Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Jun 1872, p. 3

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Sov Yolen, June a Tn 1] o hy an "0M . 08 LE] 18 0 28 TY MARKET: et ---- shol, do hh uy 0 08s co 088 ce. 00 doit, Adv cetisements, -- Ma X MeBRIAY, Ny PITAL, LOX ing wes' Hete! on ON, ENG. ANTEDF RL. Apply to MRS. Joux B. B. HARRI, AYED YZ ' THE PREMISES Ihe PIO Theor - calling and Paring coaey can Jonx EWING. 2 T8237 ntractors, Talléable Irom W the store of Ww. . Fons 1lw, RAYED. - xt h ISR PREMISES OF THE No.9, #'h con. East Whithy, off neck and bel? on 'giving information and r regovery will be nt tion left at this office, or Eg GEORGE THOMAS, ne 3nd, 1872: 93wpd PRIZE BULL, Ta804N I DD B JOOK, w ILL SERVE | Ayrehire Bul 1." Lord Rag- he same. terms at the farm , near the G. T. R. THOMAS GUY. mo le. ION SALE. RE AL ESTATE. WING ¥ ALU ABLE' | 0'c Ki Spri No. 1. 1st and 2nd. «two and a half miles from ve ost 'enterprising towns in 4 six miles from Bowmanville rand, tohigining 175 acres of which wi sold in two es om the nis "side of the ou the south side. arm 2 acres of good wood, a choice fruit , 8 ROC od two stor yr new, two Barns, one with Stables, - Driving * Barns, and itable for a first-oiass farm. r superior cultivation, the is well watered by a s the farm close to the barns.> roken land. Possession given hing may be done before wi ent. of money day of * nating sum _ in one month, oF Fi ve qual annual instal en per cent. For ol to Mrs. ckie, on the WM. McGILL LIAM FLINT, Exe utors. LET | INC OF OSHAWA Will be held Y, June 28th, rounds of pz. Annis, west road to Whi ngre for n of the two ie means to aid in e:tablish- or the erection of a paro- hi est in Oshawa. am ing amusements will Vib ve a Lacre seme Match and . c! rizes vrill be p presented 9 ADRILLE BAND for al th at wish fo her Bands vill also be "0 variely and ple leasure of un d= and. Dinner 3 cents Ap efficient committee, of be in ettendance. 1 1 ap usw ment may ritk el lowed ou the v, Oo NION and Musical' RSION.. r'o- FALLS. , June 24th, DID STEAMER EMAN," v CARTER) o ding Iafentry, Cavalry. a Pr r Haje at 1 wilie 5.30, Onbia x iy r 1h nocd direc A Xiu gare, vk, theace 10 1x of the N.Y. C.K. i. wil Ve a exe gy ts. 10 the Cenis & Pond ckeis to be vill leave Niagara rulls at the steamer ak Lewiston, ne lle Cornet Band, © new Instruments just. ,) togetlier with Wn Ri BAND, board t Bo 3 be boat, going on and return, Gentle- cach: map be obtained 7 office, wa; a ead h of the. = "be Tickets hoard the boat, * Station, Jud 5 IE { Frosh Fish, Fresh Fish. FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST. hey ll, and 2 a stable and shed en wil r of cholce A Ke 2 gn : al or-{i IX deo, & ver-failing well of excellent water. premises, to WALTER road. i 4 S| March 1, isms. FOR SALE. | IE WEST HALF OF THE SouTH 3 rg in corner of the quantity of wood Ho. Io 8. tle Tron Noe Tigo Central R. R. and stable Salmon Trout, N HAND A 0 MORNING ; RNING : and visas wook dosing the rey April Soh. I nia -- SHINGLES. HING LES OF ALL KINDS hOOR by Ary hy A L030 Sok an Pucitng: jrrerbry AN. STEPHENS. [ve 4 March 1. 1878 'Lumber & Shingles Flu SALE AY MY MILLS IN DAR- |. A.B. CAMPBELL VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. | HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale his property on Wililam street, consist- ing of a block of four houses and over fand. Itish well drained, and ns state of cultiv Also, that fine Revie] in Prinde 41bert, now occupied by Mr. Wheox, Bail HUGH oe RMICHAEL. Oshawa, Juné 2nd. Taf THE Florence Sewing Machine, ALL AT JOHN POSTS Music STORE, in the town of Whithy, and ste this besutiful machine, which makes four Jif- fe-ent kinds of stitches, and sews both ways, runs very light and still. Thase intending to | purchase a machine, if they will send their ad- Gress to JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, Whitby, wi ii | receive a bray description of the machine, with | price list, ete. JOHN S. M. WILLCOX. | ar | 'Whitby, Jan.' 18. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. | AVIND PURCHASED MR. CON. | ANTT int#rest in the McGregor property, offer for sale twelve lots on the west side of | Centre Tarms: One-third eash : balance with imtetest at cight per eu. To i "who will ex¥%t a house at once, I | will not wire any Jett do doth; on addi tion il vanoe 28 hun dollars on each | lot, if they erect a house than less take a first morigage w! insurance policies. for the value of the lot and | the amount advanced. For full particulars enquire f Lyman English, Barrister. F. W. GLEN. "Oshawa, March Tth, 1872, 3-tf NITROUS OXIDE | +R Protoxide of Nitrogen | ih DMINISTERED F FOR THE PAIN. less extraction of teeth at the dental rooms of J. FERGUSON, L. I of simson Bros. King St. West, Oshawa. ten the operation of extraction, carry for their mouth a mass of filth, a fritral <ause of disease, which has not only raine d thes health and destroyed their happiness bh ade | then chjects of Jepugnscs to. a¥ who ar wy so, unfortunate as to associated with them, as | nt ros Oxide is pleasant to take and quite harm- ess. Oshawa, May, 24, 1872, 2w.7 CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! = HAY, ING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- | 1 heartily recommend him to the patronage of | my former customers and friends. GEORGE HENRY. CHER'S business to Mr. G. N. Stephenson, | Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872, IN reference io the above, 1 say to my 1 nf hola at the | y of all kinds will always be kept on hand. = wagon will be wun daily, and all persons desirous of having A call at their houses will please leave woid at the shop. A callls solicited as uo pains will bé spared to give satisfaction. G.N. STEPHENSON, Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872. w Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. RS GEORGE STEPHERSON HAV. NG sold-out) Lout hii Bchering ng Business tao heretofore and will do my to supply new ones, with the wo 7 pedling waggon will cad as .ofders leit at the shop prompuy | class MEATS me, « exte nded Aten de t Ring Sto East, Oshawa, June 5%, 17. :tL. W.BELL & Co, QUELIE, ONT. Prize Med al CABINET ORCANS AND MELODEONS. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of "THE . ORGANETTE," Containing Serfbwer's Pate] Patent Qualifying Tubes Awarded the he only Medal Ever given to makers of Reed Instruments | at Provincial Exhibitions, for * - Proficiency in Musical ipstruments, Bes, plomas ahd First Prizes at other a 3 too numerous to specify Our ans and judges go be the dass yet prod Onr latest apd goost valuable ¢ provement it io "of which are 10 | var the ame time | an acre of | - | Thanking the Public for their Itheral patronage in the past; they trust his new firm w MISS ROOME ). 8., over the grocery | Persons need not now, from fear of pain at--| t ineats | strumpents are acknywlelz:1 by mits | | ONTARIO REFORMER OSEAWA]" FRIDAY, Jong. 21, 1879, Ontario Commercial College, Bélleville, Ont. . THOROU PRACTICAL INSTITU f10% FoR BUSINESS A | THOROTOM AD, FRACTION young men and boys cs procure an educstion 'The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, apd the opini- ons of the Press, Setters' fom prominent usiness men, and the united admissiod of hundreds of our are the gu and offered by this College. SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Bookkeeping --by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- ng. Hulirosding, teamboating, Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, e A Staff of Beveii Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those wlio can devote & few mo: t : om Se SF LSet lo sats pean, The bars ANS, PS SRST Seasive ug et Shits JWR y that the adventages we offer && Specimeiis of Pe and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. | Address, 8. G6. BEATTY & Co., Belleville. =W FIRM! G. F. BLAMEY AE AVING TAKEN MR. 8. E. BRIGGS INTO PARTNERSHIP, THE Business will be carried oh hereafter in the name of BLAMEY & BRIGGS. will continue to. merit a large share of public contidence, 'Aroumpiog ue) © pue ---- 'S.NVMOO 03 400Q IXIN: 3 sasTnaad HIADHUVYT anv MAN OL IAOKIL. wgmg 04} Jo juomiosse [RIO 'soysnug 100, 'Squio)) 'soysnig IVE ystfuy pue qouosy 'sdeog pojuedg 'SIMIAN JUN 'sBuaq I0IS DAYC S.KO08 "auinueg Aj1owng pue Ajjend) 1s3q ay jo ic ; Tripp's Poetical i Ladies and Santielel men, road the need of finest He'll mend your soles, if not your wa: Give good und to all he ring Be : Jnake your ts Ww. a delay, rip he'll ask no par. mes the as yon aid do é ow, Money scarce, and prices lo A large stock on hand, ho more coming, Produce taken in e for Stand. East side of Sim ons door North of TrIPP & SHAW. end best of Taylor's jewelry A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS! Will be added to the already large stock in a few days, of which due notice will | be given. BLAMEY & BRIGGS 9-1y. REMOVAL. Oshawa, June 5th, 1872. NEW DRESSMAKING] ESTABLISHMENT | RE-OPENED! TRIPP & SHAW, AVE REMOVED TO THE STAND | ely oceupied by Thomad Hawt King ec Oshawa, A they will, Awthors { keep constantly un hand a splendid stock of H: AYISG RESUMED BUSINESS IN the rooms | ie Ladies' and Gents" wear, and which t { Next Door to HOT Hid WY Gallery ! H will sell at lowest rates. os and oh They | | begs to call the attention of those friends iol made to order on the shortest notice. have so Nberaily supported her since her com- Good Fit Guaranteed. mencement in: business ; and while thanking them for past favors, solicits a continuance of | Oshawa, Feb. 16, 1872. e same. 45-0 sme ---------- | Oshawa, Dec. ili 35. | THE OLD AND NEW METHOD, OF TEACHING MUSIC. | Miss FE Palmer, | | T= ACHES THE ABOVE METHOD, | by the Jatter, pul ipils can by strict atien tion | and faaghtul a) 0%, play efficiently, pieces of the CREAT RASTERR * and answer any | \ quastion in the science of Music, in from € to 12} weeks. | PUPILS MAY PRACTICE ON one | PIANO OR MELODIAN. | RESIDENCE--MR. 0. FRENCH'S. | Third door North of Christian Church. | | Oshawa, May 9th, 1782. - 53m | The Admirers HORACE GREELEY i A Large Quantity OF | | FIRST-CLASS | British Plate Glass. | TOILET MIRRORS, |BUY & Light Hat WILL DO WELL TO | For the astonishingly low prices of 115 and 25 cents each, | Compigte with Frames, at the Hardware, Establishment of T. WILLS GIBBS', simcoe se, omave. | JODDERS. | Remember the place dir wily oppotite the Dominion Ban | 1 | | | | {| Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872, NEW HE SPRING Shes © Dolly Varden (The Latest Thing Out,) GEORGE GOURLEY'S Stock ow w Spring Cloths is now complete, | embraces ull the LATEST STYLES! wr Te Fa TTS FITCHE N. The Stock is oue of the best ever brought into { the place. iF | JUST RBCEIVED GEN TLEMEN. uirin New Suits, would do well to call early i . and leave their orders. A LARGE SUPPLY OF All Work Dono in the Best Manner. | LOWEST LIVING PRICES CHARCED! | By| Gn oh h « pr ak Toe Power of a pipe | CAUTION. - As we have facturi Polenta Ed Fue | Good Fits Guarantod / Chewing Tebacoos Oshawa, April 12, 1833, paris Dominion hom ele bers For our iristruinents containing stn his s copyright prosecuted. Tustrated Fas eal Turatitiog Yedasioning Gud OF THE BEST BRANDS. BUTTER. | HIME DAIRY. RY BUTTER, AT 18 ( ENTS PER POUND, AT | _ TREWIN' Se ; King St. Oshawa. PGES So i A ray Mh, 1. i BOOTS & SHOES. TOBACCO POUCHES SESiiiitn ern, wv 281 'ql ose '{@ry) SAAOID MAN 'SASSHIA MIN 'S440 ANY SUYTTI0D MAN 'STV MAN 'STMVHS MAN 'SILNIId MIAN ISA00D AHA HD NMdS MIN "BMBYSO eos BUI 's.ayvNlVvE rl "OLA 'SAO0D XONVA MIAN (old 'STTINVIN MAN ALLAN LINE. 0BEAWA AGENOT, | WINTER SERVICE! | © | Under Conti with the ) the Canadian Government | for carry e Canadian and U. 8. Mails. STEAM WEEKLY TO |LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY _ AND CLASGOW. nIs COMPANY'S LINES ARE of the undernoted Full Powered, Do ube | nigined Clyde Built Iron Steamships: Polynesian, yy 200 tors (buildin | Fito yond foulklingy: Caspian, 5.350 tons, Capt. | Seott. Sc .andina Pn, 3,000 tons, C apt, Ballan- tyne. Prussian, 3,000 tons, "Licut, Dutton, | 4 N. Rv Auscrian, 2.700 tons, Captain J. | Ww, Hii. Nestorian, 2,700 tons, Cap! tain A. | | Alpd. Moravian, 2,650, tons, Copan Blown: Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Licut Sith R. N. BR. "Germatiy, 3,250 Tons, Capt an Forming a weekly ling between Live | donderry, Quebec and Montreal, leav! ving Que- | bee Kid Saturday, on arrival of ¢ J. Graham. ol, Lon Express from Montreal. {Petula ' weekly ine between Glasgow, Quebec | and Montreal. RATES OF PASSAGE. | Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First | Cabin § x om, $81 ' 1, according to accothmods | tion, Stecrage, including a plen su] ! of well couked prdvisions, served out by Stewards vs lB to the Company Oshawa to Giasgow, First Cabin, 1; Inter- mediate, $45.90 ; Steerage, sar Return Tickets, for six months, Ts ws at red: a d | bein Scotland, to aro As enger Certif: sates are at Eironsin basenger Coriiastes hing to out their friends from Euglen d, Irslan The Steamsbips of he. Montreal Ocean Steam: hip Com land th ngers at the Grand | Toth nk Railway 0 ug Spb passen- fies thereby i the usual charges of cart- western points: and t facilities atforde by the ALLA LAN & E cannot be ate | Jusscigas b ssod by other iine afloa! Poor thro passage tickets hovers infornia | Hos, apply [7 hed from Liverpoo Ss will be d i and Portland as follows : FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND | NIBERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. jad Dee {| MORAVIAN, 16th * - Br " Rh - | SARIN ? Tih Dae. ith oth VESTORINY, SCANDINAVIAN . H. "ot ALLAN,' | or tol Agents, Montreal!' L. SMITH, Ajent Post Oiice, Oshawa. | The Science of. Health. 4 A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. | that | Sect Fi SEERCE 8 REAL y | Eni: 2° will mot be { or instil but an earn- o | ic er of th we of Life and health. ponent of of ls means by which Hsalth. ESE RE eg A Lea hemes hs ie ov 73 oN organ of New York SPRING SHOW DIRECT IMPORTATIONS W. F. COWAN Is now in receipt of a on "would draw' particular a fition « to the following lines, which are offered FAR 'BELOW RULING paioms! A Lage & Vatied Stock of Dreds Goeds. Harmatiun, | §&7" All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make their select?ons without delay. HEALTH will be' the ex- | fs Sr ee : : NOW. OPEN «THEIR- QF FIELD aiid GARDEN SE E DSI Selections from Leading Growers in Britain and the Dominion. Besides which they Kave ordered a Lot of the Croicest + VARIETIES from Catalogue To be along in die time--all with a dy meet the "Wants of the Country at B Vics Celebrated Floral LAND PLASTER AND SALT. STEELE BROTHERS GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. Oshawa, , January 5th, 1872, FROM EU ROPE | of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. [He 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at bc. yd. 2000 yds. White " Tic. yd. 8000 yds. " Ling ClothIlc. yd. 2600 yds Beautiful Prints, 12ic.yd. ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and which' has been befors my customers for fifteen years in Foronto and Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I still offer them st the old price of $T per pair. A Large and Well-Sclected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be found in hn Gents' Dapartment, and customers are respectfully Toquestel to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken. Ww. F. COWAR, Osuawa, Marcon, 18720 NEW SPRING GOODS WM. WILLARD'S, TAUNTON: Grateful to a generous public for past liberal patronige, I ou zag fo y to announce that on account of IncreAsing has iged to enlarge his stofe almost 4s large again, and it filled, Every Shelf, Hole dnd Oorfier! With an Exceedingly Cholce Assortment of Dry Goods of Every Description, COMPRISING most | LARGEST BEAUTIFUL =~ £4 £starTED 1% SemAwi Defy Competition! hspicrtdi ftvires and Canadian Tweeds and Ties, Shirts, Prints a GF SECOND TO NOME FOR QUALITY AND PRICE 9 Call and amassing my stock betes: purchasing sluewhare., mer}. + CASH: PAID. FOR SHEEPSKINS AND" WOOL. | A. M. CHISHOLM, _ ¢iBBs| BLOCK. TAUNTON, Agel 11, 1872 '6fHAw, Ageil 5, 178 WM. DICKIES. DRESS GOODS | a, Newest Styles. PARASOLS Of ai Shade & Prices. MILLINERY FLOWERS; &C.' SPLENDID Only 81 25 Each. BOOTS F wai | | | of Every Description. Osmawa, oy, $6,0 00 REWARD f --itie ' mz juneravins OF IHS VIL TITRA SER LARGER 600 Kags of Cut Nails. THE LARGEST AX AND B BEST ASSORT- | PAINTS LER ons. IN THE COUNTY. 4 SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades; Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF va LOOKS, KNOBS; LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Avior of Carpenters All kinis of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kalsomine,: Seve HN Black Lace Shawls, | HARDWARE (had has ere Sy hon ont Cuba |

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