Toe /RAND TRUNK TIME TARSE OSHAWA STATION. osgAw » TIME, GOING WEST. «JING EAST. ecommeda 0,740 am. | Mal: s ix, res - Nived, - . . Express, « . . we pm. WHITHY STATION, Trains going East leave W hithy Station fifteen minutes carlior, and those guing West fifteen minutes later than the al ave, Clini? 2 Oshawa, Frilay VaLOTIIeY, il 13, 1371, WHITEY AND FST WEITBY 4 FALL SHOW. The show Society, last, hore. visited the n head wis the Bein Di lougl in th lence of he were all articles shown. like to--particulurize, ! periuit uc the to do so. n Saddle or Careiaf t ; S Inch, 2ud. Geversl pur; Ge he réil Pury os J Metéalf, 1st ; D Fill y eolt- Janes Sic kes Dianghit 1st ; Johu Radel Filly coli Purham--=Milch Cou Lat and 2 2 year old heifor som 1'& 24 1 year oldi-do--G, Lasuipion, Ta; Wa Jeffery 2ud. Bull caii-- 187 1G Thewpson, 1st ; Jaf 5 Th nupson, 1st aud 2nd. \ Devous 4 1st and 214. 2 year od hai 1 year od, d H 1 8 encer, and 2nd. 2 year old hii 1 year old, « Bull calf Heifer calf--1571- J Howden, 1 an Lon; Woul--Ageld "Wm Thowps on, Lid. yt 5 | Ho oper, 2, Raw lauo--W Jeff ry F Aged Ewe--W Jef Shearing, do--2 Hu ap Ewe lawl Bouthd: WW ti Ram la. ub, Aged Boar--R "2nd. Béar Piz--1371--S Tous Wilson, 2ud. Aged Sow--J Pearson, 1st; S Sow Pig--1371---3 To us lst Hobbs, Hi: DAIRY PRODUCE Chooron Jerry Lick, 1st; D Lick Firkin Batter--J Lick, It; I» 10 lbs. batter--Mis J E/Goald, Lick, 2ud; Mrs I Guy, 3:4 Houe-wad > bread- ~Mis T Guy, Miss Nesiet, 2nd. VEGETABLES. Cabbage --Chas Hit, 1st; Bushell of Oo lous McKenzie, 2d Best and greateli i ar'e'y of Vegetall.s --C Holt. 1st ; L Cory, -C H itt, 1st; Mos FR! Table Apples--L © 2ud. Winte Hy Thompson, Guy, 2a Fall 5d ars--J Whita, Winter, do--R Har Crab Apples Lick, 2nd. Grapes--J Wits, ; J Burns, 2.4, Best and greatest vaiiety--D Li: , lst; rs Chase, 2,1. Special prize-- A, st; J Whit, do--Wia 1st; T 14 ; D Li er, kst ; D Lic Mrs J di h, 1st: POU Pair Goeso--Ch.s Pair Ducks--S I" Pair Turkeys Best aud gra. TS Henry, 2nd DOME Home-made flannel Do do fancy Do do do. Woolen cov Mrs H Cotton do" --- MC 10 skeins stoc' ing yarn Ist; W D Bower ua. 2. Pair bl: ankets-- Ms Rag car pat--1 Sr $I Fy Lynde, 2ud. Flowered, Mrs C 1 Qo, Lynde. oth 1&2 d) LADIES DEPA Plain kn tin 1 woo'e | well, 1st ; Mrs J 5 Daur De., cot'ou--Mrs D Li Strickland, 2. Fancy kat iuz, wi. Dickie, 1st ; Mis J E HH Da., cottonMiss Miss A Hun, 2.1 Crotchet wrk, Ist; Ms RS Do., co'toiy-- Stricklwnd, 2ul. Raised Br! 'Miss 8 Pa'ia Flit, do ie Gari 2nd, Barlia wool flow 1st ; Muss Chase, Einbroi tery on ! Lamon, 1st? Miss M Do. anne + Mi s F 8 Strick' 1, 221. . an silk Mis M Sti kland Miss N N Strickland, 201 Applique wor Miss Miss M Stick Fancy 'baske Miss Gerrie, 2ud. Patch work Nesh Do. on wi J Ta; Annis; '2u d. ell. ' ] " Ri 1.1 x MSrickian Miss & Shirt making Dehrt, Hopper. Znd. Leathor work --Miss N Strickia Conz work --Miss 3 3 rich l, Paintingia water colors --Miss "lanu, 3st ; Miss M Stric ) Pepeil drawing--Miss M Serickiand, 1st; «J :E Hoitt, 2nd. 'Crayon, black--Miss M Stric Mrs J L Suwith, 2ud. Do., colored--> N Strickland, Ist; Ela Hodgson, 2nd. 1st; Mura. d N & 1 SN Strick. and, st; ain--S Inch, 1st; Tat, 8+ Miss APaln er, lst ; | Ha Ta Sd. Wo ax| fruit Miss Apnis, 20d. Bead work-- Miss N Mis C H dt 2nd Lady's dress Child's d» --Mi | Hopper 2nd. Hair lowers-- Miss Gerrio. Wax shells Mi s Kate Honey Rag rug --Miss AM Strickland, 1st ; Mrs C Hot 20d Cherleille work a \ 3rownson, ~-Miss A Strickland, 1st; ohn Hopper. ss Lamcn, 1st; r dis Mrs J Miss M Strickland, 1st | 1 needlework» Mrs J LSmith, | 1 Anfinicasar, oot i { Miss M Sti kland, 2nd. "Ul Laadscape or portrait 1st; + ad, Mis K Kelley, Mise Miss Ella Hodgson, vickiand, 2ad, n'ing-- Miss Fargharson, ital pair iting Mss M St Velvet jai 1st Kk --Miss 8 Strickland, 1s and, 2nd. t Hae painting- Miss Miss A Browason, 2nd. won painting-- Miss A" Brownson, 1st; M Strickland, t: Mes JL t, 1st; J E Hoitt, J E Hoit* E Hoitt, lili oil--J E Hoitt, ter colors-- J E Hitt, 2nd." J E Hoitt, 1st wphs fi uly eon, Ist ; (Mdetion of photographs--J E Hoitt, 1st; A|Butett, 2a. 1 paiut A Barrett, 1st; Mrs J L » ng wr 1 wirs \ vrk--Miss'N St UBSTRIANSHIP, Miss M Hood James Black ' Sug st; MW Wil jan ka Log ¢al Dow, Greed Mos| pictar: fut Ar.el Di: od fru Miss Dehart Ras berry vineg r--Ai Pla l--W D Bow iy Miss K Kelly. d pears-- Miss CV McGill, Drawjog, India ink --Miss Farquarson. Ciron 3 lly eanncd bl i Mhs GH Pe Cari id clierri s Mr sA Ca steamer, drum s aud pais eron in India ink--\ e king stoves 1&0 -Mos Hest Mrs C podrey wins--) ur ~J B DOMINION BANE. le seen by referring 'to adv Eo Di videud at the 1ate of eight n- has beea dec! ud Stock of this Ia- us ; and he Bauk is »& stands third being quoted at Qshana Avency of Mr." Jos good butin:es, and tie alvaatage #1 this 105) uudur 11gemant @ Con- duty at the Drill : was sontifor to stop a row which sion-at Hindes' hote!™ he bar-room sday night last, Yr. was on lie re chael Kerinedf, stad, a kick fr nj ore heimm tely are Tha bay? a father 1, [add reguested-Mr. Goy r to Mn CarmichaeFs, J. P., have (the bey bailed ot J he ted ; | stable th n proceede 40 and quest was gran ils prisoner, his vpceivel a blu on the back of t 4 . ck, fryan a'sione, which was proven father Keune d; 1a goart to have hrown by th ot the (ridoher; The sioue, is about th struck Me. i: very like! Father Maghew whith was produced 1a court, size of a g gouSG-egz, and had 'it Goarley threéiachdy higher up, would hae killed tried the when the father was 1 to giol to await his trial at the : 3 s tined £10, ¥ EB and s6h wero before 3 Len iv uve, ye terday, / this prove a Maz. 1 the oi Head Poacher ia the Ushawa EAT aaving rosigne ihoul. a #4 of the School Board was 12th i Scath baviug accept. d on Thuanday, ist., to consider atten; he Dau h I 1 ¢ for:we bell lig sch said he could not re- is much to be re- : Me. oils asim te wher aud as acitizen, l 24th pros elity 14 5: Whiacht fact Scath is much « hore on the members of y known us the "Her me Gang,' ved aaother of thar coward] Lisl niga last, A lot or [thee names'we have not Lott, 'at a 50 bad that his life is' Itis a roaghs w learaad) attacded Wa, Spuriills l, aud beaclhii paired of: Ki sta. yt wade, nga tung taal {a ra: : taey Lotus Pout 2s Lt waz yu git ty hava besa long Base 1 shed 1a v . Lan JALL. --41 au cf ad cau Lnge pubis the Rivoruzr of last week, Victorias, Bow. i Thirsday, and succeeded beati of the * Union Quai {oops * by tive the "otf nanvuls, visited Oshawa « i runs aud one Luntags to sg LheOshawa club thar duub. resadt, ouly eight stelkers, huwover, to oppourents| ule, wach we Lave io adie 'a wateaal didec@oe ia the J: iow advertisement. -- Lis, stoca of Pugs, Dye dius, ec. is | » BOW coupiote, aul ui the Dest quaity, Miss A | 1st 1 handed the $1 back to the Sacie Miss K Koll, 1st; | rickland, 1st ; H Thonias, iy pogition-} 'ARIO REFOR MER, "Tux special priza of 34, for the be ot Sh Ww of apples|a the fair oh Wodn sday last, offered by Mr. A. Farewel!, was awarded Wo leafiggthat Mr. F. has , with ~with to himself. the unlerstanding that the amount a like sum which he will add to i be given as a special prize for a; the next Fall Show, N h\ lect there be a keen coutyst for this $3 Low, prize, and let us next sutujin have a grand show of fruit. Taz h the V. L. sday evening last, was Tha hall appr ciative t in coanoction wi Voda su decided crowded with a cos. a highly audi en and the utered th Nes each re If th: Youn anl sceure fy wa another concert services of tho same porform rs, th xy be sure vded hous, A uuztiNa of the Direct and East Whitby be hdld at lack v, | November 4th. asted, may of la crowde rs of the Whit Ag gricultugyl § Society s hotel, Oshawa, on A full attend- by will Satu , part of lot 15, Soat! tron r of Dadias Ceoek, was sold oa Wedae 300. Valuabls by an in Oshawa, day last, for the s 1m of 35, that wz iy. laad up mbers of L. requested [to met at ar a0, 0. L. their lodge aatl o'clock, to attend Ly funeral! ar, Jdha &L. hit a. RexoLe 'HE 1m LOD are room this and Mz. D. Horn its for the Ren ony FALL CQUNTY or ONT RIO <Q - LoL. » Hon.|J. i Hag ity, Chicf Ju ourt of ¢ His Lord pon he Hit be requir ro ny were to d to per Ee was I'he Grand Jury ment againgt the Co & the Scgeog bri iere wire only 1 repai ~eal and of without a een civil eases, leven were tried by the Lhe most impor SAND WI 8 rituals nis ------------ Correspondence. Ontario Rejermer ; bean'ios of -part ilusirated by thy cours: pur- in the C yisn i 8 ut Ottawa. Whea soeking $0 « sudiages of the elec he prof tyisin, btain [ South Ou- pt for as t the e35¢8 utter pr Jaoery and Joud!y claiias wost fertile so and it Lie ree of tae t ngth or and corrup- these od tion'; uron sol » ¢ ssions he gained many a g sturm vol Now, let us sce how faithfully His ambition leads hi O-aspire toa position ia the Gove it will not| have faded from th 1 4 of the 0, when ity. for the object of d upon the re- Olu tho Mr. st of other hungry ex; he has kept his vowa t ment. 1 ry electors that somd tiw as an opportun ambition being ut of Mi gratin fy Yes fr position of 4 nce, Gibbs' aong witha kh auts, was froel 3 highly honorable and But sach a ¢ without pany vho had fc ger than he, but' none faith If the C tion of the country be viplated [for the especial bei it, and ¢ of fthe to allay the hostiity that ted toward the G wernment, Mr. Gibbs was cver ready to h Lut fuily. mora natitu was to it of one portion of at th 10 expose rest, in order exie save the Government IF willi- red me at the expanse of the cpuatry. ons dotlaes of tas hard earn uey of the {an 0 was throwin away = Inter cut of iis proper in ths ¢ rcolonial, by it being wiles iegitiian in order to secure it, Mr. the sappeit to IVorune was ever ready to sacritice tateresis of try to save the party. In shbrt, $ no-j repreassatative of ours has always been ready to sacriica every inter- arly est, except his own, to save the party to which he belongs. = [s there any course that cau be» sts of any utry i al result of all those no-pgrty men, for it be a scat ia tho swaller fav always ready sale, Lo mater whether J J ' Goveriuneat, or seme r, always making use of the y ) 3 coniideuce of their constituents to extort sowet) from 'the Government. No wonder in their wen from | , then, that the peu indignation and sw wile rise ple rise sep such power. But Paritament of Outario succeeded AL tall fow of the servile tools of the late 1 ob- o g a reuewal of tao couddence of their cunstituents to betray thew a second tae. | | Pretty good evidence, tuis, of who tes tila | | tivh of tao purity of the no-party candi- | ¥ meutioned as a probable | Gibbs | 4} nion of the electors, i dates in the opi But, again, can ths advocates of ro-party doctrine Watoth ef this but always, the House met and an oppoitunity afford: ed, they ir at was ever elected upon the strength no-party a3 soon as ariably be and degra led tools of , but no matter how tended to » party in power. ume the most gervilo e party in power, 7 ready willing to push thro ile, vile or corrupty it and But think without rily not. 3 as nsolidato strengthen th you all this is being dens vard I. \ no-pa 1a is the most fruit some prospect of a re This and fortil urce of nent that ca i3 one of the " veal 7 gove 1 well 1 conceived ; and and plan: the organ of Mr. Gibbs ha npting to show up the beautles itful of lat 1 know for what purpose. I re and deluslve « ry gard such an intelligent which, I hs mpt as an jnsuit to tae cof Sith Ouatario, no doubt, they will t. It is a circiunstan u retted, that Mr! Gibbs should al- servant thus to play the of 3 and mach more ito shbald alt electors Wwe upon 1:¢ he allow him nade the *'cats paw' of the ¢ to carry it out. 13 as essential "to the wise, dent and proper administration of Gover ment as the air wo breaths, | Witliout it rel no guard or restraintion th: in proper' acd Itis party out of pow unwise administration of a fairs an al te necessity that {he uld bo vigorous : watclful in things The both of these qualities in a re pertaining to the publi weal opposition that now exists degree, fraud, tion and misia wagement enough to hange in ruie: r the wb warkable having showa vorruy make a 3 an absolute ne welfare of the hooves nt race in their ch Le country ir pac s those loi a inevitable JWI up Laer nis iran. « Yours, ete., AN ADMIRER OF Party. " air THE LAW o. THE NEXT ELECTION. en $0 have but of 1 of members next a very the dea of the nature p 'ounnons wid tage hat the law which { wiil govern the elee- ers having a wi rislati t 1 t! Ct mr the ' sort of le va lg t the © The elect law the Do mn will be held next year m be thus brie i ati of the car tes will be the same-gs it was at the time of the union The ; that is to Fy quired. i property qualification will be re- adninistered to voters ; the powers and dfitivs of returs- Officers ; The oaths to be and "generally the proceed- and incident to the holding of the election the The polling r only one day. - Those ¢ at the election will be s the vote at the recent nz wiil be will extend ov titled to vot per same. ns lied G9 to a3 were of 1 qua under d a writs will Ue issued to eral may ise of th as the G The last ¢ rovides aguinst bribery and corrup- d the trial of coutested elections, wing words at any election §hall ok euploy any means 3 i nent, gr Wy bond, "Lill ote, eat law, or any prowiss of himself nt for that purpose, th losing any of ¢, OF advautage, riupt or bribe any el © such candidate, or to elec for- voting for candidate; nor shall Le ope or cause to be o ered ani en} at his cost ani cl arges any "'nouse of public entertain ent for the "*accompdation of the electors ; and if a Y] tative returned to the House of Coma JOUS 18 proved guilty beiore the 'proper tribuaal of usin 4 any of the avove cans to procure his eleciion, his élee- "tion l declared vould ' a candi- J duriug Oi toy "back 'yvther represcu It will thus be se pract en that whilst ¢ orrupt ically provided against, he features of the Ontario law which are now occasioning such strict enquiry into ices are & | the condact of several elections will not be ded upon the pubic. Ine election being protested against Case of an t, a Coin. wittee of the House of Commons wil. ro- wala the *' proper uader the wording of t trivanal Les dtatute, that perrons should bear in wiad tho several respects in which the Ontaris Act will have effect ard those in which it will not govern.-- Leader, It is well even now Ax Edinburgh clergyman says: "E family should have a dog. perpetual baby; aud then it betrays no | secrets, nover salks, pska no troublesome | i questions, never gets into debt, never comes down late to breakfast, and is al- ways ready for a bit of fur." OSHAWA, this | point to a sing!s candi- | | has be | partially saved: | burned and maimed. | build avery | 1 is liso a | ! are unvaraljeled I RID: AY, OCTOBE R ° / 20, 1871. PER J RET on "4 mn Ald CHICAG) FIRE id's of thirty 13 of this on histor: years ac- s beauti- 039,00) of cant are bounfl to s in, we do not bel le the calamity fallen upon us. The world has of it; prob tainly Ten cor amas quiet lawlessness Order Bein of our ¢ to all to all r evBryw hor LZgns W whip have | Bf Tn $= Th --e pd IN. WISCONSIN. nih ni 1 Suttlemer Wise * broke out in the Brussels, in Deer and déstroyed .one all the place .] pers m hey perish- ants' los heif re- nd other nee ean reach ty men were burned which they had of pe ople were y river, where on Sun About y Alger wi'h wing h the flhnes de 0 out any resistane By Sho gala all night ; ; the Forings are beyor nd « Man whi pealed to far aid, sufferings of tl people as they need immediataly clothing. igh st ? P es. m t Senator Ferry, and Hay Th p 3O- ple_of all cities an 41 ' wns. in Mi chigan ar ™ =uing hobly vappeal ahd provis. ions 'and elethivg guing forward. Hun- dreds of destitute ple have ¢ mgrezated at Port Huron, Lexington aud Port Siini- dae. Lat reports fx Iolland lead to the belief t no lites » lost, Advices | from Fonda Bay the north western wors ac 8. 1 he par: Great fires at Calumet and not'a single town county escaped. All the crops have been troyed. ie Wil nperanve | meat reporis from hourly T nfon M 'n bushed. 8 Lares. + Marietta AL extinguished the fire boygan Coaaties, vine, Wis., Oct. telegr ap d thé fo y ia relation to' the fires: - The appaling r calanity has no erated. Over 3.000 men, oy c hil Iren are now. destitute, of life has boon very gre: than 500 persons bh at Star eon Bay, lives wi re lost, y rain has near! in Calan dy burned at J00 on the , women and y hospitals Ys clothing, "provisions of wanted, also een Peshtego anid vicinity eastern Fe. Secor children ar¢ now in Ledding, biots, all kinds shoes And ucooked are materials and eve by a £ 1ilyl to commetice 1 people ars responding nob no danger of too wich be Lhe destitute must be Provic g the 'winter, Ac dy ices from Fond duj ports 'from | the northémn districts grow 'hourly worse. The accounts of suffering MArnetti were ! 8 | Clothes, food animeoney | has often to pay the penalty!" Jbeard a bur, re ) » greatly neaded. Great fires , are ( wrted in Calumes county. Dwellings, hay, grain and stock are destroy- Particulars have not received, t of Williamson's Mills at recon Bay has been burned and sixty lives lost, . Grane Rarins, Mich, a barnes, ed, 7 The Star; been settler Oct. 14.--Gen, | of Manistee, with his wife and hae just arrived here, having ng except the clothing worn and family. He says d grea muliitude at Manistee are in the sane condition, being withont shelter, bedding g or fo says there are one tnmediate help. farming -cow- supplies, : without n, consequently their is not only needy but perilous, y'Oct 15. Later rn W in condita all « pre- The loss of Peshtago will per cent. er. The wem- from Mil- 1y3 the only survi- ' fortunate enough roving themselves izing to floating were 1 fipm the logs by. mad- and #gttle that rushed b ro swept over the Every build- as completely of Peshtago Jf of whom pérish- Cutchieon, lost ex lost ev by him needis » 18 away from the v or fro ratlway couununi 1 fariper: casa A ounts I acon ports and ramourg urhood Fifteen t rICOV ol of the~¢ \ dens the 4 1 hors water SWI on tow: patty ling has ne t and She- e loss of life on the 1 Kewanee connties nani Calan tion is sever- slowly: were The loss ices in the vi- ls, Dover comprising tution, are si cs and powerlessness. 1 ts and ri rising «lL sees of ar ng 1g rinals, horses, from sin : wrvation must : le. * Men- and all its in- houselgss, and rs have been re- ' \ Pp ayi IRQ an > Parliament is to meet for ¢ss on the 7th prox, A nuspanp in Indiana re 50 ty be HMAN na :ntly hired a - 89 it his wife for him iT ed Hay, has patented for waki: ap out of oat a century. wiper in Elinburgh i the d in 1710 by no less a 11 efoe. g and black- 's characters rarely have ld been inteviewir and 1g the déscribes the appearing in New Yort x jvas on t! Tha baildings ved at United large trade is expect- stated is $18 ydrauli¢ pressure, bang rec 3 ! sarope and the and & The price eked by h in Kansas Wai prasaat on > 3 funeral of a nei ba Bat ev 7, and th could hones said. g some is man, nt ar, 'but being in- , remarked that i gorpse, 31yi wishing to-apj bable ¢ pad of lying was g eulogy "a nce met Kiva Amapzus, of Spain, never drinks spirituous liquors of any kind. He rises at six, stadies and re breakfasts. Dinner takes place at five, ver lasts more than an hour. hod for guests. A ne Wine always farai and queen together month in charity. Leeds wing Tans foll memorandum, pe Fk founl enc! in the 13, iv 1. certify that I have y that I have police are ia possession of written osed in a bottle floa vdr near the Leads bridge 3 drownel lost all my money I pray God to forgive A pravyMaN at Cincinnati up to the four the 'took ry of a building, while charge of his horse and dray loaded £1,000 worth of dry goods. When me down the dray 'and goods were sing and The box which the drayman carried up stairs con- tained nothing but sand. with he ca 1s so was the stranger. cHER.--During a ser- cn del sHivered by a clergyman, one of the scemed greatly after abrvice, asked discontge had affected him so much. "seit he, not that ; Lut long "Oh, your sir,' "it is help crying. Iv Pittsburgh, a few days sinee, a lady dwelling through her front window, ag to soil her blood of and furniture 'and car- the intruder, she not pet with the noisclessly quittec door, and, pr gito the front, the Bley 'ar. Ono of the shots took effect and he, being unable to was arrested by a policemen. run, A Hicuraxper was jtried for a capital offence and had rather a narrow escape but the jury found him "not guilty." Judge in discharging him, admonish him. The thought fit to ** Prisoner, before you leave the| bar, let me give you a piece of advice. u have got off this time, but if ever you come before me ag caution you'll be fhanged."-- "Thank you, my Lord," answered Donald, '" thank you for your good advice ; and, as [ am no ungratefu', (surety lordship a piece o' advice in return. be caution for onybody, for the cautioner 1 also { E | lishman who had lately been mado a Bar- _onet, Sir Titus Salt, | \ drowned i of W, into | back | | L. Wire, | Lard, ©», roads are | shbor of whom no good | rybody | *als till ten, and then | The king | gives away £18,600 a | in | 1, Joka Wilson, do here eby | myself be- | carried a box | r for who he did the service affected. | Proud fpf this arcumstance, the preacher, | the man how his| - Ls RECA | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. beard put mo 80 much in mind of a | favorite goat I had lost, that I could not | | land, | occupied by Mr. W glar: aftempting to enter her | the honse by a rear | > dis- | Suattod f ur barrels from a revolver at | OF JONES' FRUIT DEPOT, | The highest price in cash for all I beg to give your | Never | on i A Ricur Nosix BARONET. An Eng MEDICAL HALL is a manufacturer, | (UPERIOR CONDITION POWD : . Saltaire-- oe from AnYimo ol and 'has built the town of Saltaire not I ) fre e from An¥im oe he lent My an ordinary English manufacturing town, Paiitying the blood and giving tone to | but a model town filled with model dwell- | "At DR. DEAN'S BRUG sToRE, ings and institutions--a town constructed | 08 Avg upon the best sanitary and economic -- - i principles, presided over by princely taste NILINE DYES OF ALL coLom, Saltaire has its splendid at . NG} ) alms houses and in- DR. DEA PRUG STORE, church and Ha PEER Fe pe VORY FINE CCMES 'AND INDI . Rubber Combs of all kinde-a new stock - received at and liberality. £ institute, firmary, baths and schools, park, all planned and built by Sir Titus. The is that Saltaire, this model town, has a model population. It | has never had a strike. It has suffered no The whole population are de- | has done | club and consequer o DE. DEAN'S DRUG sToRE OsH. disasters. voted to'their employer, and he all that is possible to make them prosper-+ The fortune Sir Titushas | / made by their labor hie has freely expended ss LARGE STOCK OF ENGLISH -l French Trusses, Single and Double, At DR. DEANS DRUG pre SHAW ous and happy. South Oshawa Pasture. | | Peaches, Pogrs, Apples, Sa, and for their benefit. . | | et IGHLY PERFUMED HAIR 3 warranted free from Stickiness, and pay issuing to the hair, At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHA BIRTHS Tu Oshsdva, on the 14th inst, Jordan, of a daughter. the wife DEATH In Oshawa, on the 18th inst., Mr. Joux Aged 32 years and 9 months. | The funeral will take place this (Fri day) aflterneon, at 2 o'clock, from the fanily residence, Church Street. a $ PAINT AND VARNISH BRUS Shoe Bruches, Hair Brushes and T Brushes of ail kinds, At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, hat § . OSHAW, prs BLACKING FOR STOVE, DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORR OSH, WA Commercial, OSIAWA RARKETS, October 19 Pewt,.. PEPE + Fai 1, ® bus! nel, 2, ® bushe) Oats, ¥ bushel, Flour, Wi SPLENDID STOCK OF PFRIUM. . ery of all ki At DR. ANS DRUG STORE, OSHAVS, ---- HAMOIS SKINS --A NEW 0p : DRADEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAVA, D ¥ bushel,. res, ¥ bushe ¥m, Jutter, | Eggs, ® doict n, Green Apples, ¥ bus, | Beans, ¥ bushel, LARGE ASSORTMENT or ANY Articles and Deuggists kid At DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE OSHAVA, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, October ¥ % Ha 0338 . 050 . 05 030 . 000 . 000 016 lw heat, ¥ bushel, dy $17 06) | --e > ---- a ------ om! er 0 | Dx GS, CHEMICALS, AND Dig > Stuffs, of ev t 0 = ori ig Wil bs ery variety, and at the noe "A DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, 000! OSH HAWA 0 17 | &T OPPOSITE HINDS' HOTEL. October 18, 1571. -- | CARD. MARKETS, i October 19. | 1B es» do 3 110 112 i ¥ bushel, .., Sevss 53 000 ME JOIN COONEY, OF EMILY, dn ba Saga 3 63 County of Victoria, begs to return his 0 63 | best thanks to the Agricultural Insurance Com. .* any of Watertown, N. Y., for the 040 | | Mum iberal settlement of his lgss 0 18 | 8th con., on Monday evenin, f amo Rg 10 $675.00. Hin loes was T Thursday morning, 12th inst, by W, TORONTO MARKETA, Fish, General Agent, C 'ebourg, y. William October 19, | JOHN BOYD, AT "N2annul 3 03% 06! W. R. CLIMIE, Agent, of os "3 . Bowmanville. y +03 0 getoher1s, 1971. 037 038 : 06) 065 | 075 08 cee 186 0 19 = reer O83 125 de d . ea. lover Sced, ¥ bushel,............. Timothy ed, do Butter, B 1, : Ed WHITEY Wheat, F. V bushel, Wheat, Spring, Barley, Oats, Peas do PRET IRR EU Potatoes, do k 5 Buiter, Bm, a > n -- a " Dominion Bank | NT OTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN, THAT | 4% a Dividend at the rate of Ei per armum u on the pald np Cari her Stock sf ution has been this day declared, and | that t e same iil ba payable at the Banking this i n-and after Wednesday, ot oF Nat next. us The Divi'end will be calculated from the date the organization of the Bank, viz: the 10th day of January last, and upon Subsequent pay- its from their ds The Transfer Bo will be closed from { 162 h to the 31st October next, both preston ie) og < BH. BETHUNE 4 MONTREAL MARKETS, October 19, $135 @821 13 015 015 0 57 0°60 . 087 09% Buiter, ¥ L017 018 v- Advertisements, STRAYED ~FROM -- DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA! -| MISS ROOME, ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT of S. TREWIN, begs to inform the inhabl BL ACK MARE, BAY HORSE AND | A Bay Pony, in company. Any one seeing | same please inform REFORMER Olle, Oshawa, a. October 20, 18,1. INSOLVENT ACT oF 1860, In the matter of SAMUEL ALVEN HAIGHT, An Insolvent. [. JHE UNDLKSIGNED, JAMES |* bus opencd a New Store HOLDEN, of th . | 9 HO of the Town of Whitby in the | KiNG STREET EasT1 County SrOntariol have been appointed Assignee IN THE STAND in this matter. editors are requested to tile Lately Occupied by Mr. J. J. Hal » their claims be fore me within one month. where sho will carry on the business of JAMES HOLDEN, 8-2w) DRESSMAKING; MANTLE- MARIS, Ll y Whitby, Oct: 18; 4571. and the making of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 4&6, &o, 8 s-. =IN THE Latest Styles & Fashions Having had a long experience in the business she Is confident of suiting all. All orders entru: ed to her will be executed with care and taste. A share of patronge solicited, Vacancies for Apprentices DOMINION BANK. OSHAWA AGENOY. id rm ~ NOTICE + Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE - Dominion Rank has opened an Lhe transac on of busines in the bs erected fo , on_Simcoe Street, | opposite Gitn Block. Interest aed on ide- pooite, Drafts jssued nited States, aud Great Britain; +4 HH. MCCLELLAN, A Oshawa, Sept, 8th, 1871. $25 CHECK on the ONTARIO Bank will be given to any person who will prove by Four Competent and Im- partial Judges that HOITT did not exhibit the Best Photographs at the last Oshawa Fair. Now is your time. - JAS. E. HIOITT Nore.--Justice Is what is wanted, and nothing more, hy Horrr. Oshawa, Oct. 19, 1871. PRO BONO PUBLICO. E. PATTE, R.; TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO infofm the inhabitanis of Oshawa and Vie ¢iniiy that He is prepared to execute Painting | Graining, Wars 2, Glazeing, Pu ing, Wh ltewashing, &e., on the shortest no | tie ge and in first Orders left at Mr, s' Boot Siore, i Street East, or at the re ence of the undersigned, opposiie Messrs Gibbs' Cabinet Factory, Hall's Block, will receive prompt attention. F. PATTE, Jr. 53m HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR | sale his property on Wiliiam street, consist- ing of a block of fou our houses and over an acre of | It is high, wel drained, and in a state ot good cultiy ation, Also, that fine p forty in Prince Albert, now , Bailiff, "HUGH CARMICHAEL. Oshawa, Juné 22nd. Oshawa, Sept. 28, 1871. ---------- NOTE LOST N THE 25th OR- 26th INSTANT, sofle where 'between Oshawa and" Aissory note made by JOHN SI CLAIR, on dated Pickering, Nov. De ely [agnths after, to the A HASE, at the Ontario r{ oy for 853.30, and endorsed by said . . All parties are hereby cautioned against Chase: i said note, as it has been lost and 80 . | value has been received therefor. Any one find: ing said note and returning it to the owner will | be rewar: THOMAS W. BOWMAN, Sept. 23, 1871, OSHAWA. FRUITS ALL KINDS, FRESH AND GOOD AT ham, Bast side of Simcoe 8t., a few doors | South of King LOOK OUT FOR all other Fruits ip the Season. phs Peaches for preserving, by the bo or half-boz. Good Photogty ! TO BE MADE Ar Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BY HARRY TAIT, kinds of Choice Fruits. Cream Parlor, and Soda Water, i Cold, from-the Fountain, Oshawa, /Aug. 31st, 1871. 21.41. Srrder Oshawa and Surrounding country thet on all points in Canads, the - NL Ingrat v fbthing Oyerc O Facy F Invtes the PRAC And his stric HA MU tations and bencilt th chester, Bradf Offer