Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 6 Oct 1871, p. 3

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RO CENT AS! SEQUALLED FEES! A GREAT OT. OF NEW be bl LOW AL GOODS! 'Wares, &c., --- "and Montreal, 'IME FOR LE BROS. Sept. 27th, 1871, ¥ {PUBLIC NOTICE Sf 5S/LVENT ACT OF 1869. o Natiar of SAMUEL ALVORD HANAT, Amn Inselvént. | HE INSOLVENT HAS MADE ax L Someone of i Buiate % me, and the | os FAREW WELL & MORE, in Oe AW AT | on Monday, Latin of October, i nie a a Two Oe ai n the ve state. A ANE HOLDEN, Interim Assignee, Bow or THE - # a AEs. & C. HIGGINS, "= 8 Muslin to the 1 L iron of eitlier tension or stitchy™ Js HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE| = MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. * Waving had a long £3 the bs ae of suiting all. All orders Sewing Machine. M ARKUS MAYER, BOWMANVILLE, Taito the attton o his in Oshaws and vicinity to his of i bd Ju Othaes sf siciolty enlarged place PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! And his strict att to Bu d him in Enl offering GREAT IDOE 18 Sayer His fall purchases ha: vy, and his assortment of PAPER COLLARS, his Siock, sad be is How Caps; Furs and Buffalo Robes | NECK TIES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, &c., Are well Worthy of Inspection. Whia Woh Want Te Be of Bug fo Twos With o Disaiion, Highest Price Paid | for Raw Furs. Bowmanville, Oct. b, 1871. (26) IMMENSE STOCK --OF NEW M. MAYER | GALL AT M. MAYERS. 5 | Furs Altered and Repaired. 26-4. Corner King and Simcoe Streets. Osmawa, October Bth,:18¥1. W. & H. GILLETT are receiving. their Fall and Winter Dry Goods, comprising Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Prints, Loom Cottons, Gray do, Scarlet, White and Fancy Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves, Hoop Skirts, French Mérinoes, a full-stock of Ribbons, Hair Nets, Gents' Under- H. & W. GILLETT, Clothing, Good Winceys from 10 cts. upwards, Ladies' Mantles from $1 25, Trimmed Hats from. 75 cts., Heavy White Cotton yard wide 121-cts; Buttons, Braids, Yarns, and small wares, which, - having been bought! on the most favorable terms, * will be sold cheap for cash. Intending pur- chasers will do well to call and examine stock. No trouble to show goods. Fall and Winter Goods! -W. F. COWAN AS MUCH PLEASURE IN REPORTING THE ARRIVAL OF HIS IMPOR- | HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW. fedge that unprincipled : Sewing } Machines thivugh the 4 hem to be the " ARMS ATE ING | t GIN Shitds -to Suita Al ae pr aes De have t it SRA Jsashaeturer, stamped on te of We.fiave consid 3340 cur} esta 4a ageDey in Osahwa look wher These i Is : have therefore made Corner of Mill and Simcoe Streets, "SOUTH OSHAWA, For the sale of our machines, ~ Tue ARMS MACHINE makes the Shuttle or a ry alike on both sides, and which will = 8 set RIP, and has a "fl without extra charge. full and complete outfit, The ARMS MACHINE will sew from the finest viest Beaver cloth without The ARMS MACHINE never has "fits," and is always ready to sew, and never skips a stitch or reaks a t The ARMS MACHINE has only about ene-fourth in its comstruction are in other yr can thierelore be only to ff as liable bo get out ef order. QUILT, SATHER (and sew on at the same, time), be- | sides all that any other machine will The ARMs MACHINE runs light and rapid, and i fs just the machine for BM MILLINERS, TAILORS, : DRESSMAKERS F ARMERS, | a it will do all kinds of work. See the machine | before hasing and you will sa ve money, and | f a great deal of trouble and annoyance T.| Send for circulars and suimbles of werk, or call | Splendid, All-wool Checked and Plain, at 25 cents a yard, the heavier goods in the safe proportion. | nd see the machines working. Fully Warranted. ! J. C. TODD, f[ien. Agt., No.7 Rossin House Block, Toronto. E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, Agents for oshawa. Bu \ NOTICE Dominion Rank has opened an transaction of 'busines in the Pui ected for their use, on Simcoe posite Gibbs' Block. Interest allow its. Drafts issued on all points lately | on a | the ~ inited States, aud Great Liisi J. H. McCLELLAN, Agent. NEW {DRESSMAKING _ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA ! MISS ROOME, ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT te of Oshawa Fb urrounding country that | has opened a New Store on KiNG STREET EAST! IN THE, STAND ely Occupied by M. J. J. Hall, where she will carry on the business of DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING, and the making of JCHILDREN'S CLOTHING, '&oc., &o., IN THE atest Styles & Fashions experience in the business entrusted to. her will be executed with care and laste, A share o of patronge d cil r App . ENGLISH PAPER maxarss * ""Pamily Drug Store, W hi(by JAMES H. GERRIE,. THE LARGEST STOCK OF IN-THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, at the lowest possible prices. Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling NEW LUSTRES, tations for the present season. In extent, variet: d value t hose mer year, and he ean therefore invite inspection epi 4 lei 4 rf] rd : os and benefit the Packets of his customers. Com of purchases from the eh Please, in Man- |e Bradford, Glasgow w and London, selected with care' and paid for (Offer Fresh, Sound and Attractive Goods | at prices which must meet the a; val of prudent Part Ha Phroy oo Pi sia A riculac cular attention is invited pean Sensi all 400 per yard. atte Osiuxs, Adu ye mt sco ro he RS | Broche and Plain Reps, French Serges, Basket Silks, Damask Silks, Black and Colored Silks, Paramattas, Italian Cord Crape Cloths, | And & Great Variety of Rich Goods, suitable for Second Mournings, at Low Rates. | LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. | As usual, a full supply of the latest novelties has reached us from Evans, of Londgn. The Fur- Trimmed Beavers are just the article required for Winter Wear, combining Comfort and El ce, ven much lower than demanded for the same goods by Fastionabie City Huss. very Jacket being dissimilar in Trimming, vets lady cam suit Ber own Taste, and confine the style to herself. wa SHAWLS. In all the leading -Fashionable S¥les of Clan Tartans and Stri uare and at Certain" to command a Rapid es Sa Long. prices | FRENCH KID GLOVES. Our Foussie Gloves, which take the first place in England, have been before our cuStumens for id years, and have given thorough satisfaction in fit and wear. Although the price has seriously advanced, it is our intention to continue them a4 One Dollar per y expect = pair, as before. A case of thim is now overdue, an RIBBONS.) very fashionable, in constant demand, and difficult to obtain. Those requiring them are invited to call before the assortment is broken. : "STAPLE GOODS. We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy Fompetition. BLANKETS. English and Canadian, ordered from the Mills in July, before the advarioe in Wool. FLANNELS. ustomers will please bear in mind that they are reaping the fall beneits of our, early purchases, and that we cannot ourselves replace many of the lines at the prices we are now cutting them STAPLE COTTONS. | White and Grey Cottons, Tickings, Denims, Sheetings, Prints, &e. | reputation of the house for Quality and Che: Apness. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 'olored and White ; Quilts, a Full Assortment. : CARPETS. | Good Tapest: | Supers, Felts and Stair Carpets, imported direct froin the makers, retail at wholesale prices. | The business in this branch has steadily increased under the able superintend ence of our Ma. READWIN. To meet its"requirements we have imported full [anges of the newest and Most Fi ble Foreign Tweeds, ey in Sait pigths, so that Gentlemen ordering Garments, will not find themselves Wearing a general livery. We call particular attention to our ¥ New ara.m an Surtouts and Sacks. New Double-Breasted Oxford Coat. Coats, New Stylish Pea Jackets. Punctuality, Despatch, Style and Fit Characterize this Branch as Usual OSHAWA, Outobur 5, 1%. 26-tf: F. & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS! Invite Special ATTENTION 10 THEIR New Stock or All Garments madd to iad if First-class Style, and at moderate prices. All orders Promptly. Executed, and a Perfect Fit Cuaranteed | DRESS "AND WOOLEN SHIRTS, UNDERCLOTHING ! Swit, Pius, Galas, Cut) Bnandinty, Sesh be, Bs. F. & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, 'Oshawa, September 28, 1871. (25-tf) SIMCOE STREET Cash for Wheat & Barley J. W. FOWKE, Is in town yet, also a splendid asegrtment of NEW FALL GOODS! At unusually low prices and in great variety. '] FLANNELS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW COATINGS, - Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. ) ! J. W. FOWKE. 20 One Farm of 70 acres, 3 miles East of shaw; 50 acres, 1. mile North of Harmon acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, ry ym ee vou be wichangod or ciber propery: Aes quaniy Sr Brick. > Oshawa. Sep. 21, "1971, Tel We advise the reeeipt of the very wide Sash Ribbons, in Black and Colors. These Goods are | , &e., at prices to sustain the | | at Seventy-five cents per yard. Crossley's Best ditto at One Doildr, finperial 3-ply 'Twoeds, Coatings, Viestings, Overcoatings. =i ssi NEW HATS AND CAPS, | NEW FALL GOODS. 1871. --AT THE -- "TEMPLE OF FASHION! 87 in cash, he is enabled to | LARGE SUPPLES! BEAUTIFUL STYLES! --AND-- VERY CIAOEADP! a 'A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Linens, Damasks, Carpetings, | Curtaing, Fowelinge Hosler?, Gloves, &e., &e. JUST TO HAND! | Two Cases of Beautiful. MANTLES, made expressly for our Fall Trade, | in Silks: Velvets, Plain and Satire Cloths, Velvetoens, together with'an assortment of very Elegant Waterproof Suita, | MILLINERY. MILLINERY. | The patrons of the Temple of Fashion (who are legion) will be pleased to learn that MRS. REDMAN (late Miss M. J. Thomas) continues to ' oringerd the Millinery Department, and that great pains have been displayed in the selection of our Fancy Goods, Ribbon swers, Feathers, ibs, &c., sas to render this Eestablishment the Great Fashionable Emporium for all. who desire 'Stylish Goods. Temle of Fashion, Corner King and Simcos Streets, Oshawa. " S. TREWIN. SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. GHANGERY SALE OF THE Hooey Homestead, {Township of Cartwright. | HIGGINS URSUANT TO AD AN ORDER MADE by the Court of Chancery in the suit of HOOEY- vs. FERGUSON, Will be SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 1 DOMINION BANK. |Pe and Striped Wool Se for Curtains, Damasks and Moreens, Table Linens, Towelings, | | Bohan omy aLEx ANDER So u th Oshawa. JJOSHAWA \ AGENCY. | Court, by THOMAS CHRISTIE, Brody at | Thomas Brodie's Hotel, In the Town of Bowmanville, On Tuesday, the 10th day of October, 4h ] At ths hour piste ju the Ly i, oh the | Sllowing val valtable par is to JUST TO HARD, Township of CO! On this a half Driving Shed and Stal repair. There isa Cid | acres in extent. A A Ore gravel road Bhat | wigagh this parcel. | Parcel No. 2, bein, the East half of Lot pumber | Twelve, in the First C of t shi; Ci righ NEW TEAS, NEW SUGARS, } an Ato t | ny Jope bn now on t piodisc ng fs gee NEW COF FEES, month the sale. The shove are Two and a half miles ,_ and about Twelve miles subject NEW COCOAS, NEW CURRANTS, equal w at six per cent. annum. On such yearly 34 on [he o Tecution of the mortgages. the to the conveyance NEW "RAISINS, be and bs 16 iota Jumctuon, will be sold free from dower and all en other conditions of Sillve the Standing equditions of ssle of the : a) Court of Chance: Sp Everything Newl J {10 a] 1 offices BLAK MUR N BEATT WT and LA and the Auctioner, and JAMES F 0 KE, Esquire, Cartwright. ) J. A. BOYD. Daied 30th day of August, 197. 23-1. PRICES THE. LOWEST. Goods delivered to all parts. | CASE PAID FOR PRODUCE. Sour: Oshawa, Sept. 8, 1871. » INMAN LINE ; OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, lef New York, Queenston and Loapal " Philip Taylor KX =rs THE LARGEST, BEST AND | CHEAPEST Stock of | Watches, Clocks, . Jewellery, ilver For Salel LOD $ AD.) ONE Re " WILLIAN DICKIE, Oskiaws, April 9, 1071. 4 | Parcel No 1, be composed of Stic North naif 2 Aa y 2 55 | of Lot number Eleven, and the West half of Lot Choice Seloctisn of number Svdve, in the First Concession of Cartwrigh . E. FALL, 1871. COMPLETE] 2 EMBRACING &® NEW a FASHIONABLE fon rmx asc, STAPLE&FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, &C., GIBBS' Bfocs OSHAWA, Septem ber 19, 1871. EVERYTHING \ |A. M. GHISHOLM'S ! mii. (GREAT RUSH AF. 1871. SUMMER SERVICE. 1871. nder tract with the Ce Government ; for carrying the Canadian 4nd +8. Malls. STEAM 'WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND CLASGOW. Tm COMPANY'S LINES ARF of the undernoted Full Double Clyde Built Iron Saami: WHY? BECAUSE THEY SELL THE BEST TEAS, " SUGARS, RAISINS, OCURRANTS, SOAP, ' TOBA CCOS, FLOUR, MEA Lj GLASSWARE, &0.; Cheapest in Town Cash paid for all kinds of Farmers' Produce. Good | Better! Best! 00D JUDGES or PICTURES think that HOITT is the best Pho- tographer in the County of Ontario; better judges are quite confident he is; the judges are sure heis. Ye doubting give Horrr a call, and judge for youbselies if a mistake was made in giving Horrr the first prize on Photographs'and Paintings at the County and Township Fairs, the past toro years. Notwithetahding adver to the contrary, HoITT is the only Artist n this County that finishes * Pictures in ther Crayon, Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. HoiTT has re- fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a manner creditable to progressive Oshawa, and having secured the services of a first- class assistant from the city, he will now 3 be able to send out first-class pictures, and as prompély as any other Photographer. The reason that the good, better and best judges were not invited to give Horrr a edll, is because it is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first- class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs, A large assortment of Picture Frames at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 29, 1871. Ys Noted for their 68¢ts; Tea. King St. West; OSHAWA, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. P.8.--Horse and Wagon always on hand to deliver Goods at a minute's warning, , Bit MEDICAL HALL: Just ARRIVED, & A CHOICE AS- Pure Toih and Chemicals | At Dr. Deans Drug Store; OSHAWA. Oshawa, Sept. 6X; 1879. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, "FRESH AND GOOD AT JONES' FRUIT DEPOT, East side of Simcoe Bt, a few doors 5 South of King. - A Fresh Assortment of English and Frene} Perfumery | DR. DEAN' S DRUG" STORE) OSHAWA. JUST ARRIVED! A Cemplete Stock of Of Pure Qualily, at AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE: ' OSHAWA. all other Fruits in the Season. Peaches for preserving, by the box or half-boz. The highest price in cash for all Efnd¢ of CH Icé Fruits, I#8 Crediti Parlor, and Soda Water, Ice Cold, from the Fountain. Oshawa, Aug. 31st, 1871. 20.41, MEDICINES! "PHYSICIANS = PRESCRIPTIONS Thé Ereatest Public Benefit of the Age! CAR§FULLY PREPARED AND FOR WHICH, Notice THE | AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, Testimonials, (a few of OSH Awa. of them me ehologed in bottle,) with 3 n mimes. who tewiiy to | 00 £2, Pr Dagns Prog Ser, fer Ha: July 14, 1371. u VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. EE OFFERS FOR JUST ARRIVED A Magnificent Assortment of Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Fancy Articles --AT-- 2}. DIAN '8S DRUG STORE, : OSHAWXA' oe Rp Albert, now' Badliff. HOH CARMCHARL. Oshawa, June 2nd. i nf odo that Mr. WO SMALL STORES, SITUATED Mout, Ti eietp sccupied | APPRENTICE CE WANTED Apply 0 3 -JOHN WILSON. RoC RESPECTABLE LADS uly 27, 1871 . 15-1 ae bad one io se of age, ane as an. LOOK OUT FOR the "trade preferred. Good = LE W. MITCHELL, street, East End. R908 Photogmaghslupuniundd®™S =", My. THOMAS' GALLERY, | FOR SALE. BROOKILIN. | EI¢HET Bl BERKSHIRE PIGS, ™O BY § JOHN GovLDn, : Near Maxville's Hotel, East Whithy, uh HARRY TAIT, Photographer. | NOTICE YO DEBTORS. Late of Bowmanville ' Brooklin, Aprii 27, 1571. E N I~DEBTED TO WwW. oe oro he ln Jats fini mo TO BE MADE AT . i athe FAREWELL & Nougs. I Oshawa, . August 3rd, br WANTED. 3 DR AY \W LUMBER FROM i Bowmanville and rk enquire at Mit : A. B CAMPBELL, Powmaa vil, May 1, ad > i HENRY'SI w= OROCK ERY, A LE SR RR JUST ARRIVED Peaches, Pears, Avsles, Lemons, ans | DY E STUFFS! SE IETTENNSE TTT

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