apest Weekly A / : : . : ; : = : a @ "The Ontario Reformer TRUTHFULNESS AT HOME. >) PUBLISHED { . 1 ; . EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, : | 1 o WM. IB. JIM1 1, ; ( | AT THE i 2 \ / Of all hag ApPY households, that is the k Ap | pest where falsehood is never tho . i / 4 S . f= when there must be | réserve SIMCOE STREET, GSHAWNY giv 1 CANADA nin Te = LY TIMES | All peace is broken wp when on pears there ds a lic in the hous | fort has gone When suspicion has entered talk and reservation in Anxious parents | who are aware of the pains of susp '\ r ALY THE LATEST FOR will place general confidence in their 1871. { dren and receive what they say freely, un- less there is st VOL. 1. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE ger reason to distst the 30, NO.12, truth of any: on should suspic unhappily bred the on fron possible, near a hotel, dear! Can you see any sig } o ws a thurrer WILLIAM DICKIE ; x : you say ve Begs to anni unce to his numerous customers that his stock of A FACT Nov he : Do you ember; Al 3 It was on an English Q > such a fuss! d not have married 4 0 pir . : you, had I loved you well enough, and | of one! and avoid di married me "No part i Kuows enuff " child wnile there . s nod pathment of a N m could not have hid wnile there is a Hortense: but just visible through the tr sed to call othat looks pr < yonder wvhody steel 1 heir ¢ ide S81 where does the * SOIT their confidential a . come in. cottage, i. Spring & Summer Goods IS Now [ assiduon have their pity and inviting. Suppose Ww summe ; > ; + wd nS he were suffering under some a 9 od ol 3 I fH china, Some six.or seven years remain there ds we ean pay liber hit a pointsman before his ¢ With a listless. step and slow. He lit his pipe trifling Poy 4 dtived In his work was nothing new: > hay tepped Just to watch the signals and shift the points | the hop f. a lifetime, and have When the next train came in view them to h ncath- the order If he can be eured grateful for -the msense! I.want to go to s COMPLETE IN AND FANCY THE LATEST STYLES mood upon Eulalie. How can you be so unreasonable! Eulalie glanced over to the band, with an amused smile playing and he vepl : there was plenty of time ladv's has. | 2 deavor fails, micans ius STA PLE dy's hus | 4 : 4 ¢ be paid for OF must be in the ck on the Wednes: | res 'ation (rO( )1 = among hi 5 ed bug {fém th length, his ¢xam I said, the because taken to prevent crushed about harm ; andthen, and preys niost indi ly on | 1s : 3 the young foliage of th Aburnuin and away from a hotel . : y re the looks of the pl Honey ln t Wi r thos wother, who have ar heel of your | her mouth, 1 to it by say decidedly 'We are far as 1 like will endeavor to se John." little was built in Goods, Prints, Musling, Hollands, &c. Grey M1lil. Trimmings, Flowers; Ribbons, Dres White, T on to thi Cottons very cheap 24 y'ds heavy family $2 taway, | proud nature, an am sick at broken up, Here are letters, I brought ayers, He leant 'gainst the cabin, and smoke heart. » # KU tole "e \ » * 18 we » Fon J S He was used t them to dence 18 gone. 1 fem : Twelve hours at a eh'he ma here are but > which | tense; and there are bu Bounets, Hats Ces dud prints And down=trains A rumble as to meet on slowly, She's tr land Fo : He tins -and not far o ails; . : Mg.enn The st and most * Sees his youn v at play! cetut, Lv w him a heart erushed irning Caps: Parasols all gand Mo 4 Black and Colored Rid Gloves gl | 1 J row A RL OI] NG. «department and Ready mad t r A large stock of nn» ; Fashionable Cloths in market : id blétding Le shall view the wrecks FAN 4ST JON ) : Not far, ht far. The train is at } : Hs He SN vs he WICK, HATS AN And the child Straw and where wk after th w interloper ful were mo thing. Take we every member shades; a roay She But where all Business = uer to time to Derags of tl 86 trained as to' be wholly relighle in ac Special attenti the by hie style Peo and word, they arc a light to all eyes and They are ] point of § and « Wo, oon ny, and ov A Oo to all } ws Awnings clambered vines of ox a joy to all heart FH YS for they 4 3 tion, while upon the~ s Jr Tuyarca ny Ard patting t ound with of # Nay, lo not tak ) 3- chasing the mbrellas 1 Felt, in great variety ; Collar Tic love hirt 1=penders, Carpet-bags, Va | BOOTS ANT n usudl attent and on 1,000 | painted croquet and they are privately blessed wiv Pana Nas es : 1 and 'without, Without, 'their versal trust ; three children, their neat white suits con- vou he 3 hita of other pro Neb FRANCES RAE, WM, D,, i PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ACCOUCH 2 nd Kir RTL Oshawa 12 . nad sv by un trasting prettily hadnez- |} easy by 1 ~H OF virs Women them in their home As th the eldest of tl rifftion o dant Alice wound little carriage CoN EASTWOOD, M.-P. 2 ($BADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY ut Bc. worlh $1.23 R of Toront present at Black's. Hotel, « B - . 'NE \ . 1-2 SEWING MACHINES. his Fai , Herb burn them forward to receive th { 2 38 3 : Lekman, for Oshawa, East and West Whith ; He gro cannot s if yous » do so, and 1 will hie me to | while the little girls hid shyly behind sthe ned Remedy, of Lansing VILLIXM DICKIE. T : ins ah ' : L3H 2 plaving in the street, he was at aA To the place where the laughing hah ny ol ¢ as a bird with broken wing trees and looked on thro angled A ril 13, 1871 1tf ed, u hs oy GRAND d the points, and n's and Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippy i And trusted his child to nella, Congress and Lage Bo parently ten vears of here's a St 3 MORAL CIURAGE: voning, little 'son -- 4. FERLEMOY, l ve the courage to I EXTIATEo DENTAL SIRE 4 st it kick you harder t A | Difficulties, like thieves, ofter glance, Have a gonvivial party at th se, which seized him wther's masses of their curl Where the mangled limbs m " mothers ¢ I their curl ) « TO EE But he hears a cry that is only of fo protect rt, do yeu understand * Can you tell me, my ] | ~N | i. A h,! His joy seems too great to bea u \ y | ted now for life. | owns this enchanting cot, " Je Rie duty sone wuched a hai! ; iter longer, and | owner can acconumodate f I wi 08, With 1 nbrance forever | as we have travelled far, . from my heai hotel! election 5. rhert lair whistled And Herbert St. Clair > wan of the world, and could net » into the edild's hand; as The boy repulsed it i zs and threw himeviolently und I'hen hold 1 a fatal instinctyit took the appear at' ¢ mrag letting go his Io ATV A conrage cave store, God saw to hi STR El Veterinary surgery and Pry ENRY'S PLUCK KING and with an 1p for doing so, however ¢ and to stay away from one ain had not fellow by the throat, Al HF EE TEMPLE of np howeve Have th to do without that which vou doi and down movement of its snout, shook fearful anc I. Th blood séen 1 1 1 him in a taste of t grovinds for objectic i, coi) cropped B18 1 to ar usejall his savage bru- the temptation to go he leaped to FASHION. Yor ) tal nature, 1 it wag'with difliculgy that ' throbbing © und. + 3 . ow however much vou ay ive it y \ he Was drivin 'off. The wounds®in the er much you may adinis » pining for his. sym- gow on his young cheek, the courage to speak your mind wh ou should do-so, and hold when it is beiter you should Have the coura a poor friend ina seedy coat, SEPARATED FOR LITE a yy the long teeth of the hog BY MARIE'OLIVER athy and protection. So, putting an a ' nn . nee -- l Bul look 1 I "oy oth ™ ; ci were fearful to see, and it-is feared the . t, reproachtul look, he said quietly, thhe owner s name, sir, 1s. Clayton, and She stood under the willows. Her hair, a | : js id . child will di desirable inkin t by. this he make e but thouy th du ys srpli h tinge ve: thinki n its h nake - h wut though 1 thank SPRING GOODS! oi tie oie fmm vis | ep for your dos vo. wish » von] S. H. COCHRANE, 1. LB, EL 2 5 the breath of the summer even, strayed * And so, 1¢¢, ar to understand B YRRISTER.. ATTORN NOVELTIES IN throat made ssary that Just the place to buy the u essary tha your tongn could is my father; yon be silent whose strange, : ; who had followed her ¢ Welland Railway track had an almost miraculous | ofr is Iss than hed' to death. Mr. | pe. and th A TILE girl, even 'in th question." mother across . a kéd on Saturday, for he liken- escape from béing eru texture of ¥ ! ed his manner to that of one long since Smith, the driver of : ngiie drawing a | {10 con ' "Rn t fled from him; but, just then, the gentlg- = construction tr. Port Colborne, | i) tho w rong, and you fact in the mii merely replying to a simple Herbert St. steadily into the child's face, street, and 'when a righ one is nigh 3 . hat mr sh that » should part! Clair smiled, as he : RUE - from its silken coverings, and roamed ; 10 at Binim many | tak Rig New B wihy of a king ¥ : : > will over the slender shoulders, ever act is w MILLINERY, MANTLES AND COSTUMES. ) FP visible through the delicate blu to admit that you hav JAMES MUIR, - ATTORNEY-AT- of or The only est abl 1shinent in town where her evening dress. et he turned her series of | man of the house appeared, and th track a of thought w 1s tl 11 train | saw che child stationary on th : Over towards the ta mountai ' 1 . 3: cach « lepartments is conducted by ) eves as rudely broken py were short distance from him. He immudiately gaze wandered continually, as though » : . first-clas very made welcome, and, af the little library, My. ( ward his wishing to believe that their gigantic pre- i s Inade me portions contrasted well with the restless . . child of na Ladies of i EN) Si Tio) EH by R E M E N D ous B A R (c A I N o ! unnatural burden which was at that mo- 5 5 ng ind is is ud Healon 4 CENCED . ment resting heavily on her soul; while ; Eo > Hy HE None a baton a A s - hss limit foot Were Gndor vl knows what a itive thing i He is . wer timc oe ere CONSclonsiy is 1} : 4 We offer-a portion of a Bankrupt Sto ; 4 . HOOVER, out the what wife and' Int gi and proudly introduced th Herbert St. Clair sta 1 wishing my was no longer mistaken en, initials 'of him whose near proach the blush upon her cheek | i none for tiful woman of thirty years, he eheld Pie : Vince "And 80, Alice. t vou jst ds | P for h HOV tlie memory of that who was once Alice Lee! He aok in | hghtiy jun frie fowrentested rie 1 though Tv hea Ov p nm 16 F will shed vain for the flitting blushes with which a hii re practicii a ew been sadly pained by your inkind refusa Biveet & oun ir whole used lo greet him; for now, only a Cla . ast. They Eo Ar ~ : tS i t bow of the head, and a gentle shak Pell me, t ) ' w lis WOCON hayd was his, then she went quietly over oy iia ad yon not cherish Are wpa sibs ne G © i find 1 © More to her fond husband's side, and Herber : ~ 1 i : ' : = is fl sods . { I i Borrowed garmpnts seldom fit we! St. Clair was left t6 think on "what wigh 1 : ) soon Haste often trips I Marriage lcenses Parasols, Sewed Goods, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery, ] « EVEL I have m ties" OSHAWA LIVERY STABLE, THEIR USUAL WwW H. THOMAS PRUPR IETOR ° ie 1 + va AT oh T BOOTS AND SHOES. just to hand HALE PRICES und by ae eed as ; PROVERBS. HAV yon not réented ad i « loth at a Here 18 a valuable bunch of proveri who would' have Alice, 'Herbert, we have indeed happy! speak to ane very up its own heel Pr) 1 Ned St have been :] 3h whether a man Men often blush to hear what they nthe cloth : y 1 1 If or 18¢ ys d 1) H ti ii 1 : 1 Youvhia of oat cirdlv he ave J himself Hortense retired carly, iad ; wh 3 } * | from the s« \ fallen, omnes went also to their rest; i } fullness-of ay vhile T most truthfully . 3 t lasers, to avoid He who buys tao many sup tuitios mia wh vitish § hic SQ oft the old "St. Clair stole to her side. and, ere she w: t 0 rouhl f conn nn SH J Joo tron Ati 1 trouble, of course | be obliged to sell Tis nee A fool generally we finds his folly. REMEMBER night under the not ashamed to do, willows:--and even now, mj What is Tot of Fashion, Comer of Kine an Tne trects awa. 3 te you in all the adoration: yet, is shown ) he instantly r ) i 1 1 ] little |g; 5 SRY hat it has been: stolen | busied herself with clearing 'the needed . 13 dear at for the evening light, Herbert round table A v , "yr wa, April 20, 187% ROOM PAPER! ROOM PAPER. ROOM PAPER. ih - x Lee, will Th SI BRCRIRER BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM HIS | will link her f withrsy otis blic generally, that ved, direct from England, the First Instal : 9 he light of the i noon, and, will be found more tender To you T haw girlhood sert that 1 love you ssaries . was © aware, he had caught her hand carful face » looked back as » But sh firmly, as i , rel he id LT { PS your wile Do not turn so coldly surrender ie and lose what 'they have paid for at : { 1 loses hig estate before in days of old. es his esta for Alice? cruel Alice! had = Alice, that, surely, for it is the last time that Wwe i I am so wretched, in meet in the relation that we ne Memoriam AG \INST EXPENDITURES vs 1 f1 ' Heaven has A man that hoards his riches and « njoys Miss tol ia them not is that carries' gold I-teache r retign you will pity, me, and Kentucky years of each other. Some one more i liken ass : eywere sepa- give me 'the love 1 once refused when sch wenty-two glorious than . cross your path and mo : and eats thistles. g/and more neath the willow? herse ist week becansze of her love . her bao vlad not On the evening fi her nt tot boy se, and « I am so lonely, that if hung wn ek sometime : Towers are nieasured by their shadows, inder as he vou will only tell me that you love me, we for one vf four will hie pupils, and great men by their luminators, That man who knows the world bashful, and that man who knows himself will never he to another land, and" teen death he found that ** Silence!" she w will himself Alice ing back alling will crow to been, Herbert. Hangings, a not be wrong for me to say veriin heprosd. | him to the said: * Ned Hee When yon and marry, te Clayton's eye fla yan freshness of my and it w Spring Stock of Paper T ch he wonld call special attention The great wer that of Canadian manufacture is rsally acknowledged. The brilliancy and firmness of the and the extra width of ¢ rolls combine to estab- ish their preminence over all others The sul being the only Importer of this class of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other lee arehing brown eves House can offer Greater Inducements, eithfr as' regards eeep, Searening i QUALITY OR PRICE. * 6 and. the / trembling 'neath the bitter burden s i impudent ly waved him away. NEVET S0€ me asa I ' Silence! '1 that once smote me that hm Success gides on every hours grapple it Lu ; " 1 YH ¢ I vour wife abo . 3 ! uperiority of English Paper kiss. the hand be a man your wife about 1 in scorn! No: | alin can never lay down my life for you And Herbert St. Clair, felt the assertion verified aud you may win 5 but without a it will never go with you. Work is the weap n of henor,and he who | lacks the we apon will never triminph It was a saying of little brown cot un the woman old enough to be mother grapple little very would sooner die!" ; who died on your ' My darling! My brave w I she clasped the object of her stramze pas And thén Herbert St + became a sion witness of a loving embrace between hand and heard the 'Your love has malle me heart your olo " CO Ors rs patted the account, him 1 - Thus saying seriber her side, Wed wr lips and he had 5 that he to her bozo and was never seen alive Sin a Socrates that every of a faithful friend and a hittér enemy the the gther hus-- agam man had neo - - wife, and words, HE HAS ALSO.ON HAND A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF deavored to bear so uncomplaining y Tex thou ¢ Alice? Tittle, wounldéqhat | TABLETS, ETY LITY OF whole. wid dollars a minute 1s a good orie to advise, darling; 1 ERICAN MARBLE) Load | F SERDEEN GRANITE Books, Stationery, FAN CY 6000S, Having supply them on better terms th: Oshawa. April 13th, Oshawa, 18%1. NE been appointed sole agent for the Little Wanzer n any other dealer Remember the stand, directly opposite Hi Sewing in the JAMES F. And Tops! Machine, he county, wdes' Hotel | and it was refused me; but, un WILLOX could persuadg you to abandon youd fore bodings, for thy areuseless-- that 1/know. One 'week ago I asked you for you¥ love, eanwhile under a mistake, You ar did you nev fear that you are laboring which I will éndeavor to correct young and affectionate, but dream that our positions in the worl Non stotally . different! That I was rich, to the old farm Edward," with' a blanched che The guests leit early the ne and, sum of fifty dollars, son of Alice tears of joy in her eyes, the me 'Thank God! not for all hi I be his, for He in his far-scei separated us for a life-time. presen eldest Clayton, -- S-- 1 CK. Xt mormng, after their departure. was found a ited Ao the while with ther said, sgold would ng wisdom, salary for a man, and that aan not a prime minister, nor an 'emperor, ockey. Yet t ceived oan Wednesday last. Rothschild's colt for the and won it; v but simply a horse He rode Baron | Derby at Epsow; hereupon the Baron, over- joyed at his success (for it has been his darling ambition, never hitherto gratified, .# win the Blue Ribbon of the Turf) pre- r with the stakes, sented the ride amount- at is what Wells re- | | to show him his faults. -- A -- wk A pexTist's office is not imprope rly eall- od his drawing room. WHEN is water most liable to esca) When it is only half ti] 2 Tue intoxication of like that of ut hides ws anger, the grape shows us to others, 'k from ourselves. you--- I¥ a hair of a . wor! Do not hesitate over the wo BOOK, STATIONERY sri disgrace whatever; yet it was for that very From stately v nameléss terror Tue Pope has just sent sixty thousand ing to six thousand "pounds sterling, or dog 1s good for his bite : . . x as A 2 436s pm a 7 that explains: why st rp, whicl me k pale as marble francs in cash to the distressed Parisians, over 832,000. As the race occupies a lit plam hy sulphur, which comes f consecrated ob- tle over two and three quarter minutes, it from Vesuvius, is good for eruptions will be seen that the fortunate riders time worth abut S2D0°a second. Ex AN acquaintande who is too busy to Tur New York {Times contains an ac- | gives it count of the of a murder Com- | mitted seven years ado. A and also several chests rolled on bridal at the St. of the d setting of months jécts for the churches destroyed during Muon anxic ty is felt in Aand on ¢ ANI FANCY GOODS STORE {IN OSHAWA. st respectfully announce 0 the inhabitants of Os opened outa Book, Stationery and Fancy Goo In the Stand Lately Occupied by Mr. RIGGS, as a Tailoring Establishment, SIMCOE STREET many parts reason that I refused you hill the rowns upon our numbie cot in the f p humble cot in tl vonder % : 2 . d 4 . i ¢ J : the siege and fighting in Paris. Was, count of the lowness of. the palace of your mo 1er spoke water supply, owing to the dry weather valley, discovlery com 'FATHER, deserter, it | pole I" keep the run of newspaper talk, as his opinion that if the and I would not bring to her proud. face ; won't. you ; buy me a fish e, from her tched and it was for this that I requested an in- | : . awn that he has ne i ath the old i F a : o8 tl 3 ly carriage terview beneath the old willow, orgive f who robbed her and reduced lier life Vainly did her mother and her ments. The lips till 3 3 AP | race i H i He -y 1 one stain by a union with her only son; with Colorado | said a pious Boy You know the th seems, from the American army was in- duced to re-enlist for the sake of the child!" hounty money, He -was'murdered for this ATMOSEHERICAL knowlodee ; . 34 knowl : by three body Aanions. The bok : : > y il an compameon iY. Ws shly distributed in our schoo cast ue water, X betng asked, ** What is mist und but * An'umbrelia.' mission ratifies the Joint High potato bug, potatoes won't be ; snd importation of the Bible says, 'spare the rod sand The subscriber mo twa and vicinity, which Store, spail the™ me, Herbert, for thus paining worth their salt. "Good Heavens! Alice; | When 1 I wanted it to be thé ever fond, sistegy I not thor A boy vaguely WC oderich bored through a stratum of rock 35 feet thick, deposit of 22 feet of sdlt has been discovered lying total depth : cently; 1 Y ver med oy's SI yee Se wing Machine Co. never meant HawLey's well at has been THE OSBORN k-Stitch Se ving Machine ! ! OF CANADIAN WIN M OF AMERICAN EWING M Cine Iiph .w asked wv To cut up and OSHAWA to marry you asked .you for father - your love, under which a further pieces were fi faithful leve of a could not take you to my palace fenpondl d, smile cover the m failure. . Re Australia quarrel in which t Vv ¢ ely wounded --and all three used 'he third has full Where he will keep eonstantly on hand a" choice assortment of 'Books friend and. Wo tren : 4 . : % ' two. long, dreary however, three wm 3 A youxc man who was caught stra 16 Note and Letter Papers, Faney 'Goods, &e 3 Wile enn ; ao cpught. straining his sweetheart to his bosom the o dwelling 3 on another bed of rock. . The y and there tranger mn 2 : : reached is 1,053 feet. er night isked for the nd of Justifies hiself on the ground that he has a right to Strain his or ask my mothers eyes to look uvon you. hand. No. ne: ley home; and ever be your most devoted You : . TOMAD bE BA DAD : 3 CHINE A nice lot MONOGRAM NOTE PAI KR I meant to leave you in your v aides tig AN old colored washerwoman who : 3 made a own honey rtment of BIBI sayin to groan over her tubs, found consalatiof assortme 0 ih, } g as the cheapest. School Books, Slates, Call and see my stock of \ hire of public patronage x CHING choice , HYMN and PRAYER BOOKR, cheap slave. fave misunderstood me.'} licating . the thr P In} \ lice." bi v 1 will be ens, Inks, &¢ : \ a aL ba | | ale grew the girl's brow, and ti ry : os ALB TMS Nothino Pale grew th 1 I \ ectflly wolicited * Waar makes your asked an old lady of her wilkpmn, "My cows cross! What do you mean, 'Why, as your milk thought the cows must be a cross lot? Wa ws Bo cross!" . in the hope that "'she would soon he where Cuws Bo om FHROUGHOUT y via ; all my hidden 1 Cine ong thew the marder in It docs seein that God fairs 'th nurder will ont robes won't need washing, and a poor crea VN DS content tion . . ture ean upset her tub and dange on the adam charged for showing'zoods, : es CLIMIE. son tide receding left the cheek and 1 bottom of it, singing glery, hu 18 Alwnys GEO: S as white as marble "" Herbert, ATS av 3 Y two years L have who are so common that they attract little ] 7 and been the recipient of y RT the etomne ] as a upon you; I 3 an owed "the a r, -_ attention. John' Olvany, "of Michigan and forever mean it I . ] bias AEXTH . ¢ Cuban rebels The % lis g Here is another one of tho Crocs ; ' \ affect mon of leather Viil ubstitutc he metal 3 Sle, neatly forever va, April 20, 1871. INSURE YOUR L.IFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE ( you cannot July number coin V olin of Mu would cost just sheet-form nencees . lavished inj Sewing Machine : no rival: , and contains thirtéen pieces that four dollars find fifty cents in ficld picees, kindnesses. You eame to me in yom ) which they are unable tf obtain. The } bound, mane VE anh db City. Ind., was sailing on the lake with 1 Fa and I drank of the idden h . Ww lowly, for the vei . : rel of the three friends, when the boat + 7 half 1 You can get it by mail, post paid, 1 wels 1all lo f wind, and: as the li ft |p yi iat 18 8Out, | ing thify cents to J. L. Peters, well-dr ( ther ina upon : three way, New and . 'native rious. beauty, riou « ) vy send unconscious of the spare beneath | of | ly, upog who faded 99 Broad nectar, my feet. "Oh, as the personification of all Why have 1 You have been kind to in called me now that I recall to arms Je have I rega that why : while . i could bear 'only persons, Olvany,' York. lently her : . saying that he and they had, bade them good-bye, reledsed his hold, 4 sur- " i pita a, whi 1as great tenacity. and. was drowned Sir: Philip Sidney When drys i 3 half so nobld abrer hed and yet who will reme ii r the n ; : had no family z : Sud Jovely? been so 'wild ushand; stroveito- engage her attentionby s Music can' no longer bé considered a it is true; and { luxury, and those whospend fabulous sum other thickness of wet leath- | in Sheet upon the have "your darling" many a movement i which she : purchasing Music arc "simply 3 : : never did anyt} ing as t . a . - J times, but now, mind tful sentence, er 1s and | throwing their money away. The and the often checked by first layer, subsequently added. made of is often If our mn | sical friends will take the trouble to pre- of Peters' Musical Monthly, These they will see what their wiser friends rounds be- namely, better Mu fore becoming unfit for use, and are usu- and two cents a piece" than. t ally loaded with stones, Wh Sn pin Jw at thirty, forty, and fifty cents, sence of grape and canist They have Each number of this valuable publication done considerable execution, and are light eof IND, h Reversivte AT[TIL FULLY SUBSCRIBED £2400000 STERLING Herbert St. Clair threw a listlessly, and attempted to take the hands | Jady sp hd of LONDON, ENGI the past Iam aware how "shallow your The companions of the dwo were anoth- four more are John Olvaay to-morrow! » * 1 } " p . 3 . , love was for me. You worshiped my love- or lady and gentleman, a brother and sis- breech 1s hardwood, cure a copy Tue news from the Omineca gold fields " chamber lined with tin. in British Columbia ig creating an excite liness, and gloried in my timidity. t- ter of the invalid, and from their careless alas! my hopes have perished Thank | gas was evident they were traveling in gnns fire from ten to twenty doing getting it is not too late!" sasure. being 'determined if ment along the Pacific coast. All accounts agree that the new mines are especially at where men hi $100 per day. country for p way his cigar exceedingly Creek, ve been making from 240 to Suddenly "the veiled rich, Germansen rEIVHIS FIRST-CLASS BRITISH COMPANY OFFERS SUPERIOR TAGES to the Poligy Holders, in both the Life and Fire department. Rates low liberal. J ADVAN. and terms Hebert we musi which clasped each other convulsively, but "See down, contains thirty-six pages of Music, from full-size Sacred and Secular Polkas, Waltzes, etc, sail is nearly printed arywhere, Spli " he MACHINE CO. ANADA. . & A. SMITH, Agents for Oshawa. "u. 1pply y tla SEWING ! Bic Ks! : - GUELPH, ( INE MADE PRES. 7 J It is said to be a good gold | ly transported in pairs upon the shou'lers stutl ! of When vised, they are laid upla she repulsed him scornfully, and nedding r{ some mus plates, embracing Puets, Cho- iy every ie< UELPH his head quietly, he carelessly threw him, would or mei, as the precious a man. Songs, is easily got at, and very little is required. MORLAND, WATSON & C0., Montreal, stopping place the ground, ral Agents for Canada an appre self beside her on the grass machinery " Well, never d and pointed at short rangeupon ruses, W. R. CLIMIE, Agent for Bowmanville. Aliée; what is the use of waking | out after the aching column, EE Eu Ber