Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 27 Oct 1871, p. 3

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TeRoNTO MARKETS, EE BS EE a -------- Fe al Ck CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! | we: pI : ow 7 Goods! New Goods! ! ve IND OATS: | CKIE'S SEES i ghey | Dd FALL, 1871. FALL AND WINTER STOCK 6% Wao) 2s ALE AND. RETAIL. J. <W. OW K KE. IS NOW COMPLETE IN Is in town yet, also a splendid assortment of Does Goods of the Very Latest Patterns, Irish Poplins in all Shades and Prices, from $5 to $9. Shawls of Choicest Styles, in Stripes and Clan Tartans, Blankets of the Warmest Make, and Woolen Knitted Goods of Fvery Description. MILLINERY! | In great variety, very cheap. Dress and Mourning Caps, Furs, Ete. Ladies' Bayard : Kil Gloves, Two Buttons, in Black and Colors. | NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, S 1 O C K AtSTEELE BROTHERS. | : ; | TAILORING Clothing Made Ito Order on Short Notice ! | Clothing made to orDER by First-class Workmen, and & Good Fit Guaranteed. ¥¢ i 1 GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, Overcoats and Pea Jackets, Pants and Vests, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. brl MONTRELL MARKETS, ari SEM JUST LAID INY NEW FALL GOODS! a A CAR LOAD of NEW (OAL OIL, ! At unusually low prices and in great variety. At STEELE BROTHERS. PLANNELS, cw Advertisements, 4 : NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, A ---- . rms did Farm for bo a as iE COUNTY OF DURHjZ | Application} : J 8 BATES, Proprieter, pe | i. | | NEW PRIN TS, lz NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW SOAPS, the bs : best to be had in the ¢ Po wn of Bowmanville, avi lie, October 25, 1871. A) CADDIES of NEW YOUNG HYSON, very choice. VATE BOARD, EN LADY 'ROARDERS CAX ommodated with board 'at a vate) ose employed at the Hat Terms reasonable Arply Ww" MRS H. K At STE ELE BROTHERS. | | A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. . FEW new packages IMPERIAL.GUNPOWDER TEA, | AL for only $1.00 per 1h. Fancy Flannel Shirts and Drawers, all C olors. Collars, Ties; Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Valises, and Trunks, from £1.50 to $16. Hats arid Caps Cheaper than Ever. | BOOTS AND SHOES. | A large assortment of every description for Fall and Winter. Overshoes, Rubbers, Etc., Good and Cheap. WW | Buy the Lockman Sewing Machin and the Self-Baser from NOTE LOST! MEDICAL HALL. N THE 25th OR 26th INSTANT, | 0 somewhere between Oshawa and Mark- SY PERIOR CON DITION POWDERS, ham, a promissory note made by JOHN SIN- {XD free from Antimony, an, excellent Medicine CLAIR, and dated Pickering, Nov. 2nd, 1870, {2 this season of the year for Horses and pa BRT TCR months' after, to the AE purity: ing the blood and giving tone to the sys- S. CHASE, at the Ontario Ban \ BE CN LLASE. a thet br aid Albert | At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, a All parties are hereby cautioned eth | OSHAWA. J. W-FOWKE. { 28 One Farm of 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of { Ash Stowe. mg Street Kas] ° October 25, 1871 . "Dar lw Fall Goods Just arrived at the | ; A = BREW Te 2 ¥ RC ne | Harmony ; 108 acres, ih Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth; and some village lots At STEELE BROTHERS. | jj, Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. Also a quantity of first- ' « | class Brick. J. W, Oshawa, Sep. 2, 1871. : A "ASES of £ Kippered .{ SALMON, FINNAN HADDIES GREEN COD, and half barrels of WHITE FISH ail pk T, with new varieties of Canned Fish. ) i i | At STEELE BROTHERS. | ; | W.. DICKIE: MINION | ok utfitting Establishment. . EXPECT ED H OUR LY SU BSCR IBER. IN RETURN: hanks to his numerous friends for their! al patronage begs to inform them op the Ready-Made Branch of his Business, able him to devote nore time to the T AND CAP eC) "830 UR complete importations of €HINA and CROCKERY, per "Sar- purchasing said note, asit has been lostandno| matian," and ¢ *Ardmillar," iin has n received therefor. Any one find- Ti -- ing Saiq nots and returning it to the owner will NILIN rewal THOMAS W. BOWMAN, A E DYES OF ALL COLORS, DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, Sept. 26, 1871. OSHAWA, OSHAW, ( ee -------- . { from Liverpool and Glasgow. : i STEELE BROTHERS. YO0)s due pue peo 03 [om op Tm SI9SRO 3 newest [ pue 9JHjA\ 'Io[IeIs 'SU0310)) WOO 'SJULL] 'SOIISWT Jov[(] 'spoox) ssaa(] Suisiduoo 'spoor) L1(] JUL | pue fed aq) Suiawoos ov LIATIED H ¥ M LARGE collection of the COAL OIL LAMPS, with a great lot of Chimneys and [Fixtures of the newest approved kinds, | on rh way from New York. AND TS' FURNISHIN DEPARTMENT. this, he wil a large stock ads "wade Clo ha at tly, Beduced Prices consisting of der and Oveorcoats, nts and Vests, Touth's and Children's Suits, ices never before offered in Oshawa. : oh PERFUMED HATE orL, and For Hots snd ~ EW CU RRANTS and Valencia RAISINS of this season's crop | Ho RE from Stickiness, Eon. . Furnishings, will be ; At | mete Sl will ? STEELE BROTHERS. VORY FINE COMBS AND INDIA OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT | -*- 'Rubber,Conibs of all kinds--a new stock ust a-Dividend at.the rate of Eight per cent. | received at 3 per annum upon the pald up Capital Stock of | this institution has -- hE Ay iro Bedy and | DR. DEAN'S DRUG STONE | that the same wlil be payable at the Banking | . HAWA. House in this city, on and after Wednesday, the | ------ I Bi! day of November ext. | ™T e Dividend wi alculated from the dat r ot She organization of the Bank, vie th ho 10h 4 | A LARGE STOCK OF ENGLISH and pay. January last, and upon sub v French Trusses, Single | day or from their dates. y oy At gle and Doiabie, The Transfer Books will be closed from the 16th to the 3ist October next, both days inclusive. B. H. BETHUNE, Cashier. Toronto, Sth Sept., 1871. "SPoOS Mos 0) [qnOI} ON [ Aouw C N STEELE BROTHERS. Pp A NEW and beautiful lot of BIRD CAGES, the finest styles of thoy great Metropolis. . STEELE BROTHERS. | "\ Used 10j deoyo pros oq qa "812 §Z1 opm paed 10330) AMMA Arve I] 'SULIOY O[(RIOAR] JSOU AY) UO HSNO Ud Sulaey 'spouure] 'LITTINIO MPH 5 DR. DEAN'S DRUG SNE WA , op- Air) 'gomgm 'saJem fleuds pue 'sex 'spreag 'suojyngy WOLJ SJR] POWWLL], 'CZ [§ WO} SO[IURY SOIPYT[, 'spremdn "830 woody s£0uIp poor) 'Bunpor) -10pu[) sary 's1oN JR 'Suoqquy Jo.30o3s [ny v 'SoouLdy YouaL] 'sins doo} 'soaoy) puw '§19041§ 00S pue fury 1ouIo)) and Surpuaju LIISO % e yoy DR, DEAN 'S DRUG STORE. OSHAWA. \RLY AND SECURE BARGAINS, G. HODDER, { haels Block. Simcoe street, i STER BAY! esh Oysters givVED DAILY! oid ? 4 ONES IMCOE [BSTREET, OSHAWA, by the Plate or Can. FOICE lot of Canned Fruits, Jel: etc., on hand and for sale. \ 4 1 hoicest Fruits; of all kinds, in their | ighest price paid for all kinds of ruts. ign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. October 28. 1571. REWARD! 25 THECK on the ONTARIO -- will. be given to any person who re by Four Competefit and Im- Judges that HOITT 'exhibit the Bést Photographs at t Oshawa Fair Now is your Ys FAS. E. HOITY. Justice is whet is wanted, and ¢ more: by Horrr BLE PROPERTY for SALE. UBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR y on William, street, consist: fo wines and over an acre of well i ained, and ina sate 0 perty in pri ee Albert. "now iléox, Bail HUG i ( ARMIC HAEL % nf LVENT ACT OF 1860. fe if [EL ALVE N H: {IGHT, An Insolvent. i: UNDERSIGNED, JAMES JEN. of the Towr of Whitby. in en appointed Assignee editors are requested me within ome month. JAMES HOLDEN, Assignee. STRAYED FROM * Oshawa Pasture: 'K MARE, BAY HORSE AND in company. - Any ohe my orm GErORNER Office, Dsbawd, ), 1871 me' [-IRSIST UP UPON T- or §0 OTHER JACKAGES of PURE VIRGINIA LEAF Smoking TOBACCOS; bought in Ne »w York from the manufacturers, all of the finest brands. > STEELE BROTHERS. ~ : \ NOTHER lot of 50 boxes of the people's favorite CHEESE. STEELE BROTHERS. CASH FOR PORK. Oshawa, October 25, 1871. IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW mm Fall and Winter Goods! AT Pp (8 11 Wr COWAN AS MUCH PLE ASURE IN REPO NG THE ARRIVAL OF HIS IMPOR. H tations for the present season. In extent, riety and value they surpass those of any mer year, and he can therefore invite inspection - ith 'confidence in his ability to please the t Late and benefit the pockets of his customers. Comprised of purchases from the best houses in Man- | | Sheer, Bradford, Glasgow and London, selected with care and paid for in cash, he is enabled Offer Fresh, Sound and Attractive Goods / at prices which must meet the approv: al of prude nt buyers. Particular attention is invited to the assortment of Dress Goods, which embraces 1871. | LARGE SUPPLES! NEW FALL GOODS. --AT THE-- TEMPLE OF FASHION! BEAUTIFUL STYLES! VERY CHUEA 1871. PP! A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, | | Flannel, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Linens, Damasks, Carpetings, Curtains, Towelings, Hosiery, Gloves, &e., &e. JUST TO HAND! Two Cases of Beautiful MANTLES, made expressly for our 'Fall Trade, in Silks, Velvets, Plain and Satire Cloths, Velveteens, together with an assortment of very Elegant Waterproof Suits. - MILLINERY. MILLINERY. The patrons of the Temple of F: shion (who are legion) will be pleased to learn that MRS. REDMAN. (late Miss M. J. Thomas) continues to su rintetid the Millinery Department, and that great pains have been displayed in the selection of our Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Trimmings, &c., 80 as fo render this Eestablishment the Great Fashionable Emporium for all who desire Stylish Goods. » azn Golors, 406 per a vars. Fy 33s Cloths, all wool, 35¢ ayora. Tartan in all ko of Corn: 4 Simcoe Oshawa. UT Ea 5 ancy Quali | emple Fashion, or King an Stroots; eo Ttalian Cord Crape Cloths, | | And a Great Variety of Rich Goods, suitable for Second Mournings, at Low Rates. | | | | | LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. f the latest novelties has reached us from Evans, of London. | Arimmed a Nil auppir 2 just the article required for Winter Wear, combini Comfort and , at prices much lower than ds sanded for the same Rods by Fas bionic City uses. ket being dissimilar in Trimming, every lady can suit her own Jo Eversalac Taste, and confine the style to herself. +. "B SHAWLS. €ertamn to command a Rapid sale. FRENCH KID GLOVES. h take the first place in. England, have been before our customers for 16 jou nds nt Jue en thorough satisfaction in fit and wear. - Although the price has y seriously. advanced, it is our inte ntion to continue them at One Dollar per pair, as before. A case of them is now overdue, and daily expected. RIBBONS. The Fur- | - 8 TREWIN. SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. nl "ral MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS! Th all the leading Fashionable Styles of Clan Tartans and Stripes, Square and Long, at prices | v INviTe Special ArTENTION To THEIR NEW STOCK OF | Treeds, Coatings, Vestings, Overcoatings. ' All Garments made to order in First-class Style, and at moderateprices. We advise the receipt of the very wide Sash Ribbons, in Black and (Colors. These Goods are An orders Promptly Executed, and a Perfect Fit i nstant demand, and difficult to obtain. Those requiring - fustiohable, vu ov ited to call before the assortment is broken. STAPLE GOODS. | We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy competition. i 1) BLANKETS. Guaranteed ! 1 DRESS AND WOOLEN SHIRTS, UNDERCLOTHING ! English and Canadian, ordered from the Mills i in. July, before the advance in Wool. : FLANNELS. >lain, at 25 cents a yard, the heavier goods in the same proportion. Splendid Al Seoul Chegkod and P i mind that they are reaping the full benefits of our a purchases, and that we cannot ours Ives replace many of ; 7 the lines at the prices we are now ¢ utting them | { | | STAPLE COTTONS. 4 and Denims, Sheetings, Prints, &c., &c White Grey Cottons, lebron house for Quality and C on apne ay. 7 HOUSE FURNISHINGS. for Curtains, Damasks and Moreens, Table Linens, Towelings, | sored and White ; Quilts, a Full Assortment CARPETS. Best ditto at One Dollar, Imperial 3-ply hy rosler's Be "makers, retail at wholesale prices. Plain and Striped W ool ope Good at Seventy-five cents per yard. eng ts and Stair Carpets, imported MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. under the able superintendence of our MR. Reapwin., To:meel its requirements we lave imported full Fanges of the Rgweat and rine pally in Suit Lengths, so that Mom Fen ordering Gaptse ~ will not find themselves wearing : a general livery. We call particular attention to our New Double-Breasted Lounge Coats. Surtouts and Sacks. The business in this branch has steadily inc New Double-Breasted oxford Coat. New Stylish Pea Jackeis. Punctuality, Despatch, Btyle and Fit Characterize this Branch as Usual. Ye Catebes 5, 1371 ¢ CEEAWS, Catels ~ | Socks, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Braces, &c., &e. F. & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, M AR KUS MAY ER, BOWMANVILLE, ., at prices to sustain the | 1, cites the attention of his friends in Oshawa and vicinity to his enlarged place of Business and his Superior Stock of Goods. His long experience as & PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! And his strict attention to Business, has gnaranteed him in Enlarging his Stock, and he is now offering GREAT INDUCEMENTS to buyers. His fail purchases have been heavy, and his assortment of Hats, Caps, Furs and Buffalo Robes! PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, &c., Are well Worthy of Inspection. When You Want & ics Set of Furs for Your Wis or Dadghtess, CALL AT XM. MATTERS, Furs Altered and Repaired. Highest Price Paid for Furs. * N MAYER. ; BowiasvIn, Oct. 5B; 18Y> 5 ted; EMBRACING AND FASHIONABLE FOR THE SEASON, IN STAPLE&FANCY DRY GOODS, -. | | GIBBS' BLOCK. . OBEAWA, Beptomber 19, 1871. COMPLETE! EVERYTHING MILLINERY, &C., | P.8.~Horse and Wagon always on A. M. GHISHOLM'S ! GREAT RUSH AT HENRY:S! WHY? BECAUSE THEY SELL THE BEST | ox AR RAISIN S, CURRANTS, SOAP, TOBA CCOS, FLOUR, MEAL, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C., Cheapfit in Town. Cash paid for all kinds of Farmers' Produce. Noted for their 60cts. Tea. | King St. West, OSHAWA, | OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL hand to deliver Goods at a minute's warning. Oshawa, Sept. 6th, 1872. 22-1. DR.CARSON'S MEDICINES. The Greatest Public Benefit of the Age! ND FOR WHICH, NOTICE THE k ostimauiula, (a few of them enclosed in r around ad h bottle,) with a numerous porsche names, who testify to the an es of his various Compounds, Hdd Syrup, AINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, Shoe Brushes, Hair Brushes of all kinds, Brushes and Tooth At. DR. DEAN'S DRUG spoRE a AWA, BH BLACKING | FOR STOVES, DR. DE AN'S DRUG STORE, £1 wa. AS SPLEN EPID ID STOCK OF PFRFUM- ery of all At DR. rp DRUG "TSE wi Ovo SKINS -- A NEW LOT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE. or WA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT or » FANCY Articles and ts Sundries, At DR. DEAN'S DRUG SORE - HiWA! RUGS, CHEMICALS, 2 DYE Stuffs, of every variety, and the moss reasonable prices, At VY DR. DEAN DRUG © STORE £# OPPOSITE HINDS' HOTEL! October 18, 1871. n AWA, GROCERY : STORE, South Oshawa: P JUST TU HAND, Choice Selection of NEW TEAS, NEW SUGARS, NEW COFFEES, NEW. COCOAS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, PRICES THE LOWEST. Constipation Bitters, Liver Compound, Goods delivered to all parts. CASE PAID FOR PRODUCE. The be obtained at all | | origed jhe Medictuey' ohn nie 1 Bovrx Ougawa, Sept. 8, 197]. Everything New! rm

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