol : HIS SPACE IS asked him in what part of the body it | 30.51% would not buy it iI could get no more." | Sowing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to Cppiioh s 1 THE ALDINE, While issued with all Rufus Robi S : " : : i ; : - 2 ; ty, has none of troubled him most. ** Be me soul," said he, ay Sinton, of Nunda, iN. oii porites: | A gents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the Gui & 4 left to show that interest characteristic of ¢ "1 have it in ivery houl and 'corner er the voice where the person had not spoken above | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. 2 OR Toy i at miscellany of » pe a whisper in five years," Rev. J. Mallory, of | Signed for the Compan rarest specimens gu : Wyoming XV. writes: Your elect : By the YouN™Y: 3.7. COLLINS, Si. Catharines, Out Bee | white. oh "cach . cu me o hitis i teek." Dealel «J, 2 ot." Catharines, A : 0g 3 >: } Surrerers from coughs, colds, bron- | all over the ri, EY ae nev apn | ---------- ' np i ! yo to chitis, croup, influenza or whooping cough, | & medicine that has given such 'complete satis- | os . ; ] . J : \B hh aT: 1 has always on hand value and beauty of THE ALDINE wi 3 Kd dgh hoo y | faction as this." i | The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and .onl ow we da q K W most after it has been will find robot in "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of [ Itis composed of six of the best oils that are | needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, $33 withont stand and $30 with stand. Agents DE PrP E WwW ' S S 4 IN New and Second-hand close of the year. While other p a Wild Cherry, which has now been in use | known. as good totake as for external use, | wanted. 24 A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for sale ch: Ww ted w may hd a8 co ) : and he Deliocat Kobe oh 3 A A second-hand Grov cer fac ng Machine for sale cheap. arran » "1 . : rivals of a similar class, TH. for near] half a centu . and still main- Be helisved. Lo be tmmcasurab Sp wn pth | to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Vi Cl G ay | C Wagons and Carriages : unique and original conception "aione " tains its established reputation as the | fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by | fife | ready when called for approachd---absolute) t eo great remedy for all diseases of the throat, | 2n¢ oF more dealers in every place where these | -------- d y » I; or character possessor of { » circulars are found. Price, 3 pants. Why not | % PRANCE i h | at nabl. ate ust Pp ccennot duplicate the - lungs, and chest. buy it to-day | DR. DEPEW, OF PARIS, FRAN , 80 emi. reaso) € TI S. fine and engravings in any o 3 Prepared by 8. N. THOMAS, Pir NY. | Bent pt ysicatof joreivls descust, bab Datorered & 3 y oe 48h Dumber of volumesor ten times ite Purch i 8. N. MAS, Puenrs, N. Y., Sreut Blood Remedy--a Purely whle Corpor . Re 8 Cation to asers of the Peruvian | ,;, {RGRTHROP & LY MAN, NweASTLE, Ont. | RESTING. OF Samed vy physicians, Depew's Medical Vi: tory, patring anc Lhe The labor of getting THE AL, ; {gl (a Jeotosted solution po the protox- | Sole Agents for the Dominion. ! CONSISTING OF thatcures every kim of uthealthy Humor and every i httended to' us hat ide of iron). ware of ing deceived | Nore.-- Eclectric--Selected and Electrized, | A r : . . , disease that dependsyon Inipurity of the Blood, where ng by any of the preparations pe a, Bi - WoT. Atkineos ant De beans | Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, | the Lusgs, Liver, and Kidness, and other vitul or- sogal Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn ] . \ are not wasted beyond the hope of repair CALL ON , or Bark Iron, which may be | Ojhawa; in of all Classes and Sizes 8 gor the cureof Scrofula, Erysipels, "alt AL ) offered to you. Every bottle of genuine |" bo rin PY John Warren. J rheusn, Eczema, Scald-ilead, Scaly Eruption of the SIMCOE] STREET + Sold b; . GIN A he [1 , and F 8 all kinas, B ils ' has Peruvian Syrup (not Peruvian Bark) paola by J HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Skin, Ulcers, ahd Favor Jers ; 2 Blown ia thé Glas, Examine 'the bottle] rf | To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent., er tuski o fon bead, ana Pipi o HL Aco Geo. S. CLIMIE, OSHAWA. on the face, 1t stands Pre.eminently ut the he: March 29,§1872. 51-6m Canadian Pain Destroyer all sther remedies. The fact is; Humers. Boctula, | Is your throat sore, or are you annoyed SA FAMILY MEDICINE. Ir 1 IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. . ios greg bom pk Pl by a constant cough! If so, use promptly well and favorably known, relieving thou vl Shar Hum Team of thie oe hi i ER | ¢ *' Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers." They will | inds from pain in the A share of publie patronage solicited. , inky A er J give you instant relief. They relieve the | Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore : I I by. " louane the Vitiated Bloed whenever sou find | AT THE G. B. Stock's Celebrated Air passages of phlegm or mucous, and al- | Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in oN PRU DHOM. a Ufa tat wer, mpios | Extra Machine 0il Jy tia agion, avd hed Yemedy, Eun E the Stomach, Cholera | Morbus. | Girasted aodubuguish 16 sheveiney chamen ian | gg REFO " S NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN or coughs, colds, or any complaint Dysentery, Bowel Complaihts, B TE LEARN R RE NV {Rs foul, anit your feshngn will te, Tua Wi ! RMER of the throat or lungs, and if taken in ' Scalds, Frost my rv iy shi y aE ARN rm. ign i NEV Respiie Blovd pure and the hunith of He systema { and AL Manufsctories on | time their efficacy will soon be proved, -- The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now cannot palm off a worthless Sewing Machine, on + , L A | persons acquainted with the mérits of the dif- \ | ® other Sold bya Druggists and country dealers. sun before the public fora length of time, and | ferent Machines, represent themselves as agents LE acting asa powerful uger ut C 2 (0) FF1 C EB Price 25 cents per box. Te er sed 18 well liked, never failing in 'a | for the celebrated Lockman and Osborn Ma- t | and Olronie Inflammation of the Liver and all the | . state t y it su) other single ins ance to Eve permanent relief when | chines ; and offer to grant warrants for the same, | Wisceral Urgans. as it is a well known fact that it will neither gum Spots oN THE Sux.--The sun has of | (UF Wee. BO Ye ave ever khown_» single | with intent to deceive. We being the only au- | €or Frmale Complaints, whether in young or _ | nor get thick in the coldest weather. late me an object of at anxiety to | Doe wes fad on, W here the directions have | thorized agents for West Durham, are the only old, married or single, ut tire dawn of womanhood, . . beco! ) | y n proj ely ollowed, but on the contra or at theturn of life, the Medical Victory bas no TESTIMONIALS : 1 Fall | pe: y . . ' I ' 2 | a: n A > Jon y all | persons who can grant warrants thereon; and many scientific men. pots are quite are delig! with its operations, and speak in | any persons not employed by us, representing | equal Tux Josern HALL MACHINE WoRxs, Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 1870 | Brougham, | rants, are i sters, liab be ited any one who may take the trouble to look _ Fo speak fom ex Rtience in the alter, hay: [for fraud. The bie prog Bed od Feautioned | A . 3 Orou y ; and therefore those who | against such. at it a piece of smoked glass; but suffering "rom any of the complaints for | ga ust sue, R. & H. OHARA. 17 the highest terms of its virtues and magical In the cure of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver | GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., are Dea although these p \enomena have of late as- | which it is recommended, may depend upon it | Bowmanville, June 22nd, 1871. | themsdves as agents, or offeri ™ t war on on that orb, as may be seen by | effect. as agents, or offering to grant war he eury of Bhewmanen, Der, Live its effects are sutprisiug to all. For Regulating the Bowels, and cunng Biliusness, Headache *ic | Headache, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Nerv u ness, I'ains in the Side, Loins and Back, and gcrera vo sumed appearsne s which astonish astron. | Sein Sovereien fiemeds. | a, Parma aap de, om am lack, Jui "xs : The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain beyond price, 1T ISTHE Git omers, how n uch more astonishing 18 the Destroyer in curing the diseases fpr which it is | === = | gud rdhey aod FRAND A LIF EQIVING Tt wonderful effcct of the ** Canadian Pain | recommended, c+ | BLANY, ; ami ts Ww Snderful ipcia in ab. | "4% . CIPLE, a peyfect Renovator and Jvigurator s "2 ui e tort J 4 t ly } A . 3 4 4 F " » tter and Jie. Destroyer" in eases of severe colds, rheu- | polio Tie orirons pains of lhewmatiom, andin | {E Stock of New Spring Cloths is now complete, | System garriing of x boro adiion matism, Lheu pains in the back, | rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming |. ' - MG, and embraces all the 8 y all Druggists & Deno stomach, &c. 'or sale by Druggists and | i» from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the | ~ rer Sold b Modul x bo country, for further supplies, and each testifying | ° a SEXD FOR A DESCRIPT'VE PAMPHLE country dealers. Price 25 cents per bot. as to the universal satisfaction it gives. | Bole Pronrictors rnd Manufacturers of the Cele- LAT EST STYLES! |i YOUNC, SILLS & C¢ The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to | brated Vietoria Carbolic Preparations. Labora. i Bath, © ah 2 5 aries, Victoria . nes ot The Stock is oue of the best ever brought into The following Genuine Preparations are s old by the place. all Drugzists. Be sure and ask forthe Vicromia PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. T AT] GENTLEMEN 'CARBOLATED | A 3 o E LLY! requiring New Suits, would do well to call early and leave their orders. TL8T LIST "WIgT (Udy Awouj 'pumis oy) equiowoyy] [903g Fud( OY) uf ORO SNH] "I the Domumton, aad 1 prefbe it 0 ther Sperm oF Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. A.HENDERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Works. 1 find Stocks Oil to be the best oil I have ever in Mill for } vious to Stocks, aad 1 And . WHILE THE Wosid suffers Surwmoll on give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers still Le its many shores, fe! 3 tric es fort! family will be without it after trying it.: EPEW"S MEDI- | "py venty- Se ice, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. CAL VICTORY, as a GREAT BLOOD PURI-| For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans FIER, and health invigorator in the cure | shawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne of diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys and | Frooklyn by John Warren. | | | | | pep it ; Physicians order and use it; and no wil contain' nearly 360 pages and about ent ev Commencing with the > the thorns. January, third number will tiful tingeq paper, BEE To ihe PERLE F7/0L "3a - bladder, stands brilliantly among the stars | Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and of ive dical which k D, Stott, and all medicine dealers. = the present age. Prominent physicians, JP : witnessing its remarkable efficacy in scroft- | The Great Fe I would rather have Stocks Oil than any experience of 20 ever used in my years. GEORGE BLAKE nt. Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, I have used Stock's Oil and I find it to excel all oil I have ever used in 40 manufact: rience, and have used and Olive principally previous to using Stock's Oil. JacoB STALTER, Greenwood. We prefer Stock's Oil to either , Olive, or anyother oils ever used, for shows it. ji SPAIGHT & Son, Markham, Ont. Fin male Remedy. | 1, 5m bly recommended to La di " "ula, skin diseases, humors, female weak- JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL P Lis mot Arrecuble Frcparaion for tho Tollet:" For All Work Done in the Best Manner. | ! bowtie and nerves named i DEPEWR LADLE Mote | Pi Bar beer sT | | Berves, named I HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | J} univated ot bles. Plmpios. and ot her im: ~~ LOWE MEDICAL VICTORY. unfailing in the cure of all those painful and k zn ops Fam Breck Pimples, aud ciherim- | { BAT urs of 86 C arfec.iong. "happed Chilblaine, Frost 2 na | 1% To Owxzns or Honses.--1t is a well | ation lesubsect 1s modessior cif covets const | Bites aad 8 re Lips, it be surjassed. | [JVING PRICES CHARGED | o's x 3 attested fact confirmed by the experience | moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be | : { P 1 1 1 Ta lo r ? es, SIDeTISH0e | etl on. : ; | | P y of thousands that *' Darley's Condition TO MARRIED LADIES i \ CA RB 918) C « --AND--- | i Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" for | is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, | EE THE LARGEST, BEST AND horses is superior to anything of the kind | oring on the monthly period with regularity. T SOA P i | y | C JEST Stock of now or ever kmown "We Sul that it | , These Pills should not be taken by Females | =~ 101 LE ) Good Fi ts Guaranteed /| H ay : i A during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg- Ze -- Ww toh ol ke Jew 1 ilver has been used in many cises where the | nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, | Th's r Bsa al! the well-known atcnes, OCKS, ellery, horse has been 'considered almost worth |bwl al any other time they are safe. | aatiszptic aad distnfectin rties of Carbolie Oshawa, April 12, 1832. 141. Pla dF less, with the most satisfact result. the pi all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, | Ac'l, ly sect o ahealiby netion on Th cei - f -- i ted, an ancy Goods. ¢ id ins in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight | } prevents frrital removes tho effec horse having been' resto to perfect exertion, Be Breck and Limbs, Tot So A p oo -- m8 regularly used by e Science (0) Healt 1. or so much benefited that the | Whites, these Pills. will effect a cure when all i ra, fmallpox and Fever Patients a . Cho x 2 other means have failed ; and alth h . | shoall b2washed with this Soap: and ite nse by ERA Par A complaint could scarcely be observed.-- | ri remedy, do not contain iron, calomel ants | prs is i310 to fafection will materially prevent | A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. | Many such horses have afterwards been | mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. | thesoread of disease, Price 15 couts per Tavlet, Devoted toth th d restorati | sold for from $50 to £100 more than they | Full directions in the pamphlet: around each mh = Health on Hy Houta pring 2 pha ea : ' ol ¢ . , : B ) c principles, 'would have previously brought, and wer | Package, which should be carefully preserved. TORIA CARBOL! Cc f Health is the great want of the age. It is the 3 3 Efs Liv FINI Y I » TI8H [BOIPON " 'ce 22. 1 use Stock's Oil on my machinery, which re- volves about 4,000 times p Tathute; and find it the only oil that gives satisfaction. J. CnurcHELL, Bangor, Ont. * JO JUIUIIIOSST [I ¥ PATIO suf sey oy yey) ofpqnd oy) wLIO ul pos "00 ¥ NOSNIFOH J0 SSANISAY HNUd AHL AASAHOUNI oxiav IH SNVHA aysoddo A b-A Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. £2 GEO. B, STOCK, Esq., Five Copies, * - Tia dur ph jcating a a than ie A tra pg eS a nh ect! or lu 'e an extra co g used, so far as™ known Pop it w neither | the money. id gum nor corode, and wares satisfac . Any person wishing to work fora Very truly yours, A. FargwgLL | can have o um circuler SHOU ATAVNOSYVAY LSOWTAHLILV TITAS TIIM HH HOIHAM "TON SOputH SOLE PROPRIETOR : "GEO. B. STOCK, BroveHaM, Oxr. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 134, 'sffmg ahq 'huswnfiay 'ssuidipayy puspvy 'sbnig HEL i i 8, NEW ¥ EPROP! | He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated Toronto. » well worth difference: let all interest- | JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. 4 first need of the individual, the nation, and the | He : PE aye og! . JAMES SUTTON & ©0., / : A » 00 and 12 ben i i | race, Heatth is life ; Disease is premature | Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta : - ed der this. R ber the name,' No and i 3 emia for Postam yacloud 1 Sn . S A I i | death. Health develops body, oe alate cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best goods made | | HE x x. T.GIBBSOhaws,Ont, Publishers. 23 Liberty Street, New York. and see that the signature of hurd & Co., { agents for the D minion, will insure "a bottle, - -- Disease Swaris and Jaraltae sll educate | and every thing in his line made to order. y ---------- . B i containin rer 50 pills, b 3 a 'd cure for all Disess e people in science of life, which includes al LONI. smn A A Ta a | a ar 7. De 2h Dorma ores, Cicer, Jing: | hat relates io Froservin Health, nd 10 the AFL | nk a ase. a1 Genes an Soba rashes PSA CER ow , proprietors for n. or sale Ww + T nson an . Deans r ) siter, Keze Scald Head, Scurvy, | of Treating Diseas without Medicine, is the ob- | (16 op th. cot. > Ne CHANGE CHANGE x ' 4 : Oshawa ; tiitby by J. H. Gerri . Byrne Dols, FE o | ject and of w ! eaper than any other House. J , THE S4th VOLUME Sold by all medicine dealers. in rye by ys J gy errie and J. Byrne Lols, Pimples, &c. It possceses allt ject ai urpose of this new Health Journal. EMEDY 4 oF DILT s T E A M E : b> LJ E es, t . arsinz 'and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, | THE SCIENCE OF NEALTH will aim to dis- PHILIP TAYLOR, REQUIKED For 3 ! Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT A Lis heen for by Physicians everywhere | Seminhate throughout the world a knowledge of Watchmaker & Jew ler, f ---- $72 a , i ---- OURES ALL FORMS OF BETWEEN i . topo. ss carstive qualities not discovered in an; Hygienic principles. It will not be the organ of _ . EST! Bowmanville, Ontari tier cremical Pr Brion, Price 25 contd. 7 | any person, business, or institution, but an carn: Simcoe Street, Os awa. THEDIGESTION AT THE ILLUSTRATED -- = I i 5 AE ASR a od tte ----------eeee est loacher of the Jawsol Life and health, ih. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tr. LL LCND ' y 5 see acmont DOLLARS [in emer | | (SDR iho sera es | NASALITIVTIEEGS | | Phrenological Journal, | "ON PON. QUEBEC, | | ; : : GA : : Bok 5. ov _ Woueis or sa GAINST EXPENDITURES | | | Aol s ris eT Heald Freatient DF : ALLAN LINE. aI, MONTREAL. UALR 4 2 A - ---- | ease, including Air, Light, Temperature, Bath- kins. Price, $7 50 per ¥ © ol in honor of the dead, Heaven has 2723 8 the most reliable and cflesciozs | In Diet, Clothing, Exercise, Roar, Sleep. and all -- FAMILY MAGAZINE. dozen. Contains over (WUBSCRIBERS | : pied: bY "them. Al | Board i ay Sdses of Sure Thivat oiIsenets | PRN unlohed Sethi ar 3.00 a year . " I". aida i, Bronc hy tation of the Dronc " . ul Two hundred new. and *- to PETERS MUSICAL jose beautiful 2 abi is Whi b ndom | 1 to common in this ciangeable climat in adv noe: single numbers, ) cents. Clubs of beautiful Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting 10 linger, ausare Wi We are dh a world of | yn, Offonsive Mreath, Ulcerated Gums, and | teD us LJ each, and an extra copy toagent, We Itheir Music for less than OT I a ori all d's:iecs of tho Mouth. For Public Speakers | are offering the most liberal list of Premiums. etc., by Will 8.. Hays, {two cents a piece Those of the sepulchres of the "loved one po nal tiozers it is juyaluable. | Sue a neds is (B- Lacal agents wanted everywhere, Sad cash com- ; . ; oy f r Lit) this Gurgle are uf a'l Physicians, 0 ress Webster, Thomas, ec' who have not seen this allevistes Oi fief and sdckhes the ht aro ofthe ovo, isoegers Aro now, SAMUEL Re ELLD. Publisher, Every thing isnew,fresh Musical Magazine reaved to know that an additional em- and. Ibe Moat popular In 'the; Materia ropdway :} . should d 30 cents for lishment of the ave presents asi - ree _-- and sparkling. Contents " a copy. 4h stronger attractions to Arrest the atten: . tion of the stranger, and causes him to and specimen pages sen; gic js by Hays use and vey name of one who free. Sample copies Thomas, Kinkel, Pesr shared so largely in the love. of mailed free of postage, 7, and other popular oth TTONH Phrenology.--The Brain and its 'Functions : Location the Orgehs, with directions fur oul ining, and the relati of $1 'C1 dv 'Sqm ------ Physiognomy, or the "Si of Character with ET py WINTER SERVICE! Toe | TEMPERLEY'S LINE Under Contract with the Canadian Government for carrying the Canadian and U, 8. Mails. ---- we STEAM WEEKLY TO cise, {Composed of he ne Fintan LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY ketoh oo hi lead SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECIOR, } AND CLASGOW. a tn i Siarayhies of Inding TWEED, NOE AMES, SEVERN. ] 1 a) > H 40 M0018 Isa UVHI AHI ww *SIMNIOVINUTUL OY) UII} JOAITP POATIONI IST f "rl a take His Method i ipfobm you z Ale | writers. we can fill orders for decorating the 1 Tre rg wart ~ to teachers for 65 canis | Two back numbers| | graves of departed friends, at low | LL EE re Sra Tine Liberal terms for intro- gor 40 cents. Four baok Fain, eaosuig] in the best style of facti dns d . It will vreve t ¢ ont gion in uetion. mum bers for T5centa. | | 3G NUMENTS, TABLETS, ETO ; a. 'Conepoota, tubes, BIAnTMI: Address, , = ' rib ass, &e., aad for destro log nunsecus «Movin J. L. PETERS, 599 BroaNew dway, York OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF fro whatever canse arising, Tt vill Ty IT4 AN & AMERICAN MARBLE [¢ iroes, Moths, Flies, Cockroaches, &e. Meet, AND i | 24 * . €11 ba preserv.d from putrefact'on by ite Chronic Diseases. SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, LR Ee van selected Dyer Majeiiys o supplied on short notice. Everything | -prodacts, ae the host Disicf: et nt for th reLe ] i E TIC PHYSICIAN, pertaining to C work will meet tion of {afections dis cases. Price Docent ever Would respectfully state that he is now with prompt attention, by leaving or- | ~ ! er mr successfully the following diseases ders with EAL " ENING Epilepsy, or Fits. in their worst form ; C. BOUNSALL, . ] i IA SHARP : x Consumption, in Yurious stages, jwith De. Bowmanville. | ey iALIR : A CTY, = BERR 2011 SHING Fi HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE | parent guide Steamers of this 's, Teachers and Others.--As a in | The T compo ot the undernoted Full Powered, | educating and training Children, this magazine Fit oe and Bo Double Engined Clyde Built Iron St hips: . | has no superi season of Polynesian, 4,200 tons ( " 3,400 tons (building). % tons, Capt. to Scott. ian, 3, Sous, Capt; Ballan- tyne. Prussian, 3,000 tons, Lieut. Dutton, as N.R. Austrian, 2,700 tons, Captain J. ever - Wylie. Nestorian, iw tons, Captain A. p Aird. Moravian, 2,650 tons, Ca Established." The Journal" has reached its Brown. Peruvian, 54th Volume. It has increased in favor Smith, kX R. the published, and 0 . Forming a bet: ot §3 a , in advanee.-- deity, Quebec anil Munitreal, Jog Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, Night ¥ Agent. 'Kroumyio J ysnBuy pue ouasy 'sdeog pajuedg 'SoUIpOy Jue 'sSna(y 'SINVMOO 01 Jo0oQg IXaN *scouad opqussod semof oy vi , General bro 3 - Rm > Paves por . This PrEranaTioN is unequalled in ite rayidity who Dr. heen tapped t; a for Sharpening and Polishing Catlery, Tab I» and under ames 4 Tocket wire ZO! a! Instrument s Shoe- YE EAR, makers' Kniv E AND ' . ing has ever | 1 into popularity more qui na tes! hice cure is guaranteed; Liver ' 4 a ) general usefulness, Piice 23couts, diseases of We mand Chidpen ea gd > SY | SISTER -- - A t in; & 2) 4 Sait Rheum. and Serofala in a is % 07 | Caution!! Caution!!! . J. is ha to say, diseases which \ 7, ) Ba EON Sumit incurable ate How | y, 7, | T BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY. TO nts are to testify. No Calomel, no A; acquaint the pubiie of the British North Am- mercury, no will be adminis- < 3 erican provinces that in May last I caused the tered in any form, in any The afflicted, w! 'OIMVINO 40 ALNnoOlamL INI SONIONVH dddVd 08 p treal #2 each, and an extra copy to Forming a Weck Tine between Glasgow, Quebec Weare the most liberal 'suzayyed jo Ljerrea woud y Cha PATES OF Pas AaL wa to Liv Londonderry, First 1 Shek «boi out by ! io getompanr * | THE BEST AND CHEAPEST mediate, $45.90 ; y ee | _&r Return Tickets, for six months, 16- | winvTERHAS COME! Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature and all the effects of indiscretions "FTI IAO H SINVYC CoTTar ng inig)fprmeg 13} | Burpee pue le 3a New York, Queenston and Money {0 L d repaid uropean Passenger Certificates are LONG EVENINGS AREHERE! |" Li /] : y --AT- en Sap hee ; Fiends rom ngand. Troland of PROSPERITY ABOUNDS! lverpoo his The Steamshi 'SPMS 04(J JO JUSUINIOSSE [RIOUAY) ® pu © disease. i V-- business at 80, Maiden Lane, New York, for the ho cannot obtain relief from Stop and See. sale of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, which sources, are particularly invited to call and posted p were up to that time prepared h ! william Brown, B FOLLOWING REMARKS ON now deceased, to be' closed. hese Medicines 4% Office in Nellson's Hall, Belleville. Office HE " AN 1'were, I regret to say, from what has lately come hours, 11a. m. to3 p. m. Testimonials of the most wonderful and ex« | to my kaowledge, made up of such very ordinary 3) Yours most respectfully, faondina Surcs in Tanada by the GREAT IN- ingredients as to render them almost worthless, 3 N REMEDY. , undeniable | and therefore caleulated to my good H. JAMES. M. D. and incontestable facts, sufficient to convincethe | name. y most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound Those who do not wish to be deceived by buy- | yearned after for ages is now agcessible in the | ing spurious medicines, which are now likely to | Great emanate from the States or elsewhere, but to - T: C yal I I 1S u ra I 1Ce 3 ¢! | possess themselves of the uine HOLLOWAY'S | 4 SHOSHONEES REMEDY | PILLS AND OINTMENT wil do well to see that pre . n sums and manner to sult borrowers, Principal tion, apply to ( 3( ) M P A N Y H " i each pot and box bears the British Government 3 \ can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or one | ye hed : : yor fig She Throat, Sng, Liver, Diges stamp on which is engraved the words " HoLro- R 2 sum. . from Liverpoo- ra 4 WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT," - ll IFIRE AND LIF E.|tbe various Skin Discases, Hurgors and all di | 3355 Ts AND OIMEST, and that the ad- /. sel ee inde In Debentufes, Martagen, of - REDUCED RATES. |shipCompanyiand thelr passengers sctho Grams | x oo ay Wharf, PORTLAND, passens I AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND en tugteby avuids the usual charges of cart- MOORE'S amount " Good » Partnr Frsbucire Torn Braserss at ief 000d | Eprom Trains lavefortiona snurmivatotne | Rural New-Yorker . western points; end the facilities to Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, passeers OY tie ALLAN LINE cannot bs sur THE GREAT NATIONAL FAVORITE , For thro i ©) Aj1o141g pue Alpen) 1saq ay} jo BuiyjAuaa 'sorsnug] 100], 'Squio)) 'soysnag Je TYO0LS PAYA SNOSNIZLY sASINIdd HFDHAVYT axv MIAN 01 TIAONTYA auinua Farm and Fireside Weekly. seases arising from Imj urities of the Blood, we and other securities, 8 and every 4 boldly state t this great remedy has NEVER | PON, where only they are manufactured, and in ' - i FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED. ta BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever | DO Other rt of the world. The retail prices are 3 = INO SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND | HIBERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. 2nd Dec. --- hea TEMPORARY OFFICES: such a care as that in the n of Wilson | gn the Ia bels in Hritish currency, and not in dol £34 1 ¢ v - SOLD. MORAVIAN, - 16th * Sh * 18 FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR TE | Storms of Brighton, Ontario, of Consumption ; or | 187% and cents. : . aX . sh SAMARITAN, - - 2rd 6th " n Y that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Enestown, Onta- | No representative of mine will ever travel " oS 3 . For further particulars apply to PRUSSIAN, - - 30th * Twenty ve ears been Corner of St. Paul and St. rio, of Consumption, or that of Ambrose Wood, | throm h any part of the British Provinces, or the ¥ IR JAMES HOLDEN, NESTORIAN, . 7th Dec oo Leader i of Consecon, Ontario, of Dispepsia and Lives | Ubited States, either to sell, or to take orders for 7 hf 5 » | SCANDINAVIAN -1§ © i Largest Francois Xavier Streets. Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napance, my F ills and intment, and as 1 have Feason to ier TN BR Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. ; : Class. 4 Ontario, of Rheumatism, who had 'actually been-| Delieve that at Ings will ery probably be made v bY n ' Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby H. & A. ALLAN, on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment | 10 deceive the public in this way by persons call- oi p c3 wpril 13th. 1871. Orto Agents, Montreal heretofore, and is now well Scores of such cases ing upon medicine vendors, falsely representing A p PEE of i L. SMITH, Agent. Capital...................... venir... $10,000,000 might be mentioned had we space. that they are acting for me, and with my x20w- 4 x § _--- ---- Bi vs sap ie g Post Office, Oshawa. Annualincome over. .. 4,000,00 * | ledge and consent, | deem it advisable to put the 3 &# Call at the Drug Store and get a Cirpular o | public on their guard against any such decey ii 9,508 30 | oS Call at the Drug Store and get a Cirpular 0 | pu laim th W t A C Side . . 4208 En B39 10 | opt orotic cn GREAT SHG | Bona "TH Pese . & GSLGIN ASSUTaNCE LOMPARY: | oo enscs mmm misters | Musical Library * --_ ustrati ~ IT hit UNEQUALED FEATURES! = | PETER'S > 5 ntregt all those who may ? HE ii i FIREDEPARTMENT, | ; . : read this advertisement fhat they be pleased, i HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES lons, y, -, re . > | Price of Remedy in Large Pints, 81. | {ie public interest, to communicate the purport Remedy and Pills, of the Eminent Indian | ° 'Beside the wri of the conducting and as- All descriptions of property Insured agninst 24 For Sale by all Druggists und Deal i of the same to their friends that they may not be | Medicine Man, Doctor Lewis Josephus, of the 3 sociate Eira, its Corps of Contributors is lar- CONSISTING OF 3 Jom of Daiiage by Fire at moderate rates. | Medicine. Agents for Bowmanville, Moser. > defrauded of their money by purchasing worth- | Great Tribe of Shosh British Coluntt is HEAD OFFICE--TORONTO. if that of any other RunaL FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED WITHOUT Higginbotham, D. Stott. Whalesale Agents, -- | less imitations of the genuine HOLLOWAY'S 1'1LLS Norking the host i wn and astonishing. \ RARER Seo hat Mv RuRatis the Organ in i COE TOTHE * OFFICE Nort &L . Newcastle | | AND OINTMENT. i Ci t Vorld ever heard of.. Never in the through w great beneficial efforts $4 4 7 REFERENCE TO THE HOME OFFICE. | TToTiob % Ryman. Feweastie | | "Y'would ask, as a great favour. that should annals of Canadian Medical History has such Capital Stock, ......................94ee, oo | toward : CITOTOE PIANO MUSIC. - | / i come-to the knowledge of any person that spuri- | success attended the introduction of any medi. Sarplus Fands,.................. .. 208,360 LIFE DEPARTMENT. Manhood, How Lost, HOW | ous medicines are being made arsold in my name, | cine heretofore. y on or for the year endl " IMPROVEMENT . VOCAL COLLECTIONS. + H | he be pleased to send me all the particulars he Suth June, 1871 y ng | 337,808 2%. and the Lives d on favourable} Restored | can collect respecting the same, that is to say, WHY? 1g ere aniarrsriens} nated communicated to Sacred A i oy : | the Dare and address of the vendor who is se] Se -- will terms, aly IS 3 SHE J y | ing the spurious medicines, and likewise t i b acty a ¥ a Fe ar Teri Es Aaah on of Bn. Catvereiry | SHS OL Hoe th, et Sale, | medion oprabe Erin eon of WALI | | Au TION- Agamben I Home Pde | a war tH { 3 3 1 swhere, l r have i k i ey ne ' Security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Celebrated Essay: on the radical | a jo enable ie, for the protection bf the eapie | Ge will men ; wi AYTION. ~All gentine has the nan B. Hapa, Managing Director. ; blow= in the w---- THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS ? i Wealthy Projrieta . | cure (without medicine) of Sperma- | to institute proceedings against such evil-doers, | 8; Dande glass. A let som! The Hiv Life Assurance Fund now torrheea, or Seminal Weakness, In- | and I engage to remunerate very handsooiy Smartweed, | in h amoun oluntary Seminal Losses, I Mental | he gi h inf Extract of Now York. ola by Druggists. L] Duy at. , vi ry § . y Men any person who may give me such information | Capsicum, &e¢., &e.,) which enter intothe ow y : . are Numerous, Varied, and Beautiful. Indeed and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar- | the informant's name never being div n rv? com medicine, such Lo F render hole exception- 86,603,210. also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Should any person Sd phon | or ve that Sitiun of the nbiucd net No: hae 1 re a n d M a ri n e ay va aan he hive riage. etc; D0 harmonious! uable acceptable. URAL Fits,induced by self-indulgence or se extrav- | he has been deceived by buying spurious imita- | js made the most y A oy Finances, pig i | i 8 : 4 Bg. "aoe avw Thou "i TA Mg" A 5 7c i sk | ete. full y nce. tions of these Medicines, he will do well to send a ' ) i THE SUM OF | Price na se cated envelope, only . conte mei a hese} to the or] ro flo Yell to send | known orld. nd cannot heip } AT | INS > RANC 5 and re reliable, and alone worth double the price { e , mirable essay, | can do at a cost of six cents in ), one of | ner. WEST CURRENT RATES. | 3oonss Rv te 8736,200. | dearly demonstrates from a thirty )ears' suc- | the books of instructions which are affixed to the long | t 5 R i Moors RuaaL 1s theonefor ourself, Fimlly. | Sgaaful practice, that the alarming consequences | same. I promise to examine it and send a reply, . ded Ahoreto a rosult of the pas-{ of self- uss may he radically cured ithuus the | stating 2 ether the Ms diciues are ui Past Year, after ment ol | us ronal ne or"the ap- | not, so that if spurious he may y to tl r- of the Bonuses, Annuities pb E: | A of the knife : pointing out a mode of | son from whom he purchased Ld to Dave his | pure at once simple. certain, and effectual, by | money returned. Forms and full infor- | means of which every sufferer; no matter what | Chemists and Druggists who desire to obtain application to the un- | his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, | the Medici can plied at the lowest » J | riv arely, and radically. 3 wholesale prices in quantities of not less than ROUTH. This lecture should be in Ihe hands of every | £20 worth (for which remittance must be sent in youth and every man in the land. advance)--viz., 8s. 6d., 22s., and 34s. per dozen | of Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- | boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nett, without dress, post paid on receipt of six cents ortwg t. * ost stamps. ' 1 have the honour to be, ville- | Aes. Dr. Culverwel's " Marriags Guide With great respect, isin rice 25 cents. ? THOMAS HOLLOWAY. | Address the Publishers, . ry po} ho Bi CHAS. J, C. KLINE, 8: CO., | 853 Ozford Street Gate. 214, Strand), London, ~~ ' itm Bow. ,New York Post-Office Boy L588 WW. C., September, 1871. ; . - Rural New-Yorker Office, New Yark City, 144 i ki HEE R EEC EE Fan 4 i ! i] iit \

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