Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 23 Aug 1872, p. 2

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Ea tra HHS qt LNT Em ------------ ; ELEC.ION NOTES. a. = E | Sir Jolin has wisely reconsidered his de-! ~ as ~ S termination to oppose Hon. E. Blake in; Qraed Trunk Time Table. South Bruce, aud has backed down from : -- hs wri and sure Sefont there. Mr. Ww : :. urdon has re-entered, av OSHAWA STATION. --Ofawa TIME. | Hundon hus re-enters eg Seid, & victim, Fs a.m. | _ Bit Francis Hincks was badly besten in ... 847 p.m. | South Braut by Mr. Pattesson, by over oo ROOP. 0. | 200 majority. It is said be will affor in Cardwell. : -i a 3 North and South Wentworth are sound, | having elected Kynoal and Bain by large a i Se a | IAjoTItieN, i "ORNALWA POST OFFICE. Wust Peterboro has been gsined--Mr. The mallsare closed at (hisoffice, by Post Ove | Bertram beating Mr. Cluxton by 40 ma- time as follows: | jority. purchased by Trains going East leave Whitby Station ten inntes warlicr, and those going West fificen inv 'es Water than the above. - Soixe EAST. GOING WERT, North Ontario has been orning mail; 6.00 | Morn, iL 7.00 | Gibbs' -- ! for the t Bread Ba E | ME WIR | ee sot er havi ore Trai roe (RAL, | seats by a liberal expenditure of money -- Tam; dally, Sundays excepted. | neither of then were returned by the free The Engilsh mail, via. Quebec, is closed at 7.30 | voice of 'the electors. If the Daminion ot TIS ean aiday Evening. andvia. New York | o gorion law was similar to that of Ontario; The Mai! for Enfield, Foley, and Taunton, is | this county be represented: by two Reforin members, : East aud West Toronto have gone as closed a: 12.30 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday. | Registered Letter should be Mailed 15 minutes | Wefore the : et | expected, with the ministry; Lut the .cen- tre division returned Wilkes, .a'sound :Re- heur of closing a 1- ail. =o: {i former, | " OFFICE HOURS. "From 8 o'clock a. m. until 7.p. mm ) < : efor North and South Wat floo proved rue, hein: iN | eta Messrs. Bowman aud Young by : eee | A@CIAmMation, 3 "Oshawa, Friday, August 23, 1872. i a yh a wa SEE oe 4 ¢ on Pie UNION AND PROGRESS. | East York re-elected Mr Metcalfe by | neclamation. ** Wandering Wiilie" Mac- * Union and Pg: sress," such is the new | dougall wanted, this seat, aud Juin i" name of the wou.d be ** great party " now aipea ance a thé numinatie or refirad + ho 4d 8 - -~ . An power; once jroud, perhaps justly, | South Wellington rturned the staunch *without doubt, honestly, of the name | Ny Stirton by acclamation. Conservative. The name Tory'is in bad | T) winistry have secured the return of repute, smélls musty, partakes too much of | Mr. Floslier in East Grey, aud Mr, Far the odor of the Family Compact, is «| row in North Huron--no gain." "0 * remembrance of the reveilions of a people | Monck has been taken from tte Min- "ruled and crushed by nujust laws, and istry--KEdgar defeating McCallum by a ence ** rattle his Lones over the stoues, | suring of 42. i ond i Tor im ...'| Cornwall is again in Reform fine. H. bury him in E:ypt's lund." There it is | gop diield Macdonald finding it useless for evnsigned in the red-hot lava of righteous | a supporter of the Dommion Government -~ detestation--in the bottewmless cesspool of | to seck election, withdréw from the con- 'eternal reproach and condemnation. Four | test, aod Dr. Bergin was elécted by ac- | clamation. months ago the Cuarservative party be. | In. Ontario. thus far. the Reformers came ashamed of their nane, sad iu seeret | | y : rp ve gained fifteen seats, and lost only | council the question arose, we must change the name of our party? 'How, and what ! Character we s\n it change; but: never mind, dress-a villian in broadcloth, and in two. Meeting of the Behooi Truste's. A special meeting of the Board was » the ey:s of the unthinking he is.a 'gentle- | man. Well, thought he, who sits in the big chair, there is a: great deal in/a nawe, g-cat men before we have thought se; eveed and character have striven and ap- paséntly bee chanzed, by change of name. 1 guess I'll call myself the ** workingman's friend," and the decree is my 'party shall be eallel " Unioa_ and Péogross. Glorious ! brillisnt ! «mn te tiivujh and victory ! long live our conquering chief! --shouted 'the saborlinates, the -illing Slaves aromhd the theune, R. McGee.--Tlmt Mr. Tamblyn -be ap- Uaion, forsooth ; well, yes, but pointed Head 'Master of the Eigh Schuol coalition we imagine would ft better, -- upon the terms stated in his 1 ppliestion. Bir John A. and Sir Francis now wolk | ourried. A ' srr in arm ; how long ago is it since the Moved by Mr. Warren, seconded by. J. former called the latter a steoped-to-the- | yy Fowke,--That Mr. Si d Li held on the 15¢h imc. Members present: Messrs. McGee, Cowan, Warren, Fowke, Smith, Carmichael, and Drs. Coburn and McGill. | Messrs. Tamblyn, Bryce and Tavis, offer- ing for the Headmastership of the High School. Also from Mr. Sunmnonds and two others offering for situsiion of master of senior division of boys in Common School. Moved by J. WwW, Fowke, ~soconded Communications were received from | ONTARIO As was expected, the attempt of the | One 'had his 'knee-arp broken, Giblses to fasten & charge of wrong-duing on members of the Reform party, has fall- en to the" grou. 'On Saturday Knex was discharged, there being uo evidence to criininate Bim. It was made plein that two of Mr. Gibbs' voters got drunk--as | too many of them unfortunately will do-- and while in that state. one of them was injured by the upsetting of the bugyy in which they were riding. Tux many friends of €he late Sergt, Crockhart, who left here for his home in Scotland' last spring, for the benefit of his health, will learn with regret that he dicd at his home, on the 30th day of July last. Mr. Crockhart worked in the Joseph: Hall Works for some time, 'where he -made many warm friends among his fellow work- men, and was-réspected by sll who knew him. He die@-at the age of 24 years. Taerr.--A young man who gave his name as Willi Smith, was apprehend- ed on "Torsday and brought before John Parker, Esq., for having entered the house of Mr. Thos. - Henderson, Dun. bartor, while the family were at the funeral of Mrs. Synott, and stolen a watch, which was found upon him when captured, and sworn to by the owner as his property. Smifh accountéd for the watch by saying that he bought it from a 'stranger on the road for two dollars, all the wosiey he'had. He was ¢ iaded poured in streams : and I have j jared. a received a blow on thee dorchead cutting a deep gash, from which the blood sen Mold that another Rofurmter an eyo knocked out. I cannot ascertain the ex- tent of the cnsualitios ; but if anything uld wake the Te more oo iy party disgrace- ful, their conwuct y has dowe it. Reformers never sttempted to interfere | Whats ina name 7" A ORMER, OSHAWA, | Rose by any bass same." &c. t A fow quent chases tae Tories have made, with- aa the lassTiorty years, in the uae by which they desire ier party to be desig- nated. We again reier tw she matter, 1a vrder to be a lttle wore suslytie. The word Tory, says vue of our best English lexacograpis is, 1s un lrish word, denotiug a with the Tory ions ; and to-day's events have shown on which side the rowdies are . For unadultersd blackguardism, Toronto Tories carry off the palm. Capt. Prince of the Police fosce has also proved himself a genuine sugak. The Turies were allowed to build bonfires on their days of victory, but to- night Prince ordered every fire to be put the junction of King and York Streets, but in a few minutes a squad of police, the crowd, striking right and left. An imwense crowd gathered, which Prince ordered to disperse. This command aot being obeyed (aud rightly), the police asain and gain charged, using their bat A ber of persuns have been injured, but with the exception of one man, who is net expected to live, his head having boen smashed by the police, no serious wonnds were inflicted, as far as [ can ascertain. The police were totally un ustified iw wsing their batons ; and if any weapons had been handy th'y would have received a sound drubbing. There is great excitement throughout the city, tha Tories having taken their defeat with any deviltry. \ without a blot to gaol to await his trial at the Assizes.-- Cox, Tue long-talked of Buffalo hunt at Niagara Falls is to take place, without fail, on the 28th and 30th inst. Several Buffaloes, captured at the foot of the' Rocky Mountains, will be let loose in a park specially prepared for the occasion. when they will be pursued and hunted ighted, shrewd, an on his character. public speaker will contrast strongly with the vapid nonsense of Beatty and Craw- ford. He has an ** English face," and has red bhair--more politely called, * Straw. berry blonde." It is said to be a sign of genius, Geniusor not, heis M. P. for Centre Toronto, and John A. will have to young man Sake his seat on the Opposi- tion Benches--for a short time at lous. down by a number of the Sace and Fox | Indians, dressed in full war costume, | mounted on fleet ponies brought from the | plains. The whole will be under the wanagement of the famons scout, Mr-| | Wm. Hickok, better known as *' Wild | Bill." Awple roow has been provided for 50,000 spectators, which will be secuved from danger by a fence *'strong i |40 resist an elephant." Admission cents. Hunt to commence at three | o'clock. é Ea "Lorrespondence. I TT | Toronto Correspondence: { To the Editor of the Untario Reformer.: Dear Sin, --8ince writing my previous letter, 1have teen mentally discussing whether or not I should write another; | but as the weather is hot, and as Beatty | | was elestod for East Toronto, and as I | have a boil onomy baud, I feel specially | mad and mahgnant, and 'have fiendishly | resolved todallict owe more latter va ths | | patrons ofthe RerozMes--aend of course t yout will publish it, .hecanse if you don't Sin oune d wa there and read one lips corruptionist I Carticr was once the tivll be acoeptl,. and itha* the raukest of rebels. Who was the most at Mr. edhe by ar bitter spponent.to confederation I Howe. | (354 the school commence on Mouday 19 "Who has been seduced from his party by G... yo the prospective pu'scssion of honors and | quo C0 School property pre: -emoluments ! and who had uot the conrage sented their reyort. ! +o say, get thee behind me Lucifer! Wa, Moved by Dr. Coburn, seconded by J! ¥lacdougal. Whata Union! How trae Fowke; That ths suport tbs reecived Resayirg, + Lirés fa feather foek to. | 4 1].pted, aud that the Chairshas grant F-gether. ". Wait biads maa ors of a cor pis oder on the Treasurer for the.follesw- aupt Government together? Love of ing accounts: Luke & Bros., $68; 'Walwer power. What seals the agree.nent | Mon y. dts a : 'What is the. bond of unicn among the Ministeralist party ! Possession of power. Why the subserviency. of their sdbord. inates? Hope of profit! deep schemed villiany and whiskey ! Harpy union ! "Progress," which. way I €) ward? if so, mot willingly. The first word ** Union" we grant them, but " Progress," that ; x word was stolen, or 'tis the watchword °C Dery ia the tent Tevsytly, will preach of the Liberal R-form | party of the in the Christian Church, next Sunday, at Dominion. We fear not successful con- | > Pm. he i x ; -traidicsion when we assert that the majority | dy we are gd to. %ep that the bridge of those laws and works thst have blessed wiithe Base Live, nurth of Brook's hotel, | is being Pepaired, but it was net before it | needed it. : It is rumored in Gtawa that J. M. Smith, $1.50; James Smith, $153.75; Tali amy, $4.25; nn all $252. A -------- Tae Grand Truuk pic-uic will be held iu the pine grove, sugith of the railway station, in Bowmanville, to-morrow. our land, opened up our country's re- sources, augmented the iudustrial wealth, made the working community contented and prosperous, have been wrung by Currier, iM.P., will be elevated 'to the | calm, united, and det:rmined efforts by Seuate ; and that Sir Francis Hincks will the Reform party from tie Conservative ry his luck in that city. .and now would-be " Union and Progress." | Mz. JouN ALEXANDER offers his farm "When the propriety and excellency of for sule, on rewsmable' terns. The pro- these measurvs were made manifest, then = perty is a valuable one, snd will be sold these from whom they were wrung would at a bargain. See advertisement in an- wave their-'hat and shout, we are the othes column. T party ! weage ihe. party ! harra fur our We would remind cue readers. of the side ! ¢ 5 | auction sale on 'Toceday next, when Mr. 'Union and Progress," the rallying ' Juhu Hwilion will sell a lot of farmeetock © ery of the Ministeralist party ! Crows-and ' p,uschold property, etc. Sale at one * Valtores ! what a union! Wii believes D. Bishop, auctioneer. Kee ad- an double dealing! Wit party has out. | yemisement. { 733 64 the Feetil comtisation 1 -N0o'8 | wyyrrnyy i's, yyy uf holidiy on Miniicy opposed to thé independence of Paria. | Sead? " i : | next. Cau't we have 6ne here l ** Which ment! Who are opposed to trials of cou- | would you rather do or fishing," is troverted elections by judges! Who iu- th d f the. 4 A i » ide e conundrum of the day ; and we think sulted patriotic Canadian Jeelings by Mi Xn ' Rg the majority would go fishing - 'Let us abandoning the Fenian Raid Ciaiwus ! have a hutiday and try them. "Who 'refuse to give an account of the | y 8 secret service moucy | Who are this day | IMMEDIATELY after the orch.light pro- opposed to the princi) I2 of representativu | cession passed wn 'Wednesday evening, a by population! Which party possesses | ligh'ed torch was-discoversd on the roof within itself the "esscutial elcments of Of Quigley's hotel. Howiit got-there we rowdyism ¥ Which | ays aiter au Election | have been unable to find out. But cer- the largest? whitkey bill 1 Which party | tain ilfs, had it not bee seen at the time ". when growing weak, to bolster theuwselvos the hotel would have been 1 up alopt th: policy of the Opposition WE are pleased terhiaar of the "appoint- Which ? ** Union aud Progress," i. e. those | mount of Me. W. W. Tamblyn, of New- who now are esmbined together for the | cusile, to the position: of Pris cipal of the possession of power aud hope of gain, a Ushawa Ligh School. 'Wewillbe pleased «corrupt party organization, a building to welcomes Mr, Tamblyw.as% eitisen of- whese foundation .is saud, whose tiwbeors | Oshawa. and scan assure onr citizens that are rotten, and whose ** progres," neces- they will find .in him. a thorough gentle- sarily, is towards complete doscrucsion, | wan aud a good teacher. sud eternal detestation. ---------- RIOLLNG id beLFAST. o'clock. | Tae Joseph Hall 'Company are-filling an: order [from Mr. iH. H. Cook, member weet far North Sinveop; for nisSaw Mill, "An alarming riot has beau in Progics | chusisting off «eight wthivty-bve. horse J; W. T. Atkinson, $3.10; D. Wu A; Fexy, of Rochester, who labor, | Lan tt BU BEBE RB A | | Gibbs' puign'doggerels to you, ip | | proceeding; I weoliove, would bring a de- | | funct mule te Mfe, in 'otder <0. kick the | | render to death; and then the oid .m.le | could quote scripture and say '* his dam- | nation 'is just." { On Friday evening last, Beatty's crowd | held a wiesting ~on the Market oi | |:Sir Juhn made a speech; and the Globe's | insinuation that he was intoxicated at the | | timomig tas well have been a distinct | affirmation. of the fact--for fact it was, | | Mr. Witton, the workingman's Hamilton | | representative, also spoke; and 1 think he | is going to make 8 useful wember of Par- tment, and one who will vot ** huuckle | { down" to John A. After the speeches | were over, « ohn A. was lifted into a carri. | | age, and drawn by a twelve-snan team | of human horses to the Quzen's Hitel. | | The horses were about fourteen hands | | high, of a dark, muddy color, and with | white spots in their faces. They sadly | needed grooming, and no. doubt a little | | water would have improved them; but | John A.'s face forbid all appearance of that liquid. He sat on the lowered car- | riage cover, with his feet resting on the seat, aud' holding his hat in his hand. [| walked close beside the carrigge for acon- siderable distance, in crder to take a good look at the Premmer. Yon know, Mr. Editor, that I 'have always expressed a high opinion -of him; tut I must confers thatslsedldeksand-acti<ns-on that -evening | dlost made 'me believe all that the Globe | has said against him. He leered anid ges- | ticulated like a drunken man, and there could not le a shedcw «f a doubt | but that he was drunk. Even bis adher- | ents admit there was 'something the | matter," but say that he as "inte xicated | with success." That's a good scatence; | if 1 kept an hotel now, I would just hang | out d-kitie sign; thus: -- TRY A GLASS . OF . : JOHN A.'S SUCCESS! : : ONLY FIVZ CENTS. : On Saturday there was great excitement in the city, in consequence of the election | It was fully expected by the T rics that Beatty would have a majority of at least 400; and in the morning tie Leder came out with a statement that there was uoth-{ ing to prevent Beatty being elected bya | majority of 1,000. Upto o'clock, how- | ever, O'Donchue was 13 ahead. The | i party of Onions and Progress," became desperate, aud every means was resorted to to obtuin votes.. It is safe tosay that Beatty's majority was purchased eutirely, as his comw .ttee worked like beavers dur- | ing the forenoon, trying to head O Dono- hue, but they could not do so. A large | number of the lower class of voters had | purposely refrained from voting 'hitherto, | thinking to 1aake a little money by their | votes. The secret service money did the i job, and thus was Beatty elected: This atty is a mean, hypocritical looking man, and when I ses him I can't lielp thiriking of Buru's '* Holy Willie." From the manner in which he dresses lis hair, .bolders - themselves, .and invited them aud from his very wise and sanctifieflepk he alse reminds me of a Virginia Horned Ow? ! | In West Toronto the Tories also-elécted | their candidate. But I must here remark that in neither constitnency had strictly . in the city of 2:lfast, Ireland, for a few | puweriboilors, three of 'which 'hevesheen | Political principles anything to do wit days past, cusel by disagreements bo- tween balils of Catholics and Orangemen, Coasideraie figatia gz hv taken place, aud sds blood spils. Ta: eilil anthorities fiadiag the ussives uaable w gael distur | baiices, resigucd the towto las muiary power, and wartiai lw was vroclaimed | « throughoat ths city va Tosdiy. Ware. houses were attacced, pilagebi znd de- - stroyed, aad a gras dal of robbery ling .been committed. -It is believed ths priv cipal object of tae rioters is pluoder. At tempts werganal: to fire the city, and some iustanc:s tue 1uccadiarizs were €a)- tured. The pablic hiuses have been en+ | shipped ; the others, it tis expected, will follow next weék. 'The whole will mmaount toabout $20,030. Tue 04d Fellows ofi Pars Parry Thave mide arrangenents for mgraull #xourdion via the P."W.&'P. I. TR. IR. so ortiPasry and frou thers «tw tamiisgy iby steamer. The Bownmuville, Odhmwa, Wilby smi oiler Lodges will itskogastiin it. Mbout fiverhaurs will ibe speut rin Lindlemy, where a new! Lodge. df «Odd Fellows will ibe axgun- pized on that day. "Tickote Sor wdle iin Ushawa by W. H. Lukes and R. 'Gutt: Mr. Issac FruncH is the champion , tary will forcibly clear the steeets if the #0uMe ofthe largest berries we have ever ; «and additioual troops have been set. fur. | "f them; * Fasly Wilsons " measured three STs ray. dered t> close, and cemiin so until fur- | Blackberry grower in this secticy. He ther Ordacs; aad it insanl that the wii | DRUELL to onr office, on Tuesday last, rioting is not speedily abate. Stores av | sven, "Karly Wilsons" aud " Kittating's,' «closed and business cutirely sus euded, | Picked strasdon fro his bushes. One . There are heartreadiig sceiies ut thus. | ia hes andan.cighthihy. thee and a half. pitals, where a largs number of vices | They are loscions and we dodut if they | respectatulity and | she result. As in Hamilion and other [.places, the bogus ** workingmen " ery was | the muddy, turbulent stream which floated | the Tory bulky. Had it nut been for 'fhe Priuter's strike, three Reformers-<worid mmsuredly have besn elected for Turento-- George Brown, it is generally undessteod, {would have been the representative dor Bas. Toronto. En passant 1 .may also dino state thers is a romor in the city to 'the effect that if Blake resigus from Ducham wither Brown or 0'Dennhue will stake his place. Wilkes was to-day electell 4or Centre Toronto, and there is great rejoicing among Reformers. At the ¢lose of the poll Mr. Wilkes was eseorted through the streets by a monster peweession, which for completely eclipsed the combined parades iu honor of Beatty and Crawford. %t isto be hoped that the ail will never-wrefer to Réform rowdeyism again, after the incidents of t- day. * "As the procéssion "wis "passing the Mail office, corner of King sad Bay Streets, it was attacked by a mob of rowdies (John A's * friends"), who at- témped. to stop it. Clubs, stones, &c., extent, : 878 being eared for. _ | ean be bustinahis jar nliheasuntyys © :{ were free'y used aumber of His opponent, Shanly, wears a strawbciry blonde nose, but that is said to be ouly a Hin of "John A.'s success." Like Mr. shbe, er. Wellsii must be satisfactory to his friends to kuow that he hus vow plenty of | | leisure to keep up "adivilova tila." Toronto, August 21, 1872. Second Dominion Parliament. such a bad grace shat they seem ready for | r. Wilkes is quite A. Juuiig man, buf | His great abilities as a | experience the chagrin of seeing this rising | Shaply. is said to be a great think- | robber or a suvage, or trou toree, g ve ine, [ e., your wouvy. Llus signilication 1s as applicable w-day, to the party in power, a8 1t was 8X hundred yeais age. He then Proceeds 1 say a Lory nowas "an suvocate ui the theory of the Divihe right of kihgs | to reign, and of hereditary sucesssim to | the throne; au opponent of elective wou- | supporter of the uuion betwsea Cytreh | aud state--ghe Siaie cuaspteunnyg she | agd the vaurca lending sanctity aud spirit- | ual sustanity io the acs of the Sia e; vas who scuks to preserve the present consti- F tution, aud to uphold the riyal, ecclesias- t.cal arstocraiical institniiobs, as belog ia thanselvey right and good, aad who 1s adverse to any change, especially in the ail advocate of elass distinctions und priv- ilages; a weber of te Conservative par- ty, us opposed to the Whig, Badicil, or pro- gressive party.', Well, as we said betore, the words Tory and Conservative are sy- nonyms. It 1s a change in name, but not in principle. Moderate Consero.dive--that 8, Moderate Tory.: Muodarate rubber was a later change ia: name, without change in pruciple. * dull the . old | Toryisms is at the bottom of all | Next the No-party designation came, which was adopted because the Tories | were ashamed to call themselves Tories, Conservatives, or even Moderate Conserva- tives ; bat the new name was dropped in a short time, because it really had no practical mesuing-in it, aud the Tory | leaders christened themselves the U. Prog. party. » Thas they came back again: to a party desigustion, -deatical in meaning with the vid risa word, Lery :--a robber -- give me youg money ; for Feud. signines to wander abut and beg--to steal --to tilch--one wh) wanders about begging, saying, "give." Now, this is what the leader of thy Tory party -- Sir John A. | Macdona d and Sir Fra:cis Hiicke-- have been doing for mouths. They wander | about begyihyg the people oi Canada to elect wewbgrs to support them in office, which supplies them with the weaus of living. 'Lhe U. Prog. party are those who a erubol ah the fro) way of exteusion of deimocéatical power; | The Secret Bervice Maney . The Muilin speaking of the Secret Ser- vice Fund, says: * Every one must know that thero is .mot a single of this fund expended of. avhich a strict sud par- ticular acesynt is kept. There is a i ' who makes $he entries; she knows every | dollar that is spent. HfL ithe for a mo- ment supposed that Sir Jobn 'A. u- ald, or aLy other prime minister, would | place himself in power of an oilicial of the | Government, as Ms. Mcdougall said | at the Ewst Toronto nomindtion, leave | himself open. to be * blown up" at any moment! The thing is absurd. These assertions of the Mail are nothing more | than a tissue of falsehoods, or else Sir John uttered a tissue of falsehoods when out. A few tar-barrels were set on fire at | archy aud of tepuilicsn go erumont; a | before the'Commiitee of. Accounts of the | House, and on several subsequent ovea- | sions when addr-sting various public as- headed by Dandy Prince, charged amoig | Churc. by declarative act and eudowment semblages at different places throughout ! Ontario. When Bir John was before the | Committee onPublic Accounts he declared he lial used large sums of the secret ser- | vice money for purposes which were utter {ly unk own -to any person but himself; even his colleagues in ths Government | were not parmitted to know for what pur- pose he had used a portion of tho fund. 3 it p.obable that he would trust secr~ts to the mere clerk of a department, which Taox shingles have been recently patent- od, and are said to be lees expensive than slate. are made alwut six inches in sige, ang fastened-wilh headless nails. A PROFESSIONAL tea-taster "in England recently met with an accident on a railwa, Eby which his soLSC iw was. impai roby nnn usliless capacyy, and a jury 4 ed him £1,000 bowen 1 Durixa the year ending February, 1873, six firms in the Dominion alove, viz: Avery, Biown & Co., Halifax; T. B. Barker & Sons and: Haningten Brothers, St. John: Evans, Mercer & Co, sud Lyman, Clare & Co., Montreal, and North- Rrop & Lyw wn, Newcastle, Ontario, have purchased the enormous quantity of forty- nine thousand four hundred bottles of Follows' Compound Syrup of Hypophes- phities. A Fizxpien OuTeAGE.--A most brutal and fiendish criue has been committed in the Towuship of Easthopt, some villain who disgraces the nume of man having cut out the tongues of two fine horses belonging to Mr. W. Hambuch, whilst they were grazing in the pasture field. the discovery was made on W ay morning, on the Juve animals being brought into the stable, when they were foun unable to eat their oats. n ex- ination showed thit about six inches he wonld az a matter of prudence with- old from the trusted of his colleagues in the Government! He made the statement in s2veral of his public addresses that he made to the Committee on Public Ac- counts. But every one says, the Mail, "" must know that there is not a single dollar of this fund expended of which a s'rict and particular account is not kept." Sir John, however, when before the Com- mittee of Accounts of the House of Com- mona, declared there was no such account kept, and he positively refused to give any account of how he had spent the money. Which are we to believe--the Premier of the Dominion and the head proprietor of the Mail, or his subordinate and hench- man! The statement of one is diametric- ally opposite to that of the other--bhuth cannot be frue---and we choose to believe the superior in position. No man knows | bit BircJohn, and probably no man bat him will.ever knov what became of the £167,009 reported by him te have been | svent in the secret service. He may have | put the half of it in his own pucket for | aught we or anybody else knows, except- | ing himself; or it oy have been devoted to election purposes for anght we or any one else knows, excepting himself. There | is nothing to show what became of the may be designated as wanderers and beg- | money, and this is the sum and substance | Grey, 8. R., Landerkin { Grey, N. R., Souder | Ontario, N. R., W. H. Gibbs. . th: p | eviumenced. The | were crush ag towards the door that all ONTARIO BEPRESESTATIVES | occupy the public offices in order that they may obtain a livelihood therefrom. These | are the leaven of the olden Torie. --rob- bers in Irish. They have changed their | name so often that they have completed the circle, and come back to. the designa- tion of U, Progs--that is--United Beggars and Filchers. Out of office, they beg for office; aud in' office, they filch the people | of their money --not lawfully, but unlaw- | fully : and there is hardly unewof the tnbe lin the country, holding office, against whom the charge has not been brought and proved. Party of Union and Progresw, forsoath ! Brant, 8. R. Patterson Brockeille, Buell. 'Carlton, Rochester. . .. Cornwall, Berzin Dundas, Gibson Durham, W, K., Blake Elgin, East, Harvey Essex, O'Connor Fron'enac, Kirkpatrick Grenville, 8. R., Brouce ccc occ coc o Independent. of ** The United Party of Prey." It would 0 | hot ditfer much from the meaning pf Toree, and if they must have r new name, it { would be just as well"to 'taken synomym, | thus.preserving she origiasl signiication | | #8 She nvne bv which they. wese first | | known. -- Ham. Times. : "* A rose by any name would smell as sweet,' = A ---- MISREPRESENTATION. By the-miact impudent fals fi 'atious the | Ministerial organ sacceeds in waxing out | | that a very large majority of the wewn- bers elect for the Sccoudl Dominion Par- ilament are supporters of th preseut Ad- ministration, now to make a couplete classifica on of | all the new!y returned members, it may not be amiss to point out some +f the u is- | | statements on: which tie Ministerial ma- | jority is made to depend. For example, although the coutest is now ever for som { days, in North Bruce, the organ has not vet discovered that Mr. Gilues, a pro- neaneG Opposdifi- nists, t kos the place of M:. Sproat, a thorough paced su)jorter | of the Ministry. Mr. Price is put down as Ge, E.R. Hainil'on, Chisholm ........... ." Witton Hastings, N. Hastings, W. K., Brown .... . llastings, E. K., White Hwrou, N.R., Farrow Kent, Ste, Lenson Kingston, Macdonald Lan ». 8. R., H. Ln vk, N. R.. Guorath Leeds & Granville, N. R ,Jones, Lennox, Cartwright AE LAE Lincoln, Merrit : Lond wn, Carling Monck, Edgar. . . .. Niagara, Morrison. Norfolk, Charlton Northumberland, W.R,Cockburn Without attempting jus: | Ontario, 8. R.T.N. Gibbs Ottawa, Currier " Lewis beeh, Swith . ............. - Pderboro', E. K., Grove Peterboro', W.Ai., Bortra. . . Prescott, Hagar, Russell, Grant... |.... Simcoe, 8. R., Little... Simcoe, N. R., Cok Storemont, Archild Toronto, Cen're, Wilkes Toronto, E.. Beaty. ......... . Toronto, W., "rawiord Waterloo, N. R., Bowman. Waterloo, 8. R., Young Welland, Street .............. '0 | bec. though the clection has not yet ¢ une | off in that constituency, aud Mr. Price i | actively opposed Wy Mr. Duagnay. Mr. Rochester, the new mewber for Carleton, Ontario, is set down as a supporter of the Mivistry, though he was elected in spite | of all the official opposition which could 0 be brought to bar against him, and 0 | though his own newspaper has deiine.d his 0 | position to be that of un independent mem- 0 ber instead of Benean, the Ministerial 0 candidate, being elected for Kefe, N. BR 0|it is Mr. Cuiler, Oppositiogist. Mr. 0 | Francis Junes, of North Leeds nd Gren 0 | ville is most assuredly to be glased in the 0 | list of Indevcndents if anyauan is. Messrs. 1, Richard, of Megautic, .and Maillogx of 0 Temisconata, in the Province df Quebec, -- | have both requested thut-their aames be 3 | withdrawn fiom the lat of members pledged to support the Administration. , Jahn O'Briens Four Great Shows. Mr. Ross of Victoria, N. 8., is sn out and I out opponent of the Miaistry; Mr. Swith The entry of this- truly great eombina- | of West Moreland is siso cisimed zs such tion of four shows was effectually accom- ton the local press; amd Mossrs. Pichard NOC MNO OM MO HNOC OOO HOMO O HOHE CCOC OOOO mS © hm © hh i Opposition. oc occ cecoc ec ccc oooCCO~Cc Oc oc coacoce Wentworth, N.R., i York, N.R., Doidge York, East, Mctcalfe COCA A Or er mM OC eC HM HOO MO Mir mM mM MO MO MMO CO ir rm mim mim HM = OOO MO SCC SCC © Ministerial. plished on Wednesday morning imwediate- | aud Killam are at least 1.dependents, if iy preceeding the grand parade of all the'r | not declared opponents of the Ministry. wagnificient stock and the long array of | We might add to this list almost indeti- wagyons, dens, &. The appdarance of | witely; but thembe vd mistakes will suffice the cavalcade in our streets did not belie | as specimens of the innecuracy of the or- the promises which had be:n made respect- | gun's classificitior, aud show how far its ing it. It wasindeed a remarkable sight reliability is to be depended upon in pre- nd the croxds who watched and waited | paring a list of Ministerial and Opposition mlong the advertised route wi: nd fe members: "I'Mer:: are at least 18 so call d sion, gave vent to their genuine delight | Ministerialists: who cannot be relied on to «and surprise in hearty and prolungsd wan- | support the Mit istry on any test vote: of Jfestation of pleasure, as each glittering | these a very large proportion will probably scnge passed hy, drawn by the magnificent | go heartily into opposition to it when the dapple greys attached. The attendance at | House meets. They are all claimed as of was i Ai the | Union men, and so they doubtless are; but afternoon exhibition notwithstanding a | the friends and advocates of Union aud heavy fall of shin at a most oppoitane | Progress are not all og one sde in this moment the capacious caavas was crowds l | contest, and that the misplaced members while at the evening show the sale of tick- knows just as well as those who, to serve ets had to be stopped by Mr. O'Brien early | their own' purpose, cook up & false and in the evening and bef..re the perfor {'peisleading classification. Calling one set in losing the | of men:by the tide ** Unionists" implies sele of tickets annovnced to the mass who | that their-opponents are in favor of break- ing up the Confederation cf the Provinces "the seats were -occupied, and very little | or it mens nothing stall; and yet vvery 100m left even 'te stand in and witness the one knows that nowhere, not even in Nova perfcrma He reminded them that he | Scotia, was this one of the questions of the w 8 doing this in justice to the ticket | hour at ali. Such clap-trap is simply childish and deceives no one. The relative number of Ministerialists, Oppositionists, and Independents, accord- ing to.therorgan, are 87, 22 and 6. If tak- ing ita own figures, and neglecting both North Bruce and the constituencies which returned members yesterday, we?deduct either to get their money buck or clse save the tickets for auvther day as they were good any time through the four days. No such throngs have ever gathered to witness any perf as. have greeted this c' m- bination during the two days they have gars--office-scckers--men who ~esire to | They had far better adopt the designation | | the member eect for Chicoutni in Que- | been, in "Montreal, and as far as we are able to judge their stay might have been prolonged for a week to their greatest pe- Laniary: "The above was clipped {rom a late issne | of she Montreal Gazette and is enlogistic of probably the finest, as it is the largest tised to give cue parformance in Oshawa on Thursday August 29th, when those of our citizens who having read their adver- tisement are sceptical can accept the very fair offer they make, to see the procession, and count the cages of living wild animals and the spans of beautiful dapple grey horses as they pass through the streetesf Oshiawa. Were the management imppst- show ever orgsnized. They are adver- | 18 from: the Ministerial side and give as we have a perfect right t) do, a large propor- tion of them to the Opposition, we, get a return of nearly forty opponents of th WGovernment for seventy supporters, with a large list of Independents, all of whom | wre at lenst as likely to ally themselves | with ability ana integrity as with moral and intellectual worthl and imbe- cility. When the matter is viewed in this light, and whon it i~ recollected that there are over seventy elections yet to ¢ m> off, | the larBe major ty of which are iv. R iorm | strongholds, the prospect is exceiicut for returning a. numercial majority against | the Ministry. But even this does not rep- | resent the situation fairly; when ihe Que- | | bec members and these of the lowyr, Prov- inces come tw be properly classified, it will «l . reason ine Jhidiren fora half Lulidey. be found that Sir John had go for declaring that he could not emrry on the Government without a majority drom ors pewssssed of a poor' show they wad hardly dare brave public disapprobation by: ny such challenge. Therefore it stags to reason that the four shows of O'Bjien will well repay any one to visit it, espegial- ly as one ticket admits the holden $e all the four shows. . Remember the day, Thursday, August £0:h, aud prejsgve the Tory Sassatn Work. --At the door of ane of the churfhes in the North Riding 57 Brant, catds wefe distributed last Sab aath, soliciting the vote and juflaeuce of | the worshippers for the candidates. They evidently are not running. .the religious ticket in that riding. --Hagifon. Tiines. of the whole thing in a nutshell. --Hamil- | ton Times. | - - | | RAVAGES OF AN ESCAPED -REINO- CLROS.. Cwicane,' Angust 16.--A letter from Red Bird, a sinall townin-Monroe County, | HL, gives a tavilliog sesoaat of the escape | from its keepers of the rhinocervus | belimging to Warner & Co.'s meuagerie | and circus, on the oocasion of its being | brought into the ring for the first time. The showmen prepared the animal | for exhibition by attecbing to a ring in { its nose two _stropg wire ropes, and twenty-four. men 'were dee sufficient ts control the beast. It stbmitted quietly tu being led from thecage, but on enterin; the arena suddenly threw up its nn | pluiged madly to the right and left, | broke loose from the men and dashed for vard throngh the tents. Its first vie- tim was John Gillem, a canvas-man; who was knocked down, and, the beat tramp- had been cut off the tongue of one of the unoffending brates, and the tongue of the other had hoen served to the root. Mr. Hambuch is a Reformer, and is held in high respect. He is unaware of having given any offence, political or otherwise, to any one, and the brutal act is there fore eutirely without provaeation. LN . Xm Ord, Thick. -The old game of bogus ills the Tories with success. "Honest men will uot bs grieved to learn that a good number of electors abtained for their votes the use-- leas bills of the defunct International Bank, believing them to be good. We hea~d of a case whers a man received thirty-five dollars of the trash with which to op irate upon his neighbors, and thinking to mike a "little speck™ vin the way of prewium, subs'ituted a like som in silver for the bills and put the latt r away for his priv- ate use. He spent the silver, and after th» election kad taken place, found out the true chnracter of the "International, and that he End victimised "himeelf to the extent of His *" little pile" of hard money. The only le fedture of the Iuternational deception is, that several men in town have innocently been "bitten," having -taken that money 'in payment of accounts. -- Ham: Times, Tux Boston Nation says.--" We are 4 to learn that Lord" Dufferin, the, Dominion of Canada, is a pledged teeto- taller. His reputation is the very best, and we congratulate our Canadian friend Spon the appointment." We do hope the ation speaks what is true but in case of mistake, we will ask one particular friend. Bro. J. M. T. Hannum of Ottawa is to wake the ble induce his Lordship to join. the old Byton Division. If the Earl of Duf- ferin allies himself with our public Order, there is no telling what good might result from such a step. We believe Sir John A. Macdonald was for a shert-time member of the 5 Division at Kingston, and during that tice he was a better man than he is to-day, and we know for certain that the Hoa. Mr. Tilley is one of the strongest memb ors of the Order at this momen in the Diminion --~Pure Gl 1. Loarers.--The following truthful re- marks from the Buffalo Express are re. ingnpoa his breast, he was killed instaut- iy: 2 It next ran its moss against Martin Ready, anvther cauvasman, striking him in the stomach, ripping vat his bowels, and killing him on the spot. It ther wadea | ; ed spectators, and knocked down nearly { all uf the seats on one side of the tent, | dislocating the shoulder of oue of the ewn- | ployers and breaking ths arm of a spect- - |~tor. Running next into the mena, ! tent, iY upset Mr. Forepangh's den of | | perforufing animals, after which it strugk | | the cenfre-pole with its head, bringing 8 | |. down with a erash upon the cages. of the | tiger aug leopard, but not breaking them | so as Yo allow the animals to escap:. | { DasLing into the mus un tent, it broke | all the curiosities, frighten:d all the peo- | ple in the v hborhood, and "rushed out | { through the canvas into the sireet, finally | stopping in a vacant homse, the door of which stood open. Here the wen succead. itinto a evge. The damage to the show | was about $3,000, | -- > <I ----n. Scribners Monthly. Two very seasonable articles in Scrib- | ner's for August are--the enter'aining | paper by Mr. Shauks on *' Yachts | yachting," with pictures of celebrated | yachts, ocean races, ete., and a pleasaut and practical illustrated essay on *' The Canoe: how to build, and. how to manage it." There are also three gterling articles by well known writers on three vital ques- | tions-- Prof. Comfert's ¢ §hquld the study of the Modern precede that-of the Ancient Languages 1" Amasa 's * Labor and capital in Manufactures," and Charles Dudley Warner's " What is yeuv-gulture tome I" Among the illustrated articles are an interesting account of " The Graph- ic Art," by Benson J. Lossing, and *' The Island of Corfu," by Charles K. Tucker- man, late Uni States Minister to Gre-ce. Hans Christian Anderson tells the suggestivy story of *' The Gardener and the Manor," and Miss Annan relates | in aver} fleth snd stziking 'way that of '* Hebe's Juinbles." There is poetry by Lonise Chaudlcr Mvulton, Mary J. Ser- rano and Charles.S. Gage. The depart. went of * Nature amd Seience" is very en- tertaining as well as instructive. *¢ gon and Society," among other papers, a very sensible one ey " Demestic Ethics." In * Culture and Pr " the Juhilee is mentioned, there is something about " Two modes of Prison Di ine," and a long review of latwils Minos he nuam- ber closing with a quaint page tchings, by the Misses Ledyard. _ vos Jom the Manitoban.) It would seem from all appearances that once again the northern portion of the Red River valley is to be the scene of devasion-| which the grasshopper, or rather the locus | has .e0 frequently made it re. For many weeks ramors have ;aflent,, that: the dire plague was im-thevicimity of the Province. Some janghed the sdes do | scorns-others averred that the grasshqpper so far as Manitoba was. was a thing of the ; bat at last sll conjecture has been laid aside, and the grasshopper, is in our midst. Almost in every part of | the Province tl.ey have made their appear- | ance, in greater or less numbers, bute" ery- where they are far too nnmerous. Fortu- | rately for the safety of this year's crops, th v have arrived too late to do much dam- age, althongh at Riviere aux Isle de duis, | they have made complete havoc of some of In the Headingley distriotthey | the farms. seem to be excessively plentiful, bwt the | | fact is they are tog plentiful everywhere. The only hope that remains now, is that the vermin will take flight and leave geriv | swile-and swmile--but nieditete murder the Hoeen has taken place; The commended for eonsideration: -- When an editor has. callacted his thoughts as well us his scraps, aud is ready | to go to work, in comes sombody to scat- ter both, and taiks or wrustles his papers, | and make him feel like pwearing. All busi. ! is resurued anly te be interrupted a doz n tijnes the same way duricg the day. If editors are not sain's they certainly wonld swear, under sach circumstances. but they winile they swiile. If people would only consider that editors Fave work tu do, that the r work requires profonnd stillness, and that very few writers or readers ex un either write ur read unless they are entirely alone' they would notthink an editerial sametu'n so proper - a place to spend their leisure |g hours in. Dress AXD ArrEanas¢e.--~Upon the subject of dress and appearance the New( York Twnes thus remarks: '* A coat that to mach nap and too high a lustre is a | derogatory nce. The best coats | in Broad wag are on the backs of penniless | fops, brokew:down merchants, clerks with pitiful salaries, and pien that do not pay up. The heaviest gold ehain dangles from the fobs of gamblers and gentlemen of very limited m costly 'or ts on ladies indicate to the eyes that are well opened, the fact: oi a willy lover or a husband eramped for fonds. And when a pretty woman goes in-plain and neat pod bic | it is the presumj.tions, tha she has fair expeceatione, ard a husband id for votes hasagein been tried by |. ha newly appointed Governor General of tke!| enquiries, and if possi- |. | charged yom to bring home, get | They are always Landy in A Cixcixxags butcher lately tied us | hin daughter by the hand ya : toes just touched ground, and ! "suseared her feet with molasses to abtrael 'An uiting ition of fingers | WEIN youcen't think what pone : thrust into a horse's mouth ga see haw, uany teeth he The closed his teeth to see how many - A M1LD-diN ERED Du Woman tered a saloén, kicked a. -- a revolver on the bar-tender, and lod het husband out by the ear. i Yu will alwus notis one Bovet affers 30 go int uzzy man; but you will often ses him offer to jine the Lazy, and furnish allghe | » SexrENcED 10 MaThiNONY.-An Bagley 1 t da ¢ouple to mat be a respectable young man, very mice young woman. | can both gst. married and live | the farm. If fey goon with law pimguy ibowill be ritter «d away the lawyers, who, I am sure, are not enough to wish the' a stay of execution being put to the ores dict till the marriage ceremony should bs completed In O'hawa. on the 22nd inst., at Geo, 8. Climie, by the Nev, br. EX i Thomas panbiyn to Miss Margaret In East ; Iu East Whitby, on Sunday mos : Michael Moons, aged 74. Faing last, Mr. His death will be improved in the Bible Chris- tian Church, on Sabbath evening mem, at § o'clock. A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonie.' FITHOUT PHOSPHORUS XO rhe, the Gen since Peas, Butter, BMh.........cc0n iin. | dash in the direction of the seats, which | ness is suspended intl quiet isrstored}. ---------- | by this time were cleared by the frighten- | hy the refirmnent of the intruder sud work | ERR Angust@2 crn Sl 0 @8 'has a mark of nee upon it isa recomend- {Timothy Seed, do ed in capturing the animal and getting ation to people of soime, and a. hat with | Butter, ¥5.. Flour, BP gwt,................. | Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, that can show a balance=ia his favor. For women are like books, teo much gild- ing makes men suspicious that the bind- ing is the most important part." Tae. Chicago Times says there is no deercase ptible yet in the number of ildings commenced each week. In all directions throughout the burnt dis- trict, withinthe week that has just passed, the work uf excavating for new buildings, and the laying of new foundations has gone on. . In the more thickly built-up portions, indeed, there is hardly a vacant lot where it is not the intention of the owmer to buildi HOUSE TO RENT. A PRY AT THIS OFFICE. STRAYED. - ME INTO THE PR or ton, Ly Pp Peo pig igi rH thisseason, By October9th the a~Liversary of the disaster, there willbe something to show the world; nota nation born in a day, but a stupendous city raised out of its own ruons in a year. Chicago will be the newest city in the world; an example of what the intensest energy, aided © best labor saving machinery, and one red thousand human hands, candoinasing- laseason. It should not be forgotten, too, shat the ing of this city has not removal was a work at least with wooden structures, such as existed on ascot this werk done. Every acre of land which bas cost in the making, no doubt, just about what it is now worth, which cannot be less than 200.000 per acre. Ayame r Hicoins.-- He lived in Pat- tersen, New Jersey, and his name was Higg'na. y He was driving one very warm day the banks of the Passaic river, when it_ocourred to him that it would be Higgins undressed himself placed his cloth- ing in the wagon, and dived in. Higgin's horse grad caluily by the wayside mean- time, but when Higgins came ont, the horse being greatly startled at the appari- tion of Higgins in a condition of nudity dashed off down the road at a furions pace takeing Higgin's clothes with him. It was | very unpleasant for him because. it. was | broad "daylight, and people wer. passing reelly Higgins had nothing left hut a sun- nmbrella and a small muslin bandage about us before depositing their eggs. Should they deposit--and yesterday morning some were busily engaged in the pr o-ss-- the agricultural prospects for next year are rather hopeless. We will trust, however, that next week we sball be able to an- nounce that our prospects are not without hope. wh fei Jig srs be ther, Rev, as la- | into Her Majesty. ali | sible, taking the handle from the umbrella he inserted his head in it. fixed the apex of it areand his waist, and charged ddawn | the turnpike for Patterson. | like a member from the cannibal Islands. He was shot at six times by ms who mistook him for a wild man of the woods. and he seared eleven children into cor wul- sions before he reached howe covered with fiy and mosquito bites, and followed by 1x or seven thousand bovs. He wants fo sell his horse now. - Higgins announces his the | equal of the building of the ground over | backward and forward alongthe road, and | - his toe. Put arranging the bandage to | thet it would cover as much space as yos- | He looked 5 sats e hd Poving property and Mr. D. Hinkson, 'AS PURCHASED: THE KARR ate ET Sa RR ONTARIO MILL. : GRISTING.. IBERS HAVING PUR- known 4enuch of the ground before the fire. It {and several millions of dollars to get | 10% IMPORTANT SALE! | Tote a comfortable thing to take a swim. So | to sell "Biseoliition of . Partnership. HE PARTNERSHIP HERETO- fore anbsisting under the of . _ Oshawa; July 15, mn Ra hopes to ok tin Sie [ ronage given to Tanna, N.B.--A a intention to part with that animal im- . mediately Jeven if he has to kill him. Odhara, Jur TS, 473.

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