Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 2 Jul 1872, p. 3

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ant to get SHOEING OR IRING IND DONE By Time / And in Time | ) TO-- IDGES, pT. NORTH. th of Stoek, TIME FOR CHEAP CLOCKS, SILVER PLATE, 4c, &0 Taylor i 'his splendid stock af DUCED RATES ro ie fifting up a New and Nisiting the d Ame resent Frye) is of y patterms and pur- factarers last fell. Parties xamining his stock and asing. elsewhére. Jewelry repared and natice, and cheaper : ther house. SUAL! 872 Success ! PRIZES ZX HIBITIONS, ; ONT. First Prize for dition to last year # mas, and First Prizes; end in the opinien or Lom parbly superior anufacturers of the ETTE, stent Qualifying Tubes w the greatest improve wir superiority is con from the Tact that at from competition, thus ility to col with ly warranted for mye + cuntainimg Afty dif- te WwW. BELL & Ce. JOON DALE, D Br voklin. ST-CLASS ne Operators MANUFACTURE | Steady employment s given , uver McRae & Co.'s J. F. KELLOGG! F © sa we D TEE BANNER. \RIO MER 1E-- SPAPER. brs rs Should RT ITH per annum boc of the Rel - 'orders. - at Hepinstall's Jewelry Store, King St. ~QAX Osssct or PosLic Covrnitbr.--- the fact by remedied. i ---- Antari eform " | THE GAME OF CRICKET. he On ane ¥ " { A match game of C Cc Sricket was played on | 1 878. ; | he Whitby grounds on Dominion day, | DEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY between the Whitby and Oshawa Clubs, RDA resulting in the defoat of the Oshawh . 2 Club "after a hard contest. The playing Only Profitable Advertising Medium on both sides was particularly good as ™ 1878 us FRUIT SEASoy | Jol 1S THE will be seen by the score below, and had it not been for a run of bad lnck in thé first innings, our boys might have had |» different story to tell. The bowling of | { Mr. Osler was particularly good, as was ng [also that of Mr. J. V. Hum, of the] = Pon 23 Brovotiax.--We regret | | Whitby Club. In batting Messrs. Ham | bara that the loa ul Mr. Prick, mesr | i and Ray, of Whitby, and Osler and Todd, Da, wy thd fire rot hia promises last bd Oshawa, tairied of the palm. The wn gu $2,600, with little in- | ollowing is the score. < OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. Fowptmsa.--A man was badly beaten | in King Street, a Jittle east of the village, | on Monddy evening: Warrey OF THE BEST BRIGHT CRYSTALIZED SUGAR FOR PRESERVING | 1st in. 2nd in Mathew son, . J. $18, will buy that desirable Silver | J. Fitzpatrick, Hunting, ** Inverted Patent Lever Watch,' full Jewelled, and time gharanteed, at Hepinstall's, Jewelry Store King Street, 3. V. _ | W. Marshall, G. Bengough, bow | H. Garratt, Taz Tory SrroncrOLD.--The intelligent | electors of Greenwood won themselves im- | mortal renown on Monday evening by | burning the Reform candidate in effigy; | 4 The fools are not all dead yet. ; 76 a3 --. - © | d| mcctvRomacon TO BE HAD OF Gaus or Lacrosse. --A Xazroite match | was played in Whitby, on Dominion Day, | between a club from Oshawa and one Whitby, in which our young men came | off second best. | Istin: 2nd in H.Osler, 14 C. Courtney Hants, co a TarLoniNGg at Wm. Dickie's. A large as- sortment of New and Fashionable Clothes, | New Hats, Collars, Ties, &c. Boots and | Shoes, a speciality, French Calf Boots, | very cheap. Call early and leave: your iy : 2 B 3 - O iL < > A m oe = m : m 2 Ro O 00 Ww We 0 Doxixiox Day. --The natal anniversary | of Confederation was celebrated in a nega- | tive manner in Oshawa, by the closing of | shops, and a general exodous of the in- habitants. No demonstration of any | Majority for Whitby. . kind took place here. | This makes two out of three games, won Something Entirely new at W. Dick's by Whitby. It will be seen that the | The Banner $30 Sewing Machine : The | Dumber of byes & wides in the first inn- Webster $35, 1,000 Stitches a minute ings of Whitby, wou thew the game. , | oC eo ¢ dwoyo 81 19 Ang of "DOIUBIIBAA PUB padiedeyy Knjeded without moise, skipping of stitches, or} breaking of thread. Buy no other | INSTALLATION. without first trying these. l, i Offizers of Tuan Lodge, No. | -_ 9, G. P. C. was Installed by V. W. Bro. | Tax Catmouics' Pic-xic.--The Pie-nic | [12 Beyd assisted by W. Bro. Charles | at Annis'. Grove, on Tuesday, was Very | the 24th day of June, 5673. | gely ded, énd was favoured by {| The following are the names of the new the finest of weather. A most enjoyable | officers : | | afternoon wis spent, itl roviden for the | Mr. Gilbranson. --W. WM the various amusements provi or el Charles T. Gibbs, --T: W. | | | 47.044 ATINALOHASIY d'1 {1 s9oud pue: onpea pool : Kuve Burpn[ouco e10jeq spoos TY ees puv [[vo ® wy oad oy 4] 'aoe oy '[[9% 0} PUNO] OI¥ PUY SIOUISU(| UVML OM occasion. | Wm: Hay,--J. W. Sze, Szz--"Tis a , positive fact that Rus- | Wm. H. Finnimore, --Treas., sall's celebrated watch is sold as cheap,and | John Boyd, --Sub'ts® a little cheaper in Oshawa, than Toronto | E. Aylsworth,--Chaplain 5 | 1 | pue STTALS sae] oY} jo puv ey bet Gl" = WN ed a! -- a oq [1M '94NOLIIUT JO SIWOI[OP MOY JOU DIVO Op - en advertise to do. Ba.sure then | Wm. Deans,--T. D. : before sending your money from home, to Charles Kellond,--J. W. sot those goods and learn the prices going | Robett Gott,--D. of C: Wm. Lavchland, ! st cwards. ho Wm. T. Bryant, { Bast, Calawa: 2) | Wm E. Wellisgton,--T. G. A Baicrrer Prospect.--It was remark | { W. Hurt, --Tyler ed to us the other day, that what with the | | TT vain the other #ay, and the money | Dosrxtox Day at BowsmaxviLLe.--The | scattered over the coditty in order to elect { Bowmanville division of the sons of tem: | the ministerial candidate, South Ontario | perance had a soiree at the drill shed on i has profiled by a good many thousand | Tuésday night, dollars. ** It's am ill wind that blows no- body good." z es % s q 2 < 3 13 2 4] = ) 3 i - 3 ) ® 2 4 ¢ E & : - E 3 a » 5 2 2 c £ Ge 3 "YAMVHSQ Tr LaEuLS ONIY 001g $,NOSTI A SIH LVHL FAONAONNY OL MAV 'MIAN $1 Joog wy we '030 Mos SOSVI IN 'SMO0T0 ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOM TTV which was aftended by | about $0 peu] ple, and passed off happily. { An excellent tea, prepared Mr. Wyllie, | & cap yital oration from Rev. W. Pirritle, of wm Fause Auaru.--A large number of our | Belleville, end first-tlass Ee from the | $5 to $20 / . of either sex, you citizens were startled out of their slumbers | Bowmanville cornet band and temperance k for us in PETWERN #1rly on Tuesday morning, by the loud- | upon, made the afternoon an enjoyable | time ,t han at anyth . mouthed clangor of the fire alarm bell, and | ope. The band made their first appear- LON D O N, Q UEBE c, Address G. STINSON % ( many rushed to the streets without any | ance in their new fell dress uniform; which | FOU R HORSES FOR SALE. AXD regard to propriety, to see where tlie fresented & most creditable appearance. ONE YOUNG SPAN MATC HED | MONTREAL. danger had arisen. It tarned oat, how- -- ever, that it was siniply # call to the fire- Mark Twain respects his baby, for its | oer ES ou ai in on, ies ari o_o : men to assemble for their. excursion to father's sake. | Draught, Will sell either separatly or by the | Port Hope. and the sltrm subsided. ANDRW ANNIS. taining more than 50,000 inhabitants. Rp Ail > | ™ Tiberal. X Philidelphia paper is | E OR S. Al nel willing that nature should take its course. | | A HORSE; BIGHT YE: ARS OLD, TEM PERLEY'S LINE | Zrru Braz, a Reformer of years standing, Suitable for General Purposes, also who had been working hard for Mr. Holden A Varick stréet saloon-keeper announces | | and HARNESS, apply to POS . : 4 E. FIELDING and abusing Hz. bus » Xo Re by sige-Yoard, " Irish Lager Bier." it King St. West, Oshawe, | election, walk 4 up an 2 yole wa The Nation refers to Hon. Roscoe | mm erm Gibbs. It is said be received a large pecu- niary considegation Yor twmming traitor to | Conkling "that purple earthquake of | | 6 PSYCHOMANCY,| his principles, and we can well believe it. oratory: OR The Steamers of this Line are intended to sail A Li¥erpdol paper épeakes of " Artemus } 8 OUL CREARMING. {uring the Seugon of hav igation of 1873, from G, | How either. sex may fascinate and gain the lova | london for Quebec an ren) as follows: | Ward Beecher, the great Ametican | | and @ffecticn of NY person they choose, in THAMES dag, Apri sth { | Rquewmax osval 'IVAN ra free. | and, Maine." rr ---- © I ---- ee Europe alone possesses 171 cities con- | thé\yoting in Whitby, on Monday -- i C onipiued of the follovring First-Class Iron Steamers: MEDWAY, HECTOR NIANZA, SEVERN SCOTLAND, Suxpar A gp¥ooN Teurenaxc | stantly. This simple mental acquire.nent all (Via Inlifax and a Joi can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together SEVERN MesTing.--The usual Sunday afternoon | with Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oricle, Devta temperance meeting will be held in the| From his cavalry experience; Mac Big Hints to Ladics. efe. A queer, exciting | MEDWAY Sons' Hall, Oshawa, on Sunday next, | Mahon is relied on "a stable government | book, 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & | Co., South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Ps. when able advocates of the good cause will | in france. | -- Mh aldress the sudi:nce. Judging from ths | Manufacturing is not a poor-paying | No ~N ST OCK. appearance of the streets for the past few | business, although it takes ten mills to | rig AMES - . Thursd days, we should say that there is ample | make ons cent. Pian, Ovgonis, id lids, Congertinas; Lp pL ry. hy humorist." Nianza - "Saturday, EcoTLAND « Wednesday, 23th do and every ahernate Wadnenday and Saturday | thereafter: | Sorrel m Quebec for London as THE DOMINI 0 N Coal Oil Cooking Stove | JAMES WOOD. ! Burns oil oil at an an XDI of coe dont per hour. without smoke or smell and does every variety of cooking in a very superior manner. Bakes bread, buscuit, apples cakes pies. Roasts meat, fowls aad birds to prefection they are not subject to be dried up as in the ordinary method by the carelessness of the cook. Owing tothe DeLTa . scope for te operation of our temperance | The London Standjard is profane enough | Violin Bows and Strings, Sheet Music, de. Mrpwer - 1 ind do Sid, { t> hint that the chief obj:ct of the Royal | [\§TRUMENTS TO RENT BY THE TERM. | SCOTLAND yarsdas, 12k do SolfpfHING FOR PUBLIC ATTENTION. -- Literary Fund is not the relief of literary Orders for Tuning attended (0 promptly. fd every Aternate atsday and Thursday We would recommend to our public ! men, but the perpetuation of the annual R. WELLINGTON, London, Cabin. So ; Breen rom ee to Tie spirited citifens,that a subscription should | dinner. | Sign of the Book, Wilson's Block. | Certificates ped 15 ME yo a ined pales. | o ng ou eir nds. h b Le taken up td procure preper helume .| A female correspondent suzzests a con- | -- bowed us, the conti: NTR a { e United States to De- for the two Fire Companies of this village. | dition on which she will give nus a kiss. | FOR SALE. | trait, Mil ates to These holmetsare not only desirable in | we feel in duty bound to say to her that - | C arte Fralght - passage, apply to Temperioy's tirder to contribate to the better appear-' fig ing is a thing that, at every prop r Vv ALU ABLE [PROPERTY '{ Car bor 4d Drice. Bilicter Steet. Lond on; Ross | J 0 FO! orner ol . ance of the igade; but they are neces: | opportunity, we set ous face against. | Fmt ber aaarter | | C. W. SMITH. sary to the protection of the fireman in | | acre, on which there are two good houses with { Oshawa. actual service. Who will set the ball rol': A Kentucky paper gives the following | good water ke ood lots for sale on the Karr Prop ing, and earn the thanks of the Brigade 1 | warning : ** Delinquent subscribors should | erty, the bestin Oshgwa, ts 4 a | mot permit their daughters to wear this 51-40 gzriors DRow,--On Monday evening a | pa aper for a bustle. There being so much | | -------- 1 wel drunken row pook place in Hobb's hotel | dt 5. it there is danger of their takirg | | House ahd Lot For Sale. | col in this town, the result of which was, that | ty orothers namai Jons, received a| Nowspaper mistakes ars scarcely un- | Opposite Oshawa , Cabinet Factory. severe beating. One of them received a ! avoidable. Every issue of many journals | | Li HOUSE CONT! \INS TWELVE fearful beating, and the other by a kick | involve the placing of 150,000 types. Out | acts, and a good stone cellar, Will sc- | | \ ill be wrong aly | comodate four small families. For tcrms, etc., on the head from one of his assailants, | of that number some wi HE Cm Od opt, George Farewell, or to lost an eye. This kind of brutality is be- | placed, in spite of the best of care. Al R. McGEE. coming far too prevalent in Oshawa, and | Pittsburgh paper made a rather ridiculous | is nover shrilled, but the juices+are retained, chromos a: for the sooner the authorities take proper | | blunder lately, and yet there was only | Lumber for Sale. | which impart to the bird its specific flavor, to | art stores. As it fai } igh - put . mptory © to it the | | one letter out of place. The editor said | | the sriisfaction of the most fastidious epicure. better. 'Ths Legislature pasted (passed) the bill all kinds of meat. | -- | over the Governor' s head." a if | | | Boils or fries speaks, oysters, tomatoes, LARGE QUAN ANTITY OF SESLON | &e Heats flat irons, glue pots, tailors' snd tinsiniths lumber for sale at) Meads' Mill. Reach. . B. CAMPBELL, 4-tf, Proprietor. ANXUAL Mzmrixe oF Freeney. Al | c-- arm ting of Fire Brigades yesterday, it RIRIE. "nwatingd B hold their next annual | At Crewson's Cerner Erin, on dth ult., the wife 2 of Mr. Wm. M. Crawson, formerly of Oshawa, pic pic of the Fire Brigades, in the City | of a son. photographs, Only y One Dollar. 10,000 Sold | can be extinguished at preasure. Hamilton. | se Esau t t d price for 1 ok on uti oF Sui Hogi Gi a Haat eon. TH a ie oe be = | short of a miracle, even to those the inventions of the present day none have | other fires are liable. This will be appreciated | ph achievements of RL er own here is no smoke, unpleasant odor, | tions of these eRromas: » see November lovee ) SAY THAT OF ALL | not su neer, of Hamilton Brigade seconded by | Chief Eogineer Thornton, it was aldo re- | -- nil Iyed ot an supual copvoption of dele- | omiw » Ankers July 2 | fer the small sum of one dollar seems an utter solved, f all the Fire Brigades of | Flomr, 9 owt... ...8300 @ 84 00 | | impossibility, ot ft las Ben Beapmplished And' Samlie of ang size may dothetr entire gates got Wheat, Fall, # bushel, IS the most per Ontario should be held each year for | (Wheat Spring, ¥ bushet -15 eook- purposes of ¢.-paration, and mutual | 1 Oana, ¥ vushel,..c...... - i benefit. "Commercial, | | 7,18 SAFE TO 8 ~~ | erea'ed more astonishment than the London \ by Jaundress, OF the lady who does preservin, | Repeating Watch. The idea of making a watch | ier nor hes, The saving of soon defrays its whois cost, e - YY' tra costs. The Londen. repeatin Ja ah isgos wp | ' elegint etyle { ndsome ¢ ad el t i rtd i Cook! na it J tal, which is an exact im itatign of gold, Teat covenience, as, on ng, Boies crystal, steel and metallic roa, sud a | flat Jans at a small ex ; the 1, an of the size of an or a ed en one is warranted to KEEP nla a ge for Lhis purpose FEnclosed in | comprises a compass and Sun hw without ex- Es ConNrrseLATED REMOVAL. tte | EEE 3 plate the removal of their establishment ZANE to Bowmanville. We trust they will re- | Wool gh o usider the matter, and that our citizars prin i" Apes. will make an effort toretaio the manulact- | Ca hong ory here. We need say nothing of the | im portance of fre 8888 | din tch ! NOR DEN FOR TWO YEARS. ---- oo | chmrged for the whole watch. Every oRe wants | Fouse, the Workshep. will soon dMwcover A IRARATAANAGS day selling them as it does not heat the house. i welf if A. A ay $1, oF fof 81, Send | all Loran ragiste red to the manufactory, | wants of each. ts for R. LARARD. WARDS & Co, ra ¥D Toronto, Out. ODOC OO~020CPOOOO =~ 83.388 N TONS! ~ | i = me | = = = :. et ts ce | | &% | THOLS | ukee, C hicage and other points in | uliar construction of the oven ger "Crossing the Mi 2-10-41. | they may be shut up and Jeft. On her return,the | printed from 25 different plates, requiring 25 im- | cook will find them perfectly cooked. The meat | pressions and tints a to pe ect each picture. The Boils and Steams vegetables, ptiddings, and Qolpelition ia in Svery a | scriber will receive Ay n certificate. « over the sk | irons, &e., and is admirably adapted for eying LL | It is si.ple and neat--occupies but a small funded. The space upon a kitchen table ; is always, ready for de, f to the bonuribers toa | use, requiring only a match for Klodling- ati d il ae ; ® ot tims indicator produced which | ing with this stove. To Students, Clerks, and | will continue under the care of { the world hosev epseen, besides that each Watch | 41] who desire stad} cconomy, it is invaluable. Henry 8 riect re- | and constaney ts Heat making it par- ies going | 47 a ¥ Tenin, of , ome after, ihe Shue! | is & #nn dial aud a perfectly accu. | Butr for ly meals will appreciate ils value. | | rato compass, worth of itself twice the amount | The yi Room, fh¢ Nursery, the Sounting | . | | Oe, Cvery boy ean Row have a Watch for hin. | Usefulness. As & Enoginer Cookib® Stove ie y io the publiansrs to the ES cases where the certificale is The stove will be monufactured to meet the | S¥OSPL 8, SoFS0 SoG on 8 tifics's 18 given. After the Firel. J0& RH.HENRY, a Have Resumed Busiziess in the Gadlery lately dootipied by J. E: Hoitt In the Building on ib Corner of Ring and Simove Streets; Where they are otice more prepared to Take Photographs, And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest Styles. | | Entrance on Kirig Street Between Gilletts' and Dickie's Store. Special attenticsi given to emlarging end Oslerisig. Photographs taken from Pictures, and #1ila i+ to any Sige. Oshawa, December 34th, 1872. LADIES UNDERWEAR! Having obtained Rooms in GIBBS BLOCK OVERMGRAE "AND ©0°8 STORE I have facture of LADIES UNDERWEAR IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, WHOLEASLE & RETAIL. Samy les of work are now ready Jor Ladies leaving thelr orders Gy Snapogtion an promptly filled, in a manner to give satisfaction. Ladies are Invited to a will be shown, and every Courtesy paid by the for- woman, Mis. CURRIE. J. F. KELLOGG. June 3rd, 1873. WOOL! ! WOOL: WHEAT, WHEAT ! CASH PAID FOR any quantity of wor, WHEAT AND OATS. I. W. FOWKE: | Prospectus Jor 1878 SIXTY Tr'mFE AL DINE, laa Illustrated Monthl {Journal versally admitted to i asink Periodical ins by ra ARMY. Uhampie ¢f American La for lei in Book or News Stores. ALDINE, while. issued with all the WL LT has none of the Jemporary or ti interest characteristic Li ad ordinary - fir - isan Slant J jnisceliany o terature ; Hp wna the rarest epecimens of artistic ski lack and white. Although each number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, |e = Yalue and beauty of The Aldine ost. ARpoci ated ana it has been ill be un Patt close of the year. "While thet pdblications may cl claint yb pel - Som ared with rivals of a similar class, HE LDINE isa unique d original conce; on and hi od absolutel | Sut competition in price or character.-- possessor of a Souipiste volume cannot du- cate, te. thy e QUARSILY paper and engrav pls wy ot} or Shas Bumber of volumes for ten 3 its cost; and t there Gre the chromeos, es, hy err Notwithsta the increase 3 subscriptio o all, when THE arn rm gh its Present 1d habs pe resentative Pane dowled ear: proving that the y AS pn will sn fort, a sigcere effort in the cause of Ast. The pL {siers, r.axious to justify the ready con- Lodi thus demp: have exerted fhem- scives to the iment to develop and ethe work ; a for the © year, as unfolded, 1 phe monthly im issues, will aston! and de even most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. Thi blishers are authorized b¢ >» van of the most eminent artists in Am it THE ALDINE wil will foo nt ers, selected & view to. the success, and greatest general interest ; 'avoiding such M have become familiar, through photo- Sh ©0 lew of on ind as quarters Trad pints reproduce Davis OF tintt "ole child I akeiches a to the four seasons. ese plates ap- | bes pearing in the issues for a , April, a and October, would be Sloe worth the price of a year's subscription. IN The. pov feature of | a copiously illustrat ed "Christmas" numb- | er will be contiuned. To possesssuch a valuable | epitome of the art world at a cost so trifling, command the gubscriptions of maf on or soetion of the +I LA) the usefulness attractions of THI hanced, in propo: ADL fine crease of its pation The publ to announce 4% make "assurance double sure,' "by the winll unparalleled offer of | | Premium Chromeos or 1878; | Every subscriber to The 08 for whic Jays ia | advance for the year 1873, will receive, wi it additional charge, a pair of beautifal olf chromos, after J. J, Hill, the eminent English painter.-- The pictures, entitled + The Village Belle," and oor," are 14 x2 iichés--and same pair. in the ductors to keep The didine out of th NE can, be ea i if Shy thot can be offered b Dy of er Fm Every sud ture of the pu ghromos delivered see gon gin cov Bd feos furnished the agent, or the money istribution of a hy hy ness To | wi ill mark an epoch in op Aldine itself, ue el Hoi | considering the nup: ed mechanical app. | Tae ALDINB) Fw The Literary Department 5 | with its actistic attractions. Towns: 85 fer enigm. in a n advance, with ofl > rate cash for su TON & Agent for Oshawa, and Guts Wille » o total BR reel Full SE prompt Torr stitutions, and if there is anything whic | Darley, §. H. COCHRANE, L. L. B,, 5 we have nut done which should Lave Loen | fs : | foc, Star Fp: So" dome to support the Organ Factory, = Bare FRANCIS RAE, M4, B., boars Ch TEE PR | ation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO,, ard the riters wi | and poets of the day, who 8 BF ihe est to have the Seamstresses and Laundresses will. find it a | literature of THE ALDINE always in. keeping TH ALorye I bereater be obninabt 4 ISH HIOY =) r= 2 Jr gq H1AALsS LV sSdd The Latest Styles of GENTS HA AT F. McRAE & Ca " FRESH ARRIVALS OF BOOTS & SHORS| ~ EE a -- J UST RECEIVED WIGHTMANS, in thé Dry Goods Beara : Hoyle' s Dik Ground Prints, Ashton's Dark Ground Prints Mourning Prints; Dolly Varden Prints; Two Bales Orosley's Tapestry Carpetdy A fow pieced Floor Oil Cloths, - Oxted. Shiiings an Harrockses Cottons; 32 and 80 ach; - White Octten ¥ In the Grocery ; Black Oouchong Teas, at 25; 45 and 65, ote: perth Black Congon Teas, at 25; 45 and 65 ots per Ib, WILLIAM M WIGHTMAN LATE COWANS : Oshawd, and Prinicé e Atbart New Dry Goods Sore | ALEXANDER BR & BRYCE are J0OWing & Announces that they are NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY G MILLINERY: NOTE A FEW. OF THE BRICES Guod Dresses, 3 $1 25,81 50, aly . to Y SPEC Ri Re a. Foe 6b ti, 79 ula, 81, $198." to $4. 3 fp ct 35 tie, ad 0 oe. Heavy Steam Looms Our Grey Cottons are admiited 1 be. ihe. Cheapest vo Splendid assortment of of Lads Ctrthink at 00 ots, $1 3081 ¢ A = , $2 28, $3, $3 50, and $4 50. a fot GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! Styles i MILLINERY Yl NE Shh SE Rr Thm oe 03 ¥ Black and White Striped Prints f | a a rr cote a tat i Ty tT SOLAS PTA

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