Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 1 Sep 1871, p. 4

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ON TARO REFOR) MER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1871. 2 Sm in the eastern part of the sctics all . 71. 1 s "The 'Cheapest Weekly 1 . EVERY DESCRIPTION 1871. Medical Hall 871. THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORK bop State, who was about having his leg am-! putated on acconnt of its being bent at! OHA + vy A. ONTA R10). TAL MAR LTev | right angles and stiff at the knee, heard of Ns Ae D IR ) y nt : CB inlnturey a . tv x J RT ISHED 1851 = SS Jcluson's Auadyne Liniment." After ; AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG § OF ROBINSON & Co, W EEKLY TI MES ---- -- -------- using it 'a shoit time his leg became would luforin th « public that ire Jus Just 1 La full mssortinent o . mMn2 RY i ly roe , it might not be Amis straight, and is now as serviceable as the . The Joseph Hall Manu ctuzingC Cox WPpany y Inmense Amount of ot | other. MN : Drugs, Patent Medicines, : Per rfu ery, Dye Stuffs, PROFRIE TORS. Good Fwily Le wing uf an Interesting Tur most unhappy person in the world TOILET ARTIC ua q 1 " / nts fd bo de i She fbi | is the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark | ; hie] nd bi > 4 AN i Le 4 J : We Sa ; pers frat hen and gloomy ; he feels ** out of sorts" with WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. j 3 himself and everybody elsé. Life is a * Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. * Remember the stand, nearly opposite "Hindes ote EN / | burden to him. This ean all be changed : L Oshawa. April 3th, ryt. / : \\' £ lh oh : rading ) ! ni yenist of the cto { by taking Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of ar Y{ 1 ' q | pt BL aHict " Hiitish. Ca yelian and A | Tron). inl of 27 ves ies have RE I'l RR IN ( | OF : ( M B U = N SS, : X 2 2: & NEAR OF THE WERK. He so : ; ~--if.paid { been cured by it. E al Purticulic atte o Poitier, iiritisk end of t i. | ; re : . A J " "ieriean publishd i: 0 Have you triep Ir. If not, Sot fe: . rd v - Nad ~ i % oy = g al ; PY LIN Se Noerry - eo _ from the 15th of ot Feb. Per | lay another moment, but get a bottle o i | p H (i " f . | if R i d aid eS hid - : 2 Sit i : 5 : = etnitent deriptio cud takes fom Oct Ist to Jan, | the "Canadian Pain Destroyer." It is P L A I N ore to et, 0ssession 5 Yen i orly ays, equire ] ~ Sng pl LL IEE 4 - ; . Lit ec Fa t ino ho) 12 on pal are reliable for their im ial correctness, i: : i i J The i ducks, i mbilards, Seals and | never known to fail. All aches and pains WE DESIRE 70 CALL ATTENTION TO OUR Conductors of the Tiyes will give Special atten. Six lines written editorials on the | far ahead of any other medicine, and was 3 tion to thisdepartment of the Journal, and | are immediately and permanently ve-| the returns from all the prindipal id gate fom the 15th | I 2 pal pe ele- yh and Mail, up to the Jodzof publication. for J 4 1 by it, and the Driey Blue es it Ww with- : hY inforn ation of i Subse A of April ; other | OVE L) 1 id aria i heir Sub . ribers. Commereia, rac pee, rom 100 sco 1 Sel ya cine] oJ. Cu KMICHA ILL NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED iii ison mhociiisty at, of May following. Dealers. =~ ' : : © WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF . ' \ 2 | Subscription ~ =-$1.00 a Year, 5. 80 otters and fishers, | Coughs and colds, when "left io them- : > PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 41 | selves, frequent! b ; Oo valmonary > - ~ 7 ~ . - v ] 7 = bie rpg hr |e ool ig hich ns oan i Di y Good,s Boots and Shoes! ~ REAPER AND MOWER, CLia may be formed at any period of the year but i i by SIX or more Subscribers associati | ing and fatal disease consumption: but if : by SIX or more Subscribers ussocia attended to in time, ** Bryan's Pulmonié, ; ar AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. -& With Johnson's Self Rake. Improved for 1871. TERMS! dn a Wafers" are a certain remedy. They stop | ¥ a : Six Coples for One Year -.; - - : 0 . 1 sudan | Thus allowing a copy FREE to the wetter upefs j the irritating congh,and soothand strength- : 9 We believe this Machine, as we now build 1, 10 Lo the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever club of FIVE en bronchial tubes, allaying all irritations | : The whole inust be sold without reserve within the next few weeks, to make room for | yet offered to the public of Canada. A little exertion only is nécessary to secure a 1 . a, lub of FIVE. The TIMES is now widely known es ave allowed for any { and inflammation. ' They are also particnar- OR N A M E NTA L his successor, in busines . i Suhot FIVE. Titra be gow widely kn . above _mentioned, | ly adapted for the use of singers and pub be recommended. t - TA 7 T'Y . AGLONE Is many ads antages we call attention to the following a. lic spakers. Sold by all Druggists and | N O Is T H E a I M lf | {2 Communications tg be diidrewad to the Pro - prietor as under. All letters must be countey dealers, . Price Zyqanta por hos. a oo It \has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Keenan may be remitted by boot, and the While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Suminer Goods, in latier be registered, 'will be at our own risk. - batt - - : . : ress . m punts in the re | ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL ; aes DOP G 1 TROWSERISGS | ping i vo plasterer mary or sips withoft eligaing wp the gearing thereby renderin ©. E STEWART 4 Cu. hi 4 = h | Enabli it to passtover marshy or sandy gro ! witho «gin Pp 4 1 3 deri rl ed with Dyspepsiaor Liver Complaint have TWEEDS, 1 ess ood S . HATS, CAPS, | it less liable to breakage. -1t is furnished with ~ > Hamilton, May, 1871. P Jators been unable to find a medieine to resch their » - . { . Sia i : ; but H E. ROWE, of Lyn, is now present COATINGS, OF EVERY VARIETX. « TINGS ' ANT AN CER mT Nests is entire- | ing to 'the public a preparation ay : SHIRTINGS, ada; as in aleo night shooting. | adapted rove bi esimintat. fon he go! PRINTS. LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOES. Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which hasa, - "J U RE K A" testimonials fi of game is prohibited within | Eye been benefitted by its nse. tis caliod the sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edgé for Yereka, Give the gy whi¢h'is to, shooti L other colunin, a peru 7; , . d, and sales Sing oe bl Gi a PR | N I I N G French Delaines, Gloves, Hose, Tupestry, Kidderminster and cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. S$ or - allowed after four- | Ron Wil over Hemp Carpets, Hollax ids, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, Ce. glose of the shooting anadqan am roy \ 5 : . A SA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS : A : tL : Sell and favorably known, relieving thous- RY 2 : » 3 \ . | ands from pain in the. ¥ . < eu Nide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sere - Produce taken In Exchange for Good S. O¢ Nprain: raises 8 + : : " Tilting Tabl he . . t for thirty days | Tivo, Puhr Bi ieiecs, Cramp in OSHAWA, APRIL I, 1571. -- AL his ,is the only really valuable Tilting Table offered on any. combined Reaper 'and Mower. [1 - It Las the malleable guafds both on the Mower Bar and Resper Table, with best cast stee Ledger Plates. © It is also furnished with our 2 LI AY). C 'meedodsi(] Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. Ampeg (Keuan Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, . : ? GO TO complain of and prose- Secalds, * Frost. Bites, dc. < oh The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat | : | The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now | . before a Justice of the been before the public for a length of time, and | EXBCUTED IN A STYLE & y . . without stopping his Team. e fine goes to the informer, | Wherever used is well liked, never failing in a | a - 4 : * or us birds are protected' from Hy Sac ami haere port a single ! ) This is one of the most important improv ements effected In any Machine during the past two years. ] to the 1st of August, | case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have fy of from 81 to $10. Eagles, ER] Cam Na, Sat a an : ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL ad ihe highest terms of its virtues and magical | : . f - 1) effect. | - ho. pigeons, rice . 2 Can*be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily oj erated by his foot. h > may- be killed at all times. Wah y aston in the matter, hay. 4 The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the dre suffering from any. of the complaints. for entire work of the Machine is under the eve of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is | which it is recommended, may depend upon it ; v Iow-PRI 'purepduio)) ear] so constricted as to being'a Sovereign Remedy. <2 : ] Haat is of oq ual val Theastonishing efficacy of the ( Janagian Pain | . . i : : 5 ily ofarmer with this. oa de |e a os ut | SECOND TO Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it : 10 all forme of insects, it furnish- duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. 5 : relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to high | rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming addy jo sso worednisuon) x to their increase, which will | in from Medicine Dealers. in all parts of the : 4 " ph to_delfver us from their - ray- | county, for further Supplies, and each testifying | . RB E ST T E A This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which en- as to the universal satisfaction it gives, ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. | i Ls . ve immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers mold, and those mysteri- | Keep it ; Physicians ordet and use it; and no i is clad : family will be without4t after t : which, as is claimed, diseases | family will be withont ft af SH : - prey The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have | one individual to another. | For cale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans : . . a steady uniform motion, In proper form it will serve as a | Oshawa: in W hitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn . d-pla d n Brooklin by John Warren. ' « trees and pl nts, estroying the | ; : 5 Making them much less liable to sataws on uneven ground. and more regular in rewoving the bi EUREKA" bi infest them and their, eggs : i 2 > 1 grain. The Gearing is very simple; strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with 1S A : Od anima of all 'parasites > lice, | In Memoriam. : | PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE ks, and serabi, are all destroyed "hy it. GAINST EXPENDITURES : a oF hb § ; ' BABBIT METAL. J ' FETA sexeellent application to all fester- ! in honor of the dead, Heaven has § | ; FOR THE CURE OF 10 P! 0} 0 - ANI . Drwounds, Tn canes of tio] |} orc pu pution. ul Fatth is not : The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be. ordered by | DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. was the only substance used | | the many tombs around which we lov i tele h or oth b 1 vi the ber of th ted. | 3 8] x ie e love graph or o erwise, y Sp y gi ng number o: :] Rit wan LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL DIBILITY potitive use in preventing in| | lies inca ns vod | Y Good Groceries Generally. Y those beautiful emblems which adorn : AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD, Such Lang the valuable proper- | Tht depuichres of . a f There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so pinfeclly balanced / is article, it should be in the f wounded heart. It also cheers the be- : that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either when reaping or mowing. All our malleable It possesses the power of Toning § od a hands of every farmer. For his conveni- | aio nw ma A FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACON; CHOICE SE ED POTATOES | castings. where they are sulject to much strain, have been : es wumchuaf ltet RE Ih moe it is put up in preparations that may | = |. ITORKer attractions to arrest the aten- Farly Rose, Gooderich and Pe ac *h Blow s ed Humors and Bilious y 1. Jeni he x . '0 . Ss f 2 + be somvenienitly used. Inthe shape of | De hg hog J ki ee Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. er isang have Stheir origin in, or or are great | 8 shared so largely: in the love of ~ ~ . vated by; Indigesti Olic soap, is easily applied as a wash ; | | others H Also, Crockery, Glassware, &c. OUR JOHNSON RAKE AFT Berd ri disinfectin, d | We. take this method to inform you bd ' ' = leis, i g pow er," it may be | that we San a orders for decorating the oy dm lood is d ved of ha ne and ve de ds, 0 123 . . oe i i ; dom va were : oy Priossios { rs, Cxecuted in sends, ot "1 Oppositeithe Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. Is'so construtted as to raise the eam so farjabove the Grain Table reguies of the eprived of that nourishment Meeded ; and in the sheep-dip 'and ver- workmanship IN THE Oshawa, April 27, 1571. -- { a i i ith ; ; on fee Drowsy. 'min destroyer, it can be used in cases | | MONUMENTS TABLETS, ETC. . avn, doy HL. that thé Grain does not interfere with 'the machinery of the Bi mt) have frepuant uorjsafipu) p------ -- -- - ---- y in the mi: Where strong liquid * applications are ne- | OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ; vi a Rakes or Reels. ongue coated, you are i teary. : IgA LIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE, : J : W. F OO W K E ¥ ; : . EE of 'Liver ptoms AND ' : | perienced. Ase fethedy for 'such cases t.a - : SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, 0 4 We make the above machines in two sizes: = Cureka has no equal, as it ts Potfoct Cnn A Haxpsone Tuovenr.--That was a | supplied on short notice. Everything y Ya int yet, al sulcadid ) . r " eaving the Liver Strengthened and Healthy. timely and a heautiful thought expressed {| Pertaining to Cemetery work will meet STOW yeh 250 2 spied) ago Tenet with prompt attention, by leaving 'or- : No. One, large Size, for Farmers who have a large gmount to reap. | 1 8 rows. Lyn, Oct. 3rd, 1800 by a clergyman at the grave oS a ders with : ¥ ~ . ab : 5 «'. BOUNSALL, J) 1 Dear Having used three bottles of lovely lite hd of four summers, | | odin NEW SP RING! ( ¥ )OI IS vo Pht ars on Tow Farmers hain ro Homer | TE EL hth Sng di . 3 they all went throngh to the "DOMINI ON Two, medium size, for Farniers having more use for a Mower al Debility,* nsetion of the Liver ar fae churchyard, he had plucked a li¢tlé * For- | : : ' as haut Tor the above com | Parley's Arabian 0il. / At unustally low prices and in gre: it variety. i some than a reaper. : ; ii hr ag, ben - get-me-not." When the little coffin was : 4 -- ' - : f Yours PY Pome 'LE > 3 A] > "AIT TY § ' 4 4 x, Minister. lowered into the grave, the clergyman, FOR _HORSES AND CATTLE. NEW COTTONS. NEW DRESS GOODS, [| NEW HATS AND ¢ PS With the eXcepgion of difference in. size, these Machines are similar in every respect, Our RUB holding up the sweet flower in his hand | NEVER..FAILING RE MEDY. : | BE No. 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore dnfilled, viz : - A medium between the Jun. Mower and Mr. I. E. ROWE ; Lyn, May 11th, 1570. said: -- I hold i in my hand : 1 NEW PRINTS. NEW TWEED Bo ade c . | large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in Sik.--1 have used Eureka for Sick Headiche, flower, which I al fron Ahsan] the THIS ralusble preparation combine Fe - : NE 1 WEEDS, i NEW BOOTS & SH( VES, | March among uy Agents, that intending purchasers may have an carly opportunity of examining | caused by a disordered stomach, and imperfect 5 = ds, Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all kinds, ! . : k: he is necessary to convince any person of fits present home it has withered: but I hered C133 racked Heels, Ring Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fis- And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be | merits would be to give it a trial, and gl ni plant it at the Jread of this grave, and it | Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Dis > | i . EK. Cook { temper, Swellings and many other diseases F GROCERIES. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE > Prop'r of Lyn Woolen Factory. i a » J { For sale retail and wholesale by all druggists the grave. It has been: lucked feom § ol celebrated Lantus my Tas hey 8 used for :) We invite the public to withheld giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of | isd ba gs Iipimd tin ¥ n its | =k 7 i i | Tered on this continent. * - now transplanted into the garden of im- | mal Kohiplaints ever offered to' the public -it of : London. g ¢ | never fails when timely used and faithfully ap " mortality, where it shall revive and flons. | Pied hit The highest price paid forAWheat, Oats, Barley, Peas, &e. per bottle. a * 2 One. Farm of 70 acres, 3 hilés East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile N North of AY avaricious fellow in Brussels gave a Northop &: Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, Pro- | Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth : and sone vill lots experience has proved to po: the most safe | > Bakr 5 a f . their merits, #& 1d stion, with success, when other remedies we have just left. By taking it from its | gpa ecient properties for she cure of Fieah | NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, ele nets alled to do me any good, and I am satisfied all tula, Sweeney, External my Scratches or | ; NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS : ! : : +1. recommend it to ail whose condition Grease, Strains, Lameness, Mange, Whitlows, | J ) py RDEN SEEDS, . equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. | anything of this nature. willsoon reviveand flourish. = So it is with i the little flower we have just. planted in | which horses and cattle are subject to, - id a 4 \ " - | Bk. : h hly tested. d "MBER OF IER AN rnc P 5. anly lieve . ign oF Machi NEP Vu a i native garden, and has-wilted ; but'it is | cheapest and most. i re sir : A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS, | iehecting out Machines. ax.wce heiiete they. ate Susurtamed by aus other Machines ever yet J. WINER & Co., lHamiltoh. Ray - ho "in 5's . To be had of all Druggists and ( "otniry Mer J. W. FO Ww KE: -- Wr also offer among our other Machines ish in immortal glory and beauty." chants throughout the Dominion. Price dort' 2 : of : ; | i Ae : . ~ prictors for Canada. N | in Ohana, which woe br : JOHNsSON's Self-Raking Reaper,improved for1871 + y ° xchan ed for other propert Also a qus Fo « b 8 per, ' large dinner. Just as the guestssat down. | For sale ALE T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | R E F O R M E R/ class Brick. y SHpopeT. 19% LY i p a piercing shriek was heard in the court | in Brecyn by John Warren, Gerson). Pyne Oshawa, April 13, 1871, : Wily If with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards yard. The host hurried out, and returned le, affrighted, snd" fits hand ove : Re : .t . p -- 3 Jab ow, " What wit - ag { The Great Female Remedy. AUC TI O N ©. BR. Stock's Celebrated Woop's Patent Self Raking Reaper. quiry. "Alas" he 'said, "a poor work. | JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. - AND Extra Machine Oil | BuckevE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. man, father of a large rl; has met with HIS INVA 3 : 8 NOW. USED IN ALL THE PRIN- ' ALUABLE MEDIC ommissi , ctories anc a tersible accident --he was knotked down | Tite s A LUABLE MEDICINE 14 : {4 sion Business. I. ASIPAL Manuta a in owas BUCKEYE Reaper No, 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. A) \ i es [and ot rom 2 ' by a cart, grieveously wounded: Let us | ition a supject. 1 modermier ail cron soa' | JPRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Sing her? fron 1g tree Dundee et cnt Prociaim the Glad Fidings: sid him." A collection was taken up aid | OVes all obstructions, and & speedy cure may ne : idols HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING Eo ruber Oil, and, aa the adaiiy # OHIO Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES ua I relied on. his sincere thanks for the many favors he- | state the reasons why it supercedesialf other OY, and Pills, of the the guests contributed 1,200 francs. Gener- | Eminent Indias | TO MARRIED LADI | stowed on him since he commenced the Auction | as it iu a well known fact that'it 1 A Doctor \ Is. | It is peculiarly rey It will, oy a short time, | Business, begs leave to state that be is still pre- | nor "wt thick, in the cdot weather ueithés gun 'CAY UGA CH IEF ' Jd Xu Mower. Ss hashontel British BE Guelp ous sou It was the miser's ruse to make | bring on the monthiy period with regularity. f pared to Niehd s that he Las wherever Josited. and } J TESTIMONIALS : > : the most and them pay for the dinner, These Pills should not be taken by Female pe hie 84 hy has leased the Store be- 4 ' H 1 d Cures if World ever hoard of. Never r in the 2 iy H pay vi during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg. | | Eh urapiovstl 3 Maroney, for the THE Josgru lars, Macniy Woks, BuckEYE Mower No. 1. pes attended the introductio nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarria, | hawa, 'Ont., April 14, 1870 ; at th to by Mi ge, p ng on hard wl Kinds Ost Jut., Ap thei yr A PORTLAND paper tells how a servant | but at any other time they are safe, GEO. B. STOCK, Fsq., Brougham, : b v cine Peretorors, \ -girl there mends her stockings. " When al | MA C H I N E R Y DEAR SIR, We have been} using your Lubri- Buck EYE Mower No. 2. w H Y1 In all Cases of Nerv ous and Spinal Affections, cating Qil for the past four months, and can say ; . | Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fati, | 'without hesitation, that it is the best oil hole appeared at the toe, Bridget tied a | ao, Palpitation of the heart, a on-silgnt I AXD ; Rl Ive SIMPLY because the numsfous ¥alualile aiee i. It I he: d 1 . { . a string around the stoeking below the ap- | hoi Cites, 'these Pills will effect a cure when all . | AGRICULTURA I IMPLEMENTS, | Any other oil ; pray avers an Phi longer than | Ba Li's Ohio Mower No. 1. inedicina enon, wich ta the. B {some of CH 3 - P- | other means have failed ; and aftiough a power- i Planer 7 days with one oiling. It keeps the tools Ohi J M } Bar ~KIN erture and cut off the projecting portion: | other ean donot contain rod. calomel, anti | . . won ae 3nd lena and right. Wr do not want anything | 10, JdIr.; Mower. jen § bandeion, Hyos This op tion + mony; or anything hurtful to the constituti | . y » better as a ubricator, ) t was repeated as often as| poo oo peinphles ya] {CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER| Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Prest, | Extract of Colocynth, Jalap, Socotrine necessary, each time pulling the stocking | package, which should be carefully preserved. NEW TYPE THRESHING MACHINE, - 'Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. - on EE he cine, are such 1 will run Stock's Oil against any other oil in | and : HN down a little, until at last it was nearly all | JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, OLE PROPRIETOR. | Manufactured by Macpherson, Glasgow & Co. | the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sore a5 | ; Far er's F t Gr: . Dri 1 hgrmoniousy i" audar Gd : ay cut away: wh B idg: t od $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed t Shish is the best Machine ever introdue ed into | Olive 0il, or any other used on machinery, ! m avori oe alin 111. is ade orld, and cannot els but act on . : nh y; When TiriCget sewed on new legs | Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont,, porting . Ontario, also the. | A.Hexversow, Foreman Joseph-Hall Works, | 7 > ; system in a very satisfactory and desirable man- and thus kept her stockings-always in re- | agents for the Dominion, will insure 's bottle, : | LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND | 1 find Stock's Oil th bathe bet oil 1 have wor | o . . Champion Hay Tedder ner, Ean BE be, y f how long stan pair, containing over 3 pills, by return mail | SEPARATOR, | jad in my ¥ douring Mill for lubric ating purposes, | [ t . os Joab by ing. rapid manner my is s For sale by T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans for a Farmer's own use, made by Joseph Shar. | xh used olive previous te Stock's, and 1 find | : F . - are restored to perfect health and Myxy a man who rises from poverty and | m Brookiyn by Bi " aren, Gerrie and J. Byrne | man, Stratford, alsa the v Joueph Shar- [Stock'sto be jhe best, Cs A171, Duffins Creek. Ont. | AND OUR CELEBRATED 15 ola Meiticin 1 pleasant and safe vo obscurity to wealth and honor, can mee as a { JOHNSTON = BSELF-RAKE REAPER, | 3 . 0 make a permanent pant es i a. ans TAL . . | THE BUCKEYE COMBINED, | 1 would rather have stock's Oil than any g A { \ Ihroat, Lungs, Ey re A Lecture to Young Men. / A NEW PBESSES. | THE OHIO COMBINED WOOD' ws rience of 20 years Seach HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Bi &e., gla wel rhs various Ji Lock KING ( UST PUBLIS own & Paterson, W hitby, Ont. | 8 be h Lup rity o of ihe BI Sxoetting Hy is always polite will be iure to get at least | Just, PUBLIS HED IN A THE CAUGA CHIEF JUN | Ihave used Stock's Oil and [ind it to excel | directions' or sin the Great Shoshoness as mich as he gives. . *" No man," says A Lecoare on the Natura Frisecite, |THE FAR FAMED PARIS GRAIN |oool or 40 years manuf | ewly "Niroved fur 1571, with either Pitts, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, Gr Hall's 8 or 10 Hors | and Pills, and con I] | ex ence, and have used Castor and Olive 0 ower. © shall also of th ficates "ures, can be Lord Bacon, 'will be deficient in respect End radient Weakness, Inv onamany | DRILL, | brine 'ipally previous to using Stock's Of A il. ave A er. for the Fall trade a | Treatise, the Hand-book, or the Almarac toward others, who knows thie value of re- | E s. Sexual Debllity, and | CULTIVATORS, GANG PLOWS, | Jaco STiLTER, woud, | © Circulars from any respectable Druggist in ness, "oy . H . Dominion--free. i en, ne (AND ALL OFHER PLOWS. | Wopreegsengiigeites sperm. give or | NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, | Hrsogioyte pions Pit Bute 108 ; | Bhai Incapacity: ti from Self. se, | i D C N JOM. | SralanT & Sox, Markham, Ont. ! i 4 "ag were taken by some ke By | ROBER' CULVEWELL, M. D, . M A : i - L » "Author of the * Be eh Book" &e. ? ANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST | 1 use Stock's Oil hin . Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. Loan. the : all » Ly Babi clearly 8 sutlior, in this admire-| { PRIZE AT TORONTO, von fast 4.000 on my TY nian : { Money to perience tht the awful consequences of Self. | ; . AND FANNING MILLS, | the only oil Haier satisfaction. » nett wil " Cr LLoaxs FOR FROM ONE TO TWES. hk HU URCHELL, Bangor, Ont. P of all eur Machines Is being published, without Andja host of other things,and last but TW read dtst free Hn to ha aid in instalments to 4] Se bons appointed agent forthe sale of leas GEO. B. STOCK. Esq "Oshawa, Feb, 7, 1871. nq will we Y or surly be wan ¢ : borrowers who are eS wed to make such fo . » . N 4 r& adition © instalme: Y ORDERS, BY MAIL PROMPTLY JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES oe. Your extra hing oil comes nearer to find ne, renient, may be be" chain thom the Co Ca y AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW. Ding 1 used, cating Lani Ci All our Machines are warraited to give satisfaction, nd Purchasers will hivee an op- | by aveiying te et, Fg 1 ATTENDED TO. CASTLE. | Sum nor corode, and wares satisfucto oy. | portunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reapin 9 before. they will be required to AREWELL, eGR & RUTLEDGE. Very truly yours, FAREWELL | a Stock at Harmone; mples, { | finally conclude thé prrchase. PN ' g& Private funds to loan. Al Kinder Plow ow Points and Hides s kept y SOLE PROPRIETOR : i tier kid of repairs, A share GEO B. STOCK, Brovu ¢ T Te ] : LB. HAM, ONT. " 4 quad be For farther information address : Bricks! Bricks H "DAVID BISHOP. AUENT JON FHE DONIRIA 1 : F. W. GLEN, RSALE, MACHINE MADE PRES- WINANS, BUTLER & Co., No. 77, Front St., | : PREM Agent, Harmoney., . + Toronto, : : : President, SED White Bricks, at the 1B, 1571, Tor, So by T. GIBBS, Ohaws, Ont | OSHAWA ONTART® : : Af Works. JORN

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