Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 20 Oct 1871, p. 3

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IGAL HALL. INDET ION ' POWDERY J xeolient Med or Horses and ¢ tone to the qype i STORE, ii VES OF ALL-COLORS, ANS DRTS STORE, OSHAW,L, 7) A -- EINE COMTS AND INDIA us ' * Rew stack au DEANS DRUG STORE, : OsHAWY, , vee-- ENGLISH and Double, aad DRUG STORE. OSHAWA 2 STOCK OF -- UMED HAIR © Kiness, and now. UG STORE, OsHAWY, | AND ¥ AR ANISH BRUSH i hes and com : STORE. OSHAWA, i FOR STOPER, UG STORE OSHI{W A, - bt CK OF PFRRM. G sTonk. OSHANV A, A NEW "X'S DRUG STORE. OUSHAV A. SKINS I ASSORTMENT or FANY ries, DRUG STORE, OSHAVA, AND DFE 1 at the mos DRUG STORF, , OSHAWA, CARD. NE LY, OF EMILY, was settled on a t., by William T. OHN BOYD, Agent, Ushawa, n inion 0 Banke | S HEI TV EN, THAT Lsequent pay- sed from the tr both days inclusive, I. BETHUNE, Cashier. 4 a emg NIE WW SSMAKING ITABLISHMENT YSHAWA 1 NS ROOME, f FABL SHENT JAE ES Styles & Fashions' n the business NION BANK. WA AGENGY. Kio E IN THAT THE ened an agency for v lding lately Sireet, directly allowed om de- nk in Canadas, the Y GIVE LELLAN, Agent. i : 236w GHO PUBLICO. PAT TE, JR., PORTI NITY TO vwa apd Vi- Le 'Palnting. East, or at the posite Messrs. s Block, will receive FP "ATTE,. Jr. 23m 'E LOST! 26th INSTANT, Oshawns and Mark- JOHN EIN- , 1870, Any one find. y the owner wi V. BOWMAN, TL OSHAWA. S-- K OUT FOR Photographs! ) BE MADE AT OMAS' GALLERY, OOKILIN,. BY HARRY TAIT, USHAWY- 4 WM. DICKIE'S FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS Now COMPLETE IN Dies Goods of the Very Latest Patterns, 1s} Poy olins in all Shag Shawls of Choicest St 0 yles Si ~ Blankets of the W WA four ibe 5] Clak Tota. Woolen Knitted Goo. ls of ¥ very Dea | | | | les and Prices, from £5 to 89, Descript ion. | MILLINERY! | | | In g9t variety, very cheap. Sha Dress and Mourning Ca aps, Furs, Etc. oves, Two Buttons, in Black Ladies' Bayard and Colors. TAILORING "thing made to orpER by First-class Workmen, Qrercoats. and Pea' Jackets, OF EVERY DES( RIPTION AND PRICE. . Facy Flanuel Shirts and Drawers, all Colors. Umbrellas, ( and a Good Fit Guaranteed. Collars, Ties, Carpet Bags, Valises, and Trunks,. from 81.5) to 316. Hats and Caps Cheaper than fret. BOOTS AND S&H JOR Aarge assortment of evéry description for Fall and W inter, r= Rubbers Etc., Good and Che ap. ' mm the Lockman Sewing Machina a tho Solf-3asar from W. DICKIE. NM AR RKUS M AY ER, BOWMANVILLE, - Indtes the: attention of "his. fri Business and his 8 ds in Oshawa ani vicinity to his enlarged place of ior Stock of G odds. His k long experience usa | * PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! Md his strict attention to . otgring on \ "Hats, Caps, Pres PAPER COLLARS, nsiness, hav guaranteed hinvin Enlarging his Stock, and he is now r<. His fall purchases have been assortment of 7d Buffalo Robes ! TIES; NDUCE MENT NECK GENTS FURNISHINGS, &c., -------------------------- OPENED OLT, ! Pants and ow R i& S) i= 4 30, Age well Worthy of Inspectic on, When Tou Want a Nic Set of Furs for Tour Wify or Daughtors, CALL AT I. MAYERS. Furs Altered and Repaired. 'Highest Price Paid --r for Raw Furs: M. MAYER. Bowmanville, Oct.$, 1871. (26) ph mp IMMENSE STOCK --OF NEW Fall and Winter Goods! ¥ AS MUCH Ll Es ASy REIN R EPORTING THE AR RIVAL OF HIS IMPOR- tations for t t on. ar . mer year, and hie © "i i 1 n his ability to and benefit the po ts of his ses from The best chester, Bradford, Glasgow and Eo ¢ and paid for in cash, lease the taste uses in Man- hey surpass those of'any for- | | Lg is enabled to | Offer Fresh, Sound gli itiactive Goods ! ust meet wal of prudent bh tu the a went of Dress Goods, v 1 Tard "Franch Merinos, all Colors, 422 par 7a Zsgurad sd Plan, Clan 2 Pla.n Reps, ¥rencd Serges, Basket S.1ks, Trey Black and Colorad 8.lzs, Paramaiias, italian Cord Crape Cloths, And a Great Variety of Ricl Particular attention is invited » emb rac 'es Empress Clotas, A aad Fancy Tartan in all at prices whic Sc a yard. Qual.ties. ' h (Goods, suitable for LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. -eltiow his realhed us from Evans, of London. p- 1g quis red fur Winter Wear, combining Comfort and goods by Fashionable City lady can suit her own "© As usual, a full supply of the Trimined Beavers are just the a Elegance, gt prices much lov Houses. Every Jacke t be is<if Taste, and con tine 'the style t SHAWLS. In all the leading Fashionable Certa:n to command a Rapid sale. FRENCH KiD GLOVES. Our Foussie Gloves, whightake the first t place in England, have been before our customers for 16 | _yoars, and have given thorough satisfaction in fit and wear. Although the price has seriously advinced, it is our intention' to continue them at One Dollar per as before. A case of thea is now overdue, and daily expected. RIBBONS. We advise the receipt of the very wide Sash Ribbons, in Black and Cslors. These Goods are very fashionable, in constant demand, and dificult to obt ain. These requiring them are invited to call before the assortinent is broken. STAPLE GOODS. We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy competition. / BLANKETS. e Mills in July, before the advance in Wool. pair, English and Canadian, order ed fri FLANNELS. the heavier goods in the same proportion. reapin 2 the fall beneiits of our ourse ove es replace many of » now\cutting them Splendid All-wool Cheked and Plain, at 25 een Customers wil si= bear in min 1 carly purchases, the ines at the pri STAPLE COTTONS. 1, Prints, &e., &c., at prices to sustain the reputat ¥ and Cheapness, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 4 _and -Morecns, Table fnens, Towelings, ull Assortment. and 1; at we cann es We ar Denims, Sheeting ort he house for Jualll . "White and Grey Cottons, Ticking Plain and Striped Wool Zr Hg r Curtains, us, Damash ras ks Colored and Whi Jui CA R P E Tr S. <.Jev's Best ditto at One Dollar, Imperial 3-ply Good Tapestry Mf seventy. five cents per yi ley Li tnakers, retail at wholesale prices. Supers, Fe aud Siair Carpets, Ani Ad di os MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. f our MR. ] : 5 y s ste v mere a3EI ler tho o Tas bisinias ied Be a H meri Bon we have imported Tall ranges of the Revo id p A, principail ly in Sait Lengths, so Garments wili not find the mselves Wearing We cull partealar attention. to « able superint enlenés in « ural livery. New Double-Lreasted Lounge Coats. 5 " i ew Double-Breasted ford Cont. Surtouts and Sacks. New Mylish Pea Jadkets. Punctuality, Despatch, Style and Fit Characterize this Branch as Usual 26-tf. OSHAWA, October 5, 1ST1. F & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS! r New Stock or é INVITE Sproat ArrestioN 10 THE Tweeds, Coatings, Vesting, Overscatings. AL Garments made to to opdei in First-class Style, and at moderate prices. "All orders Promptly Executed, , and aP Guaranteed ! DRESS AND WOOLEN SHIRTS, UNDERCLOTHING ! i &e. jen, Ooltass, Oults, Bandlerehieds, Brecss, Ec MERCER, F. : 8d AND OLOTHI erfect Fit COFFEES! Second Mournings, at Low Rates. WITH A GREAT The Fur- | LOT OF NEW Styles of Clan Tartans and Stripes, Square and Long, at prices | | WIL LOW MILLINERY. \ i | WE ARE EXPECTING A | | | OF IN TIME FOR h e PACKAGES OF THOSE Highly Praised TEAS Ya AND UNEQUALLED BASKETS Lazge Assortment | GENERAL GOODS! Fancy Wares, &c, New York and Montreal, THE FALL SHOW. | Lore an Oshawa, Sept. 27th, 1871. CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! RYE AND OATS! J. W. FOWKE, Is iz town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW FALL GOODS! At unusually low prices and in great variety. FLANNELS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW LUSTRES, Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice / GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, NEW COATINGS, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J. W. FOWKE. 2 One Farm of 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth'; and same vill lots in Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. Also a yvaatity of first- class' Brick. JW. R Oshawa, Sep. 21, 1871. og [., - ¢? ) WN Lava "sp vy } I 'spleag 'suoyngy I'TIID H® A » 3 - M . ST '11g 1900 'VAVHSQ TL '$1003 00OwWIg pur Jury] JOULo 1§ WOJJ SOUR sap] 'spremdn '830 (1 woody s£0uIp\ poor) 'Jungiof) -10pu() SIN) 'SIAN AIRF] 'SUOQqIY JO YO0IS [ng as doo] 'soaopr) pue SO 'spouuep Aouvy pure YA 'PERS 'op Leary 'suono)) woo] 'Sul 'sonsny yoerg 'spoory ssax( Surstadwod 'spoory La @3uryy pu [re Jy) Surapoar oae LJ, "SPOOS MOIS 03 d[NOI} ON ols aulurexo 'pue [eo OF [om op [Im szose) nd Suipuajuy 'om I qseo 10) deep pros oq a "510 §Z1 Op1a pael uono)) ony, LLITUD MB 'H 'SULIOY O[((RIOAR] JS0OW OT] UO P[SN0( ud0q Suraey "Por 'soJea [jes pue 'SUV WO) SIRF] POUIUILL], ¥ 'SOOULIOY ([oudd A101 NEW FALL COODS. I87L. --AT THE-- TEMPLE .OF FASHION! | BEA uriFuL, CHEA Bl LARGE SUPPLES STYLES! VERY | it A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Pry Goods, | Flanne ls, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Linens, Dama cs, Carpetings, Curtains, Tow elings, Hosiery, # ves, i JUST TO H A Nf | Two Cases of Beautiful MANTLES, made expressly for our Fall Trade, in Silks, Velvets, Plain and Satire Cloths, Velveteens; together with an assortment of very Elegant Waterproof] Suits. pr MILLINERY. learn that MRS, REDMAN (late Miss M. J. Thomas) cdntinues to superintend the Millinery Department, and that great pains have baen dis played in the selection of our Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &e., 'rimmings, so as to render this Eestablishment the Great Fashionable Emporium for all who desire Stylish G | Templo of Fashion, Corner King and Sims23 Streets, Oshawa. S. TREWIN. SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. 1 lm. { Family Drug Store, Whith y Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | CHEAPEST Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilvar | Plated, and Fancy Goods. JAMES H. GERRIE, He: is the sole agent for Russell's Cel na Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Secta- cles, Cy Meriden Si.ver Plate, best goods made, | and every thing in his line made to o { It will pay: to examine his Stock before Ercan ie ing elseware. All Goods and Jobs wars: anted, and cheaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker '& Jew ler, Simcoe Street, Os awa. | Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. For Salel OTS Nos. 6 AND 7, CONTAINING ! four-fifths of an acre, on Simcoe Street | f M. Morris' BSyuiief M. WILLIAM DICKIE, _Oshaws April 2, i 2 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL PERSONS IN ; In#EBTED TO W. MICHAEL, Esq., or to the| late firm of Mic HAEL & MORU AN, are required to make | sporentice, and one to assist a Cabinent Maker, payment without delay to the dorm d, | Enose used tc ihe trade preferred. Good wages FAREWELL & MCGEE. | Given. APPY to MITCHELL. Oshawa, August 3rd, 1871. 17-1. Brock sireet, East End. re. _ | After 6 o'clock any evenirg, WANTED. Oshawa, July 6, 1571. FPVEAMS TO DR AW LUMBER FROM | | Gham Mills in Podonk to Bowmanville | 2tFaai For further particulars enquire at Mill. | a Fug iT-143 A. B. CAMPBELL. THE LARGEST STOCK OF NGLISH PAPER HANGINGS | > THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, "at tho lowest possible pric:s. IN 5 Whitby, April 13, 1511 Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling E | APPRENTICE WANTED WO ACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS wanted, from lit v1} errs of Age, one as an 13+ #SIST UPOA IT-BLY RO or. ? © ED its md Bowmanville, May 10, "| Dorw evr x1 FOR SALE. ElonT BERKSHIRE PIGS, TWO | | month old: Apply GOULD, | Near Maxville's Hotel, thy. 10 tL, s "erEes av TRY T! Eire: | The patrons of the Temple of Fashion (who are legion) will be pleased to | FALL, 1871. GOODS COMPLETE! 6 EMBRACING AND FASHIONABLE FOR THE SEASON, ® IN STAPLE&FANCY \ : DY GJIJ3, MILLINERY, Wi . M. GHISHOLM'S ! GIBBS' BLOCK. OSHAWA, Reptemcber 10, 1871. 4} | Hi | | | | EVERYTHING | | fn or Ni Cary oF Lox | each machine. PUBLIC NOT ICE JF THE-- HIGGINS' GROCERY 'South Oshawa. "JUST TO HAND, J Choice) Selection of SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH | NEW TEAS, Sewing Machine. 1 . T HAVING COME 'TO OUR KNOW. | OW SF : ledge that unpinciple! pa ties are peddling | N EW SU GARS, Sewing Machines through the com'ry and re | . ; esenting them to be "ARMS SEWING | ACHINE," this is to caution par.ies not to be | deceived in Purchasing g the juste, Tn Al gehuin | rms ma-hines have the words = J r Q Manufacturer," staa p.d on the Face Plate o dl N EW COFFEES, We have considered it to our interest to estab- | lish an agency in Osahwa to look after these | Impostors, and have therefore made arrange- ments, with NEW COCOAS, E.S. & GC. HIGGINS, i NEW CURRANTS, Corner of Mill and Si .meoe Streets, SOUTH OSHAWA, > Ee ~ » For the sale of our machines. N EW RA ISIN Ss, THE Anus Macuiye makes the Shuttle or Lock-Stitch, alike on both sides, and which will not RIP, and ns a ful anl compiele outfit, without extea charge. The Aix.s Macui .& will sew from the finest Maslin to the beaviest Beaver cloth without change of cither tension or stitch. The Arus MacuiNg never has "fits," and is always resdy to s&w, and never skips a stitch or'| breaks a thread. The Aicvs MacHINE has only about one-fourth the parts in its Coustrtiction Lut ace in other | machines. It can the e be July one-fourth | as hable to get out of urder, | i The Ais Macuse will Goods delivered to all parts. FELL, oli 1 1 Everything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. FRINGE, TUCK, : ~ CAST PAID FOR PRODUCE. GATHER (and sew on at the same time), be- | sides wil thai any other machine wii do. Sout Osmmawa, Sept. 8, 1871. The ArMs MicHINE runs light and rapid, and | is just tlie machine or MILLINERS, fAILORS URESSMAKERS, rFAUMERS, as it will do a'l kinds'of work. Soe the machine before purcha dng andl yoa will save money, and joursell a greal ueas ot tuouble and annoyance ercafter. Send for circulars and samples of werk, or cali | and see the machines working. api ss Tully 'Warans u. . TODD, ur uto. GREAT RUSH AT E. =. x G. HIGGINS, HENRY'S] bu | WHY? | gin Ast, No.7 Rossin | 01 ry MIA N LINE] | BECAUSE THEY SELL THE DEST TEAS, SUGARS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, SOAP; "TOBACCOS, FLOUR, OF SAIL STEAMSHIPS, | TO AND FROM 'New York, Quzenston and Liverpool ! City oF RicuMoND. Cry « Cary of MONTREAL. Ciry FB 'F ANTWERP. F BALTIMULE. Cry oF Busou... CLiY « F LUIERICK Cir Y oF bua iN, Crev oF Haura Ciry or bo SHAN. Ciry OF WASHINGTON. Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays! From Pier fed N North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, To Queenston or C. Liverpool, Jondon, ---- - 8, ° 35, Parle, » =r 1PM 33, Stegiuge. $3, caire Tickets can be bought here at moderate ra' = | by persons wishing send 1 for their friends, further, informatfon apply to the Comy | Agent, C, W. SMITH, Osuawa. July 20. 15m ALLAN LIN 12, | OSHAWA AGENCY. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &s, 1871. SUMMER SERVICE. 1871. Under Contract with he C Canadian Government | AND for carrying the Canadian and, U. S. Mails. STEAM WE EKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Cheapest in Town. AND CLASGOW HES COMPANY'S LINES ARE Sumineti af the undernoted Full Powered, Double Engined Clyde Built Bpoy 2 Stegmships: | Sash paid forall kinds of | Farmers' Produce. | Polynesian, 4 299 "tons ~(buillin®). Sarmatian, 3,00 togs (gliding). Caspian, 4.260 tons, Capt. Scott, Scandinavian, 3, 90tens, Capt. Ballan- t nel Prussiin, 3,0) tons, Liew. item, bi Austrian, Wiylier Nestoria Aird, Moravian, Brown. Poguvi Smith, RR. er Tons, oh J. Graham. Forming a, weekly line between Liverpool, Lom. donderry. tecal, leaving m arrival of + wm Montreal. ALSO, THE | ated for their G0cts. T ea. : King St. West, OSHAWA, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. bec e Si Expres. American 1.784 tons, Capt, [ri og 0 , Captain Meg Are | 2.8.--Horse and Wagon always on "hand to dalizer Goods at a minutes ; wang, Forming a week ¥ line het we and Moutre al RATES OF PASSAGE. n Glasgow, Quebec Oshawa, Sept. 6th, 1872. 22-¢1. | PD RR. CA RSO N'S MEDICINES. fhe Greatest Pabdlic Benelli of the Age! ND FOR WHICH, NOTICE THE Tostimonials, 4a few of them enclosed in re od smd each boitle,) with 2 Nyingtats dst 00 testify | Je vu superior qualities of his EE mediate, $15.90 4a Return Tickets, sued at reduced rite. A Pro 1 Enropean Passenger Certificates are | issied at Reduced Iiates to parties wishing to | bring ont their filends rom E ng dand, Lee or | Scotland, to any part of O° The Steamiships of the M Peal Ocean Steam- hip Company and their p gers at the Grand | Trunk Raliway Wharf, South Que rbee, gers thereby avoiding the usnal ¢ harges of cart- | ing and handling of bageage, xpress Trains leavs ( 1ebee on arrival of the | Ocean Sieamers for Myitreal, Toronto, and al western points; anl th: fy aforded al passengers by the ALLAN L IN annot be yur. passed by any other Jue aflon For through passage ticksts adev ery informa | tion, apply to y H. & A. ALLAN, Or to Asen L. SMITII, Azent, . Posto: 2%: 82 red for six months, | Lang Syrur, & ' - Constipation Bitters, | Liver Compound, Cough Drops, Worm Specie, - Pala Raliever, . Montrea'. | 'irldea Olutment, ke. F Pp #3 Maps "an ha oMtalnal ab alk 1 : hi) iy | wang rss . uss

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