Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 29 Sep 1871, p. 3

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| -- _-.. ONTARIO RE OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1871 F. & J. MERCER, 1871. NEW FALL GOODS. 1871. TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS! TEMPLE 'OF FASHION Tweeds, Coatings, Vestings, Overcoatings. All'Garments madd to order in First-class S ow tyle, | 'and at moderate prices. y J All orders Prompily Executed, and a Perfect Fit | uaranteed | almicnest alk Showed on uy Bor a DRESS AND WOOLEN SHIRTS, UNDERCLOTHING | QT no's! nit Be. 3. H. McCLELLAN, Socks, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Braces, &c., &e. "F. & J. MERCER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, = H) SIMCOE STREET the minds of many | ith School to usurp shat impartin, ey hildren ; a go S pernicions be ound 4 braries He, do to the future when le with Sunday Sch. their children in pe School lesson, and - when ould be pir of olous s lite rafure, sr of tiv T. Gibbs said that the in 'bath School would be in the great object of he conversion and- buj nin the truth, was kept r. . Thornton pointed the indifference of the. enerally held that the s d pendent upon the this. was true, the chu lependent upom--the The church should ¥ School equally as rvices d' theme, "The 1 I & spirit of op vhools " was opened b: t.\in the dbsenck of ow | Private 8 Bchool. | NARS. BRYCE HAS MUCH PLEA- fh RT gh tetiriar s Jor Plain and Ta Hesdigats ering TY 25th, 1871. GREAT RUSH HENRY'SI WHY? FALL, 187. tf. | Dominion Bank. | [4pgF SUPPLES | ENR SLED) - WHITBY AGENCY. bi : Api OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Most Comprehensive Stock of Staple Dry Goods, or Dominion Bunk hat h OUenodan an Jney Block, (in the office formerly J by 'he 3 Brook St., Whitby, April 13th, 1871. Flannels, Blankets, Winceys, Dress Goods, Einéns, Damasks, Carpeting, | EE J Curtains, Towelings, Hosiery, Gloves, &ec., &c. trel] ii 3 = AND VERY CHE gs f i TEAS, SUGARS, 223 | Roval Canadian Bank, z H ji well i 2 77 | | FRESE lm. Oda, Sopténibur 28, 1871. He ung od upon the wre liberal: provision hool; and held that no he should depend upon teas or - Others dwelt upon the im, { cultivating liberalit amongst vn, by setting before t some the support of * Mission ehh, was selected as the place. of f the next convention. ved vote of thanks was people of Rrooklin, for their ssrs. Dawson, J. E. Sanderso Ratcliff, were ' chosen as_the address the: public Westin in ion adjourned to meet next call of the Executive Con ---- BIRTHS. a on the 2st ifist., the wife of James hn hip the 3 inate the wife of Capt 4, on the 3th inst. the wife twins, son and daughter. of Daviq MARRIED B. J. Rog at his is residence, on the obert KE: Wilkes of Ocha nes, of Whithy. wa, a Migs rs ---- PEATE bh wa, on Monda i yyy nday, 25th inst, Robes NHEELER'S = - )SPHATES 'T. ATKINSON 18 PST RECEIVED A SUPPLY heeler's Com nd and Calisaya. hie ns reparation is compoum . that enter into the formation rg a Chemical Food and Nutritive | intended especially f for building ud $ run down ith W Ww at vending upon dey ~ and Consumptive chi moves the Appetite, perfects ation and the formation oi ising and vitalizing the whol con cing purely physiological, stem, and tones it wu eat manner, without og ade re- : at $1 per bottle ; six bottles Commercial, OSHAWA MARKETS. ties for $5. ¥ bushel, 2. ¥ bushel, on, vy ael, MANVILLE MARKETS, Séptember 28. SrLoenis 0 8 i058 ie - oo ie ry ) 015 wmiTpy MARKETS. : September 38. ¥ bushel, ng, do h<hel, 110 1% 058 ol > 033 '8 o>,» 0% ee or i 03 «B15 (3 roronTe MARKETS. ; September 25. phel, NTREAL MARKETS. September 38, Sivan L045 088 057 oe 0m 0® ON +e a ---- - Mrertisements. --ip---- ONO PUBLICO. PATTE, JR, . . LHIS OPPORTUNITY. T0~ > inhabitants of Oshawa and Vi is prepared to execute Pak rbling, Glazeing, Pape ng, &e., on the stclass stflé. Orders left, at Mr. tore,' King Street Fast, or st the 6 undersigned, te Messrs. Fact Hall's 2 ge will receive PY F. PATTE, Jo t. 25, sli 25-5m ed 4 clio Sais 'RIBER HAB BEEN th instructions 'rom MR. WM. 'of the Township of East Whitby, 1 Cow, to sell by Apction, whitous AY, October' 3rd, 197, : aluable Jroveety. wiz. =, 1 span Brood Mares, 2 pa kennaby, if so, the pure ne of collection ; 338, y etherby, purchaser x orse.Colt, by he Filly Foal, good Meh Cp s Calf, | Heife: : tne hinge Be 2two-year-old Steers, 2 i 4.10 well-bred. Lamba, 5 large Pigs, 'a large Jot of Poultry of 1 Johnston Self-rake ' Reaping w, 1 Single B cighs, 2 Plows, 1 pair of Irom + Wooden Harrows, 1 two-ho™se mn Scufffer, 1 Double Roller, 4 aw Cutter, 1 , Hore Ee ' Ci Kitchen Table urn, 1 tchen. or (nd, thot a ry h our Tots, § acres of Turnips, in lots to 1 acre of Potatoes, 1 Jasiie wach ¥,2 tons of Hay in hay Lier articles too numerous 19 10 o'clock, sharp. Dinner ot 81 > ~All sutos of BISHOP, Aut! ept, 13, 1871 Hid , 1 Cutter, .-¢ Lo pA of aracter. Simenw - A THE FALL STEELE BROS Oshawa, Sept. 27th 1871. 'PACKAGES OF THOSE 80, 60, .-AND UNEQUALLED COFFEES! WITH A GREAT JLOT OF NEW BASKETS 3 ¥ WE ARE EXPECTING A » Sass Assortment! 2 pF = "| RENERAL GOODS! 'Fancy Wares, | FROM Yew York and Montreal, IN | TIME FOR | | Ls FAS]: hoi SHOW. FLANNELS, NEW DRESS NEW PRINTS, NEW LUSTRES, in Oshawa, which would be exchanged class Brick. Oshawa, Sep. 21, 1871. INSOLVENT AC ACT OF 1868. In the Mattar of SAMUEL ALVORD HAIGHT, ; An Insolvent. HE IN SOLVENT HAS MADE AN Assignment of his Estate to me, and the Creditors are noti to meet at the office of Messrs. FAREWELL & McGEE, in OSHAWA On Monday, the 16th day of October, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, to receive state- ments of his affairs and to appoint an Assignee. Y JAMES BOLDEN, Whitby, erim Assignee. Sent. 28, 1871. 25-2w Fr R SALE! HE RESIDENCE or JOSEPH ASH, South Oshawa ; with or without the ad- land. Termsreasonable. Possession im- ly. Osha'va, April 20, 1871. NOTE LOST! WARREN L. ASH, 21f FAN THE 25th OR 26th INSTANT, sume white between Oshawa and Mark- | ham, a promissory 'note made by JOHN SIN. | € LAIR, and datéd Pickering, Nov. } able sixteen months after, to the End ot | Al T S. CHASE, at the Ontario Bank, Whit- by, for $53.30, and endorsed by said Albert S. a All parties are hereby cautione 4 against parc! note, as it has been lost and no value has n received therefor. Any une find- ing said note e 4nd returning it to the owner will be rewanied THOMAS W. BOW MAN, " | Sept. 2, 1871. OSHAWA. BE A "PUBLIC NOTICE ARMS SHUTTLE ORTOCKSTITCH Sewing Machine. T HAVING inipied po OUR KNOW. K edge tha that unprheiph Jurties are ng Machines t [ough untry and re csentt them to ee the * ARMS SEW ING NE" this is to caution parties not to be | A, All genuine | Arms ier have "E. H. ARM | Manufacturer,' stamped on ee Face Plate each machine. We have considered it to our jmtrest X to estab i wa to r Ban - xq Pave therefore made arfange- ments wit |E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, Corner of Mill apd Simcoe Streets, SOUTH OSHAWA, For the sale of our machines. kes. the Shuttle or Tus Avis Jia Jiacuixe ma kes, the, Shuttle of not 'RIP, and ay a full re complete outfit, without extra charge. «i ud ARMS INE sew from nest PHL to A Beaver cloth without change of either tension or stitch. 16 CHINE never has "fits," an aia ready to sew. and never skips a stitch or breaks a thread. bg the aj he sale, ARMS has only about one-fourth A siruciion. that are. In wihty od id It can therefore be od i one-fourth as liable to get out of order. The Aris Macaixk will - a TIA E TUCK, , : CORD, : BIND, nL h user be: at the same me', Sides ol tha any other machine will do. The. Ares Macmine runs light and rapid, and is just the machine for NERS, MILLI ASLORS, ESSMAKERS UR ARMERS, as it will do all kinds of Wok. See Ia machine before asing © money, an [ourelt's hui and yu rable ad annoyance Send for circulars and samples of werk, or call and see the machines working. Machines Full : : y J.C. TODD, ¢ Gen. Agt., No.7 Rossin House Block, Toronto. E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, Agents for oshawa. 2-41. ee mma BOARD! N "MEN CAN BE mi Temi vs h board in a private fami further informati tion call " ouhavs. i 27,1871. ind href week. For further L. 0. Lodge 68d! H i MEETING OF THE takes place TUBSDAY Tas fee at 7:50 Velock. A full meet- ing n G. W.GARTH. Oshawa, Sept. 27, 1571 NEW TWEEDS, Cash for Wheat & Barley J. W. FOWKE, 1s in town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW FALL GOODS! "At unusually low prices and in great variety. GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, . NEW COATINGS, Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice / GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J. W.-FOWKE. 2% One Farm of 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth; and some vill lots | PE 4 FRUITS OF FRESH AND GOOD AT JONES' FRUIT DEPOT, South of King. all other Fruits in the Season. "The highest price in cash for all kinds of Choice Fruits, Ice Cream Parlor, and Soda Water, Ice Cold, from the Fountain. Oshawa, Aug. lst, 1871 Philip Taylor Keres THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fancy Goods. He is the sole agent for Russell's- Celebrated Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, and Meriden Stive r Plate, best goods made, and every in his liné made to order. It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas- ing clseware. All Gi and cheaper than any other House. "PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871, 1. LOOK OUT FOR had TO BE MADE AT Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKLIN, BY HARRY TAIT, Photographer. Late of Bowmanville . Btoskla, ApH 2, 1871. of MRS. RILEY ® Row PREPARED TO DO ALL of Dressmaking. Particular attention paid to a Children's Suits. Carmichael's lok, William Street, Oshawa. 133m $1,500 0 LOAN ON GOOD:FARM SECU. RITY. ADF Wo | GLISH, 23w-* NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT | IN OSHAWA ! | MISS ROOME, | YATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT of 8. TREWIN, begs to inform the inhabi- ants of Oshawa and surrounding Country that she has opened a New Store on | KING STREET East! IN THE STAND | | Lately Occupied by M. J. J. Hall, where she will carry on the business of DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING, "and the making of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &o., &o, --~IN THE Latest Styles & Fashions Hipp and a long experience in the business fident of suiting all. All orders sted to her be executed with care and taste. A Ad of Solicited. Vacancies for a ont for other preperty. Also a quantity of first- | J.W.F ALL KINDS,| | East side of Simcoe St, a few doors | Peaches, Poars, Apples, Lemons, and | Peaches for preserving, by the box or half-box. | COMPLETE! | 1 | s and Jobs warranted, | | | | | | 4 EMBRACING EVERYTHING & 'AND FASHIONABLE Good Photographs! FOR THE 'SEASON, IN STAPLE&FANCY DRY GOODS, . MILLINERY, &C., A. M. CHISROLM'S ! GIBBS' BLOCK: | Durham, containing together Two hundred and Montreal. here rected | Dey ing Shed and Sta | Two Cases of Beautiful MANTLES, with an assortment of very Family Drug Store, Whi thy 'MILLINERY. JAMES H. GERRIE, &ec., 80 as to vers." A great variety of patterns, and selling at the lowest possible prices. Emporigm for all who | Templo of Fashion, C SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. JUST TO; HAND! in Silks, Velvets, Plain and Satire Cloths, Velveteens, together The patrons of the Temple of Fashion (who are legion) will be pleased to learn that MRS. REDMAN (late Miss M. J. Thomas) continues on the Millinery Department, and that great selection of our F i Goods, Ribbons, this Eestablishment the Great Fashionable King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa. made express] for our Fall Trade, R A I S1 NS, Elegant Waterproof Suits. £ ; CTURRANTS, MILLINERY,. SOAP, TOBACCOS, FLOUR, rintend in the te holy ns have been di lowers, Feathers, desire Stylish Goods. THE LARGEST STOCK OF . ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS ALLAN LINE. 0SEAWA AGENCY. IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Whitby, April 13, 1571. \ Just received direct from the manufactu . _ Sarmatian, { 35 tans, Capt. Scetian, 2,300 tons, American, 1,784 tons, Capt. Trocks thisn, 2400 tons, Captain McKe: le. Ottawa, 1331 tons, Lt. Archer, R. N. st David, 1,650 tons, Captain Ritchie. St. Andrew, 1432 tons, Captain H. Wrlie. St. Patrick. 1, tons, Capt. Stephens Norway, Capt. C. Mylina. Sweden, aptain McKenzie. in 'the County of | | Forming weeping between Glasgow, Quobec én. SUMMER SERVICE, wor | Under Contract with the the Canadian Government CHANCERY SALE "<i oes \ STEAM 'WEEKLY TO OF THE LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, zooey Homestead, | AND CLASGOW. His COMPAN NY'S LINES ARE Township of of Cartwright. | Simp of the neg ted Eu Pops, yde 8! URSUANT TO AN AN ORDER MADE | | Polynesian, 4,200 tons ull by the Court of Chancery in the suit of | 3400 Em an, HOOEY vs. FERGUSON, "tue, swan, 3.000 win, Wylie. Nest: SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, | i SEER pas Smit Germat buts a he approbation win ALEXANDER Tons, Captain yr Court, by THOM AS CHIIS TIE Racion, sod | "donee. Quebet and Homireal lew i on Thomas Brodie's 'Hotel, | Night Express from Montreal. '| own of B : | ALSO, THE In the T 01 Howm auville, | European, 2,646 tons, pain R. Bouckette, fiver On Tuesday, the 10th day | "a%,2% jo Capa | hardson. North. of October, 1871, ¥ Apthe hour of One o'clock in the afternoon. on, the fo i lowing Yaluable Real Estate in two Parcel No. I, belsig éomiposed of thie North half | of Lot number-Eleven, and the West half of Lot number Twelve, in the First Concession of the | Township: of Cartwright, On this one ai reel t are ¢ Frome House a half st high, a Barna ares | ling, all Kame od ey Orchard RATES OF OF _ PASSAGE. ' good obama to Live 1 and Londohderry, First | ph, So Tire ua go good gravel of Albom Ss bin from $81 to $91, according te accommoda- through this parcel. } tom. Steerage, $30, including a ¥ plentiful suppiy Parcel N be f well cooked provisions, served out by the 0. 2, being the East half of Lot number | | Stewards belonging to the Company. Twelve, in the First Concession of the said Town- | Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- ship 'of Cartweight, containing. One' hundred | jacdinte, $1390: Sicerdge, $20. ©. On this parcel there arg a New Frame | co Return Tickets, good for six months, is- Barn. a Log Rie ad good shed for cattle. | sued at reduced rates. There 18 also a small hard. The tenants in | id European Passenger Certificates are possession to have the right to house, thresh, and | Ww Reduced Rates to parties wishin ng to remove crops now on the premises within one | | bring out their friends from England, Irelan month after the sale. | Scotland, to any part of Canada. The above properties are Two Adh half miles { The Stéamships of the Montreal Ocean Steam- from Williamsburg, and about" elve miles | ship Company land their Supers at the Grand wille. Each parcel will be subject | Trunk Railway Wharf, uebec, passen- the - Master. | fers thereby avoiding the a charges of cart- chasers to pay down at the time of ale oe ng and handling of bagy tenth of their purchase money to the Vendors' | xpress Trains leave uebee on arrival of the Solicitor, and within one month thereafter, | Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all With sald one-tentiito make the one- | western points; and the facilities afforded to third of the purchase interest, | passengers by the ALLAN LINE cannot be sur- the remainder to be secured by a on the | passed by any other line afloat. Jremises at the purchasers exptuse, | yable in For through passage tickets and every informa- equal { tion, apply to yearly at six mt. annum. On such pay- # H.& A. ALLAN ment and on the execution of the e to Agents, Montreal. entitled to she conveyance L.SMITH, Agent Post Office, Oshawa. and be let into possession. The sold free from dower and | 18 . iy a other condition of sae | sof the | | ih pre) ith f e ng conditions ol Chancery. Court of For further iculars apply at the Law of JouN HOSKIN ire. ; B ERR and ors - i Good! Better! Best! AY BARWICK, an d LYO ON, asd BEATTY. CHADWICK, an a) Toronto; | and the Auctioner, and JAMES FLU KE,Esquire, | ne. (Signed) S j J. A. BOYD. | 224f | HIGGINS' GROCERY STORE, 00D JUBGES or PICTURES X think that HOITT is the best Pho- tographer in the'County of Ontario; better judges are quite:confident he is; the best | judges are sure he is. Ye doubting ones | give Hort a call,and judge for yourselves if a mistake was made in giving HoiTr the rst prize on Photographs and Paintings { the County and Township Fairs, the Dated 30th day of August, 1871. past two years. Notwithstanding adver- tisements to the contrary, Hoirr is the only Artist n this County that finishes Pictures in ther Crayon, Sepls, India 7 Ink, Oil or Water Colors. Horr has re- : fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a S oO u t h oO = h awa . manner creditable to progressive Oshawa, and having.secured the services of a first- class assistant {rom the city, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, and as promplly as any other Photographer. The reason that the good, better and best judges were not invited to give Horr a call, is because it is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first- class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs. A large assottment of Picture Frames at HOITT'S Gallery: Oshawa, April 29, 1571. uu > } | JUST TO HAND, od Choice Selection of XEW TEAS, if NEW SUGARS, | | TO: LET. FPO, SMALL STORES, SITUATED Front Street, Oshawa, lately occupied as Shoemaker and Barber Shops. Terms reason- APR JOHN WILSON. | July 27,1871 164 | NEW. COCOAS, STRAYED M THE PREMISES OF MICH- AEL CURTAIN, South '8shawas, on saa- day last, 6th inst., a brown Mare, 5 years od | | with a 'halter on its head, with bit attached. | Wuen last heard of she was about five miles east | | 6f Oshawa. Any person giving any information { | that will lead to her recovery, will be suitably { rewarded. Address NEW COFFEES, NEW CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, Everything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. MICHAEL CU RTAIN, | 'Oshawa, Angust 10th, 1571, EX FOR IT-fRisT ba it Ig ROTTER Goods delivered to all parts. Dory 0 bl.oia E Az FOR WHICH, NOTICE THE {Bailing on Thursiays and Saturdays! ers and the public generally, that he has |= Oba. Juag2nd. 'on hand a large assortment of Gents', { -All orders Foak | 1 | Oshawa, August 3rd, 1571. MEAL, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C, DR. CARSON'S "MEDICINES. The Greatest Public Benefit of the Age! Cheapest in Town. The above Medicines can be obtained at all rug Stores. 23m ENLARGED AND IMPROVED! Cash paid for all kinds of Farmers' Produce. More Reading Matter! New Type! The London Deity Advertiser has been enlarged and improved, and is now rinted on a font of sik and beauliful type. e¢ London Daily Advertiser is one of the livest, freshest, and most en! papers Canada. It gives : Som 8 4 he ls news | eveything erican, European, and Canadian, copious local and commercial | intel: ce. In its editorial colamns It discusses | with au iy and brevity the leading questions of the day. No Canadian paper is more quoted its contemporaries. Bright, vi vivacious, and re able, its coiumns are eagerly pursued in thonsands of households. Terms, by mall, $4 per annum ; $2 for six months ; $1 for 3 months, THEE WEEXLY ADVERTISER boasts the largest circulation in Ontario, outside of the Toronto Press. It is one of the best and ost carefully edited Weeklies (of the faniily ha a. a. 31 per annum, in advance: specime | Noted for their 60¢ts. Tea. King St. "West, osHAWA, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, | PS. Ho and "Wagon always am, hand to deliver Goods at a minute's i pies fise warning, 1 wa Daily an and Weekly editions 8 wil be fou: is | advertising, price wake Sore red 3 efing in in w Jers in proportion to ptt ty Log 3 wilt PF Address Communications, JOHN CAMERON & 0O., INMAX L INE oF "MAIL STEAMSHIPS, } TO AND FROM | Oshawa, Sept. 6th, 1372, - MERICAL HALL UST ARRIVED, A CHOICE AS: surtment of Pure Drugs aud Chemicals! | At Dr. Deans Drug Store, ne, | OSHAWA. | New York, Queenston and J UST ARRIVED Liverpool / A Fresh Assortment of ie and Bea: nch Perfumery? City or ANTWERP. i \risons. | | 'DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, os" AWA. Crrr or Crry oF City or City oF | Cry oF, | City OF City or 1 isa: MERIGK. UBLIN, Grey pd Honan. I CIty oF DUrnBAM. oF WASHINGTON. ORK. JUST ARRIVED! A Cemplete Stock of ; gr BUS Steerage. DYE STUFES ! hv} og ee £0 god. B®, Bw ney. : Of Pure Qualiiy, at AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG Fe Cae Re 'OSHAWA. From Pler 45, North River. STORE. Tickets can be bought Lcre at moderate rates ory persons 'wishing to send for their friends. For J her I formats apply to the Company's eB C. W. SMITH, Osawa. July 20. 15-8m A Magnificent Assorfment of Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Fancy Articles =AT-- STORE, DOMINION BANK. -- : | D3. DZAN 'S DRUG OSHAWA AGENCY. OSHAWA. - Xd NOTICE PHYSIOTANS' = PRESORIPTIONS 8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE +CAREFULLY PREPARED . RAR An Shoucd Buffy AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, erected for their Si, V. opposite Gibbs = Block. Interest. al $n owed on al | OSHAWA, > Canada, the | gar Dr, Dean's Etore is of te Hindes aud Great Bhitain. | Hotel, in Robinson & ol old J. H. McCLELLAN, apt | July 14, 1371. ! u Oshawa, Sept. 8th, 1871. w | A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT, VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR dale hia property ou wil am street, consist. | | 1g of & Sock a our. houses qver an acra of | land. Itis high, el drained, and in 8 stats of good cultivy 1 Also, hat Aine BY forty in | in Prince bert, now FIVE OX DERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE | °° Pled'®y Mr. Wi oT a CARL. to announce to liis numerous custom | ! 114¢ Ladies' and Children's S H BOOTS CRI la : - « FOR SALE. QIGHT BERKSHIRE PIGS, TWO month old. Apply to JOHN.GOULD, Near Maxville's Hotel, East Whitby. er |AneRENTICE WANTED WOACTIVE RESPECTABLE | nino SIE 134 HA AA L038 used 1c the trade preferred. Good wages | | given: Apply to 1 Ww. MITCHELL, | Ete., at the on mnerating Prices. aite ded to, and a Good Fit GUAR LANTEED, Repuir- | ing done with neathess and des- patch. Call and examine for yourselves, bef elsohere. One door south of the Rerorxer office, NOTICE TO 0867045, LL PERSON $ INDEY TO Ww. AFL late firm of MICHARL & RGA. uired to make payment E. os to the undersigned. FAREWELL & McGEE. - try. se SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. ax'! AY D. TRIPP. 1-4 April 14, 1871. : WANTED. Hf Net(U'\NGE CASE PAID FOR PRODUCE Th fala Sout. Osmawi, Sept. 8, 1871. OSHAWA, September 19, 1871 1 i FEYEAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FROM ots = o 2 ii | | Dubai. Mita In } ¥ Bowmatvile std 'or further particulars enquire at Mill. : || ar Sere, on Simos Sizes, | A. B. CAMPBELL. Oshawa, April 8, 1971. WILLIAM MoxlE. | Powmsariile, May 10. 1871 Sef * Brock street, East End, ~ - JUST ARRIVED! TN a Sm [| kn oh Bs SM esha i SE Gh To ee BC - w -- oh ro ng A

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