Jalon aa)o Je nun fg WIM S)ajaug INOS) wot ED MACHINE weston and the ni a Rival ondé-half the acliines EZ INAXND HAL IIEINES EVERYWHERE CEMENTS ., apply to LOY, ELPH, CANADA. "holeszale agents for and Vict {UC ILIINGS, NVILLL Machine FIRST PRIZE Erhibition! st renowned 2" which ye verdict + Canadian the SUPERIORITY £ ALL UTHERS. lesale and Retail Spis Sewing Ms Baker; Singer, Howe and alsu on hand & ILE WANZER Machines. Machine cab €%" 8%de of thirty days. Ie sa's is the Spwimg Mar e have th une 5 fhe Outavio Reformer . UBLASHLD 3 VERY. FRIDAY MORNING, STREED, FOSHAWA, THE EATEST POR: vinoiat News, Legal Fat r ral Business W. (OBIRN, MB, FL, 1 SITYSICIAN, SU) 1 our, and Cor CJS DUR Voon, Nn FTRADUATE OF 310 1 X of Toronto, ai present PrLava ' ; All drags =arraniea pure. A f Dispenser a.wars 8 the premises. tio prictor--W. G. FITZMAU RICK, late of Her Majesty s 7th Dragoon Guards and Horse Aril ey 11; FARZWELL & ¥ VISTERS, ATI ITORS, Conversa ER, . NPYS, SO nd. Notasies f King and $& MONEY 0 Lend. aid Mortgages bought and J. FE. FAREWEL! 8a) SM (SCHRANE, L. 1, STER., ATTORN ttor in Chancery, N Yiralow's Now RB JAMES MIR. ISTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Chaz P. R. HOOVER, ff. Marri Ol narrct TITTY 4 ve OSIIWA LIT H. THOMA ! a} RY STALLD, PROPRIETOR - Ca --®, EOLLIDAY, JiR Ly, VT. AGENT. FOI theta 1 Rivk nenra ce Cor ' Of Unnhiade, IN in dd Ww Also, for Yucen s and fe, capaal &2000¢ . Amora rhe . } em d l SPRING STYLES in great profusion af the v i : : Dominion Outfitting (STORE. Latest. Styles in ats and Caps. Latadt Styles in Nakties & Collars. Latest St vias in White&€ol'd Shirts A LARGE 2TOCK OF Men's Under-Clothing: VERY CHEAP. A large and attractive stbék of Men's& Boys 'Ready-made > CLOTHING UMBRELLAS, 3 CARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS ICKLT a LACROSSE BELTS, oa ADT 29 Lowest Possible Rates #-=2me an all suit by 5 HOLDEN Official Assignee, Moncey Broker, Xe. Brock Str. Whitby. x ie. Ofce-- Mc Millan's Block, Ap), Ih, 197] J AD = Pr ¥en Py - x 24 & pz ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1871. NO. 30, s NEW Roetry. ESSMAKING ,... HANNAH BINDING SHOES. lone HANNAN, iden at the usual grounds on State street. Just after the conclusion of the afternoon performance the great elephant Mogul took it into his head to enact a tragedy not on the bills, so walking majestically out of his enclosure, he went for his keep- erina fit of rage. The keeper sought refuge under the cage containing kanga- tous, which Mogul disdainfully turned over in a jiffy, and walked threugh the canvass out of doors, Then he went on a tour of inspection, and if not *' seeking whom he might devour," he certainly seemed willing to accommodate anybody or anything that might wish. for a set-to. AT STABDBLIS FEAYING PeRcRESED ni DR Drugs, Patent Medic! 2 1077.71 STABLISHMENT OSHAWA. ! ; Faded HANS AIL tind atthe window, binding = '* Not a neighbor or enawer will refus r whisper, any news? fl with one 2 ) oyage gone! at go Cm rp } 7d . Lonely HANNAN, NG STREET MAST! Sitting at the window, binding shoes, FR ABLISHMI s to inform the inhabi FAND * Fair young Hautman, 1 sher, gally woos, 1 and clever, J Mr. J. J. art and hand he Pd are all aglow, the busin re laughing so! 1a in good shape for seasoning. 4 ing in his path one of the mules belon i to the company, he ran his tusks complete- {ly through its body, pinning it to the ground, and killing the animal instantly. The next obstruction in his majesty's path was a wageon belonging to Messrs, Grother W idal s her window and her shoes, hesile her, 1 hetrees' bi 1, 0 pigeon coos, 3 ~~ LOC ny BO hand the reckral Martichead, © & Hall, which he scornfully svized with | } sttentic 1 x a Vity ¥ } Yr v 4 his trunk, and raising it, smashed it to O'Brien's menagerie exhibited in Mer- | | sun and woon. | 1 { no sensible k | the water rising and falling relatively tofMains one acre. picces ; then he returned to the dead mule | and again plunged his tusks through it, | very much diminished from the magnitude | and breaking oft one of his tusks close to | the jaw, sauntered - carelessly into State | a rsely. Find " street, with hehe to molest or to make 1 have ¥ oi hea 1 flu 7 his frail, the erbwd following at a safc Hall.crazed I ce behind, while beforeand about body seemed to he very busy in it of hisway. The keeper and ti attaches of the menagerie raliied, and by strategy and: good tactics he was induced to enter a veld belonging vther Feieciie where he indulged in the pastime of tear- i and smashing whole lengths of picket J fence. The novel mode of subduing him, temporarily, by shooting yim in the face and trunk with buckshot, was adopted. -- soon | Mr. Camp, thence into an orchard, | Some fifty heavy charges were fired at | i ' cd Fy 1-5 TUN oN, A Linil pd [aylor a the ITT him ; the stinging effect acted well asa slight check upon his! operations, during vich his keeper fearlessly approached 'RGFEST, and chained him fo an apple tree sbout BEST ANT | twelve inches in diameter, which was no | sooner. discovered by thé enraged animal disaster : 3 than he instantly and with no apparent sfortune, b 'hieves mgied with the ¥reas pi Iv vlied th up by the roots, and again created the greatest consternation among the hnmense crowd who had now eollected in the im- modiate vicinity. All went, and stood not in the order of goiug, but some. tall run- ning was done, and some laughable inci- to | dents occurred in the stampede, leaving tho ground free to Mogul and his would- we captor. even in Villains seiz- nts, as they s, and en- ned to 1r vocation, wd charged fabu- th ~ ithe part of his keeper, again secured by chaining his hind feet to a very large tree; here he was left for the night, and a guard stationed with rifles loaded kill him should he again break loose dur- ing the night. He was evidently much chagrined at his confinément, and contin: ued to ** snort" and struggle to break the stricken multitude curt but with the greatest ease, tore it, AN OBSTINATE ELEPHANT. |THE I.TERIOR OF THE EARTH erie | Among the various papers read before the British Scientific Association was a | report from the Tidal Committee of the Society. - This Jeger contained a number of curious and interesting speculations with regard to the degree of elastic yield- ing which the solid earth experiences un- | der the tide-generating influences of the It is quite certain that the solid earth does vied to some degree. It has long been a favorite assumption with geologists that the earth consists of g | shell of solid rock from twenty to &ity | miles in thickness, inclosing an interior filled with melted material, lava, metals, &c. This hypothesis is now shown to be Meeting a pile of lumber in the adjoining absolutely, untenable, because, if it were lumber yard, he quickly spread the boards ' true, the solid crust would yield with al- 3 Theri meet- | most as much freedom, on account t area, as if it were per- | of its thinness and foctly liquid. Thus the boundary of 'the solid carth would rise and fall under the tige-generating influences, so as to leave ble differences to be marked by the solid ; showing that if the earth as a whole had an avérage degree of rigidity equal to that of glass, the tides would be which they would possess on a perfectly rigid glcbe, with water like that of our seas upon it. oN This consideration, the committea re ports makes probable that the earth has considerably more average rigidity than a globe of glass of the same size. The math ematical calenlation shows a somewhat startling result, to the effect that a globe | of thesame sizons the earth, if *hromgh- ont exactly of the same rizidity as a glass on a similar scale.t would yield like an India rubber ball to - the tide gengrating influences, thus leaving very little onpor- tunity for change in the relative heizhts of water and land. ~The precise engace- ment of the actual tidal estimates formd~d on the supposition of a perfectly rigid globe, renders it probable that the earth ia' in reality vastly more | rigid as a whole than any specimens of surface rock that had been experimented upon in laboratories. years ago, in speaking on this subject, had suggested that probably the great | | pressure in the interior produced in the material, which might be of the same sub- | stance as surface rocks, a greatly increased He was, by great daring and agility on with 2all, to | rigidity in positions at great depths below the surface. This part of the enquiry the committeq propose to make a primary ob- ject in the calculation next to be taken. EE -- Tae official income of the Vicercy of | of Egypt is £36,000,000, Four hundred and sixty turkeys were | driven sixteen miles to market by a Penn- sylvanian, Camel's hair scarfs will be worn next | season for the neck instead of fur tippets a X 0 Di Rit othe Peto "hia 3 "| chin, affording much excitement through- | XN rarsry ce : Xe £ i bh = au a x toh Se ot the city during the .entire night, but ILIA foftunately he was held until about five, .y Y - o'dlock this morning, when his keeper, with the assistance of the entire force of § the coneern and about 500 citizens, under- nse « a FPR . . for half an @ teok the job of punishing and subduing CU the monster. " moderate on to take a load very Large ropes and chains | were procured, and after many attempts, | in which the same were broken 'quite eas- ily, he uackmen a 1 . ye thrown down and secured in that pesition, when simultaneously his beating began by the region of and when a liberate was finally at the end of two hours, | | for?" . 2 . | a dozen strong men with clubs, iron bars, | spears; and piichforks and continued until | the men were exhausted, and again renew- ed from time to time: for about two hours, after which tine, many wounds, and beat- ing enough to seemingly kill him, he was 1s obstinate as ever. = Refusing to sur- ronder, he was left to his own reflections in this condition, and the beating abated for a short tine. At the present time of writing (twelve lioura), - he seemed deter- | mined not to succmnb. A choice he has of doing so or being killed, as in his dang- erous mood he will not be allowed to rise | withont evidence of a change of heart. Tt is estimated that the damage done in his | tantrum will cost over £700. { Fortunate it is that no lives were lost. | - New Haven Register. have about ut of their ng Lasalle, ng on- dolph, 1ercial an étlort Wd y goods. -- go pr. - *1 Theh it of tWG thieves began at this i 'The Lest Cathariie af rire, : po h Tons Shem Amy Age or LCeonniry by the fire now NEW DISCOV valuable with gr 1 loaded emseives with ; goods, and EXTRACTS ; sought a place of cor net. ory or other pei The ecenes that witngdsed on the akee 2° al thes and I" horrdfring deserip-| Paci haut i 1 nan Whip y gure 101 ted and' iu some in- | sugestive Organs, giving Io | ell i tl sidewalk, and! i . screamed and wers tre 1 SE ---- THE WAY TO SPOIL GIRLS. dead on the on tome ana healthy a D. va 1 ; amd Slo. A i First. Be alway: telling, from her ear-'| Jiest childhood, what a beautiful creature | he a frst : she is. lt is a capital way of inflating the Serthy of a (1ial tw THEY ARK rrific din, . add to the | men would yell like dem- burst out from the" GAR COATED. ws claiming: * How pretty !" Children un- medicine derstand such a flattery even when in the ; character in its earliest formation. one were bl 2. Begin, as'soon as she can toddle, to ver il dust. Ladies w her out in fashionable clothes and ws had dirty fa s tilled with dust. ess there was a great deal rand thirst. With it was impossible to tor to slake thirst. -- sent from Detroit, Mil- and other cities wero perfectly | pop of the absence of water. a ms rushing through the } ls, going at such a pitched ont As fast ff they would be away by the finder, supply themselves from instances, with what | fo hionable parents delight that cases; the pro-| ganghters should be. . - cctators to help) 4° Be careful that her education gives could carry awpy, "her a smattering of all the accomplish- ; ing it destroyed. But ponte without theé slightest knowledge of rosity was unusual. It was geu- | ¢ho things really useful in life. f her of th rosidents mind and time are occupied in modern ac- io pata. They | eondplishinénts, there will be no thought : : r houses to the saffer- | ;f the necoasity and. vitiue of being of ers and begradged thom anything to eat, | gop. real usé to somebody pervading hes or even to drink 4, and she will sogh be ready as a d daughter. 5. As a consequende, keep her in pro- found ignorauce of all Jy useful arts of housekeeping, Liapfess that it is valgar to do. anything for your scif, or to leaen how anythiag is done i the house. A spoiled danghter shoul never be taught the mysteries of the kitchen; such things a lady always leaves . to the servants. It would be ** vulga. for her to know how to dress a salad «r make a pudding. presence 6. To complete the happiness of yo. r . Meu |ignoil d daughter, marry her to a bedrd.d youth with! soft hands, who knows a little how to earn money as she docs t save it, Her happiness will then finished fof her life time. | dress THE NEW rich dresses. ] floances and feathers, and flowers and | curls. Fondness for dress will thus be- come a prominent characteristic, and will obtain a usurp the whole attention of tho young | All the Wake no happiness at home, and therefore will not be apt to stay there and learn home bin eh duties. lt is a capital thing for a spoiled mob would In some 0 PUBLICO AND v mT vr AGRICULTURAL : NAST LiIMAX DOUBLE THRESHING MACHINE, VMPIFM MPLE aL - z to pay from 820; 3 idren and their saving ** There Jig © g to see possession of sinent merchaut blew in th a and blasphemies rent ¢ air Horses ran avky and earrihges WANTED. sinashend, » A man from the third story of a mn Madison street sled back into the «1 in putting wet blank- | Tag Brrmisn Navy.--The question had rire at Mill, In ten minutes after the | heen often nsked whether Navy of Great CAMPRELL. blankets we t on the roof, the build- | Britain, mounting as it does over six str ing was in flames. We saw people drunk | thousand guns, and manned by 75,000 and 1:0 he people were utterly de- | sailors, exceeds the navies of France| aud moral yme of them would walk | the United States, or France and Russia, into stores and help themgsclves to hats | and were it not that we might be consider- nd coats ed alittle egotistical we should say it did es than a ; exceed them altogether ; but it is useless it will neither | Southef M. 2 : WELLIAM DICKIE st number of the Chicagoj Jowr- | speculating upon this when there are other A Fangwant wa ARIAT. RT; wal issued before the fire contained this | questions that do not admit of any doubt RY dd destroying pro- no one after using the *' Canadian Pain FOR SALE. g ies to frighten "us by | Destroyer" doubts its being the very best licited, a 45 i d 4 at tory to being burnt np. MT) RISE : x 8 von NIGHT BERKSHIRE PIGS, y DAVID BISHOP. yicansl ght TLER & Co. No. 77. Front St. 44 mouth old. 'Apply to . this happy world into a JOHN GOULD, | y Actionee nysjine javog Ags Harmosey Isms. Ao Loh ba : 14. : rs house TO DRAW { -- LUMBER Polonk Bo an ad at Mill ular: cn ets on tl A.B. For Sale! AND 7. CONTAINING t an acres, on Slmeoe Strect ama Coad | shing his letter. To him we say | by all Medicine Dealers at 25 cts per hot- EBT, Chawm, Opt - Neer Myxville's Hore), Fast Whithe Tit 'dry up"--to hin letter, burn up 1" ° | dle, daughter to seek all her happiness in visit- ' ing and change of place and associates. -- | : : : i. # Stee will a "useless as modern | ductions of the two Provinces will be ad- | evils.' their | | city and preserve his spiritual in | and garden truck. nurse's arms, and the evil is done to the | Ohio, having died of delirum tremens, hi wife brought suit for damages against tw | ' men of whom he had been accustomed to ! | buy, liguor. Put a hoop upon her at | her $500 from one of the men, 4 once, with all the artifical adornments of | from the other. ! county, Towa, has discovered something and boas. A New Orreass man who tried to frighten his wife by playing burglar hopes to. recover even if they can't find the ball. | Tux girl of the period is accused of be- ing too practical, and yet a glance at her chignon proves how fond,she is of build- ing castles in the (hair. ; Ar Long Branch the other day onc | Jousy girl asked another to dance with er. 'Indeed I won't," was the reply: " what do I want another girl hugging me Ix response to an inquiry of a scientific publication-- Whence come fleas? a West- ern journal says it does not care a nickel, but would like to know where in thunder movement with | * Doctor Soule, ten | JR LL ule CE - EC ~ | A BLUNDER OF THE TELEGRAPR. {The Cokrt Circular has the following re- | specting a Jong lady in society:-- During | the Army Bill debate her noble husband, who is as proud and fond of her as he | should be, was just about to rise and de- | liver a violent attack upon something or | somebody, when a telegram was put into his hands. He read it, twned pale, and 1 quitted the house, called 5 cab, drove to { the Charing-cross station, and went to | Dover, and was. no more heard of unti! the next day, when he returned to his own houie, and to his first inquiry was told the countess was in her own room. He { hastened to her, and a terrific row ensued, ! the exact words of which no one knows but. themselves... At last, however, he burst out. "' Then, what did you mean by your telegram i" *' Mean! what I said | of course. What are you talking about I" "' Read for yourself," returned the still un- appeased husband. She did read: --*' I | flee with Mr.----to Dover straight. Pray forme." For a moment she was startled, but then burst into a heavy fit of laughter. " Those dreadful telegraph people. "No wonder you are out of your mind ; 1 tele graphed simply, "I'll tea with Mrs----in Dover street. Stay for me." | His lord- ship was so savage at tho laugh he had raised against himself, that he was at first inclined to make a parliamentary question | of it, but, listening to more judicious ad- i vice, he refrained. A USEFUL' TABLE. To aid farmers in arriving at" accuracy | in estimating the amount of land in differ- | ent tields under cultivation; the following , table is given: 5 of | Five yards wide by 968 yards long con- . "fen yards wide by 484 yards long con- tains one adre. Twenty yards wido by 242 yards long contains one acre. X Forty yards wide by 121 yards long con- tains acre. >» | Seventy yards wide by 68 1-7 yards long contains one acre. A Eighty yards wide by 60{1-2 yards long contains one acre. i Sixty feet wide by 726 'feet long con- tains gne acre. One hur and ten feet wide by 360 | fect long contains one acre. One hundred snd twenty feet wide by 363 feet loug contains one acre. Two hundred and twenty | feet wide by | 198 feet long contains one acre. : Two hundred and forty fect wide by | 181 1-2 feet long contains one acre. Four himdred and forty feet wide by 88 | feet long contains one acre, re -- 40+ S---- Wear A Suiue.-- Which will you do? | smile and make others happy, or.be crab- bed and make everybody around you miserable ? You can live among flowers | and singing-birds, or in the mire surround- | ed by fogs and frogs. The amount of happiness which you can produce is incal- | enable, if you will only show a smiling face, a kind heart, and spéak pleasant words, On the other hand, by soar looks, cross words, and a fretful disposition, you | can make hundredsunhappy almost beyond | endurgarce. Which will you do? Wear a pleasant countenance; let foy beam in your eve and love glow on your forehead. There 13 no joy #0 great as that which springs front a kind act or pleasant deed, and you may feel it at night when you rest, and: throughout the day when about your daily business. EB True axp Farse Mopesty.-- Nothin | js more amiable than true modesty, an nothing more contemptible than that | which 1s false; the one guards virtue, the | other botrays it. True modesty is asham- ed to do anything that is repu t to right reason ; false modesty is ashamed to do anything that is opposite tothe humour of those with whom the party converses. True modesty avoids everything that is criminal; false modesty avoids everything | that is unfashionable. The latter is only a general, undertermined instinct; the former is that instinct limited and circum- scribed by the rules of pridence. \ Towaro Honey. The| American Bee Journal says: --To each pouna of tomatoes, low the grated peel of a lemon and. six fresh peach leaves. Boil them slowly till they go to when you go for them. Tue Cardinals have held a meeting a Rome, and advised the Pope to quit the sir ence. The Pope has almost fade up hi mind to depart at the time of the con- vocation of the Italian Parliament. Tae State of Delaware is said to be mo- | thing more than a gigantic peach orchard | interspersed with some patches of eon | ( The yield of peache |! this year is expected tv exceed four wii lion baskets against one million and a hali last year. A set of paper car-wheels, on one. of | | the Pullman cars running to Jersey City | ! have ran over 160,000 miles of track, and | fifteen times what it brought in 1856, worn ont entirely enc set of steel tires | which have been replaced. The ordinai) | wheels, jt is said, will only run 60,00u | vanity of alittle girl, to be constantly ex- | miles. A Max in Lewisburg, "Preble County The County Court ayarded Ax enterprising chap in Van Buren for young people to do while courting be- sides holding one another's hands. ' Dur- | mortal, and be a long step towardspoiling | ing his little term of courtship he helped | i | the young lady to sew together enough | Let her visit so much that she finds | rags to make 60 yards of rag carpet. of ad | | | Tar treaty between France and Ger | many, respecting Alsace andl Loraine, has | { | H 1 ng upon her mind | | | | | a] n completed by the formal exchange 0; ratifications. The resuit is that the pro mitted frée into France for one year; and the German legions will evacuate six French departments which they now hold. France, too, will gain a small strip of land by the treaty. © A oEXERAL order has been issued by th military authorities at Ottawa for the 'for : f- : t. and rb y © SqUI y 0 two batteries of garrison artillery, d.- nominated *" A" and " B" respectively with head-quarters at Kingston and Que bee, and furnishing detatchments in To ronto and Mow . The batteries wi. ave charge of the forts and all war ma arial in the two Provinces. : g Br tnz Wav.--A worthy old clergyvin- n a Scotch town is very absent-minded, | ud has a short wemory. It is a-comuno vabit with him iw the pulpit fo forg: | t) rise up again, and begin his supple 1 | | \ | | { m:ntary rewarks with the expresso. ' dy-the-way." A few Sundays ago h gt half-way through a prayer, when bh X wsitated, forgot what he was about, an. aoment or two he rose, pointing hi ore-finger-at the amazed ¢ gation, h said,--*' Oh ! by-the'way,--Amen!" A LoMeaRD telegram to the London Observer says: --Mitrailleuses on a new system, invented by Genetal Gorloff, have been distributed for experimental practice to the several infantry regiments in Poland, The pieces are drawn by three or four horses, the accompanying ammunition on requiring one horse less. Three or four men are required to serve the piece, which fire from 300 to 400 rounds per minute, or 6,000 in' twenty-four ntin- utes, allowing for panses -and interrup- tions, the range extending to 4,000 paces. i tei : e { An artillery officer is attached to every in- | t the cartli is drying up, pre- | thing for the cure of coughs, eolds, sore | fantry regiment to direct the management | We won't | throats diptheria, pains fu the stomach, {{,f the mitraillousss. anic by | sides and back, spinal affections, &e.- Sold | officers are very favorable, the effect being | such as they say no foroe will be able to withotod | *hrongh a baz. {| mylemon. t | 1 [our 'or till they become a thick jelley.-- | Then put it into glasses, and' lay double nething, aud then, rfter sitting down | wt down abruptly without closing. In : The reports of the they are all to pieces, then squeeze them To cach poand of lignid Jdlow a pound of sugar and. the juice of Boil them together half an jrsne paper over thiljon. T+ will scarcely be distingnished from real honey, Tur Cleveland and Pittshurgh Road " dnes not tnrn a wheel or do any work won the Sabhath dav. Every caboose, Lyxpress, baggage and passenger ear on the ond has a rack fastened in a conspicuous nlnce on the imside of a car, labeled *'Bible, replace in the rack." and in pach there is a sony of the Serintures." It is added that the stock of that road is worth to-day At Ponohkeepsie, last Satnrday evening, Chas. Giddings, while chirping splinters rom a shed with a sharp jack-knife, 'sud- denly dropped his hand containing the knife to his side. By his side - stood, without his knowledge, Charlotta Moore, Tanghter of PD: Moore, aged fonr years.-- The blade of the knife struck her throat, severing the carotid | hrtery, and in eight minutes she was dead. 2 "Mr. Jones," said Mrs, Jones, with an | \ir of triumph, *" don't yon think marriage | is a means ob grace?" of Well, yes," 1 od Jones, "I suppose anything is a' means of grace that breaks down pride and leads to repentance." " The streams of religion run deeper or <hallower," says Caleott, 'as the banks of the Sabbath are kept up or neglected." A nreach-r in Folland called' the Sabbath "MAA dyke, shutting out an ocean Tre Mayor of Maron, Ga, has offered a silver service premimm worth $50 to the wettiest girl in the S*ate. under seven- 'een, who appears at the State fair in: a homespun dress. Ax Irishman who was recently mn over 'wv a whole train of ears got np and asked or his can, and sald he " wonld not run nother such risk as that for tin dollars." Tt is all very wall to say, * Take things ws thay come," but suppose they don't wmel Tt is just as natural to be born poor as %a Yarn naked, and it is no mors dis- grace. \ Tae luv of M hastise his wife wads." sip nermiits a man to " within. reasonable Revenge sometimes sleeps, but vanitys ways keeps one I open. , The man who * ea1'dn't find his match" veat to bed in the darkl ' Long absence makes the heart grow oder--of some one else, A-clean shirt is ond 5 of woman's best gifts to man. 5 ; A sure way to turn people's heads--Go late to church. | A prickly pair--A porcupine and a edge-hog. The slowest thing out--The Russian * fleet." The Fall of the Year--Mayor Hall. Paper coffs--Newspaper attacks. | Ocular punishment-- Eyg lashes. Faney bread--- A roll of the eye. A crack corps--The burglars.