Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 23 Feb 1872, p. 3

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EMENT.) awa Vindicator state to the interested {iar has not yet-accept- vertised he had, 1 am other 1e1ms will prove made to suit hi his last advertisement > make bis own-condi vent any understanding I. LARARD. ; EC Wear, MARKETS. Wheat, ¥ bushel... vy fo - L000 om Family Matters. Earacnz.--Put a little black pepper in _some cotton, dip in sweet oil and insert in the ear. This is one of the quickestreme. dies known. Faron. --Take a pint of common soft »oap, and stir in air-slack lime, that is of the consistency of Glazier's putty, make a >" eather thimble, fill it with this composic tion, and insert the 4ingers, and the cure (8 certain.' CoLp.--Coiitrary to an old theory, a popular writer gives the following one, how to manage & cold ; eat nothing i pices of toast, and drink freely of col "outer, twice & day until yon ar in a gen- tie perspiration, and go to bed early. Dirruzria. --A simple and successful treatritent of diptheria may be found in the ce ~& Yaman juice. - Gargle the throat freely with it, at the same time swallowing a portion, 30 as to reach all the affected GR. PEDLAR. parts. A French physician claims at he 3 E saved his own life with this pleasant reme- Bo saga: © MA dr. VILLAGE OF OF OSHAWA, 'Bune says: Mis : Sorx Tamoar.--Everybody hss a cure wr evil because good for this troyble, but simple remidies ap- wight wish for a war pear to be most effectual. = Salt sad water | for or again * dafalo record Jour v se nothing could be is used by many ass gargle, but little | Siding the « bishiment of 8 large hen the bonds of the alum and honey dissolved in sage tea is | PE Ro rid glaond Flo Wo ale wid better. "Others, a few drops of camphor | chase oncof the hilly invite you to call and pur- site 'effect would be with England. The on loaf sugar, which very often affords im- mediate relief. An application of cloths | #4 Marquis of Lorn' Hats » tempted to take up ' independence, aided ONE OF THE wrung out as often as they begin to cool, has the most potency in removing infla- iv- ay- England would mations. p BE ween Slam Wy the arr "Grand Duke" Collars, sr the late civil war, Eaxiy Ruusars.--A very simple plan AND a * o been subdued, and to obtain early stalks of pie plant is to ai Leen an independent clear away the snow and ice from two or three roots of the plant located in the | garden as soon as a thaw comes ; set over | then record your votes yea for the bonus that it a barrel with one end knocked out, and Prosperity ual becomes uiore prosperous: all of the other but one piece across to Yours Ye ODDER. hold it together; then fill fresh stable manure round the outside of the barrel to about half its height, and also for some distance, say two feet, over the ground round the roots of the plant. . The heat ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1872. } | THE COMING WOMAN] COAL "> NEW AND IMPORTANT! limeter Nn n of your valu- - public mind from any hey TAY "haye formed in vombastic letter, for ow I'sent Mr. Larard the Oshawa, Feb. 4, 1878 3 col * an acceptance of his to have his conditions end of last week, buy were no conditions wblic decide. who is - 3 3 ™ ding being arrived at. - Yours . OJ, PEDLAR. "To the Free and rea STEELE BROTHERS out cam HAVE THIS DAY + Aon y hy for a fair ithes of, our respective 5 Patent Improved Hot rs Puel Saver. Awalt- ELECTORS LARARD'S IMPROVED HOT AIR GENERATOR Claims to be ea most complete 3nd effectual Drum Heater made. An Inspection solicited. Apply to R, LARARD, orto - HATCH& Cos., Ohawa. Box 165, Oshawa, 2&~ PATTNT APPLIED FOR. ALLAN LINE.!|Just Received & For Sale 0 sZAWA AedNo0T. MARKED DOWN ENTLEMEN, -- Ass --A upon in a few ' da i The glial THEIR NEW YORK AT THR Dominion Furniture Warerooms ! C.H. AN Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom CLEANEST, EASIEST, LAMPS " Tichborne Scarf," > : TO SUCH WINTER SERVICE! Under Contract with the Canadian Government for carrying the Canadian and U.S. Malls. STEAM 'WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. Alabama claims, the marks --** The 'claims ior special damages; spredations of particu- striuiatéd roundly te 300 Thé claims for . estimated to amount AX) --more, as has-been Oshawa. Feb. 21st, 1872. STEAM BETWEEN Low Prices as will Suit Everybody. Yo Oo sermany exacted from [¥ jy war and a complete here generally smile tle bill is mentioned. * Nol ever 31." Bvery man sroad grin. That be- ty to sce a good Treaty a fictitious claim? Is geting this difficulty ¥ ase, i. there ever was littld diplomatic skill reised. Is it too late ich promised so much. of the world 1° cz. --It is said, by Inte ground of defence to syunsel employed by or of Fisk, will be that self while in the ast of m his pocket lo use It is said to be cer- ¢nt pistols were fired ks e mu ©' - Sixteen persons have died so far, among generated will start the-growth early, and by keeping the top of the barrel covered with mats At night and during cold days, the stalks will grow up inside of it, and can be pulled as soon as long. Larsry, the cars ran over a cow in Union 'county, Indiana, throwing the train from the track, and injuring some twenty persons. A Mr. Patterson, living near where the accident occurred, took some of the persons injured into his house, among | them a man, his wife and child. It turns | out that they had just buried a child at Indianapolis from small- jos. Instead of destroying the child's clothing they brought it along, and it was used for bandages among those injured by the railroad acci- dent. © The result has been most appalling. LONDON, QUEBE AND MONTREAL. Composed ot Sie following First-Class SCOTLAND, Te --. AY, NIGER, N TWEED, THAMES, them Mr. Patterson's wife. Ir is ramored that Private "despatches | have been received in this city from Lon- | don, to the effect that England is rapidly | . intriguing against Russia in her encroach- | ments on Central Asia. An envoy from | Bokhara arrived at Calcutta bearing im- | portant despatches in relation to affairs in | from Quebec and Montreal cver; ing the season of navigation of London every Wedn on the way out. points west at reduced rates, full particulars appl Agent at Oshawa, C.'W. FOR "SALE. C, TEMPERLEY'S LINE, HECTOR. "SEVERN. | The Steamers of this Line are intended to sail | y TUESDAY dur- 1872, and from ay, calling at Plymouth Through Skets from od | 'ertificates issued To, parties desirous of bringlag out thelr Friend, | Everything in our trade, Reduced to the y to the Company's SMITH. TO SELL OUT THE BALANCE OF THEIR EXCELLENT STOCK A SHORE TIME. Call Early for Choice Lamps. { Continued Bargains in China and Crockery. First-class Provisions Groceries, and ; Lowest Possible, scale, to CLEAR Out our immense stock before seed time. Owing to a combination of Refiners, Coal Oil has advanced greatly i in price, and is still rising Now is the time to buy your winter's supply. we 200 BARRELS "#2 AT A LOW FIGURE. BUY YOUR LARGE CANS AT x A derry, Quebec and Montreal, lea bec Srey fatuniay, « on arrivalof of the from ontréal. RATES OF PASSAGE. Qshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, Firs Se provisions, to the wv, Pies Cabin, $71; Inter- for six months, is- Prepaid Reduced Rates to parties Yishislg to Scand to their IF Nichia from £4 from England, Irelan part of a Steatus hips ou the a Ocean Steam- Com) land the TS at Trunk Raw y Ww Narr sey pasken- ors therely ssid the usual charges of ¢art- and handling of baggage. ry for Montreal, Toro western igs. and the facilities afford y the cannot sur- J other line afloat. Mgt hep gh passage tickets and every "informa- ea LINES ARE ed. Full Powered, Clyde Built Son Steamships :- Spon Cart apy, Ballan-' Que- Ww E the undersigned hotel Pro Forming a Weaiy inebet between Glasgow, Quebec to $91, according to accommpda- $30, including a plentiful supply served out by the Eyropean x Passenger Certificates are Grand Press Trains leave Portland onagrival of the | and all rded to TO WHOM IT MAY OONUERX, prietors, have in use the Dominion Steel Spriug Berl Bottom, and we are Jatiafied it is the best | Sviing in use use, and TECU ing HOTEL, «+ + London, Ont. + | GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, - Windsor, Ont AMERICAN HOUSE, ; WAVERLY HOTEL, - - Rodbestet, N.Y, GLOBE HOTEL, - Syracuse, N.Y. VANDERBILT HOUSE, - " - GIOBE HOTEL, - Albany, N. Xx GITYHOTEL, . . . . AMERICAN HOTEL, - SNYDER HOUSE, ; - - - Troy, N.Y. 'Waverly, N.Y W. Wigg 8 Son. : Oshaipea, Jan. 18. Ja, Tripp's s Poetical Effusion. Ladies and Gontlemen, 1 read t. Yoo stand in need of Boots vos. And for durability and simplicity has no equal. | | t D. Tripps, if you do call, Het try to please you. one andl ». The best of stock he kee) Kid, 8, Kip, Spanish, finest and best of | Hen mend your soles, if not Give good Inderstaitin to Hy Apia He'll make your Boots without delay, id rahe on | p hell ask as you all do kn know, that section. The Anglo-Indian army is | moving north-west, and England is deter- | mined to oppose any further advance of Russia in that direction. a will be despatched from Liverpool | A HE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH | and Portland as follows: 48 Acres, in the South-east corner of she | STEELE BROTHERS corporation of Oshawa. A quantity of wood | q ¥y PEDLAR'S 2 ne in Fisk's body and he hall mm the hotel, i these bullets will fit ed. It is yet to be the two men this pistol her is'yet forthcoming, 5 handed the revolver act yet been examined to her possess. .de on the Pacifie Rail- ever before kmowm FROM LIVERPOOL. - + 6th Nov, 16th FROM PORTLAND, AN, 2nd Dec. MORAVIAN, - 9th " SAMARITAN, - 16th * PRUSSIAN 0th + " KESTORIAY, - . Tth Dée. os SCANDINAYV IAN -14. * 6th . Jan. oot re hn and prices low. H&A ALLAX, A large stock on hand, coming.-- | "i SMITH, ' gents, Montréal. Prod on and more jue. AITH Aen uce taken in éxchange for Ft idle 31 Simcoe Street, one od and of - pt TRIPP & SHAW. APPRENTICE WANTED : Tt to RESPECTABLE LADS COMPLETE] | Also, 160 acres in Grundy Co., Towa, U.S, ten | miles from Cedar Falls, 4 miles from New Hartford village, on the Illinois Central R. R. | GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. Tas French Government gives no en- Harctord village. on free pois Central IE. | couragement to the movement fo raise | I} The whole to 1d { y ! moucy by-voluntaty ysburiptioha to EM PAREWELL Oshawa, January 5th, 1878. : x » ' p or eins Tt AS ron Salle or to Lit. 7 Tey thn "DWELLING Now | CERTIFIGATE OF AGENCY. troops. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, in reply to a deputation on the subject, T. Bassett, hard ware merc Dato t, Apply to SANT "EL HOS. ECK, p | po certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our Sewing Machines in the vi 2 Oulians, aud hat he is sise aioriaed to t Agents fo the sale of our es, in said Territery. Such agents have all the vighta and privileges. of the trade, as thaugh appointed by us. Signed for the Company, : J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. hawa. : iota od EMBRCING| - expressed his belief that even if the in- demnity were paid in advance Bismark would find some excuse for keeping his bas now. lasted for troops on French soil. 1 as yet shows Be rf CarroLL eounky claims to have the big: on the r est man in Ten o wipe from swerLby & trains, with more than ers, Wha at times 3) yedused almost to the a. Over a nd with valuable mexchan - the same trap, and prov- st route across she Con- imes prove the longest. or complete some two ors atid newspapers are i catastrophe. What Lasiness men, the non- { merchandise, aud the by the delay of import- yw-blockade is doing BO jury to commercial cir- nd élsewhere. The in- as of the road itself is of and must be num ilars. in. Mrs. Gloverson, of ver 90 years old, walked ; s E vho coldest days of thi®* a cast irom kettle weigh xd seven ounecs, packed le a barrel of soft soap -" and would have taken that night if she had not knit a pair of stockings EAL | Bowmanrllle, or to MKS. T rs 16, 1872. William B. Shaver. ing tos rhe measurement, he measures around the wrist, eight and one half inches; around the arm, eighteen inches ; around the "all of the leg High fo Rl above the a il : inches ; around the chest, five fori around the waist, six feet. His height is' six feet five and one-half inches. NOTICE. LL PARTI t & Cabincnt Maker. SUBSCRIBE aro, poo | mip yt Fr {or 3 preferred. Good wages ILL PLEASE Sve. API to + METH call and settle without Sy LT sther E IAM DICKIE: PL East End Oshawa, Jan. 18th. After § o'dlock any evenirg. Oshawa, July 6. 1871, PUBLIC NOTICE 1 LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE | dale requested to call and settle | T. HAWTHORN, AF At store of Messrs. Tripp & Shaw. _Ostawa, Fe Feb. o 36, 1872. REMOVAL. Public Announcement ! gh EVERYTHING J. BARNARD AVING TAKEN THE BUSINESS i 2s Thies Cavicaar, bogs 10 rs inliabitan of Oshawa and its 0h io Anion the 13-t1 VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR iodo Hous Nauses ad over 4h acts Si (ng oF bock'e? houses and over an acre of cas high, well drained, and in a state of a occupied by Mr. with forth i. In Migto, on the 14th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Elder 3 Et i TRIPP. & SHAW, All of Minto. y in Jn Prince Albert, now HUGH C. CARMICHAEL. Oshgwa, June 22nd. 141 OYSTER BAY Fresh 'Ogstens RECEIVED DAILY! JONES SIMCOE STREET. OSHAWA. Sold by the Plate or Can. A OHOIOE lot of Osnned Fruits; Jel- lies, etc., on hand and for sale. "AVE REMOVED TO THE STAND | lately occupied by The above Machine is one of the best Family prt) Ra dhe merkel, Thomas Hawthorn, ug Street, Shaws, w where they i, a Yuual, DIED. Jn Oskawa, on Tuesday last, James pois ] BOOTS ¢ & SHOES + i -- and Gents' wear, and hich Shey or elt «t Jowest rates. Boots made to order on the shortest Sud hase to do work. A LARCE LOT OF BOOTS 3 SHOES CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent. | IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. A share of public patronage solicited. L. PRUDHOM. RE-OPEN THE OLD STAND! ox i i SATURDAY NEXT, NOV. 25, DANCING SCHOOL. BUTTER! BUTTER! CHOICE BUTTER AT Isc. PER POUND. want something the way of But- to PEDLAR'S. 28 FAMIDIES SUPPLIED. Pref. Geo. E. Moore will give i struc- tions in step dabcing dancing to Misses and Mas- ters at his Academy, Hyland's block, y every .Batarday at two o'clock. Instructions wi also be given to ladies at five o'clock p. m. ; and at os o'clock p. m. every Saturday. Terms--26 cents per lesson--Ady' t. , 'was going away next NY ONE + taken snuff and smoked A nations Sol Raw pric fomi 15 taken. nF of years. bow it mey- if it is met eombleteiy di- | sad assimlliated, de oo and | inking we owe the origin mpoverished ith degeneration of the er Maccenss caught his tissues, will result. ho nD, degencrat of cient nourishment that excites finest wines through the. arrel with a straw, the ences, and developes In Chronic Wasting cneral in Rome for the ihe Lips of pels ¥ivln have their origin in he one common cause In-- discover the q s stolea libations, and & pipers: 4 "Br. Wi 3 this plan vo the serious aa on DF L sefnl heads of families. od out I~ piracy has leak ; the friends of Napoleon the Assembly by fore, or ofthe Government, ere to be supported bya rs from the north. In is revelation the Belgian ly guarded, and no ene to France without. AND. FASHIONABLE Good Fit Guaranteed. Ota, Peb, 16, 1872 ou FOR SALE. HAT DESIR \BI ABLE PROPERTY Francis ENTIRE NEW STOCK Of Fancy and Staple Dry WHO SUFFERS slow staswa 'ion, If you nice in ter, go Goods, Millinery, &ec. Side of Richmond Street, O% Oshawa, ng o" Due Brick House and Two Frame { Cottages, wit yards and gardens att 8 ary infu. | premises are in repair, ud are well of the Consuthive | VOL utuased with regard to the Factories, of the Eu- | 48 well 4s athe ET bunineas portions of the tuwh. e prope: on any te ms, | parcels or A to salt parchase For terms aud furthe outers: apply to the undersigned exccutors. part id } NA : . THOMAS A180, } Baotax. JOHN TAYLOR, BELLEVILLE. PHILIP TAYLOR, Osuawa. Or to Farewell & McGee, Oshawa, thelr Solicitors. Lad SONG FOR THE PEOPLE. TORONTS A ARK . TT Come listen now unto m my song, » "ll try And not detain you long. I February 23. To who wish I offer treat, --t LLNNnens nd one I think but few wilt beat, At unusually low prices and in great variety. A ...08 068 JEshrg this song you follow me, Lom 07s hat the treat w! FLANNELS, ou that y 073| FhaPrev sing NEW PRINZS, NEW LUSTRES, Clothing Made to Order on Short Notics ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in their season. - The host price Jor oll kinds of Lg p paid 2% Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. Oshawa, October 26, 1871. PRO BONO PUBLICO.| F. PATTE, Jr. TAKES THIS hat FE TO CALL AND JUDCE FOR YOURSELVES. Disease, Torpid Liver, Resend Bladder, and Constipa- dion, with headaches and nervous irritibility, all CASH FOR: WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! RYE AND OATS, AND FURS | J. W. FOWKE, 1s in town yet also a splendid assortment of Oshawa, Nov. 24th, 81. 1y. THLE Florence Sewing Machine, Casa AT JOHN POSTS pod oo STAPLE&FANCY - iall a cure m- --roy Vusritl and Foi the hata 0 remedy in existence acts En ERs Cage Commercial. WHERE Oshawa, Feb. 16, 1812 - nd ai ERs CE FA puieliace 4 send ress to SONY 8, 5. S30 WILCOX, es receive a full hine, with price list, ete. DRY GOODS; _Whithy, Jan. 18. af. BUTTER. : | JPRIME_ DAIRY BUTTER, AT 18 NEW DRESSMAKING © TREWIN'S. - ESTABLISHMENT tr RE-OPENED! i MISS ROO ME "omber & Shingles FSE.sa SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- AVING RESUMED BUSINESS IN AVING RI I A.B. caxPEELL Next Door to HOITTS Gallery !! POST OFFICE, OSRAWA. fame call the attention of those friends pe he! The mails close at this office as follows, Post 7 pe A. M. CHISHOLM | NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, ross \n NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, om "sy ip "i Gi MILLINERY, &0C ¢ ig m ones the darkest - 1 ancther meet po econ- shall not Ye you you sinoking weed, Re ypublicanism. ; 4reteynes . That which I know ou do ok need, cova of his audience MAY | ae aa the fact that the speaker Which glories in the name of snuff. Nor is it nerve destroying tea, { offer unto thee, | NEW COATINGS, ' Oshawa, Dee. 1, 1371. A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. y could al also a strong f ance. r of Germany + fe «fe both ill, and. the much public anxiety} ears of age, and the Queen. J. W. FOWKE. One Farm of 30 scpes, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; WE dbl BL dopudi dy and some village lotsa, Onbawe, whish would be exchaa- Sed for other property. Mao qty of Gps Beit. J.W.F Oshawa. Sep. 21. 1871. JOB PRINTING, | Ofall kinds and in Every Style PLAIN OR IN COLOURS, EEE at the * fice cn the : 5 Sa? rE Decemybez 1, 1871. ft { i Shou} se 1 EAE ry beri Oshawa Deo. 8, TL, 3. 4H 1 that, the late Gover o nada, Lord Monck, is fayo af Governor-G f i ASK FOR (1-INSIST UPON IT-BUY NO OT:ER | I scessEEcsen immediately iar the fsival of the teins frum the West. at excepted. fi i of religion ever isnow going 0B at Leav- 500 conversions have al- o. The meetings are oup- Rov. B. P. Hammond. dosed at 8 o'clock on Thursday eveging: and revival Hil hi i iE | oy letters should fiftecn a i

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