Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 3 Nov 1871, p. 3

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-- T FOR ROUND FAKEN | 1 pany, Oshawa, : i a RE Si > vr > X POUNDED{ COMMON POUND, LOT 1 ssion, Kast Whitbr. on Th x, ' am i" wher is est. LE eh inst, of it will be to depray expenses, ROBERT ORMISTON, i Poufid Keupse R No st IST > yrrovaing iw. iid Farm for Sale| COUNTY OF DURHAM, W { Bowmanville, Application S. BATES, Proprietor. téber 23, 1871. Be J ( véd at the - reve MINION iting EstablRhitent, BSCRIBER. IN RETURN. lus numerous friends for their 1 ror re Bor to inf atronage begs to inform them that | bh. the R ady-Mad Clothing him to devote more time tothe / ~ AND CAP! S"FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. il a large stock of < at ady -nipde v Reduced Prices, 5 isting of :7 and Overcoats, Poajacks and Vests, Touth's and Children's Suits, £] a r before affcred in Oshawa. It%nd Fur Hats and Caps, Jange--will be found rent, and will & the cheapest. A XD SECURE BARGAINS. . HODDER, . & Bisek, Simcoe street, Oshawa <3. TER BAY! psh Oysters IVED DAILY NES; EET. DSHAWA, the Plate or Can. lot of 'Canned Fruits, Jel- n hand and for sale. Fruits, of all kinds, in their t price paid for all kinds of the Oyster Bay Lamp. er 26, 1871. EWARD | CK on the ONTARIO vel to, any person who Four Competent pd Im- t the Best Photographs at + va Fair Now is your » JASSE, HOITT. wanted, and 2-41-c2% PROPERTY for SALE: : {IBER OFFERS FOR sti W strect, consists r an acre ol id in a state of in Prince Albert, now x, Bailar! HUGH CARMICHAEL. x 141 'T ACT OF 1869. fLVEN, HAIGHT, An Insolvent. iNED, JAMES uf Whitby. in the i ed Assignee requested to file Lone mont, .5 HOLDEN, A (8-24) Assignee. RAYED awa Pasture: RE BAY HORSE AND HPA Any ape seeing SMER Ottice, Deliaws. £. 50 EXPECTED HOURLY! : Tr \ NN CURRANTS and Valencia RAISINS of this seasons crop - A >. Fall and Winter French all Colors, 40¢ per yard. 27 Famer farina AGRA Satin d Plain. - Clad and y Tartan in all vache aad ists = French Sorges, Silks. Silks, * And s Great Variety of Rich Goods, suitable for Second Mournings, at Low Rates. «English and Canadian, ordered from the Mills in July, before the advance in Wool. New Groods! New Goods! ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TUST LAID A 'CAR LOAD of NEW COAL OIL. At STEELE BROTHERS, IN! vol BOXES NEW SOAPS, the best to b Province. : . At STEELE BROTHERS. - e¢ had in the 2)() CADDIES of NEW YOUNG HYSON, very choice. ye At STEELE BROTHERS. FEW new packages IMPERIAL GUNPO DER TEA, selling for only $1.00 per tb, A : ASES of Kippered SALMON, FINNAN HADDIES, / GREEN €OD, and half barrels of WHITE FISH and TROUT, with new varieties of Canned Fish. At STEELE BROTHERS. ¢ a -- UR complete importations of CHINA and CROCKERY, per "Sar- matian," and "Ardmillar," from Liverpool and Glasgow. STEELE BROTHERS. LARGE collection of the newest 'COAL OIL LAMPS, with a 4X great lot of Chimneys and Fixtures of the newest approved kinds, on the way from New York. : STEELE. BROTHERS. , A NEW 'and beautiful lot of BIRD CAGES, the finest styles of the -- great Metropolis. p STEELE BROTHERS. STEELE BROTHERS. At STEELE BROTHERS. | CKAGES of PURE VIRGINIA LEAF Smoking TOBACCOS, | bought in New York from the manufacturers; all of the finest brands. STEELE BROTHERS. | x FoR lot of 50 boxes of the people's favorite CHEESE. oh H STEELE BROTHERS. CASH FOR PORK. Oshawa, October 25, 1871. | | | | ' IMMENSE STOCK NEW -- ~ --OF Goods! 'W. F. COWAN . ' : | AS MUCH PLEASURE IN REPORTING THE ARRIVAL OF HIS IMPOR- tations for the present season. In extent, variety and value they surpass those of any for- mer year, and he can therefore invite inspection with confidence in his ability to lease the taste sad benefit the kets of his customers. Comprised of purchases from the uses in - cl Br odions, Glasgow and London, sclected with care and paid for in cash, he is 0. in a Offer Fresh, ound and Attractive Goods ! al prices which must meet the approval of prudent buyers. Particular attention is invited 1 to the assortinent of Dress Goods, which embraces Basket ttas, Italian Cord Crape Cloths, LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. As usual, a full supply of the latest novelties has reached us from Evans, of London. The Fur- Trimmed Daven are just the article required for Winter Wear, Sombining Comfort and Elegance, at prices much lower than demanded for the same goods by Fashionable City H Every Jacket being dissimilar in Trimming, every lady can suit her own Taste, and confine the style to herself. ~ "a SHAWLS. L the leading {onable Styles of Clan Tartans and Stripes, Square and Long, at prices Bali) Fashions) Certain to command a Rapid ng ¥ FRENCH KID GLOVES. > » 'hich take the first plice in England, have been before our customers for. 16 Our in ny pe ly thorough atistaction in fit and wear. Although the price has seriously advanced, it is our intention to continue them at One Dollar per pair, as before. A case of them is now ov erdue, and daily expected. RIBBONS. LA We advise the reeeipt of {he very wide Sash Ribbons, in Rlack-and Colors. These Goods are very fashionable, in constant demand, and difficult to chtain. Those requiring them are invited to call before the assortment is broken. STAPLE GOODS. We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy competition. BLANKETS. La ouses. FLANNELS. did 1 25 p J ie nds i rtion. All-wool Checked and Plain, at 25 cents a yard, the heavier goods in the same propo! Spies Customers will please bear in mind that they! are reaping the full benefits of our early purchases, and that we cannot ourselves replace many of the lines.at the prices we are now cutting them STAPLE COTTONS. x a a, a ) " hi 3 > , Tickings, Denims, Sheetings, Prints, &c., &ec., at prices to sustain the White and Grey Cottons, taal the house for Quality and Cheapness. i HOUSE FURNISHINGS. > : h| 3 Curtains, Damasks and Moreens, Table Linens, Towelings, Pisin aud: Suiped W Dy White ; Quilts, a Full Assortment. CARPETS. y . \ oy > i a " 3ply i y at Se ty-flve eents per yard. = Crossley's Best ditto at One Dollar, Suerte ond Tapeny pti Stair die ts, Apt oh direct from the makers, retail at w holesale prices. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. The business in this branch has, steadily increased under the Sante supsrinten lence of our Mr. READWIN, 'To meet its requirements we have imported full Fuses of i aon Most Fashionable Foreign 'I'weeds, principally in Suit Lengt hs, 80 ' Gentlemen ordering Garments will not find themselves wearing a gederal livery. We call particular attention Ww our . ble-Breastod Lounge Coats. surtouts and Sacks. New Doable-Breasted Oxford Coat. New New Stylish Pea Juckets. : Punctullity, Despatch, Style and Fit Checactérize this Branch as Usmal OSHAWA, October 5, 1971. 26-tf. OVLLV HY dINOHS HAOLS AYHAH. OL. dH TN A \ / Ia x 383A VS OI Ss. d RYE AND OATS! J. W. FOWKE, Is in town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW FALL GOODS! At unusually low prices and In great variety. FLANNELS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW PRINTS, . NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J. W. FOWKE. 2% One Farm of 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres; in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth ; and some vill lots in Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. Also a quantity of first class Brick. 1 . W. F. Oshawa, Sep. 21, 1871. 78 G) = 0 'Aunpor) "181 '11g 19400 'vAYESQ "$1901)S 00S pur Jury] Joudo)) "spood MOys 0) a[qnod3 oN 7 [& WOodj SOUR y S91 [120 OF [9M Op [IA sIosei ) 205 deoyp pros oq a JOARJ ISO oy 10 Sno uaaq Juravy YOIAL 'SIUM [RIS pur 'Starx 'spreag] 'suojing J sKoourp poo am C1 Jg Louey puw oyygpy Wes, I 'spaeadn $30 ( ux Xo pue 'LLIITIND MB 'H 'spout I pia pau uoijo)) ONY Lavo "83 Cm OR WOLJ SIRF] POUTILI -IOpU[) SOK) 'S30 N JIE] 'Suoqquyy Jo ¥0o3s [uy ? 'SOOUMIDJ\ Youd] 'SUS doo} * 'soacry) pur A10150 I 'op Lear) 'sumio)) woo] 'SUL 'soqsn dou 'spoor) ssaa(] Suistadwod 'spoor) £1] Jug pur [eg 410) Sutawoal ore LLAVIID H PM 0038 oulu 1871. NEW FALL GOODS. l --AT THBE-~ "TEMPLE OF FASHION! 1871. ARGE SUPPLES! BEAUTIFUL STYLES! VERY CHEAP! A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Linens, Damasks, Carpetings, Curtains, Towelings, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &e. JUST TO HAND! Two Cases of Beautiful MANTLES, made expressly for our Fall Trade, in Silks, Velvets, Plain and Satire Cloths, Velveteens, together with an assortment of very Elegant Waterproef Suita, MILLINERY. MILLINERY. The patrons of the Temple of Fashion (who are legion) will be pleased to learn that MRS. REDMAN (late Miss M. J. Thomas) continues to superintend the Millinery Department, and that great pains have been displayed in the selection of our Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Trimmings, &c., 80 as to render this Eestablishment the Great Fashionable Emporium for all who desire Stylish Gods. Temple of Fashion, Corner King and Simeas Streets, Qakaws. TREWIN. SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. F. & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS! Invite Special ArreENTION TO THEIR NEW Stodk OF Twoeds, Coatings, Vestings, Ovércoatings. All/Garments made to order in First-class Style, . and at moderateprices. All orders Promptly Exeetuted, and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed ! DRESS AND WOOLEN SHIRTS, UNDERCLOTHING | Socks, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handkarchists, Braces, &c., &0. F. & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, MARKUS MAYER, BWOMANVILLE, | Invites the attention of his friends in Oshawa and vicihity to his' enlarged place of Business and his Superior Stock of Goods, His lofig experience as a PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! And his strict attention to Business se guaranteed him in Enlarging his Stock, and he is now offering GREAT INDUCEMENTS te buyers. © His fall purchases have been i "heavy, and his assortment of Hats; Caps, Furs and Buffalo Robes! PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, &c., Are well Worthy of Inspection. : When You Want & Nice Sct of Furs for Tour Wits or Deughters, - ALL AT X. MAYER'S. Furs Altered and Repaired. Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs. (28) | M. MAYER. hi "Bowmanville, Oct. 5, 1871. CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! . FALL, 1871. COMPLETE! EMBRACING EVERYTHING AND FASHIONABLE FOR THE SEASON, IN STAPLE&FANCY DRY:QOODS, MILLINERY, &C., A.M. GH:SACLM'S ! GIBBS' BLOCK. OSHAWA, September 19, 1871. GOODS | "Irish Poplins in all Shades MILLI In great variety, very chean, TAILO from 31.5 BOOTS ao 4 ; Ete., Good Buy the Lockman Sew.nz Jiashin) and WML DICKIE' | FALE AND WINTER STOCK . IS NOW COMPLETE IN Dress Goods of the Very Latest Patterns, i and Prices, from $5 to $9. Shawls of Choicest Ssyles, in Stripes and Clan Tartans. Blankets of the Warmest Make, and Woolen Knitted Goods of Fvery Description. NERY! Dress and Mourning Caps, Furs, Ete. Ladies' Bayard Kid Gloves, Two Buttons, in Black and Colors. » . RING ! Clothing made to orpER by First-class Workien, and a Good Fit Guaranteed Overcoats and Pea Jackets, Pants and Vests, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. | Fancy Flannel Shirts and Drawers, all Colors. : Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Valises, and Trunks, Collars, Ties, )ty 318. | Hats and Caps Cheaper than Ever. AN A large assortment of every description for Fall and Winter. D SHOES. Overshoes, Rubbers, and Cheap. tho Salf-3assr from : W. DICKIE. NOTE LOST! | (QF THE 23% On 25 INSTANT, | S00 y 1 x rhe va wd Mark- . TORN SN |} ho sb La ay Cha § ca aha 3 int | | purch i Ai RO vas bea Laat hnd'n vaiue has hoew re Po iaerefor. Any ose find- | | ing said note andr ing ot to the vane wili | | be rewarded. | | MM W. BOWMAN, Usdaawa, 4 |] ! ~ Sept. 26, 151. ated ram the date | 0 ruanizaion of the Bank, viz: the 10th day of January last, and upon subsequent pay- | ments (rom their dates, The Transfer Books will be closed from the | 16th to the 3ist October next, both days inciusive, | B. I. BETHUNE, Cashier. Toronto, St}, Sent, 1371. GREAT RUSH AT HENRY'S! WHY? TEAS, SUGARS, 'RAISINS, CURRANTS, SOAP, TOBACCOS, FLOUR, MEAL, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C, AND Ohoapest in Town. Oash paid for all kinds of Farmers' Produce. Noted for their 60cts. Tea. King St. West OSHAWA, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. P.8.~Horee and Wagon always or hand to deliver Goods at a. minute's warning. Oshawa, Sept. Oth, 1872. 22-8. DR. CARSON'S MEDICINES. st Pablic Benefit of the Age ND FOR WHICH, NOTICE TH Testimonials; (a few of them enclosed i: wrapper around each bottle,) with a numerou list of res the su; viz :-- The table Jetsons names, who testify ! qualities of his various Compound Lung Syrun, Pain Reliever, Golden Ointment, &o. + | received at MEDICAL HALL. YUPERIOR CONDITION POWDERS + free from Antimony, an excellent Medicine at this season of the year for Horses and cattle * | uw ifying the blood and giving tone to the sys- ews, At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, . OUslHAWA A NILINE 'DYES OF ALL COLORS, * oh "wt "DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA ISoryY FINECOM BS AND INDIA Itulber Combs of all kinds--a new stock ust DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, 3 USHAW A % . LARGE STOCK OF ENGLISH and £ French Trusses, Single and Double, At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OsliAWa IGHLY PERFUMED HAIR OIL, warranted free from Stickiness, und nour ising to the hair, 3 At DR, DEAN'S DRUG STORE, USHAWA v AINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES; Shoe Brushes, Hair Brushes aud Toota beushes of aul kinds, | . At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA, B: T'ISH BLACKING FOR STOV Ls, at DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, ' OSHAWA SPLENDID STOCK OF PFRFUM- ery of all kinds, At DR. DEAN'S DIUG STORE, : OSUAWA. (JHAMOLS SKINS --A NEW LOT a DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, 3 USHAWA A LARGE ASSORTMENT or FANCY Articles | Druggists Sundries, A At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, 2 OsSHAW ia Pruas, CHEMICALS, AND DYE Stuffs, of every variety, and at the moss Tea. onable prices, % At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, Wai 4& OPPOSITE HINDS' HOTEL. 47 October 18, 1871. " GROCERY South Oshawa. JUST TO HAND, Choice Selection of NEW TEAS, NEW SUGARS, : NEW COF EES, NEW, COCOAS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, Everything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. roods delivered to all parts. dg CASE PAID FOB FRODUCR. The above Medicines can-be obtained at all 23m | SoUTH OsHAWA, Sept. & 1871. ra = ed RE NC YI SON. JAR AS -

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