Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 6 Sep 1872, p. 2

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eA ob 0 i B ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1872. qo : - . - Faas + BE no a oy ve o Outrages in Wallace WONDERS. Sous of the Missouri BL HOW MUCH WILL YE GIVI KG! | Tux Sabbath afternoon temperance Paterbors', E. R., Grover.-.... THE L00IREAL ELECTION. ™ Eee 5 ; -- .., | ing wheat, stacked yy nt { meeting hus Leen postponed till Sabbaih | lerbora', WW. R., Bertram. ... CRNA VIOLENCE AND INTIMIDATION --TEE 'LAMBS Lewinbeck tells us-of an insect seen with | to their hogs, it having § How nuch wil ye give me! Only | 14 15¢h jst when the Rev. Mr. Hutton | Lrewoft, Hadar, : [From the Montreal Wilness.) 43 BAVAGE AS BYR. Hons aus lish Drsniy-seven til Samphess. sr rral BE Amen % : Wkhd th Nd i dg | Reafrew, S.R., McDorgill ) 2 ' : : i" i . ; Bons would only equal a mite. ~~" | thirty pieces of silver--Judas! Nothing { will officiate. | Renfrere, N.R., Findlny i It isa subject of satisfaction to the citi- | A reliable co: ondent, who was an : rind be A" 10%0 Dratich ¢ Table, more! How much will ye give me? says | : 3 Russell, Grant. } sone of Montreal that the election yester- | gye witness of the disgraceful scenes of A "Insects of various kinds may seen : ' way » ) n mune yog ¥3 | Tae Roforin Donvention ¢f the South | ussell, Grant. . 0! . acabl It serves as ated in the rear sub-division of Wiul- | in ths cavities of a grain of sand. | weighed in her p p & . x Sir John A, if Iidefend and support the |... MIEN Simcoe, 8. R., Little, 0 | day passed off so pe y- | petrated in th : Eh : sas ? «1 | turned the scale at 165 1 OSHAWA STATION.--OSHAWA TIME. : 3 . tow Riding of Bruce met at Riversdale, on Niece NB. 0 | a matter of rajoicing to the Liberal party | lace, at the late election, furnishes us mith | Mild is a forest of beant: ful troos, with | i dress she wei fonds, : GOING WERT. © 1 qo Ng x ho aslingon Treasy } The tie Right | Tuesday last, for the purpose of nominat- | Sus emons, A rehibold re 0 | throughout the Dominion that their candi- | ¢he following particulars of the outrag:® | branches, leaves and fruit. ! g | : weighs a Na) - .- i i a.m, ail... he AST OY. H nourable, ia the PY. Aud how | ing a candidate for the Local Legislature. | Toronto, Centre, Wilkes... |. 0 | dates were returned so triumphantly. In committed :-- At this polling Place wat op Butterflies are fully feathered. Two little girls, ged n iv ol = gon. | Jail. 8:4 p.m. | much is that worth! Five thousand a | The President esd a lottor from the | Toronto, E...Beaty 0 | both the east rn wid western di hnton of | be sean, conspicuons above al ob 13 hy Hairs are Siollow tubes. and ten years, and ng . wl PR. ea Ue IDm, 1 ory ' a ig | . . | Toronto, *W., "ravtfo | the city thoy wire elected by overnhelm- | oq of rowdyisin,one William McDeruwott, z . were arested on T WHITBY STATION. | year for every year of your mortal exis. | Hon. E. Blake, in which that genlieraan | Ton nto, *W., "ravford s ing ho Be As is too common, cer-| 1 constable appointed by tlie Deputy | The surface of our bodies is covered | stealing the earrings from ho Tres oi East lewre Whithy Station ten | tenor, I'll take it, said Sir John. And | intimated his determination to sever his | piso' Neh Stanles . 0 | tain _cleetiomocring tricks may have been | Retarning officer, and sworn to keep the | with scales, like a fish ; =n single grain of | child fouryears old. nates rs and those going West fifteen | thus he betrayed his country. How long | connection with the Local Government. , Waterloo, N. R, Bowman 0 | employed ou «ne side ur the other; for it | oace, - With his coat off and his slecves | sand would cover one handred asd fifty | WoxbRRrur, sali 3 gies | an the above, before Lis day 'of repentence come ! { It. M. Wells, Bq. .of Torouto, received | Waterloo, 8. R., Young 0 | has cone to bo a maxim of candidates for | polled ap, after the style of celebrated | of these scales, and yet a scale covers five Over i at marshes REAWA POST OFTHE i Ali wy country f May nothing happen | = ©. os, Taq.y0. : | Welland, Strec 0 | ofiice, with rare exceptions, that albls fair | ing pugilists, this. rofian used the very | hunidred pores. brongh these warrow | bye Sein POT GTFICH y ny Y y g hapy £ th Vellard, Strect . . | g pug ns which g¥xty-mine 1 2 : dvi to tha ship that Sarsies him asraus the the unanimous momination of the con- | Wellington, N.R.. Riginbotham 1 0 | in polities as in war. But wo were hay sily | strongest threats which it is possible to | openings the perspiration , forces itack, | tod von y gallons 4 The malsare dosed at thisoflie, Ly Post Offtce | a ship tha fries ham acress the 1 Wellington, SR *? Séirton 1 0 | free from the scone of intimidation, whole- | oop ceive against all parties who intended | like water through a seive. | tad sitndog a bushel of salt of geen We as follows: sea ! talk. atati ilve: elli 'CR. sale bribery aud personal altercation that | 4 vote for Mr. Redford, and repestedly | The mites take five hundred steps » | PORIEY. Ja GOIN on | Tue long-talked-of presentation of silver | Wellington, C.R., Ross 0 y I : 1 MM RG BAS? " GOING Ww BST. | Ry the Osl ¥ fi 3 rigad k | Wentworth, SR. Rymal, : the 0 | have disgraced other cities; and the ex- | pogorted to acts of violence, being aided | goon, s : { Turrsr will be well Evening oat, co | Mon al. | trwmpeta ts the Wisaws (ire brigade took | Weutivorth, N.R., Bain... 0 | pression of the population sentiment all | jy, this way by other supporters of Mr. | Each drop of stagnant water contains a | Defore'the electi The Noithern matt Chita immediatuly | C2Sh Goes, and cash.alone. | Youk N.2. Doidxe : 1 | will now acquiesce in as unequivocal and | Duley, When Mr. John McDermott, } world of EP § Ld beings awinuning with | dering wind bag. Fe can taba a the ! i ext, al ping last. The brigade formed at the Town York, Eas UM tcalfe. a 0 | emphatic. | the Reeve of Wallace, who is a cousin of | as much liberty as whales in the ing say less than Spittoon Fy the --- hall, and headed by the . Battalion Band, York W. R. Blain. . 0| Such an expression of jolisied] Spinion | hin HiigmibieDermott, as apbeaief} to Zach loaf Bata ovlowy OF insects gia day he ever saw. ergusen ube marched to the Drill Shed, where a num- by the commercial metropolis of the Do- | by Mr. Redford's supporters, in ord op | vention, "Love rules the camp, Lhe court, the grove." So sings the bard; but if love don't, | place at the Drill Shed, on Monday even- n Thurs v Aras! poor Fraxom! A resting place d Paturdsy Fyvonng has beonfound in the witermast "part of The Mail for Enfield Canded at 12.3 o'cloal Kogis otto befuret! OFFICE [iOURS.- From 8.» anti | FY brigade. Driven from home," he T.p.om, dweconsolatolyretfoatod to a quiet nook, f4 f the ci ith 1 : 3 | minion must exert<its legitimate infinence | that he wight use some excrtions t 1g on it, like cows in a meadow. Ni niitien is an Indians the Pomiuion for the "*heaven<born' fi- | EE Ul The Citi ne. met with om te wh ---- -- 40 QE -- | onthe Government and go far to remodel | 'pacify his vielent cousin, he replied, "No, | Morar. -- Have some care as to the bg gf Dogon of ness the presentation. Mr. W. IL. Gibbs, HORRIBLE CRIME | parties. It may De too socn to speculate | gentlemen, let them tako it ; good enough | air you breathe, the food you eat, and the . . , . 3 | M. P.,, Roeve of Oshawa, presented the | od as to its proksble results, Certiinly it | for them. Mr.James Knight, a gentle- | water you drink, = thete will be » prod bogus §i 1 " n tr | --L : 8 an imnortar ie gnificance. | inen who lately lost the use of an arm -------- 0 +B ------------ ouds. } i { Chief Engineer, Mr. P.'H. Thornten, with | ' 5 days azo a talogeanh despatch ap- | hes an important polit cal significance. | nen who 7 : ------ | ono of the trumpets, and W F. Cowan, | RK the Got d oi how a foul | The-Ministry will not be likely to take it { came for ward to vote for Mr. Redford ELECTRICAL WONDERS. Woxpzrror.--A Isdy by the a Wpeta, ar ay os pe le 1 I been sommitted oh issouri ; | 18 & votice to "set their house in order." | shortly after the epening of the poll, but ----- j Mrs. Loney, resi in u Esq., Deputy Roeve, presented the ns- | ois ol ah r I : comprising | Bat they can hardly fail to see that it will | he was immediately met bythisconstable, | By he mirror galvanometer of Sir | been gradually dy A sistant engineer, Mr. Craig, with the other | two men, one Ay and two young | have an important bearing on tho class of | who very onceremoniously gaye ho wl William Thomson, | which was of the ut- tobe that fatal 0 . : : : To | Owing to our absence from town we wore | children-- with their throats cut from car | ™ bers returned as Independent, and on | ynderstand that if bs voted for Mr] Red | most importance in securing tho success | for the last ten or twelve - ranged for a seat for. the doughiiy kuight, not present, but understand that appro- | to ear, ha ing been discovered in a vaggon the low er Provinces. Men are not ready | fird, he (the constab) e) wou rea is | < by - | not present, derstand a ro. 0 ear, v we 3 al | tueney forming part of Van- | | of the. Atlantic Cable, a ray of light is re- Tuesday last she vomited & worm couver's Island priate speeches were made on the occasion, | driven by a man, who was arrested iy abont to fall un their heads; capitalists do | £ uancicr--the right wing-of the union and g Esme FEET ATS Edina NRA SE REY pen 1 ro to w son the *" ups and downs ®Ouimio e rl © el lily" but Sie John 'took pity on him, by weans of the telegraph wires Ar- "i Bhai. :3 pi : , | po kh i i hay, Septenh | ¥» run into & building for sheiter that is | geck. Mr. Knight, being thereby intimi- | flected from a minute mirror that is at- | was from ten to twelve inches in ------ MN + 0 i 1 "4 indion 1 112 h Tow ine Oo TEE BATTLE FOUCKET. > It is statéd that Sir by the members of the Coungil, T. N- |i' dignant citizens, The following con ted, loft the poll without voting, Mr. | ached ton magnetic needle. When the | and she i i : : ; ? : eedle. © is now rapidly recovering, " : ' : g a h ke 22 Leslie afterw, orward t i os the ot i i wg Fraucis--tharks to the. covenicnt arrange- | 'ession of this deep-dyed criminal, and | not ore to invest in a bank that is likely | Janes Leslie crwards came forws i" electric current passes the magnet is de H p - ot . | Gibbs Esq., M. P., and others. | the nature of his summary cXocntivll, are to ties. There.is an instinct to desert a be for Mr. Redford, and while the poll flected, and the movement of the reflucted ONCE upon 'a rp Loe he Right and Truih Trinmyl ast ment of Nir John and associates--has the INCREASE CF BusiNpss.--During the | from the St. Lois Republictn | sinkiug ship. | clerk was entering his name, and pursuing | yin of light over a scale indicates the | the Grand Duke of ; : Tho political contest in Ontarinetha | Menor of representing 428. lindividuals in | NCR are iy Hd He davs his nas as TS said | Aswe have boon impartial obsorvers of | the other preliminaries peive to asking+the | pugistance to the passage of the current. | that every beggar who would, "3 puitlita; sonlost in Oniario--the | ali--men, women and children; including past year Mr. Bambridge has found his | e gave ol ana 4 tated in his tiist | this election, we ean' the more clearly sce | elector for which candidate he would vote | The united weight of mirror and magnet | the grand piazza at a certain firet Province of ths Dw h,--isover| uo d Chisene; and ti at th © ap. | business increasing to such an extent that ; it ra not ( Ti Eel ogy --t | tho mistak. s tho Misistry=have made. We | for, Mr. Leslio was pulled back into 'the | jo three-quarters of a grain. deeive a new suit of clothes as g it diteen Rati D, em tile We |, ude it necessary '£0 Put NP NEW Pro- | sme Torn el by a wife. and doe | simire an Lodmeud, wer eed lardly say, | nidst of the crowd and fearfully beaten | During the experiments with the At | At the appeinted hour m BEF'Fo dE FRHRESIAE and the result is victory, triamphant : : % 1 a wit . : I but sirteen qualitieal voters in the constitu- | Avra, Iowa, where he had a wife and eucy! Ch! what humiliation to. the go llant kuight! Has Siz"Jehn in reality determin. victory on the side of Refurm! Twenty- ] iy 3 : . oe such wt jesta fon Sh Yashingloa 3 Fenty being obliged 6 yuu pi hile: vested at the American end, giving a | the rR the Fuare. 8 y "or ea And te" aukan ie Brio iad i : inatlom of ©. | eireui n four thonsani miles, | bee i : ous f ed to kill oft Sir Francis, and conimenced cho was unmarried. He said they were | 0072 the pity that their legislation was | under cimilar circumstances. Mr. David ST et: grey the rom gave them h a new Pre i seas p i h TACs, an y ce L 2 I who unarried. @ Bi ey w ' ' » 1 i > A D ee 1% | in the . / Wh i | ture will be acoupied as a show room, and bi RINAFTY ber waggon and that | "ot all of 1 picce ! But in these elections | Cox, who was driving a team for Mr. | distance-in less time than a person could | MOney was found in old clothes ough # the work of final pblitical destruction by q f traveling mm a iamoer waggon a ir | "have been too full of expadients and Lewis, was taken aside by some of Mr. | i in which the | build a bridge over the Arno, still we have-no doubt sume of the finest ear- | (hey were returning from Kansas to their | "2% J a ae Xpedie an he de ot "| pass across the small room in which the ? 3 ro T : b in Al ' ; hd Mi . | too destitute of prirciple. It is faily to Daly's friends, and quietly told that he experiment was made--and. most wonder. the Beggars Bridge. i = H | fiages, culters, etc., to be seen in the home in Mim ¢ ¥ » Tie Spell dea 1: ali sonate a Mr. D. d te | &° : p . . : 5 ini ! Cornty, will soon be found in Mr. Bar - | on Thursday, the ult. Baw of pris y ped by ne MY i re i i an Daly a Mx. Donnelly hier Ti | ful of all, the battery that accomplished Taere is nothing so effectual . 1 a oy WH SOx 4 sii | money and 'raveling in the same direction | : d To 20.» 0 PeioM oo tain Tg tovere iv. beaten Afr Cox. being thus | this result was contained in a lady's silver | ness in dealing with those mi : PT ' 3 brs t not osey xclles resentment as tvereiy bealem, J v0x, g they kindly asked him to join them. | | H two ponstituencies held Ly the Government | ing 24x40, two storys high, adjoining his | were tive in number--a man with his wif . >. ie . kaye kittie chil a ni in the last Parliament have been redeom- present shop. The lower flat of the struc- | and two little childven and arcther ma mises, and will immediately erect u build- | child, Tho partics he had nurd r-d | the statciman like conse they pursued on | escaping only with great difficulty, and lantic Telegraph both cables were con- | Dexgars assembled. The officers "Wow: | | | ed, and no! tand in battle array against the © a Government, How thus elevating hink as a target for the . many have Oppositiin -- the tipe | E vidicolol ARYL that i i Liberal Refor arty lost oe, | Shalts of ridicule? All that is now required Twenty-two gained, only five los '83 who will represent Ontario at Ottawa over '59 are pledged op ents to the Present Ottawa Government! Outario has spoken, and her voice is (lot other ¢ Provinces speak as th ay), for right oe lete the copurcal picture in which . 4 | bridge's new showsrecm. Tho upper pait | t h j LI : 4 " ; Ih 3 3 sappe the trio of Sirs so' prominently figure, is | 8 . . : ) fairinlavits pod ies, | intimidated, vofed fer Mr. Daly, having | thimble. -- Scribner's for September. tures who have taken it into their on: g of the building will be used as apaint shop | ¢lich he did. The wagon being large, ot airy Yo I : 8 ; kg on encies, Jes rls (RY hi Toy, lay 8 oi . haa Lihat idde 2 gl in ' feria intehivg 4 i bors that we 2 slept Th i qo a praad th: diferent ele ns over | represented $ ar. ) : i . - i . i Deteot 4 c fipishing room, ete. It isunneccessary for ; they all. Hx 3 3 snther, op on - : "51 weeks end. sou) oi : Le intersis of the | at the polling booth. "Gur correspondent {CHOLERA is still raging with fatal effect fotrako Foinn the other day, Sd } beliz us to say much about the quality of the boa «d an, wii lh we Salter | arty that hap:es. to be in power. Tt | states that not a vote' was polled for Mr. | in many places in Indis. hi which he did in a very vi mem wie] CHA p ator HSC ol Ae pion '1 ' : dk, the wagon, while the remzinirg two slept | Mags aby such baty Whew there is | Rdiord "after ten v'elack, although at!, py Govimor.Geheral will visit Ham ion. He knocked her down ond 2 olvali {in the bottom of the bed below. { r assu to suspe-t the rol «of ihe least twenty wore votes would have been | |] | If you want a good carriage, sleigh or cut- Last Sunday night they camped withi 4 { | i to have Riel withdrawn from the position of a candidate in Manitoba, and Sir Geo. E. Cartier take his place, to be elected as representative of the constituency of Pro- | ©. cler . | ail over the county and specks foritself. work done by Mr. Bawbridge, asit is found and justice, for those ; ples; that are . kia 4 the birthright of Pritcns, for thase prin- Ia tlneFe Ba lessel fa tire sonivt pip: sented by the leaders of the two political i "form ® : + : fui ebw Yori ! hunch: at | assured her that * if she did not gote : oa Ey bye wou Fave Finite only Se. Suv fife} Anmmifok deep mfondon sha hy We SEE Hh Fivis by ders wealdabers. - And gah ep. | --nShaljors] Feucol, | Brooklin this Fh 4 ! would break her neck.' There J epic strergih athe estramenios will | hiss ly no excuse for anyone attemy to ourly compensate for wetkunes: of the Dowa Brakes l--Tho Dream of a Wowly | Tue first sod of ths Kingston aad Pem- cape from this life, whose home wart. Mere depend mee on teniporuy | "N tarred Rilroader and its conse- | UFoke Railway was turned on Monday with happy by :u.h gentle aud consi wipedients mast poove fatal to anv ad in- SC "the usual ceremeny. brothers. 3 | . h oe rt ] ill r $ | given for Mr. Redford had their beeninio {-ilton during the Provincial Exhibition. her about the room by the hair, and tid wi mu'ry all Je 1 sacriuce dl boa system given for Mr. edfo f he » ! ter, call at Bambridge's, Simcoe Street, | half a mile of a hovse rear Burr Oil Oshawa. { grove. At this place the wretch conceived { tho idea of murdering then and main ume! The Tories are driven frown house . { away with their horses and waggon. thei : , most and howe. gud. on find supmort 'only | ckering Council. cattlo(three or four in number), and what essential' principles was, and is with the | ra a i id z ever mondy they might have in thei electors 'of the Provivee of Ont tio to-day, | | dl "Batarday, Ang 24th, 1372. possession. After having m rdered therm, wank a cob cost it is . ube 3 "Complete : Pa iamentary lcontrol over | the Reformers are trusted and honored-- | The Pickering Council met pursuant to | ha intended to scerete them in the brush | ; ; [From the "expenditures." Yemrs ago the battle was y » adjournment. Members all present.' Min- jon Sat whet Dua hy te drat iab at fought in Evgland, and hence jt is there nuniber nore than they can bear.-- | utes of last meeting read and confirmed. Tha Sunday nigh ' ittle dreams; yo Nothing more is needed to show that ! the black-hearted wretch they had take ciples which our fathers sirugded and shed their Blocd in the d ¥s of James 1st #nd Charles 1st, and ore of hese parties in tho Dowiuion at the prescut : sre i 25a allv nnknoan: while] SE try t. It need wait for. uo foraal sot LU RCC. where they are porsonally yuknown; while Eift " 0 forgot iy Ix our list of members elected to the | Jus I. Frrrows, Esq -- Dear Sir: St. Louis Detuocrat.) Hous: of Commons we have hitherto | ore recei ving orders almost 1 Ed" is a Lrakesman employed on {he | placed Mr. Mcdounell, of Inverness, in | ¢he Outports for your ins: 5 ployer om Pe oF ¥ ; Chicago, Alton and St' Lows Railroad, | the Inds endent column. To-day wesput [of Hypophosjhites, and the sale is H. was warrel only a few weeks ago. him 1a the Opposition ranks, having re- | in ¢ ing. 1 firmly believe ithas under their shelter and the aninl fate £2 Hisewile has be i wearibg a piece vi Jed | ceived reliable information that he has de- | 'more good than any medicine yet y ) awaited them, {hay lay down in the wager | | Fit ofall hands to he igh groin of | Hunnei round hor neck! ior ths last ten clared his intenticn to vote against the loovered, in the 'cure of Ca Yor-bli "i : A winds of the pecple, but that on the ccn- |. id to wilow Reid. for the nizht, and zl save the murderer | = 0) 4 A . that: ts _ | days, aud cow laining of a wry neck. Thus | Government. -- Halifex Chronicle. Bronchitis, Asthm Whoopi Cond public aflvi:s (Lan any in the world, . aid ¢t mncipies. We trust that tae next gen- y 1 8 y 3 n a, hooping Cong Does the child know more than ifs faker] | T8Y Reform measures are such as com- | Mr. Green moved for leave to introduce | were sound avlaup, weal election will ba e'd in all the con- | 18 how it came to paes:-- a Lord Geaxviiie has, by comand of | and kindred diseases. It is the y | port The Parlisment remesents the cc mend themselves to the intelligenco of | J yy.law to vest in Samuel Somerville and Satis'ying himself that all warp sloping | gtituenciessn the same day, and thatby, Ed" Lad just been doing en wy! theiQ 1ecn, sent a leiier to. Mr. Stanley, | regi we hve whic pst 'thess a meni repredenis the country, the nation By a ath-half of the origina! | 0° took a loaded pistol which liy in the | Sit time <¢ will ave the baulot, as they | taking asick irend's tain in-addition to expressing Her Majesty's apprecia- | Py strengthening the ervous public funds are given to it in, trust, and | CC MEH n. Wm. McKay the south-half of the original wagon and placing it at the head of t anve in England "| his own, and so had Bot biea in bed for | gi eB pradencs and zeal which | and as'itis also what we call & no Cahinct has a right to give away dis. a allowance for road between lots 16 and 11, | | 050 0c B00 Jing by his side fired. | wiv Ey P ic S ON THE ELECTION forty-eight hours. As a watt r of course | 3. displayed" in opening up communica- | chemical preparation, I ict forit honestly and fraudu'en the muney! THT IDALTE OF MR. BLARE. | in the 5th concession. Leave granted, | He instantly killed Lim. deni dduiien i "0 tle waa nearly worn out, and as Joon 4% tion with Dr Livingstone. Accompany- | wore extended demand t any comm ted to its ¢ ; The Minis = i 1 and the by-law was reat the first time | Themarried wan beirg aroused by the | 4" Mis vs rir i A 2 lout Te po supe hau I wath he % bi hd 0g theletter Was a yuaguiiivent wiuit.box | zeny in phi, THO C misted are. A0e Phinistenal . . . . . - ot ph . had : g o or Fo or, anu is divieta bo Cisorcon 1nd 1 to "sweep, perchaies to dream. ec was ith brillig f Her Maj ty t - # v3 - in vive ¥ ' - : » of t) istol rose 1 3 AE ' . l set with brilliants, from Her Majes 0 | party have won thedr few constituencios by By aletter just regeived from Col. Grier: Mr. Green moved, that widow Reid, | re port 3 pel iba} Ross up, and thidkiny hguatiru wt the rejection of Sir G. LE. ! goon lecked in the arms of Me phous and pp. Stanley. 4 Jest yn ' Coe a ey ad fir a at Li . sinnge do » ue h Cartier, the Clawitoa of Low sr Canada, Mav, ai d dre ming. Again 11s foot was i Numzer or SHINGLES ON A Roor., 1 ' N : « pL ALNOYInE an ring ig 4 Bick q 2 Ys i - a fo " Fae ] example Hamilton and Toronto, and shal | 0° health of the Hon. Edward Blake, is | ner week till the 31st Decom ber next, and jo Min g vi hi ring | he night an it wh ih yw by Moutreal ni wl, axtib- | on his native plattoin, and he heard Jo : Wg rg Tie Cnledonis Sthgm, a D Tute given to the Now You 2. snd Toronto, and shall eyeing: i attbrs vocsived. Ex FX : 1iabsun 1 vy lah. AMIE Rik 0g « good. . wg his dofeat to the joii t effuts oi hypo- | waming toot of ths whistle for bra es, T:C-aot lory paper, spea is © $ i a we usme s Gatanio. Whenever the in proving fast. In letters yecuived rom | (hat Levi Mackey be commissioner to | gysamein iminedintely turned and shot him, aren and rogues the blow, coming! qy. ES pe train boce him s iftly on; | Mail's classification of David! Thowpson shingles required for a roof of even iim by last mail he states that ** he 1ooks | furnish the ng. and then jumped from the wagyon to thy (rom Montrenl edpecially, is Nicened to | (he 10 legvapls pos 8 fll eed past quicker and | as an Independent: *" [he Mail rates Mr. | one which re thinks every mec of constitation forward with confidence to a perfect reg- Mr. Green moved, that the sum of 830 groun lL Toe weaned man Spempiel 0 | Bike ftriking his benefactor. Hapuiiy quicker; the whole ¢ untry fi.d by likk a | Thompson as an "Independent 'in the list | farmer should remember. Pirst find r Jol ; M: toration to "health and strength." The | he granted to improve the sido road be- | 14 i 1 hi a 4 o The a ined i oweveh La Minerve says Moutreal is not penorama mountpd on sheet lightuing of meiubers, "This is a mistake, as Mr. | square inches in one side-of the " * John A. "Maddon wany frisnds of the Hon. Gentleman will | swe lot 12.and 15 in the 9th con session BIN Caspr cas ha once, 108 Aomaed L Lowey Canada. Three beotc ¢ountios wil oilers. In his dream he he rd far off 1h NNPSON Is not, DOK Never was Inde. | off the right hand or unit A:a's party were thoroaghly and soundly, 70" ihe re ven Telatiland 154m the Joon, | wife of the mnrdered man was now run 17 SE oT have Sir George represent | apcther roar, aud swinging cut by the | pendent.' Make she change, Mr. Mail, | result will be the number of sh beaten. 1 *, | be pleased to learn this. and that Edward Pugh be coimissioner nig around the wagon uttering fearful | them, and La Miuerve wants to sce with railings, he saw another train coming at | you have been humbugged by somebody." quired to cover both sides of alk about political depravity 1 i a8 B 1 i i 3 nd thi us cries, and fearing that she would alarm hut coger: ] H press forward t - laying five inclles to the weather. 1k about bribe 7? intimidation ' ocr ER ------ to expend thie same. | What eagerne they will pre ss To; war ofl lighting speed around the curve. oth : 3 nindd em 9 tal it bribery! intimidation ! rrp | offer a seat ts thy, ** Chief of the French | trains were crowded with passengers; in Tue Liguor Sellers' Association of ridge board provides for the double . 4 i = | Mr. Green gave notice that at the next | the People &t the farm-house near hy, he ] i : tion of sellsh and &'shonest men! of The most useful discovery ofthe age. | oF, Vreen gave Noles La how also killed 'her with an axe or club, just Canadians." Tu conclusion it warns Mon: | 4nother moment they would rush together | Cincinnati have determined to stop Very | at the bots « Hlustration: hungry office seekers! Whero will you le ioe meeting of the Council he would introduce | which he does not remember. Vtreal not-#5 rey ice over her victory. that | ang ez x St no yA me ery of ory temperance anan in the eoming election, idth of ene side, " 3 al ™ " ' p + . al nu ce tory, that | : ) : Ne + TH 5 : A find th 1 Fac Ne, ~on the sida On Tuesday last wo were called to wit- | a by-law to appoint collector of the rates The two infant bales, aged three and | | jll.coit Les ordre than a Jofeat, yuld shiver to the tingling stars from the regardless of his olities, and decline 32,000. Cu off thom' Facts prove,--on the side of wi Fam. Hor th 187 a i would shiver to the tingling star | voting for him f temperance men | 5 4 that parly now in power, who have turned | F288 test of "" Irwin's Patent Fuel," a | forthe year 1872. fiftecn months, now alone remained living La Naticral, as might be expected isin | lips of the maimed and dying. The en- 4 : we have 43,200 a | 3 v 0 ' in pe! a s did not dispose o ' | w be aszealons to put only temper- x i the whole machinery of Gover :t} fuel ehat will at no distant day, 'take tiie | Mr. Green moved for leave to introduce | and it seems that he did not dispose of the height of exultation. Victory is too | gineer had seen their danger, for at that ould be as seals ! only eal number of shingles required. 10 i aciine if Govermuent jot be { i : ' > 2 time afte oH ; ] : t i ance men into ofticé and places of trast i : dee of coal and 'wood in Canada, the | ® by-law to vest in Western Palmer part | them util some timo afi r the rest Lad weuinpicte a word to express the triumph | moment, in his dream, he heard the whis- I ow 009 vast mailstroem 7 bribery--sacrifee hits oo ! ae been killed. When asked how he could a | | ey heump cls i uh n Is A LC real w da! ve. should soon kring the influence of Tuz vredictiun concerning Pl C 35's. mosh al 1/ interests Unie] States, England, «nd other .coun- | of the original allowance for road between have the heart to kill-the two helpless | J i vary pH 1 wr aty dis ng Toi He Salling rari, sound, | a whisky séilers in politics to a discount. comet, which was to d oa Eten dses bie tries, as the material from which it is | 1ots 22 and 23 in the 3rd range of Rroken | children, ho replied that he did so with a a 4 at troy hy] Sen oe Seippe the rane and ict t it | "CO Saplax Newsearen PostapkThe: tanted great excitement in Paris. A vl fh isalemny 4s manufactured is to be found in abundance | Front concession, and that the same be | reluctance, but that when he had mur- | © 0.0 tL anple of." It proceeds in a | down. There was a yell of pain, and "Ed' Him. P. Mitchel in his speech at New- | respondent from . thence writes:--* 1 Z Pi in #8! parts of thesworld, aad can be man. | now read the first time. Carried. | dered their mether, they Runoyed him | icwiat biiter way to summarise sins of | woke to find himself sitting up in bed and | castie, N. B,, on the day of the nomina- | I iction hy that the heat would rise Timnbes of thy Car ferances of the I. Sk fhrare of four dollars Mr. Palmer moved, that the Reeve be | With their pitcous cries, ane being RATH- | he Ministry in geweral, and Sir Ged, holding his wife 'by the ears, having al- | tion, promised to do ail he could to have | the extent of 4,000 < es and that Churcli in Canada. | Lat tl ure of lour dollars | . : . . | ed lest the rioise should lead-to his detec- Cartier in purticular, who, it says, will go | mest twisted off her head, the postage on Newspapers done mway | Whole world and its inhabitants would { is fuel, judging from | authorized, on behalf of this Council, to | tion; he cut their throats from ear to car, fo x to» - gran lehil Iren in Adiistorically That's how ** Ed's" wife came to wear a | with. He believed it. would be accom- | suddenly resolved into thin gas. . : ot enw . : us St td : andehild ? ally 1 ith. H 3 the Pov, Mr. | tests gi-en it, tas long as a ton of | © mmunicate with C. J. Brydges, Manag- and thus completed his work of destruc- | unfavorable light. Its concluding words | piece of red flannel round her throat and plished if the _newspapers 'would all act | man people went to mass in : to Hutton, pastor of 'he M. E. Chureh, in | coal, and give as quod aheat. A piece of | ing Director of the Grand Trunk Railway, tion. :: { are, ** The country breathes again." complain of a wry neck. ! in concert. We hope that this much to be ea y Jot She event fet this town, we Lave received a copy of the | the burning fuel was taken from the fire | id Feference to the removal of the Station Afier fhe E0iifeasion bad : been Male, | | desifed change pay vi brought dbo in i out of Rm ha ofa miniites of the Magara Outanio, and Bey | aud put in water afd on being placed in | fom Frenchmen's Bay. Big annditer : Slain Soda eet at | : | The Queen and the Cooks. [4 the éaming purliatient, in ce, thus showi a v I » 8 I | the place where the prisoner was confined The Career of a Nctorious Forger. ' | : : g piace, " ) Jai nual Conferences lof the ] wr ; y Mr. Green moved, that the Reeve grant . : : | ) | RE | Arraip oF [1.-The lowerclasses in Japan | 4300 he d : TN Quinte Arnual Cowferences lof the Meth- | ka fire acin burne y as bright as ever. | M7. Green om , e g la hat they ol 1 | . py 2h l t t estruction 'which tire again burned pp as bright as ever. | bo : and it was plain that they intende to | { During the "Queen's recent visit to are afraid of the tel h. They cannot ty odist Episcopal Chach in Carada. In| Bituminous shale is the principal part of | bis arder on the Treasurer in favor of | take the law into their own hands, aud | [From the New York Herald.) Edinburgh she asked if she might inspect | altogether see *" how the old thing works," a he re a Tgp Bo i | 3 « is i w ! " . : « | : 1 % 'a' . 3 the fuel; this is groend and mixed with: Heetor Beaton, for the sum of #21 50, mete out hi Fons haku " wretch hin Further developments are daily-coming | the guard-room of the 93rd Highlanders. | and 'they are simple enough to think it a y grving a : ther ingredicats, amd moulded junto | Amount paid by him to. Mr. Fuller for | speedy Jon Jee ae 10 hey a a 1° | to hand in the cave of William Apdersan, | The Scotchman says :--*'* The ranger at{ devices of a devil, and that the wires are A aoop story is told of Daniel vob Liocks of the wize oihalfa brick. Patents | S9PPort of an abandoned .¢hild ;.and alro | P! Snes 2 bn i] 11 Red 8 yon i | whose right name is supposed to be Cohen, | once conducted the Queen into the. room | coated with the blood of young women, | When-ones Aiming with a Boston a Blocks e wize vith a brick. Paten 4 Lever of Bon, Harttidk for tot cum. or iy wi a an Joo A and a oh : ® | and who has victimized the agency of the | which, of course, was at that time unoc- | and that the census now ing taken is | A dusty old bottle of wine had been ol have been secured for Canada, and the 293. for cod ti Ber F h Pow wa nut et, t ev ae . eet io Bank of British North America to the ex- | cupied, except by the two men whose turn | for the sols purpose of finding out the fully decanted, and Mr. W, ers : §o<s J0t SecA WIIMYAP OF PMA. : | Ta execution. i hi I. a a 2p tent of $5,000. A letter of credit was | it was to cook their comrades' dinner, and | number of avaliable Japanese maidens | Sled. * ow do you like it Mr. Mr. Miller moved, that this Council do | Tanzey *a 00 Al d wallegs d perfect y given him at the bank for £5,000, payable | by another Highlander. The visit of Her | whose blood will do for telegraphic pur- said the host, holding hia own glass up tock Companies for the manufac. | "OW adjourn and stand adjourned until | PPmoved. proyag of th " t h em bd | At the various agencies of the bank, in | Majesty took these thres solders by sur poses. The 17ea is a curious one, and it-| the light. 1 think 1 a fing specimen 4 to. siugion # Lic : om a | Saturday, September 28th | Villaine the. world had oon es dardened | gyripe and the British Possessions. When | prise ; indeed ene of the cooks hearing | iy stragge that the | Japanese 'should not | 0d port. 'Now you can't the. Dauision frum which there is such a | tyre of the fust will be formed immediate. | > Ureaf, Sepiember c8in.. | villains '#he world had ever known. A | he received payments against his letter of | that Her Majesty had left the Palace, and | understand the explanation that cost me!" said ghe hast. **'Shrel gonstaut drain, both in wembers and | ly, in Canada, the United States, Eng- | ra | rope was then - placed stouall jis Beck, { cre lit, which were duly inscribed, he, by | wishing to catch a sight of her, was in the In : a ; nd said Mr. Webster, '41 only know tha _aministers, by removals to the Uwited! 1d and other countries, and e'er long | Second Dominion Parliamemt. . |" wd ron rong 3 hy. > of be ° | mens of chemical solutions, obliterated | act of rushing out of the door when Her Fe aration, no. orCer syste excellent." "* Well, now Lean | $4: 'es and the far nest. The numb we exneet to see It 1h goncral vse; Furth, | 4 wm tree, "anti to A] . Swe 3d { all traces of the writing, aud tho letter of | Majesty entered. Both cooks aad Eivested [4 pe om » Fink pend United for I made a-caveful estimate the het of ministers Gravelling and laeel. ab. Tartioolars ill Fo rican'. i | ONTARIO REPRESENTATIVES, |c°owme > ' a » oy - pon Ho | credit appeared as if not a-single payment | themselves of their jackets, and with their | aig id a Hal " 8 1 fe 3, | dy. When I add the interest to the fn pl pi 5 s = : A ; er particulars will be given as the work . | given him'to make any last request. © | had been made agaiust ths £5,000 which | shirt-sleeves tucked up, they felt rather | States, n the payment of asmall fee $» price, I find that it cost me the \ ; y Giatricts, 0; circuits and statio 1 : | 345; value wf church proper - 2 ! = - | | 3 loaded wiih marks of public confidence in wed for Nit be of use 8 5 is a Governmicrit there now existing with Mr. Green prescnted the petition of the lon of . Torv rule i "CO ce wi el %ing p ' "ol th i» & lees corruption in the administration' of Yory rule is not in' accorddnes with the Sylvestyr Mackey and others, asking for 8 : hig £5q L2¥ 2 B fit side winds and Joeal questions. Take for son, from Toronto, we are informed that an indigent person, receive the sum of £1 a flay were presents J m i EE ----e---- ~~ tes. and if will also be patented progresses. . replied that heswould like to live until he { he had paid to the bank for his letter of | taken aback. Her -Majesty first took nearly all parts of the world upon the just one dollar and twenty cents per, could see his wife, ad when told his re- {eredit. In Montreal he was considerably | notice of the stalwart Highlander in full | Same plan that 'has been so Jucoensiv] Good gracious ! you don't say so guest could not be gr:nted, he, said Le | jo.q of the money he had paid, and after | dress ; and greiously addressed him, en- | Within the limits of the country itself, | yy. Webster; and then draining his had-no farther remarks to make. obtaining funds at other places he had ob- | quiring his name and birth place, as also | One dollar and fifty cents is the charge for | 1 hastily presented it again, with . Many stalwart hands them took hold of | tained £5,000 more than ho was entitled | the length. of time he had been in the | every 860 transwitied. Upon making this | pry "hi np again as quick as you cas, 'the 'rore, drawing him clear frem the | to when he reached Savannah. But here {army. The man answered the Queen's | Payment the sender is. given :a receipt | gor 1 want to stop confounded inter gronud, ani just as Surg wis of Tas on | he was arrested on (lie order of Mr. Pan- | queries, and modestly stated 'that he had { me ue ost." ' ast-Thursday evening,' the soul of Tanz:y | ton, manager of the bank in this city, and | been twenty yedrs in, Her Gracions Ma. | AI I equivalent dor] Te & | the murderer was lauached into eteruity, | he will p-obably be extradi'ed to an | jesty's bss La Her. Majesty took note | Lhe value of this" mew. arFmgement | A Ax Arkansas local soliloquises thusi-- there to appear before his Ged with his | ¢, stand Is trial in that city for forgery | of and examined the four medals which i will be very great to immigrants. Some of our exchanges are pu hands yet red with the blood of his victims. | the obliteration of signatures on a letter | decorated the stalwart follow's breast | The millions... of /dallars that are a curious i oii sintsmant he out. He died almost without a struggle, : nd | of credit being so considered by theTana- | these being the Crimean medal with the | "ent to Ireland and Germany have now |thata howe in Iowa palied for the pu wes buried beneath the very tree on which | dian laws. - | clasps for Alma, Scbastopel, and Bala- | pearly an _shiclute cympiuty Sf yaching of ibe Sanghole of a bi We do p he was hung. Sever! of our leading | Nour. Brown Brothors, the bankers. | clava ; the Indian medal, th> Lucknow! their destination,' © 3 I ass Wl yup 1 h the nmuwber of .voung rien received into -- ;| Look out for Steele Bros. new -adver- | the itinermicy this § ut yeat, 19. The ) : | ; tnoeolt 1t Bellcviile, and Pook Rooin tisement in our next issue, | Addington, Shibley and Printing establishment ag Hawilion | REMEMBER the Sodial at the Bible Chris. | 4192ma, Robinson : ty : & Biuce, S. R. Blake. veport every prosperity. In financial mat- | tian Church on Monday next. Tickets to Bothweil, Mills ters the charch has done weil. Ten and Entertainment, 20 cts. A thor- Brant, N.R., Fleming amommt of quoney raised for durch | ough good time is expected. All are in Brant, S. R. Patterson pose? isyon an average, not less than | vitéd. 4 | Brockville, Buell... .. | Bruce, N: R., Giles THe firewen's pic-hic, at Bowmaugille, | Carlton, Rochester * | yesterday, passed off ple ndidly. ..Over Cardwell, Cameran i io . i | Cornivall, Berzin 2.000 visitors were in town. Over 6,000 | Dundas, Gibson partook of refreshments. provided. 'We Durham,. East, Ross id : ) he will give full particulars next week. Durham, W. R., Blake ry for esch mn tue traveling nauistry : . | Elgin, East, Harvey wonld be somewhat over four hundred THE stand lately -gocupied by Mr. W. Elgin West, Casey dollars. F. Cowan, and the property of Mrs. Fair | Esser, O'Conner On the * Union gue * there isno | banks, was sold by auetion, on Wednesday | iden Risk sie doulils dealing; the following are a few of | Jast for "the sum of 183,100, to Messrs, | op 9 2 dyodons | 3 | Grenville, S. R.," Brouce tha sentifignts expressed: -- Hatch and Mearns. | Grey, S. R.. Landerkin A TEAM belcnging to Wm. Leask, ran | Gr hs & R., Suidcr v 4 . { Grey, E. R., Flesher awey on. Wednesday, from the station, and Huidimand, Thompson while on the way ran against the gig of | Halton, White ...... / : Dr. Coburn; upsettingit and throwing the | Huron, S.R., Cameron to, seck as far 2s in us lies, to cultivate Doctor and his little hoy into the ditch Huron, Centre, Horton. . .. . : bs es 7 hi toh and evidenee geod will and friendelip to- and breaking one of the shafts of the gig. Hamilton, Shisoln ARBRE 1 rard & amd: ob ihe ns a 4 ward &! who ha Christ In treu. a e Doctor's right shoulder was slightly Hstings, o ola 3 all of. ix x 3 . . love. We hal with gladness all efits tf, and the little ihoy's face badly | Hastings, i TORbY B33 rite a . \ 'Hating put forth in the henoely.and purity Yt 1 bruised. No furtuer dawage was dons. 3 stings, the gospel, to draw the different bodies | , uron, ! ry + A : ! MELE ATE 8 1 ur subseri of christians into closer alliance with each | : I Bare a ny hero? our au eras | av' a | who havexiot yet paid their secon ear's | i Fas did | subseription to oh, ReFenrMrEr. No A ubt Lambton, Mackenzie i 05C; 1 0 eo . a . PALS ) "| » . o ne Lancrk, 8. R., Haggart | it being such a small amount -- only one | Lanark, N. R.. Galbraith'... .. dollar--it 'hae been overlooked by them. s, N, R., Richards Will all parties owing for the Rerormzr | Joeds & Gf neille ve kind enough to forward the amount as Lew a3 = - + Lincoln, Me soon As possible. All idebted to us for | Londin, Carling Job Work or advertising aresrequested to | Middlesex, W.R., Ross TH 3 sall and settle at once. .| Middlesex, N.R., Scatcherd, , .. several Methodist bodies oporating upon | 41 8Rd settle at once ! Middlesea, E. E Glass the same ground, and almost of neceseity Cax any of our military men tell us how | Musiako, Cockburn in hostility to one another. The proposed | it is that the Rifle matches of the South | Mouck, Edgar union of Methodism, as understood by all | Ontario Rifle Association are nov to be | Niagere, Morrison, .,......... id in Oshawa 6 ; : iv. We, Norfolk, Charlton its advocates, was to, constitute aa inde- held in Oshawa this year, as formerly. We Nofoll:, ¥..R. Wallace. .. pendent Methodist Church for this Do- | Lave one of the best ranges between To- | Northuuberiand, W. R,Cockburn minion. We think the M. E. Church {as | ronto and Kingston; thé Governnient tar- Northumberland East, Keeler. . . done her duty so far, and if the mucht | gets are here; the miain force of the Batta- | Old, N x Diver 3 . i iia 3 cford, NS. Is. » be desired Union is not to be consmmated, | lion is to be found here; and in justice to Ontario, N. Rk. W. H. Gibbs: the failure ig not with us. As a church, | the Battalion and the best shots connect | Ontario, 8. R. T.N. Gibbs we have in our annual and general Con- | ed with it, the watches should be held | Ottawa, Carrier ferences acknowledged the privciples, and | 30 we pave made dnquizios, Dut uo | "Lewis koa isp ot aed to act in this! "or 4 | Perth, N.R., Daly > © © © Independent seven dollars por member. The highest ito any one minister, £1,000 hy . . h 1 " . ' fr ut the. total dmount physicians had an interview with the de- |». waking euquities at Lit erpool 10 see if | , and the Turkish medal. Her Tae London Free Press says: --"A few Now, if the censed before his excention, and wers all | (1 hy hiss Andersan, was no* the wan | Majesty then turned round and examined | days ago while Mr. Paris was boring a | jut of the | of the opiuion that he was perfectly sane, ik uf As he appeintmel f the guard room. She | > | 1 y tem ite oti uit A forgery upon | the appointments of the guard room. @ | w % { and all agreed that he was the mast thor. | © 10 diem; bed to cotuuit + fontery upen | Vl g well for Mr. Stonehouse, near Forest, he with the ! v { that house iu Liverpool. Messrs. Hen y | asked if the benches were sleeping-places struck a rock at the depth of eighty feet. oughly depraved Specimen of human na- | Clews& Co,, the bankers will also prose- | of the wen, and vn being avewered in the | dud using the drill for a few months | the bun i | ture they had ever met. { cute Colierr at Moutreal, when heis ex- | aflirmative, the Queen was pleased to state | there was a teriible noise, the gases rash- | nq horse out of SE C-- #4. A -------- | tradited, there, for obtawniug' $5.000 ui | that the whole place was very clean and | ing"forth, throwing the drill, piping, and a its Shirst with he A tomatic scale, to be used 1 Jl. | der falve pretences against a draft of | tidy. Her Majesty then advanced and | everything that was "in the well at the | ge bunghole hal the thint out N automatic scale, to be used by mill- | Clews, Hahicht & Co.i of Lond n. Dr. | spoke to the cooks--Grsnt and Wilson by | 4 i i ir: p | ers and others in handling grain and flour | Y'€*8 y : f X : : | timo right into the air; then came the | (10 horse and ed the plug with { has just been invented. The instramen | Ehrhardt, the wall known analytical name. She watched their operations a water; which was sent thirty feet atove | parpel or if. the barrel Jd big filling a car, 80 as to in. | Chemist of this city, and who was {oimerly | fev noments. Wilson, who on: the 0-1 the top' of the derrick ; then came stones » | dicate the weight of the grain delivered. had , . ¥ counceted with the chemical department | trance of Her Hajesty had been making | y,d gravel which were thrown sixty Taos | horse out of the Jroghile and : .y . | of the Bank of England at London, states | a practical experimvent as to whether the i and in every direction from the! . a y ores: a8 A Tujler San alah tol) BY the aie of it how that he was present, to the best of his be- | potatoes he was cooking was sufficiently high, breaking the 3 al in his house, | polled he Plog out df ed hysibe i woah Bein Avi ; ligf, at a tin! in England +N re Cohen | boiled, was rather put about; and he could | Every person had to clear out from the | be worth while to make same fuse Overih vigning sus fave. was found gmity of forgery » d omitted sly lay Sowa his ' dish clowt, imsh His | place, the water rushing up filling the | Tim Y until a week or -s0 ago, ro- | to prizon for several years. Th: referer ce rage cap, and in reply to Her Majesty's well, risi three feet above the edge, Tue Canadian government has met | joiced UN bo pel gh > he hy Cohen in this eity wo the Bank | quustions, stammer ant with difficuity, | 0 Snes Tw off in every direction. The | the most privet, defeats of the employ his spare moments in commit | of British North Amaiica was a Mr. Dor- | *" Potatoes, your Majesty." The on | wall is still full of water, and keeps boiling | in the first city of the Dominion. ting burglaries. He.got throngh ssventoen | sey, a highly rebpuctalle broker of Wall Soigied ie pleased and amused ; an '| furiously. . the three divisions of Shodty have of them before he was suspected, watohed | Street, with whom he had come over a the soldiers were waim in praise of | TE . | ed Opposition members an and caught. Of course the Now Yorkers | in the same vessel from Europe, and who | their SBoverign's condescension and warm | We see by an Uxchange that a Swe i | Ay of more than two thousand. 3 | were in a sort of pamiz when the facts now says that he knows nothing ef his an- | interest in their concerns. The Queen | considerable interest to farmers was tried | Hic last election Montreal had Tuk | of the case were made known, as to have | tecedents. | next visited the officers' guardroum, which | recently at Yacin; on: An action (was | members, one of which the Guve { burglars for their midnight guardians | being waienanied, the ispcsted leisurely. brought i ot Hl A {carried by paclasmation, and the other bY has a most unpleasant lookout. . Jy this time the gar earn hat | y A 'three hundred and majority. Wal YETERIGUS disappearances ari be- | the Queen had stolbn a march upon them, | to go to se~d on the farm which he ocen- these ' ire consoqm Tae 8t. Mary's Argus and Reviow nar- |e hc SacI an % Eagls il that they He Que turned thdir flank ; so that they | pies and which he leases from her. The nukes ene a cal rates the following amusing incident of the | are a great trouble to th - som wht incre. were drawn off to the right, in order to | charge was proved, but as it was the first | was Sir Geo. E. Cartier, who shared i politi al campaign ia South Perth: --** An | ulons polica. Latoty « M+. Weippast,/wh» | allow her Mzjesty, 'on leaving the guard. | time the law was put in force in. that sec- | SirJYohn A. Macdonald "the elector --a curtain *" celebrated" shee- | was travelling in the iutérest of a masicd | roow, to walk-straight across the esplanade | tion of the country, the Magistrate miti- / the last: House, amil:is the | maker--held Lis vote at a price and de- | firm in London, vas lost, and Mrs. Wei - | to the Palace. When Her Majesty stepped | gated the fine to $2 and $2 50.costs. | ter of the Militia; while | clared he would not vote at all unless he | part could get no trace of him. It turi- | out she weut in front of the guard, and | Notwithstanding the stringent measures | candidate elected in the dther di wa) paid for doing se. Finding that no | ed out pretty soom that he was living at a | graciously acknowledged 'the general | to prevent the spread of these pests to the | the Hon. J. Young, who is one of the shies bid was forthcoming, he finally proposed | hotel in Birmingham, in company with a | salute which they gave, after which she | farmers, the growth of Cuna'a| and most dang, erous of the pre to vote for ten dollars. A bargain was at | naughty women, and pretending t) be Mr. | mspected the men. Re-entering the | thistles seems to be _unrestrsinable. | sent Government in sil Canada. iy] | once closed and the money paid in the | Sidney Smith, the eniinent ecmposer. He | Palace grounds shout half-past gwelve,| It may; howeyer,; be worth while to |" "Li srtant Ministers have. pov form of a roll of silver wrapped up in pa- | pla J the piano beautifully; he announc- | Her Majesty walked therein, notwith. | try a methe destroying thistles pre- | 0 © Ja" rn to the Co! 5 per. The vote was polled and the delight- | ed his intention of soon giving a concert; "standing the'fact that it rained heavily | seribed by Dr. Daniel Bruce, of Geelong, may be that other constituencies will B | ed son of St. Crispin pocketed his bribe | he run in debt with tradesmen, he agroed | for some time. | ustrlia, Mr. Bruce, is curator of the A for them, but the effect of thes | and started home. Arrived there he pro- | to give piano lessons, and collected his Gi Botanical Gardens, and while | FOL U Administration is sue' gn wi 0 | ; ; PR | oi y i : : elections dn the Adm a ceeded to '* count" his treasure to see that | fees in advance; he run up a taverh bill of : : dh giving botanical evidence in some thistle be very disastrous. --.Boston , {he was not cheated. He took off the | £28; ind he made a will devising the in-| AN Egyptian army is advancing into | prosecutions, similar to that already cited, oy : | wrapper, and Jo ! he had nothing but cir- | come of his copyright songs to Mrs. Syd- | Abyssinia, and a battle is inént, a8 he stated thet an_ infallible way to destroy cular pieces of baser meta) with a silver | ney Smith. Unfortunately while he was | an Abyssinian ray has been 'summoned | thistles was, just before the bud began'to | coin at each end. On finding that he was | at the top of his enjoyment, somebody | 'to resist the invaders. form, to cut the root through with a spade "sold" he returned to the poll and de- | who knew the real mith saw him. and | " t mi ; | about two inches below the surface; also | 1 ' 4 I don't miss my "church so muth as a . manded vehemently to be allowed to vote | proclaimed him an impostor. He was you suppose," said a lady to her minister, | that the practice of cutting them above for Mr. Trow, declaiing that he was | carried to prison, when it was soon dis- | who had called wpon her during herillness, the surface was an utter. waste of both bought with ""iron" money. The de- | covered that he was the Herr Weippart | "for I make Betsey sit at the window as | money and labour, as thistles thus treated " hit o other Methodism of the OP sens to be able to éxplain the mat- | Perth, SR. Trow mand, of course, was ref , where-upon: | for whom a wife mourtel in London, and | youn as the bell begins to chime, and | invariably sprang up again with a greater snatter wit H 0 other : ly, honorably, | ter, more than that jealously is at the | peice Edicard, Ross. ........:. he grew very wiathy and declared that he | about whose fate the public had been 80 | 4) ne who are going to church, and | number of heads than before.-- Pure lad, #lies all Se ct freely, ' {ottoman of it. - Peel. Smith would upset the whole election. | long excited, | whetter they have got anything new." | Gold. oki eo2nl 1) A 7 , Smid goo | + | terial support, bat day thousand dollars, ti COO OS SOS Dm Ministerial. EH * COMO - ® ' : A : 4 Ve hohrtily recinr the fricadli- | ness existing between and sympathy mani- a fuested by the various. evangelical churches in the Jaxd, and deem it very desirable COCOSOOCOOTTCOOOOCOOCOO=OD o COO HN NM MM MOO NM HM MO MOO MOO MO OD Oh © je © O [--E-X-R-F~] =] other, thereby increasing their r foree for good. Our peopis are satisfied with our systein of church government as it is; yet, for the sake of the imfication of Mothodisin in this Dominion, we thiik they would be willing to make any swem- fice not involving eounscientous vi FM OMMONODC OOO DS int i hut i © tt nk os © Dt 1k pt 4 5 © © bt ft fot i bi 13'S Opposition. oe do away with the unseeming specta ERO Pe A OLE Rd a ee ea. -- $1 i . i] oo it NEEM ECC EE ae. = Coo o0ccoOoOOCeo COSC OOS ~COORD

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