Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 30 Jun 1871, p. 3

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ERR as - ~-- VITELE MARKETS, . y June 20 + $1 0 06 oad oR 050 475 ATS on MARKETS, i June 9 RNB ann 11 1.15 06 062 3° 08 LRT] 078 . i 0 0s 0 0B "3 Advertisements, EW SMI Te, 1 BM TENT, INSUR hd t, Simcoe Street," teamiers JO Ty W. Glen, Esq. 12-1y RILEY. EFARED 0 DO-ALL Particular attention wR f= Carn for T! SHED ON TUESDAY enye ichael's 123m nder Post Ufice. TED. ILI. BE nt Girl at . MEH. JONEN, ately GIVEN \ ANTED AW Lt MBER FROM inville awd re at Mi! 3. CAMPBELL: » Sif YED! HE" PR EMISES OF Lot ar n. East \ve the , and: ap SAMUBL HALL 1s: 11:3w. ALE. RE- PIGK, JOHN Got LD Whhithn 11-f. PROPERTY for SALE. OFFERS FOR S07 street, consist- er an acre of na state of TWO Albert, 'now i I ARMICHAEL. § 1-tf VARD PETTIT, R: SALE! DENCE or JOSEPH ASH, the ad- P sion ime ASH 2 e'to Debtors. INS INDE BTED TO THE AYROR & NEALE are here- 2 fnetbe made forth- L & McGEE. * ar utcher Shop! Re o HAMILTON, jarth, has'fnuch A « nds an Lat™he Las dpened out: of the Commercial Hotel keep con- sh prices, ly solicited. r )rders punc- JOHN HAMILTON. w EN ON OF PARTNERSHIP I NER Suir HERETO. ndersigned as jal con- RG IL CHA iL TON. Millinery, Aillin-ry, Millinery, HISHOLMS. NDENSED HERIC bara ALL KINDS OF i Prof. )yshawa ensed Air n O=haws, 8 ai the prin* mosphere. RE O} ' id the age, and liscases, it far above as its re- elements cute rom ASCE, Fo ver, Bilious Jangs apd er mis of Acute ir carly stages in a o If you or your acute "disease, uffering of a long sure and certain can testify, who n thoroughly tésted in he greatest success, nd Throat, Bron- pepeia, Asthma, Servons Headache, ralgia Rheumatism, : « of the Lungs, Con- Middle Stages, Insan- ex. . He has never- be had a reason- nee. h at are suffering call on| him and in-- or any inquirke. ure by letter will red © STONE. ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1871. SHOW ALL STEELE BROS, WOOD, McLEAN & Coe YOU ADVERTISE! GROCE RS AND | IS THE MOTTO AT ¢ S EEDSMEN, NOTW ITHSTANDING THE HUNDREDS OF CUSTO ERS WHO C H | S HO L M ' S l ] J HAVE BOUGHT TO THEIR SATISFACTION DURING PAST WEEK, STILL.WE OSHAWA! Ye | Invite attention to some of the Lead: Have Some Goods Loft ] ing Goods of their large and H TAO © 'spun §z1 Ie 'KI0[0]) 188 prpuBLIBM 'FIULL] 24 NS E A S 0 N A B L E on are daily in receipt of more. We mean to maintain the Tepuiation | which we have already obtained by selling Good Goods, and at STOCK. SIWIOHSIHD 'KV LSAd SNOLHSV PRICES TO SUIT THE*PEOPLE | Teas, the Finest to be had anywhere. | Sugars of all: Refined Grades, H Syrups and Molasses. Coffees--the Genuine article. Valencia Raisins, without' equal for quality and cheapness. | Prunes, Currants and Figs, Layer and Loose Muscatel Raisins ) AAVH r i OUR SILKS Marmalade, Oranges and Lemons. -- | J Canned Fruits--a nice assortment. Ld Preserves and Jams in vartety. 38 "06 18 apim pred [ng 'SNOLLOD Add Nuts and Candies. 7 \ 4 | Have created a perfect furore among the Ladies, who declare they mever before saw Silks at such prices. We have already repeated our Silk orders, and have now in stock a large assortment. CSITOHSIHD 'KV Pickles, Sauces and ( 'atsups, without stint. Canned Lobsters, Sardines. Flavoring Extracts of all kinds. Nutmegs, Mace, and all the other Spices. Chocolate, Sea Moss Farine Salmon, Oysters, (sng ) {el ¢ nV YHOO LOT ADYV" Epps Cocoa, (Cardinal Food Taylor's do. [ Arrow Root, Sago, Tapioca, Vermi- . cil. | FOR 50 CENTS! Comstarch, Glenfield, Satin Finish- | ed ditto. Rice Starch, White and Blue. HOUSEKEEPERS. FAVORITES, The Cook's Friend Baking Powder. Snowtlake Baking Powder. The Prize Medal Starch. SINTOHSIHY WV '10]0)) 8B] PrpURLIZM 'SU HI} 9 chiefs for One Dollar, and Gen- tlemen's in Proportion. IAN OYA dOO PROVISIONS! ak Pork and OUR 560 CENT KID GLOVES Bacon. . Fresh Ground Flous, No. 1' Lard. ('orn and Oatmeal. Potatoes, Beans and Split Peas. from the. very best makers, eesor's celebrated Stilton Cheese. Salmon Trout and: Whitetish. Salt and Smoked Herrings, Codfish, Abernethy, Elgin and Soda Biscuits. Coffee and Rich Mixed Biscuits, Cracknells and Ginger Nuts. ye 'ated aod suo ALIVD VI Hom V SH SITOHSITHD ICV wo. og spo] Are pronounced to be cheap at 75 cents. SSOI(] AOAVT 12 Splendid Bedroom Towels for $1. Cheese SNL 1 OUR 20 CENT. GAMBROONS Are being sold by the Dozen Yards, and are allowed to be Great Value! t SITOHSIH) WV MAN JO MDOLS 'Spoosd nye aL OM SU} PAATO: WINCEY SHIRTINGS For Summer Wear, at any price to suit the purchaser. D WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, &c. Baskets of all Kinds. Woodeti Bowls and Ladles. Pails of various sorts. Churns. Brooms, Whisks and Mops. . The Latest | Whitewash Brushes of every descrip- 18 paanjouj CANVN SLIS dYIML dOO Three Pairs Ladies Cotton Stockings for 25 cents. And those splendid HoLLaNDs at 10 cents per yard #4 are very superior G oods. _&¥ 2 SINTOHSTHD 'N'Y Mouse Trap out. Scrub and other kinds of Brushes. "Door Mats, Bed Cord and Twine. Handsome Childrens' Carriages. : Beautiful Bird Cages, just to hand. > " Lanterns and Oil Cans. ' A large assortment of Earthenware. Soaps, that cannot be excelled. Cream ('rocks and Milk Pans. bs ASTONISHED THE PEOPLE ! H 'SLY jved Case after Case of those 85 Cent Prumella Gaiters; We A Cheapest in the Dominion of Canada ; and another Lot of Men's Gaiters at $1. 781 'SLANNOY "ON 'SOW 'MIOMO[ 'S10 A SICTOHSTHL) WV "HLVH Are gaining Universal Reputation, and One Trial is sufficient A Variety ume ce ssary to enumerate; to test their Superior Qualities. and it is well known that we offer none but what is reliable. » We have the Best - TURNIP SEED as usual with ourspring importations. : : be ~N) We have received another lot of Those splendid Raisins at 6c. per Pound--worth 10¢.- And those Currants at 5c.--worth 8c. Bright Sugars at 10c., and + | Excellent Teas at 40 cents per 1b, Worth 50 cents anywhere. China, Crockery, Glass- ware, &c., &c. 'We have recently added largely to this | department, and are mow exhibiting to our customers the newest designs of the most Celebrated Manufactories, in quantity and finish to suit all tastes, and at prices not to be undersold, inthe County of Ontario! : SHTINVIN HLOT) ANV NTI 10 adeyg Luv ut 19pao 0g CSIKTOHSIHD "KV | For the especial accommodation of our numerous Country Cus- { tomers, we. will open our shop during the summer months at six o'clock in the morning, lo receive the pro- duétions of the Farm and Dairy in the cool of the day ! gL Hq J aouRApR ® JB poysvuwt alg pum ! SALT -AND PLASTER! | And a host of General Goods of which | space forbids the mention. 300s ur ydoy sAum DAS as it is im time. AIUAO0UD ATINYV " J | We will continue to give the best price for the produce. of the Farm and Dairy, = sivionsiin) NV AISA oY JO qv S [[ews \ HE HIGHEST PRICE PAID | for all kinds of Farm Produce, STEELE BRO' S. . os M. CHISHOLM'S. . i GIBBS BLOCK. Ra A WOOD, MACLEAN & Co, Michael's Block, Simcoe-St', Oshawa. | -- | | | | | 0-tf. Osawa, May 11, we Wid ai mnt. * WE SELL WOMENS SHAWLS 12 Fide Linen Ladies" Handker-| , | | Imported from New 5 : - T TT S J : | f AM NOW PR EP ARED TO LEND | tion. O | | R 85 ( ; FE N ( OO ON Yor last Season, will be 1 any amount of money, on the security of Good | FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS. OUR CHEAP TEAS Ff NOTA BENE: | | ko JUST OPENED AT COWAN'S Direct from London per last Steamer. One Oe of Ladies' Black Silk Jackets! OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES! 'WALTER WIGG & SON, | Cabinet Malkers, Undertakers, &c. AV ING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR W AREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE | added considerable NEW STOCK thereto; a cordial invitation is exicnded to all to come | and see them. | Great inducenients held out to those purchasing al our Esta! blishmeny | SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. | Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. | | A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash. | Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, the best thing of the kind in use, at the THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WARER OOM | KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Ladies Lu find these Goods the. Most Elegant in the Market, ; while the prices are Much Lower than Canadian- made Goods. +----ALSO--- ONE CASE oF FRENCH KID GLOVES! June 1st, 1871, Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, which the subscriber has yearly imported for the past 15 years,and never. fails in giving satisfaction. Good! Better! Best! | 5 | PRICES AS YSUAL, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR 1 °°: JUDGES or PICTURES | | | : f X think that HOITT is the best Pho- | -- | 1 5 |". tographer in the County of Ontario; better ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE IN judges are quite confident he is; the best \ EUROPE HAS ADVANCED -€ONSIDERABLY. J judges are sure he is. osH AW A, May 1, 187 1 b-tf Ye doubting ones give Horrr a call,and judge for yourselves if a mistake was madein giving Horrr the 1 HAVE THIS JSirst prize on Photographs and Paintings tenis Asner ---------------- i AY SOLD OUT ALL INTIFREST IN MY BUSINESS IN Oshawa, to Messrs. Hf. & W. GILLETT, who wil easy ou the same, and to whom all outstand- | Ing accounts must be paid. : HIRAM GILLETT. past two years. Notwithstanding adver- | Port Hope, March 28, 1871. | Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silver dingbats Tn {ho vontrery, Howe ithe | btn Plated, and Fancy Goods. Philip Taylor | EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | CHEAPEST Stock of at the County and Township Fairs, the only Artist n this County that finishes Pictures in ¢ ther Crayon, Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. fitted and refurnis) | The stbscribers have this day entered into partnership as Dry Goods Merchants, under the nsthe and style of H. & W. GILLETT, and are now receiving their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK which in price and variety will. -coppare Tav orably with any in the country. NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE. Horrr has re- his Gallery inna. manner creditable to progressive Oshaxa, He is the sole agent for Russell's Cele brated | and haying secured the services of a first- | Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best goods made, | and every thing in his line ma ade to order, It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas- ing elseware. All 'Goods and Jobs warranted, and cheaper than any other House, | PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. 1-tf. NEW YORK HOUSE class assistant from the city, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, and A as promptly as any other Photographer. The reason that the good, better antl best judges were not invited to give Hoirr a NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. call, is because it is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first. % class work can be got at HOITT'S, over HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs. A large assortment of Picture Frames PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 20, 1871. 24r © poyusuy uorjoedsuy uy : Wa Trouble to Show onic GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, &e. PRODUCE TAKEN in Exdhange FOR GOO w) S. A ILTON, THE POET, DEPLORED Fl the loss of sight; 'had he knowa the prin- ciph involved in Dr. J. BALL & CO"S Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa. "a HENRY W. GILLETT. WALTER B. GILLETT. he SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES- pectfully to inform' the. citizens of 'New lvory & Lignum- Vite Oshawa, May 4, 1871. Oshawa and surrounding country, that he his leased for a term of years the premises a ' heretofore occupied by J. P. WOOD, and | 3 Y I C U d PS Ss ' E. HH] R M BE S known 2a the IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. ¥ 55 4 NEW YORK HOUSE I Xero Pot Fhaeiciam Does the | NEW- ieir use, the shrunken and er . Bets aw the soryen sud sososied Shuttle or Lock-Stitch Sewing Machines that best and indispensible mal stimulant For Family Use| and Light Manuf --- . SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, | Arterial Blood. The nery sume their tone; the vessels recover their gower; the globe as- sumes its proper shape, size, and brilliancy ; all discased action 1s arrested and cured ; and in the SOUTH OSHAWA Sight i is Retiro and Spectacles | Randered Useless. subinit to Painful and Dangerous Surgi- | cal Op 'ations, in which a 'portion of the eye is | al ays lost, and-the glorious Light of Vision, if not destroyed at the time, in a year or two, at most, goes out forever! TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, | © THEY ARE PAINLLSS! PLEASANT! /SAFE! ring 1 Where, he nitends to keep constantly on hand a General Assortment of FIRST CLASS GROCERIES! AND- - This Is to ecrtify, that we hereby authorize | Bradford Tuttle ol sole and exclusive Agent for | | the term of cars, for the sale of our New Provisions ! Patent Improv Pony and Lignum-Vitae Eye | And trusts by strict attention to business to Cups and Myopic Attachments, for the County | of Ontario, in'the Province of Ontario, . merit a share of Public Patronage. anh VIC 3 BALL' CO. { = SIMPLE AND COMPACT ! i 828 IOINd £ 3TEVYNEA ONY LN3IDId43 The undersigned has now. for sale an assort- | , ment of the above invaluable aids to sight, and | > - / | is prepared to fill orders for those who wish help | . Best 'Brands / ARS Always on in "hat diregtion. Personal experience has con- | HE MOST SIMLPE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE- of hand. vinced him of the beneflis of the invention. FOURTH the parts in its construction that is in other machines, thereforg? only ONE- Address | FOU R TH as liable to get out of order. | It is durable in all its parts, and every motion « A BRADFORD TUTTLE, It hus the Ender 4 or Four Motion Feed, the best in | yuss from the Finest alin to 13m. Oshawa, Ont. | the ec st of work without change of either 0) ITCH. It makes the Genuine | SHUTTLE OR LOG K-STITCH, alike o on both sides, so iB for its Strength, Beauty and Dura- bility,-and WILL NOT RIP. If fuls Topi! and uses - Short Straight Needle, Rc fy ad- Ios Cold Soda Water M on ey to Lend | | justed intb place, and not near so liable bo break uk. ot bs highly. ornansented, cqual to a oailly ud REDUCED RATES. it will Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Frill, Gather Quilt, Braid, "OR ANYTHING THAT ANY OTHER Nu ACHINE WILL bo. Its Toye THE MACHINE POR | Private Families, Milliners, Dressmakers, Tailors and Farmers | From one of Matthews' Celebrated Fountains! yn draft as soon as the Zz hot ! =arm or Productive Town Property, at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, s. Pi | There are many points of excellence about the Machine, superior to all others, which 8 SpRoL a SO ANd jon o) iA instalments. > ine inal gxplain here, but will be pleased to forward Circulars and Samples of work on appittation. sum. | -- - and othe » PISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN. MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED! id other securities, SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND | AGENT wanted in Oshawa, and in every other town where we have not alréady got one éstablish- | SPRI NG STYLES § SOLD. edn Larger Induceéments than any other Company. For further particulars apply to 3 YEP . JAMES HOLDEN, J. C. TODD, General Agent. | | No. 3 Rossin Howse Blok, Toronto, ons. (274 1 . 4 OfMelal Assignee, Money Broker, &c. THE LARGEST STOCK OF tht Dfles Mo Mlany Block, Brock St., Wikis, i 'Domini oz Ou 4 ; ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONT ARIO, weather gets EDWARD HIGGINS, : 1 ? | Oshawa, April 4, 1571. iad Investments made in D Dentrres, Mortages, in great profusion at the ~ NATIONAL PILLS. = 1 QO R Ysa The. Best Catha . Ao dS {Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. dg ¥ Age of Co i A NEW DISCOVERY ME |Z LX DICINE, are composed of ' PURBLY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, being free from mercury or other poi- sons: they can be taken at all times and }*° under all circumstances, without regard to diet 'or business. Liver and Digest Organs, giving them tone and healthy action. They genuine Mood and Sto- mach Pu are mild, searching and > a Thoron Purgative, and are pro- | nounced by all who have used them to j= be a first-class family pill, and 'well worthy of a trial 22 THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. ws }/ : Sold by all druggists and medicine | A large and attractive stock of deaners Y | -------- Ww FOODRT FF, BENTLEY & CO, Propr jet tors, Brougham, Ont. Men' & Boys' Ready-made, - ini iss D® BOYER'S GALV ANIC FLUID, Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variéty of p: arn, and selling at the lowest possible prices. JAMES H. GERRIE, : Family Drug Store, Whithy Whitby, April 13, 1871. im. | J Styles in Neckties & Collars. | | Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts. They act on the A LARGE STOCK OF --n A WORD T0 THE WISE Dominion Bank. WHITHY AGENCY, B\ N OTICE-I8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Jol F{VHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE | for the transaction of Husiness in SicAfiaat to announce to his ntmerous ¢ustom- | Block, (in the office formerly occupied by Royal Canadian Bank.) | ers and the public generally, that he has | Dae an Ran deposits, | on-hand' a large sengtmont of Gents), | Bret points Ia Canada, the nied rater and. Ladies' end Children's | JH. MCLELLAN, S 5 | Brook St.; Whitby, April 13th, 1871. H LOOK OUT FOR | BOOTS Good sia] 'KE 7 2 TO BE MADE AT S Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY; Etc., at the Lowest Remunerating Prices: 2 of Bits 31 the Ti re BROOKLIN, Good Fit UARANTEED., Repair- oY ing 'done with neatness and | H Anny TAIT and examine | for yourselves, before purchasing - Photographer. Late of Bowinanville ur -- | Men's Under~Clothing!! IS SUFFICIENT. TRY THE NATIONAL PILLS, VERY CHEAP. | | CLOTHING. Universally acknowledged to be one of] the most powerful Liniments for the cure of . | UMBRELLAS, : CARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS. | RHEUMATISM, | NEURALGIA, | CRICKET and LACROSSE BELTS, CHEAP at HODDER'S. G. HODDER, 42° One door North of McLeati's Cheap Grocery | Store, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. April 20, 1871. 3 2tf And for all cases where an extérnal ap plication is.required, an exténsive use; of it has proved that it has no equal for the complaints enumerated. 2# Sold%y all Druggists and Medicine] Dealers. WOODRU 'AIN'T DINVATVD SHH AO0H "Hd DR. BOYERS G ALY Vv ANIC . FF, BENTLEY & CO. Proprietors, Brqughes m, On | ASX FOR (T-1RSIST wean IT-BUY 0 grith ALDWELL' fran elsewhere. One door south of the Rzroruer office, @hirooklin, April 2, 1871. 2 SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA: dios | | | TO LET. | 'The Pump Shop | ps EAN For Sale! SEERA D. TRIPR. {LBs 34507 SIN TRY IT! paren 14 | South of 3 WILLIAM DICER. | Cshaws, April 20, 1301: bi 4] WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, | At present worked by thes subsariber. ediate'y. Possession | Enda imum: &% Only business of the | nd in town--pleaiy of custom--rarc chance for | LV, { SLVR & . April 14, 1871. I. May 25, 187% i Mu A

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