a esos a _- Marquise mantle. _. while shopping. True, though queer. > w Beg FASHION NOTES. The chignon's reign is ended. Turban hats are more in ever, vogue than | Trimming on the front of drosses by re- vived. + Bonnet strings are wider and very much | longer. Chatelaine braids will not be worn much | longer. Sack overcoats with capes will be the style for boys. The hair'is worn less than last season. The plaited Gutibaldi waists continue to | grow in favor. frinzy and fluffy 'and for the same purprse ; Hoy T0 MAKE How, 3 Soi desler { resilting in the vicinity of Keyport, N, 3. Land who buys up horses for the Now York market, pdrchases 'Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy' by the dosen and foecds it to his horses; hesays | VERY DESCRIPTION it is superior to anything that he has ever | used us a condition medicine, that the hor- | 'wes arv #0 much more improved by its use | mito sell more readily and command high- | "er prices. Two othor- horse dealers, one | ' residing at Huntingdon, the other at Glen | Cove, L. L., also purchase it by tne dozen ! these men, as | woll as. many" others similarly engaged, | know too well the value and importance of this medicine ever to be without it.--Re- | member the name, and see that the sigria- | ! Little soap lacks on the side of the. fa "eture of Hurd & Co. is on each package. | are out of date The hair on the temples continue to Be worn high and smooth. Frizettes and are more fashionable than ever Plaited and twisted corouets of hair are to supersede the Pompadour roll Not much change in bonnets, but they ave larger and more cottage shape Shoulder seams are still high and short, following the line of the shoulders. The short skirt for walking is still to be retained by sensible women. Felt bonnets are to be worn for weather suits by those who do not like hata. Aprons to overskirts are much wider, and the sile loopings are drawn very for} hack. Very long coat-abaped postillions are to cases: but H E. ROWE, of Lyn, be worn 'with domi-train skirts for indoor toilets. Demi-trains are to be adjusted for, street wear by means of tapes to loop them up to the waists at {he back seams. Deep flounces are more in favor than | narrow one. When both are used in com- bination, the narrow one is underneath. Gray and light brown Melton cloth is the most approved material for boys' suits, | comprising jacket, vest, and.trowsers. The style of arranging the back hair for the next season will be a French twist sur- rounded by a twisted coil of heavy braid. A polonfise, or close cut paletot, with | most fashionable garment for girls for | early fall wear, In-door dresses are made much plainer | than last season; Overskirtsare frequent- | ly omitted, the plain demi-train and styl- ish basque being desmed sufficient. short curls on the head ia am proven be Be 1 Newcastle, Ont., Sold by all Medi- | | Northorpe & Lyman, proprietors for Canada. | cine dealers. "Forover twenty years 'Bryan's Pulmonie | Wafers" have maintained their reputation for curing coughs, colds, and pulmonary | diseases. - Thosé suffering or threatened | with any of the symptoms of bronchitis, or | anyiof the pulmonary complaints, should { at once give them a trial. They give al- | most immediate relief, and if taken in time | | generally effect a cure. Remember that | a common cold 'or cough, if not attended | i to in time often leads to that distressing and 'fatal diseaso --consumption. Sold by { all Druggists and country elem, Price : 25 cents per bex. rr ee -------- ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL- ! beén 2 rg noe Live o reach their w ublic a preparation gd ere | tng to the e abovecomplaints. Its merits are pted for from e been bene! ts use. Itis called the urea. Give the advertisement, hich is to bound 'in anottier column, a pe Faria Pain Destroyer S$ A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I j well and favorably known, rellevingjthous | ands from pain in the | Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sere Throat, Spraine, Bruises, Gramps m the ' Stomach, Cholera Dysentory, Bowel Guobere 3 a Scalds, Frost Bites, d«. PLAIN / ORNAMENTAL those who, PRINTING 11871. ! ONTARIO REFORMER; OSHAWA 'Medical Halt: DR. DEAN would inform the public that lie has just received a afl asvortinent of | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET #RTICLES, &e. = | HAS PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS oF ROBINSON & Co, WHICH HE WILL SELL. AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. D1. Deans' C ce in the Drug Store. Remember the stand, nearly i Hindes' Hotel. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Store fo Let Possession Given i 1-ti. Required | ~ J. CAR MICHAE I, The whole must be sold without roserve within the' next tow weeks, to make room for | po AT COST PRICE WILL SELL THE W HOL E OF HIS SCR "OF Dry Good,s Boots and Shoes ! UNDER. == AND his successor in b 08s. NOW IS THE TIME While this Salo lasts, to buy your Spring sud Summer Goods, in | cLothING, TWEEDS, COATINGS, {| French Delaines, Dress Goods! OF EVERY VARIETY. TROWSERINGS rim ble to breakage. HATS, CAPS, A mi WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR jrunech ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE comsineD "REAPER AND MOWER, 'With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. | We believe this Machine, as we now bulld it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower aver | yet offered to the public of Canada. : Among its many advantages we call attention Lo the following := It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, { It 18 furnished with SHIRTINGS, our Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one oh which hasa PRINTS, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOES, Gloves, Hose, Tapestry, Kidderminster and | | Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, &'e. Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. | | sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for | cutting grair-in which there is grass or seed clover. | Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our | + New Patent Tilting 7 able for Picking up doped Grain. his is the only really va'uable Tilting Table" cffered on any combined Reaper and Mower. | ' It has the malleable guards both on the!Mower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee | | DR. BOY a GAL The CaxapiaN Paix DESTROYER has now | { been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used Is well liked, never fall single instance to give permanent reli timely used, and we have never known a case of dissat! | are delighted with its the ho highest terms of I speak from ex a tested ft thorouighl tion, where the directions ovis pereline cane or large collar will Le the | been properi followed, but on the co pe ines in the matter, hav- ; and therefore those who OSHAWA, APRIL 1, 1871, ty -- HAVE THIS DAY SOLD 0UT ALL 1 tf. N "EREST IN MY BUSINESS IN Os avy, to Messrs. 'oh & W. GILLE.T, Who wil carry on the same, and to who all outstan<- A ACCOV ).s ust be pal Pot Hope, March 28, 1871. hRIRAM GILLETT, The subscribers have this cay entered into partnership as Dry Gobds Merchants, urccr (Le me | are suffering - A of the complaints for which it is recommended. may depend 'upon it | being a Sovereign Remed The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for which. it is Yachting dresses of twilled sorge are all | recommended, and its wonderful effects in. mb- rage at wseaside resorts. .made in endless vatiety : i duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, snd in The skirts are relieving Nervohis Affections, entitle it to: high | rank in the list of Remedies. the jackets Are | in from Medicine Dealers, in all Orders are coming parts of the in the moblot style, and worn over point- | country, for further supplies, and cach testifying ed waistcoats. i The general effect m the new style of hair-dressing is Grecian! but as rough and frowsy as ever. Two long curls on each side to take the place of the curls in the back that have been worn so long The newest fall out-door garment is the Itiis a loose sacque | covering half wey down with a large cape, | which looped up to the collar in the back { with a large, flat. Arabian bow: . All riéh-| ly braided. } Basques have entirely superseded round waists, except in nse of the plaited blouse waists, and these made up in heavier ma- terial, are frequently worn as a basque, the plaits being left loose below the waist and over, instead of under the skirt. S-- Cd IE. iris rumoured that the Hon. John | Carling is to sucoded Mr. Howland - ~ Lieut.-Governor. Tus potato blight is reparted to 7] spreading with considerable rapidity in the Province of Nova Scotia. Tus strength of insects is evidently pro- digious, A mosquitto, for example, will frequently make a man get out of bed at night. : Ir is said that if a tree is felled while in leaf, and allowed to lie until the foliage withers, the wood will be the soonest sed- soned, as the leaves will draw all the sap | before they die. A sPLEXDID lot of cotswold and other sheep, "have just been shipped. from Ber- lin; Ont., for Minnesota. There were 234 head in all; embracing rams, lambs and ewes of Shoicqet specimens. A Max who ran away from his wife in Pittafield, - Mags., with another woman, got tired of his uew affinity after spending | nal send hi; funds to pay his fare back to her. She didn't do it. : «im A ¥¥Ww system of commerce has arisen n Chicago, by goods being sent to and re- ceived from Europe in Propellers, by way of Montreal, the St. Lawrence and the lakes, without unpacking, or overhauling. Two cargoes from Liverpool arrived in Chicago on Monday A wax in' Kansas was present at the funeral of a neighbor of whom no good could honestly be said. But everybody ®as saying something, and. this man, not wishing to appear sifigular, but being in- apable of lying eulogy, remarked that it was 'a nice quiet corpse." Pos office robberies have taking place | bu among the clerks in the New: York Post offie6'to an enormous extent. One of been in the office for 25 years. It is be. lieved that over £250,000 has been pur- loined during the last fow years. Tae simplest and cheapest way. to cool a room is to wet a cloth of any size, the larger-the better, and suspend it in the place you want cooled. Let the room be well ventilated, and the * temperature will sink from ten to twenty degrees in less than an hour. RouMavia is as unhappy in domestic as in public affairs. The accomplished and |. beautiful wife of its Hospodar isa con- firmed kleptomaniac, and keeps the old {give immediate relief. | exertion, Palpitation of the heart, them detected in opening a letter, had | Whites, these other means have failed ; and although a power- | as to the universal satisfaction it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to All Medi eep it ; Physicians order and use it; an will be without it after trying it. Price. only Twenty-five Cents-per bottle. and no For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa ; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and 4. Byrne lin Bre clyn by John Warren, in Memoriam. GAINRT EXPENDITURES in honor of the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not injured, but benefitted, by them. All those beautiful emblems which adorn the many tombe around which we love to linger, assure us we are in a world of warm and Joving hearts ; the of the sepulchres of the "loved on alleviates our grief and soothes 'the wounded heart. It also cheers the reaved to know that an additional om- bellishment of the grave presents stronger attractions to arrest the atten- tiop of the stranger, and causes him to Jalae and | and learn the name of one who hared so largely, in. the love of others.- We take this method to inform you that we can fill orders for decorating th ves of departed friends, at vd res; executed in the best style of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLB® --~AND-- SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANTTR supplied on short notice. Evefyt pertaining to to Cemetery work w hing wit, prompt attention, by leaving a ders with C. BOUNSALL, Bowmanville. = Parley's 'Arabian Oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. NEVER-- FAILING REMEDY. " THIS ¥ bl the edicinal i of those ey ie which lo S¥Rerlthve has proved to Joducss the ch long | and efficient properties for the cure oe Flesh > ounds, Sp Bruises, (Gulls of all kinds, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fis- tula, Sweeney, External P hd, a Sertich or tlow Corns, Sand C 0 Foundered Feet, Horn Dis: temper, "Swellin 'and many other diseases which horses and cattle are subject to, This celebrated Liniment bas been used for | many years, and, {ts curative thoroughly tested, and is conceded Ropers the | cheapést and most reliable remedy for all exter- nal complaints ever offered to the publio--it | To be had of all Druggists and Count Mert chants throughout th minion. Price per bottle. Northop 4 Lyman, Newcastle, prietors For 'anada. § For sale by. W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa: in Whitby by'J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrn n Brooklin by John Warre. Ontario. Pro- The Great Female Remedy. i JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS ngero tution Hap subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a spesdy core may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period wit ip These Pills should not be t during the FIRST THREE Aor are sure to bring on ny Frey. vo mbit Bd |] diy hile on on sight | ie on effect a cure agi ail | In all Cases of Nervous and S Pains in the Back and Limbs, these F fal remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each | package, which should be carefully preserved. fJOD MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIBTOR. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & L , Newcastle, Ont.,, general yman, agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, coutaining over 8 pills, by return mail. For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in W hitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. B; n , Brookiyn | by John V Aon Sti yn A Lecture te © Young Men. UST PUBLISHED IN A VY gentleman, busy running around to the] tw stores to pay for the things she steals NuvEr be ashamed of confessing your ignorance, for the wisest man upon earth is ignorant of many things, insomuch 'that what he knows is a mere nothing in com- | 2 parison to what he does not know. But out a mode of cure at once by which hat is ch we apprehend very few are ignorant of the| T hod wonderful effects of the"Canadisn Phin Destroyer," it isa most sure and rapid eare for colds, rheumatism, pleurisy, chol- ie, cholera morbus, and all summer eom- plaints. Sold by all medicine deless. E THOUSANDS AND SANDE, Sent t under Seal, is 13a envelope, to say ad dress, posty aid a six cents or twe : i Marrisgs Guide, oente. Address the ®c 197 Wawery, hi AER ACO price cine Dealers ; all his money, and wrote to his wife to plied. faiis when timely used and faithfully ws | ard style of H. & W, GiLLETT, and ae now ~cceiving their 'SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK | which in price and variety will compare favorably with any in the country. 0 0 Q oO Z O -J o HOSIERY No Trouble % Show Goods. NEW LIGHT PRINTS, NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. AND GLOVES. PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. GREY AND WHITE COTTONS/ &e. | : PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS | SPLENDID VALUE. 'pesjtauy worjoedsuy uy Corner King and Simeoe Streets, Oshawa. HENRY W. GILLETT. E Oshawa, May 4, 1871 NOTA OF Rr1.C 'WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertalsers,: &o. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE coasideracle NEW STOCK thesets, a c2-3%al Juvitction is e=tended to all to come | added { and see hem. WALTER B. GILLETT. BENE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE | DOMIN 1 OJN. [or inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establiskmen | | | UNDERTAKING A SPLENDID NEW Ce ffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. | And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be | DEPARTMENT. | HERSE FOR HIRE. : A choice lot of C arriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash | | : | Last, but not Least, is Pattogs Poievi Balsace Wiadow Blind Lifter, the Dest | 7h th' *Z of toe k'nd 11 vie, at She "THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE W AREROOM | : ; | 5 J) KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Juue™st, 1871. 'CONDENSED E F 0 RMER | 8 : ATHOSTER: BATH ! The Greatest Suvention of the Age. | J0OR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF | Prof. PRINTING BSTABLISKMENY. i is su | or others can testify, who 1 | NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES. REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PEs ED TO LEND Fame or Produce.ve er "¥, 5s ond Lowest Possible Dates of Intevess, in svms ard manner to sv '. ho: ovrare. I aelpal MAIL PROMPTLY can bo re-p_d by yea.ly Lim] se. 0: is one Inve made in Deb ou, Mortages, ATTENDED 70. PL hppa rly x SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND For further pa ticulars a, ply to l ORDERS . BY :\Men'sd Boys' Ready-made 9-tr. | SPRING STYLES {n great profusion at the | Dominion Outfitting STORE. s | Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. ¢ | Latest Styles in Neckties & Collars. | Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts | A LARGE STOCK OF Men's Under-Clothing | VERY CHEAP. A large and attractive stock of } { { CLOTHING. UMBRELLAS, CARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS CRICKET and LACROSSE BELTS, CHEAP at HODD. | G. HODDER, 5% One door North of McLean's Ch-p Grocery Stare, Simoce Street, 0 Sawa. Apxil 20, 1871. The ro Shop | fm 'Woob's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat | without stopping his Team. | This is one of the most Important improvements effected in any Machine during the past two years. | ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL . Can be made toact as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily oreratod by bis foot. | The The Cutie apparatus is in front of the Machine, and th ing or Mowing, the | work of the Machine 1 Is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is [4 a as to i in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. be Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which ¢ ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater case and less injury to the Table. The Grain | | | Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily, | | The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have a steady uniform motion, Making them mgeh less liable to breakage on uneven g d, and more regular in remeging the | grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with BABBIT METAL. The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS, can be atone by | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. | erfectly bal 4 There 16 no side Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the. Machi is so that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either when reaping or mowing. All our malleable castings, where they are subject to much strain, have been ioe aunsaled, thereby rendering them both tongh and strong. OUR JOHNSON RAKE Is sd constructed as to raise the cam so far above the. Grain Table that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the i Rakes or Reels. We make the above machines in two sizes: | No. One, large size, for Farmers who have a forge amount to reap. No, Two, medium size, for Farmers having 1 more use fora Moser than a reaper. : _. month of November, 187 fonder ---- The Best Cat ; Any Az y 4 A NEWD ] AEN: are composad or ME- YUPELY VEOETABLE EB To being free from mercviy or o sons; tiey ean oe aken #t pf] pone and | under ali cirev; 1st _ices Vivaoug to diet oe " y 8. Taey ret on Li 7 & £7 - 8% Je | 3 lars Ari vit - Ee i noémced © welt wo Vive reed: be a D.epclay eis po apg. i WO iY C0 8 worl. vd wey 2& THEY ALE SUGAR gi 8o'd by all diuggists and desle" Ww GoDI & FF, BL -- - Byoprie =p nlf ¥ A TRY THE D® BOYER'S GALVANIC FLUID, U niversally Ackuowledged to ne the most power meats u P rh HA gn a [8d NEURALGIA, And for al' ¢evos where en external : Mice Joa is recuired, en extersive ga of it ws poovea Lire it hes » PRE ih A 84 Sold by &.% Druggists and Dealers. + WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & C. | Proprie.ors; . Brougha m, 0 : important to ¢ the Stoves! Stovest HE SUBSCRIBER, IN | | Enabli it to paes over marshy or sandy ground Sithout clogging up the gearing 1h creby renderin | oT ING thanks to the inhabitants of Wes ul , for the liberal su given him, begs to A SUprot cridy the EEE "HOT STOR | trade. which is now in use in all the "RUTTN Stations fn ¢ in Canada. It is just rChurches, Halls, and public build." 3 ings. by " He is slsomgnufsetuging the . 'BEST HOT) £T8 DRUM in Canada. SEWING M acing] | Agent for the Wheeler & Wilson, the How, and the Osborne Sewing Machines, Lu LEWIS QUIK Bawmauy ille, vAugus), | 1871. Chancery 5 oticel. 4 DAVID goo a uan! to Cater the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it | |B fhe creditors of ai o£ TIQUBY agaist of A ran in the ik of | Fatmer & Shoemaker, who died in or, are, on or eighteenth dayof July, B I to JonN HoskIN the solicitor of {the la | a held | my a + onto, on the twenty | at eleven o'clock in adj nted for th With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our |. A No. # Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz :--A medium between the Jun. Mower and large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in | i March among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining | their merits, - equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. [ ws | 5 We invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opporiunity' of | nspecting our Machines, as we believe they are unsurpassed by any other Machines ever yet | offered on this continent. We alse offer among our other Maainee; $ JOHNSON's Self-Raking Reaper, improved for1871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards | 4 BuckeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake, EEE | BuckeEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. "BE " EUREKA" 8 PURELY VEGETABLY Se TEDICE Yor Ta ce or + DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMP LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL AND ALL bist isms of rirk af N rovalcd h duty that natw 'Onio Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. PA fl CAYUGA CHIEF, JT., Mower. Buckeve-Mower No, 1. : BuckeYE Mower No. 2. BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio, Jdr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Do rumaved Tor. 0s ole ir Pitl's, Pe'ton, Pirnet, Woodbury, or Halls 8 10 Hois Power. 'We shall also offer for the Fall trade a i - i NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. ® A mew and complete Miustrated Catalogue of all our Machines is being published, 54 WII We ready Tor <aly Wiseeihution, Sree to all applica oy All our Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and Purchasers will have an op- portunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be equired to Jinally conclude the purchase. ° WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHSZ, JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Mo.iey Booker, &o. Office-- McMillan's Block, Brock St, Whituy. April, 15th, 1871. if. EEE | -- Bowmanville, May 28, 3071. pig \ \ | OSHAWA ONTARIO Por further information sddross-- F. W. GLEN, President, dave we cgatod Tou aint only + pat of Ee eaving the Liver al Debility, Tanction of [ons Ss on of the Liver, 1 : Spd Yours ine yi Mr. H. EF; Row! mg * Sam su aft: Yo do me any that is n 10 Co! merits ET to give lt at ita trial, a recommend it to 2 ofthis nature, = Ae : ad WINER £00, Hamilton.' os Money I FOR FROM oxel HCW - p