qe Ira flat on let him it is sb Sowi itself 1 troublec in thesi burns, | "bottle of - which is plaints. Sou: pecular ent eye ¢ and gra his obed use, all « look at a in the in but it is cared for or unsou exibit tl without + -. £ ESTEE EOaY TROP AY ECA «rel Nem "tal! Her son never sets. . chickens no hope in the future! . thought the hymn book moulded our faith .by Parsons' Purgative Pi{js in small doses. Tus English cricketers sail frm Liver- poolon Thursday, 8th August, and will play at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, London and Hamilton in the order named. A MAN in Aurora, IIL; has lately lost - ninety-five swarms of becs, the result of some feud among the insects. They fought each other with the greatest feroci- ty and determination till all were killed or disabled. CONVERSATION IN A WISCONSIN STORE. --Polite Clerk--*'Can I show you any thing else to day! Lugubrious Custemer-- "'No, I reckon not. I lost two horses and and my wife last fall, and I feel purty poor. Good span of horses too." Tur American Journal of Pharmacy says that 150,000 infants are killed every year by the opium contained in the various kinds of soothing syrups which they are al- lowed; or rather forced to drink. Fraxce, during the five centuries prece- ding the present--that is from 1300 to 1800--was engaged in 326 years of war, of which 80 were spent in civil war, and 246 years in foreign war. During that period 184 great battles were fought. Mz. Lincoln used to tell a story of a boy who was ordered by his father to scare a stray urchin off the premises. He depart- ed on his mission with a " turkey gobbler" strut, and shortly returned with a discol- ored optic, bigeding nose and very demor- alized, and told his father the ** boy didn't scare worth a cent." A Kaxsas woman recently gave birth to four children, whose united weight was but twenty pounds, and whose spans of existence were cut short at the end of twenty-fours hours, and the father of the family sold their dead bodies to a physici- au for a twenty dollar gold piece. Yzariy ReviExve.--The members and friends of the Order of I. O. UO. F. may find satisfaction in reading the following, which we clip from--an exchange: --'* The yearly revenua of the Order of Odd I lows in the United States is now about & },- 500,000, and the average annual outlay for purposes of relief is $1,000,000. The rc mainder is reserved as a fund to be calle. into use whenever required. The lates' official statistics of the Order are as fol- lows;--Nnmber of members, 757,941; numbers buried, 49,019; total relief paid, $16,542,256; total receipts, $40,234, 417; amount of investments.and funds on hand, $23,690,170." Hex-uNpruMs, --Why is a hen immor- Why have They have there next world (necks twirled) in this. ,Why is a hen on a fence like a cent? Head on one side--tail on the other. Why don't hens lay at night! Then they are reosters. Why is the first chicken of a brood like the main-mast of a ship? A little for- ward of the main hatch. Why is a chick- en just hatched like a crow's tail? Never seen before. Why should not a hen cross the road 7 It would be a fowl proceeding. If a ship captain had no eggs, what would he do! Lay to (two.) And to conclude a exertion, Palpitation of the heart, other means have failed ; and although a power- | of the day ful remedy, do not contain iron, cafomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtfyl to the constitution. No Risk. kf Thomas' Eelectric Oil! Worth Ten Times | Tuts Weight in-Gold, Dolyou know anything of it? If not, it is time you did. nn PAIN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS! CERTIFICATE OF AGENC IS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. . used. Itisthe cheapest Medicine evermaide. One dose cures common Sore Throat. One bottle ated nipples or inflamed Breast. One bott) cured lame back of Dight years standing, 1 el | Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa., says: 1 | applications." Another who has had Asthma for | This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our years. say: I have half of a 50 cent bottle left, | Sewing Machines in the villige of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized to appoint and $100 would not buy it ifI could get no mo Agents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the the voice where the person had not spoken above Signed for the Company; a whisper in five years," Rev. J. ) lallory, of oe i Wyoming N. Y all over the country say:- * We have never sold a medicine that has given such complete satis faction as this." has cured Bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has | 9 4 - cured an old standing Cough. One ortwo bottles, Abb t P t t L tite cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles | 0 8 & en oc add Ln Six to eight applications cure any case of Ky i- | a Ir . S - - Family Sewing Machines. went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which | . effected a wonderful cure of a crooked limb by six Rnfus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y., writes: 3 : "One small bottle of your Ecléctric Oil restored | Tights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. X., writes: *" Your Eclectric Oil | cured me of Bronchitis in one week." Dealers | It is Composed of six of the best oils that are known. Ss asgood totake as for external use, | wang The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market, and only needs to be seen to be appreciated. | Prices, $23 without stand and $30 with stand. Agents - #4 A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for sale cheap. Warranted -and is believed to be immeasurably superior to j to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. anything ever made. Will save you much suf- fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by -- one or more dealers in every place where these SHE EOSIN o ) ARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES buy it to-day? » Prepared by 8. N CHOMAS, PueLes, N. Y., | And NORTHROP & LYMAN, YCASTLE, Ont.. | CONSISTING OF Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE. --Eclectric--Selected and Electrized, | Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | , . ye of all Classes and Sizes, Oshawa: in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn | Sold at a. Reduction of 20 Per Cent. n Brookiin by John Warren. | Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. Bowmanville Ontario. | To be Canadian Pain Destroyer | A S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 1] 3 ie free) 554 luvoraly knows, relieving thou | A share of public patronage solicited. Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore | ' L. Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in { the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. PRUDHOM. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, | John's Hot Air Frst-Prize NEW Scalds, Frost Bites,. de. ! DPrum < The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now | IS THE MOST EFFICIENT SPRING STYLES, been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give permanent relief. when cal Drum in use, and will di timely used, and we have never known a single eat, occupy less room, and answer case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have | all purpose better than any other. By its uses been properly followed, but on the contrary ali | house can be much better heated with one stove are delighted with its operations, and speak han under the'old system with' two or three the highest terms of its virtues and magical | stoves thus more than paying for itself in one | season by a saving of wood. All who have tried ! hem would not be without them for many times effect. their cost. The undersigned has secured the FPHIS We speak from experience in the matter, hav are: suffering 'rom any of the complaints fur | Right for Bowmanville, Darlington, Cartwright. which it is recommended, may depend u,on it being a Sovereign Remedy. orders on the shortest notice. A full assortment y The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pan | of Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves, constantly on recommended, @ i 1 its wonderful éffects in sub- | 16-18 duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in I>. - a Stock of New Spring Cloths is now complete, rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming ~ . + ~ | a from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the | THIS 54th VOLUM KE! y 43 to the universal satisfaction it gives. For 1872! { LATEST STY LES! Jive immediate relicf. All Medicine Dealers | b . | The Stock is oue of the best brought int koep it ; Physicians order and vse it; and no | THE ILLUSTRATED | UE Hie oh © Or ough into 1'rice, only Twenty-five Cents pec bottle. For sale by W, T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans 4 Al E NTI KE M 1D) N v ST-CL ASE 4 4874 4 brooklyn by John Warrén., A FIRST-CLASS sy we = . : a | ~ > ~ " IE Ad Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and | FAMILY MAGAZINE. requiring New Suits, would do well to call carly Location of the Organs, with directions for cul- 1 - | ture and training, and the relations of Mind and i All Work Done In the Best Manner. 1 > 3 * { JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS. | Physiognomy, or the ** Signs of Character with | L Oo WwW E S T ing tested it Ygoroughly ; and therefore those who Clarke and Manvers, and is prepared to fill all Destroyer in curing tha diseases for which it is | hand. F. T. HOSHIN, relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to high | and embraces all the country, for turther supplies, and each testifying ! -» { The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to | \ ne. He 9 pr : | the place, family wi * without it after rying it. . | _ | Phrenological Journal, shawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne | D, Stott, and all medicine dealers. and leave their orders, . " T Tr ~. CEST Phrenology. The Brain and its Funetions: The Great Female Remedy. Body described. LIVING . ry Farge rrm " +1 yo | illustrations, and how to Read them," is a special HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | fexiure. ig unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female consti tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- | moves all obstructions 1 4 speedy cure may be relied on. PRICES CHARGED ~--AND-- Oshawa, April 12, 1832, 1-tf, fag Sear / LEGS EROS IPAS | SERIA i + -- DEPEW'S ure VICTORY it JI MEDICAL VICTORY. y EPEW. OF 13, FRANCE, an emi. Ay DARL --alurely Vegetal om pound 1 by physicians, Depow's Medical Victory, of unhealthy Humor and every disease that dependson Impurity of the Blood, where the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys, and other vital or- guns, are not wasted beyond the hope of repar For the cure of St rheum, Eczema, Scald.i i, Sea Skia, Ulcers, and Fever Sores Humor in the Mouth and Stomach or Eyes Ears, FEruptionon the head, and Pimples or El an the face, it stands Pre.eminently at the hed © sther remadies. The fact is; Humor ¢ Diseuse of theSkin, of whatever ini + dé carried use of tiie | wort tine, of , will convime bottle, insuch yus Of its curative efiects Cleanse the Vitiatet Blood whenever you ded its [2 puritioe be tg through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or So ; cleanse it when yi structed and sluggish ro the ve it 4s foul, snd your feelin Keep t Blond pure and the heith of the wy wil w : Yi isa Gentle Regulat ng Pargat vr, as well as a Tonic, &&. Pore + ey tor mend of acting asa powerful» ' ving Congestion, antl Olronic Inflammation of the Liver and «ll the 'Visceral Urgaus Cor Female Complaints, whether in young or old, married or single, at dawh of w aniiogd or at theturn of life, the Madical Victory bas fic ual ns the cura of Rhenmatisn, Land diseases of tiie Dyspepsta, Live er yn wand Back, an ality, its curative power Weakoess an ) youd mévey and beyond yrice, 11°18 FI + LoD PURIFIER ANDA LIFEGIVI CIPLE, a perfect Kenovator and Invigoratos System, carrvi 1 porson watter amd ly toring the Blood ta its Lic: thy condition Sold by all Druggists & Teal: SEND FOR A DESCRIPTWE PALIPKL™T YOUNG, SiLL : Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAFEST Stock of J Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fancy Goods. Full directions in the gamphlet around ea hen is a poor economist, because for every grain she gives a peck. : Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont. genera) | agents for the D .minic JUBILEE. --After a | containing over 30 pills, by return mail. BEECHER ON THE visit to the Boston Jubilee, Henry Ward | mouth pulpit of psalm singing and music | generally. He wanted more and better music and singing; but severely condemn- ed musical gymnastics as a desecration of | the sanctuary and the Sabbath. He far more than the catechism. Alluding to the power of music, he said that after the Grenadier Guard's Band, had finished playing the national airs of England and America, in the Coliseum, there were "twice three thousand men there who, had it been consistent with their character as Americans, would have gone forth to embrace the band." Mr. Beecher had urged the officer in command to "cable over" for permission to visit the principal cities of the States with the band. : ei Tas all-gone feeling which people some- times speak of, is caused by want of pro- per action of the liver and heart. These may be assisted, and the bowels gegulated, Corn and flour' are staple articles; but not more 80 than John:on's dnodyne Lini- ment, where known. Itis good for children or adults, for any internal soreness of the chest or bowels, and the best Pain Killer prepared, under whatever name. Ir is'no Wonder that invalids lose faith in all specifics, when so many worthless medicines are advertised for the gure of various diseases; but which, when tried, are found wanting. We have yet to learn however, of 'the first failure of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, to cure coughs, ! colds, and pulmonary diseases. | Two Questions EasiLy ANSWERED. -- Why should men wear beards! Because they are a great protection to the throat and lungs, and add much to their personal | appearance. Why should we use "Bry- | an's Pulmonic Waters?" l Because when | used for coughs, colds, tickling in the | throat, hoarseness, &c,; they actlike a charm. Ministers and lawyers use them, physicians recommend them, and singers and public speakers tay they are the very best medicine in existance for the cure of | such complaints. Sold by, all medicine | dealers, .at 25 cts. per box. | 1 Apvaxcemest Is THE WORD. -- Before the discovery of steam, the world labour- od under many disadvantages; but now the difficulties are like manner, before Depew's discovery, many cases of Dyspepsia, Billiousness, and dis, eases of the Liver rnd Kidneys, were set down as incurable, which have been effoct- ually cured by his Medical = Victory. 8crofula, Skin Diseases, and Humors, for which fhere was often no cure, vanish undef the influence of this Great Blood Purifier. As its benefits are extended, Rheumatisim, Costiveness, Female Weak- ness General Debility, lose their terrors. overcome. In Taz Goov Times wave Coms at Last. --And 80 has that which has hitherto been looked for in vain, namely, a medicine that could be relied upon for curing rheu- matisim, cols, coughs, neuralgia, tic douloureux, buriis and frost-bites, bowel complaints, &e. It is called the *'Cahadi- an Pain Destroyer," and everyone should raally possess a bottle of it without delay. It gives relief the moment you apply it, and will effectually cure your disease; in fact it is the most wonderful medicine ever brought before the public.--Sold by all medicine dealers. : package, which should be carefully preserved, | Oshawa; in Beecher naturally discoursed from Ply- | in Broclyn by Johd Warren, JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. dozen. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage; enclosed to , will insure a ?bottle, i ete., by Atkinson and Dr. Deans For sale bE WW. T. Vhithy by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and 'D. STOTT Bowmanville, Ontario. - Sample In Memoriam. : . 0 | , Er. Fas : , GAINST EXPENDITURES. To the Public of the British Provinces of | to teachers for 65 cents in honor of the dead, Heaven has North America uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not \ 4 : : injured, but benefitted, by them.. All ( dhoge Denutitul emblems which afjory { BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY TO ddress € many tombs around which we love acquaint the ie n 34 PPS Soc Ire \ > " 1 public of the British North. Am- | J. L. PETERS.599 New dw ) lo linger, fssure a. are th a world of | erican provinces that in May last I caused the | k oy BroaNew dway, York by, TI ant fo debe Iearle: ho je Ar ng | business at 80, Maiden Lane New York, for the | sepulchres of the "loved ones sale pf HOLLOW AY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, which | alleviates ofir grief and soothes the were up to that time prepared by william Brown, | The Science of Health. wounded heart. It also cheers the be: ; ¥ now deceased, to be closed. hese Medicines Ieaved to know that an additional eni- | were, I regret to say, from what has lately come stron TE on - ge Brave Moy ents | to my kaowledge, made up of such very ordinary tion afer at physi i Da os gn | ingredients as to render them almost worthless, use and Dathger, name er one who j ama therefore | calculated to damage my good ared r 4 ¥ name. i so largely in the love of | Those who do not wish tobe deceiv od by buy- We t t | ing spurious medicines, which are now likely to thoy acke. this method Salon ¥ou emanate from the States or elsewhere, but to are ers (of decorating the | possess themselves of the genuine HoLLOWAY'S | Ethnology, or the Natural History of Man, | illustrated, wil be given. Physiology and Anatomy. The Organization, | structure and functions of the human body ; with TO MARRIED LADIES | the laws of life and health. What we should | is peculiarly suited. It will, in g short time, | €at and drink, how clotled. and how to exercise, | oring on the monthly period with régularity. | sleep and live, in accordance with hygienic prin- | G d F 't G d / These Pills should not be taken by Females | CPCS: |G00 Its uarantee ; during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg- Portraits, sketches and biographies of leading nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscariiage, | men and women in all departments of life, are | but at any other time they are safe. pecial feature In all Cases of Nervops and Spinal Affections, | its, Teachers and Sthers, Ag a guide in - Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight 1g and training Children, this magazine Xs A ysterics and | ior, | ONG ECH IF I Y Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all ral information on the leading topics | $s given, and no efforts are spared to FIAT Cay make this the most interesting and instructive A NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS as well as jhe Best Pictorial Family Magazine Book, by H. S. Per- WORTH OF MUSIC ' , | ever published. ' ee #4 ; i | Established. <The Journal" has reached its | kins. Price, $7 5 per F OR 8 3 | | 54th Volume. It has steadily increased in favor ) i Ve: he 'S | during the many years it has bec nublished, and Contains over St BSCRIBERS | was never more popular than now, Two hundred new and * to Peters Musicar | Terms. Montnis, at $3a year, 2 advanc | beautiful Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, | , " oi ic ngs tl { $2 each, and an extra copy to Agent. | Will S. Hays, KoalF Jui Tarlest than > " ents ose We are offering the most liberal Premiums.-- | Webster, Thomas, etc: h a be Ahae Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new he * who have not seen this Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a *ompiete | Every thingisnew,fresh Musical Magazine List of Premiums. : ) HD eum i f Prem 1 S, R. WELLS, Publisher, ! and sparkling. Chutéstsishoaid send 3 Siofoe 339 Broadway, New York. | .~ acime re p) 8 > Be = I and specimen pages sen music ig. by Hays - . i | fre coDi Ti . Caution!! Caution!!! free copies; Thomas, Kinkel, Pest mailed free of postage ey, and other popular writers. Two back numbers for 40 cents. Four back num bers for 75 cents. | Liberal terms for intro- | duction; A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. Devoted to the preservation and restoration of Health on Hygienic principles, Health is the great want of the age. It'is the first need of the individual, the nation, and the | race. Heatth is long life ; Disease is premature | death. Health develops body, mind and soul; Disease dwarfs and paralyzes all. To educate the people in science of life, which includes all that relates to Preserving Health, and to the Art of Treating Diseas, without Medicine, is the ob- °t and purpose of this new Health Journal. ME SCIENCE OF HEALTH will aim to dis- seminate throughout the world a knowledge of Hygienic principles. It will not be the organ of any person, business, or institution, but an earn- est teacher of the Laws of Life and health. THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will be the ex- ponent of all known means by which Health. Siren h, Happiness and Long Life may be ob- tained by using and regulating those agencies vitally related to Health and Treatment of Dis- ease, including Air, Light, Temperature, Bath. ing, Diet, Clothing, Exercise, Rest, Sleep, and all | normal agents and hygienic materials. | TERMS, Published monthly at $2.00 a year | in advance; single numbers, 20 cents. Clubs of | i £1.50 mach, and an extra copy toagent, We = «ficring the most liberal list of Premiums. Loca. «>t. wanted everywhere, and cash com- | missions given. Address all letters te | SAMUEL R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. ves of departed friends, at low > " & EN v p res, o i ¢ p ILLS AND OINTMENT wlll do well to seé that furs recuied in the best style of each pot and box bears the British Government ans sp. | stamp on which is engraved the words * HoLLo- MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., | WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT," and that the ad- | J : el is 533, OXF STREET, LoON- OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF dress on the label is 533, OXFORD STREET, Lox DON, where only they are manufactared, and in ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE no other part of the world. The retail prices are --AND-- el on the labels in British currendy, and not in dol- REY - » PINT £3 1 o lars and cents. SCOTC H ABERDEEN GRANITE, > No representative of mine will ever travel supplied on short notice. Everything through any part of the British: Provinces, or the pertaining to Cemetery work will meet, | United States, either to sell, orto take orders for with prompt attention, by leaving or- my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to ders with believe that attempts will very probably be made C, BOUNSALL, . | to deceive ihe public in this roy by persons call- i ing upon medicine vendors, falsely representin Bowmanville. that Tay are acting for me, and with re ed ) ledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such decep- tions. > I most earnestly entreat all those .-ho may read this advertisement that they be pleased, in | the public interest, to communicate the purport | of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of thefr money by purchasing" worth- less imitations of the genuine HoLLOWAY'S 1'1LLS | AND OINTMENT. | I would ask, as a great favour, that should | come to the knowledge of any person that spuri- Wm. H. Lowe, B.A.L.L.B,, ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency &e., &e. ous medicines are being made orsold in my name, he be Pleased to send me all the particulars he can collect respecting the same, that is to say, the name and address of the vendor who is sell | ing the spurious medicines,and likewise the name | anid address of the House in the United States, | or elsewhere, which may have supplied them, so ! as to enable me, for the protection Dt the Public, \ % to institute proceedings against such evil-doers, Stop and See. and I engage to remunerate very handsomely - -- Fp , > . | any perscu who may give me such information, HE FOLLOWING REMARES ON | the Jnirmiantls Damehever being divulged, b Testimonials of the most wonderful and ex-| Should any person have reason to belleve that x 5 or | traordinary cures in Caneda by the GREAT IN- | he has been deceived by buying spurious imita- AS FOR SALE CHOICE BIGAR DIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable tions of these Medicines, he will do well to send REAN and Hart Cherry trees (large) 25cts; a. d incontestable facts, sufficient to convincethe | me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he | best desert Plums, 50cts; good blue sorts, for. pre- most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound | can do at a cost of six cents in postage), one oi serves, large, 25. Flower Plants in great abund- Jeutued after for ages is now accessible in the ' the books of instructions which are aftixed to the | ance, for bedding out, includin Auricula, Aster, reat : same. I promise to examine it and send a reply, | Balsam, Calliopsis, Coxcombes, Daisy, Larkspurs, stating whether the Mediciues are genuine or not, 80 tha. if spurious he may apply to the per- | son from whom he purchased them to bave his Office on Silver Street, Bowmanville, onloantermyX toils, 'ea sy 16-44 PP. Coleman | | | | BHOSHONEES REMEDY For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Diges money returned. tive s, Kidneys, &c., as well as Scrofula Chemists and Druggists who desire to obtain the various Skin Diseases, Humors and all di | the Medicines can be supplied at 'the lowest seases arising from Impgirities of the Blood, we | wholesale prices 'in quantities of not less than boldly state that this gréat remedy has NEVER | £20 worth (for which remittance must be sent in BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever | advance) viz., 8s. 6d. 22s., and 34s. per dozen such a care as that in the person of Wilson | boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nett, without Storms of Brighton, Ontario, of Consumption ; or discount that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Ernestown; Onta- | "I have the honour to be. rio, of Consumption, or that of Ambrose Wood, | Wi die of Consecon, Ontario, of Dispepsia and Liver | Vith great respect, Complaint, or that of John {oy of Nanance | THOMAS HOLLOWAY. Ontario, of Rheumatism who «4 wuy been 553 Oxford Strect (late 244, Strand), London, on crutches for year all treatment | pp" September 1, 1571. 17-10. heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases | ! 4 might be mentioned had we space, * 4&4 Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular o | unquestionable certificates on the GREAT SHO SHONEES REMEDY and sate yourselves. Price of Remedy in Large Pints, $1. | 2% For Sale by all Druggists and' Dealers in Medicine. Agents tor Bowman®ille, Messrs. J. Higginbotham, I. Stott. - Wholesale Agents, -- Northop & Lyman. Newcastle 4 mondi, Sweet Williams, Stocks, Scabiosa, Ver- bena, Wallflowers, Zinnias, &c., &c. Each sort in great variety of colours, and from the best imported English Seed & Co., London. Bowmanville, April 24, 1872. MISES 'nglish 168, Proclaim the Glad Tidings HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES A Remedy and Pills, of the Eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor Lewis Josephus, of the Great Tiihe of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is | working the most marvelous and astonishing | Cures the World ever heard of, ver in the annals of Canadian Medical History has such | | success attended the introduction of any medi How cine heretofore. , ¢ rench and FE 4 Manhood, How Lost, Restored WHY? RT PLOT RE] cw | SIMPLY because the numerous Valuable activ J! ST PUBLISHED A NEW medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of w e edition of Br. Calverwell's ' we will ment an, such as the Extracts of W Celebrated Essay on the radical Cherry Bark, Podophyllum, Juniper, Quassia | cure (without medicine) (of Sperma- | Smart weed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound | torrhees, or Seminal Weakness, In- | Extract of Colocynth, Jalap, Socotrine Aloes, | voluntary Seminal Losses, Im potency Mental | Capsicum, &'c., &c.,) which enter intothe compo | and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar. | sition of the combined medicine, are such and so lage. etc; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and | harmoniously classified and P ded, that it Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extray- | is made the most searching curative in the aga nee. known world, and cannot help but act on the Price, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cents. { system in a very satisfactory and desirable man The celebrated anthor, in this admirable essay, | ner. No matter what your ailment may be, or clearly demonstrates from a thirty ears' sue. | Of how long standing, it will find the spot ana Seasful practice, that the alarming consequences | astonish you by the rapid manner in which you! of self-abuse may ically cured without the | are restored to perfect health and full vigor, | dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- | This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and plication of the knife: pointing out a mode of | is Warranted, and may positively be relied upon pure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by to make a permanent cure of all diseases of the ! means of which every sufferer, no matter what | Throat, Lungs, Liver Kidneys Digestive Organs his condition may be, may cure himself cheapl | &ec., &e., as well as Scrofula, the various Skip rivar ely, and radically. | Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arising fron This lecture should be in lhe hands of every | Impurity of the Blood, excepting the Third Stage youth and every man in the land. J of ahi tion Further information, with full Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad-) directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy ress, post paid on receipt of six cents or two | and Pills, and containing testimonials and Cert) ost stamps. | ficates of Cures, can be obtained by securing the Also, Dr. Culverw ¢)'s " Marriags Guide, | "reatise, the Hand-book, or the Almarac and | cented Soaps, 1 7, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brusl and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs. icines, Next. Door to COWAN'S. Patent Med Perfumery ATKINSON'S DRUG STORE REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PRE rice 25 cen ts. lary from ahy respectable Druggist in the Address the Publishers, | » | Dominion---free. CHAS. J, C, KLINE, 8.00, Price of Remedy inlarge Pint Bottles 1.00, J. Bow y, NewYork Post-Oftice Boy 688 ills per Box 2 cents, Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine | Marygold, Petunia, Phlox, Panzy, Phlox Drum- | from J. Carter | 24-6in. | and octhegfsccurities. He is the Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- | 'les, and Meriden Silver Plate, best goods made | and every thing in his line made to order. ! It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas ing elseware. All Goods and Jobs warranted and cheaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew {er i Simcoe Street, Os awa, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. A GINGS PAPER HAN INJTHE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, A great variety of patter Family Pavgfsteregy bibs STOCK OF J LARGE at the lowest possible prices. THE NGILESH Just received direct from the manufagturers, Whitby, April 13, 18717 E Mbney to Lend REDUCED RATES. 1 AM|NOW PREPARED TO LEND ny afhount of money, on the security of Good Farm or froductive Town Property, at the | Lowest, Possible Rates of Interest, n sums afid manner to suit borrowera. Principal id by yearly instalments, or in one nts made in De Investr ares, Mortages, ND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND | SOLD. | SILVER] 4 For furflier particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, {| Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. Office McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby vpril 13th. 1871. 4 sole agent for Russell's Celebrated | | | treating successfully the following diseases :-- | tered in any form, in any disease. | see him. pp T | IF YOU WA 3 yg 3s : 4 > Bi 0 2 A | LOOK OUT FOI Good Photgraphs! | TO BE MADE AT | FIRST-CLASS | Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, | J) Ve OR SEWING "MACGHI CALL ON Geo. S. CLIMIE, AT 7" THE OFFICE. Hindes' Hotel, of opposite OF ROBINSON & Co. SS Ort nearly BUSINE 3, & MOST REASONABLE PRICE s, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, 7" AR T7CL/ AT THE > er the stand, t DRU( 8 just received a full ass icine LL WILL SK TOILE 'ent Med l ~ = - © bg, bday Drugs, Pa WHICH HE Dr. Deans' Office Oshaa, A pri 118 RCL FCT IT-IRSIST UPAM 'T-BUY RD OTH [op ya . ~~. INE f Ne: | if irda £1) "i 4 CURES ALL FollM INDIGESTION AT ONCE. TRY IT "bana | Pro Bono Publice. LL KINDS CF CANCERS AND 4 Tumors taken out and cur>d without the use of the knife, by DR. B. PAT1 £RSON. The best of references. given in Bowmanville and cleswh f Church Street, Bowmanville. "0 Bowmanville, Feb. 21st, 1572 30-tf. Chronic Diseases. R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Would respectfully state that he is now Epilepsy, or falling in their worst form ; Consumption, in its us stages, (with Dr. J.'s remedies consumption is no longer an incu- rable disease); Bronchitis, Cs Asthma, Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy *., patients who have been tapped several times are curable under Dr. Jamies' treatment ; diseases of the EYE AND EAR, Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of indiscretions of outh --a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, Liver iseases, and diseases of Women and Children, Cancers cured without cutfing, and little pain; Sore Legs, Salt Rheum, and Scrofula in all its forms. Dr. J. is happy to say, diseases which have hitherto been thought incurable are now rapidly yielding to his treatment, as his grateful patients are willing to testify. No Calomel, no mercury, no Mineral Poisons, will be adminis- The afflicted, who cannot obtain relief from other sources, are particularly invited to call and 4% Office in Neilson's Hall, Belleville. Office hours, 11 a. m. to 3 p, m. Yours most respectfully, H. JAMES, M. D. WINTER SERVICE! Under Contract with the Canadian Government for carrying the C dian and U. 8, Mails, STEAM WEEKLY T( LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. FPYHIS COMPANY'S<'LINES ARE composed of the undernoted Full Powered, Double F ned Clyde Built Iron Steamships: Polynesian, 4,200 tons (building). Sarmatian, 8,400 tons (buiiding). Caspian, 3,250 tons, Capt. Scandinavian, 3,000 tons, Capt, Ballan- tons, Lieut. Dutton, 2,700 tons, Captain J. 00 tons, Captain A. Moravian, 2,650 tons, Captain Brown. Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Lieut. Smith, R. N. R. Germatly, 3,25 BROOKTLIN. | HARRY TAIT, | regularity, has none | interest characteristic of ordi | 8 an elegant miscellany of pure, | | | | approachd | number of volumeslfor ten times ity FEXHIS SPACE IS left to show that BAMBRIDGE has always on hand New and Second-hand Wagons and ('arriages i ready when called for, | at reasonable rates, | Repairing and Shoe- { ing attended to as usual. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. March 29, 1872. 51-6m VICTORIA 2 \ +: cHEMICAL Sole Proprietors end Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victorias Carbolic Preparations. Lsbora- tory aud Yorum, Victoria Hall, Melinda Street, 'oronto, Ont. Tone following Genuine Preparations are s old by all Druggists. Be sure and ask forthe VicTomia PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. Vilas ARBOLATED/ ICT OR CINEJELLY Tons, Captain J. Graham. Forming a weekly line between Live I, Lon donderry, Quebec and Montreal, leaving Que- bec every Saturday, on arrival of the Night Express from Montreal. Forming a weekly line between Glasgow, Quebec 5 and Montreal. RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First Cabin from $31 to $91, according to accommoda tion. Steerage, $30, including a plentiful suppiy of well coikod visions, served out by' the Stewards belonging to the Company. Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- mediate, $45.90 ; Steerage, $29. NATURE'S OWN VITALIZER CAUTION. --All genuine has the name | "Peruvi l n _Nyrap," (Nor * Peruvian Bark,") brin blov _ in the glass. A 8%-page pamphlet sent free @ 0. P. Dinsxone, Droptietin A Dev st. | New vork. Sold by all Druggists @ f | | | | | | | sued at reduced rates. &# Return Tickets, good for six months, is- Prepaid European Passenger. Certificates are issued at Reduced Rates to parties wishing to Scotland, to uny part of Canasp. The Steamships of the Montreal Ocean Steam- Trunk ailway Wharf, PokTLAND, passen- | gers thereby avoiding the usual charges of cart- | ing and handling of bag Ocean Steamers for Montrea western points; and the fac passengers by the ALLAN LIN py any other line afloat. onto, and al s afforded to cannot be sur- c ndli gage. : v : "xpress Trains leave Portland onarrival of the | the only oil that gives satisfaction, y 1 ( |! For through passage tickets and every informa [ GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., tion, apply to Steamships will be despatched from Liverpool | and Portland as follows : | ¥ FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND | HIBERNI - = 6th Nov, 2nd Dec. | MORAVIAN With" th * SAMARITAN, - - 3 16th * PRUSSIA 8 > | 2rd NESTORIAN, - 7th 30th SCANDINAVIAN -14 6th H. & A. ALLAN, Orto Agents, Montreal L. SMITH, Agent ost Office, Oshawa. out their friends from Hngland, Ireland or | | any oth «r oils ever used, for experience shows it. ship Corapany land their passengers at the Grand | © ° This JeLiy is highly recommended to Ladies as a most agrecable Preparation for the Toilet. For Baaatifying the Complexi Skin Sof hi is unrivalled. s, 2 les, and other im- srfeciions. For C Chilblains, Frost ites and Sore Lips, i be surpassed. Price 25 cents. CTORIACAR pod o ip 1 This Tower BoA Poslense all the well-known i 1 disinfecti Feopertics of Carbolic cably Hy ahealthy action on vents irritath removes the effects of persp.ration, and should be regularly used by famiiies. Choicra, Smallpox and Fever Patients Sosp: and its uee by lisHle to infection will materially prevent read of diseazo, Price 15ceuts per Tablet. CTORIA CASE 'd cure for all Skin Disea Cats, wounds, Br: , Barns, worn Teiter, Eczema, Scald Head, Abicesses, Boils, Pimples, &e. It posses cleansing and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Phyeiclans -every where to posses carative qualities not discovered in any other cacmical preparation. Price 25 cents. INA CEES ORIA CrCARYS This Gansiz is the most reliable and cfescions R>m~d * 1a all cases of Sore Throat, Doarqenetn Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchii Tabey eo common in this cuangeable clims Asha, Offensive Kreath, Clcerated Gums, an all dis2a3cs of the Mouth. For Public Speakers aad singers it is invaluable. The incredicnts cn- {7r 07 ats this Gargle are used by all Physicians, ad forthe caro of the above disorders are now, sallt JRIA CARBOLIC 2 "= DISINF 3a nndol tedly, the most popular in the Materia oF This Pre scrANT fsa sure preventiveof T L] aed Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and ll {n- f=ctl sas diseaces. It will prevent Contsgion in Cattle. Ttisalso Invaluable for Disinfectir g Water Closets, Draivs, Cesspools, Stables, Slanghter- li-as se, &c., and for destroying nanseons ¢ from whatever cause arising. Moz uitoes, Moths. Flies, Cockroaches, &c. Mea Fist & . can be Pr rerved from putrefaction by its use Ciurbolic Asil was selected by Her Majesty's Ro:af Commissioners, in preference to all other products, a+ the best Disicfectant for the preven tion of lafections discases. Price 25 conte, YRIA SHARPENING ING PASTE This PREPARATION ualled in its Xa pidl for Sharpening and Polishing Catlery. Tab le od Pocket-Knives, Razors, Surgical Instrament s.8hoe- makers' Knives, Plane Bits end Chisels, &¢. has ever been Siscovered uo which pry Dj popularity more quicl or become $0 moch valuein every Botsehold nad worksh op for general usefulness. Price 23 cents, p G. B. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine Oil S NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN CIPAL Manufactories and Mills in Ontario and is giving entire satisfaction, and all unite iu saying there is from 2 to three hundred per cent. saving over all other Oils, and as the quality of this Oil is well known, it is unnecessary for me to state the reasons why it Supeinades all other Oil, as it is a well known fact that it will neither gum nor get thick in the coldest weather. TESTIMONIALS : Tue JoserH Halt MACHINE WORKS, Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 1870 GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., Brougham, DEAR SIR,-- We have been using your Lubri & Oil for the past four months, and can sa) out hesitation, that it is the best oil we hav. ever used. It is also cheap, and lasts longer tha: any other oil ; we fiave run our large 14 foot Iror Planer 7 days with one oiling. It keeps the tool clean and bright. We do not want anything better as a lubricator, fd the season of 'navi Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Pres't I will run Stock's Oil against any other oil it the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. A.HExDERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Works. 1 find Stock's Oil to be the best oil | had in my Flouring Mill for lubricating p: es I had used olive previous to Stock's, and 1 fin Stock's to be the best. , Moses Smith, Duflins Creek, Ont. I would rather have Stock's Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20 years. . GEORGE BLAKE, Foreman for Brown & Pate rson, Whitby, Ont. I have used Stock's Oil and I find it to excel all oil I have ever used in 40 years manufacturing experignce, and have used Castor and Olive Oil, principally previous to using stock's Oil. JACOB STALTER, Greenwood. We prefer Stock's Oil to either Sperm, Olive, or SPAIGHT & SON, Markham, Ont, I use Stocks Oil on my machinery, which re- volves about 4,000 times per minute, and find it J. CHURCHELL, Bangor, Ont, Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. ¢ | ers would beg to announce di ootlitng year, specimens from the folloviag Ww, FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH avis ° - It will dnive awa: + ¥hy Vilbre, Al LONDON, QUEBEC, TEMPERLEY'S LINE, SCOTLAND, I'WEED, The Steamers of this Line are intended to sail m the way out. 'A Representatixe And Champigy American Art 3 Che Aldine: N ILLUSTRATED yg : > Journal claimed to paper in the world. "Give my love to the artist § ALDINE who are strivig, to Jastion worthy of admiration as always been for use ness"... Beecher. 3 Tor Unt m THE ALDINE, while issued wi of the tem; ful literature, and a 'collect rarest specimens of artistic py a white, Although each affords a fresh snd) to its value_and beauty of THE ALD) most pyre iated after it has beeg close of the year. While other Eay claim superior cheapness ag rivalsof a similar class, THE unique-and original conception absolutely without price or character The possessor Just completed cecnnot duplicate the fine paper and engravings in any I i i Ruy E PH PE The labor of getting THE ALD, the press is so great that reprint ay the question. With the pecially reserved for of 1 already exhausted, and NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. -- The enthusiastic support so reads aR to their e rprise, wherever it hag DINE of the soundness of their American public would re and standard of illustrated pal so many weekly wicked sheets thing hetter --indeed the success DINE from the start is direct progs varied taste, a publisher can and his paper is rather indicative exception AX scarce as well as a valuable book, 5 : duced, has convinced the publishersof support any sincere efforts to elevate 15 not evidence that there is no market trary. With a population so vast, of the taste of the country, a kK He excellence of this ----a-- toma sg Hi Agneriean artists; W. T. Richards, W, Beard, G. H. Smillie, Aug. Wi I, Granville kins, F. O,°C. Darley, Victor Nohlie, Ww, cox. James H. Beard, J. D. Smillie, Frank Beard, Paul Dixon, J. Hows, These pictures are being re regsrd to expense Cy the vel eng thie country, and will bear the severs cuiuparisom with the best foreign work the determination of the publishers ALDINE shall be .a successful vind American taste in competition with ing publication in tho world. \ LITERARY DEPARTMENT, * Where so much attention paid to lustre] and get up of the work too much on appearances may very natugally be feared, To : such pisgivings, it is only Lo st *1 at the editorial managemicnt of TH, ALI uw» been intrusted to Sir R HEN. 5 [ODDARD, who has received ances of "ssistance from a 10st of the most pop. ular writers and poets of the coungry, THE VOLUME FOR 1872 Couiuin nearly 360 pages and about 250 fine en ua), ev-Commencing with the number for Jan .*®ry third number will contain af . beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted as a frontispiece. nvmber for 1872, will be 4! The hristinas oF spleudid volume in itself, dontaining on kravings, (four in tint) and, although gd atl $1. will be'sent without extra charge to all jean ly subscribers. A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a very popular feature last year, be repeated with the present om nl dy rp lishers have purbhased aud reprodv at great expense, the beautiful oil painting hb on titled * DAME NATURE'S SCHOOL." e is 11x13 inshes, and is an exact fac-simile, in sise and appearance, of the - original picture, No American chromo, Which will at all compare with it, has yet been ofiered at retail for less than cost price asked for 7'HE ALDINE adit rogether. It will be delivered - free, the January number, to ov ery zubscriber who pays for one year in advance. kJ TERMS FOR 1872, , $50 sending 00 names and $40, will re- tra copy gratis, making 11 copies for the money. Any person wishing to work for a premiwm. can have our paemium circuler on application. We give many beautiful and desirable. articles offered by no other paper. Any person wishing to act permaaently, ss our agent, will apply with reference, enclosing §1 for outfit, .: JAMES SUTTON & CO, | Publishers, 23 Liberty Street, New York.. PINTER'S Musical Library CONSISTING OF ? CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shining Lights. A choice collec of beautiful Sacred Songs. Hearth and Home, Fireside and Sweet Sounds, Three Volumes, easy Songs by Webster, Persley, ete. Golden Leaves. Volumes The two volumes contain all of Will Hays' Songs, Priceless Gems. A collection of bea ful Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS, Wi Fairy Fingers, Magic Cirele, and. "A Youne Pianist. Three volumes of very, asy Music for young players. Pearl Drops and Musical Recreations. 4 Dance Music. Two collections of moder- { Yate difficulty, Pleasant Memories. A col beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack, er, et€, 1 Golden Chimes. A collecfion of brilli- ant parlor Music by Charles Kinkel. Brilliant Gems. A splendid collection, i , Pacher, Kinkel, ete. Price, $2.50 pér vdlume, Slogantly bound in cloth, with gilt sides ; "$2 in pl cloth; $1.75 in boards, Address, J. L. PETERS, ; | 599 Broadway, NY. We would call attention to The| Operaat HB , & collection of over one! hundred beautiful opera songs. iacloth and gilt. Trade price, $4. STEAM BETWEEN @P AND MONTREAL. Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: - MEDWAY, HECTOR. "THAMES, "SEVERN. rom Quebec.and Montreal every TUESDAY dur- tion of 1572, and calling at Plymouth "Thro tickets from all: roints west at uced rates. Certificates issued © parties desirous of bringing out their friends. For full particulars apply to the Company's C. W. SMITH. sndon every Wedne: " t | «| | | | | { | Agent at Oshawa, INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston and Liverpool! - = CITY OF AMTWERP. CITY OF BALTIMORE, City or Briston. | City or LIMERICK. Crry or DusLIN, ITY oF RICHMOND. 1TY OF MONTREAL. ITY OF BROOKLYN. ITY OF Paris, ITY OF BRUSSELS, ITY oF NEw YORK. Crry or HaLivax. | ITY OF LONDON, Cry oF DURHAM, Crry or WASHINGTON, " SIR, Your extra machine od comes nearer to perfection for lu icating purposes than and hing used, so far as" known to me, it w neither | gum nor corode, and wares satisfactory. | Very truly yours, A. FAREWELL T SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Broveuay, ONT. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : : T N STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 1314, Toronto. T.GIBBSOhawa,On Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays! From Pier 45, North River, RATES OF PARSAGE. 0 Quaenstoh or A Averpool, Stecrage. ' $30, currency. London, " " Paris, - 38, " ickets can be bought here at moderate rates. by persons wishing to send for their friends. For further information apply to 'the Company's Agent, ¢. W. SMITH, OsHaWA. July 90, Q 3 §3e>%> "3 «©